Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 04, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Southern Pacific Is
Real Nice About It
Conditions as to car shortage on the
Southern Pacific remain practically un
changed. The only difference is an ap
parent disposition on the part of South-
000 Daily 000
(Continued from Page 1.)
democracy! There in nowhere iu tile
Inud any home 80 remote, so humble,
thut it may not contain the power of
mind and heart and conscience to which
nntions yield and history submits it
processes. Nature pays no tribute to
aristocracy, subscribes to no creed of
the cnso of a man, I would rather say
of a spirit, like Lincoln the question
where he was is of little significance,
that it is ..way, what he was that real- j oi biLer ns fa"r
ly arrests eur thought and takes hold of ni possible by the writing of explana
our imagination. It is the spirit always i tory letters. An instance of this is
that is sovereign. Lincoln, like the rest shown in a letter received by the pub
of us, was put through the discipline lie service commission in regard to a
of the world, a very rough and exact-Icomnlnint made hv the (i W A P t i.m.
caste, renders fealty to no monarch or ing discipline for him, an indispensable , ber company. J. H. Dyer, assistant
master of any nnme or kiud. Genius is discipline . for every man who would general manager, accounts fo'r the fail
no snob. It does not run after titles know what he is about in the midst ofiure of the lumber concern to obtain
or seek by preference the high circles the world's affairs; but his spirit got ears for logging Bervice on the ground
of society. It affects humble company only its schooling there. It did not . that the railroad company has been com
as well as great. It pays no special derive its character or its vision from! pelled to withdraw a number of cars
Some of the newest creations in Ladies' High Lace
Boots in .
Two Tone,
Brown and Gray
Just arrived. In all widths. Come in and see these
new things before the sizes are broken up.
The largest selection of Men's
Dress Shoes
Shown in the city, in all the latest lasts and at
prices below any store in the city considering qual
ity. Ask to see the new JOHNNY BULL LAST in tan
and black,
quick service, best leather, two best workmen in H
At! Work-Cut Rates
326 State
Phone 616
Next to Ladd ,
& Bush Bank
tribute to universities or learned socie
ties or conventional standards of great
ness, but serenely chooses its own com
rades, its own haunts, its own crudlo
even, and its own life of ndveuture and
of training. Here is proof of it. This
little hut was the cradle of one of the
great sous of men, a man of singular,
delightful ,vitnl genius who presently
emerged upon the great stage of the na
tion's history, gaunt, shy, ungainly, but
dominant and majestic, a natural ruler
of men, himself inevitably the central
figure of the great plot. No man can
explain this, but every man can see how
it demonstrates the vigor of democracy,
where every door is open, in every haul-,
let and countryside, in city and wilder
ness alike, for the ruler to emerge when
he will and claim his leadership in the
free life. Such arc the authentic proofs
of the validity and vitality of democ
racy. "Hers, no less, hides the mystery of
democracy. Who shall guess this secret
of nature and providence and a free
policy! Whatever the vigor and vital
ity of the stock from which he sprang,
its mere vigor and soundness do not cx
plniu where this man got his great heart
that seemed to comprehend all mankind
iu its catholic and benignant sympathy,
the mind thut sat enthroned behind
those brooding, melancholy eyes, whose
vision swept ninny an horizon which
those about him dreamed not of,
Hint mind thnt comprehended what it
had never seen, and understood the Inn
gunge of affairs with the ready case of
one to the manner born, or that nature
which seemed in its vuried richness to
be the familiar of men of every way of
life. This is the sacred mystery of
democracy, that its richest fruits spring
up out of soils which no man tins pre
pared anil in circumstuuc.es amidst
which they are the least expected. This
is a place alike of mystery and of reas
surance. It is likely that in n society ordered
otherwise than our own Lincoln could
not have found himself or the path of
fame and power upon which he walked
serenely to his death. Ill this placo it is
right that we should remind ourselves
of the solid and striking facts upon
which our faith iu democracy i-s found
ed. Many another man besides Lincoln
has served the nation in its highest
places of counsel and of action whose
origins were as humble ns his. Though
the greatest example of the universal
energy, richness, stimulation, and force
of democracy, ho is only one example
among many. The permeating and all
pervasivo virtue of the freedom which
challenges us in America to make the
most of every gift and power we possess
every page of our history serves to em
phasize mill illustrate. Standing here in
this place, it seems almost the whole
of the stirring story.
