Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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ijlow to Save Over t
Admit Evidence Against Most
of Alleged Blackmailers
Is Weak .
Timely Arrival of Police
Alone Prevented Soldiers
Rushing Negroes
for Thursday Paper f
QiMiiig Sale
We are in the market for
several cam of clover seed and
are paying top market prices.
Buy at any station in the val
ley. Clover Cleaning I
We have the very best seed
cleaning machinery that can be
bought and understand clean
ing in every way. We have the
reputation . of being the best
cleaners in the valley, cleaning
seed with the least possible loss
to' the grower and making the
seed the highest grade, bring
ing the top price. Free storage
in a brick warehouse with low
rate of insurance.
D. A. White & Sons
251-261 State St., Salem, Ore. '
Those wishing to place individual ex
hibits of fruit or vegetables at the
state fair in the Marion county exhibit,
should leave them at tho Roth grocery
ir at the Marion county exhibit at the
fair grounds not later than next Satur
day. This county is working hard for
the blue ribbon this year and any fine
exhibits in fruits or vegetables will be
appreciated. It has also been suggested
that the naW of tiic grower and va
riety of product be written on a card
and fastened securely to tho exhibit
as last year many tags were lost.
tie Standard Oil for Moior Cars
Cupyrmkuxl lUlb by 11m l'iciure
New Edisoa Disk
Each in every
style and all
records for each.
432 State Street
and Driving
F. E. 8HAFEE .
170 8. Commercial
Phone 411
Phone 529 - -
Old Shoes Made
The quality of our
work is as high
as the price is low
Ye Boot Shop
325 State St.
Opp. Ladd ft Bush
Glasses our
Lenses duplicated
on short notice.
Dr. Herman Barr,
' Optometrist
Bartman Bros Oo
Larmer Transfer
Phone, Offiee 830
or Residence 1898.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping, Moving,
Coal and Wood.
Quick, Reliable
Chicago, Sept. 19. Federal officers
admitted today four of those held here
in connection with operations of an
international blackmailing syndicate
might be released because of lack of
' The four aro:
James Christian, .lames Bland, Mrs.
Donahue and, Mrs. Frances Alien, alias
Chapman. Au attempt will be made to
hold them and take them to Philadel
phia with the other three under ar
rest despite lack of strong evidence.
Mrs. Kcgina 8. Klipper, the wealthy
Philadelphia widow, who is said to
have been victimized and a-fterward
kidnapped by blackmailers supposed to
be under arrest here, arrived today at
10 a. in. She was taken immediately
to the office of Hiuton G. Clabnugh,
federal investigator. She douged re
porters and newspaper photographers
and would talk to no one.
Officials arc preparing to arraign the
supposed society swindlers this after
noon. It is possible a charge of murder may
be added to the crimes for which mem
bers of the gang are held. - Frank
Biown, alias Wilson, who is said to
have killed Frank . Hughes Turner, of
Texnrkana, Ark., in Colorado last June,
is believed to bo a member of tho gang
lii own and Ins wire are at large.
The arrest of Grace Butler, alias
Grace isreal, in Philadelphia late yes
tcnluy, adds another to the list of sus
pects held. She is supposed to be the
wife of William Kutler and is held for
complicity in the kidnapping of Mrs.
Portland, Or., Sept. 19. A committee
of five is being organized today by the
Portland chamber of commerce to
haiiiile national award affairs. This ac
tion resulted from charges made by
Chaplain W. S. Gilbert of the Third
Oregon infantry. Addressing the cham
ber he assailed the "people at home"
for "indifference toward tho null
Less Carbon
because Zerolene is
made from Asphalt-base
crude. It burns up clean,
and goes out with the
' exhaust.
Sold by dealers everywhere and
at all Service Sutionj of the
Standard Oil Company
Picture Tells
The Story
Advertiser. Box 17, Oregon City, Oi
Pianos I sell, the
Best and Cheapest
Pianos rented.
432 State Street
Phone 159
Auto and Carriage-
Enamel. .
