1 4 FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ' . CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . . , . Mfi ( s( .sf. CTHIRTY-NINTH YEAR WHEAT REPORT HAS LITTLE TO CHEER !T Bureau Reduces Yield foi : Year, Placing It At 611, 000,000 Bushels WILL BE BUT ENOUGH FOR HOME CONSUMPTION Estimated Corn Crop Is 2, 777,000,000 and Qats 1, 231,000,000 Bushels Washington, Sept. 8. Barely enough npring wheat for home consumption Aus forecast for the present crop today ly the bureau of crop estimates. An estimated production of 611.000,001) bushels will be "not more, than the normal domestic requirements." This crop compares unfavorably with n estimated production last year of more than one billion and with a five venr average of 738,000,000. The condition of the spring wheat crop on September 1 was given as 4S.0 jer cent of normal, as compared with .'!. 4 on August 1. The conditiou forecasts a yield per acre of 8.8 bushels, as against 12.5 aver age from 1!10 to 14. The total production of 156,000,000 liushels is forecast ns against an August forecast or 1(19,000,000 bushels and a !M5 production of 357,000,000 bush els. A forecasted yield ppr acre of 12 liushels for all wneat is reported as agninst a yield of 1(1.5) per acre for 1915. A total production of (111,000,000 bush els is forecasted ngninst 054,000,000 bushels as an August forecast, and a to tal production of 1,020,000,000 busliels for 1915. The conditions of the corn crop Sep tember 1 was 71.3 per cent normal as against 78.8 on September 1, 1915. This condition forecasts a yield per acre of 24.9 busliels against 28.2 in 1915. A to tal production of 2.710.000.00(1 linnlialu is forecast against an August forecast' of 2,777.000.000 and a 1915 nrndnctinn I f 3,055,000,000 bushels. Price ier bushel on September 1 was 8:t.(! cents against 77.3 last year. Prices Higher Than in 1915. The condition of the oats crop on September 1 was 78 per cent of normal as against 81.5 on August 1. This con dition forecasts a yield per acre of 30.3 bushels as against 37.8 in 1915. A total production of 1.231,000,000 bushels fore cast against an August forecast of 1.274,000.000 and a 1915 production of I,.r40,000,000 bushels. Trice of oats September 1 was 43.1 cents per bushel HL'ninst 38.5 September 1, 1915. The condition of the barley crop was 74.0 per cent of normal, against 94.2 September 1. 1915. This forecasts a to tal production of 184,000,000 bushels ngninM 237,000.000 in 1915. The price was 72.9 cents per bushel against 51.9 September 1, 1915. The condition of the tobacco crop -was 85.5 per cent of normal against SO.7 September 1. 1915. This forecasts el total production of pounds against 1.001,000,000 pounds in 3915. 1 A preliminary estimate of the total production of" tame hnv is 80.200.000 tons, niiainst 85.200.000 tons in 1915. Price of hay on September 1 was $10. 42 per ton against $ill.80 September 1 .1915. - ' The condition of the cotton crop Aug ust 25 was 01.2 per cent of normal airniust 09.2 August 25, 1915. This con dition forecasts production of 11,800.000 bales nyninst 11.200.000 bales in 1915. Price of cotton on September 1 was 14.0 cents per pound against 8.5 cents September 1, 1915. .'WW?. t J Th ' time t' engage in an argyment with your wife is jest before you have t' start down town. "My pen is poor, my ink is pale, but my love fer you will never fail" who. can recall th' time when autograph album wuz all th' rage I i OPTIMISTIC Itfl If ' i . f1 1 f!l NO. 188 Married One Month Took Gas Route Out San Francisco, Sept. 8. Death 'was preferable to separation of Daytou Car ter, aged 21, from hi bride of a month. And so it was that he and his bride, Mrs. Myrtle Carter, age 20, were found dead in their rooms in the Hotel Har rsion today with the gas jets in the room turned on. When her husband told her that he C s going to sea, the bride told him e t she could not bear to have him n re her, even for a sea voyage, p arly todny as a nursemaid passed the l of the newly weds in the hotel she , led gns. The door was smashed , and Carter was found dead on the 5 with one hand stretched out, ap- tly reaching for the door knob. I. d died trying to escape the dead ly tes. Mrs. Carter lay dead in bed. M MONEY FOR E Frank P: Walsh Gives $250 for Defense Fund of Al leged Dynamiters San Francisco, Sept. 8. Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the federal indus trial relations commission, has swell ed the fuud being raised for the de fense of the five persons indicted in connection with the San Francisco suit case dynamiting by a personal contri bution of $250, it was announced here today by the International Workers Defense League. Kepresentatives o'f the league have been detailed to attend the trial of Warren K. Billings, the first of the cases to be tried, which will begin in the superior court Monday. Maxwell McNutt, chief counsel for the defense, estimated that it will require a week to select a jury and it is believed the trial will consume nearly three weeks. "We are not going to make a tech nical defense," said McNutt. "Per sonally I believe the accused persons are innocent and I am satisfied that we will be able to demonstrate their in nocence." District Attorney Fickert would make no comment on their announcement but said: "Without wishing to indicate any of the important testimony in the possession of the state, I will sav that the most startling kind of facts will be revealed." LETTERS DEMAND Governor Says Best Evidence Writer Is Crazy Is Asking Him for $20,000 Sacramento, t'al., Sept. 8. Although (loveinor Hiram Johnson speaks light ly of mysterious letters slipped under the door of his mansion in which his life was threatened unless he came across with $'40,000, United States sec ret service men and local police nre working diligently today to round up, what they believe to be a ring of black mailers on the governor's trail. One man,. Carmine Pfundi, an Itnl inn, is under arrest as a suspect. He was lying in the grass near a fountain at 1-th and L streets, where tho let ter demanded that the money be plac ed, when secret servico men took him in tow Wednesday afternoon. Pfundi denies any knowledge of the letters. Chief of Police Conran admitted that the police "have nothing positive on Pfundi." The governor believes the letters came from some insane person. "The best evidence they came from a crazy' man is that $20,000 was demanded of me," Johnson said. "I have been threatened so often t nut this sort of thing no longer bothers me. I am sorry there has been publicity about it." The first letter, found last Monday, demanded $15,000. The second, dis covered Thursday morning, called for $.),000 additional. Pfundi," the suspect, says he only went to the place where he was found to take a rest. RUSSIA AND JAPAN TO KEEP US OUT OF CHINA Washington, Sept. 8. Deelnr- ing that Japan and Russia are "combining to force America . out of the Orient," Senator Lewis today scored the state de- part men t for its "peculiar sil- ence on the Far East." Lewis declared "inquiries should be made as to why there is so little information," re- garding Japan ' latest demands upon China. He declared there is "apparently little effort to insist upon American rights in the Orient." ALLIES HAVE LOST MILLION SOLDIERS IN THREE MONTHS This Estimate Made by Ger mans Includes Killed, Wounded and Missing FOR THIS LOSS THEY HAVE BUT FEW GAINS TO SHOW German Experts Think Furth er Advance of Allies Prac tically Impossible By Wilbur 8. Forrest . (Tinted Press staff correspondent.) London, Sept. 8 The Bulgarian right wing, moving up the Black sea coast, has occupied the Rumanian seaport towns of Balchik and Cavarna, at the same time taking two other Rumaniaa villages in conjunction with the Ger mans. ' An official statement from the Bul garian war office this afternoon re ported this vicinity but also admitted an important Rumanian success. The Rumanians have captured the fortified Hungarian town of Orsovo, opening the way to a new invasion of Hungary. Orsovo is on the Dannbe near the junction of tne Rumanian, Hungarian and Serbian frontiers. It is a few miles above the iron gates of the Den ube ajid has considerable importance. It has a population of about 0,000. Strong Russiau forces reinforcing the Rumanians near the Rumanian town of Doberic, have been beaten back by the Herman-Bulgarian nrmies, said an of ficial statement issued at Berlin this afternoon. While heavy fighting continued on both western and eastern fronts, there were no such radical changes as mark ed the battles reported yesterday. Estimate of Allies Losses. Berlin, Sept. 8. The allies have lost more than a million men In killed, wounded and missing since the grand offensive against the central powers opened with a Russian attack three months ago. This estimate was made today by German military experts who said they thought it conservative. Against