Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 31, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August ?0,
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
BAENS.iaent CHAS- E-aeat U0BA C" nSa..
Dally by earrler, per year $5.00 Per month
DMj by mail, per year , 3.00 Per month
New York. Ward-Lewi-William Special Agency, Tribune Building
Ohleago, W. H. Btockwel 1, People' Oa Building,
The Capital Journal carrier boy. are instructed to put the paper, on the
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Scientists of a speculative turn of mind have for gen
erations discussed the problem of what would happen if
;,.0c;efoKift fnvnp srmrk an immovable body. None ot
an n i toioi.ciji- j. - - , i m
Wp tn solve it. it seems tnei
problem has been passed up to President Wilson and he
has passed it on to congress. Whether it can solve it re
mains to be seen. Compulsory arbitration laws can be
passed and arbitration can be perhaps enforced, but atter
that is done, what then? i-fwn
Suppose the present dispute should be left to arbitra
tion and after the arbitrators had decided what was fair
between the men and the roads, the men should still re
fuse to go to work? There is no law that will compel
them to work if they do not want to, and there you are.
Suppose the railroad contention as to arbitration
should be granted and when it was all settled the men
just remained at home. Would the situation be any
better than it is now? If there is no law under which
men may be compelled to work than there is no law that
can control this situation nor can one be made that will.
As Senator Cummins pointed out yesterday a law that
will compel men to work against' their will is involuntary
servitude that borders on slavery. The railroads being a
public utility can be compelled to do things. The men be
ing free citizens of a free country cannot. The result is
that unless the two parties, employers and employes can
get together and agree, there is no law that can compel
them to do so. .,,.,
There can be but one outcome if both parties insist on
standing by their guns and conceding nothing, and this
is government ownership. In time of danger to the coun
try men can be drafted into the army for the country s
defense, but whether this can be done in time of peace to
save the lives and property of the nation's citizens is an
open question. Self preservation is a natural law and the
protection of its citizens the duty of every government,
and on top of all is the undoubted fact that necessity
knows no law. If all other plans fail the government will
be forced to take over the roads for the protection of its
citizens. When hunger drives, thousands of men will
come to the front to run the engines, manage the switches
and do the work the men refuse to do, but it will take
time for them to learn the work and business will suffer
untold loss while they were learning, but it would be done
eventually. After that what? Would the country not be
in danger of the same thing happening at any time? It
looks as though government ownership is the only real
solution that will prevent a repeuuun m f1""11 W"U1
tions. , i tt
President Wrilson has done all that man can do. He
has not taken sides in the controversy, but has taken only
the people's side, showing the disputants how the people
will suffer from their acts in case of a strike and urging
some compromise. He made the proposition that the
roads concede the eight hour day and that, all other mat
ters be left to arbitration. This the men accepted but the
roads refused. All his suggestions were refused by one
side or the other, and as a last resort and to prevent over
whelming disaster overtaking the country he has passed
the whole matter up to congress. If the law making body
cannot find a remedy, then there is none.
The question both sides are facing is what will public
opinion decide? Whatever that is both sides must finally
yield to it, for neither can hold out in the face of it. The
railroads are trying to manufacture public opinion, but
that kind is of little value. It is a class only, and to be
powerful enough to compel an agreement it must be the
unsolicited opinion of the masses reached from under
standing of the case. When hunger stares millions in the
big cities in the lace, mat opinion win raaienuiue iViuy
and then a settlement will come. Whoever that opinion is
against will have a hard row to hoe to get back into public
favor, if it ever succeeds in so doing. Each side should
consider this phase of the matter and be sure they are
right before going ahead. Above all they should consider
that the business, the prosperity, and perhaps the lives of
many of one hundred million people, are jeopardized by
their dispute.
One of the great industries of the Coos Bay country
lies practically dormant just now, but it will some day
become a big, tangible reality. That is the manufactur
ing of furniture and ornaments of her myrtle. It is one
of the handsomest of woods, fine grained and capable of
a high polish, and on top of this is wonderfully veriegated,
each tree having its own especial coloring and markings.
No one looking at the magnificent table brought home by
the Cherrians can doubt the demand that must some
time come for articles made of this most beautifully
marked of all woods. While there is apparently a wealth
of it around Coos Bay it is peculiar to that section, and
there, like the black walnut of the east it is wantonly
destroyed, or has been. The time is not far distant when
it will prove a valuable asset to the Coos Bay section. It
can be put to hundreds of ornamental uses and it will be.
It is far enough from New York and the homes of the
money kings of the east, and will cost enough to make a
demand for it, as it will never, be common. The, land
owners who have this timber will do well to conserve it
for the days of its appreciation are at hand and its
value is assured.
Governor Johnson has been nominated by the repub
licans of California as their candidate for the United
States senate, beating his opponent by perhaps 20,000.
