Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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The Railroads9 statement of their post
tion on the threatened strike, as presented
to the President of the United States
A strike on all the railroads of the country has been called by the Train
Brotherhoods for 7 o'clock Monday morning, September 4.
This strike was ordered from Washington while the f resident of the
United States was making every effort to avert the disaster.
The Final Railroad Proposal
The final proposal made by the railroads for a peaceful settlement of the con
troversy, but which was rejected by the brotherhoods, was as follows :
(a) The railroads will, effective September i, igi6,
keep the time of all men represented in this movement,
upon an 8 hour basis and by separate account, monthly,
with each man, maintain a record of the difference
between the money actually earned by him on the
present basis and the amount that would have been
earned upon an 8 hour basis overtime on each basis
to be computed pro rata.
The amounts so shown will be subject to the.
decision of the Commission, provided for in Paragraph
(c) of this memorandum and payable in money, as
may be directed by said Commission in its findings and
(b) The Interstate Commerce Commission to
supervise the keeping of these accounts and report the
increased cost of the 8 hour basis, after such period of
actual experience as their judgment approves or the
President may fix, not, however, less than three
months. ;
(c) In view of the far-reaching consequences of the
declaration made by the President, accepting the
8 hour day, not only upon the railroads and the classes
of labor involved directly in this controversy, but to
the public and upon all industry, it seems plain that
before the existing conditions are changed, the whole
subject in so far as it affects the railroads and their
employees, should be investigated and determined by
a Commission to be appointed by the President, of
such standing as to compel attention and respect to
its findings. The judgment of such a Commission
would be a helpful basis for adjustments with labor
and such legislation as intelligent public opinion, so
informed, might demand.
Statement of Executives to the President
In submitting thi3 proposal to the President, the fifty railroad executives called to
Washington and representing all the great arteries of traffic, made this statement to
him of their convictions:
The demands in this controversy have not been
presented, in our judgment, for the purpose of fixing a
definite daily period of labor, nor a reduction in the
existing hours of labor or change in methods of opera-'
- tion, but for the real purpose of accomplishing an
increase in wages of approximately One Hundred
Million Dollars per annum, or 3 5 per cent, for the men
in railroad freight train and yard service represented
by the labor organizations in this matter.
After careful examination of the facts and patient
and continuous consultation with the Conference
Committee of Managers, and among ourselves, we
have reached a clear understanding of the magnitude
of the questions, and of the serious consequences to
the railroads and to the public, involved in the decision
of them.
Trustees for the Public
As trustees for the public served by our lines and
for the great mass of the less powerful employees (not
less than 80 per cent, of the whole number) interested
in the railroad wage fund a$ trustees also for the
millions of people that have invested their savings and
capital in the bonds and stock of these properties,
and who through the saving banks, trust companies
and insurance companies, are vitally interested to the
extent of millions of dollars, in the integrity and
solvency of the railroads of the country, we cannot in
conscience surrender without a hearing, the principle
involved, nor undertake to transfer the enormous cost
that will result to the transportation of the commerce
of the country.
The eight-hour day without punitive overtime
involves an annual increase, approximately, in the
aggregate of Sixty Millions of Dollars, and an increase
of more than 20 per cent, in the pay of the men,
already the most highly paid in the transportation
The ultimate cost to the railroads of an admission
in this manner of the principle under contention
cannot now be estimated; the effect upon the effi
ciency of the transportation of the country now
already under severe test under the tide of business
now moving, and at a time when more, instead of less,
effort is required for the public welfare, would be
harmful beyond calculation.
The widespread effect upon the industries of the
country as a whole is beyond measure or appraise
ment at this time, and we agree with the insistent and '
widespread public concern over the gravity of the
situation and the consequences of a surrender by the
railroads in this emergency.
In like manner we are deeply impressed with the
sense of our responsibility to maintain and keep open
the arteries of transportation, which carry the life
blood of the commerce of the country, and of the
consequences that will flow from even temporary
interruption of service over the railroads, but the
issues presented have been raised above and beyond
the social and monetary questions involved, and .
the responsibility for the consequences that may
arise will rest upon those that provoke it.
Public Investigation Urged
The questions involved are in our respectful judg
ment, eminently suitable for the calm investigation
and decision by the public through the agency of fair
arbitration, and cannot be disposed of, to the public
satisfaction, in any other manner.
