Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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''Salem's Big Department Store"
School Time Sale of Boy's Suits
and Overcoats
is an easy
in this sale.
jj Boys' $6, $6.50 and $7 Suits and Overcoats . . . $4.95
jjjS Boys' $7.50 and $8.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . '.$5.95 $
Boys' $4.50 and $5.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . .$3.95
Excellent Assortment School Shoes for Boys and Girls
We feature an unusually strong
line of Boys' Black Shoes with
heavy waterproof soles, sizes 1 to
6, priced at !i.60
J. L. Weaver of Mill City was in
the city Thursday.
O. W. Siiaffcr and ramily motored
to Clackamas today.
Gus Sulvon of Astoria was registered
at the Bligh yesterday.
Mrs. O. L. Stevens of Dunsmuir,
Calif., was in the city yesterday.
Dr. W. H. Morse, of Salem, and
party passed through Eugene yesterday
by automobile on their return from a
trip up the McKenzie and in the moun
tains on an outing and hunting trip.
Eugene RegMer.
Milk Fed
Baby Beef
Tender and Juicy, a treat
for Sunday.
Choice Beef to Boil
per pound
Prime Roasts of Baby
per pound
Round Loin and T-Bone
Steaks of Baby Beef
per pound,
Fresh Baby Beef Liver
per pound
Originators of
Lpw Prices
371 State Street
the Boy ready for school -rf
. . . .
problem when you bring jj.
Tnnlnflorl in triic cqIp arp NavpI fv M
Suits for juveniles and regular
knickerbocker Norfolk styles in
various colors and cloths. Juvenile ft
sizes 2 1-2 to 8 years; boys sizes 3 X
to 17 years. Blue serges exempted g
Bring the children here and we
will shoe them to your entire sat
isfaction. GSL
Kern Says It Was the Best
Ever While Smoot Classes
It As Worst
Washington, Sept. 8. Democrats and
republicans entertain very different
views of the congress session just end
ed. Statements by Senate Majority
Leader Kern and Acting Minority
Lender Smoot prove it.
Senator Kern said:
"Tho problems presented to this
congress for solution were grave and
momentous. The first important work
was to provide for the mobilization and
reorganization of the army and for the
creation of a great navy."
'There being much' difference of
opinion throughout the country on
these questions, the work of preparing
satisfactory and efficient legislation
was difficult. ppon the disposition of
these questions, came the problem of
how to raise the vast sums of money
to carry out the preparedness program.
Those who clamored most loudly lor
preparedness object most seriously to
paying their shure of the bill, but after
great labor the revenue bill has been
enacted. Fair in its provision, it will
command the respect of the country.
Tho rural credits hill anil good roads
bill, and meusures of improvement of
the parcels post and rural delivery,
will appeal strongly to the farmer. The
child labor bill and the workmen's
compensation bill will appeal strongly
to the huiiiuiiitarians of the republic.
"Considering the great problems pre
sented and the splendid spirit shown in
mooting them, this congress will com
pare favorably with any previous
.senator Smoot :
"For nine long weary months con
gress has been in session. For years
to come it will be known as the "most
extrnvugant session of congress in the
way of appropriations in tho history
of our country. The direct appropria
tions mndo nt this session of congress?
amounts to $l,ti:lO,3S3,tiS2.t4 and there
have been contracts amounting to
.f;llll,S(i.-,,:iiii or a total direct and auth
izod appropriations and contracts
amounting to the enormous sum of
Because Not All Helped
WouHNot Help Any
By Perry Arnold,
(United Press, Staff Correspondent.)
Lewistou, Maine, Sept. 8. In
Maine's ''spindle eity". Republican
Nominee Hughes today talked labor's
right and republican promises to labor
before a crowd in the city hall. He
was given a rousing welcome.