Topi and Cush
ions repaired and
304 8. Com'l.
We make your
linen wear longer
and look better
by our auto-dry
room and press
machi n"e work.
Balem Laundry Co.
138 S. Liberty St.
Jewelers and
Hartman Bros Co
State and Liberty
The Bandy Man
Around the House
Pure Milk
and Cream
Oak Park Dairy
Auto Delivery.
Phone 669
W. F. Looney
Hayesville News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Hayesville, Ore., Sept. 19. Programs
are out for Hayesville district Sunday
school convention which will be held at
Hayesville church instead of the regular
place selected, this change being neces
sary because Kuiser Bottom school
house is incomplete. .
The following program is scheduled
for Sunday September 24:, .
Devotional services Rev.' F. M. Jas
per. A plea for the children Miss Alta
The Sunday School in Its Relation to
Good Citizenship By Governor Withy
combe. Vocul Solo Mis. D. X. Bcechler.
The Sunday School as Preventive
Agency Rev. Harold C. Stover.
A great basket dinner will occur at
the tennis court adjoining the church.
The afternoon session will consist of a
report of Sunday schools, followed by
music. The next number consists of a
general discussion of Sunday school
methods, followed by a vocal solo by
Mr. A. A. Schram.
The elements of a good, lesson will
be ably presented from many angles
by Miss Gladys Carson.
Mrs. Alma Vleric concludes the pro
gram with diseuscsion, "The Relation
Between the Young People 's Societies
and the Sunday School." .
Governor Withyconibe, whose address
occurs at 10:35 in the-forenoon, .will
no doubt prove a drawing card.
This is the first convention held un
der President Lloyd T. Reynolds, of
Woodsido Orchards. Much interest is
being manifested over the end of the
county as Hayesville district embraces
24 Sunday schools.
Wilbur Daily, who has had a recent
operation for throat trouble under Dr.
Thompson, is improving and hopes to be
iu school soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Shields spent the
weeK enq at tnc liome of -Mrs. Shields'
mother, Mrs. Patty, near Amity.
Mrs. W. F. Fargo entertained Sunday
with a dinner in honor of Mrs. Monty
Miiiard, of Coos county. Pink sweet
peas and Gypsophila centered the dining
table where covers were laid for eight.
This is Mrs. Minard 's first trip to Sa
lem. She has been much pleased with
this part of the Willnmettc valley and
hopes to make another visit before long.
All of the invited guests were old
friends of Mrs. Minard, having known
her in past years when all were Coos
county residents.
Mrs. Kdna l.r Daily will talk to the
North Salem Woman's club next Wed
nesday on "Treatment of Tuberculosis
in n Modern Sanatorium." Mrs. Daily
is now on her vacation and will return
to the open air sanatorium at Milwau
kee, Oregou, where she has been nurse
for the past year, in about a week. Mis.
Daily brings with her photographs
which will illustrate her talk.
Club will meet with Mrs. John Du
buis, 1275 East street. Mrs. Merlin
Harding will sing.
The dahlia exhibit is exnected to be
the most complete this year at the stale
tnir t It u ii it has been for sonic vears.
Severul from Portland, Brooks and Sa
lem have already spoken for a apace.
For tho first time there are urines offer
ed for junior amateur class and severul
boys and girls are planning to enter.
Mrs. Edith T. Wethered has charge of
the floral department this year.
In the North Salem woman 's floral
contest which closed September 1, prizes
will be given as follows, if the prize
winners will call at Mrs. F. 1.. Pluvine's
1009 Fifth street: . ,
Delbert Cooper, 5.
Dorothy Conlcy. $4.
Win. Fnizier, !.'!.
Harold Debord, 1 dozen rose buslic.
Malcolm Gndier, 1-2 dozen rose
Perry Pickett, dahlia bulbs.
Louis Kays, seeds value aft 1
Addison Lane, bulbs value 1.
Kenneth Mosier, dahlia bulbs.
Irvinu Roberts, seeds value $1.
