EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPT. 18, 1916. "Munsing Wear," Second Week of In the Art Section a New Shipment of ORIENTAL GOODS DIRECT FROM JAPAN Japanese Bags, basket bottom, with cloth top and draw cord 25c, 35c, 50c Japanese Sewing Baskets, trimmed with colored tassel, beads, bracelet and coin $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 Japanese Lunch Sets, hand painted on silky fabrics $1.25 Japanese Paper Knives, carved, some with tassel 10c, 25c Japanese Embroidery Sets thread bag, pin and needle holder and shears, tassel, bracelet and con tainers, all matched, set $1.25 Japanese Ornamental Baskets, tassels, beads and coins are used on these, splendid for rose petals, etc. 69c Sweet Grass Baskets, priced at. . 95c, $1.15, $1.75 HTTAT ITV ATMn STCRVTrTC ilXJlcOjraioQQD Nmm,AVWWMrWMfWWW.WV.WAV.ViWi SASKATCHEWAN PREMIER DYING j Reginn, Snk., Sept. 18. Hon. Walter " JACK FROST CONFECTION ERY FOR SALE Good Buy. 12th and Ferry Sts. One Hundred Years of Progress From the large brick fireplace with its roaring fire and huge iron pots, with its uncertainty, smoke and dirt, to the modern, automatic gas range quick, cool and tidy is the change a century has made in cooking. It is the history of gas. The world is today celebrating the 100th anni versary of the discovery of gas. A hundred years ago gas was first put to use by man. Year by year its application was extended until. Gas Is the Fuel of Today Gas lights and warms man's home, cooks his meals, heats his bath, lightens labor in kitchen and laundry, consumes his waste. Gas has a thousand industrial uses in a thous and ways it increases man's efficiency by in creasing factory output, raising quality stand ards, cutting down expense. Undoubtedly you can use gas to advantage in your factory cer ' . tainly in your home. Call 85 and investigate. THE GAS COMPANY "Butterick Patterns" Our School-Time I Sale of Boys' Suits Many mothers bave taken advantage of the great savings offered in this event. Don't let this sale go by fit the boy out right in an "Extragood Suit" it will give him a . good start in school and besides you save a big amount on the purchase. Boys' $4.50 and $5.00 Suits Sale Price... ........ J3.95 Boys' $6, $6.50, $7.00 Suits Sale Price $4.95 Boys' $7.50 and $8.00 Suits Sale Price $5.95 I t .Scott, premier of Saskatchewan is be lieved dying here today of asthmu. Vis itors are barred. Secrecy guards hi1) ac tual condition. ELK IS SOME JUMPER San Francisco, Sept. 18. Hilt love laughs at locksmiths and carpenters. At Golden Gate Park zoo today, Reno, pride of the elk herd, leaped un 11 foot fence which haired him from his mnte. All Around Town COMINGEYENTS Today. Sept. 18. Opening day of city schools. Sept. 18. Willamctto Universi- . ty college year begins. September 20. Monthly meet ing Commercial club. Address by Harwood Hall and John H. Todd. .September 20. Cherrians attend l'olk county fair. Sept.. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. Oct. 4-5 0 Marion County In stitute, Salem. Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr. Carl Gregg Doney as presi dent of Willamette Universi ty. October 1017. Degree of Hon or convention. Oct. 18-19 Maccabee conven tion. October 17-20. Baptist, state convention, Salem. November 7. Presidential elec tion. November 0. City primary election. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass- n correctly. U. S. Bank. Bid.'. Gile & Co. of this city have bought the prune crop of Kd Weaver and S. 8. Johns, near Myrtle Creek, Douglas county. The price was 6'a cents. o- Fresh cider at Farmers Cider Works, 10c per gallon. sept21 o The river has been falling a little over an inch every day for the past five davs and now 5 of a foot low zero. At this was a foot lower. Drink Oereo, the tunc last year it llauia food, the health drink. Ask yonr grocer. tf , o The Spaulding Logging company i 45 cars behind on orders today. It probable that on account of the short age of cars at Nowberg, the plant will be closed the latter part of this week, at least for a few days until cars are received. No finer Btock anywhere than at Hartman Bros. Co., jewelers and sil versmiths. Stato and Liberty. Thursday with a maximum tempera ture of 83, Friday with S2 and Satur day with a maximum of 80 were the corn making days of September, as the weather is getting down to a regular September basis with a range yester day of from 74 to 50. Leading Jewelers and silversmiths llartmnu liros. Co., successor to Barr's. After waiting three weeks for Fords, tho following received theirs from the first car that arrived Saturday: T. J. Clark of rural route S; W. T. Davis, route 5; F. M. Mitchell, route 0; R. 1). (ireen, route 3s I.. G. Hulgin, route 4; 1.. W. Stocckle, 1040 Leslie street, and W. 1). Aliiright, til'4 North Commercial street. ....Dr. F. H. Thompson has his offices remodeled and specializes in Ear, Nose, Kye and Throat. 