ft r Kj FULE LEASED W ' WERE DISPATCHES K ' : CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DALLY - ' Cm.' THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 195 SALEM, OREGON, SAEffRTaY, SEPTEMBER 31916 HTWT? rpnrri rTvrrrx3 OH TBAIN8 JJTD KBWa ivN-a 1"" xo HTAvna nn mwrm Idtrif til fflwi f mmrarifir GERMANS RraMK Many Important Positions Taken byritish Troops In Last Night's Fighting-Strong Position at Thiepval About to Fall-Russo-Ruraanian Army Stops Retreat and Pre pares for Battle-Germans fight Stubbornly and Their Loss Is Appalling By Ed L. Keen, (United Press Staff Correspondent) ' London, Sept. 18. The most desperate Teutonic coun ter attacks have, failed to stop the onward sweep of the Anglo-French armies on both sides of the river Somme. The German war office this afternoon admitted the loss of Bernv, Deniecourt and positions between Barleux and Vermandovillers in the new French drive south of the river. The capture of Deniecourt has not yet been announced from Paris though an official statement issued at noon reported the village surrounded. The French war office last night reported the capture of Berny and .Vermandovillers. . ' " . North of the Somme the British closed in on Thiepval last night after repulsing German attacks, General Haig reported, and captured enemy positions south of the town. Aside from the allies' success on the Somme, the word that the Russian and Rumania forces have halted their retreat in southeastern Rumania and are now making a stand against the Teutons was the most encouraging news from the allied standpoint reaching London this afternoon. The German war office announced that the Ttusso-Rumanians have been reinforced and are now pre paring to give battle to protect the important Constanza railway line which guards Rumania's communications via the Black sea. A dispatch from the Rome reported that the Italians have broken through the Aus trian third line east of Monfalcone and are now within less than thirteen miles of Trieste, chief goal of the Italian armies. Thiepval Seems Doomed. London, Sept. IS. British troops be Snn closing in upon Thiepval last nilit. after capturing Mouqet 'farm and took several German trenches south of the village, General Haig reported this aft ernoon. West of Mouqet farm, the Germans, resisting desperately the advance of the British pincers, entered a British trench ly n heavy counter attack,' Imt were later driven out. Thiepval village position which tins h-ld up the progress of the British left wing since the Somme offensive be gun July 1, was made most precarious for the Germans by the loss of the well fortified Mnnqet farm yesterday. North of Mnrtinpuich, Haig 's 'men im proved their positions Inst night and onst of Courceletto a minor attack on 'ncmy trenches was successful. "The Ger mans bombarded various parts of the British line with great violence Inst niiiht, as if in preparation for a counter attack. Forty thousand Germans have been killed, wounded or captured since the Anglo-French armies resumed the of fensive on the Somins with buttering blown that bent back the Teuton lines. Fighting is Furious. The fighting continued last niitht iiortn ami suutii or tne river with the greatest fury. The Germans were still be poured back intu Europe at the end clinging desperately to the village ofiof the war bv American tourists and Jiomerourt, under heavy French fire. immigrants, who will return to their nnd making counter attacks against 1 home countries to aid in the work of re Berny an, I Vermandovillers. lost to the : hnbilitation. French yesterday afternoon. I American curiosity to see famous bnt- TSortJi of the river British artillery I tie fields and the desire of aliens to checked one German counter attack aft-1 plnv a part in rebuilding the war torn er nnother with storms of shrapnel and' eitips nf their cniintrviilon n-ili .n,l Who remembers when our Presidents, were rarely ever In Wahtn'tonf Theivulge the number of passages already consumers are full o' grievances, but ' booked. These booking are made in tnrr n or no strike. bureau of the United Press at the same timo opened n bombardment on Urnnrticourt and Lesars, on the two highways lending to Rapnume. The allied successes have had a most profound effect in Berlin, according to the Hague dispatches toilnv. The tier mans had been led to believe that the Somme drive had been halted by the in ability of the British capture of Flora Courcclette line and to brenk through the German defenses around Thiepval. The German papers are now prepuring the public for the early evacuation of both Peroune and Combles, and pointing (Continued on Page Five.) AMERICANS TO EUROPE ENDS SAY New York, Sept. IS. Millions of dul- liir; puuii-u miu mis country ny warring Knronenn nnwers fnr immitimw nr t money flooding back to Europe, accord-; iug to indications at steninshio offices here today. Taking as an estimate, ns viewed by steamship officials, that 100.000 Amer icans will visit Europe during the first year after the war, anil that they will spend an average of $1,000 each, $100, OtMi.OOO