THE DATLY CAT'TTAT. OiTRVAL S.LEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1916. GIANTS NOW MOST DANGEREOUS TEAM McGraw From Wreck Builds Up One of Best Machines in Nationals OFFICER ARRESTED BY IRATE COLONEL Captain Brown Sues Out Writ of Habeas Corpus Against Colonel IngSs Will NOT INTERFERE f c Japan Assures America That China's Trade Will Be Open to All Nations Am A' IT 1 e rM iy . TO" ""M k m If V FT i : u - , 1 like a juicy steak 6r You know what a thick, juicy steak does for your hunger. Chesterfields do exactlythe same thing for your smoking they satisfy ! But, besides thatChesterfields are mild! This combination of mildness with "satisfy ' is an achievement new to cigarettes. Chesterfields give smokers what they have always liked (mildness), united with a new kind of enjoyment " satisfy!" No cigarette, except Chesterfields, can give you this new enjoyment, because no cigarette maker can copy, the Chesterfield blend! " Try Chesterfields today fj IPJI ; ' yi V . fur .' I Ml' Rf ,1 ABB J I 1 . Jt- I. ft UBB'jj1'B-. ' K V M M f I. I t H I i .. W J The CheiterfielJ Blend contuna lh. noil famout Turidth IoImccm 3AMSOUN for richani) CAVALLA for ramat SMYRNA for XANTHI for fragranca, cambiaad with tk bat Joatetlie laaf. 20 for 10c III' II I i v 1.1 .m i j. i. ,111 2 S ABJB'TTT E S an J jef they're MILD c 3 Beaton County Fair Postponed One Week CorrallU, Ore., Sept. 14. The amii agement of the Bouton county fair yen terday announreil th postponement of to fair until Thurmiav, Fritlnv and Saturday, Seplcmbor 81," 22 and 8.1, in- stoaJ of September 14, 15 and 1(1. Among other thing!), it wax found im possible to get covering for the pro tection of the .took until next wevk. Also the amusement company scheduled to appear ia unable to get here on the original date. The grounds are being put In shape, the track graded and varioua other im provements made that will be completed in time for the fair next week. fl The great favorites of England and' Scotland are now on $ale in the U.S. Dunlop Golf Balls "Beat in the World," Cornea M. Barnes, leading . . ... f. . professional of 1916 1 CJ The champion golfera choose Dunlops for their marvelous length, steadiness and accuracy. The-N. V. Time and other paper have often commented on the wonderful drive and records mndc. bv the usera of these famout balls. - Try "29" or "31" and lower your score For aale by golf professionals 9.00 per doxen, T.V each The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Birminghmiu,En!and. Piper and laftt, SeatUa, Washington. NorUiwest Wholesale Distributors Annual Inventory of Public Libraryi ThA annual InVAiitnrv nf lim Slntnni' public library taken in August showed aa follows: Hooks missing reference, 4; adult class, 3:t; adult fiction, 44; total adult books missing for the year, 81. (a the juvenile class, the annual in ventory showed; Juvenile class miss ing, "ti; juvenile fiction, 4; easy, H; total juvenile books missing for tho year, ftS, . ' - These books will be looked for until the time of the annual 'report and it is probable that a number of them will be returned. Of the books minsing laal year, 22 were found while taking in ventory this year. There were 7.1 adult books, ft adult pamphlets and 42 juve nile books missing Inst year aud this year also. These of course are now re ported as withdrawn from the library. . COOS BAT COAi, SHIPPED Marshfield, Or., Hept. 14. The first shipment of coal over the Willamette faciftr railroad was made by (ieorgo loll, the fore part of this week, to a dealer at llnrrisbiirg. The coal was shipped from the I.ibby mine, the old est mine in the county. The first or der w-as for one car of 0 tons, aud the introduction of Coos Hay coal into the homes of the various Willamette, valley cities is expected to follow Kra.l , ually during the fall and winter. pannell Is Facing Trial for Murder THE BIG STICK BATTLE American League, Player. AB. H. Speaker 4.S9 187 Cobb ..484 176 Jackson S34 18b" riaycr.' Chase . . . Daubert . Wagner . National. AB. 473 399 361 H. 154 127 112 Pet. .382 .363 .348 Pet. .325 .313 .310 TODAY'S IF TABLE National. Pet. Club. Today. Brooklyn 591 Philadelphia ....5HS liovttun . Club. Boston , Detroit ..581 W. .094 .591 .5K,- American. Pet. Toduv. W. 57S .581 57,"i .578 1.. .5S7 .584 .577 I.. 573 571 Chicago 5U5 .5t8 .501 GIANTS NOW ..0 ..0 ..C ..0 ..C Alpine, Texas, Sept. 14. Hurry ,T. .Spauucll was brought here from Kl Paso during the' night to faeo two iudict ments for the murder of his wife and Major M. C. Butler, army officer, while riding in an automobile on the night of July 0. A motion for a