Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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;f SVLillinery g
The Largest Selection of jt
French Sr
Millinery ' 4
tAr Including popular priced
yi Hats you will find in the city ftby
yw French -
P$l t ' :I59 State St. r4
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Prohibition Candidates to
Speak From Court House
Steps at 7:15 a. m.
Thomas R. Marshall Delivered
Speech of Acceptance at
Beauty devotees nre enthusiastic over
the beautifying qualities of morcolizcd
war. Nothing discovered within recent
ycarg accomplishes no much, no quickly
without hnriii. at such Biuall expense.
The principal reason for its wonderful
merit is tuut il works in harmony with
physiological laws, Instead of hiding
complexion delects, it removes them. It
actually takes off the aged, faded, sal
low, freckled or blotchy surface skin,
gently, K r it 1 1 tui 1 , causing no inconvcii
ienco. It is untiire's way of renewing
eomplexions. When the natural process
Is retarded because of deficient circu
lation or nerve tone, mcrcoliy.cd wax
ciiincs to the rescue and hastens the
skin shedding. The new complexion
which appears is a natural one, youth
ful, healthy, exquisitely beautiful. If
you've never tried inereolirod wax, get
nil ounce of it at the drug store, use ut
night like cold cream, wusning it off
in the morning.
Another natural beautifying treat
ment for wrinkled skin is tu bathe
tho face in a lotion made by dissolving
an ounce of powdered snxolite in a half
'i nt witch hazel. This is remarkably
mid instiiiituiieously effective.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 15. First snow
of the season was reported falling at
Little Palls, Minn., today, while tem
peratures remained below f reeling, l.ate
orn slid vegetables were damaged.
(South Dakota points reported freezing
damaging gardens. Corn having hard
ened, wus benefitted rather tliaa dam
gcd. $
Soap should be used very carefully,
if you want to keep your hair look
ing its best. Most sonpa and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali. This
Iriea the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is just
rdinirp mulsified eocoanut oil (which
is pure and grcascless), mid is better
than the most expensive soap or any
thing else you ran use.
One or two teasoonfula will cleanse
the hair and sculp thoroughly. Simply
moisten the hair with water and rub it
in. It makes an abundance of rich,
jrreamy Utiier, which rinses out easily,
removing every particle of dust, dirt,
drndruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
the scalp soft, and Hit. baid fine and
ailky, bright, lustrous, fluffy- and easy
to manage.
You can get mulsified coeonnnt oil at
any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a
few ounces will supply every member
f the family for months.
A filosoffer announces that Modes
ty is nothing but Imagination. Then
tills is a mighty unimaginative age.
Between $20,000 and $25,
000 In PremiumsOpens
Dec. 4 at Portland
The sixth nnniial Pacific. Internation
al live stock exposition will be held
at the Piiion stock yards, North Port
land, Oregon, December 411, 1 1) I It.
This exposition is entirely education
al as (here is no entry fee, no admis
sion charge or revenue of any kind. It
is held simply in the interest of better
live stock.
Owing to tho generous nppropria-l
t ions of the Oregon Hankers association
the Portland t'haiuher of Commerce,'
the state of Oregon and the different
breed associations, the show this year
will rank with the largest live stock
associations in the United States.
lietween $20,000 and $1'.",000 cash
premiums will be offered for live stock.
The Shorthorn and Hereford associa
tions of America have made appropria
tions of $r,000, and as the exposition
itself mis added an equal amount, these
two breeds alone will compete for the
$10,000, thus securing the keenest eonv
The dairy division, which includes
lliilsteins, Jerseys, ttiiernseys mid Ayr
shires will compete for $5000 ottered
in cash prir.es. The sheep class will
have $2.')00 and hogs about the same
amount. The draft type of horses are
given $1200, divided between Belgian,
1'ercheron, Clydes and Shires. Cattle
in car lots aro recognized to the extent
of $2."i00. The student judging contest
to be participated in by nil the agri
cultural students of the northwest, will
agniu receive $1100.
The closing date for entries of breed
ing classes is November l.'l and for fat
classes, November 27. No entries will
receive consideration nt any later date.
This rule enables the management to
issue a catalog vnluable to visitors as
well as exhibitors. Kntry blanks will
be furnished by C. M. Plnmmcr, gen
eral manager. It is estimated that mem
bers of granges in the three northwest
ern states numbering 2500 will attend
.Indues of national reputation will
handle the different classes.
