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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1916)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1916. SOCIETY - ' By ALINE THOMPSON Mr. mid Mrs Willium T. drier, ac- Miss Vivian Hargrove left this morn- i... i. Mm wiilliiin inif for Corviillis to ruler the Orvuoii 31, Jr.,' and Mrs. Zadocl ARri. ultiirnl College. Miss Hargrove jtiggs, motored' to Oregon City Sunday. I recently graduated from the Sulem Mgh . . school, ami was one of the most popu- Miss Ilerthn Oliver returned Sunday In r girls in her class, night from b visit to' Portland nn.ii - - - ' '" ' ' Clackamas. Whilo in Portland Missl Social life at the Dewdrop Inn, one Oliver win the. guest of Miss Alverdnm" the most exclusive girls' chilis at Altuwn. i the Willamette university,-bids fair'to occupy a prominent place in college The regular mooting of (ho North society this winter. Last evening a flalem Woman's rlub, will lie hold 1 joyt ul homecoming, was extended to Wcdnesdav( tomorrow) afternoon at four girls who arrived on n late tram, the residence of Mrs. John Dubuis,a dainty repast being served by the 1275 li street. resident members ami Mrs. Ida II. Cur- A programme has been nrranged for rott, who is acting as chaperone for the meeting and will include an inter- the girls. Among trio girls already at citing talli on the treatment of tuber- the Inn are the Misses Kuth Spoor, cuiosis in a modern sniiitorium by Mrs.. Vesta Mulligan, Mabel (lurrett, Illiiiieho Kdna Daily, who has iuid experience as linker, Aetna Kinmel, Ksther Kmmcl, nnrse in a sanatorium at Milwaukee. Ksther Yeend, Mildred (inrrett, lien-iirini- the afternoon Mrs. Merlin' trice Newport, Kriedu Cnutbell and Vol Warding will also i'nvor the members! ma Ilaker. with vocal solos. ... He PERSONALS Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. HUGHES OPENS HIS SECOND .CAMPAIGN .Mrs. William A. Me Clew and daugh ter, Helen, of Hay City lire visiting Mrs. A. F. Marcus. . . Mrs. fleorgo Palmer I'utnnm and email son, David, arrived home last night from Wound llench, Conn., where thev have been passing the summer while Mr. i'utnnm was absent at the border. A motoring party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Albert, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. (inffith and children, and Miss Mildred Wiggins went to Clack amas Sunday for a picnic. They wero joined by Mr. mid Mrs. Otto K. Krnuse and daughter, Miss Helen Krause f Portland, and I'aul Wnllueo who is at Camp Withyconihe with Company M, r Miss Lyra Miles and her brother, Rosa Miles, left Monday for Newberg to resume their studies at Pncific Col lege. Miss Miles is in her senior year and Mr. Miles is taking his third yoar work. , A gav little party of last night was that enjoyed by a group of high school students, who gathered on the penin sula for a picnic. The young folks were chajieroned by Miss Olive Che nault and Included: Miss I.ueilo Jones, Mis Doris Churchill, Miss Letha Dris eoll, Miss Kern Mortensen, Hreyman Boise, tleorge Weller, Wallace Carson, and Charles Muggins. Talks to Peoria, Illinois, Audi; ence, Finding Fault with Wilson t.ns Willinm Lercheu went to Dalla morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunningham of Falls Citv are in the city. Miss Mabel Tharpe of Alsea was in the city yesterday. Ronald lilover will spend tne nay to morrow in Hrownsville. Mr. and Mrs. Oh I of Portland are guests ut the II. K. Carrier home. John Dubuis returned this morning from a business trip to Uiltcview. Oscnr Hteclhammer left today for an extended visit in Man Francisco and southern California. President Campbell of the University of Oregon was in the city yesterday to attend the I.elnnd Hendricks iunerni Miss Maty Knubloek of Kansas City, a schoolmate of Mrs. M. C. Fimlley, is visiting a few days at the mil Icy iioiue. rVnnk K. Ouilil was in Portland yes terday registered at the Seward. Mrs. William P. Lord and Miss Kliznheth Lord wero in Portland yesterday reg istered at the Seward. Hans .Meyer will leave fur Hutte, Montiina, within a few days where he exnects to permanently locate. Dur ing the summer he has played the clarinet in the Cherrlnn band. State Closes Direct Examina tion and Defense Begins Taking Testimony . Miss Cleo White, who has been the truest of her cousin. Miss Nell Hykes for1 4 m . i ...... ..,.! k... Uniit'T H lew lin, linn n iiiiiu u w .. la McMtnnville. