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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1916)
"HEEZA 5 6cH,Vfo "Those- r 1 111' JT M JT A fALlS. i Hi I 77-, v TLM II III r1" 1 4 Li H A-TI.H i lf(Uk4 tt i i a r , ' i i c ill) r f i t iii lit ir- . m i i n Nfj i ii i ii ii r . i m i 'i 1 1 v kkjv i - i i i Arnn n- x i D ally Cap t a I Jo u r n aTs Cla s s if ie d Advert ising Pag e RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion APARTMENTS THE NEW MARION APARTMENTS Nelson G. Freemon, proprietor, os cillating wall beds, hot water heat, Dutch kitchens. Beautifully locat ed, opp: Marion park. 010 N. Com mercial St.; Salem, Oregon. Piioue 209. Janitor service. CHrflOPRACTIC-SFINOLOGIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 82S-R. HOP BASKETS - MORLEVS PAT. BRACED STYLE. Depot American fence. Screen for Doors nnd Windows. Paints, Oils nnd Varnishes. Stoves repaired nnd sold. R.-B. Fleming, 2."0 Court. Phone 124 MISCELLANEOUS OREGON SCHOOL OF NEUROLOGY Incorporated, drugless methotls, opens Sept. 5th, 1910. 'Private pa tients and clinics, lto 5 p. m. Flora A. Brewster, M. D. Dean, 423 Hubburd bldg., Salem, Or. REDUCED FREIGHT PATES To and from all points, east, on all houshold goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated., car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific. Con9t Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street. Phoue Main 93:1. JWoney to Loan ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. It FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon 500,00 Eastern money to loan, low rates, quick service. Repayment priv ilege. Thos. A. Roberts, 205 U. S. Bank bldg, Salem, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN' I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern monety will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack Bldg., Salem, Ore.. Phone 90. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE andvR. W. WAL JTON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronic, diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 U. 3. National Bank Building. Phone 8."!. Residence 346 North Capital street. Phone 40B. SCAVANQER 8ALEM SCAVENGER Cinrles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts t reasonable rntes. Yard and cess pools eleaned. Office phone Main 2247. " Residence Mntn 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funerai .directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. EIGDON-RICHARDSOA Co. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day nnd night phone 183. WOODSAW CHERRY CITY WOOD 8AW We lie and pay taxes in Salem. Let saiem people "saw voitr wood. Phone 269. 1198 N. 21st. F. L. Keister, Wm. Frost. Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Cal'ing Cards rrinteu at ine juuc nal Job Department. LM. HUM CARE OF YickSoTong CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will cure Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m. until 8:00 p. m. 153 South High Street Oregon. Phone 283 BOOB," ALLIES HAVE LOST (Continued tram page one.) uie nuinuuians nave occupie.i urwvu ni the gate to Hungary. The occupation of Orsovo has been reported from several sources recently but the reports thus far have not been confirmed by the Rumauinn war office, Rumanians Forced Back. Berlin. Sept. 8. Russian and Ruiuiin- inn troops have been driven back north of .the Rumanian town of Dobric after the British steamer Hazelwood was the repulse of strong Russian attacks, sunk off Yarmouth. Later dispatches it was officially announced this after- reported that all the crew of the steam noon. er Etrathay reported sunk early today have been saved, thirty-four were land- German. Attacks Repulsed. ed in the first boat and other survivors Paris, Sept. H. Four attacks in dense were brought in later, formation were launched by the Ger- mans south of the Somme hist night be- the Tngus displaced 5.350 tons and tween Varmnndovillers and Chaulnes. was 410 feet long. She was built in None of the attacks succeeded in reach- 18H9 ami was registered at London, ing any French positions and the The Hazelwood displaced '3,102 tons French took 200 more prisoners, the and was