Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 31, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Rubber Heel Day ii
Witch Elk Boots
Hanan Shoes V
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. I.. 1
Los Angeles '. 80
Vernon N3
Kan l-'rani-iBco 74
811 It hake tKS
Portland 00
Oakland 50
."i in
Yesterday '1 Results
At Viiii(Iiii street Los Angeles 6,
Portland I.
At Sim Francisco Salt Luke 4, Snn
Francisco 3.
At l.os Angeles Vernon 2, Oakland
1 (12 innings.)
Market Is Strong
And Prices Uppish
New York, Aug. 31. The New York!
Kvening Sun f inauciul review today j
Although irregular price chuugc
mnrkod the (renter part of today's
Hc.isiori, the general tone of the mar-1
ket wag strong, while nt times decided
improvement in prices was reported,
particularly following word from
Wnihingtoii that the president and lend
ers in congress believed the strike or
der would not go into effect on the
ilny proposed ty the ruilroud h Irk
ers. New high records were made by the
liiternatioiiiil Marine shares, by Inspira
tion Copper nnd by Springfield Tire.
In a quiet way there was accumula
tion of United States Steel in the course
ot the day.
Advances of from 1 to 3 points were
recorded in the copper shares in the
last hour while the steel common add
ed to its earlier strength by advancing
above 08. j
Investment buying was light in the
exchange, but Tair demand for high
issues was reported over the. counter.
Biggest Republican
Rally of Maine Campaign
lrf-wistou, Maine, Aug. 31. The big
uest republican rally of the Maine pres
idential campaign will be staged here
tonight at the city hall when Theodore
Koosevelt delivers an address to the
citizens of the second Maine district.
Toe meeting will be preceded by tin
elnltornte torchlight parade of ubout
S&00 marchers.
The colonel is expected to arrive
lmut fl o'clock on a special interurban
from Port lu ml. A reception commit
tee including nearly every lending re;
publican of the district, will meet the
ei-prcsident when he reaches l'ortland
and accompany him to Lowiston.
For Your Arm of Whatever Mai
TVT AW mi aavtr 4tvrJ tkfl .part la
A." A vlvr 9rctiM ttU UII.HH ah.iatia
aractiaa till k tin AMiM k. k-
irawl tbtt hi Mult Ntlly Ait mni
A 4tmI ril of lk wart U iwrniti hhii
UvaM m Uiimf US trow tk rtV Yot-M lb mIi !
UiaMt U ML. AamutitM. lor U MkaSarJ kt i tU
4 rvlar U tvfpisg til r kik bwLl
Cm rw trma i amuiiilio. irtm lb ralitfcU setter-"
toat im la. MmI B.U M.,h .1 Atn.WfM tjWC-tka !
$arhftN lli4uMlm la nmy tew.
SoM hf your hottM oWlr and ere othsv Uadlnf
mrshsnla In Oregon
Oh. mmj ? yur fun mih KBM OIL, W tmUn
(mm, iWaW &hmt, LrMa.f mj Awl PwMMMrl
Zanrrat AfaaaacrMrvra 'rmrmt mj AmMMaitMm
WaaWlk nu.'lai Na- Vaak
Next to Ladd & IS
Bush Bank
m m
Preparations for Champion
ship Battle Not Checked
by Dispute
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 31.
Despite the serious effect a nation wide
railway strike would have upon the at
tendance, officials, of the Hundred
Million Dollar club continue their ex
tensive preparations for stuging the
Krerdilie Welsh-Charley White twenty
round lightweight championship bout
here Labor Day, and there is no let up
in training by the principals tiicin
selves. Honing experts who have watched
both principals work out are of the
opinion that both are us nearly per
fectly trained us it is possible to
make an uthlete.
White stepped on the scales in the
presence of a group of newspapermen
after his work out yesterday and
weighed in nt I3d'!i pounds. Welsh
again went the twelve round bout in
Ins spurring nnd continued t.ie fast
clip he has set for himself.
There is a flood of White money in
sight but the Chicngonns backers wunt
five to four for their money.