these losses the allied armies hnvc only the conquests of Bukowina and some (la liciau territory by the Russians, tho capture of Uoritz by the ltuliuns, a shallow thrust into the German lines on the Horn me and the occupation of mountainous Trnnsylvanian territory by the Rumnninns as positive mili tary achievements. The armies of tho central powers, keeping their lines intuct everywhere under tremendous pressure at the same time struck buck with successful blows in the Balkans. The Bulgarians nd anced on both flanks to positions men acing the nllies in Greece. Germnn and Bulgarian forces struck n severo blow against the Rumanians by occupying Tutrakun fortress, one of the bridge head positions defending Bucharest. The losses o'f the allies as conserv atively estimated here, follow: Iiussiuns 000.000. British 2110,000. French 150,000. Italian, Serbian and Rumanian com bined 50,000. Some Austrian experts nnd a num ber of Germans have estimated the Russian losses at more than 800,000 and the combined British and French losses at more than 400,000. Official casual ty losts given out at London show British losses of about 1 25,000 for the month of August alone. The danger of any serious reverse on either the western or eastern fronts is believed to have passed. But any ad ditional gains, it is held here, must be! made at such a frightful additional cost in human lives nnd with such an extrav agant waste of munitions that the peo ple of the allied countries will cry for pence. News of the capture of Tutrakan for tress and the surrender o'f 20,000 Ru manians aroused more enthusiasm here than even the military Importance of the victory justified. Next to an inva sion of England no movement would be more popular here than a drive north ward to the capital of Rumania because of the universal opinion that the Ru manians treacherously deserted theil allies in declaring war. Will Continue to Strike. London, Sept. 8. Renewed iufnntrt onslaughts by the Anglo-French troop of even greater magnitude than the suc cessful strokes earlv this week on th Somme aro certain to follow the inces sant night and day bombardment of th German lines. The allies intend to givt the Genua ns no rest. The Paris Liberte reports that the kaiser has returned to the Somme front and is inspiring his troops to the heavy counter attacks mentioned by the French war office. Eumanians Have Orsovo. London, Sept. 8. A Bucharest dis patch to the Times today reported that (Continued on Pajfe 8rea.) SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1916 A WISCONSIN FISH STOET j . Lake Mills, Wis., Sept. 8. You don't have to bait 'em here They come after you. i Lloyd and lone Thomas of Waukesha, Wis., ten and twelve years respectively, nearly cap-. sized their boat when a five and one half pound black bass jumped into it. Fishermen on Fox river came to the rescue of the cKldron who were badly frightened by the antics of the fish. It has been reported that on at least six occasions this gum- mer fish have jumped into boats on the Fox river and northern Wisconsin .lakcsr They are frightened when hit by motor boats, which they are unable to see because of the dirty water. (c 3c SC sfc )jc sc jc s 4 fi LOBBY COMMITTEE TO Chamberlain Charges Canad ian Officials Prevented Passage of Bill Washington, Sept. 8. The senate lob by committee will investigate charge of Senator Chamberlain, made on the floor late last night that Kir Joseph I'olk and other Canndiau officials lob bied against adoption of the Chamber lain amendment to the revenue bill. This would have prevented admission into the United States of halibut or salmon from the North Pacific, except when the fish were sent in bond from an Amer ican port. The investigation' was ordered by a resolution introduced today by Senator Curtis just before adjournment of con gress, and adopted without a vote. ' The lobby charge was made by Sen ator Chamberlain, Oregon, when the conference committee reported the amendment, adopted by the senate hnd been stricken out. Chamberlain de clared striking oat the section was a "humiliating and d!."