Booth carried southern part of the state by a good ma
jority but the balance of the state went for Johnson
strong enough to overcome this and leave a good round
majority. His election has not harmonized the G. O. P.
of the state to any great degree and it is possible the
governor may have a harder fight for the election than he
had for the nomination.
Some energetic American proposes to make bricks of
molten lava getting his supply from one of the volcanoes
in Hawaii. He proposes putting an endless chain into the
lava flow and by this means transporting the melted lava
to the molds at a convenient station. It looks as though
the everlasting yankee can't let a poor old volcano pursue
the tenor of its way without setting it at work, and mak
ing it do something for the benefit of the country. If
this works Satan had .better pass new immigration laws,
to protect his home industries.
Oregon is one of the first -to feel the effects of the
impending strike. Here in Salem an order for $15,000
worth of green prunes was cancelled because they could
not be delivered if the strike is declared. Reports from
the Medford section are to the effect that the car shortage
has caused heavy losses to pear growers, much of the
fruit rotting. The recent order will put the finishing
touches to the crop as there is nothing that can be done
with the fruit except to dry it, and this is not profitable.
The dispatches this morning intimate that King
Constantine of Greece has fled. The proverb, "Uneasy
lies the head that wears a crown," applies with especial
force to that class in Europe, and the Greek king, who
has never been in touch with his people, evidently fears
not so much just now for his crown as for his head. It
is tough to have to give up a job in the king row, for the
pay is good, and other fellows do -the work. It is seldom
one so employed goes on strike.
That straw vote taken on the Willamette-Pacific road
recently is not very encouraging to the republicans of
Oregon. It was about two to one in favor of Wilson.
Mr. Hughes would have displayed wisdom by remain
ing in Colorado until after Monday. He might not nave
to move at all.
Once there wr.s a wise guy who said
that hell is paved with good intentions,
but he omitted to state whether the
city owned the plant or not.
The entire country is holding its
breath thi week. Xext week it will
be breathing either hard and fast or
slow and soft.
Let ns cheer up. The impending
trouble mav strike out.
The McMinnville basebull tenni do
not call themselves the ' 'Yellowbans"
any more, but the "'Tigers. " Thereby
they have spoiled a juicy joke which
a Salem chap hue been planning to
spring at the game next Sunday about
Hquid baseball equal parts of logan
berry juice and condensed milk.
Every man takes a sneaking look at
the beauty column once in a while.
The majority does not always rule.
Note the umpire.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
CAPITAL $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The cruel war is over and the national guardsmen will
come marching proudly home in a few days.
A man came feebly to my door; he'd walked
a hundred miles or more, since last he had a
tnpn Via cmH "Trip rnnrl is hnvfth arm Inner.
X0. I' and words, however fierce and strong, can't
7 . . .1 11 1 V T J 1 T 1 1 ltfl
ten now tougn i ieei. i oeg you ior a nan
a plunk, that I may get myself a bunk, and'
something I can eat; for I am old and fear
Itt die if I again must hunghy lie in alley or
in street." "In sooth," I said, "I'm glad to
aid the man whose fortunes are decayed,
his prayer I do not spurn; btu it would
pauperize you, friend, if haply I should give
or lend some coin you do not earn. I'll give you fifty
cents," I said, "if you will paint yon cattleshed, and prune
those basswood trees, and make the sidewalk good and
straight, and nail some hinges on the gate, and herd the
bumblebees. And you might paint the window screens,
and hoe that patch of Lima beans, and see what ails the
pump, and skim the milk in yonder pans, and gather up
the old tin cans, and take them to the dump." That
pilgrim, ancietn and forlorn, regarded me with blighting
scorn, and shuffied out of reach; it merely shows that
homeless men don't really want to earn the yen they
soulfully beseech.
Some men talk a whole lot without
opening their mouths.
A Salem boy who favors Germany in
he present war recently came into
possession of two pats, one a large and
fierce looking beast, the other a small
and delicate looking creature. He
named the former Germany, and the
latter England. hunt Sunday morning
he appeared before his mother sobbing.
"M-ina," he wailed, "t-that nasty lit
tle England has chewed Germany all
Big Totals for July
Foreign Trade Made Public
Washington, Aug. 31. Figures this
week made public by the Mureau of
Foreign and Domestic Commerce, De
partment of Commerce, show American
imports for July were valued at 1H3
million dollars, a fulling off of (S3 mil-
liou dollars compared with .Tunc. July
exports amounted to 440 million dollars,
a decrease of 19 million dollars com
pared with the previous month. Hut al
though the total foreign trade for the
month fell below that for tne record i
mouth of June it exceeded that of the
previous July by 40 million dollars and;
is the- July record for American trade.
The foreign trade for tne year ending
with July lust also marks a new high
record, being fi,748 million dollars, com- j
pared wrh 4.540 million in 1915. Tliel
12 months imports aggregated 2,237
million dollars, against 1,5 million
last year, and exports 4,511 million
compared with 2.SS.I million last yenr.
