Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
September 7, 11H0.
Editor and Manager.
i j
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Viee-President
Sec. and Treat.
m.n. K. ,.rrler. tr rear tf.OO Per m0nth
Pally by mail, per year r
, 3.0l) Per month
New Tork, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'g Gas Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are inducted to put the papers on the
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iawr to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager as this is the only
W we eaa determine whether or not the carriers are following ructions
P.rMain 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be seat you by special
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
The United States is the greatest consumer of linens
in the world and despite its size, it raises the least ilax
for fiber, of almost any country. The amount is so small
as to be negligible. Government statistics show that
about 3,000,000 acres in this country are devoted tollax
growing, but almost the entire crop is grown for seed and
but 2 000 acres are devoted to raising flax for its fiber.
Oregon grows about half of this. The government is
waking up to the importance of getting this industry
started, and will undoubtedly give substantial aid in ac
complishing this. . , .
Oregon has only fairly begun experimenting in this
line but already is the principal flax growing state with
the object of using the fiber instead of growing the crop
for oil. Investigation shows that Russia is the only
country where flax growing is on the increase. England
and Ireland show decreasing yields and Belgium and the
Netherlands have not been able to hold their own One
of the things that will have to be overcome before the in
dustry thrives in this country is the prejudice against
American linens. Foreign made stuff sells readily along
side the American product which is left on the merchants
shelves by the prejudiced customer. .
. Fiber sent from this section to experts in the flax
crowing sections of Europe has been pronounced the very
best! and most of the experts refused at first to believe
the samples were really from America. oW;no.
It is hoped this year's crop will make such a show ing
as to justify the state continuing the experiment for it
means much to the state. Belfast, Ireland. city of nearly
half a million population owes its existence and business
practically to flax, and there is no reason why Salem
fhould not be the Belfast of America. Oregon climate is
ideal for the handling of the crop and more than all the
water, soft and free from minerals s the very best and
this is one of the important things in the re tting of the
straw. Once demonstrated that we can produce the finest
of fiber the balance of the business of getting factories is
easy, for there is any amount of eastern capital that
would be behind the manufacturers of American linen.
As a matter of fact the United States must make its own
linen or go without.
The allies are bitter against the retaliatory laws re
cently passed for the purpose of preventing the censoring
of American mails and the blacklisting and interference
with American trade and business. Japan too, is sore
but they will have to stand it. England becomes more and
more arrogant daily and the limit has been reached in
her censoring our mails, and the overhauling of American
ships in American waters. It is a tnt e over a hundred
years since our last trouble with the old country and it is
hoped we will never have any other serious difficulties
with her, but she cannot open our mails, read and censor
our letters and interfere with out business with others
without getting into trouble. If it means the severance
of relations we can stand it as long as any old place that
does not want to play with us longer.
English newspapers are expressing disgust at the
United States for permitting wheat and breadstutts to
be advanced in price. Guess John will have to stand it as
the balance of us do on this side. We might find fault
with England for permitting the price of dyes and other
things to be advanced to the detriment of American busi
ness; but what's the use? Again we might suggest to our
crouchy neighbor that she had better jump onto Canada
about advanced wheat prices before attacking this coun
try. The wheat crop is short and consumers will either
pay the price or go without.
Mrs Margaret Whittemore and Mrs. Mary Gertrude
Trendall are piqued at President Wilson because "he has
recognized only the justice and consideration of men.
These ladies overlook the fact that in our language and
country "men" embrace "women" and "man" embraces
The department of commerce has issued a statement
of the exports of the country for the month of July and
also for the seven months ending July M. .The total value
of exports during the month was $9:5,2:)9,807 as compared
with $70,09:5,507 for July 1915. The total for the seven
months was $777,960,400 while that for the same period
in 1915 was $866,679,121, a decrease of $90,000,000. . The
principal decrease was in wheat and flour, the former
falling off in the seven months about $70,000,000 and flour
about $9,000,000. Corn exports decreased $5,000,000, oats
$1:5,000,000, canned beef $2,000,000, and fresh beef $5,000,
000. Pork products including lard increased about $10,
000,000, crude oil increased nearly $2,000,000, illuminating
oil $:i,000,000, and lubricating oil $6,000,000. Gasoline in
1916 was worth $:56,25;,530 and in 1915 $17,705,104. For
the entire seven months the exports averaged $3,200,000
a day while for the same period in 1915 they averaged a
trifle over $4,000,000. This shows that Uncle Samuel has
some farm as well as some factories, for this showing
does not include munitions and manufactured products
generally; and outside of oils and gasoline is almost en
tirely farm products.
Now the South American republics are bristling up to
each other and talking war. They should leave the sub
ject of their disputes to arbitration with Mr. Hughes as
chief arbitrator. He would render a decision that would
not and could not be understood by either side or anyone
else and keep them all so busy trying to find out what he
had decided that they would forget the subject of their
quarrel before they discovered which, if either got the
The town debating society is busy
with one question: What is to be the
program for Company M Yet there
are other questions.
