Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 02, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Style" "Salem's Big Department Store"
MWJULPJJUUUJULUUI IU '.-j.....................
-. ----------........m... .. ... -. .-..--.-.-.-,-.-.--lJrl-.v
We Invite your
Inspection af
These New
A Magnificent Fall Display
of Women9 s Garments
New Suits New Coats New Skirts
Not merely "new." Any store can show new things, but
we mean a different kind of a newness. Here you will
find the same smart fashions that you - will find in the
smaller, better shops of New York City. Our own per
sonal representatives selected each one individually and
the styles while conforming to the generally accepted
features of fashion are individual and exclusive.
And strange to say, these "extra-styled" garments may
be had for no more than you would have to pay for the
less individual sort.
Meyers Reliable Store Methods
Are the kind of methods of doing business that build up a great trade.
We want every customer of this store to feel that at all times we en
deavor to give the very best quality of any article that can be bought
ia the market for a given price. .AVc constantly urge that our buyers
see how good an article they can secure not how "cheap" a one.
As every business prospers and grows in proportion to the service it
renders, we feel that the great growth of this store may be attributed
to the unlimited confidence pluccd in it by its patrons.
And it is the purpose of the executives of this store to see that
great confidence is not violated iu any single instance.
10-Picce Genuine White
Lined Guernsey V7are Set
and a White House Cook
Book all for $1.69
The Guernsey Set consists of two
bowls, one casserole and six custard
cups. The cook book is so well
known that it needs no descrip
tion a regular $1.00 book. For the
coming week $1.69 for the set and
book. (Second floor.)
New Dresses and
Our 811th Wednesday Sur
prise Sale, September 6th
Hop Pickers' Sale of Com
forts, $1.19 each
An extra good Comfort for campers
in hop fields, or any harvest work.
A'cotton Comfort with figured silk
oline covering, regular full size.
These were bought in advance of
the raise in price, consequently we
are selling them to our customers at
less than we can now buy them for.
Next Wednesday only $1.19 Each.
For School Girls and Misses
You girls, whom the calendar has brought back to town before Labor
Day in case your Mother happens not to think of it tell her, to get
your school clothes comfortably ahead of the rush. Wo know how to
remiy ior you ncioro sciiool begins, for we have done it
year successfully, for many years.
A Big School Day Sale of Boys
News from the Piece Goods section.
New Silk Poplins
Figured arid striped patterns in rich
colorings, S6-luches wide. The very
latest fabriu for liuiugs of coats,
dresses, etc., $1.25 and $1.50 a yard.
(Nee the window.)
Newest All Wool Challies-
An excellent assortment of the sea
son 'a new wool Chnllies in latest
patterns, 27-iuch, 69c a yard.
..An Excellent Assortment
School Shoes for Boys and
Girls .
We feature an unusually strong line
of Boys' black Shoes with heavy
waterproof solo, sizes 1 to 6, priced
at $2.50
Bring the children here and we will
shoe them to your entire satisfaction.
Suits and Overcoats
We Come Out for "Well Dressed" Kiddies
It is neither extravagant nor expensive for the mother to dress her children smartly when
they return to school. The question of dress has so much to do with the kiddies standing
in class and with classmates, with their ambitions and deportment, that good clothes are
not an extravagance but a well repaid investment.
With prices for good children's things as low as we quote, there need be no hesitancy in
coming here and buying the entire outfit from head to heel.
Included in this sale are Novelty Suits for juveniles and regular knickerbocker Norfolk
styles in various colors and cloths. r
Juvenile sizes 2 1-2 to 8 years; boys sizes 3 to 17 years. Blue serges exempted in this sale!
Boys' $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 Suits and Overcoats ; $4.95
Boys' $7.50 and $8.00 Suits and Overcoats $5.95
Boys' $4.50 and $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.95
Bring the boy here soon and get an early choice. '
Camp Withycombc, Or., Sept.
2. Keeruits at Camp Withy
combe were put to work today!
preparing for the arrival of
Oregon troops from the Mexican
border. . Company streets were
laid out and recruits' tents
moved aside to make room for
those of the returning guards
men. Captain Schumacher,
commanding, received orders to
provide accommodations for
one regiment of infnutry, its
equipment and animals.
