Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHARLES H FI3HEB, Editor and Manager. TM"RSDAY KVKMNO September 14, ISHii. PUBLISHED EYEBT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. SUBSCRIPTION KATES ..45c 35e FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York. Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Tribune Building CUeago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'a Que Building. TV, c,plul journal earrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the JSk. If the carrier doe, not do this, misses you, or ugleeU gett tng the Maar to y on on tim e, kindly phone the circulation manager as this is the only IST w. ean determfn. whether or not the carrier., are following Instructions. F&TlIab 81 belor. 7:30 o'clock an d a paper wiU be M.t you by special . MMsenger if the earrier has missed you. "BOBBY MAKE BELIEVE" The parole board- has recommended Mrs. Carrie Kirsch for parole. She was serving an indeterminate sentence of from five to fifteen years, on a conviction for manslaughter in connection with the killing of William Johnson by J. P. Webb with whom she had been travelling, the murder being committed in the Grand Central hotel in Portland in 1910. It was an especially brutal murder, and Webb was sentenced to be hanged, but his sentence was commuted, by Governor West, to life imprisonment. At the trial Webb swore Mrs. Kirsch had nothing what ever to do with the murder, a story he has stuck to ever since, and which he again affirmed under oath before the parole board. Mrs. Kirsch has served five years and five months of her sentence. There is grave doubt of her guilt, and the board could not well refuse to recommend her parole. If guilty she has been severely punished, if innocent she has been the victim of her surroundings at the time of the murder, and the faultiness of human judgment. The Oregonian commenting on an editorial paragraph in the Capital Journal concerning the blood-thirst of the Oregonian editor, says: "The silly season has a bab bling victim at Salem." Then it goes on to discuss pre paredness and tells how cowardly it is to let some town bully whip all the children and kick the family dog with out resenting it. Now the question of preparedness was not mentioned nor was anything suggesting it. Attention was called to the Oregonians scoldings and its pointing out not what should be done in the future but the many opportunities this country has had to get into a scrap, which it has avoided. It intimates that all those who do not believe as it does are cowardly and effeminate and between the lines can readily be seen the Bobby Make Believe" ferocity of the Oregonian editor, who furthei savs that "a pusillanimous nation is no more to be respected than a pusillanimous citizen." In this it is cor rect but the trouble is that the Oregonian sets itself up as the sole judge as to what constitutes pusillanimity. There were brave men before Agamemnon, perhaps may be some left after the Oregonian editor has been gathered from his labors. There are perhaps some now who though not rabidly blood-thirsty like "Bobby" aforesaid would scrap for their own or any children just as quickly and as hard as the Oregonian editor, and who because they do not agree with the Oregonian are classed as pusillan imous. Someday "Bobby Make Believe" will run against the "Butcher's Boy." An Eastern exchange sums it up pretty well in the following: ''Somebody suggests 'Amerieasan as a word to characterize anybody who lives anywhere on the American continents, and gives as a reason that Euro peans always speak of the people of the United States as Americans. Well, then, what is the use of another word A resident of Canada is a Canadian, of Mexico a Mexican, of Chile a Chilean, of Cuba a Cuban, of Bolivia a Bolivian, and so on clear through the list. That is better than say ing a Mexican is an 'Americasan' because then one would have to ask, 'From what country'?" By all of which one is reminded of the manner of the Virginian who, in i tell ing of a little gathering, said there were present two high toned gentlemen from Virginia, a gentleman from Ken tucky, a 'feller' from Ohio and a 'son-of-a-gun from Bos ton. With him there was no such thing as a word of all inclusive meaning as to place of residence." L H McMahan has been induced to become an inde pendent candidate for county attorney, and as Mac has never been tied down to narrow partisan lines he can do this with good grace. Ever since the result of the primary last June hundreds of voters in Marion county have been urging him to enter the race, and the pressure finally re sulted in the anonuncement of his candidacy this week. There is a feeling that Mr. McMahan would make an ideal county attorney because of his ability, his absolute inde pendence of action and integrity in the service of the public in any capacity. It will be a three-cornered race but the Capital Journal expects to see Mac in the lead from the start and the winner when the votes are counted in November. No better choice could be made by the people of Marion county for this particular office which is one of the most important positions to be filled at the coming election. S. Benson, of Portland, was named by the governor as Oregon's foivmost citizen and so honored at the San Francisco exposition. And it appears that it has just occurred, to the first citizen of the state to take out his naturalization papers in order to become a voter. Now if Uenson were oniv an orumai j appumuc uiu-.uv. , under the present administration and unnaturalized,; we would pass it up as a common and expected incident, ; in Ua tva fiver riti7Pn nf thp st.itp and not a local! voter well, it looks