Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
September 111, llUli.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President See. and Treas.
Dally by carrier, per year ,
ally by mail, per year ,
. 8.00
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Per month
New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chleago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People's dun Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boyg are instructed to put the papers on the
forth. 11 the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gpttitng the
paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Fkonn Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock an d a paper will be gent you by special
aestenfer if the carrier bus missed you.
The latest dispatches from England state that after
the war she is to abandon free trade and adopt a regulated
tariff to fit conditions arising during the war. . She is to
arrange her tariff so there will be one rate for her friends
during the war, her allieh; another for friendly neutrals,
another for unfriendly neutrals and still another for her
enemies. She will find she has undertaken a big job if
she tries to punish the balance of the world for not taking
sides with her. She mav ulace a tariff on American
products that will shut them out of her markets if she so
chooses, but she will have the bill to pay in enhanced
prices. For instance she can put a high tariff on wheat,
but when she does, she will have to pay what the trade of
the world fixes as the market price plus such tariff as she
adds to it. She can place a tariff on steel products but
she will have to pay the price of steel in the world's
markets plus such tariff as she adds to them. The idea
that the foreigner can be made to pay the tariff was ex
ploded long ago. The consumer pays everything whether
it is part of the cost ot manuiaciure, me ireigiu or a
fiptftinns value added bv tariff or any other laws.
It is not probable she will undertake to carry out her
threat, for if she does sne win iace serious uuuuics ui
home that will endanger the government.
Besides if she undertakes to discriminate as to the
nations she will deal with, she will drive such nations as
are on her black list into a combination against her. More
than that England is a carrying nation; her ships are on
every sea, and freighting the world's commerce was the
work that made her the richest nation on earth. She
cannot discriminate against any country and expect to
get that country's carrying business. Indeed when the
war is over she will have found that much of her carry
ing trade has been lost to her forever.
The United States has been her best customer, but she
.-will not always be such. American capital left the oceans
for others for the reason that the newness of the coun
try and its illimitable demands for improvement and ex
ploitation made other investments far more profitable
than the ocean carryng trade. Her forests and fields, her
mines and agricultural resources and the transportation
systems necessary for their development offered far
more attractive fields for investment where the returns
were larger. This is being changed. The country is
nrettv well suirolied with railroads, and water powers
have been harnessed, mines opened and factories estab-l
lished until that field can no longer iurmsh employment
for all the country's capital. The result is that idle money
again turns to the sea as a place for profitable investment.
The last report of the Secretary of Commerce shows that
in the last year the American tonnage engaged in foreign
trade has more than doubled, with 7:'-0 ships added in that
time and an increase of tonnage from about one million
seventy-five thousand to above 2,1M,00Q tons.
At the same time every shipyard in the country is busy
turning out ships, and within a few years the United
States instead of hiring her goods hauled to market will
not only haul her own but will be a competitor of England
as well for this trade.
The history of the American marine with her clipper
ships that set a new pace for the world shows what
Americans can do in this way, and gives promise of re
lief from dependence on others in reaching the world s
markets with their products. This country will not lose
any sleep over any tariff England may levy, for as the
good state of Oregon declares in her motto, "she flies
with her own wings."
The commission to arrange for settling, all questions
between this country and Mexico has struck a snag, the
Mexican members insisting that the withdrawal of Amer
ican troops from Mexico be the first thing, and this before
they can guarantee protection to foreigners m the north
ern Mexican states. If they stick to this there will be no
settlement, for Uncle bam will not withdraw the Persh
ing army until he is assured that Carranza is not only
willing but able to guard the border. Villa by his attack
on Lhihuahua has demonstrated that at present Car
ranza is not able to do this, and the worst feature of the
affair is that the desertions from the Carranza ranks
indicate the extent to which all northern Mexico is im
bued with the revolutionary spirit. If an election has
been called as stated a few days ago, and this should re
sult in a legal congress getting together, some govern
ment may be established that will bring peace. If that
fails it is anybody's guess as to what will-happen.
It seems there is no hope of the war ending this year,
or the soldiers getting out of the trenches by Christmas.
In two months or perhaps less the weather will put an
end to fighting "comfortably" and the summer trenches
will be no longer attractive. The armies will go into
winter quarters, so to speak, and the soldiers will get a
breathing spell. Of course all parties will bend their
energies to making munitions and preparing feverishly
for the spring campaign. This being the case it' can be
expected that the opening of the spring fights will show
some even more fierce and deadly than any that have
yet been fought. It looks too as though next year must
bring the war to an end from the exhaustion of the com
batants, or some of them.
