Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager.
September 8. U'Hi.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President
Sec. and Treas.
Dally by tarrler, per year 5.00 Per month ..
IHUy by mail, year , 3.00 Per month
New Tork, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chisago, VV. H. Stockwel 1, People's Gag Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boya are. instructed to put the papers on the
wrh. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or i.eglecU gcttitng the
aver to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
PioM Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
Messenger if the carrier has missed you.
While Americans are awaking to the fact that the
South American countries have a trade that is well worth
looking after, few if any realize the importance of our
neighbors, not only as a market for our surplus products,
but as a great storehouse of raw material from which to
draw most of the things we do not produce and which we
need in our factories. As. a matter of fact that section
produces little that comes in contact with our products in
the world markets, the only one of any considerable im
portance being wheat which comes mostly from the
Argentine. We buy a great deal of material from Europe
but this is principally manufactured products, and most
of these we should make ourselves, but with South Amer
ica it is different.
For instance we buy all the material from which
binder twine is made from Mexico, importing it in the
raw state in the shape of sisal grass. Without the hides
and skins we purchase in South America the leather in
dustry of this country would be of secondary importance
instead of it leading the world. Large as the home prod
uction of cattle, and the consequent hides, we do not
raise enough to supply the local demand for leather goods.
The boot and shoe, harness and saddlery, binding and art
leather, trunk and bag, glove, belting and auto trimming,
and the tanning industries of the United States are built
upon imports of cattle, sheep, horses, goat, deer, porpoise
and other hides from Latin America. Without these the
great leather industry of the United States, which for
volume and excellence of product is far ahead of any
country in Europe would sink into comparative insig
nificance. Likewise much of the material used in dressing
and tanning these hides comes also from our southern
neighbors. We import annually from :15,000 to 60,000
tons of tanning extract obtained from the quebracho
tree, which is common enough in Latin America but un
known to us.
Our wool industry is great, but we do not grow enough
for domestic use and so import largely from South
America and Australia. Without imported wool our
clothing and carpet industries could not exist except on
a very much reduced scale. Prior to the European war
Latin America supplied about one-eighth of our wool
imports, but since, that is in 1915, it has supplied nearly
one-fourth. In 1015 there were imported from Argentina
olrmn fi!V7 "7:1 OOO linunik nf "dothine wool."
One of the most important imports of the United!
States is raw sugar, and over 90 per cent of this came
from the Latin American countries. Sugar is a food, but
in many respects and industrially it is in the same class
as leather, for it must be refined and the refining indus
try is an important one. On sugar, too, depends the can
ning, fruit preserving, confectionery, baking and meat
curing industries and many others. Akin to sugar is
cacao, the basis of chocolate foods, and sweetmeats and
certain toilet articles and medicinal preparations. Then
too there is chicle, from which the American stock of
chewing gum is made, and which is indispensible, in some
places, especially to the school girls.
In the metals Latin America is the world's storehouse.
Copper can be produced there more cheaply than any
where in the world although just now America is produc
ing the greater part of it. Lead is abundant and tin,
which is not produced in the United States, is plentiful,
though we Americans have never sought our supply there.
This will be changed in the near future as our trade with
our neighbors develops. It is for the reason that Latin
America is such a store house of raw material that its
trade is of such vast importance, for while supplying us
with an abundance of raw material it also furnishes us a
market for a vast quantity of manufactured products,
since the newness of the country and the abundance of
raw material has so far prevented manufacturing being
done on a large scale. Scarcity of population and lack of
skilled workmen has also held back this branch of busi
ness. While looking for trade it must not be overlooked
that buying is sometimes the most profitable part of
business and what we buy from Latin America is of
really more importance than what we sell her.
"The work of molding the citizen soldiers into an
army capable of being handled in large units is stopped
before it is well begun. This is the result of permitting
a gang ol. pacifist and pork-loving politicians to under
take the task of devising a military policy." Oregonian.
this is simply awtul! What is needed for the reorgan
ization of the army is a swash-buckling, blood-thirstv
bandit like the editor of the Oregonian, and we want to
nominate Eidtor Piper for secretary of war, secretary of
the navy and chiet ol stair in event of Hughes election,
what would be the use of having three incompetents
filling these places when one great military expert,
spoiling for a fight, could run the whole military and
naval organization, and give a little attention to diplo
macy and legislation on the side !
