Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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I.I 11 . nanaHH.
Opening A nnouncement
Salem 's Great Furniture Store
Where high class furniture will
be sold at the lowest
, possible figures.
Entire New Wexford
467 Court St. . '
Nineteen Counties Listed to
DateIrrigation and Good
Roads To Be Feature
Autoist Arrested Has 1 Reception and Banquet
: 268 Quarts Of It to Be Given Company M
. A reception and banquet will bo
given members of Company M next
! Driving, an automobile which . Has '
loaJed with 268 quarts of whiskey, J. A.
turner,. of Man wood, Wash., tame to Thursday or Kridny evening at the
town last night. He was en route from armory, according to tho tentative
jiornnrooK, cai., where he had taken on plans of the Salem Patriotic League in
th.! cargo of whiskey, to Stauwood, and session this afternoon,
would have been at his journey 'b end by ! While the banquet may not be given
this time had the Salem police uot in- the boys in tho armory, it has been de-
terferred with his plans. finitely settled that the reception and
""6 au.no i rum ine leuerju program Tor tne evening will take
authorities at Portland, Chief of Police place at the armory. This reception
........ wmu muicj uu aim IJ11CU Hie Will hfl in thA wnv nt 4..- min,,la
liquor in tne police station, where it
has attracted admiring attention from
the public today,
. Advice was received from the federal
officials this morning that they would
take no hand in the case, and a charge
was filed against Turner by the slate.
He will,, have & hearing before City
Uecorder Elgin tomorrow morning.
. In the warrant, which Is signed by
District Attorney Kingo as private pros
ecutor, Turner is charged with unlaw-1
fully transferring liquors for beverage
j.ujunm iu wuiiuiun 01 cunpier Z.itl ot
talks by prominent citizens and re
sponses by former members of Com
pany M. There will also ho music and
after the formal part of the program,
the evening will be in the way of a
social session.
The Commercial club and Cherrians
will be asked to do their part in wel
coming the hoys.
Mrs. W. O. Asseln, president of the
Salem Patriotic League, has appointed
"i the committee: Mrs. Chauwey
Bishop, Mrs. Fred S. Bvnon, .Mrs.
the Oregon laws of lill.'S. which reouires I,.vv. Keigclnian,
that nacknire containing linm.i- -hall iVIrfr- ' I'Oekwnod, Mrs. N. ('. re
packages eoiitaininor liouor shall
have the kind and quantity of said
liquor in said packages written or print
td in the English language in large let
ters, or type attached in a conspicuous
piace or position where it can be easily
foitry, Mrs. O. C. Kennon. Mrs. Lizzie
Smith and others. To care for the pro.
gram of the evening, the following
have been appointed: Hev. and Mrs.
V. T. Porter. Rev. .lames Klvin. Mrs.
ook, Mrs.
Terwilliger, Mrs. T. W. Ci
The automobile is a covered one, and JV sIld"ig "' ot""'".
bears upon its side a nursery compunv's Tne 'lotion of a street parade and
sign. ' i''10 meeting of tne voys at the depot
Attorney Glen E. furuli lias been re- ?V" t talien "P .tcr meeting of
tained bv Turner. Il! League when it is known definite-
'- t i I 'v the day and hour the boys will ar
North Howell Notes
With ID counties having already list
ed and reserved space in the new pavil
ion for' county exhibits and .six farm
ers of different parts of the state enter-
ed in the industrial farm products
J class, and several more counties and in-
.uitiuuui uiapiaja hi curresponUCUCe BHU
favorable prospect to say nothing o'f
jibe great number of entries in the spe
cial products'' competition the airfield
! turn! and horticultural exhibition this
year will,, beyond doubt, surpass that
of any previous state fair.
i Last year there were but 14 comities
to participate in the competition be
i tweeu counties and the competition was
so keen and close that there was but the
fraction of a point's difference between
the scoring of Union county, the win
ner of the first prize, and Lane county,
I a close second. .AVitli five more coun
ities entered this year the competition
i promises to be just as keen and the
exhibits, in the aggregate, will be far
!more representative of the state's re-
sources and possibilities than ever be
The counties which have thus far re
served space for exhibits are: Baker,
nuiiiun, viucnamas, voos, Uouglns,
Oraiit, Hnruey, Linn, Jackson, Jose
phine. Malheur, Marion, Polk, Multno
mah, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Was
co and Tillnmook. Those still in pros
pect and under - consideration are:
Crook, Jefferson, I.nne, Lincoln, Lake,
Wheeler and Yamhill.
