Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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O iii r F i r t . and
re a test
The largest of its kind in ::
the city. Special Fall
Opening prices on articles '
you are in need of every '
0. N. T. Thread 4c
Hooks and Eyes, card. .4c
Safety Pins, dozen . .2jc
15c Dressing Combs.. 10c
20c Dress Combs. . .12 2c
25c Dressing Combs.. 15c
50c Dressing Combs.. 25c
75c Dressing Combs.. 49c
Silk Lingerie Tape,
white, pink and blue,
10-yd bolt for- 10c
Tatting Shuttles 5c
Stocking Darners 4c
20c Talcum Powder. . ,10c
25c Colgate's Talcum
Powder 14c
25c Whisk Brooms . . .15c
25c bottle Machine Oil 10c
35c Hair Brushes. . . . .25c
15c Tooth Brushes.... 10c
25c bottle Witch Hazel 15c
Sale I
Fresh from America's foremost manufacturers, Gale & Co., Salem's Greatest Popular
Price Department Store, has received enormous stocks of New Fall Merchandise.
Cases upon cases of New Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Muslins, Sheetings,
Blankets, Comforters, Bedspreads, Toweling, Towels, Notions, Ribbons, Coats, Suits,
Dresses, Skirts, Sweaters, Furs, Children's Dresses and Coats, Millinery, Hosiery,
Underwear, Shoes Men's "Furnishings, Men's and Boys' Clothing, etc. This wonderful
array of new, high grade goods in latest most approved styles await your critical
inspection and choice in the greatest Fall Opening Sale this part of the Willamette
valley has ever known. Our wonderfull display will open your eyes to the extraordi
nary character of the Gale & .Co. merchandise values. You will wonder how we can
do it at our prices. But we DO! OPENS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th.
You will agree when you see'the,m. Of fine
Voile, Organdie, Crepe de Chine and Chif
fon Taffeta in about fifteen- different
styles. Made with hemstitched trimmings,
frills, tucks and plaited effects. Some tvive
the new large sailor collars. Usually sold
at from $1.00 to $7.50. Our price for Fall
Opening Sale 69c to $4.95
Beautiful is the word for these new charm
ing suits. We direct particular attention of
. our patrons to the tailoring, the finish and
materials of our suits, which are found on!y
in suits sold at from $18.50 to $50.00. The
woman who desires a smart Autumn Suit at
a little expense will avail herself of our
wonderfully low prices, as these suits
represent the best styles introduced thio
season. Come in black, brown, green nd
checks, in all the new materials for Fall
A Most Impressive Showing of Fall Coats
Especially Priced $9.90 to $25.00
The Fall Coats arc built on loose fitting linen. The collors .
are big and round in shape and in nearly all canes they're
trimmed with velvea and fur. All of these collars may be
worn high or low. Greatest possible array of materials aro
shown in this season's coats: Knglish tweeds, plaids, fancy
mixtures, velours, plushes, velvets, matlnin, urlam, etc.
$9.90 to $25.00
4 4 4 4 4 44 4444 444 4 444 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 444 4 4 44-MM444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 t4444
- -
Domestic Department
; ; The purchasing power of your dollar has never been so forcibly demonstrated as
;: in this department o fstaple merchandise. A cursory reading, of the list and
prices given below wil convince even those unfamiliar with present market con
:; ditions and difficulties as affecting the staple lines of the dry goods family, that
: : our prices in this department are without a precedent. It is through our great
: : purchasing power and liberal concessions from manufacturers that enable us to
: : offer you this class of goods at these low prices.
i; 25c Suspenders . .. .19c
President Suspenders
:: 25c Dress Sox ......19c ::
;: 15c Dress Sox 9c ::
::-12ioc Work Sox, ''
;; ............3 for 25c ;:
; : Dress Shirts at :
. 49c, 59c and 98c
$1.50 Valvet Fleece i:
Union Suits, all sizes,
:; $18.00 New Fall ::
:: Suits ..$12.50::
:: $22.50' New Fall ::
:: Suits .... $14.95 ::
$25.00 Men's 10 oz. Blue
;: Serge Suits, finest ;;
: workmanship, finest : :
;: finish and best lin-
;: mgs, very spl. $17.85 ::
. .
