Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Salem's Big Department Store
E&wSQtt'ffltt&ttZ V.V.W.-.W.-.V.WAW.V.W.W
: s
w rz r " -i , s
Great School Time Sale of Boys
S This Is Word Sent by Corpor-
al Houston from Dunsmuir
This Afternoon
School . xN?v
Bell v anJ
Suits and Overcoats
We Come Out for "Well Dressed" Kiddies
It is neither extravagant nor expensive for the mother to dress her children smartly when
they return to school. The question of dress has so much to do with the kiddies standing
in class and with classmates, with their ambitions and deportment, that good clothes are
not an extravagance but a well repaid investment.
With prices for good children's things as low as we quote, there need be no hesitancy in
coming here and buying the entire outfit from head to heel.
Included in this sale are Novelty Suits for juveniles and regular knickerbocker Norfolk
styles in various colors and cloths.
Juvenile sizes 2 1-2 to 8 years; boys sizes 3 to 17 years. Blue serges exempted in this sale.
Boys' $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 Suits and Overcoats f $4.95
Boys' $7.50 and $8.00 Suits and Overcoats 55 95
Boys' $4.50 and $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $395
A Splendid New Showing of Boys' Mackinaws, too
When You Want Good Goods Go to Meyers
An Excellent Assortment
School Shoes for Boys and Girls
We feature an unusually strong line
of Boys' blnck Shoes with heavy
waterproof solo, sizes 1 to 6, priced
t - $2.50
Bring the children here and we will
shoe them to your entire satisfaction.
New Dresses and
Company M will pass through Salem
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow morning on
its way from San Diego to Clackamas
according to a special dispatch receiv
ed this afternoon. There is the pos
sibility that the special may be late,
but if it travels on regular schedule
time, friends and relatives of the mem
bers of Company M may orect them at
rne aoove announced hour.
Members of the Salem Patriot!
League aro arranging this afternoon to
provide the boys with luncheons and
have asked that all who cau prepare
a lunch for the boys, do this evening
aim semi tnem to tue otnee ot Scott x
Bynou on Liberty streeet, just in the
rear of the Salem Bank of Commerce
before 8 o'clock this evening, it has
also been suggested by the League that
the boys might like some real Oregon
fruit and that donation's in this line
will be appreciated, besides tho lunches.
Remembering the big crowds at the
Southern Pacific depot when the boys
left for the south and the fact that!
For School Girls and Misses
Yon girls whom the calendar has brought back to town before Labor
Day in case your Mother happens not to think of it tell her, to get
your school clothes coiufortubly ahead of the rush. We know how to
get ready for you before school begins, for we have done it every
jKut suLutom uiij iur jjiMiiy yours.
fee that your chil
dren's eyes are in
the proper condition
for school year: and
1 only a comnetent
and thoroughly sei-
nianv relatives were not alile to see: , "J-""', examination cau determine
members of their families in the com- wucther Bosses are needed or not. Vou
pany, the Salem Patriotic League will a parents, owe this precaution to your
arrange to have the platform spaeo! children and should not fail to do vour
roped off and only relatives of Coui-j part. to relieve all kinds of. eye strain
pany JI be permitted to approach the that an examination may disclose,
train. They hope to be able to make I am a graduate of medicine of
this" arrangement and ask that those iieildeburg. College, and also a gradu
who aro relatives of members of thejate of Optics, and my 33 years of , fective vision
company ami wno expect to meet ine actual experience in correcting defec
special to call at Mr. Byuon's office ,tive vision should bo an inducement to
a o ciock tnis evening tor uaag
find that glasses are not needed, I will
frankly tell you.
(Vou cannot see plainly without
glasses if your eyesight is impaired
the more you try the worse your siht
will become) this is why that an ex
amination is so necessary to children's
eyes to discover and correct any du-
A committee has been appointed by
t tie ladies of the Salem Patriotic Lea
gue to decorate the depot with flags.
It is also hoped that arrangements may
be made whereby the Cherrian band
will be on hum I to aid in the general
rejoicing and welcoming homo of the
Salem boys.
a .
111 Searching for Body
All Around Town
September 4. Labor day.
Sept. 7-8-9. Willamette Valley
Tenuis Tournament, Salem.
September 9. Barn urn & Bail-
ey'a circus.
-Opening day of city
- September. 11. Monthly meet
ing !?aiem jiorai society, Com
mercial club.
. Sept. 18.-schools.
September 20. Moathly meot
, lag Commercial club. Address
by Harwood Hall.
-8epl. 25-30 Oregon State Fair.
Quality stands first at Hartman Bros.
Co., quality jewelers.