will be returned to the Euro pean countries within 12 months after peace is restored. Europe, will of course, De a greater place than ever before, after the war, steamship men point out, and consider ing the wealthy Americans who will vii.it the continent as well ns those of more moderate means, the estimate of 1,000 each as the amount they will spend, is regnrded as low. t Many Apply for Passage. Inquiries and applications for passage on the first ships to sail from the I' til ted Stntos after the war are rolling into the booking offices by hundreds, and causing steamship companies to make every preparation to handle the biggest trans-ocean traffic in history after the war. But two companies the North Ger-mnn-Lloyd and the Hamburg-American line are actually accepting tentative bookings, in the fact of uncertainty at tn the terminntinn nt thi wnp Hnmhtirir. American line officials refused to di- the order of receipt and are subject to CHANGES TO BE MADE Republican Leaders Hold ConferenceStone at Headquarters Chicago, Sept. IS. Radical changes in speaking plans for the western re publican presidential campaign were ex pected as a result of the conference of the national advisory committee of the republican party here today. Alvi T. Hert, western manager, was back after a conference with eastern political leaders and Frank H. Hitch cock reported on his personal examina tion of the situation in Illinois. Among those present were Theodore E. Burton, Ohio; James Wilson, former secretary of agriculture, Iowa; J. H. Hitchcock, New York; Victor Bosewat er, Nebraska; James R. Garfield, Ohio; Nicholas Murray Butler, New York; James N. Hemeuway, Indiana, and Wil liam R. Willcox, national chairman, is expected tonight. Senator William Joel Stone, of Miss ouri, arrived at democratic western headquarters today as a member of the senatorial campaign committee. He will spend most of the time here until elec tion. Two special ears are to carry demo cratic women to the Springfield state fair Thursday, it was announced at cam paign headquarters today. General Mills Passes Very Suddenly Today V Washington, Sept. IS. Major Gen eral Albert L. Mills, chief of the di vision of militia affairs, U. 8. A., died at his home here today of pneumonia. He had been ill only twelve hours. General Mills was chilled while mo toring yesterday afternoon and was stricken during the night. His wife and daughter, Mrs. Laurson, wife of Lieutenant E. L. Laurson of the Etev enth cavalry, were with bim w'.ien ho died. General Mills was only recently pro moted to the rank of major general. For two years he was president of the army war college. He was awarded the congresional medal of honor July 28, 1902, "for dis tinguished gallantry in action" near Santiago, Culm, July 1, 1898, in en couraging near him by his bravery and coolness after being shot through the head and entirely without sight." In addition to a wife and daughter, General Mills leaves a son, Lieuten ant Chester Mills, Ninth I,'. S. cavalry, now stationed in the Philippines. COLD WAVE HITS IOWA lies Moines, Sept. '18. Seven Iowa points today reported freezing temper atures last night. Iowa City and Keosauqun registered 28, the coldest reported in the Unitetd Slates'. Light to heavy frosts occurred Sundny night over central nnd eastern Iowa. Warm er weather is predicted for tomorrow. WILL RUSH WHEN WAR OFFICIALS cancellation,. The North German Lloyd has 107 passengers booked for the first vessel to sail after tho close of hostili ties. The International Mercantile Marine, which controls the American line, the Atlantic Transport, the White Star and the Red Stnr lines, is making prepara tions for record traffic both east and west bound, according to J, B. Lindsay, booking airent. 1'ncertnintv ns tn rates however, and dates of sailings, pre vents maintenance ot a passenger list. 1 runs-ocean passenger and freight rates may take a jump after the war, Lindsay says, because of conditions which will increase the cost of opera tion. Expect Oreat Bush. " However, this is a matter of specu lation,' said Lindsay, "and it 'is too early to give it great consideration." The International Mercantile Marine now has four ships under construction nnd tentative plans are ready for the construction of several more to handle the anticipated rush of traffic from America to Europe, and the flood of Eu ropean goods which will be thrust upon the American market. Cuuard and Anchor line officials said they were prepared to handle heavy traffic nnd that their vessels were be ing kept in shape that they may be put in service immediately an armistice or peace is declared. Inquiries coming to the office of C. B. Stock of the Cunnrd line, indicate that many of those desiring to return to Europe immediately after the close of tho war ore foreigners who have come to America, become wealthy and now want to go to their tiome countries and aid in the work of rehabilitation. Applications for first class passage have been received in several instances from aliens who come to this country in the 'steerage, VILLISTAS