The Department of Commerce announced Saturday
that American shipping has more than doubled in the
last two years. The report shows that June 30, 1914,
there were 2405 ships flying the American flag in foreign
trade. On the same day in 1916, there were 3135 such
ships, an increase of 730, but the tonnage was increased
from 1.076,152 to 2,194,470 gross tons. The addition of
730 ships in two years means that one ship a day for the
entire time was added to our foreign merchant marine.
Estimates made recently indicate that with ships building
the increase now amounts to two ships a day. At this
rate the question of getting American products to foreign
markets will soon be answered.
State Fair This Year To Be
Finest Ever Held In the
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The republican leaders have it all settled. Hughes is
elected, the house strongly republican and the senate will
have a good working republican majority, the leaders
claiming that only eight democrats will have to be beaten
out of twelve, and that the leaders say is easily accom
plished. There is only one small fly in the political oint
ment, and that is that the voters will have to ratify the
leaders' statements, and they might neglect 'to do this.
A dispatch from London yesterday says there are
serious food troubles in Vienna, with prices out of reach
of any but the wealthy. Of course this story coming from
an enemy must be taken with some grains of allowance,
but at the same time it is probably true that the shortage
of food is being felt, especially among the poor, and that
only government supervision and regulation of prices
prevents a general uprising. Napoleon said "an army
fights on its stomach." It is equally true that the popu
lace fights for it.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SG3
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The stories about that new land battleship or what
ever it may be called being used by the British in the
fighting along the Somme front recall the story of the
siege of Troy and the famous wooden horse, the dirter
ence is that the modern engine of destruction is armored
and moves by its own power over practically all obstacles
while the Tnjan horse was a hard animal to drive.
The national thanksgiving day was well chosen it
coming shortly after the elections and thus giving every
one something to be thanktul tor. remaps some iew win
not feel especially grateful for what had happened to
them shortly before, but as most of these will be poli
ticians it will not matter much.
Byron must have had a Carranza report of the
casualties in a fight with Villa when he wrote, "Of the
three hundred grant but three." -
Seven weeks from today is election, but the state fair
week comes next week and that one does not count.
v Waft Mafon
I've seen such sights of wonder, in Colo
rado's hills, wild canyons deep as thunder,
and peaks that' gave me thrills, that I am
weary, very of things that are sublime, and
for the old flat prairie I'm longing all the
time. The mountains rise in glory, each with
its snowcapped dome; but back in old Em
pory a fellow feels at home ; and when he's
done his labors, and earned his fifty cents,
he pow-wows with his neighbors, familiar,
kindly gents. The mountains, grand and
hoary, thoughts high and noble bring; but
back in old Empory there is a creaking swing, where I sit
in my slippers, on pleasant Autumn nights, and read of
I pirate skippers, and most entrancing fights. And often
when I m gazing on peaks that pierce the clouds, on
mountain roads amazing, 'roamed by the tourist crowds.
I sigh like all creation, forgetting where I am, to see the
"Katy" station, and look on Soden's dam. You read the
grand old singers, whose stanzas are sublime ; and while
you know they're dingers, they tire you out in time; and
then you want a story by some plain, common skate; and
so for old Empory methinks I'll emigrate, i
With liy far the lurjfcst and most
representative exhibit of livestock of
all breeds and classes t;iat bus cvcrj
been shown in the northwest since the
big national expositions of JHfio and1
Willi; the biggest ami most complete I
exhibit of agricultural a, Jiorticul-I
tural, dairy porducts, works of art.!
textiles, industrial products, education-j
al displays; poultry and products; mail-1
ufucturcs; lectures, motion pictures and!
working demonstrations in everv ile-J
partment; night horse show, daily
speed program of high class .harness
and running events; the finest collec
tion of musical aggregations and tal
ented vocalists, and, with three big.
first class carnival attractions to pro
vide clean, wholesome and instructive
entertainment to suit everv taste, the
fifty fifth annual Oregon state fair.
Sulem, Sept. !. to ilO, will stand out in
hold reliet as the greatest object les
Bon educational medium for the ad
vancement of the agri ituii! industry
of the state and the ifei; and best
state lair ever held th.-' oj years
of its history.