You may imagine that a snail is
slow. Hut if you want to see something
really slow just natch one woman
making room for another woman iu a
street ear. -
' Thero' 'are a' lot of pessimists 'and
groiichera in the world. But we never
hear a man complaining because there
were not enough spurrows to go
Even if she is still single when she
is 30, a woman alwavs has the eon
solation of knowing that she was born
that way.
J. Frank Hunly, prohibition candi
date for president and Dr. Ira Land
rith, candidate for vice president, will
arrive with their party on their special
train Saturday morning at 7 'o'clock.
Arrangements have been made
whereby the presidential nominee and
others of his party will speak on the
steps of the court house at 7:15 Satur
day morning. Salem will be given an
hour and a half time for tho prohibi
tionists to tell of their work. Albany,
I'.ugene anil Aleutord will have but 30
minutes each, while a night engage
ment has been urranged for Ashland.
In case the weather will not permit
speaking on the court house steps, the
addresses will be made in t ho First
Methodist church.
To hove charge of the .Salem meeting
the following committee Iibh been ap
pointed: Hev. V. T. Porter, chairman;
Mrs. Lcln S. Lynch, Mrs. Sarah K.
Oliver, Hev. II. K. Pemberton, und the
Hev. O. L. Uivell.
The prohibitionists are milking an
unusually strong campaign. The special
consisting of two buggage cars, one
day coach ami two Pullmans left Chi
cago September ,8 for a two months'
trip across the country, closing at In
dianapolis, November 11.
iii'sidcs the presidential and vice
presidential nominees and their wives,
are several prominent speakers for the
prohibition' movement and their secre
taries. .1. Frank Hunly was republican gov
ernor of Indiana eight years ago. Dr.
Ira I.andrith is a Tennessee Democrat
and chautiiuipiu orator. Daniel A. Pol
ing the young prohibition orator is as
sociate president of the United Chris
tian Kndcavor.
The purty will appear Friday even
ing in Portland at the Ice Palace and
the Christian Endeavors of Portland
will banquet Dr. Iru Lnndrith at 0:30,
Fridav evening. The party is made up
largely of the flying squadron that
visited the west two years ngo. That
tour included t5,000 miles of travelling,
the holding of 1300 meetings und in the
235 days they were out, visiting 255
Steamer Counsellor
Torpedoed, Says Fireman
London, Sept. 15. Frank Cullinghara
of Philadelphia, a fireman aboard the
Harrison liner Counsellor, made an af
fidavit before the United States con
sul nt Queenstown that the Counsellor
was torpedoed. .
The captain and crew of the Coun
sellor were landed nt Queenstown.
Callinghnm, who is an American citi
zen, shipped aboard the Counsellor wheu
she touched nt San Francisco. His wife
is now at Atlantic City, . J.
A London dispatch last night said the
Counsellor was "sunk" and that her
crew was saved, but nothing was report
ed about the circumstances of the sink
The Counsellor was Inst reported as
having sailed from Colon, Fniinmii,
Auuust 27, en route from nncouver
for Liverpool. Sue probably was sunk
near tho ilritish Isles. The Counsellor
displnced 4,058 tons and was 400 feet
long. She was owned by the Chareuto
steamship company and registered at
Some Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mrs. Conley Got Help.
Here is a letter from a woman who
had to work, but was too weak and suf
fered too much to continue. How she
regained health :
Frankfort, Ky. "I suffered so much
with female weakness that I could not
do my own work,
had to hire it done.
I.heard to much
about LydiaE. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound that I
tried it, I took three
bottles and I found
It to be all you
claim. Now I feel as
well as ever I did and
am able to do all my
a own work again. I1
recommend it to any woman suffering '
from female weakness. You may pub
lish my letter if you wish. "Mrs. James ,
conley, oio St. wair st,,fTanklort,ri.y.
No woman suffering from any form of
female troubles should lose hope until
she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, tha medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
yean, proved to be a most valuable tonic
and lnvigoratorof the female organism.
All women r Invited to WTite
to the Lydia K. Pinkham Medi
cine Co., Lynn, Mass for special
advice, it will be confidential.
State Street
Tndiaiiapolis, Sept. 15. Vice-President
Thos. R. Marshall was notified
last night of his renominution for vice-i
president on the democratic, ticket and
formally accepted the honor. The ccre-
monies were the third of the kind to'
!be held in .Indianapolis within the j
last few weeks. Tho other two nom- j
inations were for .1. Frank Hanly, the
.prohibition presidential nominee, and.
