Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1916, Image 1

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Great Battle That Has Been Practically Continuous for 201
. Days Enters Third Stage with French Slowly Winning
i. Back Lost Positions-Fighting on Rumanian Frontier Is
1 Going On on 100 Mile Front 7 nanians Advance in
Transylvania ?
By Henry Wood; I
V (United Press Staff Corresi Jdent.)
With the French Army at Verdun, t? it. 9. The Ger
mans are now entirely on the defensiv ?i t Verdun.
The great battle begun 201 days ago nas now entered
its third and final stage. The French are steadily win
ning back their lost positions. The battle will gradually
die out like an extinct volcano.
It has now been learned definitely that the Germans
were forced to remove huge quantities of artillery and
men from Verdun to the Somme front three weeks ago to
meet the new Anglo-French offensive.
This had an immediate effect upon the morale of the
remaining men. In February they had been told they
were to capture Verdun. At the end of July they were
told it would be sufficient to simply dominate the situa
tion there. But when they had been reduced in numbers
to merely a defensive garrison after nearly seven months
of fighting, their morale was so shattered that groups of
prisoners have been surrendering some of them going
through Verdun singing the Marseillaise, French officers
The seventh and last great German massed attack was
made on both banks of the Meuse on July 10. The French
checked this blow immediately and took the offensive.
Ever since that time they have retained the initiative,
capturing in their operations more than 10,000 prisoners,
a score of cannon and a hundred machine guns.
Fighting on the west bank of the Meuse has practically
ceased. Hill 304 and Dead Man's hill are now numbered
among the glories of the past. East of the river the Ger
mans are concentrating for a final desperate struggle to
retain the forts of Vaux and Douaumont. Even on this
sector their resistance has immeasurably weakened. This
fact I was able to ascertain personally Thursday and Fri
day when the German bombardment let loose as a prelude
to an attempt to recapture trenches captured by the
French in the Vuax Chapitre and Chenois woods on
Wednesday. This cannonading was incomparable to the
terrific fire from the German guns that marked the early
fighting around Verdun.
By Ed L. Keen
t United Press staff correspondent)
London, Sept. ft. Turkish troops have
come to the rescue of the hard pressed
l.er minis m Galicia, and have checked
the Russian advance on the fortified
-ir- of Ilalitz.
The Germnn war office announced
this afternoon that the. Turks have
driven back the Slavs, taking 'one
tiiousaud prisoners.
The Russian war office reports the
Turks and Germans violently counter
attacking to save Halitz from cap
This is the second time since the
Russians began closing in about Lem
berg that the advance on the Galicinn
i ital was s.oppod by the Turks. Sev
era! weeks ago Turkish reinforcements
halted a drive on Lemberjf-from the
On the western front, the French car
ried a German position south of the
ocintue and 'the Jlnt6s 'ruptured a
wood north of the river in last night's
fighting. The official reports, howev-
A smile ou th' face is worth two in
th bottle. Auto builders seem t' pro
vide all th' luxury fer th' non produc
ers in th' back seat while they push th
owner's nose agin' th' windihield.
er, supported the Germnn claim that
the nllies' infantry attacks have grown
less violent in the last 24 hours.
The German-Bulgarian offensive in
Rumania apparently is slackening un
der more stubborn Russian-Rumanian
resisfnnce. Neither the German nor
Bulgarian war office claimed any im
portant gains today.
Prepare to Check Germans
Bucharest, Sept. 9. The Rumanian
general staff has shifted large forces
to the southeastern frontier to check
the German-Bulgarian invasion.
It was semi officially announced to
day that "Important forces" ore now
cooperating with the Russians in the
Dobrud.ja. A further retirement may
be necessary both because the Do
brudja territory is difficult to defend
and because the enemy has massed
great forces on that front. But mili
tary authorities declared their confi
dence today that the enemy will be
unable to throw any large force across
the Danube for an advance on Buchar
The Rumanians were forced to sur
render Tutrnkan after four days of
heroic resistance. They were outnum
bered four to one. said dispatches from
Oltcnitzn, across the river from Tutra
knn. FtVaCEcinul;oMhAdOv....gs d p a
The bombardment by German guns
was so terrific that the roar of the
battle could be heard distinctly In the
Rumanian capital less than 35 miles
The people of Bucharest received the
news of the fall of Tutrnkan calmly.
The German-Bulgarian victory was re
garded as insignificant in comparison
with the Rumanian successes on the
Hungarian frontier.