The favorable balance ot trade tor
July was 2ii3 million dollars, and for
the year, 2.273 million. A year ago the
export balance was 12.1 million for July
and 1.225 million for the 12 months,
while two years ago there was an im
port balance of 5 1-2 million for the
month of Julv and an export balance of
443 million for the 12 months.
Of the July imports, 64.8 per cent
entered free of duty, compared with
04.5 per cent in July, 1U1.1.
The month showed a continuation of
the net inward gold movement. For
July gold imports aggregated 62 million
dollars, as against gold exports of nine
million. Last year July showed gold
imports of 17 million and exports of two
million, while two years ago July gold
imports were but three million ns
against gold exports of 33 million dol
lars. The net inward gold movement
for the 12 months to August 1, 1916,
aggregated 441 million dollars, as
against 71 million in the preceding
vear and a net out ward niovtment of
75 million in a like period two years!
"That's a bad cold you have, old
man. How did you contract itf"
"Haug it! I didn't contract it. It
was only a small one and I expanded
it by being careless."
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iwi iwiY n
CUAVTER IX. baby's father: and a spasm of
Jlandy softly opened tne door, tnen, crossed her taie.
pain l he only talked to me once after she.
I came, and he didn't seem to care for
19 V V
forcing a smile, she said, cheerily: "Time's up. Missy Mildred! Mandy j either of us very much. He talked
"Here, darlin', see what yo' ol nnis' mind the doctor, else he won't1 about his goiug away. So you aee,
mammy don' lining you!" and she, let yo' have her no mo'." Mandy. you ought not to cry if I
placed her precious burden in the armsj Reluctantly Mildred let Mandy take i don 't,'" "but the smile she gave her old
so hungrily held out for her. "Dat the baby. (nurse was sadder than tears,
doctor man sed yo' only kin keep her. "Come back. Mandy, after you have The New Resolve.
,ies' a HI' while." turning her head to j given the baby to Miss Elden." fhe kept so quiet for a little that
wipe her old eyes unobserved. "But yo' mus'nt talk no mo', honey! j Mandy thought she had fallen asleep,
Mildred drew her baby close, but You'll git wus9, Ise 'feared, with all when she again spoke:
did not speak, bhe looked into thejdis 'citement!" "You remember, Mandy, how many
tiny face and wondered if, when: "Xo. I shall get well for babys', times he has called me a 'little fool'
she" grew up, some one would niake'sake. Come back as I tell you." 'and a 'cry bnbyf Well, he never will
her suffer as she was now suffering. On Mandy 's return she asked her to i do so again. He shall never see teara in
Mandy watched her closely, and was; sit on the bed and hold her in her: my eyes again never, so long as I live,
alarmed at the quiet, calm way she re-1 arms as she used to when she was a lit-l think he expected me to cry this
ceived the baby she had been so auxious tie girl. Then she talked to her very j morning when he told me he was gmag
to see. j calmly, very quietly, very unlike the: away," she rambled on; w "but I
"Ain't she prittyf T.ooke jes'j impetuous, iaughing girl Mandy had1 couldn't! not until after he had gone.
Ink yo' when yo' was a baby! See; known and loved. I felt ns though something had snap-
the HI' curls, honey: ain't dey cute!"j "You know. Mandy. Mr. Hammond ped in here," she laid a white hand on
So Mandy ranmbled on, her keen.hns gone away. But only you and Miss,her breast, "and I know he can never
old eyes noting all the time the change, Elden know where he has gone. I want make me cry again. Now lay me dowm,
in her darling's face; the hopeless ex-jyou to promise me you wont say an-j Mandy. and I'll go to sleep. I'm so
pression. so hard to define. i thing about it I could not bear to have j tired. And, Mandy, remember not to
rne ijmie sunaie oi idle.
it sossiped about. But Man.lv. he has
Mildred held her baby closely. Miegone away to have a good time gone
! felt that she could never let her go i fishing! "" and she gave a little hyt-
so little, so helpless, and all her ow n. I terical laugh, but her fa.-e was so wist-
All she ba.l, she thpugnt. as (. Iitford s i ful and sad that Mandy's tears fell
face came before her. But as the tiny J freely.
fingers closed over tier's she felt shei "Pore chile!" she ejaculated.
had something to live for. after all: "Don't cry, Mandv. " the weak voie
and determined to do all she could to'went on. "Don't vou see I'm not crv-
talk. Send a telegram to father, asking
him and mother to come to me. Don't
frighten the; tell them I am better,
and that I want them. Miae Elden will
write it for you.'
"They must come. I need them so
I am so sick and lonely," she whisper
ed to herself, aa Mandy closed the door.
get well quickly for her baby's sake. ing, even if he did" leave ma home aick, (Tomorrow Mildred's Parent Bring
But she shivered as she though of the ' and with my baby eo little. And Mandy, Their Sunlight.)