2 f. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1916. TWO I 1 5jc sjc 3 3fc C jjc 3C I . i PERSONALS tt fTTtttttttttff.ttfttttttttt -t-t m t ttttttumtt 1 1 1 TITI jc jc sc jft sfc sfc sfc c j( 9c sjc sjt sc s)c S ! V i c i.i if S! We Do Do It! We can save you money on every pound of Coffee you buy. OUR GEM 35c COFFEE is equal to any 40c and 45c tinned coffee. The proof is in the cupping, try it. Roth's Supreme Baking Powder. ,: Nothing-, better ever produced. Sold in pint I Mason. Jars, each 50c Saturday Specials Extra Fancy' Tomatoes, basket -25c Extra Fine Peaches, basket 25c Italian Prunes, per bushel $1.00 Gravenstein Apples, per box g5c Tokay and Malaga Grapes, basket 50c Roth Grocery Co. gOCJT y By ALIKE THOMPSON Mri. T. W. B. London and daughter, Hiss Zulette London, of Vancouver, B. O., who have been tho house guests cf Mrs, George i Rodgers, left the iirat of the week for Portland, where they will visit for a few days before their return home. Mrs. Madison L. Jones left Thurs day for a several weeks sojourn in Cal ifornia. During her stay in the south Mrs. Jones will visit Son Diego, and also Martinez, California, where sho will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Jones. Mrs. Frank W. Durbin has as her Cuest, her mother, Mrs. J. W. Spriggs, r Portland. Mrs. Charles Hopkins of Falls City is the House guest of Mrs. William T tirier for several days. One of the gay little parties of the reek was that given Master Jack Har bison in celebration of his seventh birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harbison, on Wed nesday afternoon. Seventeen aappy little playmates eame and played games and later the party closed with delight ful refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Channcey Bishop re turned late last night from a brief visit in Portland. A motor party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. dough, and Mrs. George L. Hurbnnk will leave for Portland to morrow to tour the Columbia highway. Governor Withycombe and daughter, Miss Mabel Withycombe, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, it. .1. Schuldcrman and MiBS Laura Miles, motored to Clacka mas for the day Wednesday. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. McDougnl, accompanied by Mrs. William T. tirier, and Mrs. Chester Cox motored to Port land for the day Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Jacob Kamni motored to Salem from Portland Wednesday and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Clay. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Coffin of San Francisco, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Catlin, left Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. (off in are en route home from an extended auto mobile, trip. Honoring Errol C. Gilkey, who will leave tomorrow to attend the univer sity of the city of New York, the Ep worth League of the Methodist church gave a largo reception on Wednesday evening. ' Tho affair was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Scott and was attended by about 100 guests. Mr. Gilkey is a graduate of the Willam ette University and for some time has been the assistant librarian at the su- A. A. Bynon who has been in the northern part of the state on business will return tms evening. ' Lpunor Comptoa of Drain, Oregon, formerly of independence, is transact ing business tn the city. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Aleinan of Woodliurn are visiting at the home of Frank Crawford in Polk county , 1. C. Beers, of toe Perry drag store, and wife, who have been visaing at The Dalles are expected home Sunday,' Dr. M. C. Findley and family who. have been visiting mends at Grants Pass for the last ten days, will return tonight. Wilton W. Martin- of 1031 Union street left this morning with his fam; lly for Portland, where they will mako their homo. .i Kola Neisy a prominent hop buyet of oulom, ib in the city. Jte attended the round op yesterday. Eugene Reg ister. , . Mr. and Mrs. A.,M. Clough, accom panied by Mrs. George L. Bur bank of Albany and Mrs. V. L. Bryant will leave tomorrow morning for Portland and motor on the Columbia highway Sunday. - . , Mr. and Mrs. K. T. . Mulding'of Sib verton returned to their home yester day after spending a few days with their (laughter, Mrs. Mae M. lvic, pro prietor of the Capital hotel. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lokke left last night for their home in Taeoma after a few days visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Ed Keene. Ii!)2 Front tsreet. Fair Ground Crossing Declared Dangerous Acting on the belief that the cross ing of the Southern Pacific railway at the state fair grounds is a menace to the safety of many people, H. H. Cory of the public service commission has addressed the following letter to F. L. Burckhnlter, superintendent of .South ern Pacific at Portland: "In the interest of safety first we wish to direct your attention to the ex tremely hazardous condition of the crossing of your track at the fair grounds station, which is yearly trav ersed by thousands of patrons of the state fair. Owing to the fact that the crossing is not planked or graveled the rails and ties project above your, right of way to such an extent that people often trip and fall. You will recall that some three or four years ago a young man lost hi life by tripping on the rail at this point and falling in front of an approaching passenger train. Last year the writer observed one persop falling and receiving a se vere scalp wound. "We believe you will agree that at small expense an extremely hazardous crosing can be placed in a greatly im proved condition by planking or gravel ing the crossing above mentioned. This should receive your prompt attention, an the state fair begins September 25th." The Ford assembling plant at Port land has been unable to receive ship ments for the past three weeks. Hence those who had been saving up their spare change to do a little motoring of their own have not been able to motor. But everything comes to anyone who will wait long enough and the an nouncement is made that a ear load will arrive in the city tomorrow. :::::::: 11 ' ( STYLE and the WOMAN k TTTln selecting a garment the greatest ( problem before a woman is to achieve vL correct style without sacrificing her in JU dividuality-her personality. Not only must she patronize a store with a reputation for fashion accuracy, but she must also choose that store which offers styles in great range of varying details and colorings. In other words, you must select from fashion's allurements that garment which was asso ciated with you in the designer's imagination. Come and see that garment. U. G. Shipley Co. Outer and Inner Garments for Women, Misses and Children. it III MIMtttUMMMMMttttMMMMttMMMt4MttMMMtttttttMHtttMttMtMtttMtHW4-m promo court library. Mrs. C. Elmore Grove of Portland visited in Salem today, returning late this evening. - Announcing New Silks and Fall Dress Fabrics In selecting; our line of Dress Goods we have made an honest effort to please our many patrons. Fabrics and merchandise have been chosen with the utmost care. Our purchasing power means much to the people of this part of the state. We select the best merchandise, we sell at lower prices and we protect our customers. This is possible because we sell for cash. Every department is crowded with the t season s goods. "Come back customers" are made here daily. Come and be one of them. ' Silks Costume Satins, New Plaids and Stripes, in beautiful colors and com binations. Georgette Crepes in a large assortment of Fall shades and plenty of cream, ivory, black and navy. Crepe de Chine, Jersey, Silk and Wool Poplins and Chiffon Taf fetas. These come in many widths and prices. Worsteds Dress Goods the fashionable weaves include Broadcloth Gabar dine, Poplins, Suitings and Tailors Serges, New Ombre Plaids, Striped Suitings and Tailor Suitings in man nish effects. We take great pride in showing you these Worsted Fabrics in correct shades for Fall and Win ter wear, Furs A splendid assortment of Fur Trimmings. Present indications cause us to state that they will be very popular this season. Because i" of this we are prepared to show you all the fashionable kinds in widths ranging from 1-2 an inch to 4 inches. Make an early selection. , , Velvets ' New Velvets, Vdlvetines, Cordu roys and Plushes for costumes. Many new plushes for coats in rich season able shades. On account of the re strictions of importation from France and Germany these fabrics will be scarce. Let us suggest that you do not wait too long before in specting our line. M i SO DO THE COMPLAINTS Car shortaco complaints are still be ing received at the office of the pub lie service commission. The following letter from the Ewauna Box company of Klamath Falls came in this morn ing's mail. It is a 'OPT of a letter ad dressed to E. O. McCormiek, vice pres ident of the Southern Pacific railway company, at San Francisco: "We have wired your company many time this year and quite often within the last sixty days for cars in which to load tiiook, and we appreciate your having answered nearly every telegram, although we have .not. received cars in sufficient numbers to keep our factory operating any longer, "We have 130 car loads of shook piled in and around our warehouses. Much of it, approximately 130 car loads, is piled in the open and is sub jeet to all the elements of the weather and much damago is being done to this particular shook. "We have three warehouses all full, including aisles and alleyways, and our cost of loading cars from waroiiouse in tnis condition requires twice the or diuary time and is therefore twice the expense to us. "Our customers are in distress for want of shook, and we have it to sup ply them, but yon are not furnishing us ears. "The Klamath Manufacturing com pany of this j-ity receives sufficient cara from your company to keep their factory operating full time. Their ware house is not nearly full, and they were obliged to operate four hours Sunday in order to complete loading four ears placed for them that day.