The decision of a Commission or Board of Arbi
tration, having the public confidence, will be accepted
by the public, and the social and financial rearrange
ments made necessary thereby will be undertaken by
the public, but in no less deliberate nor orderly
The railroads of the country cannot under present
conditions assume this enormous increase in their
expenses. If imposed upon them, it would involve
many in early financial embarrassment and bank
ruptcy and imperil the power of all to maintain
their credit and the integrity of their securities.
The immediate increase in cost, followed by other
increases that would be inevitable, would substan
tially appropriate the present purchasing power of
the railroads and disable them from expanding and
improving their facilities and equipment, to keep
abreast of the demands of the country for efficient'
transportation service.
In good faith we have worked continuously and earnestly in a sincere effort to
solve the problem in justice to all the parties at interest. These efforts were still
in progress when the issuance of the strike order showed them to be unavailing.
Problem Threatens Democracy Itself
The strike, if it comes, will be forced upon the country by the best paid
class of laborers in the world, at a time when the country has the greatest need
for transportation efficiency. '
The problem presented is not that alone of the railroad or business world,
but involving democracy itself, and sharply presents the question whether any
group of citizens should be allowed to possess the power to imperil the lift
of the. country by conspiring to block the arteries of commerce.
Cbieafo, aturliaftoa A Quiaor Railroad.
rtoo.ytvaaia Railroad.
Souihara Railway,
L'oioa Psoitis Syttsa
Atcbitoa, Topaka A Saata Fa SytUa
A. h. sMrm,
New Yerk Caatral Urn.
Ckaiaaaaka At Okio Railway.'
Balliaiora aod Ohio Railread.
t Court House News
An action was filed in the circuit
court -Saturday by T. 0. Bligh, the-Salem
theatre magnate, against A. . E.
Laflar and George B. Guthrie, of the
Oregon theatre, and H. B. Bogarty and
J. Maloncy, to collect the gum of
$l'0OO which lie elaimn to he due him
from a deal in which ttie Bligh theatre
at Albany w'ag transferred to the de
fendants. The deal is said to have been
made Juno 1, 1914, and plaintiff alleges
that he was ready at all times to give
a bill of sale, but that the defendants
waived a bill of sale by accepting ti-j
tie and thereafter transferring title:
and possession to the Albany Amuse-
ment company, a corporation. The dc-j
fendunts were to pay Bligh $3.00, ac-j
cording to the complaint. Of this a-'
mount $1000 was to be paid prior toj
July 1, 1914, and the remaining $2500:
was to be paid in semi-annual install-
nients of $500, beginning January ,
1915. It is stated that the only part
of the $2000, now claimed due, received
by the plaintiff is $75 interest.
An action for divorce has been filed
in tbo circuit court .by Dora Caroline;
Tower against James Patrick Tower.
In the complaint it is alleged that Tow-'
er has been infatuated with a ward of!
the state school for the feeble minded,
designated as "Molly," and has show-'
ered gifts upon her. Tower, it is stat
ed, was dismissed from the employ of
the school about a month ago. Mr.
and Mrs. Tower were married in Arkan
sas in 1881.
The final account of Thomas B. Mor
gan, administrator of the estate of E.
Clara Martin Morgan, Iras been approv
ed by the county court.
I.ina Cookingham has been appointed
by . the county court as guardian of
Kammie and Hubby Plummer, minors.
The following prices for. fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, at.d
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
There is but very little change in to
day's markets as today is Labor day
and on national holidays the markets
show no change. Wheat is quoted lo
cally as high as $1.09 fur the first grade
and oats are stronger with 40 cents as
the top price.