Yellowstone Park
Hotels Will Close
St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 31. All the
larger hotels at Yellowstone Nntionnl
Park in Montana nnd Wyoming, will
close tomorrow, agents for If. W. Childs,
president of the owning company, an
nounced today. Unsettled- trnnsportn
tion conditions were assigned. The ho
tels usually remain open until Septem
ber 15.
Business Is pkV4ig up a little at the
U. S. recruiting station nt the Keith
hotel. Today Sergeunt Schuster re
ports the enlistment of Karl II. Ryan,
It), of Salem, and Thos. M. Knudnll,
21, of Suleia, in tho infnntrv. They
were taken to Portland this afternoon
and with oilier recruits, will be sent
to Ft. McDowell near Sun Francisco
for preliminary training. The recruit
ing office here in charge of Sergennt
Schuster is making a fine record, ns
7 applicants nave been accepted dur
ing the mouth of August, making a
total of 45 In two months.
irtol ibJ 1
tLa Muatrv
Daughter of Russian Mission
ary In Alaska Was Pro
posed Victim
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 31. Working on
a clue that white sluver were endeav
oring to trap Margaret SiBtsoff, aged
21), of 1020 l'ine street, Seattle, police
women today had lodged 1'hilip Wit
teniiorn, aged 23, in the city jail charg
ed with a statutory felony.
The girl is the daughter of Rev. Leon
Sistsoff, a Russian missionary at the
lonely post of Kodiuk, Alaska.
Police woman 11. If. M-asou caused
Wittenhorn 's arrest and preferred the
charge which may result in his being
sent to prison for 20 years.
Making her report of the case to
prosecutor Alfred Luiidjii, Mrs. Mason
said Wittenhorn had worked himself
into the confidence of the missionary's
daughter by telling her iie was out of
work nnd could not obtain employment
unless he could dress more nattily.
She is said to have loaned him mon
ey with which he purchased apparel
for himself.
After winning the girl's affections,
according to Mrs. Mason, Wittenhorn
occupied the same apartment with her
from April I to June 1, offering to
furnish her a "nice room where they
could mnke easy money."
He is snid to have taken the girl's
wn;es by force and pawned her jewelry
to get more money to squander on him
R. II. rc.
Detroit 7 8 0
New York 3 '
Mitchell and MeKeo; Russell, Mo
grid;.;e, Love nnd Walters.
'' R. II. V..
Chicago 7 12 0
Philadelphia 14 2
Hen?, nml Sihnlk; Hush, Nabors nnd
R. IT. K.
St. Louis 2 7 0
Most On 17 1
Knob and Severoid; Until arid Cady.
R. II. E.
Cleveland 3 9 2
Washington 5 10 0
Lnmbreth, Morton, Gould nnd O'
Neill; Avers nnd Henry, (ihnrrity.
It. II. K.
Boston 2 4 1
Pittsburg 3 10 2
Nehf, Hiielluich nnd dowdy; Mum
mnux nnd Sch111i.lt. (Called end 8th,
cutch train.)
No others scheduled.
A. A. Alsbury & Co., contracting en
iiineers of Houston, Texas, write the
Commercial club that they have de
eided to locate at sonio point on the
const. Thev are also interested in the
prune industry.
(Continued from Page 1.)
ter work will begin immediately after
Seiit. loth, when entries close in this
Representatives Appointed
Prof. Kurl N. Kennedy, of the t). A,
C Corvnllis, was delegated to repro
sent the Oregon fair nt the horse show
in connection with the California state
fair, Sacramento, next week, to induce
exhibitors of saddle und show horses
to enter the Oregon horse show at the
fnir and one stublo has been reserved
at the grounds to accommodnte these
entries. .Negotiations are also under
way to secure "Credential" the cham
pion high jumping horse of the world,
which recently broke the world's rec
ord by clearing 7 feet at Vancouver,
It. C, to enter the horse show and give
daily exhibitions. He will be accom
panied by 8 other thoroughbred en
tries from Vancouver.