change of venue on the ground that Spannell can not obtain a fair trial in this county will move of his attorney, in ' By H. C. Hamilton. New York, Sept. 14. After being booted from pillar to post, wrecked as a machine thnt had battled in world's series and then rebuilt, the New York Giants Htnnd today the most dangerous team in the National league. Manager McGraw and the New York fans claim this, and seven other mali ngers in the Tenor circuit ndmit it. The rejuvenation of the Giants hna been complete. They won their eighth straight game when they took a double header from the Reds yesterday. There me no pennant hopes around the Polo grounds for this year, but wntch out for 1917. The "next year" cry is an old one, but it looks like it means something coming from McGruw. In the meantime, ton, the Giants are go ing to make things mighty uncomfor table for the teams they meet during the remainder of the present season. Slowly but surely, McGraw complete ly tore down the imtchine with which he achieved some of his greatest triumphs aud with few of his veterans remaining, built a new cue about them. Of tho in field with which he started the 1910 rnce, only Fletcher remnins at shortstop. "Buck" Herzog brought pep bock with him. I.nrry Doyle has given way to Heine Zimmerman. Fred Merkle has departed and n youngster Walter Holke is at first, the idol of Giant funs. He looks like a second Hnubert or Chase. Of the old field, which went through the Inst world's series in which the Giants appeared, only Hums remnins. lSennie Kuuff and Dave Kidiertson look after the other gardens, both pounding the bnll and fielding and throning in clean, impressive style. Of the pitching staff Hatty has de parted. Marqunrd ami Meyers, n fa mous world series battery, went to Brooklyn last year. McGraw sttll holds Tesreau, but his rising pitchers are Ferdie Schupp, a young left bander he has worked for yenrs, Fred Anderson and Georgo Smith, liube Benton and Pol Perritt, tried veterans on other tennis, are working well under McGraw. Behind the bat Bill Rariden is taking care of the heavy work. With these prospects there seems to be little basis for the talk of McGraw retiring next year. He styled such ru mors ns foolish today and John B. Fos ter, secretary of the club, laughed at the prospect of Mcliraw's going. "His contract has another year to run," said Foster, "and we're not worrying. We expect McGraw to Bign whenever we are ready." While McGraw 'a men were downing the Reds twice yesterday the National league race was tightening ngffin when the Hraves whipped Chicago twice and the Dodgers lost to Pittsburg. The best the Phillies could do was an even break with the Cardinals. Detroit crept up in the Americau league race to within three points of the lending Red Sox and Chicago maintain ed its position close behind the Tigers. . Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standing. W. L. Pet. 89 I 0 70 80 80 71 Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 14. Army men here are. intensely interested today in the case of Captain David Livingstone of Company M, Second Washington in ! fantry, who has obtained from the I'ui- ted States district court a writ of ha- ! I: ens corpus, alleging he is being held a prisoner at tamp Brown in contra vention of the articles of war. The writ is directly against Colonel Wil liam M. Inglis, in command of the Washington national guard regiment and is returnable September 19 at Sent- tle. The case has developed from charges and counter chnrges passed between the ; two officers while stationed at Calexico. According to the petition of Living stone, a soldier of the regiment desert ed, while Livingstone was officer of the day. The guurd was called out and the deserter captured. On account of the lateness of the hour, Livingstone tailed to report. For this Inglis is said to nave cursed Livingstone in the pres ence of the troops. Captain Living stone shortly thereafter wrote to Inglis, demanding an apology, and then laid his case nerore the commanding ofticer ot the western department. Inglis immedi ately ordered the arrest ot Livingstone, and he has been in detention since. Under the articles of war. when charges are made against an officer or enlisted man, a hearing must be given i.i 10 days after the arrest. This argu ment is used by l.ivingsone in his peti tion for a writ of habeas corpus, and it is on this ground that Judge Neterer granted the writ. Villa Reported in Santa Clara Region Kl Paso. Texas, Sept. 14. Despite General Pershing's dispatch to General 1 uuston that Pancho Villa s northward progress could not be