-yraeef ul surrender by the United State, to the Canadian government in the interest of Canadian commerce." Curtis resolution was tabled, but he introduced a second one, saying: "It is charged a lobby representing a foreign government has lobbied against passage of a resolution which would have protected an American in dustry against commercial aggrandise ment by an industry of a foreign coun try." PLACEDJN EVINCE Witness' Refuses to Identify It Positively, Weakening Prosecution's Case lf;ll.,l. n,., i.,,.t -Portia nd jitnev' bus 'driver's were' called to the stand today in Bennett Thompson's trial on a charge of murder to identify him as the man who hired Fred Ri-st-mtin's jitney the night before Mrs. Hel en Jennings and Ristmuu were slain nt the (iore ranch. The witnesses could not Ante posi tively i hut thompsou was the man Some said thev thought he was, and , vtlnt j'8"10,"" "f le congress have been, that "the resemblance is there." of helpful and humane legislation When called upon to stand up for in-1 L,":h "'''' oontribut.ons of cup spection, Thompson did so with a bored ""! 'mI"'t''' ' the defense, the ccon air. He wore a new outfit toduv, in- "m': I'f'RreM nnd the wholesome life eluding a clean negligee shirt instead "f.l;"l'",riv- of the chocolate garment of vesterday, I . U ,to ,K,'1 the hcb- but he remained unshaven. s,m' c"ul'1 not haye been continued long It is alleged he killed Mrs. Jennings ' V""" . "-niplete the program re with a sledge hammer because she would , cc,,ty ProJted with regard to the ac not reciprocate his affections, and then :'niio; ntion of labor disputes between beat Kistman. the jitnev driver, to , 41,0 rai'wy tho employes, but it death, so he couldn't inform the police. wns no.t feo'ble m the circumstances The automobile in which Kistman ut.0 '""tmue the session any onger nnd died wns brought to the court house. A ' therefore only the most immedmte press curious crowd stood gazing at its stain-1 ,,.,Kl,?l',","f "10 V oould be corn ed cushions and at the dried brown l'le,!1- . rhe " ,'" I?"'."'1' ''T streaks on the windshield where Rist-! "IPr(', 7'" P"tponed until it can be man's blood spattered when his Ilea J"'il'erate and perfected. I have was smashed with a monkey wrench. Cannot Identify Shirt. Hillsboro, Ore., Sept. H.A blood- stined shirt formed the principal link today in the chain of circumstantial evidence by which the state is t. mpting to convict Beuuett Thompson ,..,,.. r of murder The garment was found nenr the' Gore ranch where Mrs. Helen Jennings', nnd Fred Ristman, a jitney driver, were ii If.i ln.it Mm' - It is alleged that Thompson, a rnnch , hand, hiiier HUtman to drive him from I Portland to the house where Mrs. Jen-1 uings was slain as she slept by a blow on the head from a sledge hammer. The , prosecution claims that Thompson then killed Kistman to Keep turn from tell ing. The chauffeur's skull was smashed with a monkey wrench. The bloody shirt found near the mur der, according to state witnesses, was originally given by Mrs. Kthel Clark, of Leuts, to Mrs. Clara Lyons, her sister- (Continued on Page Five.) T "Its Been Good Work" Was His Comment As Affixed Signature MOVIE MAN CAUGHT ON AS PARTY LEFT CAPITOL Goes to Atlantic City Where He Addresses Suffrage Convention Tonight By Robert J. Bender, (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 8 "It's been good work. " With these words President Wilson affixed his xiguature to the revenue bill today nnd indicated to leaders of the house and senate that the Sixty Fourth congress so far as it depends on his wishes cuuld come to a close. Something of an informal 'function was made of the ceremony of signing the last bills of the session. Present were several cabinet members, including Sec retaries I-ansing, Gregory, Baker and Daniels. Vice-President Marshall and Speaker Clark were on hand, as well as a number of members of both houses. Sighs of relief, mingled with the click of cameras as the president put the final flourish on his signature that made the revenue bill a law. He nlready had sigued the workmen's compensa tion net and the widow's pension bill the latter while Senators Hoke Smith and Bryan, chief opponents of it, looked on with rueful grins. The president shook hands with sev eral of the party nnd left the -room', accompanied by the Missouri delegation. All were caught af the Capitol steps by a movie man, , "Hurry up Mr. Speaker," called the president to Clark, who lagged behind a bit, "you are losiug out on a fine i picture." I flu. 1 n.ll :i- . . 