Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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U DUtt at the
PENDLETON, SEPT. 21. 22 and 23
It f H
Six per cent of the line of a rail
road being built in Switzerland will
be over bridges and 13.5 per cent
through' tunnels.
Jesse L. Lasky Presents the Talented
Photoplay Favorites
Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgely
"The House of the Golden Windows'
By L. V. Jeff,erson.
Salem's Only Exclusive Picture Show
Wild men pit their skill against wild cattle
and wilder horses ; and the women of their
kind vie with the men" in skill, nerve and
daring. It's one of the few real great shows.
make every minute count.
For tickets and reservations write the
General Passenger Agent
State Engineer Lewis
Wants New Road Laws
State Engineer Lewis has issued a
statement in which he advocates a gen
eral overhauling of the road laws of
the state. He points out that the coun
ties of the state are expending from
$4,000,000 to fi,000,000 every year on
about 37.000 miles of road. This money
is expanded by 105 county judges and
commissioners, 35 county surveyors,
four roadmastcrs, 802 road supervisors
and the highway commission. There is
no organization or definite system in
the matter. ,
"We must have a definite clan
adopted by the legislature defining
the principal routes for. intercounty
and interstate traffic as state routes,"
he says in suggesting remedies. "When
ever a section or portion of a Btnte
route has been permanently improved
by the state it should thereafter be tak
en over and maintained as a state road
at the expense of the state, the county
to care for such a road prior to its be
coming a state road. The main county
roads .should be built and maintained
under the general direction of the coun
ty courts. These ronds will serve as
feeders to the main or trunk lines which
will carry the concentrated traffic. The
local or district roads should be large
ly under district control. Different
standards should be provided for each
class and sufficient overhead super
vision had to insure that these stand
ards be followed at least on intercounty
and interstate routes."
i KL
Meeting Called Monday at
New York to Investigate .
the Raise
New York, Sept. 19. Housewives
from every corner of the United States
have been asked to meet in New York
next "Monday at tho session of the Na
tional Bread committece of the Nation
al Housewives League In an effort to
determine what steps shall be taken to
meet the increased cost of bread.
Gloom bungs over New York bakers
today for, despite the fact that they
have shown figures intended to prove
that an increase in the price of their
product is necessary to their existence
they face investigation by the federal
trade commission and ordinance -enactment
by the board of aldermen prcscrib
ing the sale of bread by weight rather
than by tho loaf.
"Tho situation looks very critical
both for the producer and the consum
er," snid Mrs. Julian Heath, president
of the Housewives League today. Mrs.
Heath has been investigating bread
prices for the past three weeks.
"From the figures presented and
from my investigation it would seem
mat perhaps an increase is uistified
but we want to be shown and we want
to bring about some remedy which will
lessen the burden on both the industry
and the consumer, " she declared.
Big bakers today presented figures
to show that either a higher price or
a smaller loaf ia inevitable.
Coal has gone up more than ten per
cent, the bakers state. Paper for wrap
ping bread has gone up. Master bakers
throughout the country nave been in
strumental in seeking an inquiry, ac
cording to Mrs. Heath, and hope that
it may suggest a solution for the prob
The young idea is learning to shoot
What is a common earriert "Pa."
The Bad sweet expression which comes
tn 41ia U I . 1 .1. .L.,
.v uu laws vi luc uiriuicu nueii t II I y
view that mountain of booze at the po
lice station ia very marked:
The weeds are to be taken tare of
next summer.
Folks who don't like jams are begin
ning to worry about the car ride from
the fair grounds next week.
Supreme Court Sustains Sec
retary Olcott Committee
Cannot Act
The name of E. E. Coovcrt will not be
put on the ballot for the next general
election as the republican candidate for
senator from the Fourteenth district,
which comprises the counties of Multno
mah, Clackamas and Columbia. This
was determined by an opinion handed
down this morning by the supreme
court, which opinion sustains tho demur
er of Secretary of State Olcott in the
It is stated in the opinion, wbicn was
written by Justice Harris, that the di
rect primary nominating elections law
provides for the election of precinct
committeemen and then specifies the
powers which they can exercise, and
consequently no power can be exercised
by them unless it is granted by statute.
