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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1916)
4- TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1916. ! SOCIETY f - ; ' By ALINE THOMPSON ". ONCE again the tennis tournament I a sojourn at the bridge. The assumes an important plane in the party will make the trip by auto and social calendar, as iiie eveut .aliwill be away for about a week, ways attracts a large assemblage of ' society folk, as well ns devotees of thej Mrs. K. G. Kiumett, who has been the ,-eport. The opening matches of the, house guest of -Mrs. K. I). Houston, has tournament will be in full swinjf to-l returned to Woodburn. morrow morning and many prominent I players from Portland and other Wil- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stockton bad as lamette valley towns are among the their guests Tuesday, Mrs. Josephine entrants. Mcpherson aud Mrs. Grant Mays of A group of prominent matrons and' Portland, who motored to Snlcin, ae- maida have been asked to take charge, .of the refreshments each day.-Tomor-: row Mrs. George F. Iioilgers will bej in charge and will be assisted by lira. f'rcrtcric J. 'iniolscn, Mrs. Cflarlcs 1j. jncNary, Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Jr., and Miss Margaret Kodgers. inc most important luncuon pinnneci j for the tournament will undoubtedly! be the dinner dance at tiio Hotol Mnr-j 'ion Friday evening. A large number of the dancing contingent will attend the festivity, several prominent folk . already having made reservations to '.entertain parties. James Young left last night for a month's sojourn in the cast. During; his absence Mr. Young will visit Wash ington, Chicago, New York, Colorado ' Hprings and Daueville, Virginia. He : will probably remain the longest time ' in Daneville, where he will bo the guest of his brother, E. B. Young. Miss Dorothy Holland, who has beenjtrjp8 to ,,ia(.e() of scenic interest. Mrs. Cocur d'Alene, Jilaho, returned the 'first of the week, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. line Holland, who met -her in Portland. En route home Miss Holland visited in Seattle, and was the guest of her brother, Do Lorey Hoi land, who is au officer on the U. H. S. Haratoga. Mrs. Grant R. Iionncll went to Port land Tuesday to meet Mr. Boiincll on his return today from Wisconsin. Mr. Itonneli is the manual director at the Salem high school and has been east all summer getting up to dato ideas ou the subject. En route home Mr. Jionell visited his brother in Brooking, South Dakota, and also other relatives in Abilene. Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Dancy and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. LaPore left today for Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Sir Schools and Forty-eight De pertinents is engaged in the great work uniting Learning and I.uljar. Forty-eighth School Year Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1016. Deters Courses requiring a four-rear t high school preparation, are oflered in the following: AGRICULTURE, 18 Departments! COM MERCK, 4 Departments; HNGIN EERINO, (1 Departments; MINES, 3 Departments; 1'ORFiSTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart ments; and PHARMACY. Vocational Course requiring an Kighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered .in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts.' Pharmacy with a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. Catalogue and beautiful illustrated booklet Ire. Address Ths RitoiSTRAK, I W-7-II 16 toS-7-IS) COKVALUS, ORKOON riiniai;;iiiii - The PPoman PFho Knows the one perfutne which suits her the exaSi stje of dress which becomes her -the particular type of person she en joys as a friend; Such a woman ,we are surefwi appre ciate the assistance of the "Taste Packet" in deciding just whieh tea-favor precisely suits her taste. Sold through grocers only luiUnitri ftckagtt, S-tZ. ni liiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiTiiTiTiriiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHimi companying Mrs. May's parents, Mr and Mrs. H. Uolton. ' Mrs. Jessie A. Herrick aud son, Den- . vil B. Herrick, have returned from t ' trip to Washington, Idaho and .Mon tuna, whero they spent an enjoyable f jVe niouths. j celebration of their twenty fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. .'rc(j s. Hynnn were hosts last even- ing for a small informal dinner. The guests who were the members of tiic family, included eight. Mrs. J. H. Moles and daughter, Miss Margaret Moles, of C'laremont, (alitor nia, wlio nave reen tnc guests 01 nr. and Mrs. J. H. Kairchild, left the first of the week to resume their trip to Ithaca, New York, where Miss Moles will tage graduate work at Cornell University. During their sojourn here the visitors enioved a number of motor Moles and Miss Moles nave visuea in Salem before and arc always im pressed and enthusiastic over the beau ties of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith en tertained Tuesday evening with a small informal dancing party at their resi dence on Hummer street. Their guests numbered twenty two ami included not only the married set, but also a few younger folks. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, accom panied by their guests, Mrs. Ida Knapp ami daughter, Miss Constance Kaapp, of Davenport, Wash., and Miss Josephine Herbst of Hioux City, Iowa, motored borne Saturday from an outing at their beach home in Neskowin. Mrs. Knapp and daughter, Miss Constance, who have been passing the summer with the Frys returned home Sunday and Miss Herbst Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke Patton will have as their guests for the tennis tournament, Mrs. Patton 's brother, It. L. Uuiss and Claire Ogle of Woodburn. Hoth Mr. Guiss and Mr. Ogle will par ticipate in the tournament. . PERSONALS II. A. Jay of Htayton is transacting business in the city. John Shatterly was iji the city yes terday from Wiilumina. John Simon was in Portland yester day registered at the Oregon. II. L. Kpenco of the Shneffer drug s'.oro is visiting at Corvallis. Ilenjnmin Brick is home from a two weeks' stay at Sheppard Springs. J. L. Huell and Miss E. Ilnell of Eu 'fnne were Salem visitors yesterday. J. H. Levers and wife of Marshfield were registered at the IHigh yesterday. W. B. Oilson went to Portland this morning on business for the Maceabee lodge. Ed 8akriuson aud wife will leave to morrow for San Francisco, Bailing from Flavel. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Marshall were in Thiiptcltt (tHlaimfeur tarthmnn envthin ifRmi tn totiighf$rfrtirsixeptl,htfthefoi,rtriief1,vri!jatiiit Ct3hn,0,hng,EnglUhBrfkfM. 't mtU it gUilj tt dny tut smjiiig ten uts(itamfi tr eurrtnty). AMrmi A Schilling 6s C"fh333 Sum j Strut San Frtntiic, Qtliftrni Schillings Tea llllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiMiimiiiil yiuim English Women and Girls Working In Factories Pay Price of Patriotism By J. W. Pegler (Tinted Press staff correspondent 1 London, Aug. 25. (By mail) Sear ed by molten metal, blinded by steel shavings with fingers snipped off by the cruel machinery of the munitions factories, English women and girls are paying the price of patriotism as well as their men at the front. Industrial accidents have not dimin ished despite the claim of labor ex perts that women are more careful than men. i.ieir experience is believ- eu to account for many of the acci dents so the experts may be right after all, in theory. But theory wont restore sight or knead the kinks out of piti fully mangled hands. Another explanation is that, femi nine puddles, machinists an. I lathe hands become preoccupied at their work when their thought flit to t".ie men fighting in France, the ladle ips or the belt slips off the roller, there's a scream and another casualty goes down on the growing list. Portland yesterday registered at the Portland hotel. Attorney Glen E. I'nruh is in Day ton harvesting his prune crop and ex pects to be away several davs. Paul K. Smitii, of the firm of Smith & Smith, attorneys, has just returned trnm a business trip to Portland. Mrs. M. J. McCoy has returned from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. .WcKlhaney of the Waldo Hills. Word was received today from Prof. F. S. MendeniialJ formerly of Salem. He is at present visiting near Kodgers, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Ross returned yesterday from a visit of a few days with ( buries Hill, a brother of Mrs. Koss. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoi ton went to Port land this morning where she will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Rockhill. George W. Godward left yesterday for Jacksonville, Oregon, where he has accepted a osition as teacher for the coming year. At the Seward hotel, Portland, were registered yesterday, Mrs. C. H. Rob ertson, Mrs. T. B. Kay, with Miss Dick and Miss Kay. M. R. Eoff and family left yester day for Pendleton where they will' make their home. Mr. Eoff will be in the employ of the Smythe-Lonegan company. AMERICAN SAVED Washington, Sept. H. Twenty-eight Americans aboard the British steamer Kelvinia were saved and landed at Glasgow when sho was sunk September 2, either by a torpedo or mine, Amer ican Consul McCnnn cabled the state department today. The Kelvinia sailed r rum .Newport .News, vs., August lo for Avoniuouth and Glasgow. To Lay Keel of Monster Ship. Mare Island, Cal., Sept. 6. The keel of the U. S. 8. California, which will be one of the greatest ships in the navy, will be laid here the latter part of the month. The ship will be launched in January, 11118 and will be completed in February 1919. Morocco has resumed the cultivation of cotton, after a lapse of more than forty years. 