The Y. W. C. A, friends will pic
Hie tomorrow evening at the Wallace
farm. Cars will leave the Y. W. C. A.
at 0:15 and those who wish to attend
are asked to phone in advance for ac
complaint or a notel Keeper at Corne-j A new nop dryer, patented by F. E.
mo. iv is iiiiiura mm .uiuvr lert or- .xeecinani of tne J,ivesloy Hop coin
licliiis owing the hotel man 20 for! pany, is being installed in' the Livesley
uoara. jie was liiKcn to that place yes-1 yards at Livcslev station
tenlay. j I u .,
0 I Ed Pulver, charged with being drunk
" was ciosea today oy J. and disorderly, was arrested hv the lo
A mm.. i. h i. l-. . ' . . .. ,. ... .
... ii niiicii rraun ,-5. .tones orcai ponee last ingnt. tie will nave a
tnis city becomes the owner of 122 ! hearing tomorrow morning.
acius hi improved iitnu ill HCllton COun
ty near Kings Valley. The considera
tion was ,uuo. Mt. Jones will take!
possession and move to his new home at j
The Cherrian band will give a con
eert tomorrow evening at S o'clock in
Willson park. Mrs. Bailie Parrish
Hinges will sing, '."Love, Here is My
The plastering on the two upper
floors of tho addition to tho Marion A. T. Woolpert Is home from service
hotel has been complete, and the wood on the border with Company M. Life
wort an finished. The painters will on the border evidently agreed with
begin tomorrow on the fourth floor ami i Mr. Woolnert na hn tin's im -rcnsn.l in
Bmoke Hygrade cigars and you will! 1 1 lola 01 ,no n'n t"c two up- weight li pound
not go wrong. I' 'eau.v ior tne lurn-
o ishings. The management announces
Peter Lee, formerly of the Anoarel' !na everything will be ready for bus-
Service company on North High streetl"u'8a 0,1 ,ne ,w0 "Pl'er floors for tho
writes his friends here that he and his
wifo are nicely located on a farm in
Minnesota and that ho is well pleased
with his new home.
Wanted at once 100 hop pickers, good
hops and camping grounds on Oreiron
M. A. Estea the tailor is moving from ""e "n- ' "e0 s"uw-
Reports from several hop yards east
of the city are to the extent that the
crop this year is about one third bet
ter than one year ago. Tho average
price for picking east of the city on
the Silverton road was SO cents a hund
red. Owing to Dr. M. P. Mendelshon's in
creased practice and- in order to take
better care of his patrons has leased
the room formerly occupied by lVrby
and Lafky and will enlnrge his offices
giving more room. Dr. Mcudclshon
will have another doctor associated
with him in the near future. Announce
ment of that will be made later.
737 Center street to 032 North Liberty,
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glass e-
Buirocuy. u, o. Banc uldj,
w ground In terf erred with the
base ball game yesterday between Sa-
jem ana .uciuinnviue.
imnx gereo, tat liquid food, the
eealtn drink. Ask your grocer. tf
J. W. Oobel is a new firm in town.
He will occupy the store room at 21H
North Commercial street and will sell
gas engines and machinery.
Dr. F. H. Thompson specialist, eye,
ear, nose and throat. 414 Bauk of Commerce.
tm quarterly conference . of the
Methodist church will be held in the
rity Heptember 20. Written reports
from all departments of the church
will be submitted at the conference
Salem's finest and largest Jewelery
store is Hartman Bros, company.
The Oregon Electric this morning
sold 30 tickets to members of the Cen
tral Labor Council who went to Port
last ob tie 7:13 to take part in the
labor dv parade. Others went by auto
Would you pay two centa to make
200.00! Send postage for description
and terms of my 100 acre ranch and 1
will pay you 1200.00 for selling my
place, Luther Myers, Salem, Or.
Any KiriD
-Art Off
Any time
Now that the rains are once again
with us, the river is rising and is now
.1 of a foot below zero. The rainfall
so far this month is .!0 of on Inch and
the maximum temperature Sunday was
lid degrees above, all of which is sug
gestive of the fall of tho year,
R. O. Hadley of Brooklyn, New York,
with the International Itible Students
association of the Unitarian church
will deliver an address next Sunday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock at the Unitarian
church. Ho will speak on "Present
World Crisis the Knd of the Age."
A called meeting of the Ladies' Aid
society of the First Methodist church
will be held in the parlors of the
church at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow after
noon to consider important matters in
connection with the state fair date.
The state fair opens three weeks from
Wheat coming in from some sections
show a considerable mixture of vetch
and oats. Today the market in the
rongh for such a mixture is about 90
cents. Wheat with a trace of vetch
which cannot be used for milling pur
poses is worth close to Tho 1.09
quotation is for milling wheat.
O. M. Miller, who has been in Salem
for some time engaged In promoting a
plan for the building of a loganberry
juice plant, was arrested Saturday on
state fair.
