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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1916)
J0L 5&U w FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ( ' fffflRTY-NINTH YEAR p. 197 SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ok tbauti ajtd irawa stands-nn mwtm Part of Contingent Landed at Marseilles Rains Halt Movements On Western Front-Serbians, French and Russian Troops Menace Bulgarian Base at Monastir, Less Than Eight Miles Away-Germans Report Repulse of Russian Attacks By Ed L. Keen, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London, Sepk 19. German and French commanders felt out the opposing ' lines with surprise attacks last night while a heavy rainstorm impeded operations on the great Somme battlefield. As a result sharp fighting oc curred at points where there has been a lull for several weeks. . The Germans battered the Champagne front heavily in five attacks in force. Russian troops, part of the con tingent landed at Marseilles, stopped every assault, the French war office announced, inflicting heavy losses on the Teutons. The French struck northwest of Verdun. The Ger man war office admitted that German trenches were penetrated on Dead Man's hill, the burial ground for thousands of the crown prince's troops in the unsuccess ful attempt to take Verdun from the west bank of the Meuse. The only activity on the Somme front occurred south of the river where the French war office this afternoon claimed a slight advance east office admitted the British gains east of Ginchy and near Combles reported by General Haig last night but an nounced the repulse of all French attacks.- In the Balkans the pursuit of the Bulgars who have evacuated practically all northwestern Greece is being held up partly by Bulgarian counter attacks and partly by the necessity of bringing up allied artillery. Serbians, French and Russian troops are now menacing the Bul garian base at Monastir, now less than eight miles away. The German war office announced fresh victories over the Russians on the eastern front and the capture of 2,542 more prisoners. The German official statement reported the repulse of Russo-Rumanian .attacks in the Carpathians, near Dorna Vatra, with heavy losses and also the repulse of Russian attacks southeast ot Hatzeg.. i Serbs Fight Like Demons. I London, Sept. 19. Allied troops lisye crossed the Serbiun frontier at I two 'luces nnd arc advancing against the Bulgarian base at Monastir. Serbian soldiers are fighting on their native soil for the first time since their retreat through Albania last winter. . They have captured a series of heights' from the Bulgars at Kiimuhchnlnn and nave crosseu tne oeruo-ureeK border j north of I.nke Ostrovo. French and Russian troons tire en iuyed with tho Bulgars near Kenale, (Ml Serbian territory. Practically all ! the territory conquered by the Bulgnr- line appears imminent. The Ruinnninns inn right wing in the recent invasion ; have the advantages of a nnrrow front of Greece Ims already been recaptured protected On the flunks bv the Danube by the Serbs, French and Russians. and the sea and there is little doubt here The most savage fighting has occur-; that they will be able to repel the Teu r?d where Serbs nnd Bulgarian came . tonic attacks. in contact. Lager for revenge the Serbs ire flinging themselves at the Bulgars Germans Battle at Verdun. with knives nnd bayonets. Desperate Faris, Sept. 19. The Germans broke li.i'id to hand fighting was reported out with five violent attacks on the northwest of Lake Ostrovo.- Champagne front last night and at- The Bulbars have mnde almost no tempted a bold stroke ngninst Dead hlioug stand sinco their first strong Mans' hill, northwest of Verdun, where defensive positions were wrecked by- there has been little fighting for sev Fryirh and Serbian artillery. They era 1" weeks. lime moved steadily northward in re"-! The war office this afternoon an- When we see th ' grocer put a quart o' oysters in a pint bucket we kind o' fet-l like givio' up. It's wonderful more people are not run down by autos th way th' girls are dressin'. of Berny. The German war offered stubborn resistance but were '"Rain defeated by French nnd Russiun , Oordnnnier, French coin mnnder, established headquarters, in Fiorina and ordered the pursuit of the Hulgars continued, said an Athens dis patch today. Fighting with the allies near Fiorina were a number of It reek volunteers whose bravery was especially mentioned in dispatches from Athens. In Dobru- dja, the Kusso-Kuninniuii retreat has completely halted on. the strongly forti fied line south ot the (. onstnnza rail way and' an inmortunt battle nn this nonnced that Russian contingents de fending the Champagne front checked all the German attacks with screen fire. The onslaughts were delivered east and