registered at Middlesboiough. war office announced today. . i The Germiins attacked heavily against y Occupy Rumanian Towns, new French positious between Berny- Sofin, Sept. 8. Bulgarian and Ger und a point south of Chiiulnes, suffer- mau forces have occupied the Rumanian ing heavy losses. North of the Somme towns of Dobsie Balchik, Cavarna and there was great artillery activity but Knliakpa, it was officially announced no infantry fighting. i todav. The French made further progress on It' is admitted that the Rumanians the Verdun front lust night by grenade have occupied the Hungarian town of attacks. A German attack at Yaux Orsovo. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FOR SALE FOR SALE 45 acres V mi. from R. R. station, l1-.. miles from two good little towns; 13 acres clear, 20 acres creek bottom, fair ouildings. Prico 2500.00, half cash, no trade. Square Deal Kenltv Co.. 202 C. S. Bank bldg. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. I?. W. Protection t.odjre No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hull, corner Court and Liberty . streets. A. E. Anfrauce. M. W. : 8. A. Mcl'aildcn. rorder ; A. L. Browu, llnuncier; II. II. Duncan, treasurer. r.NITKI) ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84. meets every Weduesiluv nt 8 p. in. In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock. M. A.; C. .. Itamlull, secretary, Salem Bank of Commerce. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Meet every I'rlHny night at 8 o'clock In McCornack Wwk. A. J. Swelnluk. C O; I.. S. Geer, clerk. Ko7 Court Street Phone BOS. II. N. of A. "Oreuon t;rape Cauii," No. lltoo, meets every Thursday evening In McCornack building. Court anil Liberty streets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp, 17IM Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'er nn, recorder, IHUO North Commercial. I'hune 14JU M. DE MOI.AV COMMAXDEItY. No. t, K. T Iti-Ktilar conclave fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knlghta art courteously Invited to meet with us. Lot L. l'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president. ; Mrs. Lou Tillson. secrerarw. All caseo of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary- for Investigation. ClIADWICK ClIAPTEIt. No. 37, O. E. 8. ltt-itulnr meeting every first and third .Tuesday at a p. m. in the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M ItalH-ock. secretary. SALEM LODGE No. 4. A. F. ft A. M. Slated communications lirst Friday In each month at 7 ::to p. m. In the Masonic Temple. . cuss. Mccarter, w. M. ; 8. Sulver. secretary. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18. K. of P. Me- Cornuck building. Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :!tu. t E. Uarbour, C, d ; n. u. tiiison, tv. or h. sou s. HUDSON COI XCIL. No. 1. It. 8. M. Stated assembly first Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. F. Itnsmus en. Thrice Illustrious Master; lilenn C. Nlles, recorder. 8AI.KM COFNCIL NO. 222 Knights and Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd and 4tii Wednesday each month nr Hurst Hall. Visiting memlers are InviteU to attend. E. F. Walton, financier, 480 8 14th Street. PACIFIC LODGE No. BO. A. F. A. M. Stntetl communications third Friday hi each month at 7 :: p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Holam, W. M. ; Ernest II. Choate. secretory. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gm C-dnr Cump, No. ."'J4U. meets every . Thursday evenlug nt 8 oclm-k In Mc Cornack linll, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator servli-e. Geo. Itelnohl, X C : J A Wrliht. Clerk WATER COMPANY SALEM" WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPT. 8. 