THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 29, 1916. in iiijjbwiiiii.uhhhij wj hi .ir'Wi imm Sl&HUsi. - NEW TODAY - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word le One week (6 insertions), per word 5c One month(26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Bead your advertisements the first day it appears and notify ut immediately Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood saw. tf HOP SACKS For sale. Phone 61F3. s2 BUBBEB Stamps made 165 S. ComJ HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768. sept5 TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tf FOR RENT Good house, close in. Phone 782M. septl AVANTED Ford touring car, cash for best buy. Phone 920 J. TRESPASS NOTICES FOB SALE at Journal office. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tl FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. tl WOOD HAULERS Wanted at once Address X 20 care Journal. aug29 WANTED Lady solicitors to work in Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial St, tl FOR SALE 3 good milch cows. 8 miles south of Salem. Phone 49F2. aug30 JERSEY Heifer calf for Bale cheap call 1190 south 13th or Spaulding Logging Co., C. E. Bayes. aug29 BIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustment! 5, worth more. Sr. Mar, Hubbard blilg. teptS HOP PICKERS Wanted in river bot tom yard. Downing and Eoff. Phone 1283 or 1417. aug2 FOR SALE Hurley-Davidson motor cycle. Inquire for John Taylor, Pa eific Telephone office. sept2 FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, lose in, 160 Court tf WANTED An experienced man wants job drying hops, can give best of references. Phone 2054-J. aug29 HOU8EKEEPER Wants position In a refined family. Depot Hotel. Mrs. R. Wade. aug29 HOP PICKERS Wanted at Eafe Young's hop yard near McNary sta tion, will haul pickers to and from yard. D. H. Looney, Independence, ) Ore. Rt. 1. sept5 WANTED To rent farm, part furn ished, on share rent preferred. Jay Richardson, Sutiierlin, Or. sept! FOR RENT New modem 5 room bun galow, $12.00 per month, 370 Wash ington St., near S. Commercial. a29 FOR RENT ADS under this heading lc a word. neaa ior prom; use for results. HOP PICKERS WANTED Stolz 4 McNary 's yard, 4 miles north of Sa lem. Register with W. T. Stolz, phone 26. tf HEAVY HACK With top; two years in use) good condition; for sale at half price; write D. H. Murphy, Tur ner, Rt. 1. septl WANTED Experienced miner wants partner for prospecting trip; soon. Address C. E. Miner, care Journal. nug.'JO MONEY TO LOAN I have about one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars to loan at seven per cent, on good security. Inquire 2217 Fairground road. a29 FOB SALE 3 half truck Studabak er wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jeweiiy, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. rhone 493. septll MATTRESSES Made over at your home, $1.50 and up. City ref erence, satisfaction or no pay. Ad dress II. W. Wright, General Deliv ery. aug31 15 HOP PICKERS Wanted, must furnish tents and stoves; will pay same as others. I'has. Strong, Rt. 2, box 31, Wncomla, one mile north. 32 acres good hops. Bcpt2 WANTED A reliable farmer to take charge of quarter sectloa Montana, 100 acres in crop, good buildings, rent on shares, references required. Address N 37 care Journal. aug31 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable ratet W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg Boom 304. U FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah Fruit Farm, half mile north of west end of steel bridge on Wallace road, bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jan. Imlah. sept20 200.00 FOR 2 CT8 Anyone who can sell my 160 acre ranch can get 200 dollars, cash; send 2c t stamp for de scription and terms with your name and address, plainly written. Luther .Myers, balem, Ore. septv FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow located in Salem's best residence dis trict, was built for a home but must sell at a sacrifice, terms if desired. If you want something good it would pay you to investigate. Address Jour nal M fl. tf FURNISHED Apartments, also barn' suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage. WANTED To buy a motorcycle, one that is cheap, address 06 care Journ al. aug29 FOR SALE Two seated carriage, gas oline woodsaw. Farmers Feed Barn. scpt4 CRAWFORD PEACHES For canning delivered as you want them. Phone 910 J. scpt4 WANTED Oood driving horse for couple months for keep of same, by good reliable party, might buy if satisfied. Phone 1359. aug.'lO WANTED For cash, 15 tons oats and vetch baled hay, call or write R. T. Goode, 1136 Jefferson St., Sulcm, Or. aug30 FOR SALE OR TRADE For vacant lots, my equity in a 6 room new mod ern cottage, balance like rent. Call 1560 Hines St. or Phone 532. aug31 F. W. DURBIN Is now booking hop pickers for his 68 acres