LOSE MANY IN RAID CHIHUAHUA CITY Claim Made That Bandits Lost 200 Killed In - the Attack COMMANDER TRf VINO SHOT BY ONE OF HIS MEN ;Qne Third of Garrison Joins Villa Attack Arouses Enthusiasm a EIOHTT-SVEN SHOT El Paso, Toxns, Sept. 18. Eighty-seven Villistas captured by Carrangistas after the ban dit attack on Chihuahua City Saturday were lined up before firing squads Sunday morning and executed. Among the pris-, oners was Colonel Mariano Tames, who mutinied from Juarez with 100 nieh and joined, the Villistas. j By Webb Miller. (I'nited Press staff correspondent.) El Paso, Texas, Sept. 18. All north ern Mexico is in turmoil todny as re ports of Villa's attack upon Chihuahua City early Saturday spread throughout the country. Four thousand de facto troops from Monterey are being rushed to Chihuahua City and other points, while two columns of cavalry are pursu-1 lug the Hying ha mh IB toward Santa' Clara canyon, acco.oing .to reports gi-r- en out by General Gonzales, Carranza' commander at Juarez. Despite reports given out by Carranza officials that Villa was badly defeated, the effect of his attack following his threat to shout "grito" iu the city of Chihuahua on in dependence day was to rouse the enthus iasm of the people. Iu Juarez troops are patrolling every street in order to pre vent an outbreak of pro-Villa feeling. Three Carranza officers who deserted when the bandit attack on Chihuahua commenced and rode north to catch a train ,are in El Paso early today. Ac cording to their story, the Villistas at tacked the town in two columns one murching straight to the penitentiary without a shot being fired upon them, the other column driving the Carrnnzis ta soldiers before them to the palace. When it was seen that the penitentiary was doomed to fall, Carrnnzn officers ran through the corridors, shooting po litical prisoners through the bars. About 20 were killed iu that manner. Then the doors wero broken down by the Villistas who rushed iu nnd rescued General Salaznr. General Trevlno Shot. General Trevino, Carranzistn com mander, was shot by one of his own men, these officers declnre and about one-third of the garrison mutinied and went over to the bandit leader. The Villistas lost about 200 men, ac cording to best estimutes while the Car rnnzista losses were not announced but were said to bo very heavy. As the Villistas left the prison and started to cut their way through the government troops, hand to hand fight ing took place in the streets. The streets wero swept by shell fire, killing de fac to soldiers nnd bandits alike. For an hour after Villa hud evacuated it, can non fire was kept up on the paluce. The Carranzistn did not immediately pursue when the bandits finally rut their wuy through the lines. Once out side the city, the Villistas reformed and marched away in good order across the Rio Churisear, proceeding northwnrd to ward Santa Clara canyon. By military men here it is believed Villa did not intcud to occupy Chihua hua City but that his purpose was to muke a demonstration for its effect up on the American-Mexican mediation conference. Villa's men started evacu ating the prison before shell fire was opened on them. The bandits suffered their heaviest losses on the retreat as the cannon of the garrison got the range. At Mexico City it was announced that six hundred Villistas had been kill ed or enptured. This is about three times the actual casualties. Villista losses were 153 dead and 80 wounded, according to a message re ceived by General Gonzales at Juarez. Carranzista losses were not announced but were said to be much heavier. Villa Shows Carranza's Weakness El Paso. Texas, Sept. 1. Military officials here view Pancho Villia's at tack on Chihuahua City as entirely suc cessful in its purpose because it dem onstrated the helplessness of the de facto government to control the bandit chief's nativities. For weeks Villa has been hovering around the city while Carranza authorities announced they bad him surrounded and were alout to crush the bandit and his followers. Early last week Villa made -open (Continued on Page Betes.) COMMISSION HITS STUMP OH STEPS TO Mexican Commissioners Fail ' to Meet Requirements In This WANT WITHDRAWAL AND THIS UNCONDITIONALLY Pershing's Forces Cannot Be Recalled Until Protection Is Provided By Carl D. Groat. (I'nited Press staff correspondent.) New London, Sept. 18 The American ud Mexican commissioners in session here today faced the first situation re sembling a row which has arisen since their sessions opened. It was learned that General Bliss definitely Recommended to the commis sioners the withdrawal of the American expedition from Mexico, concurring with General Funston. But the com missioners came near to a split over what steps should be taken as reenrds a border patrol after the American with drawal. Mexican Commissioner Caberern told the Americans ho could not discuss col lateral issues on which they have in sisted. They must take up withdrawal first and tiualiy, lie. sunt. liesuming work after the week recess the American group found thut its evidence