- "We are manufacturing twice as mucn shook that good concern, yet they are receiving practically as mauy cars for shook as we do. We do not know whether or not this is discrimi nation, but we do know that our eost of operating has increased 25 per cent since we have been unable to secure cars, and about -0 per cent of the shook piled in our yards is being de stroyed by weather conditions. "Our customers' patience is begin ning to cease. They want the shoox and therefore we want the ears. "We informed you in February of this year that we would ship 1000 to liOO car loads of shook this season, at the rate of 100 ears monthly, and to please keep ns in cars. We may as well have informed a gopher hole." The Southern Pacific reports to tlie public service commission this morn ing that a total of lt3 empty cars have been received at Ashlaud during the past twenty four hours for use on t'e Portland division. Tho preieut short age ia 1476 ears. BENSON NATURALIZED. Tortlani Or., Sept. 15. S. Benson was admitted to eitixenship yesterday without an opposing vote. The arfi davit of opposition to the admission of the Portlaud capitalist, highway builder and hotel owner, waa unsup ported by testimony and dairegarded by Circuit Judgo Pavis, with the ap proval of Attorney W. S. U'Ren, who presented the protest. Charges made in this protest, which waa fathered by Eugene E. Smiih, president of the Central Labor Council, were unsubstantiated, and the one man said to have personalaknowlcdge of in cidents recited in the affidavit did not appear in court, lie was W. L. Light ner, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. l TODAY'S BALL SCORES I American R. H. E. New York 2 9 1 Detroit 4 10 0 Mogridge and Alexander; Dauss and Stanage. R. H. E. Washington . 2 3 2 Chicago 3 10 2 Shaw and Henry; Cicotte and Lapp. R. n. E. Philadelphia ; 2 8 2 Cleveland 3 10 2 Sheehan and Haley; Pcnner, Smith and Deberry, O'Neill. National Cincinnati-New York, called end 4th rain. R. H. E. Pittsburg 13 0 Brooklyn 8 12 0 Jacobs, Evans and W. Wagner; Mar quard and Myers. (Called end 5ith, rain.) Other games postponed, rain. j Last Band Concert at Willson Park Tonight The regular band concert will be given at Willson park tonight, and it is the last one of the season. H. N. Stoudenmeyer will as usual handle the baton while Tom Ordcmnnn will be the soloist. The weajther being ideal it is expected the largest gathering of the season will be that tonight. Many of the numbers on tonight's program have been placed there by request the pro gram follows: Most of the numbers being request numbers. 1 March, "Stars and Stripes For ever." Sousa 2 Overture, "Poet and Peasant." Suppe 3 Waltz, "Annette." Baxter To Make Skin Clear Don't worry about skin troubles. Yon can have a clear, clean complexion by using a little acmo, obtained at any drnft store for 25c, or extra large bottle at $1.00. . , Zemo easily removes all traces or pim ples, black heads, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is neither watery, sticky nor. greasy and stains nothing. It ia easily applied and costs a mere trifle for eack application. It is always dependable. Zemo, Cleveland. 4 Comic Opora Selection, "Al geria." Herbert 5 Vocal Solo, "Who Knows.".. Ball Mr. Tom Ordcmon (a) "In oppyland." Alboi" 0 Novelettes (b) "Basket of Hoses." ...Allien 7 Patriotic Airs, "Songs of the Nation." Lampo 8 Mareeau Characteristitpie, "Whispering Flowers." Von Blon 0 Grand Selection from "Carmen." Bizet. 10 March, "Willard's Triumph." .. Cheiiette- The PFoman PFho Knows the one perfume which suits her the exaSt style of dress which becomes her the particular type of person she en-. joys as a friend: Such a womantwe are surefK'ill appre ciate the assistance of the " Taste Packet" in deciding just which tea-favor precisely suits her taste. Sold through grocers 8-4Z. tni Thii ftcltt nnttitiifeur pdrehmn tivthftt tffxt led itlhftrJirfr)ixcatittihtftktfntrtrutJldvrs:JipM, CrjUt, OtUng, English Brtdiftst. U'i mtilit ti tn tt ttnJiitg t tents(jtamfi tr (trrtmt). Adirtu: A Schilling & C,m""ty'SJJ Stttni Strett SdM Frtntiie, Qnhftrni Schilling's Tea U I ix: M 1 n n M 1 1 1 : " i . 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i J l l f i i t j ( r i ; m t , M i t : l i l 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; i m 1 f t ' i qTeaH V