Taconin, Wash., Sept. 15. R. H. Among many farmers of the state
Thomson of Seattle, told a joint ses- j " l,nve el,tcrc" their products in the
sion of the Washington Association nf '"dividual farm products' contest are:
County Commissioners and Countv En- J?m.C8. "wart, of Fossil; D. M. Lowe,
gineers this morning that builders of
county roads must prepare for
Must Build for Heavier
Loads and More Speed
stnntly increasing loads to be moved
at constantly greater speeds: that
James Stewart, of Fossil: D. M
of Ashland; Burton H. Peck, of Hepp:
ner; Leonard Gilkey, of Thomas; C. A.
Minor, of Heppner; and C. E. Donald
son, of Tillamook. There are at least
three others who still have the matter
imimo,,U .,, 1, ,.,.! J ' uiit "no sun navi
.,st in v, ,, ,;.' ' i.i. i nuder favorable consideration and will
wains tor. pedestrians separated
the niiiin roads by guards or railings.
and also paths on which livestock can
be moved safely.
"No permanent pavement should bo
constructed anywUfro so as to produce
a grade crossing with either steam or
interurban railways, and there should
be no "deadnian's curves" lie said.
The commissioners and engineers will
probably come in later. There were but
three entries in this class last year.'
J. E. Reynolds, of La (Iraiide, mem
ber of the state fair board, who has
supervisory jurisdiction over the agri
cultural and horticultural departments,
and F. B. Currey, of La Grande, who
will be superintendent iu charge of
these exhibits and who has been work
ing up interest awl assembling displays
of products from every section Of the
remain in session the rest of tho week, j state, both report splendid progress and
St. Louis News
(Cnpitul Journal Special Service)
St. Louis, Or.. Sept. IS. The farm
ers here are still threshing grain hut
will finish next week. Clover hulling
will last two weeks longer.
Those who attended tiie Illinium &
Bailey circus from here Inst Saturday
are as follows: Louis Lachupellc, Miss the highest order of excellence and cov-
results uud anticipate record-breaking
exhibits in both of these divisions ut
this year's fair. Available space in the
new pavilion is already being taxed to
tne limit to accommodate the applica
tions for reservations.
, The livestock' department, including
poultry, dairy prilducts and muchiiiery;
art, textiles, school children 'g indus
trial, manufactures, implement, machin
ery and vehicle exhibits will ail be of
We are ready to fit you .with
the very latest in
Shoes and
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase Cor. Slate and liberty Streets
Home Early Next Week, and
I. V m i
is uiven du uays
Get Recruits
r.isie i.acnnpeue, .1011 11 .Manning anil , a mud, , tr i, i,
v.......... 1, 1.... i ; .. ' ... .
. . luii, , . ..mi. i,.j., ,, uiiii roie. ine illlli state fair wi II lie eiiuen
tional 111 everv particular and respect
son Hill, Mr. Deene ami Oeorge Reck
Hop picking will wind up here this
week, on account of mould some of the
pickers are discouraged,
Mrs. llriget Manning and two sons,
Henry nnd Robert, are here from Port
land looking alter their hop yard.
A number from here nre talking of
(Capital Journal Special Service) in the round up to be held at
Eola. Sent. 15. Mr. John Holminr of i Kugene next week.
Eola News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
North Howell, Sept. 1.1. Threshing is
progressing again much to the sutis-
Ini'tifm nf tlio farmiir. 1. ......
.i i .-i, n it,, nutv i,eeii ; ; , ... ,
viewing jiast weather conditions with',? ra'!clB, s visiting in Eola with!
more or less concern, j "ls relatives, the Ilolinnus. j
There is also an increased amount I Hop-picking still continues, baling is'
of activity in the '.iop fields; some fioinf? on alo. ,
yards that had been partially abandon-1 There was an invitation dance at:
ku Hre now Deing picKca. . i i. rcrguson s xiresuny niglit. .lust
Carrie Dunn has again leased the C.a small party, eight girls.