The Chicago Tribune discussing the railroad strike
troubles said: "If the railroad managers as representing
over 600,000 shareholders in the American railways re
fused to arbitrate a dispute with their employes and a
general strike were the result, the country would rise en
masse against them. The brotherhood lendprs rpnvpRPnr-
ing two-thirds that number of American citizens are do
ing exactly that thing."- Yet that is exactly what the
street railway managers of New York City have done.
Peruse the editorial columns of the Tribune and see how
much condemnation they receive.
Orders have been issued by the war department to
muster out several regiments and among them the Third
Oregon. The order is to "muster them out so soon as
practical"; which in the case of the Third means" within
a' few days. Already Salem is considering plans for giv
ing its company, a welcome fitting to the occasion. Just
what form it will take has not yet been decided upon but
whatever it is Salem will surely all be on hand to take
part and rejoice with an exceeding great gladness.
Backache ? Run Down ?
Tired ? Clean the Kidneys
With Hot Water and "Amine"
The silence was louder than usual in
Willson pink Inst nignt.
When the news came yesterday that
Company M is to be mustered out nt
least 417 wise guys of both sexes in this
town said they knew nil the time that
was what would be done.
Henry Ford has sued the Chicago Tribune lor one
million dollars for defamation of character for calling
him an anarchist. Henry is getting touehy. With his
plant netting a million a week he should not want the
Chicago Tribune's hard earned million but be satisfied
with what he has, or has coming. Of course that trifling
amount does not stagger Henry but lots of people would
let a newspaper call them any old thing for a million dol
lars, and stand for several encores too.
While roasting the railroad men for., refusing to
arbitrate their troubles, the newspapers jumping onto
them can now let their safety valves blow off by noting
that in the present street car strike in New York City,
the companies peremptorily refuse to arbitrate. Now
then, gentlemen, all together, Go to them. .
The last heard definitely of Villa he. was on board the
Bremen sailing across the gulf of Mexico with two bat
talions of Mexicans or about 80,000 men mostly cavalry,
or artillery, aviators or something, and he was on his way
to Crockerland to lay in a supply of ice for the red cross
in Armenia.
Ex-Governor Geer is devoting much time to criticising
President Wilson. If he would take a look back over his
own administration he might possibly find some things
that need criticism much more than do the acts of
President Wilson.
About six times a week the dispatches announce the
Bremen will arrive at some American port within a day
or two. Those who have kept close watch of the matter
are pretty well convinced that "there am t no such
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a General Banking Business
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Is there any difference in" principle between holding
up a railroad train with a gun, and holding up business
with a railroad. The answer is yes, the latter being much
the more grave crime.
udtuav 'saaq to ioi B sdaan .loquSiau Air
much annoyance bring me, tor when 1 sit
beneath the trees, they come along and
sting me. Another neighbor keeps a pup,
the which I'd like to hammer; all night it
shakes the welkin up, with most disgusting
clamor; and when I try to do a bit of
ground and lofty sleeping, that mangy bow
wow throws a fit, its noisy vigils keeping.
And still another neighbor owns a husky
short-horn rooster, and one may hear its
strident tones from Wahoo clear to oos
ter. And when the pup, whose music cloys, grows weary
of its carols, the rooster springs a lot of noise about a
million barrels. Between the rooster and the bees, the
concerts dog-and-catty, my mind is bagging at the knees
I fear I'm going batty. The life we live would be less raw,
and peace would bless our labors, if Congress would pro
duce a law abolishing all neighbors.
Xo sadder truth was ever told
The best ox hops will sometimes mold.
With Cleo Ridgelev and Bill Hurt
both in town last night, some folks had
a difficult time making up their minds.
Some people declare the Tattler is
erroneous in falling the bean n stringed
Whatever the reason may be. this lias
been the quietest year in Sulem police
circles since Heck was a pup.