Secretary Len departed this morn
ing for Chehnlis to represent the Ore
gon tair hoard at tne centrniin-i no-
hulis fair and will nlso go to Spokane
to pay tin official visit to the fair the
first of tho week. The board made an
inspection of the grounds and build
ings yesterday afternoon and were
unanimous in their approval of the
vast amount of improvements mude
this year at the comparative small
Keports from the Bends or tne uu
ferent exhibit departments imlicnte
record exhibits iu every division nmt
class upon the grounds this year ami it
was also announced that IS counties
hnd alrearv entered the county com
petition class, which is the largest nnm
ber ever exhibiting at the state fair,
and four others have the matter under
favorable consideration. IKniglns rouu-
v entered vesterdnv and a few days
i!0 Multiiomnh count v came in, it be
ing the first tune these two counties
have been at the state fair for several
Seattle. Wash., Aug. 31.
Mrs. Louisa Horen Denny, aged
811, a member of the first pnrty
of white pioneers to arrive at
Seattle and the first white
woman to be married here, died
at 3 o'clock this morning at
her residence here. Her death
followed an illness of three
Mrs. Denny has lived in Se
attle continuously for more
than OS years. "
Washington, Aug. 31. The
senate's program for putting
through legislation which is
meant to uprevent the strike of
the railroad brotherhoods, was
agreed upon this afternoon. Re
arrangement with the finance
committee the emergency rev
enue bill will be laid aside and
a bill to be prepared, by the in
terstate commerce committee to
day will be introduced when the
senate convenes at 10 a. m. to
morrow. The committee will recom
mend immediate action on its
bill which will include the
eight hour day and possibly the
"military necessity'' provision
asked by the president.
' Day and night sessions will
be held until the measure is put
Odds Against Strike.
New York, Aug. 31. Brokers
on Wall street today offered
1 to 2 that there would be no
railroad strike Monday and it
was reported a number of fair
sized bets were made nt those
ed ils.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 31.
Judge ,1. A. It i tier of the United
States district court this after
noon denied the petition of
George W. Argue for the issu
ance of an order restraining the
Order of Railway Conductors
officers of the five divisions
covering the Union Pacific rail
road from issuing and enforcing
strike order.
Argue is a conductor in the
employ of the railroad company.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 31.
Fearing the railroad strike
will find them nway from home,
hundreds of O. A. R. veterans
are leaving today. Union sta
tion was thronged with hurry
ing crowds of veterans wenring
budges of New York, Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, California, Mich
igan nnd other distant states.
far Shortage Now Is
Bad As If Strike Was On
shortnge of the Southern Pn-
ear supply continues to grow
greater flay by day. On the company's
lines north of Ashland the shortnge
which August 1 was 39-1 has becomo nt
this dato 1.001.
Complaints nre of daily occurrence nt
the office of the state' public service
commission. The following from the
Kngle Lumber company at Westimber is
characteristic of all, the difference be
ing only a matter of degree:
"We have orders aggregating four
million feet of lumber. On our docks
wo have ready for immediate loading
35 carloads. Orders for 35 cars were
filed by us 10 to 30 days ago. A iium
ber of our orders must be cancelled un
less we can get cars. Our yards and
docks nre so Tindly congested that it is
impossible to longer opernte our plant
unless we have cars at once."
Fully realizing the -seriousness of the
situation, the commission is doing all
in its power to nfford relief to shippers
throughout the state.
Several letters have been written to
Southern Pacific mniingement concern
ing the shortage, which have evoked
polite replies and abundant excuses.
Thnt is nil. The commission it seems un
der the law is powerless to do more than
call attention to conditions, but it does
tunc lrviiuciuij huu nun, ;.'
Will Send Passengers
to Portland by Boat
Portlniul, Or., Aug. 31. The Great
Northern Pacific Steamship company
iiiiulo preparations today to bring pas
sengers from FlnveV to Portland on the
river steamer llniley Gntzert.
At present travelers who come up
the coast, from San Frnncisco on the
steamers Northern Pacific and Great
Northern land nt Flavel and make the
remainder of the journey by train.
With the threatened strike liuble to
halt rail traffic, the Bailey Gat-z.ert
will be used probably begiusing Mon
day. Tho Gat.ert is the largest and fast
est steamer on the river.
Attitude of Switchmen
Is Keenly Watched
Portland. Or., Aug. SI Railroad
men here were interested today in the
attitude which may be taken by mem
bers of the Switchmen's Union in the
threatened railroad strike. It was stat
ed at the superintendent's office of
the Southern Pacific that a number of
switchmen are members of the broth
erhoods affected by the strike order.