confirmed, Gen eral Gonzales, C'arrnrmsta commander at Juarez, today announced officially that Villa is still in the Santa- Clara region where he has been seen person ally by peons, but is showing no dispo sition to right. A sum 11 band of Villistas fought for four hours yesterday in the Lnguiia district, with de facto troops, according to Gonzales. The bandits fled leaving seven dead on the field. Copies of a newspaper published by the new revolutionary party of legulis tus have been smuggled into Chihuahua City by train crews. Two men have been arrested for the offense. County Commissioners of State in Session Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 14. The coun ty commissioners state association op ened its tenth annual convention and the county engineers its 12th annual convention here this afternoon, Rufus C. Holinan .of Portland; W. Scott Coe, of Klickitat county and Pro fessor A. H. Fuller of Seattle, are. on the commissioners ' program for today. .1. D. Deville of Lewis county and Edwin (.'. Ewing of Seattle, ore ad dressing the engineers. California Leads in Trap Shooting Portland, Or., Sept. 14. California marksmen held the lead today in pre liminaries to the Pacific Coast handi cap trap shoot tourney at the Portland Gun club. In the preliminary handicap, H. Lo rensen of Newman, Cal., banged away from tho 20 yard mark smashing 91 out of a possible K0 aud winning first prize. O. X. Ford, San Jose, Cal., grabbed the 100 bird coast special prize, regis tering 07 out of a possible hundred. 1'oter II. O'Brien of Portland was sec ond and Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., third. In tha nrnftiHutnnnl .lnua T. TT Poiil oi oeauie, asu., won me I'aemc coast special, cracking 91 out of 100. Frank K. Riehl of Tacoma, hit 90 from the 25 yard mark. ' One hundred marksmen are shooting in the Pacific Coast handicap today including H. W. Cline and Guy C. Hol ohan of Los Angeles; C. A. Haight, C. II . Knight and H. E. Poston of San Francisco; A. A. Riehl and Frank C. Rinhl nf Tai-mna ami f1 f. Tenintntnn V. A. Fleming, R. W. Ki'nZer, G. H. ramirignt, i. M. nsuer, i nomas WUKs C. H. McKelvev and L. H. tteid of Seattle. Washington, Sept. 14. The text of written assurances given American Am bassador Guthrie at Tokio by the Jap anese foreign office regarding Japan ' adherence to the "open door" policy in China in connection with the recent ly signed Russo-Japanese treaty was given out by the state department to day. Part of the text follows: "The imperial government desires to assure the American government that - the new convention is in no sense de signed to repeal or to modify the pro visions of article 2 of the conventions concluded between Japan and Russia of July 31, 1907, nor has the imperial government entertained for a moment any intention to depart from the pol icy to which they have avowedly com mitted themselves respecting the main tenance of the independence and terri torial integrity of China as well as the equal opportunity for the trade of all nations in that country. "On the contrary they are as strong ly convinced as ever of the usefulness of that policy in the interests of the general stability in the tar cast which they have always very near their heart." These written assurances were given Ambassador Guthrie September 13 in addition to oral ones In 'eply to a re quest which the state department maite through the ambassador August 10 for information regarding the treaty. The Russian minister of affairs jas similarly assured the Ameiican am bassador to Russia regarding the treaty Colored Revivalist Charged with Vagrancy James E. Fray, the colored revival ist who was chased out of Silverton Tuesday night, and for whose arrest on a charge of vagrancy a warrant was issued that day on complaint of Silver ton citizens, wus arrested this morning in this city and arraigned before Jus tice of the Peace Webster. Fray pleaded not guilty. He will be tried Saturday morning at. 10 o'clock. The complaint of the Silverton citi zens who appeared at the district at torney's office Tuesday was to K& ef fect that Fray, who has been conduct ingya series of revival meetings in that town, made personal charges against people of the town and used ohsceue language in the course of his sermons. It is stilted that he possesses a power amounting almost to the hypnotic, and that he has secured a considerable in fluence over a number of his hearers. Fray said this morning that he lives in Portland. He is a' native of the West ludias, and has been in this country about ten years. ,I.os Angeles , Vernon . . . , iSnlt Lake .., Sau