: : High Grade Mackinaws ! :
worth $10, spl. $6.95 J
Beautiful Shoes for Fall!
t 2239 yards of Genuine Lonsdale
Bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide; buy
all you want at 12v2C
: : 1747 yards of Genuine Belmont Percale,
t in dark and light, 36 inches wide; buy
t all you want now, at, yard 12V2C
2291 yards of Standard Apron Ging-
; ; ham, in a wonderful array of pretty
patterns; a regular 10c value for ..q
:: 50 dozen Pillow Cases, made of extra
heavy casing, size 42x36; regular 25c
:: quality for 15c
975 yards of fine Scrims and Swisses,
very special 1fl
25 dozen Ascot Sheets, size 81x90, very
special only gy
1268 yards XX Bleached Muslin, 36
inches wide, very special, yard . . .JC
25 dozen Turkish Bath Towels, 27x45;
regular 35c, very, special, eac . h 3c
25 dozen Turkish Towels, 20x38; reg
ular 20c, very special 12VC
50 dozen Huck Towels, 18x36; very
special, each gy3(.
10c WhWite Outing Flannel, 27 inches
wide;, very special Jlyg
Sheets, 72x90, made of good quality
gheeting; very special J()(.
Classy models on comfortable ; lasts, in
patent leather, gun metal and glazed kid.
Gun Metal English Shoes, with leather or
rubber soles and heels, very special $2 95
Velvet Button Shoes, regular $4.00, for $2.49 f
"MiL m n..i.i nl i . T
iuui iup ouuon anoes, spi. at $2.b9-$2.95 -Patent,
Cloth Top Lace Shoes, reg. $4, M 9g ;;
X Chilrlrpn'fi RViono Knttnn ctwlno rn ui tn
I " osxa. . io ylAy X
t . t
Fascin a ting Ne w
New Silks and Costume
Satins for Fall New Chif
fon Taffeta, New Velvets,
Velveteen and Corduroy.
35 inches wide fine quality
Chiffon Taffeta, very
special $1.29
27 inches wide fine quality
Messaline, regular price $1,
now only 68c
New Black and White Check
Dress Goods at, yard
49c, 59c, 69c and 98c
New Velour Black and
White Check Coating, 56 to
60 inches wide, very .
special $1.69 to $1.98
36 inches wide French
Serge, all wanted colors,
very special 48c
Fascinating New Hats
At An Extraordinary Price
Models Regularly Priced to $10.50
A notable display of the most advanced Trimmed Hats
for Fall. Every one a copy of an imported model. .Of
finest velvet and silk in black and colors; some with com
bination of black and colors. Very special Fall Opening
Price $4.45
New Fall shapes of finest quality black velvet, in five
'different styles; very special at $1.49 and $1.98
Newest Felt Hats, in plain white, rose, silver gray, green, Salem's Greatest Popular Price Department Store Not Con
sand and plum, also in two tone effects; very special nected with any other store in this citv
'at $1.98, $2.29, $2.75 . -
Underwear and
Hosiery Dept.
Here you will be pleasingly surpris
eil a wonderful collection of hit(h
tfrnile Underwear and Hosiery at ex
tremely moderate prices from which to
choose your Fall and Winter supply.
Women's Two-piece Under
wear, very fine ribbed and
velvet fleece, pure white
bleach, neck finished with
silk tape, all sizes, 34 to 44,
very special, garment. . .49c
Women's Fine Ribbed Union
Suits, pure white bleach,
high neck, long sleeves and
ankle length, indeed a spec
ial at only 59c
Women's Fine Ribbed Pure
White Bleach Union Suits,
neck finished with silk tape,
velvet fleece; worth $1.25,
special 88c
Women's Fine Ribbed Hose,
in black only 12'c
Women's Fine Ribbed Lisle
Hose regular 25c quality,
for this sale only 19c
Women's Silk Fiber Hose,
all colors, at . .29c, 33c, 49c
Prepare your Children for
School at this store
Boys' Fine Knee Pants, regular 75c for 45c
Boys' Fine Knee Pants, regular $1.00 for 65c
Boys' 50c Blouses 39c
Boys' Two-piece Underwear 19c to 29c
Boys' Union Suits 49c to 79c
Children's Dresses, especially priced 48c to $1.29
Children's Underewar ,25c to 29c
Children's Union Suits 49c
Children's School Hose at lOc and 14c
Boys' Caps 15c (o49c
Children's Hats, latest styles " 59c
i . .