The statute must be taken as it is
written, says Justice HarriB, regard
less of its' results; and if there is need
for enlarging the powers of precinct
committeemen the right to enlarge the
authority of party representatives is ex
ercisable by the legislative and not by
the judicial department.
Other opinions:
Selma L. Wallace vs. Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company, appellant,
appealed from Multnomah county, mo
tion to dismiss appeal denied.
George Miller vs. State Industrial Ac
cident commission, appellant, appealed
f.-om Multnomah county, motion to dis
miss appeal denied.
J. C. Fleming, appellant, vs. Ger
linger Motor Car company, appealed
from Multnomah county, motion to dis
miss appeal denied.
Sam Hewey vs. C. S. Andrews, appel
lant, appealed 'from Wasco county, mo
tion to dismiss appeal denied.
Russell Chase, appellant, vs. John H.
McKenzie, et al, appealed from Mult
nomah county, suit to reinstate a mort
gage, opinion by Chief Justice Moore,
Circuit Judge Gantenbein affirmed.
Carrie M. Elwert, appellant, .vs. the
Dock Commission of Portland, suit to
restrain city from paying $40,000 to
William Reid as the purchase price of
certain real property, appealed from
Multnomah county, opinion by Justice
McBride, Circuit Judge Davis' judg
ment, for defendant affirmed.
George H. Brewster vs. Crook county,
appellant, action, to recover for serv
ices as water master of county, opinion
by Justice Bean, Circuit Judge Duffy 's
judgment for plaintiff affirmed.
William Neilson vs. Title Guaranty
& Suerty company, appellant, involving
the contract for clearing land, appealed
from Multnomah county, opinion by Jus
tice Harris, Circuit JudgT Davis' judg
ment for plaintiff reversed.
, Rehearings were denied in Bradshaw
vs. Provident Trust company, Patter
son vs. Chambers Power -company,
Young vs. Prouty Lumber company,
Jeffreys vs. Weekey and petition for
rehearing was granted in Faulkes vs.
If you are too fat and want to
reduce your weight 15 or 20
pounds, don't Btarve and weak-
en your system, or think you
must always be laughed at on
account of your fat, but go to
Central Pharmacy or any
good druggist, and get a
box of Oil of Korein capsules,
take one after each meal and
one before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself once a week
and note what a pleasant and
reliable method this is for re-
moving superfluous fat from
any part of the body.
It costs little,, is absolutely
harmless and a week'B trial
should convince anyone that it
is unnecessary to be burdened
with even a single pound of uu-
sightly fat.
Another Mysterious
Murder in Portland
Portland, Ore., Sept. lft. Rout h Port
land's "murder block" hail another
victim today Axel Nelson, age 20, of
Vancouver, Wash., who was found dead,
sitting on the steps of the abandnned
United Stntes saloon.
Eva Gilson is held as a material wit
ness. It is believed she can give the
police valuable information. Detectives
assert that the slain man spent part of
Hunday evening with the woman. It is
believed he was shot early Sunday
Nelson was evidently sitting on the
steps in conversation when killed. Sev
eral cigarette stubs lay at his feet. The
bullet had ripped across his chest. His
money and valuables were untouched.
A double murder was committed some
time ago a short distance from the scene
of the tragedy.
British Columbia's timated 1016
revenue is $5,044,015; expenditures
will do if yon expect to conquer a
spell of
Stomach Bitters
Number Enrolled Yesterday
50 Which Is 20 More
Than Last Year'
Figures emanating from tho universi
ty office in Valler hall this morning
shows that a registration yesterday of
50 students in various departments
wuicn is zu moro tnan registered on
the first day last year. From the rush
to enroll this morning there is no
doubt that tho present outlook forecasts
a banner year for the old Methodist
institution. The corridors of Eaton
hall are a mecoa for the renewing of
oiu ana mo cementing of new friend
ships of both students and faculty
Freshmen are as yet much in tho ma
jority in point of numbers, but it is
expected mat mere will be a mater
ial increase of uppcrclassmen today and
tomorrow. Tho regular routine of class
work will not begin until Thursday
morning at 8 o'clock.