We Close Monday at 12 o'C'ock
Vf ,ount f J'Obw Day and our respect for the laboring classes, we
K will close our doors at noou Monday.
H. W. & M. L. MEYERS
37 Years of Successful
Merchandising in Salem
Our circulation is still climb-
lug up read the paper and 1
Tou'll know the reason.
Any kind
AJI7 r"'"-l.
Any time
All Around Town
MM.MM . t IttrfrfH
5r 1
Both Near and Far
Vision in One Lens
with No Line of
Kryptok Lenses
There is no cement to
cloud the vision no
rough edges to catch
the dirt, the surface is
entirely smooth.
Miss A. McCulloch
208-9 Hubbard Bids,
Phone 100
September 4. I.nbor day.
Sept. 7-8!). Willamette Valley
Tennis'Touruament, Salem.
September 9. Burnum & Buil
ey's circiiB.
September 11. Monthly meet
ing Salem Floral society, Com
mercial club.
Sept. 18. Opening day of city
September 20. Monthly meet
ing Commercial club. Address'
by Hnnvood Hall.
Bept. 25-30 Oregon Slate Fair.
Quality stands first at Hartman Bros,
Co., quality jewelers.
Autos for hire, passenger and bag.
gage transferred, rates reasonable,
country trips a specialty, C. U. Ale
Elroy, Phone 947 or 639. acptl
For the mouth of August births to
the number of IS were reported to Dr.
O. D. Miles, city physician. Kight of
these were male mid ten tVmale. The
deaths for the month were 2S, but this
i of course includes those from the state
institutions as these are also reported.
i o
j Salem's finest and largest Jewelery
: store is Hart man Bros, company.
jjjl A. A. Mickel, freight agent
Southern Pacific received the
Mug telegram at noon today: '
of the
1 ive at once, entire strike embargo lift
j ed. Resume accepting greight as us
j mil. " All of which means that evi
dently the S. 1'. officials have nssur
'ances there will be no strike labor ilnv
j Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse-! 0
j H correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldj. Dr. F. H. Thompson specialist, eye,
I o j ear, nose and throat. 414 Hank of Coiu-
j Luther S. Cook will address the gos meree.
ri n'liiperauce meeting at the w. C. . 0
T. V, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A robin with white wings has taken
w x a , T. I "P i,a "bode in South Salem, making
Next Monday is labor day and Is a lieorgo K. Shaw's place, 1.W5 South
! n , -v- fll,;r,'frl, e banks Commercial its headquarters. The lit
M l a I close and the post office will tie fellow is a beaut v and is attract
A n .M,v 4l,,lver.v. From 8iug much attention. The high cost of
until V O Clock 111 the lnornilii' the' K, ..... s. J- :..
, . . , n ; ... ..ft ii. tii uuv nuni ii, lur ii can
....... ...., u general Delivery live on the best there is if it
window will be open. Among the stores j to stay for the winter.
mi-iv is iiu euncerieii acnon, several
of the grocers will close at noon and
HM.1...I.I.. ..a .1.- ...... . , I
r. ii-w in lnv meal mnrKcis.
Hut in general, the stores will renmin
open during the day.
j Drink Cereo, the lKiiUd food,
health drink. Aak your grocer.
Bring your agates home to be pol
ished. Gardner & Keene, Jewelers,
The Salem Bowling Alley will be opened on or
about Sept 1, under management of M. L. Patton.
Will cater to highclass trade. One afternoon will
be reserved each week for ladies and escorts.
Doolittle & Bergholz, Props.
Harry MoClarr. a caroled nrisoner
the, from the Oregon penitentiary, who lias
j ,)ust completed serving a term tor burg-
lary iu the Wyoming penitentiary, was
returned nere yestenlay ly fa role Of
ficer Keller to complete his sentence.
Jack Harry, who was parole. I in April,
will be brought back from Yale, where
he has been indicted for larceny. Pa
role Officer Keller left for Valo yesterday.
Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's
Eye ami .Nerve Specialist,
Tomorrow the members of the Salem
Riflo club will praetieo with genuine
government ammunition and with the
Krng-.Torgensens furnished bv tho war
department. Many of the members
will take their families with them to
the Kinzer range for an all day pic-.
nic. When shooting with ammunition
trom tho war department, accurate
scores ore kept and forwarded, in or
der that the department may know
just w'uat members of the various rifle
clubs are accomplishing in the way of
Baseball Sunday, Sept. 3rd 3. p. m.,
McMinnville vs. Salem l.ojns. Best ser
ies of season. Tigers coming loaded
Three of the half dozen stereoptican
pictures that Mr. .EHiott will use to
illustrate his talk Sunday evening are
Millet's "Labor,'' the inspiration of
.Mnrkliam 's "The man with the hoe,"
"Your Neighbor" one of tho most no
table pieces of marble at tho Frisco
exposition, and "The Strike" which
was published in a monthly periodical
some years ago and indicates something
of the struggle in the mind of a striker
as he is fine to face with the apparent
conflict of interests between his class
and his home.
Baseball Sunday, Sept. 3rd 3. p. m.,
McMinnville vs. Salem Lo.jus. Best ser
ies of season. Tigers coming loaded.
Chief of Police Welsh has kept a rec
ord during the mouth of August of the
automobiles from other states passing
through Salem. Tho total mtmhitr is
'-.'17. There were 100 from California,
10) from Washington, 8 from Idaho,
4 from Nebraska, 2 from Montana, 2
from Texas, and one each from Arizona,
Iowa, North Dakota, British Columbia,
Ohia and I'tuh. The following makes
were represented: Ford 117, Overland
24, Studelmker 20, Buick 19. Maxwell
7, Dodge 7, King 3, Cadillac 8, Chal
mers 2, Hudson 3, Keo 2, llupmobile 2,
Oakland 7, Paige, 2, Franklin 2, Pack
ard 1, Stanley I, Auburn 1, Km pi re 1,
Saxon 1, liayucs 1, '
XVotioe Persons owing the under
signed firm should call and settle at
ah i .. : ... ..v i i i,A
vuo All VJ.11U9 HUllllloi UB I.UUlli uv i
presented by Sept, oih Burcn & Ham
Buy La Corona cigars for your over
Sunday, smoko you cannot go wrong.
In the police court this morning Wil
liam Shinn, arrested for drunkenness,
was fined $10, which he paid.
While others are reaucing we are
increasing our stock. There's a rea
son f ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel
era and opticians.
W. L. West has rented the Sol Dur-
bin cottage. Church nnd Center streets
for tho winter. He is the locul agent
for the Tru-Hlue Hiscuit company,
Stereoptican views of the coast at
Newport, Sunday night, First Christian
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will leave for
I.cwiston, Idaho, next Tuesday where
he will attend the Columbia River An
nual Conference. He is on the program
to speak for five successive days,
Stereoptican views of the coast at
Newport, Sunday night, First Christian
Charles Floyd Horton of Santa Bar:
barn. Calif., ami Miss Ruth l.eisv were
married yesterday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock bv the Rev. R. N. Avison. at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph C. l.eisv, Clierrv and
Locusts streets. Thev left last even
ing for their home at Santa Durham.
Stereoptican views of the coast at:
Newport, Sunday night, First Christian
Karl Neugebauer, formerly cf Com
pany M, is home from Imperial Beach,
looking like a man who has been tak
ing a tew months otf at a seaside re
sort for rest and recreation. The out
door life agreed with him so well that
he gained 14 pounds. He says other
members of the company can bent his
record for an increase in weight.
Dr. Stone's Dntg Store for trusses.
HuJu, the new beverage Jennie Heaa
rick Woolery is putting before the pub-'
lie an entirely new drink, her own!
discovery, most healthful, most beauti-i
nil. Society people, try this for your,
afternoon or evening parties. Cannot
be surpassed by me former drinks or!
punch, as it is the most delicate pink. I
On trial at the Spa. For orders phone;
to factory. Phone T'.'S-W. or cull at!