Here Lincoln hud his beginning. Here
the end and consummation of that
great life seems remote and a bit in
credible. And yet there was no break
anywhere between beginning and end,
no luck of natural sequence anywhere.
Nothing renlly incredible happened.
Lincoln was unaffectedly lis much at
home in the White House as he was
here. Do you share with me the feeling,
I wonder, that he was permtmetly at
home nowheref It seems to me that in
the experiences which brought it to its
tun revelation, me test of every Amer
ican must' always be, not where he is,
but what he is. That, also, is of the
essence of democracy, and is the mornl
of which, this place is most gravely ex
pressive. "We would like to think of men like
Lincoln and Washington as typical
Americans, but no man can be typical
who is so unusual as these great men
were. It was typical of American life
that it should produce such men with
supreme indifference as to the manner
in which it produced them, and ns read
ily here iu this hut as amidst the little
circle of cultivated gentlemen to whom
Virginia owed so much in leadership
and example. And Lincoln and Wash
ington were typical Americans iu the
use they made of their geuius. But
there will be few such men at best, and
we will not look into the mystery of
how and why they come. We will only
keep the door open for them always,
and a hearty welcome, after we have
recognized them.
"I have read many biographies of
Lincoln; I have sought out with the
greatest interest the many intimate
stories that are told of him, the narra
tives of nearby friends, the skteches at
close quarters, in which thoso who hail
the privilege of being associated with
him havo tried to depict for us the very
man himself 'in his habit as he lived;'
but I huve nowhere found a real inti
mate of Lincoln's. I nowhere get the
impression in any narrative or reminis
cence thut the writer had in fact pene
trated to the heart of his mystery, or
that any man could penetrate to the
heart of it. That brooding spirit had no
real familiars. I get the impression
thut it never spoke out in complete
self-revelation, and that it could not
reveal itself completely to anyone. It
was a very lonely spirit that looked out
from underneath these shaggy brows
and comprehended men without fully
communing with them, a.t if, in spite of
all its genial efforts at comradeship,
it dwelt apart, saw its visions of duty
where no man looked on. There is a
very holy and very terribh isolation
for the conscience of every man who
seeks to rend the destiny in affairs foi
others as well as for himsclt. for a na
tion ns well ns for individuals. That
privacy no man can intrude upon. That
lonely search of the spirit for the right
peruana no man can assist. 1 li is strange
child of the cabin kept company with
invisible things, was born into no mti
mncy but that of itij own silently as
semhliiig and- deploying thoughts.
"I have conic here today, not to utter
a eulogy on Lincoln; he stands in need
of uoiie. but to endeavor to interpret
the meaning of this gift to the nation
ot the place ot his birth anil origin, if
not this an altar upon which we mnj
forever keep alive the vestal 'fire oi
democracy as upon a shrine at which
some of the deepest and mosesncret!
hopes of mankind ninv from uge to ng
be rekindled? For these hopes must
constantly bo rekindled, and only those
who live can rekindle them. The only
stuff that can retain the life-giving
heat is the stuff of living hearts. And
the hopes of mankind cannot be kept
alive by words merely, by constitutions
and doctrines of right and codes of lib-
from the logging service in order to
take care of the finished product.
General Manager Scott of the South
ern Pacific company has written the
public service commission another let
ter, but makes no reference to car shore,
age matters.- The letter Is a protest
against the demurrage rates in Ore
gon, in which he says thnt under the
present rates the railroad company se
cures no substantial returns, either1 in
way of earlier release of shipment or
collection of demurrage. The public
service commission is entirely helpless
in mis marrer.
