Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1916, Image 1

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btands mra cbt
British and French Draw Net Tight About Combles and Have
Stronghold Two-Thirds Surrounded Germans Bring,
i 20,000 From Verdun and Fight Desperately to Save
J Peronne-Serbians Take Bulgar Trenches and Capture
Heights-Deadlock On Russian Front
J By Ed L. Keen,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, -Sept. 14. The British have joined with the
French in the new eastward drive to squeeze the Germans
out of Combles and Perbnne and made progress last night
north of Ginchy.
The British gain, officially reported by General Haig,
draws a noose tighter around Combles whose outskirts
are now held by the French. On the eastern side of
Combles, the French have pushed forward in this week's
fighting until the town is about two-thirds surrounded.
The Germans are counter attacking desperately to
save Peronne. The French war office today announced
that more German troops have been transferred from the
Verdun front and that twenty thousand Germans from
Verdun led the German attack on the Combles-Peronne
line yesterday. The German war office announced this
afternoon that the Teuton counter attacks have met with
some success and that all Anglo-French atta'cks last night
were repulsed.
As if in answer to the German claim that the allied
offensive in northern Greece has been stopped the French
war office this afternoon announced further gains by the
Serbs on the allies' right wing. The Serbians captured
a row of Bulgarian trenches and pushed the Bulgars from
a dominating height. On the remainder of the Mace
donia f rout only artillery duels and minor patrol activities
were reported by the French and British war offices". .
The deadlock on the Russian front and in southeast
ern Rumania continues. The Russian war office an
nounced the repulse of German-Bulgarian attacks east of
the fort of Silistra. t i " ! i , . i :
The GpTman war office officially con
firmed reports that the Bulgarians
have occupied the Greek port of Kavala
and announced that the,German-Bulgar
rffimpaijjii in southeastern Rumania in
Irogressing. The repulse of allied at
tacks at several points on the Macedon
ian frontier was announced at Berlin.
The Tact that Berlin saw fit to an
nounce the occupation of Kavala was in
terpreted here as meaning that the Ger
mans no longer hope to keep Greece-out
of the war. The German minister at
Athens is reported to have assured King
i'nnatnntiue several weeks ago that
Kavala would not be occupied by the
HiilgBi'H so long as Greece continued
ii rut nil.
French Gains Comamnd Roads.
Paris, Sept. U. Continuing their ad
vanea west of the Yurder and the Ser
bians carried Bulgarian trenches be
. tween Kovil and Vetrenik, making pro
gress also in the direction of Kaitmat-
lilt Ion, it was officially announced to
.J'iy. Northwest of Ostrovo lake, the Sorbs
carried a height west of hill 1.3HO after
violent fighting, the advance guard
reaching Koikes Malknnidy. The Bui
iwrinns suffered heavily.
On the allies' right wing, from the
Vaidar to the Struma, intermittent can
Hounding continued yesterday, but there
wire no infantry actions except patrol
Frencn artillery has drawn n ring
of fire three quarters of the way around
Peronne, which is almost entirely cut
off from communication with the rest
Root legger have rented so many
Malls at our county fair that ther haint
no room fer th' stork. I.afe Bud's un
cle wux killed in a onto yisterday by a
train refusin' t' chnnge it's course.
of the German front.
Dispatches from the Somme battle
field todny said the great eastward push
of General Foch's men lu the last 4$
hours ha placed all roads from Peronne
within range of French guns. On three
sides the French have surroundetd tlie
city with incessant streams of shell fire.
.Supplies can be brought into the city
only under cover of night along the
roads entering from the east.
Take Troops From Verdun.
Paris, Sept. 14. The Germans have
shifted more troops from Verdun to the
Nomine front in an effort to check Gen
eral Foch's forces closing in upon Pe
ronne. The war office announced today that
yesterday's ine'fefctive counter attack
nuaiiiHt the .southern extremity of Hill
7(. northwest of Peronne, was led by
a fresh German division hastily trans
ferred from Verdun. The Germans made
several more attacks at the same point
last night, but were completely re
pulsed. South of the Somnic, the Germans at
tacked at several different points, but
were repulsed. West of C'haiiliies one
German company was caught under
French fire and practically annihilated.