1 fi SckiUiofll . Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion,. One package proves it 25c at all druggist's. - DIED ADOLPH At his home four miles south of Salem, Tuesday September 5, 1918, William ' Adolph in his 48th year. Mr. Adolph was a native of Salem and passed most of hts life in the city. About five years ago he moved to his ranch. Besides bis wife. rs. Rose Adoluh. he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. R. t. HkiDbie of Portland: two brothers. Sam and Joe Adolph, proprietors of the Pallace billiard parlors and iwo sis ters, Mrs. Eva Ureenbaum and Mrs. Ida Rostein, both of Salem. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the parlors of Rigdon & Richardson and will be conducted by the Kev. F. T. Porter. Burial will be in the City View ceme tery. I SMIT1I At 1530 State street, Wcdues- day September 6, HUH, Mrs. Ethel L. Smith, in her iL'd year. She is survived by ner husband Charles B. Smith and a son. Funeral announcement will he mode later. The body is at the undertaking parlors of Rigdon & Richardson. LATIMER At her home three miles east of Salem on the Auburn road, Sept. 6, 1916, Mrs. Lucy Cooper Lat imer, in her 55th year. Besides her husband W. J. Latimer, she is survived by six children, Mrs. Harry Lay of Youngstown, Ohio; W. C. Latimer of Sharon. Pa.; Sarah A, Andrew C, Lucille M. and Jennings B. Latimer, all living at home. She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Jerry Atkinson of Eugene, Mrs. T'nom as Shaw of Sterling, Col., and Mrs. A. P. Gorman of Braddock, Pa. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon from the chapel of i Webb & Clou 'j h and will be conducted by the Rev. G. L. Lovell of the United Evangelical church. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. c i Great Traffic Tie Up Seems Almost Certain New York, Sept. 6. The greatest traffic ticup in the history of New York through a strike on the subway and elevated systems and possibly sev-j erai suriace car lines appearea aimosi certain lnte tndnv. Two o'clock tomor-1 row morning was' tire hour set for the strike. have, unless specially authorized by The' Intcrborough company, opernt- ,he hoal'1 of control. The ing the subways which carry" hundreds P"wer an authority of the warden and of thousands of New Yorkers daily, he Paro,e 5,",cf,r 8nould not be pe"t- discharged several hundred today who eon"". refused to sign "master and servant" . Treasurer Kay stated this morn contracts or insisted upon continuing l,m that '? view"f this 0P'.I"n ,he le allegiance to the union. Strike break- ?ote 7herei,n rden Mnito has any era were beine imported. While New f hMJ t a?Jor. comJ?lal According Yorkers are wilkin or "iitncvinn" to I work tomorrow, their wives may be making desperate efforts to get some thing to eat. Delegates of the Retail Grocery Clerks association this after noon voted for a walkout unless their salary demands are met. 'A strike is now inevitable" Mat thew J. Higgins, organizer of.- the Carmen's Union declared in a speech to 250 discharged Interborougb em ployes this afternoon. An Interborough official was quoted as saying that now was a good time for a ''show down" and the company intended to go through with it. Mayor Mitchel is on his way here from Plattsburg, but it is not believed he will arrive in time to avert the strike and there are doubts whether he could stop it now. In union circles it was said the In terborough discharged union men to day with the intention of forcing the strike The union leaders have ac cepted the challenge and a final vote will be taken at 8 o'clock tonight. Visitors Swarm at Camp Withycombe Camn Withycombe. Ore., Sept. fi. Visitors swarmed to Camp Withycombe today to welcome home infantrymen of of the First, Second and Third battal ions. Oreiron Notional Guard, just re turning from Border service. Outsiders were not welcome while the troops were detraining, but. there was no objection to them this afternoon, the routine of camp life having been resumed. Practically all the soldiers believe they will soon be mustered ont. Many of them expressed disappointment at being recalled from Imperial beacn where they spent the last week. The artillery and calvary units of the O. N. G. remain at the "front." STALLION LAWS HELP. Avoiding misrepresentation of stock and preventing the state from becom ing a dumping ground for unsound horses, are given as two of the leading values of the stallion registration laws, by Carl N. Kennedy. O. A. C, the sec retary of the State'Registration Board. Other advantages are that