Bate per word New Today:
Each, insertion, per word le
One week (6 insertions), per word....Se
One month(20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15c.
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
MEN WANTED For picking peaches.
Phone 0F3. . " sept5
Journal office.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
WANTED A cook. 140 Myers St. se!)
RUBBER Stamps made 163 S. Com'l
HAT BALING Done by Contract. C all
47F25. sept9
FOR SALE Cheap,- one good canoe.
Phone 6BF13. septO
erty. The object of democracy is to
transmute' these into the life and ac
tion of society, the self-denial and self
sacrifice of heroic men and women will
ing to make their lives nn embodiment
of right and service and enlightened
purpose. The commands of democracy
are as imperative as its privileges sad
opportunities urc wide and generous.
Its compulsion is upon us. It will be
gient nnd lift a great light for the guid
ance of the nations only if we are great
and carry that light hiijh 'for the guid-
janee of our own feet. We are not worthy
iu numu jiere uiuess we ourselves tie in
deed and in truth real democrats and
servants of mankind, ready to give- our
very lives for the freedom and justice
and spiritual exaltation'of the great
nation which shelters and nurtures us."
, The Hammond Lumber company of
Mill City has notified the public ser-
vice 'commission that their platforms
'are badly congested nnd that unless
they can get curs witiiin Mio next week
'or ten days they will bo compelled to!
close down their plant, throwing be
tween ftOO and 000 men out of employ
The annual nHrt of the Oregon
and California Cower company, which
furnishes light and power to a number
f towns in southern Oregon, has filed
its annual report with the public ser
vice commission. The report shows a
deficit for the year of $157,270.01, and
t total deficit of I27,a5l
Three nnnunl reports were filed with;
the public service commission this
morning. The Iteuil Water, Light &
Power companv shows a surplus for the
year of $I:!04.WI. The Sutherlin
Light and I'ower company shows a de
; firit for tho year of L'l.i.47. but a to
tal surplus of $207. Tho Northwest
ern Electric company of Portland
shows a surplus for the year of $96,
:M.z2, ami a total surplus of $1119,-MW.HO.
Journal Want Ads Get Result Ton
Want Try one and soa.
You have swollen feet and handsl
Stiff, achy joints! Sharp shooting
rheumatic pains torturo you. You have
aching back, pnin in the lower abdomen,
difficulty when urinating! Look out!
These nro danger signals. Trouble is
with your kidneys. Uric acid poisoning
in one form or another, has set. in,- It
may lead to dropsy or fatal Bright '
disease if not checked.
Oct some liOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules immediately. They are
an old preparation, used all over the
world for centuries, combining natural
healing oil and herbs, well-known to
physicians and used by thousands in
their daily '.iraetice. The Capsules are
not ail experimental, makeshift "pat
ent medicine," or "salt", whnse effect
is only temporary. They are a stand
ard remedy, and act naturally, gently
and quickly. Hut when you go to the
druggist, insist on getting the pure,
original Haarlem Oil tn Capsules. He
sure the name GOLD MEDAL is on
the box, and thus protect yourself
against counterfeits.
Putting Them to Use. "
"I hear that you intend drilling a
body of men so as to be ready in case
of war."
"I do."
"Well, when you want to give them
trench-digging practice, you might send
Vn out to drain mv land."
V , I, , .. in, tt, ,n mrn- -nimr -' ' '-"'ttiuittksiatdmmM
Use the Journal Want Ad Way.
President Wilson some months ago
formally accepted for the United Mates
the ownership and custody of the birth
place of Abraham Lincoln at Hodgcns
ville, Ky., and September 4 was the date
set for the formal taking over of the
property by the government, with ap
propriate ceremonies. The property
consists of the farm, with the cabin in
which Lincoln was born and the me
morial .erected by popular subscriptions,
which houses and protects the cabin.