On the northeastern front of Verdun,
the French easily repulsed several at
tacks ngainst the new French positions
on the Vaux-Chnpitre front.
Say Allies Are Halted.
Berlin, Sept. 14. The new allied of
fensive in Macedonia has been com
pletely halted, according to Sofia dis
patches today.
I.nrge British forces that attempted
Uo advance In the region of Seres were
repulsed, suffering heavv losses. The
Kritish were forced to relinquish ground
temporarily occupied and are now in
Repeated attacks bv French and Ital
ian troops have, been fully repulsed.
The Serbians on the Bulgarian right
wing after few temporurv successes
have been pushed back to their former
positions, belli? unable to withstand
Bulgarian counter attacks.
The operations in outlienstern Ru
mania under command of Field Marshal
Mnckensen are proaressintr sntisfnetor-
lily. -
The British official press representa
tive nt Salonika cabled early today that
British forces which crossed the Struma
in an advance early this week have been
withdrawn after inflicting heavy casu
alties on the Bulgars. The reason for
the British retirement was not given.
Plan Oreat Offensive.
Borne, Sept. 14. A great Balkan of
fensive by the Teutonic porers is being
planned at the conference now going on
nt tho kaiser's headquarters, accord
ing to reports reaching here.
The tentative plans call for Germany
sending 200,000 and Austria 100,000 men
(Continued on Page Seres.)
sjc sfc c sc s(c sfc is 3$c sjc sfc sjc s(c
Portland, Or., Sept. 14. Pat-
ent flour advanced 20 cents a
- barrel in the Portland market
. today, making the ' rate $0.00
for standard brands. A further
increase is expected.
... .
Portland, Or., Sept. 14. Hop picking
is in full swing, with weather condi
tions ideal for tile speeding of the har
vest and the checking of blight. .
No new business came to light yes
terday. "The market was firm for
foggles, with 12 cents again quoted,
while clusters are worth about a cents.
The greater premium on toggles this
year is due to the stoppage of nil im
portations from Germany, as bsewera
find thev can substitute Oreton rug
gles very well for the foreign hop. It
is this same condition that has caused
New York slnte hops to advance so
rapidly in price. Last year's states
not long ago were selling nt 12 to IS
cents, but brewers are today paying as
high as ;I7 cents for the new crop.
Steel and Bethlehem Climb
, General Motors Up $160 .
In Three Days
New York, Sept. 14, Pecords were
smashed again today in a wave of pub
lic buying on the New York stock ex
change. I'nited States Steel common
swung into market leadership again and
shortly before noon established another
new; high recortl price of 100 5-8. The
previous high was 105 3-4.
The bull crowd behind General Mo
tors bowled the new leader of the "war
brides" along 53 points farther to $750
a share, up $100 in three days, .
I'tah Copper touched a new high nt
89, Studebnker jumped 5 1-2 to 134 1-8
and New York Air Brake advanced
3 3-4 to 140.
' Bethlehem Steel continued the ad
vance which started yesterday by sell
ing nt 570, up 24 1 - and but "1 under
its record.
Motors, in which there lias been a
heavy short interest, were boomed along
with steel and equipment stocks and
there was a wild rush to cover by trad
ers who had sold expecting declines.
At noon 809,000 shares had been
traded in.
Steel later sold nt 10(1 5-8.
The skyrocketing performances of
General Motors which two years ago
sold at 25 a share, has been accompanied
by various reports regarding a proposed
plan and by rumors of a giant automo
bile merger. Eerlicr advances in Gen
eral Motors were based ou war order
Bethlehem fiteel started its advance
yesterday ou rumors that it was seek
ing control of the Crucible Steel com
pany. Official denial of this report sent
Crucible back temporarily, but "Beth"
continued its climb nnd Crucible today
sold nt 94 3-4 at one time.