Willie Silverman, seeds value 50 cents.
Marvin Darby, seeds value 50 cents.
Mrs. Purvine is chairman of civic
Marion News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Marion, Sept. 19. On last Wednes
day afternoon, Sept. 1.1th. occurred the
marriage of Miss Lola Hall to Mr. John
Palmer, Jr. They were married in Sa
lem by the Rev. Carl H. Elliott. Mr.
Palmer is an elder In the Presbyter
inn church here and also clerk of our
school district. Both the bride and
groom are members of the choir in the
above named church,, anil a large cir
cle of friends wish them u lite of hap
piness. llershcy Cooley and family have
moved to eastern Oregon. They traded
their place here for a sheep ranch
Miss Lenorn Loretz returned home
from Eugene last Friday evening,
Mrs. John Gentry and daughter. Miss
Zella, are visiting relatives in Albany.
.iiarion ( nrismun lelt here by team
last Thursday for (irunde Konde where,
they expect to make their future home,
Mrs. A. Sehwinetorth ami little soni
Courtney of. Kugenn are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.oretz, this
School opened here this morning. We stone phosphate in it. This is a very
expect a successful year with the ex- excellent health measure. It is in
ce)lent corps of teachers that the board tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid
has obtained. Prof. Drulette, former! nevs and the thirty reet of intestines
county supervisor is principal, withof the previous day's waste, sour bile
Miss Moritz as intermediate and Miss
Roselirau primary teachers.
Miss Viola Kephart and Miss Daisy
llouck returned from nenr Henna Vis
ta yesterday where they have been
picking hops the past two weeks.
'The Friends i-hurdi is receiving a
new coat of paint, which will complete
the repairing the church has been un
dergoing the past year.
Many Affidavits That
There Is No Cement Trust
Portland. Or.. Sept. 111. Fifteen af
fidavits are on file in the I'nited .States
district court today, denying allega
tions of -A man C. Moore, official of
the Oregon Portland Cement company freshening, so limestone phosphate and' he would get a noble reception with
who charges the existence of a ceininit: hot water nct"on the stomach, liver,! rotten eggs, (iod bless yon, Mr. Web
trust which is hampering his business.1 kidneys and howuls. Jt is vastly morejster. Iconsidcr you a gentl an."
Moore sued the "trust", demanding important to bathe on the inside thani m
(1,300,000 damages from 14 different i on the outside, because .no skin nores1 Weddinir Invitations. Annnnnrcments
r.-mi-iii i-urporauons, aiiegeii memiiers no not nnsoro impurities into the and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour
of the combine. blood, while the bowel pores do. oal Job Department.
Sacramento, Cnl., Sept. li). The ne
gro section of Sacramento is practical
ly uuder martial law today following
an attempt last night by members of
the Fifth California infantry to avenge
the beating administered threo of their
members at tho hands of a gang of
negroes euiiaay night. A provost
guard is maintained ami no soldiers al
lowed to enter the "colored zone."
The timely arrival of the police and
a company of the Fifth prevented a
clash last night. Four hundred soldiers
were congregated near the negro sec
tion and were about to rush three ne
gro saloons when the police and the
provost guard interfered.
Despite the foiling of their attempt
last night the soldiers maintain they
will "get" the negroes and a clash is
imminent. Three members of the Fifth
were severely beaten up by negroes
Sunday night when they refused to
cease dancing with white girls in a
ilance resort. - llio soldiers snv they
were ridiculed and sneered at. bv the
negroes until they "just had to scran
The negro saloons are closed and as
special precaution to unci I a riot I
couple of machine guns are convenient
ly nenr.
The great sale of Lydia E. Pink
ham 's Vegetable Compound all over
this land is the result of genuine
merit. The reason is that this good
old fashioned root ami herb medicine
actually helps those suffering from
tho ailments peculiar to women. If
it did not, would not the women of
America have found it out in forty
years, so that few of them . would
Round Trip Tickets Only 60c,
and Dallas Hangs Out
Latch String
"Now that Dullas and the Polk
county fair officials have invite.l ilu.