1916, C'hnpitre where the French made a most successful drive Wednesday night, was repulsed. Quiet on Somme Front. London. Sent. 8. Artillerviui south- east of Uineliy constituted the only ac- tivitv on the British Somme front last night, General Haig reported today. At Kiehebmirgln-voue the British raided enemy trenches, inflicting severe ensu- nlties". Three Steamers Sunk. Loudon, Sept. 8. The Kllerniau liner Tngus has been sunk. Teutonic gunners are shelling the rail- wnv station at Turnu Severin. French Capture Trenches. Berlin, Sept. 8. The Germans have lost trench sections to the French fighting south of the Soinnie, west of Beruv nnd also northeast of Souville, on the erdun front, it was otticiullv ad mittde this afternoon. THE "COME -BACK" The "ComeOinck was was really never down-and-out His weakened condition because of overwork lack of exercise, improper eating and liv ing, demands stimulation to satisfy the cry for a henlth giviug appetite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National tiemedy of Honolulu, will do the work. They are wonderful! Three of these capsules each day will put a mini on his feet before be knows it; whether his trouble comes from uric acid poisouiug, the kidneys, gravel or stone in the bladder, stomach de rangement or other ailments that befall the over-zealous American. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out, but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. 25c, 50c and 1.U0 per box. Accept no substites. Look for the nnme GOLD MEDAL on every box. They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Would Cinch Farmer To Help the Baker Chicago, Sept. 8. Declaring that the price of bread should lie regulated ly the cost of materials. President M. F. McDonald, Memphis, tenn., opened the formal session of the executive commit tee of the National Association of Mas ter Bakers yesterday. "Five cent bread is the heritage of the MO a week baker," said McDonald "Bakers today are trying to turn out bread for five cents at a profit but it's ispossible. Something will have to be done immediately," McDonald said tliut a saving of 425, 000.000 annually would be made by the public if. they bought 10 cent bread "They would get more for their mon pv," he said. Two resolutions were introduced be fore the committee late yesterday aft ernoon. One asking congress to pass an embnrgo on wheat exports and the Other to fix bread prices so "a baker ran make a profit." RAILROADS AND CARS At this time, while the ear shortage on the Southern Pacific road is tak ing so much of the public's attention, those people who like to figure may rind Rometuiig to interest them in the following comparisons of the mini ber of riiiles operated add freight cars owned by four of the leading railroads The figures are taken from the Offi rial Railway Equipment Register for September: Southern Pacific, miles operated 04,8, freight cars ilfiin; in Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A Hop Outlook Grows More Unfavorable While growers are hoping that the damage from mold and lice will be found to be less than now appears prob able there - is little of encouragement in the present hop situation. The weather continues unfavorable. Owing to the rain this morning many pickers did not appear at the yards close in tp Salem. Tnose who were in the yards yesterday all tell the same story of damage, even in the yards where every precaution had been talieu to preveut lice and where up to a very few days ago the hops appeared to be in excellent condition. Thero is no doubt that the size of tho crop will be materially reduced. Some dealers estimate the abandoned acreage as high as 25 per cent. Contracts havo. been reported from Portland covering 150,000 pounds at 7 cents. Also a few deals are said to have been made at 5'i cents ami half the rise. . -i ! , ' Some Crop Items The following crop items were receiv ed at the office of Labor Commissioner lloff this morning: The local bean crop at Junction City is at an end nnd 5t) piece hands -have been paid off at the cannery. The ennnerv has erected a largo prune dryer. ,'';' . J. M. Hnwley, .near Cllenada, has marketed a second crop of strawber ries. . The association fruit dryer at Alva dore has been enlarged to three times the capacity had for drying the recent crop of berries. The berry crop was a good one. .. . , . At the "Dollar Day" merchandise sale at Springfield, Saturday Sept. 9, 19111, all crop growers are invited to leave statistics with the local mer chants, telling of yields and possible crops for next year. This month is the time to select seed corn for next year crop. Trains of hop pickers have delayed remilar trains this week