1 . i mt npeuficr puueu utougsiue, took tuc president's hand and turning to the picture men said: "Blaze away, hero we are together. " The president had a busy day today oud it was late before he was certain if ho could leave Washington today at 1 o'clock ns planned, for Atlantic City, where he will address the suffrage con vention tonight. The president plans to spend the night at Atlantic City, making the trip from there to Long Brunch by automo bilo tomorrow morning. He will remain at Shadow Lawn until after the elec tion, leaving only long enough to make several trips to the interior for speeches. The first of these will be September 20 when he will go to St. Louis to ad dress the Life Insurance Underwriters' convention. ' 1 Wilson Praises Congress. Washington, Sept. 8. President Wil son, in a formal statement today warm ly praised the session of congress just !'1.ol,,"1 At ,tllc ?nn,u' ! "pressed ln n,'fri't;,tl"lt .! hnd not had time to complete the railway dispute legislation proposed nnd declnred Ins expectation that the entire program would be com pleted by the next session. His statement says: "A very remarkable session of con gress has just closed, full, ns all re every renson to believe it is the purpose or tne leaner or the two nouses im mediately on the reassembling of con gress to umlertnke this additional leiris- ! m t " -vment tnnt the coun ry ",,0"ld be r.el,eved ' h '"""V wh''h mt have heen created by recent events Intion. It is evident that the country ' "' """ nccommoon- tion of such disputes." STRIKE MAT FAIL New York, Sept. 8. Although surface lines of the New York railways were still crippled to day, subway and elevnted trains continued to run on schedule, and there appeared slight prospect that the strike called by the carmen's union would become serious. Four shots were fired at ele vnted trains early today, police reported. Many minor disord ers wefe reported. PHESIDEH SIGNS BATCH Or BILLS AS CONGRESS ENDS PRICE TWO Hughes Making Hot Campaign In Maine By Perry Arnold (United Press staff correspondent) ' Lewiston, Maine, Sept. 8. Republi can Nominee Hughes blazed a trail across Maine . today with whacks he took at democracy. The nominee is "opening up" in his speeches, very much to the satisfaction of Maine republican leaders. What is apparently making tho most emphatic hit with his audiences is the hammer and tongs way in which ho is assail ing recent democratic enactments. The nominee is a regular glutton for campaigning. He also is "getting on to" angles of the newspaper game and becoming "wise" to the necessity of seeing that his remarks are dissemi nated fully. AS . WHO KILLED SHERIFF Man Arrested in Reno for Swindling San Francisco Store Is Murderer San Francisco, Sept. 8. When A. B. Smith, alias W. F. Dashey, was ar rested in Reno today on charge of swindling a big San Francisco store out of $500 worth of goods, he was identi fied as a man wanted for the murder of Sheriff Dwight ' Stevens of Luna county, New Mexico, Stevens was shot and killed bv a man he was trying to arrest on Feb ruary 20 last. Identification was made by comparing the description of Smith with those cent out by the New Mexico authorities. A man who gave the name of G. A. Bonelli, of Kingman, Ariz., entered a local store in August, opened an ac count and bought $500 worth of goods. He tried to cash a check for $100, and this aroused the suspicion of the store managers. Detectives located the man's room and found all th goods excepting a suit and several flashy vests. They also discovered that the man's descrip tion fitted that of Sheriff Stevens' slayer. By means of the suit and vests Smith or Dashey was Identified at Reno and taken into custody. He will be taken to New Mexico immediately. , VILLA HEADQUARTERS Secret Service Men Arrest Mexicans Said To Be Aid ing Bandit By Webb Miller. fl'nited Press staff correspondent.) lil l'nso, Texns, Sept. 8. With tho urrest early todny of two more Mex icans, I'niteil States secret service men announced they had discovered that the operations of the bandit forces head ed by Pniicho Villa are being directed from this city by a revolutionary junta here. The Mexicans now under arrest will be charged with violation of the neutrality laws. Plotters here nre in direct communi cation with Villa by messenger, it is believed, and direct his movements with a view to embarrass the de facto gov ernment and for effect uHn tho me ndintion conferences of tho Mexican American border commission at New London. Members of the junta nre former Vil li Ht n h. llueiistns and followers of Mn dero and wealthy men who have been driven from Mexico uud their lauds confiscated. Their object is to secure the downfall of Carranza