K. Mcllwain farm for another yenr. j i'iss Julia Boedignhciuier went to
John Schneberk will purchase an en- her homo near Stayton to visit Sunday,
silage cutter to be run by his gasoline! her brother took her in his auto.
tl,W ! A i..t fill 1 . - i
V ( Z. i i Nr r8-T?'aTe 1,aJ' "7,"'e'"on'. Kev Father Berehtold and Father
w. 1L Stevens attended a grange. Miller Haydon, ono of the militia boys, jiin 0f Portland were at the eollcire
comimttce meeting in Sal Wednes- visited Mrs. 1L H. llayden Thursdavf ' f visit Today
Kva m..l B....nl1 .. .... .L1''' T- NV- Rn,ril rot"r''''' from I The Barr brothers have repaired the
NctiL L Pe nnf u- , V,."'t"1!?l'f"e S'""'.y ;hore he went to dock in the church tower, it now
JN. tting and Percy lliiiin Wednesday .1 judge hogs at the fair, strikes everv quarter
is pln,ed to0''. T .i'fr 1 lra- '",9 '1"""h-fli'1 Mr.' John Friedman went to Portland
1 l v! V l no"th" ''''" visiting Mrs. Acuff. for a few ,1a vh on business.
have been elected .! lL t. ' v. . , " o cr rar.ncr .Mr. I nr . lay lett tor t reigliton ui.t
ward to a successtul school veur.
Mount Angel Items
(Capital Journal Kpeciul Service.)
Mt. Angel, Ore., Sept. 14. Mrs. P.
Scharback went to Portland Monday
to visit her daughters, Mrs. Hnynes and
Mr. Manss was taken seriously ill this
and there will bo illustrated lectures,
motion pictures shows and practical
woiKing Demonstrations along every
nne oi inmistray ana emleavor.
There will be working demonstrations
and instructive lectures iu both irngn-
( 1 ion and good roads' building, with
educative displays of results in both
departments; the children's industrial
exhibits will be much larger and more
representative than ever; there will be
.'111 boys from 20 counties and ."17 girls
from IS counties in the Boys' ami Girls'
camps of instruction, as against 2(1 each
last year. The night horse show and
racing program promises to be wonder
fully attractive features of this year's
'fair; there ill be a plentiful supply
of pure wuter; ample and comfortably
appointed rest- rooms and toilet facili
ties for both sexes, with trained and
courteous colored attendants iu charge,
and everything will be different, far
different ami better than any stnte fair
in the 55 years of its existence.
Company M Refuses
to Serve Under Gehlhar
An old
' from thi drv house fnrnnen
mnn measures time bv r)e. ! . .
cades. But a small boy measures
ay tne space between meals.
evening by running through hot ashes tinue his studies in medicine
A doctor
Try the Journal Classified Ads.
The college opens Thursday, Seritcm
bcr 14.
Journal Want Ada Get Besulft.
1 1
We Cater to
People of
Refined Tastes
There should be more care used in selecting Groceries and Eatables than that of
clothes or furniture as poor and inferior groceries are a menace to healthand
without good health we are not able to enjoy all the good things of the world.
We keep our Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables in the best sanitary conditions.'
We invite your inspection of our store.
A total of )! men out of rtle 1:14
men in Company .l took the new oath
this iiiuming and will be mustered out
of the service of the federal govern
ment into the service of the state as
ompniiy .M. I he i mm require-
Miem i or a company in tne national
guard is 0.) men but the mustering of
ticer extended the time in which to
recruit the additional number III) days
i ,y. ii tins milliner is not
made up by that time Company M will
be taken from Salem nn, will be
tunned in some of the other towns of
the state that have applied for n mi
ni la company.
Jt is thought by the officers of tho
company that 4." men cuu be secured
before tho time limit expires uml Su
Icin will bo assured of a militia com
pany, it Salem fails to supply the men
it is probable tiiat Tillamook will be
given the Company M of the Third reg
iment as this city now has a company
partly equipped ami has made applica
tion for admission into the third regi
ment when the first vacancy exists.
The new oath calls for three years
iu tho reserve in addition to the three
yours iu the service of tho state on tho
active list otherwise it is the samo as
the old law except that the men are
paid regular army pay for drilling and
parades and eeremouies are counted as
drill periods.
The company will be mustered out
of the federal servico early next week
and the men will be immediately re
turned to Salem and the efforts to
build the company up to sufficient
strength to save it for the city will
be begun as the armory, which serves
us an auditorium for tho city, will be
cioseii iu ine event Nilem loses the mi
litia company.
All of the oilier companies in the reg
iment hnvo signed up the minimum re-
Both Parties Claim
Indiana Is Theirs
Chicago, Sept. 13. Counter claims of
victory in Indiuua for Hughes and Wil
son were made here today by K. D.
Toner of Indiana, republican and
Vance McCormick, national democratic
chairman. Toner arrived at republi
can headquarters today und predicted
victory for Hughes in Indiana. He de
clared 1)0 per cent of the Hoosier pro
gressives had come over to Hughes.