'('has. W. Fairbanks, republican vice !
presidential nominee.
Prominent democrats from nil over
the country were president. Informal
political conferences were held by the !
leaders and plans for the campaign
were made by National Chairman I
Vance McCorinick. j
Martin H. Glynn, former governor
of New York, delivered the speech ofj
notification," after having been intro-
duced by .1. M. Adair, candidate foiH
governor of .Indiana, chairman of cer
emonies. All the speakers praised the
present democratic administration, re
plied to the republican attacks which
had been made on it, and expressed i
confidence of a democratic victory. A I
big parade preceded the ceremonies.
The parade was without the amount
of red fire that had been planned. A
lurge part of the supply was on an auto
truck, and when on its wuv to the dis-1
tribution point the torches caught fire
in some manner. Several hundred dol
lars' worth of fireworks burned at
The appearance of Vice-President
Tho nppearrance of Vice-President
Marshall, Mr. (llynn, Senator Taggart
and other leaders on the platform was
the signal for a prolonged cheer. About
25 members of the committee, including
Mrs. Terese (Irahum, of Cocur dJAlene,
Iduho, anil Mrs. Harrison Foster, of
Tacoma, Wash., several members of
congress, and nntionul committeemen
attended the notification.
In his notification speech, Former
Governor Mcfllviin said:
"In their search for an issue, grass
hoppers never hopped as our opponent
have hopped, chameleons never changed
their hues as our opponents have
( hanged their cries in this campaign.
"They are like the buma, the bird of
perpetual motion, that never lights on
land or sea, but is always on the wing.
(Iluma A fabulous bird of the east,
said to be u restless wanderer, but to
bring luck to whomever it hovers over.
Standard Dictionary.)
"First, they create an issue out of
'Americanism, but as soon as they
see the people know that Woodrow
Wilson is doing today in our foreign
affains exactly what Washington and
Idomi mill -Taff nntnn nnrt T.incnlll flnil ' ill
Grant did under similar circumstances j Hughes in this
whv, our republican
nnnthpr isstip. chaiipo their
new cries and, like the huma, keep on! of of Hughes, surviving partner
the wing.
I Result in Maine.
' "Then they attack the recent eight
hour law for railroads. They make
as much noise about thin as mossback
' conservatives made 80 years ago over
President Van Burens 10-hour law,
I and they probably will achieve the
' unnlA ..lirlltilill VAQlllt A II ll allll'lt AA titla in n.n ..A ! V tin........... ..1. t .. i .. ...1
Monday last they have been trying to 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
make an issue out of the state clec-
lions up iu Maine as a repudiation of
the Wilson policies nnd a forecast of
National republican victory. But this
contention will not hold water. The
average republican majority in Maine
in the last five national elections was
.1:1,104, and yet on Monday last the re
publicans enrried it by only 13,000.
"This same kind of a republican vie
. : xt... v,.i, Yv:ian..
Hirv nwiliu ?lll i,r" ium i i iin.m g
by 250,000. The falling off of the re- ill II
publican vote in Maine is 20 per cent 'all
from the vote of four years ago. If , gg JJ
this percentage prevails throughout the1 m
country on next election day, Woodrow j 55 !!
Wilson will carry every doubtful stntelgjjj
in the nation." , III II
New Shoes For All Feet
The best designers of Shoes in the World are included in the firms who supply us
with Shoes. We get express shipments of the newest styles as soon as they are
made. If you want the newest and best in Fall Footwear - come to this store
which is Salem's style center for Shoes. Exclusive agents for Hanan and Ground
Gripper Shoes, Witch Elk Boots and Fox Pumps.
Salem's Greatest Shoe Store
Next to Ladd&
Bush Bank
not have been sunk. This is what the and to remain therein as long as neces
late strategist at Armageddon is sup- snry, und then let every son, husband
posed to believe. and father, synchronously with voting
"On the other hand, to that small the republican ticket, enlist in the
portion of the people who think more of "'".v of intervention. But if they will I
Germany than America, that phrase is "t this let them keep silence. More I
supposed to meun thut had he been a criticism is not constructive." I
firm American tho German emperor I L
would never have been called upon to HILARIOUS PRISONERS
admit a breech of neutrality in sinking !
the I.usitnuin. In my opinion the av-1 Seattle, Wash., Sept. 15. When , always get the other fellow.