Hughes attacked the democratic,
child labor bill, asserting that it af
fected only 800,000 child laborers and
that there remained ,SOO,000 others
who were left to state regulatory leg
islation, lie then read his labor record
as governor of New York. His read
ing and the explanation by the nom
inee that he produced this evidence to
offset attacks "intended to poison the
mind wf the electorate" were both re
ceived with cheers.
George D. Alderin, taxidermist of the
West Fur company on High street
mounted a white deer killed by V.
Hounds of Hockley in the Myrtle
Creek country. It is now on exhibit at
Mauser Hros. It has the head mark
ings of an antelope.
All Around Town
Sept. 7-8-9. Willamette Valley
Tennis Tournament, Salem.
September 9. Barnum ft Bail
ey's circus.
September 11. Monthly meet
ing Salem Floral society, Com
mercial club.
Sept. 18. Opening day of city
Sept. 18. Willamette Universi
ty college year begins.
September 20. Atonthly meet
ing Commercial club. Address
by Harwood Hall.
Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair.
Oct. 4-5-8 Marion County In
stitute, Salem.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr
Carl Gregg Doney as presi
dent of Willamctto Universi
ty. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
M correctly. D. 8. Bank. Bldj.
Robin Day of Company M was in
the city last evening and gave a short
talk at the Klk lodge describing life
nn the border and the many incidents
that made things interesting.
Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the nt Twelfth and Union streets
health drink. Ask your grocer. tfjWOuld begin at 3:30 in the morning.
Today is kite day at the Albert Park
playgrounds and tomorrow the play
grounds close for the senson. The play
apparatus will be taken down early
next weeK nnn stored tor tno winter.
Leading jewelers and silversmiths
Hurt mini Bros. Co., successor to Barr's.
On account of the general uncertain
condition of the weather and the chilly
atmosphere of the evenings, the band
concert announced for tonight in Will
sou park has been postponed until next
Tuesday evening.
No finer stock anywhere than at
Hurtman Bros. Co., jewelers and sil
versmiths. Stato and Liberty.
The Rev. Creason from Albany will
preach in the Church of (iod both morn
ing at 11 a. m. nnd afternoon 3 p. in.
on Sundnv, Sept. 10th. Anv one wish
ing to hear a spiritual sermon are'
welcome. On corner Church and Hood ords for unusual weather if the pres
streets. ent conditions continue very long. Ycs-
o terdnv there was a rainfall of .33 of an
....Dr. F. H. Thompson has his offices ;
remodeled and specializes in har, .Nose,
Eye and Throat. 414 Bank of Com
merce, tf
The funeral of Eugene Bosse who
died Wednesday in Portland will be
held at :30 o'clock Saturday morning
at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Bur
ial will be in the Catholic cemetery.
The iKidy was brought to Salem taut'
evening accompanied by Emu Ittinsett.
Phone 182 for your nice fresh vege
tables. J. L. Husick & Son.
One week from next Monday will
be school dny for Salem and Chemnwa,
for Monday September IS, is the open
ing dny of the Salem public schools,
Willamette University and the Snlem
Indian school at Cbemnwa. The Ore
gon state school for the deaf will open
next Tuesday, September 12.
Oakland Boys Band will give dance
at armory Saturday evening at 9:00
o'clock. " " sept'J
Ray Baker expects to leave Monday
for a six weeks visit at his old home
in Michigan. He is planning to take
in the world 's secies of baseball games
at Chicago, nnd if lie happens to run
across some youngster who looks like
Tynis Cobb lie will engage him for the'
l.o.pis mil le.
Drink Cereo the liquid food better
than coffee or tea ask your grocer.
Regarding the threatened strike of
the railroad men winch included ten
hours pay for eight hours work, some
man with his bump of humor developed
wrote with chalk on a car in the S.
P. yards as follows: "K hours work, 8
hours play, S hours sleep, Id hours
Oet your watermelons at 3, L. Busi k
ml Son's, 4.V) Mute. Phone
VV. M Hamilton, local manager of
the Portland, Hailwuv, Light and Pow I
er company and other ottu-inls ot the
company are in Seattle uttending the
ninth annual convention of the North
west Electric Light and Power asso
ciation mid the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers. Delegates from
the Pacific northwest and Hritish Co
lumbia lire in attendance.