McCormick, when he arrived nt dem
ocratic liendquurters today said: "I
never saw such enthusiasm as at the
notification of ',Vife President Mar
shall." Charles Warren Kairbanka. who
speaks at Atchison, Kan., tonight, will
return to his home ill liuliniinpulis fol
lowing ine nmiress neeiiuse of an at
hick or gnstritis. He will not speak
tor a lew days, wishing to rest until
no lias fully recovered.
A delegation of lull women will go
from Decatur to Springfield, 111., to
near woveruor ungues speiik on Tues
day. .Mrs, K. II. r'nnk will head
delegation from Hloomiugtiiii.
Steve Bailey Brings
String of Good Ones
Steve Bailey, the wealthy nice horse
mnn who arrived in Sr.Vem yesterday
wtih a string of racers, comes from Sac
rnmento after nil absence of four years.
Mr. Bailey has ever been known for his
fairness in the racing game, havini!
spent his life training horses for the
course. He wus iu Salem for several
years with horses and for five years
had the Albany true leased. About .'15
years ago he had enough faith iu the
lide land proposition to file on IfiO
acres along tne Seattle water front.
Possibly half ot it was lost in Inter
litigation, parties having made filings
while Mr. Bailey was away with his
horses. When the (ircnt Northern Rail
road company wished a site for its bii
central station .Mr. Bailey r ived
2i5,n(i() in (jui, ,.0jn fur t10 s;te
quired anil the regiment will be mus
tered out of the federal service as a
There is one sure way that has never
tailed to remove dandruff at once, n:id
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy,
it entirely. To do this, just get abao't.
four ounces of , pin in, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it. at night whim
retiring; use enough to moisten t"
syjlp uud rub it in gently with tho
finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, und three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no niat'cr
how much dandruff yon may have.
Von will find all itching and digging
of the scalp will stop instantly, ami
your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glos
sy, silky and soft, and look and feel ii
hundred times better.
Mexico City, Sept. 15. Alfonso Snn
tibune., who assassinated Jesus Ciu-v
ran .a, nephew of (ieneral Cnrrunr.u uml
killed the former general, liafael Ku
i list, has been killed iu a quarrel by
Aurelio Hernamlcii, a Kelieistn., it 's
learned todnv.
I . it
W. everuthin? about
v i-v a rainu dau scorns
i w ft ' 9
L to sau
Mo keep drij,
to work m
v' comfort .wear
A.J. Tower Co - Boston
456 State Street
When orders were received nt Camp
Withy com be last week from the war
department that the Third Oregon in
fantry be mustered out immediately
there was rejoicing among most of the
men, for whatever opinion they had
when on the border, they had iio de
sire to linger long nt Camp Withy
combe, Clackamas, When thev reach
u.i ,i.u r...... i... u i. .l '
I . nuitui iney were
II i anxious to get home. Thev were be-1
! ginning to lose interest and pep at
I Clackamas. J
The regiment will be mustered out!
M" by the beginning or next week, when
the Company I boys will be home.
i Mondav the new oath was administer-
'ed. All in Company I took the oath
but Aline, Shurtell, Thompson and
E a I Berk. Tiiere were some defections in
M Company of I'ortlund. Company U
II of Oregon City fell down so hard that
it is doubtful if the organization will
;oe Kept in existence, while Company M
m miiriii, which nan us men, got down
to I'D und will probably come up to .0.!
Tllf tirilieitiul tprkiililu U.UI. 5!
I I I i - t "nil inr Mit-m-
1 1 , bers of Company M, it is reported, was' !
ni that they would not tane the new onthl'j
land serve under Captain Max Gelhar, II
but would do so if he resigned. I'p,
to this writing he has not handed in
S5 his resignation.
Ill A committee of non-commissioned of-H
II ficers laid before Col McLaughlin
i''harge that Captain (ielhar eiicoorag-
.i : fin. . . , . .
," rnjnuiiuKi-. i n re in also (Iirkhtih-
To the Merchant
Phone 182
taction among Company tl with Captain
Those who have taken the new oath
serve out their present terms of en
listment nnd then go on the reserve
for three years. The privates will re
ceive a month pay und in each
company there will be HI first class
privates receiving .' extra. Those a
bove privates will be paid more in
proportion to their rank. The cuptain
will receive 4H0I a year, first lieuten
ant .'iiMI and second lieutenant 4110.
Win, ill. urn Independent.
They're waiting, thousands of house-wives throughout
. the suburbs and the country-side waiting for the tele
phone calls that will tell them whose goods are best and
prices are lowest.
What of yours? - Are your orders coming from the
same old restricted line of customers, or are you branch
ing out into the country and neighboring towns, build
ing up your business by Bell telephone.
Consult the list of toll rates to cities
hereabout; it's in the front of your
Bell directory.