Photographs show Lincoln, the cabin
and a view of the memorial.
Mrs. Pearl Schnnekenborg nnd little
daughter Francis of Fox Vnllev were
Stayton callers yesterday.
Ruth Stayton, who has been visit
ing at Vancouver, is at home. She vis
ited at Silverton on her wuy back,
j.rs. (). F. Korinek'is entertaining
her husband s mother, Mrs. F. M.
Korinck, of Portland this week.
Miss Bessie Clow returned home
Monday from Mill City where she has
been working in the telephone office.
.Mrs. luehler ami son, J'eter, and
Mrs. Tony Van Handle ami children of
Portland, were visiting in Stnyton
II. F. Mulkey, wife and children of
Portland were over Sunilnv visitors
with Mrs. MulKey's sister, Mrs. H. A.
Hon ni hil m p.
Mrs. llnniley returned home Satur
day from Monmouth, where she has
been spending the summer visiting
with her son.
Miss Mary, Uoiger returned to Port
laud Monday after an extended . visit
here. Her sister, Miss Hilda nccom
pnnied her.
Miss Viola Mclntyre of Philomath,
returned home Monday after a two
months visit with her grandmother,
jus. i,. .m. Aicintrro.
Win. Ortninn ami family of Junction
City are visiting nt the Home of rMs.
Ortolan's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam
Miss Pot Olinstodwns brought home
from the hospital Monday evening.
She stood the trip well and will soon
he nolo to tie at mork nguin.
A hay fork fell on the right arm of
.las. Sclirewre ot Sublimity Fndnv cut
ting a gash 4 inches long. Dr. Brewer
took several stitches in the injured
Kd Schaefer nnd family of Portland,
and iMiss Lucille Schnefer of Waits-
burg, Wash., went to Salem Tuesday
morning where they will visit a short
time before returning to. their homes.
Alva Myers tried to run over a hay
stack Saturday evening with his motor
cycle and got two broken ribs and sev
era! other bruises besides. Dr. Brewer
fixed him up, nnd he was on the mo
torcycle the next day.
With harvest, threshing, berry pick
ing and hop picking nn linud, to sny
nothing of the call from the lumber
camps there is no lack of work in and
around Stayton. Everyone, even to
the kiddies is hnrd nt it getting the
dimes nnd dollars.
E. Shepherd and wife, and Jess Shep
herd, wife and bnby motored to the
Wm. Brotherton home in tho Jordan
country last Sandfly. Thev report thnt
Mr. Brotherton threshed one field of 25
acres of oats that yielded 200 bushels
or MO bushels to the acre.
W. F. Pennington has purchased the
Eastman garage at Silverton nnd will
move to that place' the latter part of
this week. He will still keep opea the
garage here, under the direction of
Frank Grierson. Mr. Pennington's son
from Washington will probably be
here some tune in November or De
cember to take charge of it.
(!eo. Spamnl got mixed up with a
belt and pulley last Thursday and got
the worst of it. His right arm was
twisted and the muscles crushed and
injuries were received on his face nnd
chest, however, he is able to be out
again after a few days confined to the
house. Dr. Brewer treated the injur
The I.oval Girls ef the Stayton
Christian Bible school, Mrs. A. K.
Bradshaw. teacher, returned from their
camping trip on the Litelc North Fork
Thursday afternoon. That they had a
most delightful outing Is putting it
mildly. In tact, they sny words fail to
express the fun they Had in the eight
days tfiey were there. The girls wore
middies and bloomers. Fun well just
ask them about it. On Wednesday
night each girl with her blanket strap
ped to her back, climbed Boedekcr hill
and stent in a little grove on the toi
with tiie hoot owls. Of course the ko
dak was used freely, so they will have
many pleasant reminders for days to
come. Those ramping were. Aiame nen
die. Alma Nendel, Thelma Kiggs,
Marv Tate, Oleo and Marie Weitaile.