Wheat $1.00(fi 1.09
Oats, new 3S(H40e
Rolled barley $35.00
Bran $26.50rx)27
Shorts, per ton $31.00
Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00
Hay, clover . $9$10
Hay, cheat $10.00(511.00
Hay. vetch $11$12
Hay, timothy, $15$16
Butterfat 31e
Creamery butter, per pound .-34c
Country butter ... 22(o2jc
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash .25c
Eggs, trado 20c
Hens, pound 12,i.13M..c
Roosters, old, per pound 8e
Broilers, under 2 pounds . 14','jC
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 8lle
Pork, dressed 1112 l-2e
Pork, on foot 8 l-29c
Spring lambs, 1916 77 l-4s
Steers 66
Cows 3 l-2(S;4e
Bulls 33 1-4
Ewes 4 l-2e
Wethers 6 1-2
Tomatoes, Oregon ...... 75c
Cabbage 40c
Cucumbers 4075e
String garlie - 1S
Potatoes, sweet 3 l-2c
Potatoes, new 11 1-4
Beet 40e
Radiates 40
Green onions 40i
Green peppers 6e
Carrots, dozen 40
Onion $1.73
Beans, green and waxed . 4c
Onions, Walla Walla $1.75
Watermelons 1 l-2e
Muskmelons $1.50
Peaches, Oregon 25(fii0c
Grapes $1.25(1.75
Apples 50c(u$1.00
Oranges, Valencies $4,25
Lemons, per box - $7.$$Si7.50
Cantaloupes, per box .....-. $1.75(2.00
Bananas, pound . .. ftt
California grape fruit $3.00
Florida grape fruit .... $6.00
Pineapples 8c
Cassavas 2c
Honey $3.50
BetaU prices.
EKK Per dozen, fresh ranch 30s
Sugar, cane ..- .. $8.00
Sugar, beet . $7.80
Creamery butter .. .... 40e
Flour, hard wheat . $1.8H(a2.00
Flour, valley $1.40(1.60
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Quinn celebrated
their china wedding anniversary at
Donald last week. Cards, dancing and
banquet were the features of the even
ing, aside from the "ceremony " by
which the old ties were tightened. The
"Ritual" for the ceremony was pre
pared, it is said, by C. A. Adams, of the
Donald bank, and included almost ev
erything except the promiwory note of
the groom and a mortgage on the bride.
E. 1. Flynn distinguished himself as an
orator ( t), in presenting a beautiful
Children Ory
Thru the Inland Empire
Grand Canyon of Col-
American Wonderlands
Glacier and Yellow
stone Parks ,. ' .
Bound Trips' at Low Fares Daily
until Sept. 30 via The North Band
Bead. Stopover where you like.
North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on the ships of DeLuxe Service,
3. 8. Northern Pacific and Great
Northern, for
San Francisco etT $32.00
From any Oregon Electric Ry. point
Ticket includes meals and berth.
This route saves Time and Money
-and is a -Delightful Trip. '
Homeseekers' Fares
-v Sept. 24 to Oct. 8
- From Middle-West to Willamette
I se:l prepaid tickets.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent,
Salem, Oregon
FOB BALE I have a well equipped
chicken ranch of 7 acres close in on
good road, good new, convenient
house of four rooms, pump and well
of excellent water, modern roomy
chicken houses, large wood shed. Will
accept part- of price in well improved
city property. Inquire at 202 V' S.
Bank or Phone 4tf0. 1
and pay taxes in -Salem. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
1198 N. 21st. F, L. Keister, Wn.
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head," Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 406-7-8 U. 9. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residenca
Main 829-R.
Depot American fence.
Screens for Doors and Windows.
Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
Stoves repaired and sold.
R. B. Fleming, 259 Court. Phone 124.
rTtn nr ar irnur v vnrpATlilV
I . . . , , ,L. 1.
incorporated, arugiess meinouu,
opens Sept. 5th, 1916. Private pa
tients and clinics, lto 5 p. m. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D. Dean, 428 Hubbard
bldg., Salem, Or.
"Why Wot TJaa s)
Columbia QUALITY Carbons'?
Mad in Oregon a)
100 Copies Guaranteed froa
Each Sheet.
Oolambla Carbon Paper lilt. Oo. s)
83rd ft Broadway, Portland, Ore.
Children Ory
from all points, east, on all houshold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific. Coast
Forwarding company, .161 South Com.
" merclal street. I'hoae Main 933.
A. M. dough morticians afd funeral
.directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
183. -
china dinner set, from the assembled
guests. Henry Marty displayed his ec
clestutical dignity and knot-tying abil
ity in . performing the "ceremony."
Harry Evans, demonstrated his knowl
edge of the terpsichorean art, while
Pete Mathoit, H. B. Cone and Scott
Hoskins did the musical honors. A dist
of the invited guests would include
practically all Donald and vicinity and
then some. Aurora Observer.
Turner Tidings
(Capitul Journal Special Service.)
Turner, Ore., Sept. 4. Henry C. Por
ter, of Aumsville, was at the Turner
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Small have moved
to Independence.