by any means. The cutting of tho Mexico-Northwestern railway by Villa is expected at any time by military men here. MISS ELLA FLAOQ YOTJNO WILL SUPPORT WILSON $ Chicago, Sept. 8. Mrs. Kin j Flngg Young, formerly superin- ; tendent of Chicago public schools, has come out in support of President Wilson, according to announcement at western i headquarters toduy of the demo- crnts. Mrs. George Buss, in charge of the organization of women vot- ers in western suffrage states wired from Atlantic City today that Mrs.. Young has announced she is for Wilson because Hughes, while governor of New York, vetoed a bill providing equal pay for women and men teachers, the announcement stated. sc sjc fc sfc sc fl fi '( ( Probably there is nothing so mean ingless as the kiss one woman be stows upon another unless it is the large, espansive smile'of a hotel clerk. CENTS ON TBAIMU AND MBIf STANDS mrs mrw CONGRESS PITS Only Third of Senators Per sonally Interested As Bal ance Holds Over EVERY CONGRESSMAN MUST FIGHT FOR HIS JOB Appropriations Greatest Ever Made Due to Preparing for Preparedness By J. P. Yoder " ' , (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Sept. 8. Congress ad journed at 10 o'clock today. ino session mat lasted longer and saw more dramatic momenta than any in recent history and that had appro- pnuieu inuto money man any congress .receding it, came to a close amid scenes that contained little of the spec tacular. ' . , Tho senate waited until 9:40 today to auopi ine joint resolution setting the adjournment hour. The house had gone through with its adjournment res olution early last night. iiuring a two hour mornine session there was only a slight undercurrent of real work, but a lot of speech makinif of the eaglo screaming variety and some fun. The senate continued on its course of politics and legislation until the very lust minuto when, exactly five min utes before ten, Senators Kerns and Smoot, democrat and ropublican lead ers, named to wait on the president, an nounced the decision to adjourn had the president's approval. At tho same moment hostilities and hilarities in the house stopped at the appearance -of House Leader Kitchin, representative ntzscraid and .Repre sentative Mann who had waited on the president, received the same message. A shout went up as Speaker Clark banged the gavel and declared the ses sion ended. A Weary Old Bunch Washington, Sept. 8. A handful of weary, red eyed senators convenod at the unholy hour of 8 o'clock this morn ing to hear themselves talk until the) revenue bill, passed shortly before ad journment at 1 a. m. can be engrossed by tho public printer and signed by tno president of tho chamber. The most important piece of legisla tion confronting the senate was a res olution to adjourn at 1(1 o'clock. The house was more considerate of it self. It passed tho joint resolution to adjourn nt 10 a. m. and then quit bus iness shortly after 10 o'clock last night, after resolving to give its mem bers a half hour longer to sleep this morning. The resolution to meet at 8::!0 instead of 8 carried, also tho agreement to adjourn for keeps at 10 a. m. The only reason the session was not adjourned lust night was because of the physical inability of the publie, printer, his tvpe setters and tho jour nal clerks of both houses to get the revenue and emorgency deficiency bills pussed without record votes, at the Inst minute last night, in Bhape for the president to sign when he went to his capitol offices today. Many senators appeared today with only a washed face, a bito of break fast and a cat nap on n couch to show for the brief respite since adjourning early this morning. Moro arrived at the capitol just in time to vote ayo on tne motion that pussed tho last session of the Sixty Fourth congress into tho congressional archives. Many left Washington lust night, and another ex odus todaycurried additional member to their political stamping grounds. Mexican Commission Recesses Until Monday New London, Conn., Sept. 8. While withdrawal of American troops from. Mexico wns the primary subject of dis cussion among the Mexican-American conferees here todny, both sides kept an anxious eye on border conditions. The Mexican commissioners will go to New York tonight to spend the week end, returning for another joint session Monday. THE WEATHER X Oregon: To night and Satur day partly cloudy; "westerly winds. MEMBERSGOHOME TQ POSH ELECTIQn ITS (iETTM). ( WLL t COH SOON