ernge American wants to know who is Chief of Police Heckingham, mid a re- "Tippernry" is through: worn out
! Tipperary Gives Way
to Another Ragtime,
London, Sept. 5. (By mail.) "Tip-!
perary" has given way at the buttlol
front to a new song with a raggy lilt
whose theme is that the bullets will
the partnership with Candidate serve squad of police tried to break up by repetition.
rt7Zp:iz 0rZa of f0,;v,,,",,re'1 'r1:
ieir hues, raise I Roosevelt, of Hughes and Hohenzollern, men strike sympathizers on the water- I," 'K.!, 6 eVer was
vi irom, mi Uigur, seventy iwo oi mc Here ar the WOrds:
iug .es ami Huerta, closing out a mon refll9pd t0 ohy or(1rg to move! " The. bells of hell go ting-n-ling-a-ling,
hubby stock of sheltworn political ,, Ini ,, nr,aain,i ,i ii,aH ,.n v ...... fc h'
patent medicines not guaranteed under Thev k(,)t a ,.(mtimioua yeUmj, -y mcJ ,' an8 .inga-linB-a-linff.
the pure drug act! jail all night, and rattled tho bars of! They've got the goods for mc,
"Iu regnrd to Mexico, let the repub- their cells until, at 2:30 o'clock this Oh, death where is thy sting-a-ling-u-.i
licaus say that they will intervene. Let morning, 21 of them had to be re-j lingf
them announce their purpose to invade moved to the stockade, in order to let! Oh, grave thy victoreet j
that country and police it, to guuran- patients iu the city hospital, on thelThe bells of hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling.'
tloor below, secure rest nnd sleep. For you, but not for me." (
II u
IT ;
Definitions Are Wanted.
The all-important question of w hat
the republicans would have done re
garding the I.usitnuin, Mexico and Bel
gium, said the vice-president, in his re
ply accepting the nomination, had not
been answered by tho party's president
tiul candidate, Mr. Hughes. Ho ndedd j
that "firm Americanism" should be.
nntAirnricnllv tlnfineil bv those whn ll 11 ll !
coined it, and declared the people would
lot bo willing to discharge one doctor;
because he was criticised by another
who offered no remedy.
' Progressive Policies Affirmed,
"The deuiocratic party is a growing i
a progressive party. Part of its duty j
is to quiet the fears of the timid, it
proposes that the social and economic
i .1... . lee . ..lu .1... ......I..
jusuce ui uie lunii lunnius nit- nul SIM
iiigmnn shnll have a practical instead a. ll
of a theoretical test. It. waives its 1 J
ancient views as to a tariff commission. M
now that the tariff has been lowered
and wealth has been made to bear its S!
fair proportion of the burdens of R0V"'5S
eminent, and it proposes to nscertain ! II
the real purchasing difference between 1 11 1
tho wage here and abroad, and to put llll
that difference into the tariff sched-
ule, if needed, which I doubt, and pro- j!J
vided that the manufacturer agrees II
that the difference shall go into the !!H
pay envelope and not into dividends. II I
What tho republicans use to fool, we lis
shnll use to cheer, the weary heart of SS
labor. 'Us!
. "Those who criticise say the presi-.jjll
dent is an infirm American. Now it soll
happens in this country that not birth i
nor religion, but loyalty to America eon-1 1 !!
atitutes the American. Any blood a'"' lJ!
any faith and any party that assaults j! 1 1
Ameticnu president necause "e "II
NO! NO! .
Have Not Raised Their Prices
FURTHERMORE, we want to make it PLAIN
that we guarantee the same ALL WOOL and
All woolens have advanced in price and we would be justified in ad
vancing prices.Jbut we decided to take less profit, give our customers
the same values as ever at the same prices, sell more suits to make
up the difference, and present indications point to the biggest sea
son's business we have ever had. We cordially invite YOU to come
and see the best showing of all wool materials ever, displayed in this
community for men's wear.
Made Up to Your Individual Order Especially for YOU
chooses to ignore blood and church and,
j .i. - .. . n
pany in ine cause or iene wunm pm
fer less by vomraittinu hari-kari. S
that it may becloud the real issue, the
a !
republican party has sought to eopy-j
right the phrase 'firm Americanism 'j 11 1 1
1- -. - n - . r ' II
they want the Knglish-lwrn to under- 1 1 J S
stand that if the president had been a j y
firm American, Belgium wouM not have -mmmm
been invaded aud the Lusitauia would Cms
ii u
n ri
W. W. EMMONS, Manager