The arduous task of adjusting the re
spective credits and course's to suit the
need of the various students is claiming
me, utmost attention of the faculty
members. The check list is supervised
bv the various department heads. Pro
fessor Matthews is" kept busy in this
respect by the seniors, Professor fehcr
man by the juniors, Proi'essorB Kirk
and Stauffer by tho sophomores, while
the freshmen need no less than three
guides to start them out on their life
training in tho persons of Professors
Peek, .VJacMurray and Von Eschen.
Miss Vera Dilly of Salem high school
was tho first student to register yes-'
terday morning. She is enrolled for
work in the music department. Fred
Paulus of Salem who was the second,
elected to major in law.
Arrivals at Lausanne hall total 25
already and will probably reach well to
ward the 40 mark by the end of the
week. Tho Dewdrop Inn, a fushionable
girl's club on North 13th street, is al
ready full and several other homes are
being opened by balcm matrons to ac
commodate those co-eds desiring to re
main off tho campus. Both men's
boarding clubs, the Kloshe and the
Commons, opened tor business yester
day uoon and to seo the way the sub
stantial viands disappeared in. carload
lots assures a most successful year for
these rival cpicurian organizations.
All trains are being met by the rep
resentatives of the Christian associa
tions who are kept on the jump greet
ing and locating the incoming students.
Special accommodations for tho women
are to be found in the Y. W. C. A.
rest room in Eaton hall. President Ran
dall of the Y. M. C. A. expects to fit
out a social room for the men in the
near future. A formal reception for
the new students will bo held by these
affiliated organizations on the evening
of September 21).
Wo want all people who have chronic
stomach trouble or constipation, no mat
ter of how long standing, to try one
dose of Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy
one dose' will convince you. This is the
medicine so many of our local people
have been taking with surprising re
sults. The most thorough system
cleanser ever Bold. Mayr'g Wonderful
Remedy is sold by leading druggists
everywhere with tho positive under
standing that your money will be re
funded without question or quibble if
ONE- bottle fails to give you absolute
For sale by J. C. Perry, druggist.
Public Schools Open
Attendance 1553
The public schools open yesterday
with a rush, and today those who did
nut get their pro'gmm and necessary
information are finding themselves
left behind, as this morning complete
book lists were inn do out and the
schools are getting down to the regular
routine of work.
The high school opened with a regis
tration of 511 which is considered a
fair number for the firHt diiv.
The Washington junior high school
which ranks second in attendance
showed a registration of 317 in the
junior high school grniles and 12.) in
the primary grades, making the total
attendance fur the building, 442.
The Grant junior high school ranks
third in tot n 1 uttendaiice. I he regis
tration yesterday was 1.'12 for the jun
ior high srhool and 122 for the gruiltw
with a total of 254.
The Lincoln junior high school shows
by its first day's registration that the
junior high school and grades lire equal
in attendance, IDS having been regis
tered in each.
Other registrations for the first day
were, Garfield 215, Highland i:t(), Hich
mond 113, Englewood 112, .McKinley
Court House News
Hunter's licenses have been taken
out at the county clerk's office by
Elva Zuber of Aumsville and by H. M.
Bamett of Turner.
Joe Ryan, John Murray and Karl
n I tilitf-iri a amiFuiuari rf t in natn A ft
virurgw T , rtltfputrnsuil, llt-trum-ii, unvv
filed a report showing the value of the
estate to be $5,109.50.
Mrs. Lizzie Albert, executrix of the
estate of Miranda T. Martin, deceased,
has been ordered by the county court
to sell a Salem improvement, bond val
ued at (500 to meet claims and charges
against the estate.
An action for divorce has been filed
in the circuit court by John W. Yates
against Fronie Conklin Gates, alleging
desertion; The couplt were married at
Everett, Wash., May 28, 191.5.
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (6 insertions), per word 5c
One month(20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
iponsiblo for more than one insertion
tor errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 13c.