Miss Hnllie Thomas left Thursday for
Merle Pearson and 'family were in
Marion lust .Sunday.
A. L. Bones and wife were at the
coast lust week.
Aunt Sarah Condit is receiving con
gratulations over the arrival of a great
grandson, Lawrence W.
Agues Kelly has been working for
Mrs. J. M. Bones the past week. ,
Clarence Forrest and family left Fri
day for Independence.
George Moore went to Portland last
Sunduv returning Monduy.
Williird Hall left .Sunday for the lop
J. Kelly has been very busy hauling
camp outfits to the hop fields.
Kd Cochran is back to work again.
Friends of Rev. and Mrs. Bicknell
planned a social afternoon one day last
week, tho occasion being the 40th an
niversary of Rev. Biekness as an or-
duined minister in the Presbyterian j
church. Ice cream and cake were served
during the afternoon. Among those,
present were Hutu ami Rosu All reus,
Kinnia Hohl, Murial Salisbury, Elix- I
n both Cornelius, Mrs. F. Putnum and
Mrs. Simernl. i
Mrs. B. G. Briggs wus a Salem visitor!
Saturday. ' I
Tom Cook and family left for eastern !
Oregon Wednesday,
I.oreua Farris spent the week-end
with relatives in Turner.
Mrs. M. Burzee and duughtcrw, Mrs.
Georgia Robertnou, Miss Lizzie Corne
lius, Evelyn and Will Parker left Sat
urday to pick hops near Independence.
The Lee Jeuns family are camping at
the hop yards iu Polk county.
Alfred Wright and son, Homer, of
Portland, were bu siness visitors in
Turner lust week.
L. D. Barr and M. O. Knight are
back again, but "Dad" Barr is worse
off than he was before making the trip
to the Hot Springs.
Mrs. G. W. Moore and daughters,
Eleanor, Dorothy and Agnes, spent a
week in Portland, the house guests of
Mr .and Mrs. Frunk Hull, formerly of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Near were at
Silver Creek Falls Friday.
One of the prettiest affairs during
the mouth of August wus the afternoon
reception held on Wednesday of last
week at the home of Mrs. J. F. Lyle in
honor of her little two-year-old grand
daughter, Ida Elaine Lyle, of Pullman,
Wash., 25 little folks between the ages
of six months and seven years were
Mrs. Lyle's daughter-in-law, Mrs. T.
Frank Lyle, was also treated to a pleas
ane surprise when the mothers came
with the wee ones. Ice cream was served
nnd everyone present voted Mrs. Lyle
an ideal hosteM.
The Journal Does Job Printing.
WANTED We have an applicant wfc
desires to rent an equipped farm of
longer period. "Applicant has plenty
of help and can furnish good refer
ences. Call 470 ot see Square Deal
Realty company.
Children Ory
Yick So Tong
Has medicine which will ear
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m.
until 8:00 p. m.
163 South High Street
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
FOB RENT Two well finished, well
furnished flats convenient to the
' university. Nothing better. Also for
sale a ntodern six room bungalow
with or without furniture, paved
street near car line, new garage, very
cheap. Square Deal Realty Co., 203
TJ. S. Bank Bldg.
corner Commercial and Trade street
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in anvanee.
Nelson O. Freemon, proprietor, o
dilating wall beds, hot water heat,
Dutch kitchens. Beautifully locat
ed, opp. Marion park. 610 N. Com
mercial St., Salem, Oregon. Paone
209. Janitor service.
proprietor. Garbage, and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main i272.
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd 4t Bush Bank, Balem, Oregon
500,00 Eastern money to loan, low
rates, quick service. Repayment pri
ilege. Thos. A. Roberts, 205 17. 3.
Bank bldg, Salem, Oregon.
MONEY TO LOAN--I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastera
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms.
Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack
Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 90.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 348
North Capital street. Phone 409.
Ira I Ail rear TMaYia4 iner
tOcUQnk ! I Hrtl in. I bold Blctill.cV
CtTZfe t"i msH wuh Uli RiUxm. Y
4JM TaA Ikwr. Rnr ar v
Fl fcF llrmatsriat. Ask fw II 1-4 II t -i-Tf V
mi is
lIA)iilN ItKANto PILL. In. 1
wt knuwa u Sett, Saint. Al wr HcliaMa
' t
; i