Others, however, belong to the Switch
men' Union which has agreed to arbi
trate its demands. These men are ex
pected to remain at work.
It is nut known whether the ruilroads
may attempt to persuade them to do
some of the work of the strikers.
Richmond, Ind., Aug. 31. Large
quantities of ammunition, many guns
and several hundred maces are stored
in the offices of Superintendent Le
lioutillier of the Richmond division of
the Pennsylvania lines, it became
! known today, as part of the company's
preparation for the nation-wide rail
road strike.
San Francisco Robber Talks
of His Plans Ready to
Pay Penalty -
San Francisco, Aug. 31. A frnnK
statement that he came to San Francis
co to rob a bank and obtain funds to
operate a brokerage business Mas made
today by Edward Von Wnlden, who rob
bed the Mission Street branch o'f the
Anglo-California Trust company of
$8,000 in gold. He has no excuse to
offer, save that he wanted money, and
says he is willing to pay the penalty
for his action.
F.xtravugance beyond the income his
father gave him, caused Von Walden,
according to his own statement ,to hold
up the Hotel Metropole in Detroit three
years ago. Fur this he was sentenced
to 10 years in the penitentiary, escap
ing from that institution July 11 of this
Arriving in Los Angeles, Von walden
took another name and engaged in
brokerage business, where, he says, he
was prospering. He resumed habits
demanding more money, though, so de
liberately decided to rob a bank and
use the money in his business.
"I looked over one bunk after an
other here, following my arrival for
that purpose Sunday," he said. "I fin
ally picked out a bank at Market and
Mason streets, but abandoned the plan
as there would be little chance for an
escape in that crowded district. Then
I chose the Mission street bunk.
"Well, I foiled," he concluded. "It
was my fault. I am not going to both
er my family about this. I really made
a hard fight to keep straight, but I
needed the money."
Van Walden was captured a quarter
of an hour after robbing the bank, ns
he had engaged in a running battle with
the police, while he stood in the ton
nenu of an automobile and sped away.
Germany Says Steamer
r r 1 . ft.. 1 S W la
brought Attack Un Herself
Washington, Aug. 31. The German
government, in a note to the state de-
I partment today admitted that a fler
1 mil 11 submarine fired a number of shots
jjjjnt the American steamer Owcgo some
g weeks ago, but said the steamer ig
ji. ' nored the submarine's signal to halt
and continued on her course, and that
therefore the shot was justified.
(Continued From Page One.)
measures desired by President Wilson.
He snid no legislation proposed or to be
proposed would involve "compulsory
arbitration." The strongest measure in
that direction, he snid, simply called for
a government inquiry and report thnt
left both parties to the dispute ireo to
act as they thought best.
Gnrretson served notice thnt the
brotherhoods' opposition to legislation
like the Canadian disputes act is un
swerving. "No influence can change our posi
tion on this," he said.
Tho committee room was crowded.
Kvery seat was occupied and the spec
tators overflowed into the hullwny.
rMimuei VTunipers, presiueui 01 11m
American Federation of Labor, arrived
Snmuel Gompcrs, presideut of the
with tho brotherhood executives. At
times during Gnrretson 's talk, Gompers
nodded his head vigorously iu approval
of the points made by the speaker.
Among the railway heads present
were Elisha Lee, chairman of tho nn
tionnl conference committee of tho
rnilwnys; E. H. Conpmnn, vice-president
of the Southern; John T. Walker,
secretary of the conference committee
of the eastern railways; A. Greig, as
sistant to the receiver of the St. Louis
& San Francisco; J. M. Sheehun, coun
sel of the national conference commit
tee; C. L. Bnrds, genernl manager of the
New Huven; N. U. Alnyer, vicc-presi
dent of the N. & W.; L. W. Buldwin,
general mnnnger of the Central of Geor
gia; W. L. Siddons, vice-president of
the S. A. L., nnd H. W McMnster, gen
eral mannger of the Wheeling & Lake
Conditions Described.