The fighting in the Dobrud.ja terri:
tory is now taking on the nature of a
general engagement along a front of
nearly 100 miles. The enemy is push
ing eastward from Tnrraknn, attempt
ing to outflank the Rumanians and
Russians in the southeastern corner of
Dobrud.ia and force their retirement
behind the Danube.
In Transylvania the Rumanians have
resumed their advance In the north af
ter a three days fight tn the north in
which Austrian resistance was finally
beaten down. The Rumanian advance
guards have now pushed thirty miles
into Transylvanjon territory.
(Continued oa Page FlrtO
New York, Sept. . The
greatest fight for the presexva- '
tion of unions in the history
of New York was forecast to-.'
day when the Central Federated
Union, representing approxi-
match- 750,000 men and women,
of all trades, appointed a com-
mittee with power to call a
general sympathetic strike, if
such action ia necessary to aid
the striking employes of the
traction companies.
Statement of Captain of Cal
lao Intimates This Is What
Caused Mutinty
San Francisco, Sept. 9 Was it fear of
falling into the hands of the British
instead of Germany that caused the
crew of the bark Callno to mutiny when
the vessel was a day out of San Fran
cisco and to bring the vessel backf
This is a question along the water
front today, following a statement by
William Tobin, former captain of the
The Callao is now at aea with a new
captain and crew, said to be sailing for
Germany. Incoming vessel report the
presence of the, British cruiser -Rainbow
in Pacific waters and Tobin pre
dicts that the Callno will be captured
before it reaches tho Horn. In fact
Tobin declares he was so informed by
the British consulate here, just before
he decide! not to take the vessel out.
He nlso states that his instructions
were that the vessel was sold to a New
York firm, and its wireless was to be
used for receiving, not sending mes
sages, until the Horn was rounded.
Vice President Marsahll in
Kentucky Speech Criticises
Winchester, Ky., Sept. 9. "In this
blue grass region I need not remind
you that the horse that doesn't strike
his gait during the first quarter never
finishes under the wire a winner,"
said Vice-President Marshall here to
day at the openingf of the state cam
paign. "Republican Candidate Hughes hns
not struck this gait.
"However, the republican nominee h
more to be commiserated than criticised
in attempting to please both Roosevelt
and Barnes both Penrose and LnFol
letto," said- Marshall.
-A declaration of "just whnt the re
publican party would do and how it
would do it." was demanded by the
"Thev cannot hope to succeed to
power by mere criticism," he oaid.
"They must be specific. They must sav
what they will rencnl; what they will
substitute; what they will create. t.Tp
to this good moment, the reasons why
the democrats should bo put out of
power are left to the Imagination."
.'Stocks Make Records
and Still Advancing
Now York, Sept. 9. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
Active buying orders, both for the
account of Wall Street and the public
were effective in carrying prices to
higher levels in today's early -opera-,
tions, while reactions in subsequent
dealings were not important or sug
gestive of anything beyond realizing
sales and speculative adjustments in
cident to the end of the week.
New high records again were report
ed in various issues, notublv United
States Steel, Reading, Utah Copper, At
lantic Golf and West Indies and In
ternational Paper common, the latter
advancing more than three points in the.
initial operations. Street gossip re
flected no falling off in bullish senti
ment. Predictions were made of materially
higher prices next week, but in some
quarters there was a .disposition to
look for moderate reactions on any de
cided upward movement at the opening
on Monday. Outside of Reading busi
ness was quiet in rails, while the equip
ment issues to a great extent were
neglected. The specialties were strong,
the advance in International Paper for
instance, have the backing of buyers
who had found that the financial posi-
uuu ui inr i-miipaujr nas ururr mail u
had been in years with ita floating
debt, which two years ago was more
than $.",000,000 practically wiped out.
Hughes Makes Final Speech
of State Campaign at
Richland Tonight
Election To Be Held Monday
State Normally 2 to 1
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Augusta, Maine, Sept. 9 The raucous
voice of the campaign spell binder is
resounding through Maine today. Her
rock ribbed foundations are staggering
underneath the weight of words spilled
durincr the last few weeks, for ou Mon
day Maine exercises her ancient pre
rogative of "pointing the way."
Fortv-eight hours before the battle
of the ballots it appeared from the tone
of voices on both sides that Maine
would be registered partly in tho repub
lican column. Judging from predictions
from both republican and democratic
leaders, sifted down the republicans are
expecting a victory but not a complete
The democrats arc slill claiming ev
erything and the confident tone of the
republican leaders falter just a trifle.