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. K.pley accompan ied uy Mra. dordon Metlilchrist, Mrs. Matilda Grant and daughter, Miss 1-aura Grant, motored to Portlnnd for the week end. A marriage that has caused a rip ple of pleasurable surprise is that of Henry llolinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. li. K. Hjlinger, and Miss Mildred F.n dieott 01? Albany, which took plnco in Vancouver, Wash., Saturday night. Af ter a short honeymoon tne young eouple -will le at home to their many friends ia Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Fisher mo tored to Eugene this morning for a brief vjsit. . An Informal dinner was given Sun av bv Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pascoo at their homo 10(18 North Seventeenth treet in compliment to Miss Cora lleaeh of Watorville, Minnesota, who has been their guest for a few days nad Mr. Pascoe s brother, William DIED , n ueeiureu guinv or a Pascoe, of Clarence, Montana, who has oreaon prohibit! been visiting them for several weeks. ,B ,'??" ' , , ' Monday the visitor, were the guest. dT "'temoon in city of honor at a dinner presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. llartholomew. The regular monthly eoffoe of the Jason Leo church will be held at the ehurch on Wednesday afternoon. The hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mrs. U. Keuscher and Mr.. Derke. ... Miss Jennie Pells of Seattle, arrived ia talent Sunday to pasa the winter with her cousin," Mrs. C. K. Hrown of 490 Nortii Twenty first street. CARL At her home 1393 North Fifth street, Monday afternoon, September IS, lttltl, Mrs. Caroline Carl in her 77th year. She is survived bv her husband Fred Carl, and two sons and two daughters: Charles Steintirub of Waconda, S. D.; A. C. Steingrub of Sulem; Mrs. .lames Kane of Zella, S. D., and Mrs. Albert Miller of Hur.lette, 8. I). Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the German M. K. church at Thirteenth and Center streets, conducted by tho Rev. Weigle. Burial will be in tho City View cemetery. Turner Found Guilty of Importing Whiskey J. A. Turner, the Stanwood, Wash ington, man arrested for having an autoload of whiskey in his possession, was deelared guilty of an infringement ion law yester- eourt and was sentenced to pay a fine of 250. At the elosc of the trial Attorney I'nruh for the defense asked until II o'clock this morning to prepare an appeal to the circuit court. Notice of npcal was filed this morning. Turner was placed under -'0 bonds for his appearance, the automo bile was released, and now, in the oniiiion of those interested, the rase i on its way to the supreme court, The whiskey remains at the police statiou. a By Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) Peoriii, 111., Sept. 19. Refreshed by his rest at Bridgcliampton and stimulat ed by an enthusiastic reception here, Nominee Hughes struck out even more vigorously today at his democratic opponents in the first speech of his sec ond campaign trip. He spoke before the Illinois republican state conference. While tho republican candidate had very little new in his speech from the diatribes he furled during his trans-continental trio it was evideut his period of study at Bridgcliampton had enabled him to assemble his facts in more order ly fashion and to rum home his thrusts w ith greater power. His audience gave him a tremendous reception of cheers and upplause. For tho most part the theme to which the eandidato adhered himself was "democracy's broken promises" and ot a recounting of the republican party's achievements. One new note in the speech was con strued as a bid for democratic votes in the delicate way ia which the repub lican nominee declared his belief that many of opposite politicul faith were sincere and his references to the fact that "patriotic democrats" joiued with republicans several times. 'Mods Laws Uncertain." At one juncture in his Bpeech a strident voiced individual in the back row strove to interrupt with a question about "Wilson'.' but. lie was literally kicked out of the hull bv two burly bhieenats without Hughes even pausing in his talk. One other thing new in the nominee's speech was the way in which he his plans as definite "proposals" or "pledges. " This was apparently in di rect answer to democratic criticisms that he has "nothing constructive to offer" and his mnrshulling of repub lican doctrines in this fashion got an ether big hand. "Our opponents say that they have iu a very marked . degree, aided busi ness," he continued. "What are the specifications for this claim that they have aided business! They say they have clarified the anti trust act by def inition. 