Which is the more difficult for the
average citizen to unravel, a railway
time card of a market report?
Very few flies in Salem this year.
How do you account for this?
If one bov can mow a lawn forty
feet square in two weeks, how long will
it take two bovs to mow a lawn half as
The Oregonian asks "Who runs the schools?" We do
not pretend to say who runs those in Portland but judging
from the attendance in the metropolis Monday our first
guess would be that it isn't the school board. That body
will know more about Labor Day hereafter since the ob
ject lesson on the first day of school when it did not
A republican campaign speaker defending Mr. Hughes
for not saying what he would have done in the Mexican
border troubles says, "Mr. Hughes could not be caught in
that trap. Mr. Hughes is not in possession of the inside
facts." This being true how can Mr. Hughes intelligently
criticise President Wilson's management of the matter.
Republican leaders damn Wilson and the democratic
party for legislation, in one breath, and claim in the next
that the measures passed .were of republican origin.
Which shows they are willing to condemn their own chil
dren for the purpose of beating Wilson, and the sacrifice
will be in vain, too.
- . t, -
It is up to the Southern Pacific to furnish cars for the
conducting of Oregon's business, and if it does not then
it is up to the coming legislature to pass such lawTs as to
compel the company to pay punitive damages to those
who suffer loss from the negligence of the railroad.
That young naval officer sent by the government to
verify Peary's discovery of a new continent in the north
which he named Crockerland, says Peary mistook a mir
age for land. Now if he will explain what it was Peary
mistook for the north pole he will please Dr. Cook.
Sugar dropped 75 cents on the hundred pounds in
Portland markets yesterday, and was quoted at $7. The
remarkable part of it is that the reduction came before
the canning season is entirely over. Some sugar magnate
was surely asleep.
Ten United States senators longing for the sound of
their own voices, now that the congressional talkfest is
about over, have asked to be given jobs of talking in the
What proportion of the hop pickers
will make as much money as they ex
pect to make?
Is it possible for a person to be a
strict vegetarian and not like cabbage?
Is it correct to refer to a girl as a
peach because she has n stony heart.'
What sort of a Sunday law pre
vails in the home of the boy who siiid
last Sunday night: ''Well, the week's
almost gone; only Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday. Thuisdav, Friday and Sat
urday left?" And what is his natural
When Marion County
Schools Will Open
The schedule in the office of County
Superintendent Smith shows that three
of the school in Marion county opened
this week Oukdale, Ruth Means, teach
er; Mt. Angel, Helen Keber, principal;
Detroit, Agnes .V. Allen, teacher. Near
ly all of the .schools in the county will
open October 2 or earlier, although
there are a few that will not open un
til October 10. Following is a list of
schools, with dates of opening:-
Donald, September 25; Kvergreen.
October 2, Aumsville, October ft;
Manning, dnte not set: Jefferson.
September 25; Hubbard, September IS;
Hull, September 11; Brush Creek, Octo
ber 2; Marion, September 18; Pringle,
October 2; Aurora, September 18; Sa
lem, September 18; Battle Creek, Octo
ber 2; Liberty, October 2; Brooks, Sep
tember 18; Champoeg, September 18;
Mission, October 2; Fairview, October
9; White, October 2: Central Howell.
October 2; Hazel Dell, September 2(1;
L'nion Hill, October 2: St. Paul, date
not set; McKee, September 25; Croston.
October 2; Joint (with Clackamasl,
September 18; Pratum, October 2; North
Howell, .September 2o; McAlpin, Octo
ber 2; Ornssy Pond, September 18;
Butteville, September IS; Pleasant
View, October 2; Eldridge. October 2;
West Stayton, September 25: Hazel
Green, Septembr 2,"; Thomas, Oetobr i;
Johnston, September 25; Harmony, Oc
tober 2; Liberty, October lli; Sidney,
October 2: Mehama, October 2; Mc
Laughlin, October 2; Oervais, Septem
ber .18; Stayton, date not set; Swegle,
September 25; Turner, September 25;
Shaw, October 2; Oak Glen, October 2;
Pnrkersville, October 2; Four Corners,
October 2; Silver Creek Falls, Septem
ber 25; Summit, October 1(1; Onkdale.
September 4; Mt. Angel. September 4:
Geelaa, October 2; Milster. October 2;
Sininyside, October 2; Crooked Finger,
September 25; Hayesville, October f(;
Perkins, October 2; Woodburu, Septem
ber 18; Union, September 18; Abiqua,
October 2; Hullt. September 18; Fruit
laud, September 25; Noble, October 2;
Auburn, September 25; Halls Camp, Oc
tober 2; Clear Lake, October 2; Detroit,
September 4; North Suntinm. Septem
ber 25; Porter, October 2; Salem
Heights, October 2; Broadacres, Sep
tember 25; Cloverdale, October 2;
Bueua Crest. October 2.