Garret-sou told of the fight the broth
erhoods have had since they organized,
to get better working conditions. He
$8.00 Rackets 16.40
J6.00 Rackets $4.80
14.00 Rackets $3.20
$3.00 Rackets $2.40
$2.00 Rackets $1.60
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (0 insertions), per word 5c
One month(26 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 13c.
PHONE 937 For wood aaw.
UlOP SACKS For sale. Phone 61F3. s2
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com'l
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768.
FOR SALE Cheap, one good
Phone 6DF13.
' septO
Phone 782M.
close in.
MEN WANTED For picking peaches.
Phone 6F3. septS
WANTED Ford touring car, cash for
best buy. Phone 20 J. aug31
cheap. Phone 6F3, L. Townsend. seo
Journal office.
FINE YOUNG Jersey cow for
-resli. 1112 Mill St. Phone. 437
. u31
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
Phone 055 or 21F4.
class ash.
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. t
WANTED A piano for its keep by
reliable party. Phone 037. septl
the Farmers Cider Works. sept2
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral house work. Phone 2000. sept2
WANTED Lady solicitors to work in
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
8t. tl
FOR RENT Close in 5 room house and
garage, 14S Union St. aug31
FOR RENT Modem eight room bun
galow, with garage. 1342 North Cap
itol, septo
$5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. septS
snid before the organizations were pro
tected it was a common thing for men
to be on duty with human lives in their
charge 12 hours on a stretch.
"And always their monthly wage was
the same. Can there be a better argu
ment for time and a half for overtime
work?" he demanded. He snid the men
demand the eight hour day they do
not request it as a human right to be
allowed every man."
"We nre demanding some of the plea
sures the ordinary man enjoys. We are
mere travelers over the face of the
earth. Only through the eight hour
duy can we" have a part of the rights
nnil pleasures of life enjoyed by the
nvernge man. 1 wonder how mnnv of
- ' ,. , . ,
you gentlemen realize what a boon it
is that your lives in your homes nre a
sealed book when you want it to be so.
It is not so with the rnilrond man. We
must nlways be ready for call. Even
when off dirty our employers must know
where we are.
"With an eight hour law properly en
forced present conditions would Be im
possible. Why, it used to openly be ad
vocated when train crews had long
shifts that so long as one man stayed
; awake while the rest got a nap it would
be all right.
The railroads, Gurretson said, have
made only one definite settlement pro-
. I posnl to shift the whole question to
the interstate commerce commission or
to submit to arbitration. He said the
brotherhoods do not oppose the prin
ciplt of arbitration but do oppose it un
der its application in recent cases,
where he held, the roads have done
their own interpretiue of awards.
"Our men are humnn," lie continued.
"They nre men who have hourly face
to face with death
Bethel News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Bethel, Or., Aug. 31. J. M. Nichols
and L. Schulz each report big yields!
of grnin. The former threshed fortv
.bushels of wheat to the acre, machine
measure, and the latter had eighty
hilhels tt nnta tn thti a m
Nearly everyone around her? reports
good yield and there has been more
than usual harvested this veer.1
t inly n few years ago it was mostly hay
-Mr. and .Mrs. lleorge Ham have been
staying at the Mnrchaud home and
helping through harvest. Roy Mnr
chaud is hauling water for the Matin
and Wright thresher.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Card and the
f ! junior Cards are visiting at the Kirsch
er home. Mr. Card is spending his va-
4 j cation in the harvest fields.
Elmer Roth is harvesting the Ever
green black berries on the Kirsciier
f i farm. He took twenty crates to the
ennnery one day last week.
Maker's thresher left here Friday at
the same time that Bartoe come in.
The latter has bean threshing here
ever since and will finish today ex
cept for one small job which he will
come back for soon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schulz had vis
itors from Salem Sunday.
A crew of convicts Is pulling flax for
Mr. Lentz.
When vou can vour fruits
or vegetables, Phone 67 for J"tnir
jars, rubbers, raps.
TRESPASS Notices tor sale at Jouf
nal office. tf
WANTED Hop pickers wanted. Call
27F22, Macleay, Oreg. sept2
FURNISHED Apartments, also barn
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
FOR SALE Two seated carriage, gas
oline woodsaw. Farmers Feed Barn.
delivered as you want them. Phone
910 J. sept4
FOR RENT 40 acres 7Vj. miles south,
east from Salem. Phone 02F14 for
particulars. septl
CANNING PEACHES 75e and $1.00
Phone 33F5 or call at the orchard.