The republican leaders today were
unanimous iu declaring that the pres
ence on the battle ground of Nomiuee
Charles K. Hughes has worked tre
mendously in favor of a republican
Two weeks ago, republican leaders
here admitted today they" were consid
erably dubious as-to the outcome. In
the interval, a flood of orntory probably
unparalleled in politics has been loosed
on Maine voters. The democrats sent
five cabinet members to preach the gos
pel of Wilsoninn democracy. Tonight
one of the most popular of democracy's
orators. Senator Ollie M. James, winds
up the administration's fight at I.ewis
tou. Fof the republicans, Hughes unys
his final word at Rockland. Theodore
Roosevelt has spoken. So has Senator
Harding. President Samuel Oompers of
the American Federation of Labor lias
been doing effective work for Wilson
in assailing Hughe9' labor record.
Democratic leaders do not discount
the moral effect of Hughes' personal
presence on the ground here.
Rancher Says He Has 1500
Men Well Armed In His
New Army
By Webb Miller.
(United Press stnff correspondent.)
El Paso, Teas, Sept. 9. "I'll shout
'grito' in Chihuahua City on the eve
of Mexican independence day, Septem
ber Hi," is the threat Pancho Villa is
making to natives along the line of his
northward march, according to a Mex
ican rancher arriving in Juarez Inst
night. The rancher declared that Vil
la bad 1,500 men with him, all fully
Texas rangers yesterday exchanged
shots with Mexicans across the Kio
Grande near Fabeus, 25 miles south of
here, wounding one, it was reported.
The rangers had captured a horse thief,
who later escaped and crossed the riv
er. The rangers opened fire, wounding
him. Several Mexicans concealed on
the other aide of the river returned the
fire but with no effect.
I.os Angeles, Cat, Sept. 9.
All Central American republics
are in the throes of an unprece-
dented financial depression a a
result of the European war, ac-
cording to Daniel Fortin, presi-
dent of the Banco Commercio
De Honduras, who arrived here
"The present is the time for
American capitalists to Invest in
Honduran securities," Fortin
declared. " ery favorable con-
cessions can be obtained."
Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 9. Second base
man I.arry Doyle of the Cubs, was se
riously injured in today's first game
here. Sliding into the plate in the eighth
inning, Doyle twiited bis leg. and it
was believed his ankle was broken. He
was carried from the field.
Director of Russian
Armies Talks of War
By William Philips Simms.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Imperial Headquarters, Russian
Army, Sept. 9. Germany must send
400,000 men to the aid of the demor
alized Austrians if she hopes to stiffen
their resistance, General Michael Alex
ieff, chief of staff of Emperor Nich
olas II 's armies, told the United Press
Furthermore German troops must pro
vide the driving power if Von Hiuden
burg attempts the great eastern of
fensive talked about in Berlin. The
Austro-Gcrmnns cannot count upon
the Turks for substntial aid, said the
man who directs the .movements of Rus
sia's millions of troops. The Turks can
send no more than 40,000 men to sup
port their Teutonic allies.
General Alexieff received mo in a
small, plainly furnished office adjoin
ing tho headquarters of Kmperor Nich
olas. A flat top desk, a few chairs
and maps were tho only furnishings.
The general sat behind the desk like an
American business man. He resembled
much tho pictures of Rudyard Kipling.
riis Hair is beginning to turn white
over the temples. The long ends o'f his
white moustache turn up, slightly above
the fighting jaw. His eyes are deep
ly set, small, grey mid piercing. He
wears silver rimmed spectacles. In
conversing he hnbitiinllv nonnila linpa
as if drawing rivers and roads, sketch- j
ing in arrows showing the direction of
I asked him if he credited the report
of an Austro-Gdrman-Turkish combined
offensive against Russia,
"Despito the encircline ring of the
allies and tho continual pressure they
ere exerting on all sides, I would hesi
tate to say that such an offensive is im
Secretary of War Baker to
'Address Convention
Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 9. Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt today was elect
ed president of the National Woman's
Suffrage associntion. Other officers
elected were:
First vice president, Mrs. Walter Mc
Nnbb Miller, Missouri.
Second vice president, Mrs. Stanley
McCorniirk, New York.
Third vice president, Miss Esther L.
Ogden, Elizabeth N. J.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Thom
as Jefferson Smith, Kentucky.
Recording secretary, Mrs. Frank A.
Chiller, Buffalo, N. Y.
First auditor, Miss Helen Meyer,
Lennox, Muss.
Second auditor, Mrs. Patt'e Ruffner,
Jacobs, Birmingham.