4.14 Bank of Com merce, tf The marriage certificate of the wed ding ceremony of Paul A. Kngnte and Miss V. Ruth Kugnte who were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. R. N. Avisou, is signed as witnesses by Vera (race I'lignto, a sister of the bride, and Glenn W. Fugnte, a brother of the groom. Be a booster smoke Hy grade cigars Salem's best for " cents. The mysterious mute who was picked up by the local police several days ago is still in the city ,iil awaiting exam ination lis to his sanity. When arrested he was engaged in picking up popped com from the street and putting it in to a paper sack. So tar us the police are aware he has not made a sound with his mouth since his arrest. Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician, 300 .l;isoniu blilg., phono 40V a Through the generosity of the U. S. national bank, those living in the country ami who have not taken the trouble to have their names on rural mail boxes will have them properly let tered. Henry l.ee tins the contract from the bank to mark every box that needs attention ami so far. has com pleted his work on routes tt, 8 and I). Best racing on coast. $16,000 In purs enis. Oregon State Fair, Salem, Sept. '.- to 30. Writing letters and failing to ad dress them or to improperly address them is unfortunate, but the Salem postoffiee continues to receive a reg ular supply, l'osted on the bulletin board in the post office lobby is a postal card that was not directed. It reads in part, "Dear Mother: Well we have hint two hot days, the only dry ones since we came here. Dora." o It's your fair, patronise it, boost it Oregon State Fair, Salem, Sept. 25 to :u. The third oar load of material for the new gnu generator of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company was received this moruiug and will soon be installed In the gas plant at I'heineketa and Waiter streets. Anoth er ear load is, due in a few days and when Installed, will increase the capac ity of the plant fifty per cent. The last generator received is of one of the later patterns increasing the plant 's general efficiency in making a more uniform ipiality of gns. Oregon State Fair, Salem, Sept. 25 to 30. Come. There seems to be an abundance of work for those who want to work. The Commercial club announces employ ment for threshing hands at $2 a day and board. o An Airedale dog, evidently a" thor oughbred, wearing a collar showing a Portland license of 1907, has come to 312 Water street. It is the theory thut the dog has become lost from some auto party. A permit has been issued at the of fice of the city recorder to V. A. Straw for tho building of an addition to the frame residence at 1800 South Water street. The estimated cost of the im provemcnt is 500. Mrs. George B. Vurney and Miss Lois Varney arrived in Salem yester- day from Phcnix, Arizona. Miss Var- ney win auenu Willamette university. the coming year. Mrs. Varney will re- main about a month. o Articles of incorporation were filed at the state corporation department; tins morning by the trustees of the imiy.Tiiy or ureaier romana, aim uy ine xicatn smpDuiiuing company 01 i oruano, me last named giving its cap- ital stock as $100,000. Chief of Police Welsh left last night for Arlington, where an arrest has been made of a man suspected of being the one who swindled Demas, the Hulem shoe shiner, out of Jiis hard earned wealth several weeks ago. He is ex pected to return tomorrow. The Riverside Dip is closed for the season. The Civic department of the Commercial club through whose efforts the lip was established this summer will soon issue a statement of the num- bc-.ber who have taken advantage of the Dip and also a financial statement. dragon's greatest object lesson Ischool. .State Fair, Salem, Sept. 25 to o E. B. Jones, whose automobile was stolen while he was attending services at the Methodist Episcopal church last night, found tho machine this morning at the corner of River and Marion streets.. The indicator showed that the car had been driven 60 miles. One of the tires had been blown out. A pair of fine gloves which Mr. Jones had left in the sent when ho went to church were still in the sent when the car was found. President Rufus C. Holman of the Oregon association of county lodges li nd commissioners has called a meeting of the association at Salem September llil for the purpose of securing funds for representing Oregon fnrin products at the International farm congress nt Kl Paso, Texas, October 17-2(. No mon ey is