The MeMinnville baseball aggrega-
tion will be the next attraction follow-
lug the Bnrnum & Bailey aggregation
if the rain doesn't beat them to it.
When run-down after a hard winter
when life indoors has brought about
a stagnant condition in the circulation
most everyone is filled with uric
acid especially is this so of people
past middle age. This uric acid in the
blood often causes rheumatism, lumba
go, swelling of hinds and feet, or a
bag-like condition under the eyes.
Backache, frequent urination or the
pains ami stiffness of the joints are
also often noticed. Dr. Tierce says that
everyone should have a good sweat
every day should drink plenty of pure
water anil exercise in th opn air as
much as possibl. This helps to throw
out the poisonous uric acid thru the
skin and the "water". But for such
persons as are past middle age it's
often impossible to do this and lime
salts are deposited in the arteries, veins,
and joints, causiug all kinds of dis
tressing conditions. An antidote for
this uric acid poison is to take hot
water before meals and "Anuric."
Ask your druggist for Doctor Pierce '
Anuric, or end Doctor Pierce's Inva
lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute in
Huffilo, N. Y., a dollur bill fr a full
treatment, or ten cents for a trial
"Anuric" is a recent scientific dis
covery by Dr. Pierce. "Anuric"
drives the uric acid out of your body.
It is a uric acid solvent so effective,
that it eliminates these posions, cleans
es the system, allows your over-worked
kidneys to resume their normal func
tions, and just a few" days' treatment
with "Anuric" will convince you be
cause it brings lasting relief to your
p.iinful, aching rheumatic joints no
more backache or dizzy spells. Try it
now and be convinced!
The prominent Salem citizen who has
been severally suspected of stealing
meat and furniture lias been entirely
exonerated, but he- is cautioned not to
lo it again.
It has been dciiuitclv determined by:
the man whose daily tobacco allowance:
is limited to a jitney that three fairly!
satisfactory cigars may be obtained for
that sum. '
Croakers are saying lat the human
fly will be swatted by it cement side
walk some day. Now what's the use
of saying discouraging things about a
young man who is trying to get up in
the world J
Wash the poisons and toxlna from
ystem before putting more
food Into stomach.
Say inside-bathing makse any.
one look and feel clean,
aweet and refreshed,
Wash yourself on the inside before
breakfast like you do on the outsiil1.
This is vastly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties in to the blood, causing illness,
while the bowel pores do.
For every ounce of food and drink
taken into the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must be
caried out of the body. If this waste
material is not eliminated day by day
it quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and toxins which are
absorbed or sucked into the blood
stream, through the lymph din ts which
should suck only nourishment to sus
tain the body,
A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it.
which is a harmless way to wash
these poisons, gases and toxins from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels;
thus cleansing, sweetening n ml fresh
ening the entire alimentary canal be
fore putting more food into the stom
ach. A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs but very little nt the drug
store but is sufficient to make anyone
an enthusiast on inside bathing. Men
and women who are accustomed to
wake up with a dull, aching head or
have furred tongue, bnd taste, nasty
breath, sallow complexion, ot.iers who
have bilious attacks, acid stomach or
constipation are assured ot pro
nounced improvement in both beam
and appearance shortly.
The Nation's
Butter Not
There Is No Better
Always Watch This Ad"
Changes Often
X Strictly correct weight, sanare deal anil Til ah nut r-riin tnr all ktaAi J
X junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2c per pound for old rag.
X Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kind corn gate
T iron for both roofs and buildings. Hoofing paper and second hand
I H. Steinback Junk Co.
1 The House of Half a Million Bargains,
f IDS North Commercial It Pleaa see
' MOM4
Ramona Borden Has
Ended or Begun Troubles'
Los Angeles. C'al., Sept. 8. Ramona!
Borden, "the poor little rich girl,"j
whose homelessness caused her to nm
away several times from places where;
her father had placed her, has found a I
Announcement was made today that
she had been niarired yesterday to Cole
l inker, son of George S. Parker, a
wealthy Anderson, lnd., bnnker and
politician. The marriage took place at
the home of I.. B. Vnlk, the bride's
grandfather. Today the young couple
started on an nutoir.oiule honeymoon
through Southern Caliornin.