1 may be permitted to say with emphasis that they have done noth ing of the sort. What they have done is to legislate vague phrase, adding un certainty to the law. They have said in the trade commission act that uufair competition was uulawful. Does any body in the L mteit states know wnnt they nieauf " . San Francisco, Sept. 1!). By calling the "double" of Warren K. Billings to the witness stand, the defense in the murder trial resulting from the pre paredness day bomb plot this morning opened a wide. hreReh in the stnte's chain of evidence. Shortly after the defense opened its case, Attorney Maxwell McNutt called to the witness stand Al DeCassia, a clerk. DeCassia bears a remarkuble re semblance to Billings. He tstified that it was he, and not Billings, whom the prosecution witness saw on tho roof, at 121 JlnrKet street, just Deiore tne explosion. The same high check bones, straight nose and peculiar indentation of the forehead by which state witnesses had identified ' Billings were prominent characteristics of the defense's new wit- 'SS. DeCassia testified that it was he who leaned over the edge of the roof and waved at pedestrians below, the people he hailed were not Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mooney, bomb plot inspects, but were companions who worked for tne same tirm on Market street. While the audience which packed the court room watched with tense interest, DeCassia climbed on a chair, leaued over the edge and imitated the gestures which stnte's witnesses testified were made by Billings. The only person on the roof with him at any time, DeCassia testified, was a photographer, carrying a small black camera, who remained there until after 4 o'clock. Attorney McXutt intimater that Bill ings himself may take the stand thia afteraoon or tomorrow. Thomas Dodge, a motion picture mair, was called by the defease and contra dicted the testimony of Traffic Police man Moore that Moore had talked to Moonev in front of 721 Market street. The defense called John McDonald Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19. Ty Cobb thia afternoon conceded his defeat by Tris Speaker of the Indians, "for batting honors in the American league. Thia season marks tho first in ten years that the Georgia peach has been deprived of the title of premier batsman of tho league. 'I'm not worrying about the batting championship," Ty said this afternoon. '' 1 gave up all hope of beating out Speaker two weeks ago. My whole con cern now is in aiding the Tigers to cop the pennant." CITY COUNCIL HAS mm -aTtt.-- ill F I Also Some Flowers of Rhe toric for Salem's Beauty Business Not Neglected OR SIHIL BE ON Forty Persons Hurt Today In Accidents Due to Street Car Strike New York, Sept. 19. Upwards of forty persons were injured, most of them girls en route to work, iu four accidents today growing out ot? the street car strike. A jitney nutomohile truck crowded with girls, swerved sharply approach ing tho Williuinsburg tirldsc and pitch ed its two score passengers into the rondway. Some oi them fell bencata other automobiles or the hoofs of horses and received serious injuries. A Third avenue car operated by a strikebreaker jumped the track and crashed into a telephone pole. A mo tormnn and two passengers were in jured. Two cars in the Bronx, operat ed by green motormcn, were in collision but no one was injured. The police ex plained that stjike hardened Bronxites always keep their eyes on the motor men " nowadays, and jump before the sh comes. Mayor Mltehel and t'jiair- Not a "note" jarred the harmony of the regular meeting of the city coun cil last night. Not one of the eleven aldermen present gave evidence that his daily food was digesting perfectly. To the contrary, three of the aldermen varied the regular course of business by throwing verbal bouquets. These bouquests were nioBtly direct ed at Mayor White, who has recently declined to consider another term of service al the head of the city gov ernment, and were manifestly intended to influence him to the end that he might reverse his decision. Aldermen Mills, War.l and Wallace were those who thus declared them selves, and they referred in a not al together complimentary way to a com munication published recently in a Sa lem newspaper, the writer of which they declared had not been entirely fair to Mayor White. So stronir was the soirit of good feeling that when Alderman Wallace took occasion to suggest a ennugv i the citv charter, by which the city could obtain authority to take care of the weeds, he launched into words of i.niu for the ceournnhical and phys ical beauties of the city of Salem. Ami when he bad finished Mayor White j agreed with him, and City Attorney Macy stated that he will have amend ments along this line ready to present to the council at its next meeting, with a view of putting the matter before the people at the election in December. To Submit Budgets With a view to making up the regu lar budget for the coming year, a res olution was adopted requiring the heads of the various departments of the city government to make up l'sts showing the needs of their departments which lists are to be submitted to the council at its next meeting. The street committee reported that a cement warn nus m-en " All the food value of whole Durum wheat n the most appetizing form that's K rumbles. 