PHONE 037 Poi wood saw.
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office.
8UBBEB Stamps made 185 8. Coml
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. ti
PRUNE PICKERS W anted. Phone
05F21. geptlil
FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished suites.
305 N. High. tf
VETCH SEED For hay. Phone 39F4
(', C. Russell. sept20
SACKS FOR SALE Phono 2401.T, 404
South Winter. sept20
FOR RENT SIGN'S For tale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. U
WANTED Position as grocery clerk,
good reference. W. K. B. sept21
WANTED Good work team 1300 to
1500 lbs. each. Thonc 11F33. sept20
FOR SALE Registered royal blooded
Poland China boar. Phono 316. scpt21
WANTED Second hand circular wood
saw, 18 or 20 inch. Phone 11F33. se20
FURNISHED Apartments, sIbo bart,
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable
close in, 160 Court. V
FOR RENT New 5 room modern cot
tage. Inquire 1085 N. 21st St. Price
$8.00 per month. sept21
ADS under this heading le a word
Bead for profit; use for results.
WANTED Girl for general housework
Phone 2144. Call at 72.) N. Church.
COLLEGE MAN Wishes work in ex
change for room and board. Address
E. S. care Journal. septl!'
WANTED A girl or woman to do
housework in country. Fred W. Dur
bin. Phono 10F21. BcptlO
ed. Will pay cash on delivery. Sacks
furniifccd. Gideon Stolz Co., near cor
ner Summer and Mill Sts. tf
FOR SALE In Murion county Or., 195
acre ranch, stock and crop included.
Price $30 per aero. J 00 Wilson St.,
Sulem. scpt23
WANTED By Sulem firm, a young
lady or gentleman familiar with col
lections, part timo. Address J. J.
care Journal. tf
FOR RENT Two modern 5 room
houses on 17th St. near Center.
Enquire of Irwin Lewis at Perry's
Drug Sture. sept20
WANTED An experienced California
prune dryer wants position, 20 yrs.
experience. C. T. Ktoufflcr, Gervais,
Or., R. 2, box 44. sept Id
WANTED Girl to work, no cooking,
permanent position if satisfactory.
.Mrs. Dilly, 558 State. Phone 1207W.
sept 20
KOI! HALE Vetc h and oats mixed for
seeding. Also thoroughbred unregis
tered till roc Jersey boar pig. Waldo
Hills Orchard Company. Phone 0IIF2
or 1110. sept 20
DaIRY FARM For rent, cash rent,
no stock, 110 acres under plow, well
fenced, about 40 acres clover, silo,
barn lor 25 cows or more. Address K
care jotirnul. " scpllll
PUBLIC SALE Friday, Sept. 22, 1910,
at C. E. Mcllwain farm 3 miles east
of asylum near Fruit Intnl. All farm
tools, practically new, and stock.
Watch fur bills. Free lunch. sept 19
State House News
Reports received by the public serv
ice commission last night show that
during the previous 24 hours a total of
73 empty cars were received at. Ash
land for use on the Portland division
of the Southern Pacific. The total short
ago shows an increase over the last re
port. It is now 1,417.
The public service commission has
granted permission for the establish
ment of a county road crossing over the
track of the Central Pacitic railway in
sections 10 and 17 township 21 H. R. 3
E. of W. M., about one mile north of
Oakridge, In Lane county.
There are in Oregon 328 persons who
follow the vocation of music teaching,
according to figures compiled in the
office of Labor CoininiHsioiier Hoff. It
has been nut of the question to ascer
tain the number who devote a part of
their time to receiving pupils. The 328
are persons whose entire time is de
voted to the profession and whose liveli
hood depends upon it.
OLD PAPERS For sale at Cnpital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
Ladies Outfitting Co., 165 N. Liberty.
CARBOOK LOST On (enter St. Find
er please return to Journal office.
sept 19
$5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
Mdg. octl3
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, new
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
WANTED Evergreen berry pickers,
30c a crate. T. N. Allcnby, Turner,
Ore., R. 1, box 4-C. septSO
WANTED By experienced auto driv
er a position driving a delivery cnr.