Steel pushed its record up to 107 this
afternoon, up 1 7-8 for the day and
Reading set its recoid price nt 114 olH.
At 1 o'clock prices were generally at
the highest of tho dnv. Industrial Al
cohol sold at 128 1-2; Crucible at 94 7-8;
Baldwin 91 3-4, and 1'iiion ncific
113 3-4.
Bethlehem Steel sold nt 580 shortly
after 1 o'clock.
Sales mounted toward a record this
afternoon when nt 2 o'clock 1,751.000
shares had changed hands on the floor
of the exchange. Previous record sales
davs include March 14, 1907, 8,49(1.000
shares; September 28. l!H.r), 1,788.000
shares; September 27, 1911. 1,741,000
shares; October 1, 1915, 1,498,000
Profit taking caused some irregular
ity but the close was steady.
Wheat Climbs Again
Corn Follows Suit
Chicago, Sept. 14. Good commission
buying strengthened the wheat market
today, a strong demand being in evi
deuce ou the firmness of yesterday's
outside markets. Light offering helped
to accentuate the upward movement
September closed up above a high
opening IVi at. 1.51 3-4; December
up 3-4 at 1.52ij and May down 1-8 at
$1.."2 3-8.
Frost forecasts for the entire corn
bc'.t caused a rush to buv at advanced
opeuing prices. Prices declined later
and buvmg orders were absorbed, hep
tomber was up above the opening 3-8
at 8oy: December down v4 nt iiy
and Mav down 1-8 at 75 3-8.
Oa's continued slightlr higher on
the strength of wheat. September was
up .19 at 44 .1-4, December unchanged
at 47i:.. and May up 1-8 at SUM,.
Provisions were slightly lower, de
spite a strong market.
Dropped at Close.
Chicago, Sept. 14. Kejiorts that Ar
gentine wheat is being offered nt prices
lower than American figures at Galves
ton. Texas, combined with heavy specu
lation, tumbled wheat values from 1 3 4
cents to 3 cents on the Chicago board
of trade today. September was down
below a high opening 1 3-4 at $1.48 3 4;
December down 2 14 at 1.4! 1-4 nnd
Mav down 3 nt 1.4U 12.
Dunne Democrat , Renominat
ed Lowden Selected by
Total Vote About 640,000, of
These 400,000 Republican,
38,000 by Women
Chicago, Sept. 14. Former United
States Senator William Lorimer has
fallen down in-his "come back" race
for congross, incomplete returns early
todny from yesterdny's state primaries
showing he has lost to Arthur W Ful
ton in the republican congressional
race in the sixth district by about a
thousand votes.
' ' 1 admit defeat. It is the fortunes of
the game," said Lorimer. "I have
nothiug to say, nothing to charge. 1
only wish that I had won."
James R. Mann,, republican lender
in the national house, swamped his
preacher opponent, Rev. M. P. Hoynton,
m the second congresionnl district
fight by a plurality of about 15,000.
In the gubernatorial race, Governor
Dunne, democrat, and Colonel Frank
O. Lowdcn, republican, were winners.
Lute returns early today indicate
that Dunne's plurality throughout the
state will be around 90,000. He de
feated William Brinton, of Dixon, the
Roger Sullivan entry. Dunne's land
slide vote has swept the entire state
house ticket to victory with the possi
ble exception of Lieutenant Governor
O'llnia, who is punning behind Henry
W. llutmau, the SuMvan candidate,
Lowden won the republican nomina
tion for governor nt an estimated plu
rality of 100,000.
Rough estimates of the total vote in
Illinois indicates that more than (M0,
000 ballots were cast, 400,000 of which
were by republicans and 240,000 by
democrats. Approximately 38,000 wom
en cast votes iu the primaries. The
reason for the light vote was because
women were allowed to voto mostly
for local offices only.
Last returns indicate thnt Dunne's
state vote will be about 153,000 and
Law-den's 220,000.