10 Look I V' l"'"".tur,I All Wt lllf - Ked)f w KM Ulll 4 A ' : Good Position X The passage of the eight hour T law by Congress has created a .. I big demand for telegraph oper- .- " ators, both in railway and com mcrcial service. Young men and young women can obtain posi- ' tions at 75, S0 and $90 per V. month. 'Write at once for full particulars to the t Railway Telegraph Ins't, I Panama BWg., roniana, vie. the state's star witness, who again de- business and commercial leaders in an erasn comes. ..v.Uc. ........... -- .,.. ,i.iu;,m man Straus of the public service com-in iront oi iuio m ,.u.. "'"" mission conferred this afternoon with, but that none has been constructed 1 in Pleased to Ba Talking. reoria. III., Sept. 10. Nominee Hughes chose Peoria as the city from which to burl forth toilav tne nrst speech of his second presidential cam paign tour, tie spoke in tne nan ia which the state republican conference was meeting and in an hour a sermon on the nation's needs and future, en undated practically every one of his doctrines on Americanism, a protective tariff, adequate laws covering labor and fair treatment to legitimate busi ness. The G. O. P. candidate was plainly pleased to get back to campaigning again. He started with a smile at the crowd which greeted him at the station, waved his hat iu almost Booeeveltiaa glee at those who applauded him on the street and in voice and gesture at the coliseum exhibiter a full measure of pep. ' w nied telling any one of three men that the police had" paWl him for his testi mony. The defense later called Henry I'incus to the stand to corroborate DeCassia 's testimony. He aid that he tried to go on the roof of the building with De Cassia, but that a girl prevented him. 1 incus apparently figured as "the lit tle Russian Jew" whom Miss Estelle Smith testified last week insulted her when she refused to let him go on the roof. W. P. Crump' was another defense wit ness who told of a mysterious photo grapher on the roof of the building with DeCassiua. ' Just before court adjourned, Defense Attorney McNutt said he is searching for the photographer who was on the roof of tne building ana nopes to get him to testify. (Caftlnned from Pag On..) Modern Gullivers Borne me a stand out from the crowd as Gulliver towered ever the Lilli putian. By superior energy, activity aud reserve strength they predom laate. Feeting right within, ia one of the fundamentals of physical and mental strength, aad is largely taa result of proper nourishment. Grape-Nuts with Cream is Ike logical food for thinkers and donu It contains all the nutritious elements of whole wheat and mailed barley, is partially predigested, and applies aa abundance of energising nourishment without overworking the stomach. It also Include the vital mineral salts of the grain which are lacking ia white bread aad away other cereal foods. Thf re "l able kelp for many ia Grape-Nat. "There's a Reason" was unable to go to Dallas this morning, but telephoned Dr. Mark Hayter a de script ion of tne work done, and if this corresponds to the record made by Dr. skiff, the identification will be com plete. The legs from the knees down were missing which causes the suspicion of foul play, it being suggested that the body had been sunk in the river by a weight fastened to the feet and the de cay of the body causing them to pull off. There are other rumors afloat but apparently without sufficient founda tion behiud them to justify giving them publicity. However, further investiga tion may throw more light on the cause of young Springer s death. Brooklyn Won by Zack Wheat's Drife Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1. Brooklyn increased its lead iu the National league pennant rare bv a fidl game this afternoon by beating i incinnati 3 to 1, while the Phillies hut to the Cuba. Zack Wheat hit a terrific home run drive over the right field feace scor ing. Merkle and winning the game in the sixth. ick' single helped him to seore the other Dodger run. The lone Cincinnati tally came in the eighth wiiea lluka connected with one of rfeffer s slants for a triple scoring McKerhnie. Herman Band, aged IT, and Wilbur Sullivan, aged 19, are ia the county jail. Hand it ckarged witk stealing a purse containing noney and kop tick ets, and Sullivan is aceused witk steal-j lag a quantity of fishing tackle. Both! San Francisco, Sept. 19. With the prosecution ready to close its direct case against Warren K. Billings, pre paredness parade Homo suspect, inis forenoon, interest centers today chiefly upon the theory to bo followed by the defense in seeking to prove Billings' innocence. This will open with an at tack upon the testimony of several of the state's most important witnesses, especially John McDonald, who testified to seeing Billings place a suitcase at Steuart and Market streets just before the explosion there, is certain. The