Everything in fresh fruits and vege
tables at ,1. L. llusick & Sun's. Phone
Senator LaFoilette was In the city
this morning and sivva he is now pack
ing and shipping peaches at the rate
of 100 boxes a day. The greater part
of his shipments are made in '100 and
200 box lots to Portland, Astoria and
Washington points. He says the crop
is much larger than a year ago and
that he will have peaches in his orch
ard until the middle of November.
La. Corona cigars for men of refined
taste Salem-mado well made.
It is too bad that Bessie did not re
ceive the postal card written by her
mother a few days ago, but although
the mother was very thoughtful and
remembered Bessie's birthday, she for
got to write the address on the card,
and the postal clerk has no means of
knowing where Bessie lives. The card
in p&r-is as follows: "lVar Bessie:
Your birthdav is today and you are
(in iny in i lid. Mother."
Fresh cider at Farmers Cider Works,
10c per gallon. . sept21
Several big flooka of geese passed
over the city a tew nights ago calling
hello, to the eity lights as they passed
over on their way south.
Dr. W. B. Morse and party, Miss Nell
Coimcck mill Mr nnri Afrs W V. An.
derson returned last evening from a
two weeks auto tour in the Crater Lakei'"e ' ,ne national organization of
country. i suffragists, following a discussion of
O this afternoon's session of the conven-
A hunter who always nas his weather tl4m- -
eve on the sky savs he saw two sand Th0 advocating the ehnnge
hill cranes flving south this morning! (lt'cInre tne present name too cuniber
whieh he considers a sure siga that 90mp- The.V believe their proposal will
winter will soon be here. 8 through by a big vote.
0 The convention will also consider the
Willamette Encampment No. 2 will, "P1'0" of new national suffrage
hold a Special meetiug at the Odd Fel- ?blem. The design suggested by
lows lodge next Tuesday evening. Sev-j Pennsylvania delegates, a flag with a
ernl cninliibitcs will hi initiated nnd ! Kl'ow field in the center of which is
tn -foil ,n,i, i.,.,.i , i,; ,,;,.!
0 I
The regular monthly meeting of the'
Salem Musicians' association will be
held at the Central Labor council hall
Sunday at noon. Ivan G. Martin, see -
retary announces business of import -
According to the city ordinances, a
three mig circus showing in Salem
will be permitted to pay $100 license,
and 5 for every side snow. The ad-,
viini'd limit tnilnv sni.l thnt thp unload-
Several members of Company M are
in the eity with leave of absence until Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Smith ot Ken
Monday. According to the regulations, tucky is slated to succeed Mrs. Miller,
only 20 per cent of tho company is per- Out of deference to his wishes, no
mitted off on a furlough at the same escort will accompany President Wil
tinie and that figures out about 20!I011 0 the auditorium when he arrives
soldier boys will sien.l Sunday at their to address the suffragists tonight,
homes. .
o The Business Men's League of the
PTune picking has oegun and heavy i Commercial club will meet next Tues
yields are Indicated in the Willamette ,inv evening at 8 o'clock. This meeet
valley, says the current crop report ;ng be of more than usual im-
from the United States weather bu- nortnnce as several matters that have
L-....I.. . f 1 .... .. i .... .i..M:n
rcuu. r.Hlty uiivwi- ui iimm-9 iii -
now being harvested, and tho rniitB
have helped tho crop materially. The
apples are reported to be of good size,
and the late varieties are maturing
under favorable weather conditions.
NOTICE On account of death in
family L. C. liausens Fish and Poultry
market will bo closed until 1 p. in.
(tomorrow) Saturday
September is likely to break all rec
inch giving the month so far twice as
much ruin as was recorded for the
month one year ago. The river is nowj
at zero and the temperature yesterday
was i.'i for the maximum and 52 for
the minimum.