the laws pre vent the use of bogus pedigrees and lim it the use of unsound sires. They are also an education for the breeders and tend to increase the public appreciation of good horses. KEYES NAMED FOB GOVERNOR Manehaster, N. H.. Sept. 6. With 54 of the 2m roting district still to Ye heard from, the unofficial figures of the state primary yesterday show Henry W. Keyes. of Haverhill, as the repub lican candidate for governor and Johu C. Hutehins of North Stratford, as the democratic nominee. The "sneezewood" tree of South America, so called because dust made by sawing the wood has the effect or snuff, never is touched by insects or worms. OF IS NOT HARMONIOUS Olcott "Whereased" But Kay Would Not "Resolve"--The Flax Outlook The question of authority and man agement at the state penitentiarv bob bed up again at a meeting of the state board of control yesterday. The matter was precipitated by the introduction by Secretary of State Ol cott of a resolution along lines similar to an oral agreement entered into some time ago by Mr. Olcott and State Treas urer Kay, to the effect that Warden Minto of the prison should have full au thority in prison affairs, this author ity extending to the hire and discharge oi umcers sua einpiovus ox liie institu tion. - Governor Withycombe stated that the resolution was directed against Parole Officer Joseph Keller, and there is an understanding nmoug people unofficial ly interested that this statement is cor rect. . Mr. Kay declares himself as being fa- vornble to the resolution, but inasmuch as the statutes covered the same points as regards the authority of the war den of the penitentiary he did not con sider the resolution necessary. . The resolution was laid on the table. It reads as follows: . "Whereas, It has come to the know ledge of this board that conditions at ihe Oregon state penitentiary are not ! sllcl1 as to produce the most satisfactory results in the operation of that institu tion, and "Whereas, John W. Minto, warden of said penitentiary, has definitely stat ed to members of this board that it is impossible to operate said institution satisfactorily without full authority in the management of same being given him; therefore be it "Resolved, by the Oregon state board of control, That we do extend to John W. Minto, warden, full authority to hire aud discharge Buch officers and em- ployes of said institution as in his judg' mvui. is conuucive ro me nest weirare Oi such institution." Parole Officer to Stay. In an opinion given to Warden Minto by Attorney General Brown yesterday, the attorney general says: "This office has heretofore advised that the parole officer is an independent officer, and that his appointment is made by the board of control. To hold that the parole officer is an assistant to the warden, or is an officer whose duties require him to be on the inside of the prison, it would be necessary for us to hold that j '" ' pcinicnimry may appoint and remove the parole officer. This authority we do not believe you l . r ?, ,Y 4va.rfle.n M,nt naBna( ticslly full authority at the prison since he assumed the wardenship, and in no ease has the board failed to uphold him in any action. While the board of control has auth ority in all matters pertaining to the state institutions, Mr. Kay does not consider it consistent for the board to usurp the prerogatives of the parole board, of which Parole Officer Keller is a member, and which has the appoint ing of the parole officer. An estimate of the amount of mon ey needed to carry on the flax work for the remainder of the season was intro duced by Superintendent Crawford at the meeting. The sum needed is given as $20,420. There is now on hand about 4,000, which leaves about l(i,000 for the emergency board to provide for at its meeting next Monday morning. Mr. Crawford states that after the pulling of the flax is completed he may use 150 prisoners in the various pro cesses and will need four guards, mak ing a monthly payroll of $4fi!), while the prisoners working everv dav would come to about 940. There will be no product of the plant that can reach a cash market before that time. Paroled From Training School. The superintendent of the state train ing school for boys was granted per- uiisBiun to pnroie iu poys. 1 liey are Lawrence White, George Sneindler 1, 1 x t 1 nJ,ttvRT!: Donald r.'