Stereoptican views of the coast at
Newport, Sunday night, First Christian
Seven boxes of blankets consigned
to Fred S. Bynon arrived in the city
today. They were shipped from the
headquarters of Coniiwiiv M ami were
lonateii dv tne citizens of Salem when ;
Salem's most reliable jewelers, Gard
ner & Keene.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
The com exhibit of the Oregon
Washington Railway & Navigation
company was received at the state fair
grounds lust nit-'ht, and is being install
ed today.
Dr. B. T. Mclntyre, physician and
surgeon, iH Masonic- Imlg. I'hone 440.
Charles W. Spencer, committed from
Coos county about two years ago, died
at the state penitentiary this morning
from Bright s disease. Spencer was
29 years old at the time of his com
mitment. His people nre said to livo
somewhere iii the south, but the exuet
locality is not known. The body will
be cremated according to law.
Dr. L. G. Altman, homeopathic phy
sician, 290 N. Liberty, mono ill.
Mrs. George H. Burnett is suffering
today from several bruises as a result
of the judge acting as instructor tor
Mrs. Lorena Wise, who makes her
home with the Burnetts. In order that
the ladies would not have to depend
always on his driving, the judge was
giving n few lessons in driving and
while coming home last Evening on
the asylum road near Fighteenth street
the auto ran into a tree, throwing Mrs.
Burnett from tiie car.
Dr. O. A. Olson, dentist, 212 Masonic
bldg. Phone 440.
Will S. hale, superintendent of the
Oregon state training school, is iu re- ,
ceipt of a letter from Calvin S. Der
rick, superintendent of the California
industrial school for boys at lone,
Calif., in which Mr. Derrick tells of a
venr's leave of absence lVing voted
li i lit by the board of trustees. The oun
year's absence is given in order tbot
Mr. Derrick may go to New York to
assist Thomas Mott Osborne in estab
lishing self government among tlm
prisoners at Sing Sing and iu other ed
ucational industrial work.
Best out of tuwn dance at Aumsville
ton ght.
Judge Galloway will leave for Chat-
tannoga, Tenn., next Monnay as rep
resentative of the granil longe i.
O. F. of the state of Oregon to ino
so'verign grand lodge, 1. O. O. F., wai.-h
will meet next week. At each of tho
sesioiis of the sevcreign grand lodge
delegates of the varis jurisdictions
usual!' exchange badges or souvenirs.
Delegates from Oregon havo arranged
to take tlOO sample bottles of logan
berry juieo as their souvenirs to their
friends thus having some thing to ex
change and at the same time advertis
ing the coming industry of Oregon.
Dance at Aumsville tonight.
Dr. Boss T. Mclntyre of this city will
address the monthly meeting of tho
Polk-Yamhill-Miirion Medical socioty
K it Mi.Minnville next Tues
day evening at the Elberton hotel. H
will talk on " Anesthesia. " Dr. J. N.
Smith, superintendent of the state in
stitution for the Feeble Minded will
address the society on, "The Problem
of the Feebleminded." The business
of the evening will be balloting on tho
application for membership of Dr.
trunk h. Brown of Salem ami the eloc-
of delegates for the furthcoming
the first call came for more blankets
and comforts. Next week Mr. Bynon
will arrange a place for distribution.
The Geer & Kreuger furniture com
pany began moving today into its new
buildup' built especially" for them by
.(uilge P. II. D'Arey on the site of
the old Wexford theatre on Court street
The work of moving will be completed
by Tuesday next when the store will
have its formal opening. This is the
only store in the city that has no stair
ways or steps of any kind whatever,
as the way to the second floor and
balconies is by inclines. The building
is furnished inside in wiiite enamel
with nickeled hardware and lighting
fixtures. The main incline will be
carpeted with green Wilton velvet. The
total floor space is 10,231 square feet.
The building as well as the interior is
after the plans and specifications of
tieorge M. Post.
meeting of the state so'cety.
Salem-Independence Auto
Service .
Phone 951) or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 n. in.,
11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m. und
0:00 p. m.
Leaves Independence opposite
Postoft'ice daily.
9:U0 a. in., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. m.
Fare, 50c
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
I yes it s I
The careful sanitation of milling science guarantees
the wholesome, palatable purity of our Cherry City
ratent and tconomy Flour
At All Grocers
1344 S. 2oth street.