from ten min utes to an hour in Lano county. The hay crop in the Deadwood sec tion of Lane county nas neen a pot entate above the average. The Dead- wood section is a dairy district. Tin. first hoi.s of this year's picking were stored at Eugene September 2d. ,T. S. Day of .Tusper has 20,000 plunts of the Iowa everbearing strawugrrv. This berry comes into bearing about Julv first and continues until frost. The first apple packing school to be nniliii-tc.l in Lane county will take pluce at ( reswell September 20, 21 and D0NTWAIT Take Advantage of a Salem Woman's Experience When the back begins to ache, Don't wait until backache becomes hronic; 'Till bidnev troubles develop: . 'Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest. -. ; i Profit by a Salem s woman s exper ience. ' - r Mrs. Kmilv Edwards. 1107 S. Thir teenth St.. Salem, says: "I-conldn t speaa too highly in praise of Doan's Kidney Fills ror I nave nevr anvthing equal to inn uiu mwui ney medicine for regulating the Kiu iH-ys and stopping backache. J am on lv ton irlnd to tell others who are sub y . i . . , i i.- i... eet to ImcKacue. a I useu iu ic, ui Doan's Knlnev Pills are very renatle and effective for that trouble" , Prie 50c at all dealers. uon t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Kiiluev Pills the same that Mrs. -Edwards had. Foster-Milburu Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Inn Pacific, miles operated 7.898, freight cars H9.07I; Chicago, Milwaukee 4 Nt Paul, miles operated 10,210, freight cars 52.57H; Great .Northern, mites opc-rat ed 8.101, freight cars 3n,ZW. Journal Want. Ads Oct Result! You Want Try one and see. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A THE MARKETS The following prices for fruita and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aid not "what is paid to the producer. All other p.-ices are those paid the producer. Corrections are mado daily. First quality of wheat is bringing 1.10 today at the mills and other grudes according to the amount ot weeds nnd vetch. Other market quotations have not changed. errata. Wheat i.oo( Oats, new . .. 38(r40c Rolled barlev . (35.00 Bran $26.50(S,27 Shorts, per ton $31.00 Alfalfa, California, ton 20,00 Hay, clover taiu Hay, cheat $10.0011.0l Hav. vetch - - $1112 Hay, timothy, $15(a$16 Butter, Butterfat - 3U Creamery butter, per pound 34c Country butter 2225c Eggs' and Poultry, F.iriis ease count, cash 25c Eggs, trade 20c Hens; pound -,- 12'i13'.iC Boosters, old, per pound 8e Broilers, under 2 pounds H'ic Pork. Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 9llc Pork, dressed 1112 l-2c Pork, on foot 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 190 77 l-4c Steers "S Cows 3 I-24c Bulls 83 1-4 Ewes 1-SC Wethers 5 12c Vegetable. Tomatoes, Oregon 7jc Cabbag c Cucumbers '- 40r String garlie 18 Potatoes, sweet a '- Potatoes, new 11 1- Beets uc Radishes Oreen onions Wi Green peppers 6c Carrots, dozen 40 Onions tl.75 Beans, preen and waxed .. 4e Onions, Walla Walla L75 rnuts. Watermelons ......... 1 l-2c Muskmelons 1.25 Peaches, Oregon Grapes Apples 25(fifl0c .. ai.OOGi 1.51 ,.. 50c(a1.00 Oranges, valencies Lemons, per box Cantaloupes, per box . . Bananas, pound $4 25 r'7.&7!5o .. 1.75(ii2.00 fit 3.00 $0.00 8c 2c $3.50 California grape iruit , Florida grape fruit Pineapples 1 Cassavas Honey Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch .... 30e Sugar, cane- $7..'1; Sugar, beet $ 1 Creamery butter - 40c Flour, hard wheat i.Bwtai.uu Flour, valley $1.40(ul.60 PORTLAND MARKET Portlund, Ore., Sept. St. Wheat: Club, $1.31. Bluestcm, 1.37. Fortyfold, $1.33. Red Husriuu, $1.30, Oats: No. 1 whife feed, 2S.50. Barley: Feed, :13.50. Hogs: - Best live, t.S0. Prime steers, $(i.75. Fancy c6ws, $5.23. Calves, $7.50. Spring lambs, $1.35. Butter: City creamery, 34c! Country butter, 27c. F.ggs: Selected local ex., 3"c . Hum, 14 1 2c. Broilers, HI l-2(J"17c. Geese, S(i9c. ' . - Optimism Overdue.. "How did Three-finger Sum came to go broket" "He got the idea that lie ought to be an optimist. So he assumed that everv hand deult him wns a flush and bet it without looking at the cards." Journal Want Ads Get Results. By Mort. WOW JtSY CM&HP KHORW TOP TO OAS '.' WAS DCNfr No matter what you want i j it will save you time and money if you read Capital Journal Want THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TilepbM . EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL- Salem Elestris Co., MaaonU Temple, 127 North High Mala IK PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. V. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mala 11 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Salem Track Dray Co., corner State ana front streets Mil T4 MM MtMMMTt TRAVELERS' GUIDE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HorriiKits PACIFIC. SOUTH ROUND So. lfl Oregon Kxpress B :00 a.m. No.. 24 lium-ne Limited 3 M2 p. in. No. S Willamette Limited ...9:22. m. No. 11! Miasm Limited U:nBa. m. No. in Portland I'asswiger ....1:27p.m. No; Portland Passenger :00 p.m. No. 14 Portlund Hxpress 8 -.04 p. m. No. 2J'.' Portland fast Freight 10 :,'I0 p. m. No. 22(1 Local wuy Freight. .. .10 ;80 a. m. sot Til SOUND No. IU California Kxprcss.... 3 :32 s. m. No. 17 Uoseburg Passenger. ..It :20a. m. No. 23 Kugcne Limited 10 .01 a. m. No. Ih Cottage Grove Pass. ..4:111 p.m. Makes connection with No, 74 lieer . brunch. No. 11 Hhnsta Limited 5:4.1p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 0:lUp. ni. No. 1.1 Sun Francisco F.xprcss 10:30 p.m. No. 221 Kau Francisco Fast Frelzit 12:01 a.m. No. 22S Local war Freight. .. .11 .40 a. m. HALKU-CESa I.ISB. 73 Arrives nt Huletn 0:15 a. m. 7H Leaves Kalem' 0:50a.m. 75 Ar. Hulem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. 74 Leave Kalem 4 :2U p. ni, No. No.' No. No. No connection south of (iccr. Rai.em, Falls Cut and Westesx No. 101 I.r. Knlem, motor 7:0(1 a. I No. 1U3 Lr. Hulem, motor 0:45 a. I No. 105 Lv. Hulem for Monmouth and Alrlle 1 :40p. I No. No. No. Np. No. No, No. No. 10T Lv. Kalem, motor 4 :(M) p. i Hill Lr. Hulem, motor (1:15 p. i 2.W Way Fr't lv. Hslem. . . .5 :M a. i lli'J Ar. Hslrm 8 :40 a. I nil Ar. Haleoi 11 :10 a. i . lmi Ar. . 108 Ar. . 170 Ar. Knli-ai 3:15 p. I Hulem 8:()0 p. i Hnlcm 7 :45 p. i No. 240 War Fr t ar. Malem... 1:35 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVEU ROUTE Orrgon City Transportation Com puny. The tirihamooa leaves Salem for Port land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon dur. Wednesday and Friday. No hout south of Hn!ni. Boat iwes rortiaoa luesuuy, Thursdnr nd further notlct. Haturday aioralugi until SEVEN M. Burger. wok ,tit THsTi OtONT 1 l ninpi TNS Ads OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. NOItTH BOUND Lr. Ralem Train No. Ar. Portlaa 4 :.'I5 a. . ...... ii Owl 8 :65 a. oa. 7:15 a. m 8 9:25 a. aa, 0:4.1a. m 10 Limited. .. .11 :35 a. (a. 11:20 a. ai 12- 11 :35 p.m. 1:50 p. m :. 14 4 :O0 p. a. 4 :IHl p. m 1U Limited ... 5 :5o p. n. : 5 :3o p. m 20 7 :40 p. na, 7 :55 p. m 23 ....... 10 ;00 p. ov NOL'TII BOUND " Portland to Hixau Lv. Portland 0 ::tu a. m. tjalem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :55 a. ov 8 :.! a. m. 0 Limited 10:11 a. as. . 12 :55 p. oa. 10 :45 a. m. . . 7 t ... .. . 13 Limited . ...17 Local . 19 .... ...21 Owl .. MOSTI1 BOUND 20 . . in Limited . .. 1(1 Limited 22 .... ...2 Osrl ... SOLTH SOUND 2 :I5 p. m. 4 :4U p m. 8 or, p. m. 0 :2U p. m. . . .. . 4 :ir p. at. ... 6:40 p.m. ... 8:10 p. ah ...11 :20 p. ao. 11:45 p.m. .. Lv. Corrnllls , . . 1 loo p. c Ar. Rile 4 :in v. m. ... 6:30 p. dv Ar. Hilea ... 9 :45a. m. ... 4:00 p. av. , . . 7 :55 p. m. ... 4:85a.m. Lv. P.ugcae. 7 a. in. 1 :55 p. m. . 5 :25 p. m. . , 12 :00 p. 01. . . Lv. Siilem. 1 :55 s. m. 10:15 a.m. .. Lv. Hulem 1 2 :55 p. 01. , , Lv. Ralem. 4 :15 p. m. . , Ar. Guf ea 6:50 a. av -. .12-.25pav Ar. Alboof . . 21 Owl . S Limited 1 :oo p. m. Slops at Corvaliia Ar. Albany 5:10 p. ov Ar. Albany . . T :S6 . ov ' Ar. F.ugeo Lv. Kalem. 8 :45 4. m 13 s :ou p. ov COItVALLIS CONNECTION NOKTU SOUND Lv. Corvalllo, 8 :-'' a. m. 12:12 p.m. .. 2 :4I p. m. i . 4:10 p.m. .. 6:18 p. m. .. I.r. Ralem. 10:15 a.m. .. 4:15 p.m. .. 12:55 p.m. .. 6:40 p.m. .. Ar. Ralsos; ... 9:43a.ovl ... l:45p.av . . . 4 :O0 p. ov ... 5 :30p. at ... 7:03 paw Ar. CnrvaMIS) ...11:33 a.m. ... 5:36 p. as 2:20 p. ov . . . 8 .00 p. v 10 .... 14 .... ltt .... 20 .... 22 .... SOUTH BOUND T . 13