failed to show conclusively Carrnaza's abilitv to do all the United States would have him do for protection of American interests. The Mexicans on the other hand held that early with drawal o'fythe American troops is essen tial, to progress, iu -.quieting ami, reviv ing Mexico, Carranza, Caberera indicated, has seen stories to the effect that stress wns being laid on internal affairs. Both Carranza and Caberera are displeased at this, though as a matter of fact the American commissioners have sought to settle the basic problems of Mexico before determining upon border mat ters. Caberera insisted that his powers were limited to the discussion of with drawal und protection of the border, lie indicated to newspaper men that matters are not altogether hopeless and that the afternoon session may clear the atmosphere. The American group of commissioners were silent, though up pnrently disturbed. Indications are evident that the Mex ican commissioners failed to meet in any sort of a satisfactory degree re quirements us to their share of the bur den of future protection although the American arbiters professed no intent of being arbitrary. GUARD BORDER BLACKMAILING GANG CAUGHT IN CHICAGO HAD" EARNED" MILLION Chicago, Sepf. IS. Additional arrests of men) tiers ot the alleged national blackmailing gang were expected today by I'nited States operatices and police working here on the big plot. H. C. Woodward said by iuvesigators to be the brains of the gang, is being sought and H. S. Clabaugh, federal investigator, said today that federal au thorities have positive clews that will lead to his arrest and that of another woman, iu a few days. Clabaugh also announces that Kichard Barrett and Edward Thomupsoii, whom he says were formerly members of the gang, have agreed to testify for the state. Their stories are said to have caused Sunday morning's raid. The federal authorities stated today that they had in their possession names o'f a number of Chicago men nnd wo men, many of them rich who have been victimized by the band. They will be called into court to testify tomorrow if their stories are deemed necessary to the government's ease iu securing the removal of the eight under arrest. Clabaugh said he had been advised that two men under arrest had been al lowed to give bond in Philadelphia aud New York and hail slipped away. Wire tapping schemes of magnitude, as well as bluckmailiug operations, are said to have been worked by those under arrest. Secured Million Dollars. Chicago, Sept. 18. Over a million dollars in said by government agents to have been secured from rich men and women all over the I'nited States bv four men and three women held here todny on federal warrants under I prohibitive bail. The members of the blackmailing band will be arraigned before tho fed leral authorities here Tuesday for proceedings seeking to return them to HUGHES STARTS OUT Accompanied by Mrs. Hughes Will Keep Busy Until Election Day By Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) x New York, Sept. 18. Invigorated by a five days' rest, Charles E. Hughes left New York at 8 a. m. today on his second campaign tour, and from now on will be on the road almost constant ly uniil election day, November 7. Mrs. Hughes found at the last moment that she could arrange her affairs so as to accompany her husband, and was with the candidate when their train pulled out for what will be on of the most energetic campaigns ever attempt ed by a presidential candidate. Hughes will spread his doctrine of republican ism in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York when he returns here September 21). The schedule calls for an average of IS speeches a day. The Hughes party left iu the car "National," attached to a special train. The entire train was made up o'f five cars to care for the party of 35, including secretaries and newspaper men. During the trip the nominee will at tend three state fairs aad will wind up his trip at the informal state republi can convention at Saratogo. N. Y., Sep- lemoer zs. Eleven Stage Stars to Make Perfect Woman New York, Sept. 18. Take the legs of Anna Pavlowa, the body of Char lotte, Hippodrome skater, hands of El sie Ferguson, eyes of Jane Cowl, mouth of Billio Burke,, hair of Mnrgofc Kelly, nock of Mary Garden, Martha . lied man's note.- the chin of Mae Marsh, Pixie Gerard's shoulders and Anna Pennington's feet and you would have a perfect woman.' At least this is th opinion of a majority of the chorus girls nt the Hippodrome. A ticket to the world's series was hung up as a prize for the best selection made from eleven, stage stars to. form an ideul composite woman. , Pavlowa '8 legs ran fnr ahead in the contest. Annette Kellenuan 's body was a close second to Charlotte's and Anna Held, Maxine Elliott and Julia Mar lowe crowded Jane Cowl for the eye honors. sjc sjc sjc )c ))c sc sfc sfc ))c sfc s(c 3C FOOD PRICES IN VIENNA London, Sept. 18. Food dis orders have broken out in Vienna, said a Geneva dispnteh to the Exchange Telegraph to day. Beef is selling at $4 a pound and rice at $2 a pound. There is