Madeline Wirth. Mable Bradshaw
Viva Davie, Gertrcde Shepherd. Zora
Stowell and Mrs. E. A. Bradshaw.
An electric alarm has been invented
that sounds when a woman's handbag
is opened by an unauthorized person,
FURN1TUBE For sale, house for rent
call 536 N. Summer. sept7
HELP WANTED For peach picking.
N. C. Petteys, phone 50F14. sept4
WANTED Middle aged woman for
general house work. Phone 49F4. s6
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. - tf
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
WOOD FOR SALE First class ash.
Phone 055 or 21F4. , soptS
FOR 8ALE Cheap, man's ' bicycle,
' good condition. Phone 22S2W. septa
. cheap. Phone 6F3, L. Townsend. se5
WANTEI At once good milk cow,
"1010 Hose Ave., or phone 908. sept5
FURNISHED Apartments, also barn,
suitable for garage. 491' N. -Cottage.
FOB SALE Two seated carriage, gas
oline woodsaw. Farmers Feed Barn.
- sept4
WANTED 10 hop pickers at Walling
yard. lJhone 04r J. B. ti. Oliver, sepo
WANTED Maa to drive team, hauling
wood. Phone 092. E. A. Way. septS
WANTED Experienced shoe shiner
and porter at Model Huaving car
lors. septo
0 YEAR OLD Driving horse for sale,
weight 11)00 lbs., gentle for women.
Phone 80F2. septo
WANTED At once 100 hop pickers.
Good hops and camping ground, on
Oregon Electric line. Phone 2210W.
PEACHES Come to the orchard with
boxes or phooe your order to 50F14.
N. (J. Petteys, 1M miles nortli on
Wallace. ' septil
Superintendent Todd Issue
Statement of Cost in Dif
ferent Departments
For the benefit ot those who wish to
uttend the Salem high school who live
in districts outside of Sulem, the fol
lowing statement of the tuition charges
has been prepared by Superintendent
J. H. Todd. This statement may be
regarded as official as final action has
been taken by the board of education
iu establishing these figures. Schools
in Salem will open for the first semes
ter Monday, September 18.
Tuition Announcement.
The tuition for non-resident pupils
unending the Nilem high school will be
$72.57 per year, one-halt: due at the
beginning of each semester. Under the
new lnw the Salem school board will
charge the actual cost to tuition which
has been set at $72.57 per year, but
there is a decision of the court pend
ing which will determine whether or
not this is the actual cost. Students
who pay $72.57 will be entitled to a re
fund to the amount of the excess of
$72.57 over the actual cost of tuition
of any as determined by the court.
All pupils icsiding in school districts
outside of Salem in which a standnrd
four-yen r high school is not maintained
are entitled to participation in the coun
ty high school tuition fund and will
not bo required to pay anything in ad
vance on account of the pending de
cision of the court except they come
from cvunties that have a county high
school or that have taken advantage of
the county high school law. The fol
lowing counties are included in this
list: Polk, Benton, Linn, Lane, Jack
son, Lake, Yamhill, Union, Crook, Gil
liam, Harney, Klnmata, Lincoln and
Applications must be made bv all
students for participation ia the county
tuition fund before registration cun be
Pupils who reside in districts main
taining a standard high school who
come from counties orgnnized under
the County High School lnw shall pay
$72.57 per year, one-half due at the
beginning of each semcster,with this
understanding that the excess over act
ual cost of tuition as determind bv
court shall be refunded.