G. O. Boyce. septS
FOR SALE Harloy-Davidson motor
cycle. Inquire for John Taylor, Pa
cific Telephone office. septa
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
elose in, 160 Court. tl
WANTED To rent farm, part furn
ished, on share rent preferred. Jay
Richardson, Sutiierlin, Or. septl
ADS under this heading le a word.
Bead for profit; use for results.
HEAVY HACK With top; two year
in use; good condition; for sale at
half price; write D. B. Murphy, Tur
ner, Rt. 1. septl
lots, my equity in a 6 room new mod
ern cottage, balance like rent. Call
1560 Hincs St. or Phone 532. aug3t
FOR SALE 3 naif truck Studabak
er wagon, Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2789
Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR SALE Dressed beef by the sid
or quarter, 7 and 8 cents. Will de
liver to hop yards. Phone 1150 W.
TAKEN UP Sunday, bay mare, has
halter. Owner can have same by
Phoning 81F13 evenings and paying
charges. aug31
GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale;
milk records furnished; moderate)
price. Write D. R. Murphy, Turner,
Rt. 1. septa
FOR SALE Fine young driving mare,
well broke to drive single or double.
Can be seen at Cherry City feed
barn Friday, September 1st. aug.'ll
MATTRESSES Made over at your
home, $1.50 and up. City ref
erence, satisfaction or no pay. Ad
dress II. W. Wright, General Deliv-e"7-
13 HOP PICKERS Wanted, must
furnish tents and stoves; will pay
same as others. Chas. Strong, Rt. 2,
box 31, Wnconda, one mile north. 33
acres good hops. scpt3
WANT TO TRADE My lauudry ice.
plant building and lot for n smalt
Willamette valley farm. Value of
plant $9000. Address A. T. Morrison,
Coquille, Oregon. sepU -
HOP PICKERS Wanted nt Enfo
Young's hop yard near McNary sta
tion, will haul pickers to and from
yard. D. H. Looney, Independence,
Ore. Rt. 1. septS
jeweiiy, luusical instruments, tools,
guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Phone 493. septll
WANTED A reliable farmer to take
charge of quarter section Montana,
100 acres in crop, good buildings,
rent on shares, references required.
Address N 37 care Journal. aug31
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
sleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates)
W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg.
Room.. 304. tf
FOR SALE! Canning peaches. Imlah
Fruit Farm-, half mile north of west
end of steel bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jas.
Imlah. sept20)
WANTED Young man and wife to
work on farm by the year, no chil
dren, address J. O. Farr, Jefferson,
Rt. 1, Oregon. Give phone number if
possible. septa
$200.00 FOR 2 CTS Anyone who cam
sell my 100 acre ranch can get 200
dollars,. cash; send 2ct stamp for de
scription and terms with your name)
and address, plainly written. Luther
Myers, Salem, Ore. septT
F. W. DURBIN Is now bqoking hop
pickers for his 08 acres of bops, h
will call and get the pickers nnd re
turn them free of charge, will furn
ish wood free, good camping grounds.
Phone 491 or call Durbin &. Conoyer
in Bush bank bldg. . tf
I WANT TO RENT A ranch of 160
to 200 acre, part under plow, rest
pasture. Must be close to good school
and have good house and barns, and
good soil; will rent 3 to 5 years.
Write Geo. Reinoehl., 1000 N. 14th.
St., Snlem. . . tf
WE NEED Motion
J pict
picture plays, com-
edy and drama. Have you
an idem
that you think will make a good
play. Write it out it may be just
what we want. If you do not know
the correct form write us and wa
will send instructions. Western Mo
tion Picture Co., Eureka. Calif, sepl
$10 PER ACRE 160 acres, this is hill
land, has some timber, running wat
er and springs, 30 or 35 acres has
been plowed, there are 28 trees of
an old orchard, it is two miles from
railroad station, post office and
store, U mile to school. i00 down
and bnl, at 6 per cent." See J. A.
. Mills, 3S4 State St. set3