defense laid the foundation for a num ber of impeaching questions yesterday, and will produce witnesses to support its contention that McDonald's reward is not alone in witness fees. After working to disprove all of the state 'a evidence bv weight of contrary evidence. Chief Counsel McXutt de clares he will present new evidence calculated to "cause the jury to return a verdict of 'not guilty' on its first ballot." The defense, according to .Me- Xutt, will present its case iu two days, and it ia the opinion nf eonnsel for both sides that the question of Billings' guilt or innocence will be in the hands of the jury for decision by Saturday forenoon at the latest. Installing Organ In Willamette Chapel The task of installing the large track er organ in the alcovo of the Willam ette chapel is about two thirds com pleted, according to C. J. Whittaker and son, pipe organ experts of Seat tle who have the contract in charge. Delays iu the construction of the al cove lias greatly seimi to interfere with the formal dedication of the or- eleventh hour attempt to avert the gen eral sympathetic strike threatened by union leaders, unless tho railway com panies agree to arbitranon. 700,000 May Quit Work New York, Sept. 19. Mayor Mitehel and Oscar Straus, chairman of the pub lic service commission arc to meet to day in the first of a series of confer ences with committees from the cham ber of commerce and the merchants as sociation, in an effort to avert a sym pathetic strike, again treatened by ,ore than hnlf a million workers. nnite the fact that Theodore Shontr. president of the Interborough hn.l tiatIV fieciareu mat ne wi arbitrate in tho traction strike situa tint, n,l the union leaders have threat ened a general strike if a settlement is not reached, Mitehel aud Straus are going auead with their peace plans. Sext Friday is the day set by the union leaders for their action. At o'clock on that date, if no settlement has been reached, they will convene to set a date for the general walkout. Af ter that, they claim, it will be but a matter of hours before New York is paralyzed by the greatest strike the citv has ever Known. Two hundred motormen and conduct ors on the New York and Queens coun ty electric railway struck nt mutuigni o'ii tne service, was demoralized today. The walkout was a sequel to the trou ble on the surface lines iu ilannattan and the Bronx. SACRED HEART ACADEMY I rnt ir lit S si ordered, aud the com mittee was instructed to inroriu -r. Walker that if the matter is not nt--...i.,.i in within fifteen days the walk will be constructed by the city at his eTiiense. "Slow down danger" signs were ordered placed by the street commis sioner at noyi ami mgu aum . i ot Riverside drive and Miller A further Teport in regard to the ......1, nans Innl ted Oil the SOUthem I " cific property near the 12th street de ,q,i hv the citv attorney is that so long as the pens are kept in a Banitary condition there is no authority given by the city laws for removing them, as was ir ysstcd at a former meeting of the council. . Tho Business End Of It A number of additional street lights were ordered. ' The petition of Mrs. Goldburg for a refund of automobile license, which had been referred to the eommiuea oi. -censes, was reported favorably with an amendment that the rebate be made on license for 1917. A petition referring to a bam m r.u nk addition, which barn pro jects into an alloy in such a way as to intertere wun inmir, - to the street committee and the two aldermen from that ward. An amendment permitting the houtn ern Taeific to construct an Industrial spur on Front street was acted upon '"ln'vicw of the probability that the Western Union Telegraph company .nnn come before the council ask ing for a renewal of Its franchise, an ordinance amendment regulating the number of poles to a block anil kind of poles and the positions of placing was given its first and second readings. Other amendments up for first am! second readings pertaining to the pun ishment of anyone buying, selling or smoking opium, and to the fixing of an annual license of r0 a year for pawnbrokers, for six months, no license to be granted for less tnan six Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names Salem, Oregon BOAEDINO SCHOOL and DAY SCHOOL X Most approved methods, primary grammar ahd High School Departments, complete course in Harp, Tiano, Voice Culture, Vio lin and Harmony, Elocution and X Physical Culture. No interference with religion of I pupils. Modern Conveniences. Domestic Comforts, Scholastic year begins Sept. 11 X Sav Reading Heads . .. .. aa 1 Anthracite monopoly Washington, Sept. 19. Declaring the "Reading combination" is the back bone of an alleged anthracite monopoly that it controls about two thirds of the anthracite deposits and that its supply will outlast many years