west of the Sounin-Somine-Py road, the Germans losing heavily. ' Bad weather hindered operations on the Somme front, but east of Berny the French progress, taking some prison ers. The attack on the Dend Man's hill ectot was directed against a trench captured by the trench yesterday but was repulsed. j The only advance on the Somme front j reported by the war office today", that east of Berny, drove deeper into the German lines the wedge that now di vides the Germans around Peronae from the Bavarian divisions operating near I'hnulnes. The object apparently was to extend the French gains in this re gion and improve the positions against the possibility of heavy German coun ter attacks. The recent fighting on the front south of the Somme left hundreds of German bodies lying in the open between the opposing lines. The Bavarians defend ed their positions with the greatest stubbornness and at many places the French advanced only after wiping out whole companies of enemy soldiers. German Give Up Trenches. Berlin, Sept. 19. The Germans have (Continued on Pai Seres.) ANOTHER ACCIDENT ON VANCOUVER BRIDGE . Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 19. Six workers on the Washington- Oregon interstate bridge over the Columbia river were suffer- iug today from broken bones and other injuries sustained , when their scaffolding collaps- ed and they fell forty feet to rocky earth. Work- on the bridge, is not interfered with. ELECTION BETS CHANGE New York, Sept. 19. Betting on the presidential election i more active to day than at any time during the cam paign. One wager of $10,000 on Hughes at 2 to 1 was reported. Wilson money is more plentiful today though, than for the past few weeks and odds on Hughes are wavering at 8 to 5. 14,000 NATIONAL Sham Campaign Is Giving the Troops An Abundance of Exercise New Bratinfcls, Texas, Sept. 19. The 14,000 national guardsmen engaged in the 8o niilo hilTe from Fort Sam Houstin to Austin, today resumed their northward march despite the fact they had just emerged from one of the most terrific battles ever fought on Texas soil. When the 10,000 men under Briga dier General Henry A. Greene ap proached this town late yesterday they round it held by 4,000 men under Brig adier General S. L. Kichardson, which had marched by a more direct route. There ensued a sham battle that for noise and excitement was near the real thing. Artillery, machine . gun and rifle fire echoed through the town for hours. General Funston, who witness ed (he maneuvers with his staff, pro nounced them a technical success. Greene's column Jeff for Hunter, ten miles north, today, following a route south of the Katy railroad. Kichard son 's men started for the same place, marching north of the railroad. At Hunter the two columns will unite and tomorrow will hike together to Blanco, i nines ocyonn. RED SOX DEFEAT Corrals First of Three Games and Reaches Hard for Pennant I Xavin Field, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19 mm.- tt.iiiii a i.uilll'llljl 1V1-1I iMIJL BCU1 ' ed first blood today in the series with Detroit that may determine tho-Amer- ienn league representative in the worlds series. The Boston crowd wal loped the junglers 3 to 1. Mays, hurl ing for the champions had little trou ble with the Tiger sluggers while Dauss largely because 'of wildness wns in trouble most of the time. The Tigers niy run came in tne rittn inning when Crawford singled, went to sec ond on an infield out and scored on lt,,...a B.nui. ... .,,,... 1 1,... .Mil," milium, iw lltlU. JVl'WUIl had several other scoring opportuni ties nut could not get to Alavs with moil u-flitinir llrtul.nn nnmirloil llfllllla nml lua aim. Cyossors, James and Bolnud for a total oi twelve nits. The defeat puts the Jennings elan a gitiuu uuu a nuir ucuinu ine pueemait ers. ' Official attendance 14,822. Xavin Field, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19. The Detroit Tigers and Boston .Red Sox collided this ntternoon for leader ship of the American league. They bat I ted before one of the largest mid-week crowds that ever paid to see a game ia Detroit. Oscar Vitt was unable to play for the Tigers and the Detroit infield was shift ed all around, with Young on third, iieilman on second and Burns at first. The line-up: Boston Hooper, rf; Janvrin, 2b; Shorten, ef.; Hoblitzell, lb; Leads, If.; Gardner, 3b; Scott, us.; Thomas, c; iunya, p. Detroit Bush, as.; Young, 3b: Cobb, c: Veach, If.; Crawford, rf.; Heilman, 2b; Burns, lb; Stallage, c; Dauss, p. Impires r.vans and Owens. The Game by Innings. First inning: Boston Hooper walk ed. Janvrin forced Hooper, Heilman to Bush. Shorten walked. Hoblitzel forced Janvrin at third, Dauss to Young. Lewis singled scoring Shorten. Gardner walked. Kcott fanned. One run. one hit. no errors. Detroit A foul tip from Bush's bat