as if somebody acted altogether too hastily in making the selection when there are so many good citizens in the state who are qualified to vote for president. Lorimer got left in his race for the nomination for congress in Illinois by about 1,000 votes. He took defeat gracefully, said he would like to have won but it was the fortune of war. Considering the unenviable notoriety he has gained, he should feel proud of getting so near a portion of the gate receipts. He stated recently he was going to devote the remainder of his life . to earning money to pay off all those who lost through his bank failure, and maybe his big vote can be explained by the long list of those he owes. Senator Billy Mason did the comeback act in the Illinois primaries and is now the regular republican can didate for congressman at large, running neck and neck with the high and mighty Medill McCormick, erstwhile bull mooser. The notorious Lorimer only lacked a thous and votes of enough to win in his district. Direct primary results are sometimes the most wonderful and mysterious of all human works. "'Tis sweet to hear the watch dog's honest bark Bay deep mouthed welcome as we draw near home." In proof of this note the glad hand extended by the Oregonian in joyous welcome to the federal road fund which it would use for the Columbia, highway or that scenic road around Mt. Hood. And yet it is the same kind of material our big contemporary classes generally as "pork." , Redwood City, California, has a city recorder who is in the habit of sentencing auto speeders to six years. Of course he couldn't make his sentences stick, but the at tempt showed his heart was right. Recently he was found guilty of violating the speed laws and the jury recom mended he be kept in jail one day. It's a safe bet that the jury was not composed of auto owners. They would never have neglected the opportunity. Those forest fires which "threaten to destroy" the big trees of California every year always happen about the right time to call the attention of fall and winter tourists to these natural wonders. Still, playing with fire is a dangerous thing and some time they may burn up a tree or two that has been a certain revenue producer in the past. James Hamilton Lewis,' sometimes called for short "Jim Ham," is billed to arrive in Oregon September. 27, to make some democratic speeches. Jim is a forceful as well as flowery speaker, and will add to the hilarity of the campaign. There is much to James besides his widely exploited whiskers. Geo. M. Cohan, whose Yankee-doodle plays have prob ably contributed more than anything else to make the stars and stripes popular in this country, announce his support of President Wilson for re-election. As Cohan has never failed to strike the popular chord heretofore his action may be regarded as significant. RippHngRhijTnos t THE TATTLER ; i War continues to be a sad thing. There is a mighty pretty waterfall to be seen in the neighborhood of 19th street north. Travelers over the penitentiary road cannot fail to observe the great change made in the grounds about the prison, more especially in the bank of the creek. Unsightliness has been succeed ed by something near akin to beauty. Two more days but what's the use of counting 'em. A dog that ran bark and refrains from doing so except when a good pur pose is served thereby has the instincts; of a gentleman. , At this writing it doesn't appear, that there will be more than seventeen, candidates tor mayor. j "What makes this such, a hard, world f" asks nu Idaho paper. Well,; com-rete pavement is one thing. j Where do the park nappers go when; it rains j That little old sea breeze has spoiled the sale of many a refrigerator. Very few bald spots are noted in the lawns about the city this fall. A large attendance is looked for at the trial of Revivalist i'ray tomorrow morning. Six Persons Killed In Explosion Today Newark, N. J., Sept. 14. Six persons were killed, including Samuel Botkm. :.i,. ,.f tlio Tnterstiitp. Milk and Cream company, and three were injured in the explosion 01 an ammonia iim m the milk company's plnut this after-; noon. The tank had just been installed and was being tested when it let go. Henry; Lutz. eneineer of the plant, was among the killed. I.ouis Menkeortz, son-in-law ot Bot kin. is also among the dead. Tl,., wn linintr erected bv the: Frick Machine company of Waynesboro, ' 1'n- , . , ' I Well!.; secretary to Botkin and I two salesmen, J. F. Bailou and Charles A. Caine, were the otliers Kiiieu y me, fumes from the tank. j HOW TO REDUCE I JOUR WEIGHT; A SIMPLE. SAFE, RELIABLE WAY People who are over-burdened witV superfluous fat, know only too well the ; discomfort and ridicult that over-stout people have to bear. J It you are carrying wound five or; ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are; unnecessarily weakening your vital or gans and are carrying a burden which; destroys the beauty 01 your figure. I There is no need of anyone suffering) from superfluous fat. If you want to reduce vour weight in a simple, siej and reliable way, without starvation! diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test j worth trying. Spend as much time as you can in the open air, breathe deep ly and get from any good druggist a box of oil of korein capsules; take one after eieh meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week so as to know just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treat ment or even skip a single does until you are down to normal. Oil or korein is absolutely harmless, is pleasant to taue, and helps digestion. Even i few days treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduction in weight, footsteps become lighter, your