of hops, he will call and get the pickers and re turn them free of charge, will furn ish wood free, good camping grounds. Phone 491 or call Durbin & Conoyer in Bush bank bldg. tf WANTED Young ladies for telephone operators, with or without experience Permanent positions assured for those showing aptitude for work. Apply to chief operator at the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 170 N. Liberty. aug29 WANT TO RENT A ranch of 160 to 200 acre, part under plow, rest pasture. Must be close to good school and have good house and barns, and good soil; will rent 3 to 5 years. Write Geo. Reinoehl., 1000 N. 14th St., Salem. tf WE NEED Motion picture plays, com edy aud drama. Have you an idea that you think will make a good play. Write it out it may be just what we want. If you do not kjiow the correct form write us ami we will send instructions. Western Mo tion Picture Co., Eureka. Calif, sepl FOR SALE! I have a well equipped chicken rnnch of 7 acres close in on good road, good new, convenient house of four rooms, pump and well of excellent water, modern roomy chicken houses, large wood shed. Will afecpt part of price in well improved city property. Inquire at 202 U. S. hank or I'hone 4iU. Annual Canoe Trip Passes Salem By The Portland Rowing club has an nounced that it will not make its an nual canoe jaunt to Salem on Labor Day as has been its enstom, but that the trip this year will be made from McMinnville to Portland. Canoes will be shipped from Portland to McMinn ville on Friday afternoon, and the canoeists will leave Portland Saturday afternoon, ramping at McMinnville for the night and starting on their journey! r. "" "rr:::f".v. inv, a 11 try win ihiuu ironic urre on me Willamette Bund.v nl.,ht n,1 tk their time about reaching Portland on WILL WATCH BATTLE FROM PIKES PEAK New York Sport Wagers He Can See Details from Dis tance of 30 Miles Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 29. Imagine witnessing a battle for the lightweight championship of the world from a point thirty miles distant by roadway from the actual scene of the combat and more than two miles aloft in altitnde! Yet this was the novel wager made yesterday by two prominent fight fans. Francis Drnz of New York offered to bet that he could, through field glasses, see the twenty round battle Labor Day between Freddie Welnh und Charlie White from the top of Pikes Peak. Murray Keller of Chicago doubted this, and took the negative side of the wager. Only a cloudy or rainy day will prevent the settlement of the bet. Welsh and White hove started on the last lap of the training grind and plan to fiiiinh hard work by Saturday night, taking it easy Sunday and Alon- iibv iorenoon. nmte continues nis slam bang tactics in his boxing prep arations, Middleweight Leo Johnson be ing his latest victim. White's motto apparently is "the bigger they are the better the punching bag," judging from the way he tore into Johnson yes terday, cutting him to ribbons. Leo was bleeding freely at tin end of three rounds of rough work. Welsh's training style is more on the muscle developing, physical cul ture order and he reserves his rough work for his heavyweight partner, Fire man Jim Flynn. Welsh was the feature attraction at a "ladies' matinee" at the Antlers hotel yesterday, where he went through his gym work and boxed exhibition bouts witin (hnrlea Rose, Battling Reddy and Jack Itratton. Ed Smith of Chicago, official stake holder of the battle, is on the ground. The entire purse money will be de posited with him Saturday. Wheat Market Has Recovered Its Satiety Chicago, Aug. 29. The wheat market had apparently recovered from the pauic of yesterday when it opened for busi ness todav. First quotations indicated uncertainty. September wheat was up quarter, but December was down 3-8 and May down 1 5-8. Later, prices braced all along the line. The trade realized that Rumania wasn't moving toward the Dardanelles ami Russian wheat was still far away from American competition. At noon prices had jumped from 3 5 8 to i J cents over last night's close. September at (1.44 1-2 was 3 12 shove the opening. December gained four - . 41. 0 m . n i.oo 1-4. v v . . , , . fortunes changed hands in yes- . '0n',, """t drop, accord- i RAPini Yi California Has Bunch of Hard Kickers and Will Put Up Hard Game Berkeley, Cal., Aug. 29. If the Uni versity of California failed to "clean! up" the coast football teams next fall, 1 it will not be because tlie blue and gold lacked kickers. Eddie Aiahan, all-American football star, made thin clear today when he 1 began worX preliminary to opening i training of the California baekficld. Malmn, one of the greatest punters and drop kickers who ever wore a cleated shoe, is determined to develop a star kicker from the squad available here. Half a dozen, candidates will be out in moleskins in a few days and will be put through course by Muhan. For several weeks, he will try to develop all of the candidates, but luter he will probably concentrate on tue two most Jikelv kickers. Aiahan, a quite dark haired, smiling, likeable chap, would not discuss his plans in detail but he held several con ferences today with Head Coach Andy Smith and between them they mapped out a plan of campaign. Malum was more communicative re- carding the football situation in thi east, saying that Princeton has much the likeliest gridiron squad this year. Harvard will have a hard season, he said, because virtually the entire crim son squad was eliminated by graduation. He thinks Yale will also show well this year. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. l'et. i Los Angeles 70 57 .5X1 ! Vernon 81 3 .5(i2 1 Snn Francisco 73 70 .51 1 1 Malt Lake 07-07 .500 1 Portland 51) 09 .401 j Oakland 5ti t9 .380 1 Yesterday's Results. No games played, teams traveling. Today's Games. At Vaughn street Portland Angeles. At San Francisco San Francisco vs. Salt Lake. At Los Angeles Vernon vs. Oakland. Giant Larry Doyle Goes to Chicago Cubs Chicago, Aug. 29. Larry Doyle, for mer New York Giant second sacker, who comes to the Cubs as a part of the deal whereby lleinie Zimmerman was traded to the Giants, may make his debut as a Cub today. Doyle is slated to play the keystone sack in to- Bi3SQDSQS2QQSBnDDsSOSDBQBD h El 11 tl u a n 11 11 11 u a n n n u El H a a a a n u a El H n a H M a Hop WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF SHOES SUITABLE FOR HOP PICKING AND AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Five hundred pairs Men's. Women's and Bovs' and Children's Tennis Shoes, in both brown and black. Sold up to $1.25, go at 50c Two hundred pairs of Men's Elk Balls, brown and black. Sold up to $2.75. Best grades, every pair guaranteed : . $1.95 Four hundred pairs Children's. Misses' and Bovs' Barefoot Sandals. Sold every where from $1.25 to $1.75. go at 95c Two hundred nairs Men's Best Work Shoes, regularly sold at $3.50, both . tan and black, now go at $2.65 Cut Rates on All Repair Work Bring vourrenairin? to us and ?et best leather, best work and prompt service Less Monev. Fridayls Rubber Heel Day All 50c Rubber Heels put on for HALF PRICE25c--on FRIDAY ONLY. Shoes will be taken in any day this week to be nut on Fridav. 11 a n n 11 11 n EJ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ii 11 11 11 : 11 11 11 u WITCH ELK BOOTS HANAN SHOES mm its vnxi I rv ill .. ... - I MMTi- I...-I lm ,y l-,clure Ad R Zm. B GEO. O. WILL ' ' v ' 1 New Edison Disk JEjl ! Victrolas. ; il ; Grafanolas I !j ! Each in every w ' style and all I ! records for each. j " J 432 State Street H D I ; mi , AUTO-WORK i ' and Driving ' Qrt ' Gloves ; v)iirfs ; r-.5- SHAFER ' ' 170 8. Commercial ! ! ! Phone 411 u u SiSHW I WOOD -TcOALf- U SALEM rU -in FUEL COAL YABDS Phone 529 Shoes Made New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low Ye Boot Shop 325 State St. Opp. Ladd & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartinan Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer Phone, Office 930 or Residence 1898. Storage, Packing, Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood. Quick, Reliable Service. day's game with ho Phillies. Zimmer man is expected to jump into Doyle's shoes in todny'a game between the Giants and Cincinnati. He left for Kcdland last night. In addition to Doyle, the Cubs got Outfielder Jacobson and lufielder Hun ter. Manager Tinker of the Hiuins, is satisfied with the trada. The deal was ..I 1 1 . ....II : .. , .i:.. ,,u,.u .... .. , - lung 11 " tntn'A I'nu vnriiii twin hMuiimn l'mwiilont Charles Weeghain of the Cubs and !01 ! . old u I n i J vs. Los n sr--M aH Quick, Reliable I Q Service. I n GREAT SALE Picking The Picture Tells The Story vertiiers. Box 17, Oregon City, GEO. O. WILL Pianos I sell, the Best and Cheapost ones. Pianos rented. 432 State Street Phone 159 r Auto and Car riage Painting Enamel. Tops and Cush ions repaired and trimmed. F. W. BLISS, 304 S. Com'L We make your linen wear longor and look better by our auto-dry room and press machine work. Balem Laundry Co. 136 S. Liberty St. Up-to-the-Minute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty The Handy Man Around the House PORTLAND B.R. LIGHT & POWER CO. Furo Milk and Cream Oak Park Dairy Auto Delivery. Phone 669 W. F. Looney Mgr. Manager McGrnw of tlie Giaiits. Are Training Hard Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 29. George. Chancy, of Haiti more, who aspires to take featherweight champion Johnny Kilbnue's crown, at Cedar Point, Labor I'nv, todav started the final grind of his training. For the next three or four days he will devote his training to boxing from six to ten rounds daily r . . " Kilbaue continues his work in tlie I gym, OF Shoes Next to Ladd & Bush Bank E 8! 11 11 11 u ri n M 19 n 11 ti a Monday. " ' "