struck the Detroit shortstop in the face and the game was hnlteu. Bush fanned. Janvrin threw out Young. Cobb sing led and stole. Veach lined to Lewis. (Continued on Page Eight.) DEIIT 3 TO 1 JOHtlSOIl SLATED TO WINGS OF PARTY Five State Conventions Meet in Sacramento r This Afternoon r PROGRESSIVES WILL MAINTAIN THE PARTY Johnson Men To Be Chair men of G. 0. P. and Bull Moose Conventions Sacramento, Col., .Sept. 19. Governor Hiram W. Johnson, republican nominee for United States senntor, will abso lutely dominate not only the republican tttate convention, but also the progres sive state convention, when they meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Opposition to. Governor Johnson has been swept away over night. It is doubt ful if a score of voices will be raised against any motion of the administra tion in the convention. Many Jonnsoh adherents predict that the opponents will dwindle to less than 12 , by 2 o 'clock. The conventions of the five parties, republican, progressive, democratic, pro hibition and socialist, were to have met at 10 o'clock this morning, but were postponed at the last moment until 2, in order to give additional time for party caucuses and lininj up of delegates. While nothing definite has been de cided as to the chairmanship of the re publican convention, Frank H. Benson, of San Jose, will be chosen, it is ex- . From early niQinicJ there were con tinual conferences at the governor's office. Nearly all of the lltl qualified republican delegates arrived by noon today. John W. Stetson, of Alameda, and Percy V. Long, of San Francisco, two staunch Johnson men, win control the state convention of progressives. "The progressive party is to continue in California," said Long this morning. "A new state central committee will be named. It is probable thut the con vention will follow -the action of the national progressive committee nnd en dorse Hughes for president. I do not know just whnt the plans are, as there are so few delegates yet in the city." A dark horse from southern Califor nia is to be chosen chairman of the democratic state convention, according to rumor. The delegates from the south arrived nt noon. The democratic slate calls, it is said, for the choosing of C. K. Cushing, of San Francisco, for the chairmanship of the new state central committee. This committee will probably be re duced in number from 200 to 200. George S. I'utton, democratic nominee for United States senator, arrived from Chico this morning nnd will address the state convention this afternoon. POKER GAME STARTS REVOLVER BATTLE Quarrel Starts in Card Room But Ends in Fight On Street with Police Sun Francisco, Sept.19. The list -of dead from The latest outbreak in the Latin quarter may today total three or four. O. H. Katto, advertising man ager of L 'Italian Duily News and Jose Diaz arc both near death in local hos pitals. The trouble which occurred last night was the result of a dispute over gambling and the ensuing pistol battle resulted in the killing of l'ietro Due rent ami the wounding of Policeman Harry Smith, as well as Katto and Diaz. A quarrel between Diaz, Jose Bodri- guez and Alfonso Lopez was the cause of the trouble. Ducreat, acting ns peace maker was shot during the argument in an Italian rooming house. Immediate afterwards the three Mexicans ran into the street, shooting at any one seeking to stop them. A squad of police ap peared and a revolver battle with the Mexicans followed, in which Smith and Diaz were shot by direct fir? nnd Batto, who ran from his office to ascertain the trouble was struck when he unwit tingly ran into the line of fire. Rodriguez alleged today that Lopez had robbed him: after luring him to the rooming house. He admitted they were playing poker. "What are these tracks in the toft asphalt T "Somebody's impressions of our eity I a'pose." DOMINATE BOTH R MR MEXICO IS OF REVOLUTION Carranza Garrison at Chihua hua Whipped by One ; Fourth Its Number ONE THOUSAND TROOPS DESERT TO JOIN BANDIT .General Trevino Says Troops From the South Can Be Depended On By Webb MiUer. (United Press staff correspondent.) Kl Faso, Texas, Sept. 19. With six automobile loads of ammunition cap tured from the arsenal in the attack on Chihuahua City Saturday and with more than a thousand reeruitB from the Carranza ranks added to his forces, Pancho Villa today is reported fleeing back into the fastnesses of Santa Clara canyon, entering it by the east mouth. De Facto government troops from Chihuahua have abandoned the chase of the "fox of the Sierras" in the mean time new troops from Monterey and other points south are being rushed north to take up the trail of the bandits General Trevino, Carranz.a commander at Chihuahua City fears to use the men recruited from northern Mexico ngninst Villa, as they invnrinbly desert to him at the