Francisco ! Portland Oakland 59 73 81 75 105 .78 .503 .523 .497 .480 .300 t obtain a ( the first iirt toija.y. The motion will probably be cou be granted. For th,e tirst time since his arrest Spannell spoke of the tragedy, while on the train last night. "God knows I didn't mean to kill my wife' he said. "I didn't know what I ws doing. I hope my little girl is too- youug to realise what this means.": !. "Why dd you shoot Major Butlert" he was asked. "Dou ask me that," Spannell re plied, ami would say no more. ' Case Transferred. Alpine. Texas, Mept. U. The case of Harry ,T. ,ripaune!l, charged with the murder bf his wife and Major Calvin Butler of the Sixth I'nited States cav alry here, July 20, this afternoon was transferred for trinl to Tom Green coun ty. San Angelo is the county sea. No date was set for the trial. Yesterday's Results. ' ' . Vernon, 1; Portland, 4. At San Francisco, 2; Oakland, 6. At Salt Lake, 9; Los Angeles, 7. Well, we have a big league hero our elves today. His name is - Reuther, pitcher for Portlnud. Reuther let down the Vernonites with two hits and one run yesterday and got two hits ou his own nccouut. Portland breexed, 4 to 1. - One of the two hits off Reuther was a solid smash by Griggs, that went for three bases. Lane of Oakland, batted twice, got two hits and scored two runs. He laid down three neat sacrifices. Oakland beat San Francisco when the latter failed to connect with old Doc Crandall's deceivers. Sensational slugging caused Salt Lake to beat Los Angeles. Dick Bayless was the hardest hitter of them all, gathering two doubles and a home-run. With the Anirula nhnnit Ttill Clrr nf Salt Lake, tripled in the seventh with oases run, neing toe score. Bayless' four bagger with one on grabbed the scalps. Quinlan and Orr of Salt Lake fielded like Ty Cobb. ; The Hm from where they can again challenge the leaders. Cobb didn't get any hits, but the rest of the Tigers got euough to whip the Yanks and the Tigers now are just three points behind the Red Sox. Young Walter Holke, the Giants' new first baseman, hammered out a triple in the first game of a double header with the Reds and three runs, the total for the contest, scampered across. Three southern leaguers were helps to Cleveland in turning back the Athletics. Tcis Speaker had a perfect day -with the bat, getting three hits out of three efforts. Outlines Hughes Second Campaign Tour Chciugo, Sept. 14. V. H. Hitchcock, of tho national republican advisory committee reached here today. Other members will arrive Monday for a con ference. Hitchcock announced plans for Gov ernor Hughes' second western tour. The candidate will occupy a special train. Leaving Xew York the morning of September 18, he will reach Chica go at 4 o'clock, September 19. Half an hour later he will go to Peoiia. He will leave Springfield, 111., the night of September IS, reaching Chicago ear ly September 20. Two hours later he will go to Milwaukee, returning the morning of September 21. Immediate ly he will leave for Monon, Ind., and will spend four days in Indiana, speak ing constantly except on Sunday, Sep tember 24, when he will rest at In dianapolis. Joseph G. Cannon, of Danville, 111., arrived here today from Washington. At republican headquarters today ha predicted a republican victory in Nov ember. He will leave for home tonight, Michigan Industrial Home Burned, Two Dead Detroit, Mich., Sept. 14. Iu a fire which swept the industrial home for men here earlv today, Albert Tracy, aged 52, Carl Tucker, agea 65, and two other unidentified inmates were burned to death. Seventy-five others escaped through smoke-filled corridors. Two were injured jumping from second story windows. The industrial home is connected with a branch of the Salvation Armv. to which the flames spread. The building was gutted. Louis Susskind, age 48, and John Hil ton, age 45, were trapped on the second floor of the Salvation Army building; and were forced to jump. Both suffer ed broken legs. IS VILLA ON BOARD? Galveston", Texas, Sept. 14. The Ger man sub-merchantman Bremen has been captured and is tied up in the river Tyne, according to the captain of a Bri tish merchant steamer that arrived here today from England.' Y T (Continued From Page One.) Pennsylvania's three armor plate fac tories was submitted. No established steel company ha in cepted Secretary Daniels' invitation to make offer of sale. The invitations were sent out in accordance with the terms of the law which gave the secre tary authority to build or buy "a see- ond hand" plant. A representative of the Midvale com pany was on hand but merely as an on looker. '