.m.",?rfenVr" ?olla,,.,UIe-lof ter Ritthaler, Wayne Marhofer and Ben- me btswiler. Permission to grant a parole to one girl, Gladys Clark, was given to the superintendent of the school for girls. Warden Minto was authorized to in crease the pay of one guard at the pris on to 75 a month. Dr. Tamiesie, first assistant superin tendent of the eastern Oregon hospital for the insane, was granted a leave of absence covering a period of from three to six months at the discretion of the superintendent. The secretary of the board was in structed to draw a lease for the purpose of securing the use of 43 acres of land THE test of any cigar manufactur er is: "Can he make a good 5c cigar?" We have based our reputation on the OWL Cigar. It is one five-cent cigar which never changes in quality. .The Million (Dollar Cigar i u I -V INCORPORATES 05 mm PUREDLICIOUSNUTRITIOUS T. W. JENKINS Portland, Oregon, fc tor a tfciwruus trial mini ul Hill Mceplivnal lootbpftsle, lend ic. In HJnps tX H ind your delr' name to Vlvtudcu. IMnrt. t. Times Building, Naw Yorlf. N. Y. B. An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade- This Brief Message: "The New Wirthmor Waists Are Here" would sell allin this allotment f - n ii These are the new styles that go on sale now As always priced at $1.00 KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAY POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS belonging to the Savage donation land claim adjoining the penitentiary. Adamson Law Will Not Affect These Chicago, Sept. 6. Passenger cngin errs, firemen and conductors now work ing, under the basic five hour law in the east and the six hour and forty minutes law in the west will not be affected by the Adamson bill, it was authoritatively stated by a railroad of ficial here today. "The railroads do not propose to literally apply the bill to passenger trainmen," he suid. "They will con tinue under the same hours as they have been working under." IRRIGATION AIDS FERTILIZING. With irrigation farming . it is pos sible to plow deeper ami use larger amounts of manure than is possible in other kinds of farming, without danger of excessive looseness and dry ing out of the soil. This increased fertilization will in turn increase the water capacity, since the organic mattef that is added is spongy and has a mellowing effect on the soil. The water capacity .should be kept up savs W. L. Powers, of the Oregon Ag- I ricuiiurni cuitcKe, no mat 4 iwin hold the palest possible rainfall and irrigation wa i riculturul college, so that the soil amount rrigation water re ceived. O. A. C. OPENS SEPTEMBER 18 Preparedness for the coming year's work at O. A. C. is going forward rapidly and conditions will be more fa vorable for profitable student activities than ever before.. Newly constructed gravel roads and cement walks will, link the west quadrangle more closely to the central campus section. New and re modeled buildings, added equipment, campus drinking fountains, new depart ments, and mosi of all a group of new instructors. CROWD GATHERS AT FUNERAL OF RAIDERS London, Sept. 6. Large crowds gath ered near Cufflcy today for the bur ial of tho crew of the Zeppelin shot down Saturday morning, the interment having been postponed from Monday because of objection to a military fun eral. Farmers in the neighborhood seized the opportunity for protits and charged admission to ad.iacent fields. ' CHITTEM BARK SHIPPED. Joe Morris, Jr. of Mapleton, who was in the city over iflght on his way to Portland, recently shipped two car loads of ehittem bark, one to Friendly and company of luugene and the other to Uan J. Fry of Salem. Kugene Regis ter. New brunches of the Russian-Amer ican chamber" of commerce have been opened in Kief and Odessa, therebv making it impossible for American manufacturers to get into direct con nection with southwestern Russia. PURER THAN SPRING WATER EIAL & COMPANY, . Distributors. Listening to Good Purpose. There is a species of sentry groups employed near the trenches. They are called "listening patrols,' and their duties are to bo always on the alert and give timely warning of any at tempted attack. One night an officer on his rounds inspected a listeuing patrol stationed in an empty farm. Ho said: "Who are you I" The reply was: "Listening patrol, sir." "What are your duties!" "We listen for the hen cathlin,' and then we pinches the egg, sir." The longest time on record for which a swimmer has remained under water is six minutes 29 4-5 seconds. -J Don't Forg'et that when constipation, biliousness or Indigestion is neglected, it may cause a serious illness. Act upon the first symptom keep your digestive organs in good order by the timely use of urn's POLLS UrfMt 91 f Any Medicin in tkm World, Sold vTorywharo la bomo 10c 25o. SACRED HEART i ACADEMY 3 TTndcr tho Sisters of direction the Holy of the Names Salem, Oregon BOARDING SCHOOL and DAT SCHOOL t Most approved methods, primary grammar and High School Departments, complete course in Harp, Piano. Voiee Culture. Vio lin and Harmony, Elocution and ' Thysical Culture. No interference with religion of' J" pupils. ' Modern Conveniences. Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins Sept. 11 ' ADDRESS Sister Superior 3