An action to collect damages for the
loss of a horse occupied much of Sat
urday afternoon in Justice of the
Pcaco Webster's court. The plaintiff
in the ease is Arthur Plant of Salem,
who hired out a horse to Chester Long
and Victor Collins for a trip to tho
mountains. Shortly after the return
of Long and Collins from the trip tho
horso died. Justice Webster has tho
caso under advisement.
Two hundred of the freight employes
of the Southern Pacific- at Portland
camo to Salem this morning at 10:30
o'clock and proceeded to spend a few
hours in tho city taking in the stato
institutions. After a visit at the pen
itentiary, Oreuon state hosnitnl and
state house the -visitors left at 12:15
for Silverton. After a few hours in
that city thev left for Wnndh urn ta.
i turning to Portlnud at 6 o'clock.
Nothwithstanding the rain and gen
eral unfavorable hop picking condi
tions, the Oregon Klectric is running
specials daily from Portland to sta
tions in the hop districts. Yesterday
four specials were run from Portland
with 24 passenger conches and eight
baggage cars. Seven hundred of the
pickers were taken to the Livesley
yards at Livesley station. Tomorrow
two sections with seven coaches and
two baggage cars each will be run out
of Portland to points south of Salem.
W. B. Oilson, prominent in Knights
or i-ytuias and Alnccanee lodge circles
has leased his barber shop nt 4.'" State
street to Warren .Miles, who assumed
charge today. Mr. Oilson has been ap
pointed deputy stnto commander of tile
Maccabees and in his official capacity,
hig work will take him to all points
south of Salem in the Willamette val
ley and all coast points west and south
of Salem. To the uow work Mr. Wil
son will begin devoting his t i mo at
once. His duties as deputy state com
munder will include the visiting of all
lodges within his jurisdiction and look
ing after their general welfare.
The blankets and comforts that were
sent to Company M by the kind heart
ed citi.ens of Salem arrived in the city
last Saturday in the case of Krcd.S.
Bynon. He announces that they will
be ready for delivery at the armory
Wednesday morning from 10 until 11
Yes, its an actual fact that dresses
will be woru not quite so high this
fall. The leading milliners nil ack
nowledge it and several of the leading
makers of shoes have anticipated the
coming stylo by just lowering the top
of the shoe about two inches, thus strik
ing a fair average,'
Despite the very unfavorable weath
er for target practice, several members
of the Salem Rifle club went to Finzer
yesterday for practice, using govern
ment ammunition, ruir scores were
made, especially by those who were ac
customed to the handling of a rifle. In
fact it is developing that men who
have never handled a rifle soon become
fair marksmen.
The change in strik conditions has
resulted in an easier condition of tnmgs
at the Salem Pruit Union so far as
of A. B. Richardson
you to see me about any
vou or yours may have.
I have made a special study of
children's eyes, and have successfully
corrected thousands of children's vis
ion. f after making examinations 1
I do not use drops or drut-s in niaJi-
nt to.ing examinations as they aro dangor-
eyo trouble ous. My charges are very reasouublo
j material used and service considered.
I. guarantee satisfaction i u eveiy
1 chango glasses free of charge for
a whole year if necessary. Louses
duplicated while you wait.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
n Doctor of Optics
210-211 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon
Portland, Or., Sept. 4. Search for
the body of A. B. Kichardson, wealthy
realty dealer and prominent member!
of the Multnomah club, was resumed
todnv in the Willamette river near
Wimlemuth baths, where he is believed! i
to have drowned Saturday afternoon. Uj;
Kichardson was. 54 years old and a $
strong swimmer. He went to the baths I;);
nlone Saturday afternoon. Attendants j
sav ho entered the water about o p
m. At night, when the resort was be
ing closed, Richardson's clothes were
found in his dressing room.
It is believed ho suffered a heart at
tack while bathing, and sank without
uttering a cry or struggle.
f Mold Is Reported and Unless
Rains Stop Soon Damage
Will Be Heavy
Conditions favorable to the maturing
of hops, which prevailed throughout
August, has given place during the past
few clays to rain. The result of this
will be a decided decrease in the esti
mated volume of the hop crop in the
Willamette valley, unless there is a
change to sunshine within a very short
Reports of mold to a serious extent
have been coming in today. The hops
in the yards are spoiling very rapidly.
A number of growers have already de
cided to abandon their yards.