work seem easier and a lighter nnd more buoyant feeling takes possession of vour whole being. Every person who suffers from super fluous 'fat should give this treatment a trial. Oregon State Fair Salem, Oregon Sept. 25-30 inc. Are Yqu Going? All trains stop at Fair Grounds. J.0W Round Trip Fares will be on sale from all stations in -Oregon Sept. 21st-30th inc. The return limit is Ort. 4th Ask local agent for fares, train service, etc. JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC The Nation's Favorite utter..: Nut There Is No Better 1 . HOrvSE AND AUTO LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G8 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I A year ago I drove a steed, and said, "A horse is better far (although deficient in his speed) than any chugging motor car. A horse is mankind's faithful friend, a thing of spirit, heart and sense, and serves you well till in the end, he kicks you through a barbed wire fence." My wife grew weary of our plug, that often needed whip and goad; "I want a car that goes chug-chug," she said, "and burns the dusty road." The man who wants a peaceful life, with min imum rvf inlt- rind inr will fllwavs strive to please his wife and so I bought a motor car. The motor car I now indorse, and often wonder how a man can have the nerve to drive a horse, the most distinctive also ran. I meet old Dobbin on the road, and weep with pity for his woes; how earnestly he hates his load, and, jiminy, how slow he goes' A million flies are on his legs, his busy tail brings no relief; in every movement Dobbin begs for chloroform, to end his grief. The flies can't bite my motor car, and so I blithely scorch along; no spavins can my pleasure mar, I fill the throbbing air with song. Always Watch This Ad Changes Often ! X Strictly correct weight, square- deal and highest prices for all UmdVi el t. junk, metalrubber, hides and furs. I pay per pound for old raga. I Big stock of all sizes second hand Incubator. AH kinds eorragataa iron for both roofi and buldings. Booling paper and wcona aaaa linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The Hons, of Half a Millioa Bargains. 102 North Commercial ft, Fa Nt Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want UVfl lull X II Jy jiie Phelps? 'Mi MILDRED IS ADMIRED AND CRITICIZED fit i"11 r3a CHAPTER XXti. !So even those people that I had never met before thought it strange thut my hushnud would allow me to go out alone! Ixit they also thought me pret ty. 1 would learn how to dress nnd be as they hnd aid "stunning!" Then perhaps, when llittord tound tliat otn era euusideied me worth while he would also. After a moment, in which Mr. Brooke claimed my attention, I again overheard their conversation. I was still the sub- ject. . "oll (Airs. rrauKiyni says ue is ages older than she, and that he only cares for clubs and things like that." Eavesdropping. "I have heard that he also is fond 0f i I missed the name "but oh, well, there are. other 'men in the world, and she is much too pretty to lack admirers. !Sh , she's looking this way. I hope she hasn't, heard!" I was clad I had heard. My face burned, I was indignant, yet I couldn't help being also a little pleased. So they thought me pretty, even if I didn't know how to wear my clothes. Then and there I made a meutal note that to wear mv clothes well should be an immediate study. "A penny for your thoughts!" Mr. Brooke exclaimed. "You haven't spok en for as much as five uiuutes! " Til, fliat- n run 't a nrtli Ai-ott n nanni- T lin. liaan mtt a.A titH.t imH t nnill North, and this is all so gay and at-1 tractive, that I quite forgot myself forj a moment. " ! "We must see that you go out often-1 er! I may call and meet your husband, I mnvu't If" I "Certainly!" I replied, but not sure. that I cared to have him meet llittord, or that Clifford would be pleased. "Thank you," he returned, and then the conversation became general. After dinner we danced, and not only Mr. Brooke, but the others, compli mented me on my dancing. I may have been uuusuullv foolish, but any word of praise was a delight to me. It was mid night when we broke up. Mr. Brooke took me home in his roadster. It was a lovely night, and when he asked me if 1 would like a countu t say no. vie nail a aengntrui ride in the mooulight not for 15 min utes, but for nearlv -an hour. Then when he left me, after opening the door, he remarked: "I shall call and pay my respects in a any or iwo.- I hurried up stairs, anxious to tell j Clifford all about the uice people I had j met, my good time, and my lovely ride home. But he hadn't vet come in, and by the time I was undressed I began to! wouder if I had better say anything1 about my wonderful ride in the moon light with Leonard Brooke. And whea he did come in at 2 o'clock, I haif de cided to say as little as possible unles. he questioned ine. Clifford Is Not Interested. "I hnd a nice time, Clifford," I toU him after waiting in vain forjiim to uii.'iiuiig save, --neiio: way area you asleep?" "You did! Well, I told you you would. You see how silly it would have beesi not to go.' "Yes, I'm glnd I went. A Mr. Brook brought me home." " Who's hef " he asked, but there itu no interest in his voice. "A friend of the Franklins'. H asked if he might call. He' wants to meet you.' "Some vounff cub T "He's about 2.'i T oo,ia t ed, all desire gone to talk ionger. And x mis gmu x nan said notniug about my moonlight ride along the lake. Clif ford's tone was not encouraging. "I wish VOll nA crnna irith tna T sure you would have enjoyed yourself," I added, however. "1 was very well satisfied where I was. Goodnight. Dnn't Mlb inr n,n. I'm sleepy! " ' (Tomorrow A Glimpse, of the Green Eyed Monster.)