first opportunity. Military men here do not under esti mate the importance of Villa's attack on Chihuahua City and declare that all northern Mexico is now at the mercy of the bandit lender. They point out that the city is the strongest military fortress in the north and that it was defended by heavy artillery and a gar rison of 7,000 men. Despite this strength Villa, after openly boasting he would attack the city "independence day" made good his threat, entered the town, released prisoners nnd withdrew carry ing away ammunition and supplies and taking with him more than a thousand deserters from the Carranza garrison. ma Not DiBturD Americans. Scores of refugees from Chihuahua City arrived in Juarez last night, bring ing first hand accounts of the attack and confirming monger reports that the illistns overran the city and left it at their leisure. Only two civilian residents of the city were injured and none of the few American residents. In the early fight ing the Villistas herded all civilians who appeared ou the streets ihto a va cant building nnd kept them inside while the fighting was in progress. All incoming refugees from the south declare that a large number of de fncto troops deserted and marched away with Villa, with their arms and ammunition. Before beginning the retreat, six auto mobiles, commandeered by the bandits, were hacked up to the nrscnnl and load ed with ammunition. Four hundred Cnr- rnnzn mutineers guarded them on the march out. Most of the 1.200 political prisoners in the ienitentiary were released by the unstus. General Gonzules has reinforced the Juarez garrison with men and artillery. The Carranza officials frankly admit their fears of an nttnek upon Juiirez by Vina torces. So Successful That Great Fleets of Them May Be Feature of War Soon Loudon, Sept. 1. Great buttles be tween whole fleets and land dread- naughts may result from the introduc tion of the new "tank" or motor car monsters in the Somme fighting by the British, a Times correspondent at Bri tish headquarters suggested today. 'In one short hour," the correspon dent wired, "the tanks did more mili tary service and killed more Germans in uniform than nil the Zepeplins have ever done. "It may be that before this war is done, we, the 'Germans and all the ullies alike, shall be building other monsters, huger and each more horrible than the last until there will be laud battles of whole fleets of drcailnuughts and ter restrial monsters." Only one of the "tanks" wan. de stroyed in the Somme fighting, it was learned today. In the center of Bou leaux wood, where fierce fighting oc curred, one of the new monsters lies with its nose in the earth between op posing lines, forming a barricade for both British and Germans. How it was destroyed has not been revealed in dis patches from the front. AGAIN HOLLAND GIVES NOTICE . : The Hague, Sept. 19. Queen Wilhelmina struck a warlike lit note in her speech at the open- ing session of parliament to- 4c day. ' She told parliament that im- portant steps to strengthen the Dutch forces to resist any attack on the country's neutrality are being taken and that the supply of war materials and munitions is growing. She warned bellig- erents on both sides that Hoi-- lnnd ia prepared to resist such an attack. "We will fulfill the duties He that international law imposes upon neutrals," said the queen. "At the same time we have b trough- decided to defend our independence against whomever assails it." SAYS SHE WILL PAY THEN TOO, DIE Wife of Banker Suicide Will Work to Pay Depositors Who Lost Chicago, Sent Ifl. " shall work until every dollar is paid, and then 1, too, shall die. ' That was what Mrs. Joseph Tuma said today after she had recovered from the shock of hearing that her hus band had committed suicide yesterday when a run on nis private bank bad brought him near financial ruin. Tuma had a loan of $00,000 out and failure to collect it, made it impossible for him to pay his depositors, who had become alarmed bv the failure of sev eral private banks. He made vain at tempts to borrow siz.uuu to title over the emergency. "For years Joseph had worked as a clerk in a bank and then 12 years ago we started one of our own," said his widow. "Vear in and year out we worked hard and now it is for noth ing, Joseph wanted so much tu leave bis mark In the world. - "And now they say Joseph has kill ed himself. Poor Joseph, Well, the peoplo shall be paid. And then I shall join him. We worked together too long to remain separated." Skeleton Found Proves To Be That of Missing Hotel Clerk of Salem The skeleton of the body found last Friday in the underbrush of the Wil lamette five miles north of the city is evidently that of livin Springer, form er night elerk of the Marion hotel, ac cording to those who are in a position ) know. Irvin Springer, a