available from the state treasury for this purpose, nor from the agricul tural college, n nd it is up to the coun ties to contribute money if the stute is to be represented. o You'll be glad you came; yon'll go away satisfied. Oregon State Fair, Sept. 2o to 30. Here is a chance for some good citi zen to serve the Commercial club, and represent the city nt the Oregon state grocers association which meets at Pendleton Sept. 21, '22 and 23. Dele gates have not as yet been appointed tn represent the city but the impres sion among business men is that if the right man attends and presents the claim of Salem to the next meeting the chances lire favorable towards bring ing the association here at the next an nual session. o News from Camp Withycombe, re ceived by wny of Portland, is to the effect that the difficulty existing in Company M is being worked out. The report goes on to say "that there arc so many lawyers in the command that difficulties arise because of ' stump court' decisions not in harmony with those of the adjutant general of the t inted States. ' A sumcient niimiwr, or men nine iitivru, ui wn -new onth to permit the company to be .a , ...1 ...11 ....... thai recognized, aim recruits win no scciin n afrer the return of the company to Sa lem. Night Horse Show, Oregon Fair's newest attraction; Salem, 23 to 30. State Sept. Floyd M. Rush, the 16 year old school boy who enlisted in the- army last week to take up wireless work, was just a natural burn wireless operator. His father snvs thnt from the time he was 11 years old he was Interested in the subject, beginning his experiments in telephoning with two tin cans and a wire. His wireless plant was all home built and the day before he enlisted, a message from the government 's wire less at Los Angeles had been taken. Al though he will enlist at the private's pay, fifteen dollars- a month, in the wireless work his advancement will be rapid. He was a pupil at the junior high school. Is Your Child Handicapped in His or Her Physical Development by Defective Vision? You should make sure by a thorough examination at the hands oI a competent optometrist, that your child is not among this vast army of little cituonj who suffer from defective eyesight. Delays often result seriously. We make these .examinations by the most scientific, accurate meth ods. If your child does not needglasses we "will tell you so frankly. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 20S-9 Hubbard Of the Dozen Skipping Sat urday Night, All But Three Caught All even dozen girls ra.'s away from the state industrial school lnte Satur day afternoon, and at this time three of them are still at large. f?ix of the girls were found .Saturday night hiding in fields several' miles from the institu tion. Three more were picked up lust night at Jefferson. The three who are still at large are Alma Koork and Jessie Felton, of Tort- land aud vvimlred Colmvell, of Ash- .land. When they made their escape the girls were sitting on the porch of the school working on an exhibit for the state fnir Hnddonlv fMnn Stlinnnnr.l nf Pnrt. ' laud, who is given creditor planning the affair and who was one of the first! to be captured, jumped to her feet and cried, "All ready, girls, go." Miss' i-inejiparu is reporieu 10 nave put up n llolif urban ,1 1 .,,.,,. .1 i l.wi;,,,. I,,, !,- officers, ...... vvl , .u,g "": Tt i the oriinion of Mrs. Honkins. superintendent of the school, that a ma- -jority of the girls involved in the break have any 'grievance. (She states that those who have been returned seem triad to be back. The girls told th.e officers satisfied with the treatment "given them by one of the attendants at the school BORN WHITE To Dr. and Mrs." Oilison T, White, Sunday September 17, l!)l!i, nt their home 23,0 .Myrtle avenue a daughter. ut. wnite is a dentist with offices in the Kldridge block. i m The government is not quite through with tho boys in kahki nt Clackamas and there will be several days delay on account of special physical exami nations to be taken before the 'boys arc mustered out. This will postpone the reception and banquet until the latter part of the week. In the mean time the Salem Patriotic league is go ing ahead with plans for the banquet and reception and the ladies promise the boys all they can ent of the best chicken pie ever made in Oregon. For the informal talks and welcoming ad dresses, a limit of about two minutes has been placed on the orators of the evening. This reception will be held in the, armory by the ladies of the Pa triotic leat'iie, assisted by the families of the returning soldiers. Congressman Hawlcy arrived home Friday evening. After a day or two in iiis office in the city, he will begin