Incomplete state returns this after
noon indicate that former Senator Wil
liam Mason, republican, has beaten B.
M. Chippcrfield for congressman nt
large. Medill McCormick is assured of
The vote, according to the latest re
turns stands: McCormick. 107.419; Ma
son, 87,794; and Chippcrfield, 57,
May Attend Polk County Fair
In Body-Other Proposed
King lling Deckelmch has issued a
command to his vassal Clierriaas to
apiiear nt the Commercial club Friday
evening nnd discuss with him affairs
of great import to, the nation and for
the welfare of tiic Cherrian organiza
tion. lite Patterson, president of the Polk
county fair, will attend the meeting
and give the boys a personal invitation
to attend the Polk county fair to be
held at Dallas Sept. 19-20 and 21. A
special program of entertainment will
be putvon for Wednesday the 20th nnd
this is the dav the Cherrians will be
invited to attend.
King Hing as well ns other Cher
rians hope to arrange for the Cher
rians to attend in a body to show their
good will towards Dallas and the Polk
county fair. This will come up for dis
cussion Friday evening.
The Yellowstone National I'nrk trip
will also come in for a few remarks.
Although it is a long way until next
summer, yet if the Clierriuns intend to
do something big in the way of trnvel-
I lug on a special to the park, it has
been thought best to begin talking
about it. If some plans are carried out,
the Cherrians would go out on a gen
eral advertising tour for the capital
city, stopping at Tacomo, Seattle, So
kaiie, Walla Walla, Boise and probably
Butte and Helena.- --
The appointment of committees-for
the work of the organization during
the state fair will also come up at the
Bix Running into debt is poor ex
ercise. Dix But it gives good exer
cises to bill collectors.
Traffic Officials Stolidly Re
fuse to Consent to
Not a Surface Car Operated
Along the Line of Parade
Gompers Speaks
Now York, Sept. 14. While reports
were coming iu of five street care oper
ated by strikebreakers being piled up
at tho bottom of a grade, injuring nine
persons nnd traction officials stolidly
reiterated their refusal to arbitrate their
differences with the uuion, several thou
sand strikers paraded through the
streets here todav seeking support in
their right for the existence of their
Headed bv a band furnished bv the
musicians' union, the strikers marched
from 80th street and Park nvenue to
Union Square where a mass meeting was
held this afternoon. About 3,000 of the
strikers were in uniforms. Police esti
mates placed the number iu line at 7,000
but union officials declared ihere were
ninny more.
today mnrked the opening of the sec
ond week of tho strike. Settlement was
apparently sb far o"f as the day the
men walked out. All companies have
now joined in the refusal to accept the
recommeuuatiou or tne puuue service
comnOssion for arbitration. Talk of a
general strike in support of the car men
is still heard but no definite action has
been talten. The Central Federated Un
ions are to hold another meeting to
night, when the question will be de
bated. Gompers to Talk.
' Samuel Gompers, president, and Hugh
Frayne, organizer of the American
Federation of Labor, were scheduled
among the speukers at the mass meet
ing this afternoon. William B. Fitz
gerald who is leading the strike, and
Myer London, socialist congressman,
were also to address the crowd. Later
the strike leaders will appear before the
public service commission again.
The union line, in the Bronx, on
which the five car smash-ups occurred
today, is the same on which three per
sons were killed Tuesday when a car
jumped the track. One enr after anoth
er plunged down the grade on nst
Chester avenue in today's accident with
men and women screaming and shouting
for help. The cars dashed down nt
such speed they dure not jump. When
the first car stopped nt the bottom, the
four coming up behind, crashed into it.
The strikebreakers said the brakes on
the car refused to work. They also claim
the tracks had been greased during the
Some attempts were made to resume
traffic today on the surface line af
fected by the strike but in the muin the
tieup of the companies whoso men nrc
on strike was completed.
Subwny nnd elevated trains continue
to operate on regulnr schedule but carry
ing unprecedented crowds, owing to the
parnly.ntioii of surface lines and jam-
licit to suffocation.