Publicity reports ' and conferences
iiml a siiort session winding tip unfin
ished business completed the day's
Newton 1). Baker, secretary of wnr,
Herbert Parsons of New York and
Raymond Robins, Chicngo, will address
the' suffragists toni;lt. There will be
a meeting tomorrow at whiiih Mrs.
Davis Simpson of Minnesota and Dr.
Kffie McCullom Jones of Omaha will
speak ami Dr. Anna Howard Shaw will
muke the closing ..address, "What is
Americanism f"
Spannell To Be Put
On Trial Next Week
Kl Paso, Texus, Sept. 9. Prepara
tions are being made to remove Harry
J. Spannell, secretly from jail here to
night to Alpine, Texns, where he will
be placed ou trial early next week for
the murder of his wife and Major But
ler, army officer, while they were riding
in nn automobile driven by SpannelT.
The grand jury meets at Alpine Mon
day when indictments will probably be
returned for the crime. The court term
opens at the same time.
Army officers and other friends of
Major Butler are said to have raised a
um of money to defray the expenses
of a special prosecuting attorney to
prosecute Sannell. Since he was
brought to the jail here Spannell has
maintained a moody silence, refusing to
make any statement.
His defense probably will Ire emo
tional insanity.
Line' of Ships from
Portland to Scandinavia
Portland, Or. Sept. 9. A line of
wooden vessels running between Port
land and Scandinavian ports is soon to
be established, according to F, K.
Hitching of New York, assistant man
ager of the A. O. Anderson company,
wealthy shippers of Copenhagen.
Two auxiliary schooners for this line
are building at Astona.
Five other vessels are being construc
ted there for tho company. Hitching
is rather reticent, but he said bis con
cern "contemplated certain large in
vestments in Portland."
Still Far Away
possible," he replied. The biggest mis
take a general can make is to underes
timate the enemy. Should such an of
fensive develop, it will be for us to beat
it. This I am most confident the Rus
sian army can do.
"On July 18, the Germans started a
counter offensive on the Lipa. It
failed. Future offensives stand to meet
the same fate.
"I will not say that the Austrian
armies on our front have been crushed.
They are, however, badly demoralized.
The Germans have filled in the gaps
with 20 divisions, thus affecting a
stiffening but the Austrians are still
badly disorganized. From the Turks
not more than two divisions are avail
able for the Russian front, so if the
combined offensive comes, the Germans
must carry the principal burden.
"The Russians have shown what they
are capable of doing when properly
equipped. They are now entering the
third winter of the war stronger than
ever. Their defeats at the start of hos
tilities were due to lack of ammunition.
We hnve the munitions now. The drive
on the southern front which began in
May and is still going on is proof of
this. The Austrians are so badly shat
tered that they will require 400,000 Ger
repulblicnn lenders failters just a trifle.
General AJevieff praised the work
done by the allies on the western
"But what about peace t" I asked on
A look of grimness overspread his
"Poace probably is some distance
off," he replied. "Neither Bide has at
tained the object for which it is fight
ing. There can be no thought of peace
now. War must follow its inevitable,
historic course."
Mrs. Catt Says: "You Have
Touched Our Hearts and -Won
Our Fealty"
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press stnff correspondent.)
Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. . Presi
dent Wilson left Atlantic City for
Shadow l.awn early today, well pleased
with the reception accorded him by the
National American Woman's Suffrage
For their part, tho suffragists were
openly delighted with the things the
president told them. It was the first
political national convention the presi
dent ever uddressed, but suffrage lead
ers said he made a hit.
"It wub a happy moment in my life
when tho president said he had come
here to fight with us," Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt, president of the associa
tion suid toiluy. Previously she said to
President Wilson:
"You huvc touched our hearts and
won our fealty."
Although the president in his speech
last night, muilu no promise as to how
he would fight with the suffrugists
"for the cause" the leader seemed
sntisficd that he would fight.
Tho president had breakfast in his
room at the hotel this morung and at
9 o'clock rolled away in a big automo
bile for the "summer White House."
Heavy Rains Spoil
Scio Race Program
Scio, Ore., Sept. 8. Heavy rains laBt
night put a dumper on the final speed
events today, Starter Wayne Stuart de
claring the track to be unfit for racing.
This morning the weather cleared anil
by noon an unusually large crowd hud
gathered on the grounds.
An interesting feature of the stock
exhibits was the tuberculin test made
by Dr. C. M. Gardner, assistant state
veterinarian. In all cases treated there
was no reaction noted.