Chcrrians and everybody in Sulem to!
spend an afternoon ..with them, it is'vt
up io us to show the -proper spirit and
show our appreciation of the invita
tion," said F. (!. Deckcbach, King
Hing of the only Cherriun organization
on earth.
At first it was planned to have just
the motor run over to Dallus as a
special, but there has boen so much
interest taken thnt iiimngeinents.Jinvc
been made for a special train.
This special will-leave Commercial
and Union streets at 12::iO o'clock -tomorrow
and return to .Salem about
The Cherrinns will go in uniform,
and the Cherriun band will furnish
the music. Ladies belonging to the
Cherrians will be given guest budges,
anil to their guests, the Polk county
officials will give the freedom of the
Then the Cheirinns will put on their
famous military drill, the one that
landed the first prize at Marshfield.
Tho fare for the round trip is till
cents, just one dozen jitneys. There
will be plenty of room for nil.
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
8ay we can't look or feel right
with the system full
of poison.
Millions nf folks bathe internally
now instead of loading their system
with drugs "What's an inside bath"
you say. Well, it is iriiarnnteed In hit.
form miracles if you could believe
these hot water entiusiustB.
I here are vast nnuiliers of men ml
women who, immediately , upon arising ,,,.? ri,.liu' ' i'iil'li.'.r.'.i
in the morning, drink a glass of realign. .Mexico The "
" teaspoonful of lime-s. "Z iii i?. . ..... ....
and indigestible material left over in
the body which if not eliminated every
day, become food for the millions of
bacteria which infest the bowels, the
quick result is poisons and toxins
which are then absorbed into the blood
i-ausing headache, bilious attm-ks, foul
breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou
ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, im
pure blood and ali sorts of ailments.
People who feel good one day and
badly the next, but who simply can
not get feeling right are urged to
obtain a quarter hiuihI of limestone
phosphate at the drug store. This
will cost very little but is sufficient
to make anyone a real crank on the
subject of internal sanitation.
.iuhi as siiiim ami not water act on
the skin, cleansing, sweeteninir and
1 4 4 M H M M
THE popularity of our Opening Sale is established. The prevailing low prices
combined with the excellent quality and latest style of merchandise, presented
a wonderful opportunity that no one could afford to miss. Interest centers in
the superb showing of the Newest in Fall Merchandise, loads and loads of which
are added every day. When shopping here, you are assured of the latest and
most authentic in style, best in quality a nd absolutely at the lowest prices in
the city,
UNDERWEAR. Come and look to your heart content. We never charge any
thing for looking and are always happy to show the goods.
Beautiful New Neckwear
Made of fine quality Crepe de Chine, Voile, Organdie and Georgette Crepe, in the
latest creations of the present fashion, especially priced at 15c, 29c, 35c, 49c,
and 59c.
(Formerly the Chicago Store)
Corner Court and Commercial Street.
Will Discuss Withdrawal and
Protection of Border
Among First Things
By Carl D. Groat,
(I'nited Press StaTf Correspondent.)
New London, Conn., Sept. 1!). The
threatened rift in the Mexican-Amer-
n-iui iioiiiereuce appeared today to1
nave Ijeen closed, at least temporarily.
The American committee has con
sented to give immediate considera
tion to the withdrawal of troops and
to arranging for border protection. In
this matter the Mexicans have pledged
to send a force to replace Pershing's
!n the whole, the Americans feel
that there is no actual break ahead.
But the Mexican temper is such, mani
festly, thnt the border patrol and
withdrawal questions must lie decided
definitely, at once, else there will lie
trouble ahead for the commission.
The Mexicans have pledged them
selves to hunt Villa ''to the bitter
end." The attack on Cliihuiihua sim
plifies the problem, they say. Hither
to it has been a problem of locating
the bandit leader rather than fighting
him, mid now he believes he has re
vealed his whereabouts.