The grounds have been placed in the
best of condition, with spacious green
and velvety lawns and large, artistic
ally arranged flower beds, resplendent
with a gorgeous array of seasonable
blossoms in wide and rare variety; all
buildings cleaned, repaired and reno
vated; hard surfaced walks and drive-1
ways leading to all buildings and parts
of the grounds, water system renewed
and enlarged, affording abundant sup
ply of pure, cold water for all purpos
es; rest room and toilet facilities for
both sexes . .greatly enlarged and conn
fortnbly appointed, under constant su
pervision of trained and courteous col
ored attendants, and everv reasonable
and comfort and convenience provided
for both campers and dadv visitors and
exhibitors throughout the reservation.
All restaurants, buildings, departments
and concessions under strict inspection
and regulation or specially detailed
officer of state board of health and
The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and which has been
ia use for over 30 years, bus borne the signature of .
- and has been made under his per-
J1- sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Ci4cJu44; Allow no on to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " nro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
astorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcri.shness. Tor more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhu'a. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
) Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Stock judging will doue in the big live; C 111 I 1
stock stadium, accompanied by doin-! 0631116 L0ngSn0lCul611
wiir.nii itciurcs ov uie ,uuges, auu
there will be music for every occasion'
day and night, bv tour big concert'
bands and seven talented vocal solo-! Seattle. Wnsh.. Sent laC.r. T
Would Stir Up the East
strictest sauitarv regulations will pre- ! fi II I 11"
vail during the entire week. UJOHieS, trUlierS, jeillCS
rm :n 1... 9tt ' l ' '
lucre win nv 19 cuuuucs piti uciiui
uig in the competition between coun
ties in display of resources and prod
ucts, six individual farmers will com
pete in the individual farm products
contest, beside wwf of individual
and all state entries in other agricul
tural and horticultural competitions;
the implement and machinery exhibit
will be much larger and more complete
than any ever assembled upon the fair
grounds, especially in the automobile
department, which will occupy more
thiiii treble the space ever occupied be
fore and all makes of 1!'17 model ma
chines will be shown direct from
j Kelly, international vice-president of
the union longshoremen, left here for
Buffalo today to urge a sympathetic
and JamsasVote Getters;:; 'tX
it, t -.in t,,nt "l( '"'ion longshoremen on the
(liy I mted I Press I Atlantic refuse to. work ships that Lave
R.veineud, L. I Sept. !!-" If ,t: ,,, lnn(lpd nn th. leific eno.t iif the
takes ten yards of scrambled eggs to1 fnited States -make
an overcoat for an elephant,") This action 'follows a conference' here
one ingenious mail once asked another.; ,,f rfoiPt fpnm -v, p t c J
I J . ' -"UU
' how
cranberry to break i shingle " But; i,16uld be en "off.or h tic co
he question here, today ,s: It it 01,ei.utiuu asl(pd of the .
takes a quart of strawberry 111m to 1
make one suffragist in Hiiighampton.i
how many old Dutch crullers does it:
take to make a suffraeist in River-! .1 1 c, . t , . .
the 1 ),,! " Thn .,., -iii 1 in !.-.. to-: . "r? "'I'1' 41 -"
factorv to- the fair mounds, several :i.t l,v tl. .,,f,ui. ,..l.i, n.: . .
weeks "before they are placed on sale orlers to make male votes for womei
hands ot dealers, there are
ru"" land capitalist, reached home here to
il at ,.!.. iiu .,,, ,.,, 1,. :.. r....:.
in hands ot dealers. lucre are more ti, .nn,.tv f.,;.. imn ..,.1 timi u;utro:. -i-i " .11,1111 lu niissia,
entries, representing a higher degree 8,nti,ci.illg strawberry jam and jolly a- " , nniZ,, 'HJf'-vI
of speed talent, listed for the different rouna ,0S(,o the same thing up in Biug- C" f ",'""tu"ls "'russ
harness and running races every day of hnmpton. I iwmostok.
the fair, insuring first class entertain !
ment 111 this line ot cleau sportsman
ship and giving promise of some badly Always Watch 'ThlS Ad"
shattered track and northwest records 1
-Changes Often
quisition to tne .
s, is drawing en- j r
ho couutrv in all T
in several classes. The night horse
show, the newest acquisition to th
state fair attractions
tries front all over the
of the many classes of competition and
will prove the biggest semi-society ed
ucational feature of the big exposition.