terrible distress among families of working men, the dispatch added. Philadelphia for trial. The charge on which removal will bo sought is the kidnapping of a government witness at Philadelphia. Mrs. Edward A. Klipper of Phil adelphia who is said to have given 400 to tho swindlers was notified by the federal district attorney she would be called as a government wit ness. The wire hnd been tapped and before the marshal arrived a man representing himself to be the deputy marshal, culled and asked Mrs. Klip per to go with him to the train. She awoke in Montreal, where she was de tained. Mrs. Klipper is expected in Chicago lute today to testify tomor row. The tango parlors, hotels and clubs of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlantic City and other large cities and said to have been the favorite hunting grounds of the band. They have engaged Charles E. Erbstein, a well known criminal lawyer and ex pect to have a strong fight for liberty. Woman Were the Bait. The women of the party are alleged by government authorities to have been used to fntrap rich men into compromising positions and then blackmail them. The men are said to have similarly entrapped rich women. The person's held in the county jail on federal warrants are: Edward Ttombue. ullias 'Doc" Donahue-, Mrs. Edwnrd Donahue, Mrs . Helen Evers, alias Mrs. George W. Brown, Henry Kussell, James Christian, alias H. J. Cross, George Bland, Mrs. Frances Allen, alius Mrs. trances Chsnman. The number blnckmailed in Chicago is estimated at from 75 to 100. Hauls (Continued on Pape Sevea.) YITNES 1 HE SAW BILLINGS PLACE-IT CASE Says He Thought from Action He Had Stolen It So Watched Hb PUT CASE ON WALK JUST before: explosion Prosecution Will Call Other Witnesses to Corroborate This Story San Francisco, Sept. 18. Efforts to impeach the testimony of important state witnesses by showing that th By may bnve been offered or received mon ey by the police created a sensation during today's session of the trial of Warren K. Billings on charge of murder n connection with the pre pored nets day bomb explosion. This is believed to be the "bomb shell" which counsel for the defense havo been intimating they would ex plode in the rase. Attorney McNutt in timated this course of action by the de fense while cross examining John Mc Donald, a state witness who testified thut he had seen Billings place a suit case at Steuart and Market streets just prior to the explosion. McUonnld testified that bis attention was culled to the man, whom he identi fiefd as Billings by the man's peculiar actions. He declared be saw Billinga come down Steuart street from the di rection of Mission. He was carrying m suitcase and was continually glancing; bout. Witness said he believed at the time the man had stolen the suitcase so he watchod his actions closely. After placing the esse near the saloon on the corner. Hillings according to the witness, entered the saloon and later emerged with a. man, whom the witnesa identified as -Thomas Mooney. -also charged with murdor. BtucK to ilia Biory. The two then separated, testified Mc Donald, Billings going bnck toward Mis sion Btreet and Mooney disappearing; inro tno crowi. nenruy. Cross examining the witness. Attor ney McNutt vigorously assailed the tea timony. ' Do vou know a barber namcu rrnnic Siindayt" Witness said he did. "Did vou ever tell Sunday that, aa though in a dream, you bad Beon a man plant the suitcase and later, when talk ing with Sunday and a laborer named Beach, sny 'when those fellows go over tho rond I'll get niino nnd I'll go east in parlor cars.' And another day didn't you say you were getting paid for the work a day, which you thought the state was paying fori" To both of these questions McDonald answered "no." McDonald denied he told Captain. Itockwnv of tho Salvation Army "I'll go back to Baltimore oa cushions when I get miuo and these guys, innings ana Mooney are railroaded." It is now believed that Sunday will bo the first witness called by tho de fense, which will nttempt to refute the testimony of McDonald. Itockwoy will also be called. W1U Corroborate Story. San Francisco, Sept. 18. The strong est evidence yet presented by the Btate in the triul of Warren K. Billings, dyna mite bomb suspect is expected thin morning, following the announcement of the district attorneys orrice uiai ex perts to close its direct case by noon. i,.i, ,, M,.Ii,,,,nl,l mill others said to have actually seen BillingB plucing a heavy suitcase nt the corner wnere ir moments Inter there occurred an explo- ioii causing nine aentns ore io u laced on the stand this forenoon. Tli., ih.'fitnHA lines not exncct to in troduce all of the 100 witnesses sub- poenaed, according to Chief Counsel dcNutt, McNutt 's success in Darrina; ertain phases of the prosecution's the iry from the case renders these wit lesses unnecessary, says Billings' at torneys. iu,itnl nnd mir-rebnttal on both sides is certain, both seeking in ns way to weasen mo witnesses upp ig them. THE WEATHER t "3CHO01. A ( opens 7bDA7 Oregon: To night and Tues day fair, norther ly winds.