. Address T care journal. septSO
WANTED Elderly woman or girl for
general housework. Phone 1928 morn
ings, or 2123K after 0 p. in. septal
FOR SALE Modern seven room house,
east Salem, bargain. Inquiro Ben Pcr
lich at Steusloffs market. scpt21
TYPEWRITERS Non-visible, univer
sal keyboard, in good working order,
$5.00 each. 105 S. Commercial St.
WANTED Experienced waitresses ful
fairground restaurant. Apply Elliott
Restaurant at fair grounds, Sept. 23.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, new modern house. Phone.
745J or call after 5:30 p. m. 910 N.
Church. tf
FOR RENT Furnish house, 7 room,
C42 N. High; also 7 room unfurnish
ed bouse at 473 N. High. Inquire at
000 N. High or phone 1690. tf
MODERN 5 room house for rent, very
reasonable, near school, church anil
street car lino. Enquire 1491 South
Com '1. tf
WANTED A man of experience to
mannge a largo restaurant at tho
fair grounds. Address 197 South Com
mercial St septl 8
FOB SALE S 14 half truck Btudabai
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, eordwood or stumpage. 2786
Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR SALE One ton Federal truck In
good condition. Interesting prico for
cash buyer, Sulem rruit Co., 267 &
Com'l St. tf
VETCH SEED Yon need the vetch. I
need the money; mixed ready to sow
for hay, at Archard Cleaning Mills,
State and Front St. sept20
SECOND HAND Mens clothing, jew
elry, bought, sold nnd traded, music
al instruments, tools, guns, etc. Cnp
ital Exchange, 337 Cour St. Phone
493. octll
her class in voice, piano and harmo
ny this week at her home, 1017 N.
20th street. Voices tried froo of
clinrge. septttA
LOST On Portland road grip with
inline J. W. Shnell, Artesia, N. M.,
phone F. A. Sutton, fuir grounds,
Oregon, number .2504 J4 and receive
reward. septl!)
FOR SALE Or rent, modern five room
bungalow near Giant school, in good
repair. Will sell on terms or rent Ji.
II. Mills, at Spauldtng Logging Co.
office. tf
KOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
sleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable ratrsi
W. 11. Norris, Eeo. Hubbard bldir.
Room 304. u
FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah
Fruit Furm, half mile north of wee
end of Btool bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jas.
Imlah. sept20
SECOND HAND Mens' clothing,
jewelry, musical instruments, tools,
guns, etc., bought, sold and trailed.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Phone 493. octll
THE PARTY Who took the black silk
dress from tho wardrobe of Mis.
( has. L. Davis, 212 Owens, is known.
If dress is returned within five duv
no questions will be asked. sept 1 1)
FOR RENT Good farm, rent to bo
paid in orchard work, machinery,
stock ami feed for sale. $500 will
handle. Reference required. Addretii
K. B. cure Journal. sept21
FOR RENT Ono of the best 250 acre
farms in tho valley, over 200 aeros
plow lund, known as Isaac, Durbia
farm on Howell Prulrie. Louis Beeb
tcl, 347 State. tf
Notice- of Review and Equalization ct
Assessment Boll
Tho statu tax conunisison will at
tend as u board of equalisation at tho
capitol in Salem, Oregon, on tho third
Monday in October, 1016, and public
ly examine the assessment roll by it
made, and review the same, and cor
rect all errors In valuations, descrip
tions, quantities, or qualities of prop
erty by it assessable, and in apportion
ments of assessments made by it; anil
it shall be the duty of the persons)
and corporations interested to appear
at the time and place appointed.
Petitions or applications for the re
duction or change of apportionment of
a particular assessment shall bo mailo
in writing, verified by the oath ot tho
applicunt, its president, secretary, man
aging ngent or attorney in fact, and
be filed with the bourd during the first
week it is by law required to be in
session, and any petition or application
not so made, verified and filed shall
not be considered or acted Upon by tho
State Tax Commission,
By Frank K. Lovell, Secretary,
Oct. 10.