son of Peter Spring er of this citv, night clerk of the Ma rion hotel, disnppeured on the night of Jnmutrv M, 111 1 fS, and notwithstanding the fact that the father had done ev arything to locate him, no word had been received to indicate whether he wns dead or living. Last Friilny a skeleton with purt of the clothing clinging to it vns round bv some of those looking for the body of Lelnnd Hendricks near the banks of tho river in Polk county whero it had evidently been washed during the freshet of lust February. The remnius were taken charge of by the corouer of Polk county tor an inquest. Identified by Keys. In the pockets were found a bunch of j keys and on the suggestion that theyi might possibly huvo been those of young springer they were brought to tho Ma rion hotel. One proved to bo a pass key thut was made especially for the locks of the Marion, unlocking the doors into all rooms. This pass key was in the possession of Springer when he dis appeared. Other keys were those for the Marion cash regiter, for the cigar room Bnd for the storage room, all of which were In Springer's possession when he disappeared. All of the 10 keys found in the clothing of the skeleton were those in the possession of Springer and no other person. Besides the iden tification by the keys found in the cleaning, Peter Springer, the father, went to Dnllus this morning and from an examination of the clothing, and es pecially a tie that had been presented to his son shortly before his disappear ance, is convinced that the remains are those of his son. The clothing had retained much of its color, notwithstand ing it had been in the wnter more than a year, and the tie was also easily Iden tified. Teeth Will Identify him. Another means of identification will be from the filling of the teeth. Short- 1 ir vrmtitf Snrintrpr d isn itnpn red. Dr. Mark Skiff had filled three of hie front teeth in such a way that they would be easily ideutified. Dr.' Skiff (Continued ?( Two.) REPORT OF HEALTH BUREAU SHOWS LUW UtAIII HAIt m a mm mm a mm mm Only 13.5 Persons Out of 1,000 Died in United States in 1915 THIS FIXES AVERAGE 1 OF LIFE AT 74 YEARS Decrease In Mortality Rate ia Ten Years One-Sixth Sanitation Did It Washington Sept. 19. Only 13.5 per sons out of every 1,000 in the United States died during 1915,' according tr figures by the United States hnreaii to- , day. This constitutes the lowest mor tality rate ever ever recorded in this country. . . . . , 'the widespread awakening of the people throughout the United States," said the bureau "together with th great progress in medicine and sanita tion has resulted in the saving of 170.- 000 lives during the year over 1905, a decade ago." . The decrease In the mortality rata ' during the decade is 10.7 per .cent, or almost one-sixtn the report said. ine most striking decrease dumis the period was registered in Rhode Is land, JO.U per cent. New York fol lows with a falling off of 14.6 per cent; New Jersey, 14.3; Massachusetts, 12.7; Indiana of .8 per cent. Michigan showed a slight increase of 4 5 of 1 per cent. Among cities of -100,000 or more in habitants, the tendency was still greater toward reduction. Newark, N. J., show ed a decrease of 2U.9 per cent; New iorK i:ity, Zn.H; l.os Angeles, 25; Jer sey City, 24.9; Pittsburg. 23.9; St. Louis, 22.9; Denver. 22.7t Peterson. K. J., 21.9; Han Francisco, 81.7. ,- Minneapolis showed an - increased death rate of 12.7 per cent during the decaue; Detroit 4 per eent; St. Paul, 7; Toledo, 7.7; Albany, 8.7, and Omaha, 0.1. Deaths by States Reporting. - - The death rate per 1,000 by states, in cluded in the 1915 registration was: run torn ia, 13.7. Colorado, 11.3. Connecticut, 14.9. Indiana, 12.7. ' ' Kansas, 10.1. Kentucky, 12.3. Maine, 15.0. Maryland, 15.S. Massachusetts, 14.5. Michigan, 13.4. Minnesota. 10.1. Missouri, 12. Montana, 11.4. New Hampshire, 10,1, New Jersey, 13.8. New York, 14.(1. Ohio, 13. Pennsylvania, 13.8. Utah, 9.9. Virginia, 14.2. Washington, 8.1. Wisconsin, 10.8. ROSEBUBCr SCHOOLS MAY HAVE A STRIKE ltosebnrg, Or., Sept. 19. Roschurg high school was in n turmoil toduy, with students threatening a strike as protest ngaiiist the removal of Dr. C. II. Cleaves, a popular ins. motor. City Superintendent Hamlin was hissed by the students when ho sought to address them, ANOTHER FOREST FIRE Sun Bernardino, Oil. Sept. 19. Another trucklond of men left here today for tho scene of the forest fire raging In Horse Thief canyon on the des- ert side of the C'a.jon Pass. Fears were expressed for the safety of the Santa Fe railroad lines running through the sceno of the fire. A number of ranch- ers' homes are believed endang- ered. A section crew from Summit has been fighting the fire since midnight, aided by several rang ers. THE WEATHER Oregon! To night and Wed nesday fslr, northerly winds.