taking up the general work of repair Iris political fences and addressing county fairs and divers kinds of meet ings, ns there is an election for con gressman in this district November 7 and Mr. Hawlcy happens to be the Re publican nominee. With this in mind, lie will speak at Oregon City Wednes day of this week, at the county fair and at Dallas Thursday at tho fair. Friday will be given to attending a sessiou of the Portland Realty board in n discussion of government aid to public highways. Saturday Mr." Haw lcy will go to Forest drove. Monday an address will be given hefurc the woniens Republican club in Salem and the remainder of next week to siiak- nig hnnds with the constituency who happen to be attending the state fair, If a child's Right is imperfect, cor rect glasses should be obtained at I once. If this is done, the child usually J grows out of the trouble but other jwise the defect increases until glasses i are needed for life, while a cure bo- imnossibl Many children's school hours are a torture because of detective vision. The child verv often does not realize its defects, and the parent does not suspect trouble thin, makes it neces sary for examination o discovert the defective sight. j 1 have corrected thousands of chil- dren's eyes' and if after making ex-1 amiiiOjtiou I find glnsses are not ; needed, I will frankly tell yon. I do ; not experiment w ith your eyes and ; iny charges are very reasonable. use no drugs or drops in making examinations. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN,; Rooms 209-210-211 j United States Nat'l Bk. BldgJ - In Xew York t'lty alone the school committee reported that 136,000 children have defective eyesight. In many cases the re sults were stupidity, backward ness or various nervojis ailments. Bide. Phone 109. I Ib3 czziizzscssiiinnanQHnnacnncnBcnsaEzs n ii ii ii El n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii u n H ii II II Announcement The Store located at 341 North Commercial street, and owned by Mr. Glaney, was taken over by Mr. E. L. Stiff & Son, and will be under the management of Frank Richter, where a ful line of new and Second Hand Furniture will be carried. Your old furniture will be taken in exchange for new. i U jJ m II II I 1 mm ; I PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds .of repairing. All work guar- anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phone US7. U'jsidenee phono 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 913 .Highland Avenue. Notice to Farmers Woodry the auctioneer will sell your farm stock. Sales for 2 per cent and guarantee satisfac tion. 1'hone 511. Wanted I will pay ' you the highest cash price for your used furni ture. Phone 511, Woodry the auctioneer. EflBHBBBki AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture at 436 South Sixteenth Street, on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1916 Commencing nt 1:30 p. m., consisting of 1 good d hole range with water front j and reservoir. . I 2 extra good heaters. j 2 dressers, 4 beds, 2 good rugs 9x12; 2 squares linoleum 9x12, 1 round oak! extension table, fall-leaf table, 1 oak! sideboard, 1 longue in green velour, 1 j library table, 1 coinodc, stand, table,. 10 dinners, 2 fumed oak rockers with Vigh backs and Spanish leather seats "new." 3 other rockers, garden hose, axes, spade, kitchen utensils and dishes, and other things. Everybody come. Terms cash. Mrs. L. W.'Yoho, Owner. F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer, Phono 5I1. Use the Journal Want Ad Wny. Low Round Trip Fares to DALLAS ACCOUNT Polk . SEPT. 19-21 ON SALE SEPT. 18-21 Inc. SALEM to DALLAS and Return - 60c. Fares from other stations in proportion. Return Limit Sept. 23rd. Ask local agent for further information JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific 1 t Salem-Independence Auto Service EDMUND SON & BURNER, Props Phone 030 or 12oa Leaves Salem, cor. State and Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. Leaves Independence opposite Postoffiee daily. 9:00 a. m., 12:,S0 p. m., 4:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Fare, 50c Extra Cars for Country Trips. - M STENOGRAPIiEUS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Cartons? Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed trcm Each Sheet. Colombia Carbon Fa?er l!f. Oo. 83rd k Broadway, Portland, Ore. . m When in SALEM, OEEOON, ttoy BLIGH HOTEL Silctly Modern Free and Private Baths KATES: 75c. 11.00, $1.50 FEB DAT The only hotel in. the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Horn. T. O. BLIGH, Pro. Both Phones; Free Anto Eos. CAR5 or ,DUrF API; Any kind Any time Journal Want Ads Get Results Ycu V7ant Try one and see. County Fair t ! t ! t