Many Bands in Line.
New York, Sept. 14. Flaunting ban
ners mid carrying signs, striking street
railway employes and sympathizers
marched through the heart of Manhnt
tun todny in a parade of protest against
the Interborough and allied traction
Plans for a silent parade were final
ly changed and the blure of brass nnd
shrill piping of fifes marked time for
the marchers, iu their appeal to all New
Yorkers to wnlk. Nut n surface car op
erated along the line of march.
When the parade reaches Union
8uaro early this afternoon a mass
meeting will be held. Samuel Gompers
is expected to be the chief speaker and
others will be Hugh Frnyue, William
Fitzgerald and Representative Myer
London, socinlist.
Evidence Entirely Circum
stantialJury Was Out
But 33 Minutes
nillsboro, Ore., Sept. 14. Bennett
Thompson faced a sentence of life im
prisonment today, having been convict
ed of murdering Mrs. Helen Jennings
nt the Gore ranch last Mny. The ver
dict of guilty was returned in 33 mill-
- - '
San Francisco, Sept. 14.
If the allies overthrow the cen-
tral powers, Constantinople will
become the possession of Rus
k sia, an agreement to this effect
having been signed by the cn-
tente rulers, according to M.
M. Itchas, member of the Bus
ale sian duma, who is here today,
He stated that with this prize
in store, the Russians, now.
it their munitions problems have
been successfully solved, are
' more than ever determined to
carry the war to an overwhelm-
ing entente victory.
$ . "Russia has the solemn prom
ise of the other allies that Con-
stantiilople and the Darda-
nelles will become Russian ter-
ritory," he Baid. This state-
meat from Itchas is significant,
as he was a member of the com-
mission sent by the czar to con
ic fer with tho other entente gov-
ernnients regarding matters of
vital importance.
)(s sc sfc sfc s(c sc c )c jc s(c jfc c sc )c
Premier Briand Tells French
Chamber of War Develop
ments to Date
By Henry Wood
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Sept. i4. The French chamber
of deputies this evening registered the
nation's confidence in the success of al
lied arms in an unprecedented manner.
f ollowing Premier Briand s speech
outlining the military situation the
chamber passed the new war loan asked
by the government without a dissenting
vote, 484 members voting their ap
Prepares the Way,
Pftris, Sept. 14. A lasting and dur
able peace, imposed by an allied vic
tory, nas been insured bv the Teutonic
powers entirely on the defensive -Premier
Brinud declared today in review
ing before the chamber of deputies war
developments since the last session.
"The intervention of Rumania and
Italy's declaration of war against Ger
many have completed the solidasity of
action of the allies," said the French
prime iinuister. "It has completely re
duced the central empires to the de
fensive and has deprived them of all
initiative in military operations.
'The allies have intervened in
Greece for the double purpose of pro
tecting toeir expeditionary corps anu
conserving Greece's own intiercsts.
They will not permit the enemy in
Greece to interfere with these ends.
"The unity now fully established will
ensure a lasting nnd durable peace be
ing imposed by an allied victory."
Lead Is 10,430 with 397
Precincts to Hear From
McBride Also Winner
Seattle, Wash., Sep.. 14. Miles Poin
dextcr's predicted lead of 10,000 over
Will K. Humphrey in the contest for
United States senator more than ma
terialized today when returns from 2,
04ii precincts out of ",441! in the state
fchowed: Poindcxler r,2."(li Humph
rey 74,K2tl.
In King county the race was nip and
tuck. The count in 3!)'J precincts ou
of 410 gav Poindexter 30,xsa and Hum
phrey :tll,82S.
McBride led Hurtley, his next clos
est contender for governor on the re
publican ballot by more than 10,000
iu 1,SU state precincts outside of King
county. Here the count stood in
prcciiicts out 410: McBride 27,:i)
Hartley 21,4.4.