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LADD & BUSH, Bankers
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Contentment isn't often seen where men
have bundles of long green. The more a
man requires, it seems, the more does worry
haunt his dreams, and every millionaire I
know looks like a cheap tintype of woe. I
have a friend who once was broke ; then he
considered life a joke; he filled the air with
gladsome song, and no one laughed so loud
or long. It was a joy to meet him then; he
was a tonic to sad men. But fortune slip
ped around, by stealth, and loaded him with
unearned wealth. He comes to see me now
and then I wish he'd never come againand talks so
much of dole and gloom, of properties that ceased to
1 boom, of plants requiring ready cash, investments which
j have gone kersmash, the grief that capital endures, the
grief no legislature cures he talks so much along this
i line, and puts up such a bitter whine) that when he leaves
i my humble door my feet are chilled, my heart is sore.
I Your wealth will buy a lot of things; all kinds of luxuries
I it brings, but you can't take it to the mart, and buy a glad
contented heart.
Washington, Sept. 7. President Wil
son today nominated Charles K. Ma
haffie, Portland, Or., to be solicitor for
the interior department.
California has l:t0 mountain peaks
more than 13.000 feet high.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, iqur deal nd highest price for all kiad ol
f junk, metal, rubber, hide and fare. . I pay 2e per pound for old rtf I.
I Big itock of all lizei lecond hand Incubator. All kiadi eornftM J
iron tor coin roou ana nniiaingg. aooiing paper ana tecoBd aamd
X linoleum.
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Houee of Half a MUlioa Bargain.
f IOi North Commercial It, Fm Nf
It was half past three when Clifford
drove up to the door. With the screech
ing of the horn that startled me so I
jumped, he notified us of his arrival.
We had been all ready at three, but
Miss Kldeu had made me take off my
coat and hat, and had also unwrapped
the baby.
"It will tire you to sit with your
w'rnps on," she told me, "and you may
take cold."
So it took us several minutes to get
readv again.
"1 thought I told you to be all
ready!" Clifford grumbled when we
went out. He had blown the born con
stantly while we were agniu putting on
our wraps.
"We were all ready at three," 1
answered, ' ' but when you did not come
we took off our things."
"Well, now that you are ready, hur
ry up aud get in! I can't fool around
all day just, to give you a ride!" he
said, ungracionslr.
A Reckless Drive.
As soon as, almost before, we were
seated, he started off. At first he did
not drive so- very fast, and I enjoyed
the motion, the fresh air, and began
to think it was as Miss Kldeu had said,
and that I was foolishly anxious. It
was a lovely afternoon, and the car
rode very easily. But so soon as we
reached the open country, he opened up
t the car aud went so fast I could scarce
ly catch my breath.
I I remonstrated, but Clifford paid no
! attention; and I was terribly frightened.
I The more so as I saw Miss Eldeu turn
i white when he tnme.l a nnrtinlarlt-
sharp corner, or failed to blow his horn
w hen we came upon a blind road. Once
or twice we had a very narrow escape
when a car dashed out, also without
warning. But Clifford appeared abso
lutely unconscious both of my discom
fort and our danger. He would not slow
down, although I begged him to, even
wheu another car nearly graeed our
We were out for nearly two hours.
And when we finally arrived at home
again I was in a state of complete col
lapse; and for days was confined to my
bed. When I t,old Clifford it was due to
his reckless driving, he pooh-hood at me,
and tried to make me think I was not
ill; and that he knew it. and knew also
that I was pretending to be, so as to put
him in the wrong.
I was not only reallv ill, but com
pletely disheartened. Clifford had re
turned to his careless, neglectful ways,
and for days at a time would scarcely
notice either me or the baby. To adil
to my loneliness. Miss Elden soon left,
and, aside from Mandy, I had no one to
talk to, no one to depend on for com
pany. About this time I received a long let-
' wha
I im-
tor from Mother, urging me to go out,
io mi acquaiiea witn young people.
m cnurcn, sne wrote.
Ore tOO VIHinif tn shut, vnnrlf nn
to have Clifford go with you; but if ha
remses, wny, go alone, or get some on
else to accompany you. Attend con
certs, and pet awav from the thought!
of yourself."
My doctor was a dear old man,'
had advised me na 1nthr 4;t 1
aiziued he had ministereH annixrK ;b-
bodies to know the symptoms of a aic-k
soul. He knew I was sorrowing about
something, although he had never said
so to me.
"We eaa't go through life without
getting many hurts." he told me on
day. -"I suppose the main thing ia to
rise above the hurts, and, when we ar
young, companionship is the greatest
help we can have congenial companion
ship." Dttring the days I lav too ill to rise,
I thought over this advice of Mother'"
and the doctor's. Perhaps they wero
right. Perhaps, too, if Clifford sawr
others admiring me. he would again
show me some of the love and attention
he did when we were first, married. So
I made up my mind that so soon aa t
could get out I would return the feir
calls that had been made on me; an
would also go to church.
Tomorrow Clifford Beceive a Letter.