In the strictly educational sense, a-
side from all of the exhibits mentioned
will bo illustrated lectures, motion
pictures and working demonstration,
cow testing, silo filling, milk test
ing, stock nidging contests, cooking
and canning contests for girls, good
roads and irrigation damonstrntions:
boys' and girls' camps of instruction;
daily auction sales of horses and cat
tle and "sales classes" in poultry.
Strictly correct weight, iqnara deal and highest prices for 11 klmdj H -
junk, metal, rubber, hidei and fun. I pay 24c per pound for old rtf a. I
Big stock of all aizes lecond hand incubators. AH klndi eorrafated t
; iron lor doid roon ana Dtmaingj. Booting paper and lecond hand
H. Steinback Junk Go.
' The Honsa of Halt a Million Bargain,
IBS North Commercial It, Phm Ml
sr. 1 .
'What are you doing f Why aren't
vou 111 bed 1 llittorit blustered, aucl 1
saw at once that he had been drinking.
Not that he was really intoxicated, but
he bad had enough to nuke him ir
ritable. 'I HAVE been to bed." I stammer
ed, "but I got frightened. 1 thought
something had happened to you."
He looked sharply and suspiciously at
the receiver I otill held in my hand.
"What were you doing with that
telephone?" he demanded.
"I teas going to telephone. I felt
I so anxious.
"Telephone whot"
"Mrs. Uorton to see if you had
After I told him I waited. I had had
no thought of evading his question, but
my heart was beating fust with excite
ment and fear. I could see by the way
the veins stood out on his forehead and
neck that he was fearfully angry. He
grew white, then almost purple. He
grabbed the reveived from my band
and threw it violently to the floor. The
ersh reverberated through the silent
house with startling distinctness.
"What's the matter, Missy Mil
dred?" Mandy called.
"Shut up. you "
Clifford'! Anger.
His anger seemed to choke him. Aft
er a moment's struggle he again turned I precious Edith. He had no EIGHT to
imv ... spend his time with others, especially
"w,.TL:T an!one t even met them
- " ' l-'miuiia DUUUI lilt:, IlO
fc& 1ST . .... . ' 1
I figured.
Mildred Seeks Happiness.
All day I thought of what I could do
Ito make Clifford more naiient with m.
I made many good resolutions regardinz
my own actions. I did not know just
where or how I was- going to find hap
piness with him, but I determined t
1 ";
-Mandy was dreadfully annovine and
DllCltloUS. SllK nnrrmJ '.:i ? ...i
"" 7 uul w tne baby so I could be
matter if I stay out for a wp.vk li,m
you'll go, bug and baggage. Do vou
understand? You meddlesome little I
100; ne took my arm and threw me
rrom mm. ".Now go to bed. and re-
meinner 1 mean what I sav.'
Mandy was waiting in my room, but 1
reassured her and sent her to bed. I
icit 1 asm done a foolish thing, and
turn ner so. vt ouin 1 ever learn not to
auger him unnecessarily f I crept into solicitious.
bed. Had he really meant wlmt ( fioi.l htr ftnt -;
ahnnr un.lin.. ....... 1.1 , -1 ' 77 "V" uul
been a. or,- . " "au "e om T. " ' -'I"- Tne dear old "adn't
K half an" hour he came in and 1 "iWV Hmond
wen to bed, Neither of us spoke, and hur, y-, hon n"" she whTmired asl
in the morning I rose quietly and dress- scolded her for calling tn mlrhl Slki'
ed before he wakened. At breakfast he1 before TlJ I .i f- T Vhe mght
scarcely notieed me. and when he lef ! ato I te e f'T'dMCli? 7o
for the off.ee he didn't even say good-j had threaten'ejosend tr away.' ThU
I'don't know how I eve, go, through 1 ruVhe.oTar"0 tut S'T
that day. I was sure now that thereldience ob"
was more than nn ordinary friendship! Before dinner time T fcri .u,,,,,. -
- ... .., uu ui, uusuanu. x was lora to 1
luuuusiv JCU10US. Hug mav seem
sirange. in view ot thtford's negl ct of . him,
u. uuu me loss cr my first intense
love and admiration for him. But he
wait for Clif-
eiiniA hnm. I. : T
seem (ignorance I was sure it wmiM r,l,-.
aad that then ku 1.1
also become mine.
was my own husbaod, the father of my
(Tomorrow Mildred Ha An Idea.)