Dan Landon was reported n danger
ous rival against John P. Miller for
congress from the Seattle-Kitsop dis
trict, although Miller had a lead of l,
200 in 305 precincts. In Kitsup coun
ty it was reported, I.andon followed
Whitney, the favorite, closely.
tites. Thompson's effort to prove an
alibi failed.
The case against Thompson was en
tirely circumstantiul. By scattered bits
of evidence the state sought to prove
he was angry at Mrs. Jennings because
she foiled to reciprocate bis admira
tion, that be hired Fred Hist man to
motor him to the Oore ranch and there
killed the woman with n maul as she
slept. Later, it was alleged he killed
Bistmun also.
Thompson was pale when the verdict
came in and rose wearily from his chair
to hear it. His attorneys are discussing
an appeal, but there is no money for a
further court fight. Thomson is to be
sentenced Friday or Saturday.
Provisions of Law Regarding
Safety Handicap Coast
Cities i :
Inland Sites Make Most of
"Safety First" Argument
Against Coast Towns
By J. P. Toder
(United Press staff correspondent) ;
Washington, Sept.- 14. Four naval
authorities today umpired the liveliest
land battle they ever saw, the $11,000,
000 prize contest for the government
armor plate plant site. Six score and a
few odd cities are participating. Each
contesting city has all the advantage
needed for any first class armor plat
factory and according to her earnest or
ators, has them to a degree not equalled
by any other.
The naval authorities, Secretary Dan-
iels, Assistant Secretary Roosevelt, Ad
miral Benson and Rear Admiral Strauss,
heard arguments yesterday of the cities
in Btates that began with Alabama and
continued alphabetically now to Rhode
Inland. Today Providence, R. I., onen
ed the argument. Tenuessee, Texas, Vir
ginia and West- Virginia cities were
to bo heard before dark. -.
The cheapest fuel, the best transpor-.
tation, the most accessible deposits of
ore, the highest class of labor and the
beat working conditions were common
attributes' of all the cities represented.
Some threw in the finest climate far
good measure. j
The' naval men are giving, serious on- ,
sideration to all the points made. Thev
have to balance against tho advantage
of deep water harbor on the eoast, the
danger of attack by -a foreign enemy
and the, Inland cities nrntora are niak- .
ing the most of this. With this element
of danger removed it Is gcnerallv agreed
the const cities competing for the plant
would have all the advantage. '
Ono instance of real team play de
veloped today. Bristol, Tennesson, wants
the plant. So does Bristol, Virginia.
If the Virginia Bristol loses, her hone
is that the Tennessee Bristol wins. The,
only division between them is the state
line, the two cities being prettv much
the same pluce, except for that imngin-
nry line.
Many Points Involved.
Washington, Sept. 14. With conclu
sion of arguments by representative
or VZ.i cities thnt want the govern
ment armor plato plnnt expected to
night or tomorrow, the navy general
board hns decided to visit a majority
Df tho sites proposed.
Some of tho cities in the proposition,
it was stated, will necesnurily have to
be abandoned at tho start, becuuso
sites suggested do not come within that
section of the law which provides thnt
the plant must bo lorntcd "with spe
cial reference to safety In time of
war." That seciton, all members of
the general board questioned today said
will be the principal issue involved in
the lointion of tho plant that will mean
employment to mnity thousands of men
and a payroll of many hundred thous
ands. Uther Important considerations, such
as availability of raw materiul, trans
portation facilities, etc., will be waived
if necessary to meet the provision.
The I'liited Press learned today from,
an authoritative source that the fol
lowing big factors must be considered
in deciding on a location:
Cost of land for site.
Availibility of raw material.
Condition of lubor market.
Transportation facilities, with the
mutter of bridges to be crossed or.
tunnels ou tho lines to ship building
plants, is a factor of first importance.
It was explained that the size and im
mense weight of the finished product
inn ile the matter of bridge and tunnels
A line on tho payroll for higher sal
aries for officers was given when a
comparative schedule of one of the
(Continued from Page Six.)
ift jc s(( sft sft i(c s(t l(l (i Qs 8
Oregon: To
night and Fri
day fair, west
erly winds.