that of anv "other producer, the government todav filed in the Cnited States su preme court its brief asking for com plete seoaratien of the Reading com- . Vhiln.lnliihia. and Heading I months. Raiiwavs company, the Philadelphia The sum of 2.43.S0 due the com and Reading Coal and Iron company and others. Violation of the anti-trust law is charged. No. 57 A decision in this case in the district I courts was only partly favorable to the government but in some important as pects the decisiou was adverse to the government. Cross appeals to the su premo court followed. In its brief the government contends that unless the combination is complete ly dissolved, it will in time own or con trol everv available ton of commercial ly available cool known to exist. The ADDIiKSS Sister Superior. pany from which the city's paving machine was purchased was ordered paid. Also if.100 due the library board was ordered aid.' . " He BRING OUT TOUR HIDDEN BEAUTY Beneath that soiled, discolored, faik'l or aged complexion is one fair to look upon. Mercolized was will gradually, gently absorb the devitalized snrfaeo skin," revealing the youthful fresh, whito and beautiful skin underneath. Vscd by refilled women who prefer complexions of true naturalness. Mer colized wax in olie ounce package, with directions for use, is sold by all druggists. ti,..-.i.. ,.; iwin,j to the of- combination was established, the gov fieial consolidation of Taylor itwt and Orau Methodist church in Port- of the Schuylkill canal wholesale land some time ago, the trustee of chases of anthracite coal land, purchas- the church decided to present tne iay- m 4'i '. .....!...... lor street pipe organ to the universi-ducers, excessive freight rates, prefer tT and it is this instrument whica islences and rebates granted to the Read- now being installed. This immense musical instrument u Coal company and other ways. is further contended the Keaiting a two manual and pedal tracer organ jeoaibiaation acquired control of the Cen of 23 stops and approximately 15iH)i tral Railroad of Nw Jersey a compet ripes. Of the large aumber of pipes' ng carrier and of the Lehigh & W ilkca- ' ' . . - . , .w : . k the largest is n teet m icogii " a diameter of over 16 ias-hes while the smallest is less than one eighth of an inch in diameter and about aa long as an ordinary slate pencil. The air pres sure for the organ is supplied by an electric motor, a new one having been specially purchased for tie iastrument by the "board of trustees. The tone fa very sweet and pleasing and as mellow as aiaay pipe organs cost many times its sum. It is 33 years old. Dr. Frank WUbur Chace af the de partment of music will be tho regular chapel organist. Mise Kthel Forbes, daughter of the Rev.' Dr. Forbes of the First Presbyterian church of Seattle, who is enrolled as a music student, may be assistant. barre Coal company, a competing an thracite producer "thereby further re straining and monopolising production. transportation and sale of anthracite coal' TRIS WILL REMOVE . HATH OK FUZZY GROWTH - (Toilet Tips) A safe, certain method for riding the skin af ugly, hairy growths is as fol lows: Mix a paste with some powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy sur face about i minutes, then rub off. wask the skin aad the bairs are gone. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured Bunds and warrants Banking house Due from approved reserve bauks Exchanges for clearing house .... Cash on hand Other resources This ia entirely harmless and seldom H. Xehemll an.! Raymond Neb-1 requires repeating, but to avoid disap- ih.ft. m all'! la have aceam.1 at'erssll al Albany are registered at the pointuient it is advisable to see that the LiTesley hop yards. Marioa. J St genuine delatone. REPORT Or THE CONDITION OF LADD & BUSH BANKERS At Salem, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business September 12, 1!M Resou ces. t il,5PS.4!7.5 5ti.T55.30 SS,622.4!S , 77.749.21 52tl.533.11 5ii.441.2ti 521.6H3.HQ 450.00 2,S2ti,152.52 , , 13,000.00 .-. . . 59.207.50 200.421.64 , 1.493.551.10 C33.94591 ;.. 4.572.19 8,917.73 321,976.30 Total 2,P26,6.2.52 rotate of Oregon, County of .Marion, ss: ' - I, Wm. S. Walton, cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear thai the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and Indict. WM. s. WALTON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this lth dsv of September, 1916. ti. 0. BlNCiUAM, Notary Public. My commission expires Juno 22, 1920. COKKKCT Attests A. N. Hl'SH, ASA11K1, Hl'SH, ': ' I Directors. Tot si Liabilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund riuiivided profits, less etpensea and taxes paid Due to bnnks and bunkers Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit j Cashier checks outstanding i ertirieii c necks i Time and savings deposits