Harold Kdgur Gilkey is the grand
champion baby of l.inn county, having
scored 99.4 in the 24 to 3tl-moiithsold
class. Little Miss Rose Ellen Her is
the champion baby girl, with a score
of 99.;i in the 24 to .'iii months-old class.
First and second prize-winners in the
boys department are in classes as fol
lows: Six to 12 months, Maurice Shel
ton, 99.2; Russell Freeman, 9H.; 12 to
24 months, Millurd Taylor, 99.2; Trevor
Slayton, 99.2; 24 to 30 months, Harold
Elgar Gilkev, 99.4; Leonard Lukenhack,
99..1; 30 to 48 months, Wilson- Alpin
Bniiman, 99.3; Forrest C. Vehrs, 99; 48
to S0 months, Gordon Gilkey, 98.2.
First and second prize-winning girls
are: Six to 12 months, Dorothea Elsie
Miller, 99.1; 12 to 24 months, Eleanor
Virginia Bilveu, 99; Esther Virginia
McKnight, 9S.9; 24 to 3D months, Rose
Ellen Her, 99.3; Elizabeth Jaunitn Heep
anek, 98; 3D to 48 months, Marjorv
Pace, 97.(1; Delphiue Gardner, 9i.fl; 58
to UO months, Frances Everett, 97.8.
Texas Freemasons have a school or
college of instruction thut issues diplo
mas of pro'iciency to te ch ritualistic
Sherman Law Permits Them
to Only "Recommend"
This Course
Big Chicago Bakers Will Make
Only Ten Cent Size
Chicago, Sept. 9. Another blow has
been dSalt Mr. Average Consumer.
wreaa makers,, throughout the coun
try today were expected to follow the
lead of the National Association of Mas
ter Bakers, the executive committee of
which yesterday passed a resolution
"recommending" that bakeries ceaBe to
make a five cent loaf and confine their
standard output to the dime loaf. It
was also recommended that if a small
loaf must be sold, the price be six
Several big Chicago bakers declared
they would eliminate the five cent loaf
at once and offer the 10 cent loaf in ita
Another resolution passed bv th
bakers called on federal authorities to
prohibit at once all exportation of this
year's wheat crop in order to force a
lowering of prioes for home consump
tion. .......
Before acting on the resolution recom
mending the nbolition of five cent
bread, legal advice was asked. Lawyers
tout tno bakers thai in order to avoid
the anti-trust laws they would only bi
able to recommend to each other and
to the members of the nssociation any
size, shape or quality of loaf.
President F. 8. McDonald deelnrmT
that the public would save 2,fKtO.OOU
annually by buying 10 cent bread as
tney would get more for their money..
The Printer Did It
and Newport Gasped
Newport, R. I., Sept. 9. Newport so
ciety looked, gasped and then looked
uKiuii. a wm m me mira annual e
hibit of water color of the Art Associa
tion. Two charmingly nude women
smiled down at them from two convass
es and the lubels read "Mrs. William
Payne Thompson" and "Miss Made
line Liobert."
Tho latter is the daughter of th
French consul general in New York.
'Ihe printer did it. The nymphs on
tho wall were "A Sphinx" and "K
Profile." by William Cotton, whil the.
portraits of the women named had been
painted by G. Howard Hhder and wero
In another pnrt of the hall.
The picture labels were hastily cor
rected amid blushes and explanations.
Crop Conditions Lower
But Prices Much Higher
Washington, Sept. 9. The composito
condition of nil crops in the-United
States is ,r.4 per cent below tho ten
year average and lt.9 below lust year,
tho United States bureau of crop esti
mates announced today. .The level of
prices for tho principal crops Septem
ber 1 was 21.9 per cent higher than a
year ago, having increased 9.3 per cent
during August.
Prices are 18.0 per cent higher than
the average of the past eight years on
September 1.
The index figures of prices of meat
animals on August 15, was 19.4 per
cent higher than a year ago.
Secretary McAdoo Will
Not Attend Meeting
San Franoisro, Sept. 9. Secretary
of the Treasury William O. MoAdoo
will not be in San Francisco with th
federal farm loan board, it was learned
today, llis plan to rejoin the board
here after he was called east by te
illness of his wife has been chanted.
Tho board is holding hearings in Sac
ramento today on the advisability of
establishing a farm loan bank In Cali
fornia. A hearing will be held hero
- nut Hjummai
Oregon: To
night fair, cooler
with frost; Sun
day fair, warm
er; westerly