One big problem upon which the
world in general must pass is the sub
ject of the Mexican declaration of
aus and for-
xicans sav
Mexico will be more peiiceful bv rea
son of becoming 'Mess subject to out
side contentions," hence, arrunzn will
put ioth Mexican and foreign inter
ests ''on the same footing."
Judge Webster's
Decision Popular
The publicity given Justice of the:
leace Daniel Webster's decision in the ciated with him Dr, Lee H. Smith, who
case of Fray, the colored evangelist I is vice president and head surgical
who was tried several days ago on a j director and operator, and there are
charge of vagrancy, has resulted in an' a dozen other physicians and special
increase in the judge's mail, lie re-jists, as well as four chemists, and the
ceived this morning a letter from I poor and the very rich get the best
Spokane enclosing a clipping of tho medical attention. As Dr. Cabot has
Associated Press report of the vcrdictj properly said, "When you go to a
The letter snys: "f take my hat off j doctor's office you may complain of
to vou, Mr. Webster. I consider von
a Ujiau when you say that Monday uses
slang. If Hilly Sunday uiado a trip
to mv home town ill bonnin Scotland
Known All Over
Dr. Richard C. Cabot, who is head
of the Massachusetts General Hospi
tal, has been writing for the American
Magazine, April and May, on the sub
ject o "Better Doctoring for Less
He says that "A new era has come
in the practice of medicine, but most
people do not know it yet. We have
begun to emerge from that stage of
medical work in which the doctor was
a peddler selling goods from house
to house, into the more advanced and
sensible era in which the doctor stays
at his nlace of business, like anvone
else who has goods to sell, and the
people who want these goods come
to him. The shop where he has his
goods to sell is generally called a
hospital and he lias associated with
him there a body of men and women
similar to work people, foremen and
managers of any industrial plant or
dry goods store. He has there some
beginnings of a satisfactory division of
labor and specialization of function.
Therefore, he can give the public a
much better article for less money.
"The 'article' I refer to is sound
medical advice and treatment."
This is just what Dr. Merce lias been
dnitifr at tlij Tnvuli.la 1 T.,to1 1m U,ifTnln
New VorW. Dr V M Pirr ha. aunl
nothing more abstruse than a head
ache or a stomache-ache, yet for the
solution of the problem represented by
your suffering there may be needed an
X-ray examination, chemical tests such
as very few experts are capable of mak
ing, the consultation o experts in
diseases of the eye, the ear and the
I Canital Journal Want Ads Will
Salem, Oregon
the United States.
throat, and the study-of the improve
ment or aggravation of symptoms at
different times of day and under dif
ferent diets and temperatures. This
study demands the conditions found in
just such a hospital, and nowhere clc
to be had without great expenses." It
is also true that the "family doctor does
the best that he knows how, and con
sidering the difficulties under which he
works, makes a wonderfully good esti
mate of the nature of the patient's dis
ease and the treatment to be adminis
tered." "But as an accurate diagnosis simply
cannot be made in a considerable num
ber of cases without the co-operatin
of a number of men, each expert in hi
own field, what we ask the family
doctor to be is an 'all-around' specialist.
This he attempts, but one cannot truth
fully say that he succeeds, for the at
tempt is obviously an impossible one.
Medicine is today far too large and
complicated a field for any one man,
no matter how wise and experienced,
to cover."
Ve have not the space to speak in
dividually of the professional men com
posing the faculty of this old, world
famed institution, but will say that
among them are many whose long con
nection with the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute has rendered thorn
experts in their several specialties.
Advantages of Specialties.
By thorough organization and sub
dividing the practice of medicine and
sorcery in this institution, ev-rrv in
valid is treated by a specialist one
who devotes his undivided attention to
the particular class of diseases to which
the case bclones. The ndvantnri nf
this arrangement ii obvious. Medical
science covers a field so vast that no
physician can, within the limits of a
lifetime, achieve the highest degree of
success in the treatment of evrrw
malady, incidental to humanity. m
Get You What You Waul