Polk countv tuition students will be
charged tuition at, the rate of $72.57
per year. Since this county operates
iiulTer the county high school law the
said county will- pay $40 towards this
tuition. Polk county students then will
be required 4o pay $;12.57, one-half due
at the beginning of each semester ($18.-
,10) and must be paid betore the student
completes registration. . The difference
between $2.5i and the actual cost of
tuition will be refunded to all Polk
countv students or students coming
from any other county having the same
Pupils who come from outside of the
state and who reside with relatives dur
ing the school year shall be .required to
pay the full amount of tution. -
The charge for tuition in the grades
one to six will be $.'!0 ier year, one-half
of which is due at the beginning of each
semester and must be paid before a
pupil completes registration.
The tuition charge in the junior high
schools grades seven and eight will be
40 per year, one-half of which is due
at the beginning of each semester and
must be paid before the pupil completes
registration. -
Wife Tom. you don't treat me to
ires half as often as vou used to.
Hub Marriage, my dear, make!
necessary the practice of frigid econ
FOR RENT Modern house keeping
rooms, furnished at 690 N. Cottage.
. sopt4
WANTED Lady solicitors to"work U
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St. tf
FOB RENT Modern eight room bun
galow, with garage. 1342 North Cap
itol. septS
delivered as you want them. Phone
910 J. septl
WOOD FOR SALE In timber close in,
John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard, Phone
254. septS
WANTED Maa with family to pick
prunes, 30 acres, heavy crop. Phone
11F21. sept4
FOR SALE A daady bug body for
Ford car at 1157 N. Com. St. phone
2305. 8ept7
DRESS MAKING By day or take
home. Call 1245 Shipping St. Phone
2193-J. gept3
CANNING PEACHES 75c and $1.00
Phone 83F5 or call at the orchard.
G. O. Boycc. sept5
HIGH SCHOOL BOY Senior, wants
work iu exchange for board and room
11 care Journal. scpH
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
close in, lbO Court. tf
ADS under this heading le a word.
Bead for profit; use for results.
WANTF.D Prune pickers, men for
drying, good crop. L. 8. Arnold, Rt.
4, box N2, phone 05F11. sept3
LOST Pair rimless glusses with ear.
chain, on South High street. Reward
for return to this office. sept4
FARM FOR RENT 154 acres, good
land and good buildings. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. sepU
FOR SALE SVi half truck Studabak
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or atumpage. 2789
Lee. Phone 1.122-J. tt
FOR SALE Dressed beef by the side
or quarter, 7 and 8 cents. Will de
liver to hop yards. Phone 1156 W.
GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale;
milk records furnished; moderate
price. Write D. R. Murphy, Turner,
Rt. 1. septS
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, new modern house. 1'hone
745-J or call after 5:30 p. m. 910 N.
Church. septlS
FOR SALE Automobiles, one run a
bout Brush, one Butck, one Chalmers.
Must be sold cheap. R. J. Hersch
bach. 229 State St. septS
FOR RENT Furnished home of 0
large rooms, l',i blocks from state
house, all modern conveniences and
hot water heat. Phone 409. sept4.
WANT TO TRADE My laundry ice
loam uiuming ami tot lor a small
Willamette valley farm. Value of
plant $9000. Address A. T. Morrison,
Coquille, Oregon. sept3
HOP PICKERS Wanted at Eafe
Young's hop yard near McNary sta
tion, will haul pickers to and from
yard. D. H. Loouey, Independence,
Ore. Rt. 1. septS
)euji musical instruments, tools,
guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
r hone 493. septil
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
Bleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates
W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg.
Room 304. tt
FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah,
rruit rarm, half mile nortn of west
end of steel bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phoue 52F11. Jaa.
Imlah. septSO
A BEAUTIFUL Bungalow home for
rent, modern throughout, fire place,
built in furniture, fine lawn, situated
on Fairmount Hill, reasonable to the
right party. Call 1100 S. Liberty or
phone 2022. septT
$200.00 FOR 2 CT9 Anyone who ram
sell my 160 acre ranch can get 20
dollars, cash; send 2ct stamp for de
scription and terms with four nam
and address, plainly written. Luther
Myers, Salem, Ore." septt