Following the separation of her;
father, Hail Borden, multi-millionaire;
condensed mijk mauuncturer, and her,
mother, the child became known'
throughout the country as "the poor!
little rich girl" because of her home-'
lessness. She disappeared several timesj
from schools and sanitariums on the I
Pacific coast and in the enst iu which I
her father had placed her, before com-l
ing to Los Angeles to live with her
grand parents.
San Francisco, Sept. S. A session of
the United States circuit court of ap
peals will begin in Seattle -Monday,
.Judge V. H. Hunt and V. W. Morrow
will leave for the north this afternoon.
As soon as the Seattle session if con
cluded, the judges will go to Portland
where n sesion will be held beginning
September 18.
Probnbly you have a fool streak
should restrain you from expecting oth
ers to be too seusible, but it won't.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
my rfl Nm i)
One morning a letter for Clifford
came in the morning's mail. It was
most unusual for him to receive auy
mail nt the house, and without looking
closely, I thought it was for myself,
and opened it. and commenced to read.
When I found it was not intended for
me I know I should have put it away
and not read it. but I was very young,
and why not be honest ? I dou't think
that even now I could put aside without
reading a letter I knew to be from an
other woman.
Who Is L. O.?
But what should I do with it? I
might return it to the envelope and give
it to Clifford, resented. But I found I
had torn the envelope iu my hurry to
open it. and he would be sure to notice.
I read it again:
"Dear Cliff!
"Now that you have caught all the
fish iu the s.a. and proven yourself a
fond father and loving husband by ne
glecting your friends, can't you drop in
tonight! Some of the old crowd are to
be here, and any gathering would be
incomplete without you. I.. 0."
Just initials. How I wished a name
had been signed. It was a wunians
writing, smnll ami delicate. She evi
dently knew- my husband well; that
"Dear Cliff" hurt. I had never called
him anything but Clifford I hadn't
dared. Yet I was his wife. Then, too,
she said that no gathering would be
complete without him, and had not ask
ed me, his wife. What kind of a wo
man was she? And what were Clif
ford's relations with her?
I put the letter back iu the envelope.
It wns only 10 o'clock, and Clifford
would not be home until after 0. I had
all day to decide what to do, but when
(i o'clock came. I had come to no de
cision, so without giving myself time
to think, I said as I handed him the
"I opened this by mistake, Clifford.
I thought it was for me. You so seldom
have any mail come to the house, you
"I suppose you read it, too!" he
"Yes I did. Clifford. It was so
short I really hail read it before I
realized it wasn't for me." -
He opened it, just glanced at it. then
put it in his posket without saving a
Somehow I had felt it was just what
he would do; it would not give me a
chnnce to ask him auy questions, unless
I wanted to appear curious and jealous.
I swallowed nervously once or twice.
I wanted to talk about the letter, but
Kate just then called us to dinner, and
I said nothing.
I sat down to dinner with a little
ache in my heart new to me. While I
had smarted under Clifford's neglect,
I had never considered even the pos
sibility of another woman in his life.
Why should she write him as she had!
Was he tiring of me already f
Try as I would the thought kept re
curring to me. Surely I ought, not to
be jealous of a husband so much older
than I, one who had neglected me and
made me unhappy; but he was the fath
er of my baby, and by that right he be
longed to me and should be true.
An Unwarranted Familiarity.
Doubtless the letter really amounted
to nothing, was of no consequence. But
"Dear Cliff "that hurt me. Finally
I made up my mind to say nothing,
but wait anil see if Clifford accepted
the invitation.
Someway I felt that perhaps he
wouldn't: that the woman who had
written him might have had no encour
agement from him since he had been
married even if she bad known hi
well before. So I chatted as pleasantly
as I could all through the dinner, and
related little incidents concerning the
baby which I thought might interest or
amuse him.
(Tomorrow Clifford Dines Out.)
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