It is the opinion of Mannger Clark of
the Oregon Hop Growers' association,
that growers are wise in not pickinir
poor hops. "With
Kufekn, Cal., Sept. 4. With
tides during the next ten days
most favorable, determined ef
forts to remove the steamer
Bear . from tho reef on which
she went two months ago were
resumed today. The tog Sal
vor pulled on the rcssel today
but little progress was made,
despite the fact that the ship
apparently is free fore and aft
and is on the sand amidships
Sand pumps have dredged
a considerable basin around the
Peugeot Team Wins;
Anderson Fatally Hurt
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 4. Johnny
Aitken, captain of the Peugeot team,
won the 300 mile automobile race this
afternoon. His time was 3 hours, 5
minutes and twenty seven and one
fifth seconds, an average of 117.00 miles
an hour.
Oil Anderson, driving a Stutz, was
perhaps fatally injured when his car
turned over four times. He was picked
up unconscious and terribly cut.
His mechanician escaped practically
unhurt. The accident was caused by
Anderson driving too close to the in
ner wall in soft dirt.
Ralph DePalma was forced out of the
race in the ninth lap when he broko a
emmet-ting rod and Christians went out
on tho twentieth lap with a burned out
When in SALEM, OREGON, stof tt
' Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
BATEB: 75c, tl.00, 11.50 FBI DAY
The only hotel in the business district
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Anto Bus.
Salem-Independence Auto
Service t
Phone j9-or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
lt:UU a. in., 2:30 P. m. and
0:00 p. ni.
Leaves Independence opposite
rostoffice daily.
m., ll':dU p. m., 4:00 p.
and 7:00 p. ni.
9:00 a.
c en.
r mc, jvc
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
pears are concerned, although the lift-las they are," says Mr. Clark, "there
ing of the embargo came too late to I is but little use in picking other than
help out in the matter of green prunes. I the best. It mnv be a short crop, but
.Munuger Paulua states that tne pick- it will be a good one in point of qual- f
in it nt irinioa tnm hour tin nml tlint m.! tt !
cording to reports coming in to the un- 'About a third of the American hop
ion mere is very little Drown rot or; crop is in a normal vear exported to!
scab. Several dryers were started upi E
this morning.
Th Salem Bowling Alley will be opened on or
about Sept 1, under management of M. L. Patton.
Will cater to highclass trade. One afternoon will
be reserved each week for ladiei and escorts.
Doolittle & Bergholz, Props.
Oustave Abraham of Albany and
Miss Zoo V. Miller of Amity were mar
ried yesterday by the Rev. R. N. Avi
so n at the First Methodist church par
sonage in tho presence of many friends
and relatives. They left shortly after
for a snort visit in Portland. Mrs. Ab
raham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Miller of Amity. Mr. Abraham
is associated with the First National
bank of Albany. Among those who
witnessed the wedding were the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller of
Amity, Dr. and Mrs. Wood of Amity,
Dr. anil Mrs, Bruce Miller of Lebanon,
Mr. and Mrs. Kred Fisher of Corvallis,
Miss l.etba Kidd and the three broth
ers of the groom, Julius, Alfred and
Herman Abraham of Albany,
Both Near and Far
Vision in One Lens
with No Line of
Kryptok Lenses
There is no cement to
cloud the vision no
rough edges to catch
the dirt, the surface is
entirely smooth.
Miss A. McCulIoch
208-9 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
England. There is a "possibility thnt
the embargo placed by Great Britain
on this commodity may be lifted or
modified, but if this should not take
place the chief market will be closed.
Much depends on the volume of vield
! of English hops. The British embargo
on hops is part of an economic plan to r
! limit as far as possible that nation's!!
consumption of non-necessities. The 1 1
I shipping space for hops is needed for
more urgent purposes. Furthermore, it
! is stated that there is a determination
! to limit brewing in order that the bar-
lev used for making beer in normal
j years may be available for domestic
While there is a decrease in the'
quantity of beer made in the United ! t
States, compared with previous years,
a factor contributing to less demand
for hops is the less percentage of
hops used for brewing. In 1900 .953
of a pound of hops entered a bailer or
brewed beer, while in 1912 the average
in United States breweries had fallen to
,o2 of a pound.
The Brewers' Bulletin of August 30
says the hop trade with brewers is lag
ging, there being a tendency to wait
for the pew crop. The Bulletin quotes
Pacific hops, y9UI crop, at from 14 to
15 cents, and ls15 crop at from nine to
14 cents. :
The nickine of the entaire crop of
j hops in the Willamette valley would
, mean the payment to labor during the
i next 20 dnys of 2.400,00O. The percent
i age of this that will be paid out depends
'entirely on weather conditions.
We desire to extend our Thanks to our Friends and
Patrons for their patronage in the past and to an
nounce that our Fall Woolens have arrived and are
ready for inspection. Our stock includes all the
latest weaves in imported and domestic Woolens of
a very choice selection. We extend an invitation to
the buying public to inspect our goods, whether
you buy or not. ' 1
High class tailoring given special attention.
Estes & Zuehlke
128 South Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
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