The Frame Shop & Giftery at 415
Court St. has a few 2."e remnant mould-,
ing frames left which will he closed j
out tomorrow
Hring In your pictures.
The Barnum and Bailey circus tomor
row will show in North Salem, between
Hroadwny and the fair grounds, near
Madison street. From the down town
district, take the fair grounds street
cars. This is the largest circus that
has visited the city in tate years and
the ordinary show grounds were not
large enough, it is an actual fact that
it requires " cars to carry the show
nnd it travels in four sections. Next
Monday the show will set up its tents
in Med ford.
That Sheriff Esch was correct in his
belief that the escaped convicts who
stole an automobile from Koseoo Lung
Icy of Silverton several weeks ago had
gone south, and that all other theories
were incorrect, has been proven by
the finding of the stolen car nt the
bottom of a ravine near Canvonville.
It is said that some of the goods stolen
by the runaway convicts from a store
ai Cohurg were in the auto when it
wns discovered. The machine had been
given hard usage, and there were evi
dences of an attempt to burn it.
Come to the festival. Everybody in
vited to the festival at the Swedish
church corner S. 1.1th and Mill streets
this evening nt S o'clock. Free admit
tance. This is for the benefit of the small
boy who would like to see the elephants
unload. The four circus trains will
unload on the Southern Pacific switch
at Twelfth and Union streets. They
will come in four trains, thn first.
which includes the kitchen and dining
room crews -will arrive trom Portland
about midnight and from that time on
about an hour apart, the three other
trains will pull in, bringing tiio 8";
cars. The animals will eunie on the
last train, besides the high up per
formers and the business staff,
See the window at the Frame Shop
and tliftery, 413 Court St. It contains
a splendid assortment of pictures and
various articles suitable for xifts, spe-,
eiully priced, for Saturday at $1.00.
Miss Mary Gertrude Fendall of Bal:
timore, Md., is in the city in the inter-!
ests of the National Woman's party.!
She has been in conference with sov-
ernl who are interested in the party and
arrangements have been made where-;
by she will speak Monday afternoon at
the meeting of the Woman's Political
Study club at the eity hall, at 2 o'cIocV,
Miss Fendall is in the state assisting,
in the organization of those interest
ed in working for the Susan U. An
thony amendment, which has for its
object the passing by congress of a I
national prohibition law. She will go
to Albany this aftnita and Eugene
Saturday to arrange for the organiza-i
tiou of the party in this congressional j
district at a meeting to be held in Eu-j
gene the ISth. The National Woman's
party is non-partisau,- says Miss Fen-'
dull, but will line up with any party
that favors woman's suffrage and the,
passing of the Susan B. Anthony j
amendment." - . - : - I
May Adopt New Emblem, an
Eagle Rampant With Its
Feet On Globe
Atlantic, V. .T., Sept. 8. The name
"Nntioual .Woman Suffrage Party"
may supplant "National American Wo-
man 's Suffrage Association" as the
an eagle with outstretched wines.!
standing upon a globe, is most favored.
Surrounding the eagle and the globe
B ly u "" """""". "l '
Jai . ,n rwhl,h,, wo'n e"-10V, ,the
1 franchise. This ting is regarded as
Nominations were to be made today
for three offices on the national board.
Mrs. Frank Koseing, first vice-president;
Miss Hannah .T. Patterson, cor
responding, secretary, and Mrs. James
W. Morrison, recording: secretary, will
resign. Mrs. Walter McNabb Miller of
Columbia University, Missouri, is men-1
tioned for first vice-president nnd
ih,ectl ulSCUSSeu nv nicnincr miii"K
the summer will come up for imme
diate action.
If You Don't Buy Your
Groceries Here We
Both Lose Money
Damon Sells
.Creamery Butter for... 35c
14 Lbs. of Small CI Art
White Beans for l.UU
Tillamook Cheese for, OA
pound &UC
16 Lbs. Sugar for (1 Art
with $5.00 orders ifl.vU
3 1-2 Lbs. Best Head nr.
Rice for LoC
50c Cans Union Leader Mf
Tobacco for 4UC
And Flour.
we've got
'em beat
on that
too"; i
I salem or.J
3 Cans of Milk for Two Bits
6 Pkgs. of Ohio Matches or
for ZOC
Not the cheap kind.
10c Cans of Spices, our r
price, can DC
4 Lbs. of Curve Cut or
Macaroni for CoC
Mason Jar Caps, per OA
dozen LvC
10c Pkgs. Soda now.. 4c
Extra spe
cial for
our Best
35c Coffee
Bemember we nnder sell all
Salem Stores and deliver the
goods right to your door.
Trade with us month and
put the difference in the
Damon & Son
855 N. Commercial St
Phone 68
To attend dance at the Armory, Saturday, Sept. 9.
After a concert given at Willson Park by the Oakland
Boys' Band they will retire to the Armory and furnish
music for the dance.
Admission 25c and 50c
Frank Zinn and Eddie Ruwland, both
members of the Third Regiment bund,
are home on a leave of absence good.vrji, j SALEM, OREGON, glof t
iiiilii ..luiiiiu, . i, nil' rr i iiii-ii I in iniin-
tered out alphabetically, tiiey figure
on stnvimv until th Inst, nniw llntli
of the'bovs are members of the highi Strictly Modern
school band. Fre and Private Bath
o j BATES: 75c, 11.00, $1.50 PE DAT
The Salem Patriotic League met this!TTh9 only hotel in the business diatri-t.
afternoon in the auditorium of the ! Neare,t to all Depots, Theatre aid
Salem public library and discussed I
plans tor the proper reception of mem-1
bers of Company M. On account of
the uncertainty as to when the boys
will como back, no definite - plansj
could be made, although it is probable j
there will be not only n reception ut
the armory, but a banquet also.
Last call for those who loaned their
blankets to Company M about two
months ago. There are about ulT blank
ets and comforts at tne armory and
the Indies of the Snlem Patriotic Lea
gue will be on hand tomorrow after
noon from 2 until 3 o'clock to assist
in distributing them to owners who
call. After tomorrow, they will be
turned over to the custodian of the
Attorney John Bayne, president "f 1
the Wooilrow Wilson League is not:
worrying much about the Oregon vote. I
He says everything looks good for Wil-;
son and reports coming tu from differ-
ent parts of the country show that the!
president is strongei now than four
vears ago. In the meantime, Mr.
llnyne snys the League is gradually
getting organized and expects to do,
effective work before election dnv. ;
Teutons Forced Back.
Petrograd, Sept. 8. The Austro-Oor-;
mans have been forced to retire to the
right bank of the (inila Li pa river.;
from which they are lmlmrding the
advancing Russians, it was officially'
.nnonneedo ",
Franklin P. Olney of Toppcnish, j
Wash., is registered at the Hlih. ,
Try the Journal Classified Ads.
lit' a philanthropic effort to alleviate
the lot of the poor children of New
Vork city, menaced by hot weather and
the terrors of infantile paralysis, a
number of society women have joined
in the voluntary hospital social ser
vice to take the little oues out in mo
tor trips. These ladles, of whom Mrs.
John R. Drexepis one of the leaders,
lend the.ir own automobiles r the
purpose and also induce their friends
to devote cars to the cause. The ma
chines are loaded with as many kiddies
as they will hold, and trips are" made to
nearby seaside resorts and other places.
L , r lPr$
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Horn.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto But.
., m.nrp
Any KiriD
. '
Snlpm-lntlPnPnnPnrP Allfil
k,tucul WUCpCllUCUtC AUIU
kJCI lltC
Phone 931) or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and He
i Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
' ll:0() a. m., 2:30 i. m. and
0:00 p.m.
Leaves Independence opposite
Postofficc dailv.
0:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. m.
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
mum m