Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" TUESDAY KVKNIXU, August 2!, 1010. CHARLES H FISHES, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED ETEEY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. m - movra PITAS TT. FISH K. WUA U aiunr.ll. President Vice-President Sec, and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION BATES v- ...j m 5.00 Per month Daily by mail, per year : . , 3.00 Per month 45o ...35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTEEN REPRESENTATIVES New York. Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chisago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'a Gas Building. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the ,er." U the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or LCglect. getutng the ianer to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this s the only raw. can determine whether or not the carriers are following lttwn PhlMain 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. GERMANY'S CONFIDENCE UNSHAKEN No matter what the changes in the European war sit uation Germany remains supremely confident and un afraid. The dispatches yesterday from Berlin sent by Ackerman who is perhaps closer to the German govern ment than any newspaper correspondent, says the asser tion of the leaders on hearing of Rumania s action was that "it might prolong the war but would not change its results." At the same time the great drive of the allies along the western front has apparently reached the stage of the German offensive at Verdun, where the reports daily are in substance: "All attacks were repulsed. German officers say the Somme drive is at an end solar as making advance is concerned and that the allies have reached their limit at that point. It begins to look as though this was largely true. But there is no disputing the fact that the Russian bear is still crashing through all defenses and is so far resistless. With Rumania assisting him, and allowing him an open road across her territory and to attack Austria, some history will be made efoie long. Two new battle fronts are likely, with the province of Transylvania, in Austria, one and another in Bulgaria. GREECE WILL BE NEXT Greece will probably be the sixteenth nation to get into the war. She has used every effort to fo?ep out but it looks as if she could no longer avoid taking the plunge. ith Bulgaria invading her territory and killing her soldieis there is no escaping a fight. Outside the Balkans but few countries remain to join the fray, and Phaps the end has been reached or will be when Greece enters the list. The dispatches this morning are to the eftect that Germany expects Greece to join the allies. At the same time it is stated, Germany pursuing her usual tactics will begin an offensive against Rumania, and try to compel the f ight ng to be done on Rumania territory. General Mack nson who commanded the drive through Serbia yiU in charge, which indicates there will be some hard fighting in the near future. Another jolt or two like the Chicago wheat market got Monday and those bakers will have to rearrange their bread prices on a lower level. It is not probable the diop will last long, it being occasioned largely by the idea that Rumania joining the allies would soon give Russia an outlet for her wheat. This will not follow soon as the grip of the Turk must be pried loose from the Dardanelles, first. Among the statistics compiled by Labor Commissioner HofF is that eighty firms in the state engaged in furnish ing atetracts of title, that they employ 240 persons who receive a total annual wage of $224,640. This is consider able money to pay for knowing your real est a ite i tile is all right and then not being certain of it. It is a pietty strong indorsement of the Torren's system. Pat Calhoun, former street railway magnate of San Francisco, claims to have spent $14,000,000 in five years. The fun of making a spending record like that should in a measure alleviate the pinch of poverty irom which 1 at claims at the present time to be sufienng. Why take steps to prevent immigration after the European war ends? If it keeps up for another year or two and the stories told about the mortality are not ex aggerated there won't be anyone left in Europe to do the immigrating. Miss Coos having been happily married, it should be Miss Curry next. Curry naturally suggests rice, and rice of course a wedding. Salem is ready to respond to an invitation. Labor Day will see the Walsh-White dispute ended and in all likelihood, the railroad scrap realy begun. WILL TAKE IT TO CONGRESS President Wilson has decided to go before congress with the railroad troubles and will do so it is stated today. He is getting tired of the whole affair and so is the coun try. Yesterday he requested the employes to withdraw their strike order sent out, and which provides for a strike Labor Day unless an agreement is. reached. This request was turned down by the labor leaders, who claim they have no power to act. The result is that the president will take the business before congress. The railroads have refused to accept an eight hour day and it is very prob able the eight hour law will soon be adopted and made to apply to railroads as well as other pursuits. Then it will have to be accepted and complied with. The railroads know this, hence it is hard to see what they are objecting to the eight hour system for, since they know that sooner or later they are bound to have it. They have some object behind their stubbornness that has not been made public yet, for they certainly are not foolish enough to stand up and fight a proposition they know they can be made to accept. It looks as though the whole matter was one of nolitics. the railroads instead of the tariff this time beine usuu in uie ciiui i iu put uie auniniisu uuun in a nuif. The Oregonian evidently thinks it a crime to permit anything to be imported to the United States. It would have the markets of this country turned over to the Americans entirely and the manufacturers of this coun try told to go to it, that no person on earth would be al lowed to compete with them. What would conditions be under such an arrangement? We have one case of it in the Standard Oil company which fixes prices to suit itself and until very recently.almost without opposition. If this country did not buy abroad and continued to sell there we would in the course of time have every dollar of coin in the world, and as we bought nothing abroad all cash trade would be stopped and we could sell nothing because there is nothing we could get in return. The protective tariff is simply a means provided by law by which the whole people can be taxed and the proceeds be given to the few. Theoretically it sounds plausible but in practice results in wholesale robbery. Another thing shown by Commissioner Hoff's statis tics is that there are 617 retail confectionery places in the state. The total pay roll in addition to the proprietors' averages in employes 1234, and in money $6:7,263. Ap parently eating candy is quite an industry. Colonel Roosevelt seems to have hobbled his enthus iasm and put a bridle on his tongue since the early days of July. 5 THE TATTLER - Not a Cherrian was lost. The thermometer seems to have been sent up for only four days. J'erhaps the reason some people nev er feel good is because they haven't any to feel. At least one Salem picuie party fail ed to have an enjoyable time Sunday. The Lojus were not balled out. It can 't be done. A Salem man was unable to find his htit yesterday morning. Shortly after breakfast his wife discovered the miss ing artiele on tiie front sidewalk. This is the most sensationul event of the week to date. Flour bounded upwnrds yesterday. Daily paper. It bounded downwards in this town. Ask the father of seven children. It is beginning to be noticed that each successive declaration of war in Kurope is followed by one in Turner. iTRippIuTifKhu k1 ir.. - - . w 11 VsltMon mm mi i i JfarffftlCi rods SOMETHING NEW The man who writes, the long year through, hears readers say, "Write something new ! The thoughts you spring, from day to day, are bearded things, all worn and gray." But there is nothing new on earth; there is no thought of modern birth; there is no plot or song or tale that Noah didn't say was stale. I've read James Boswell's book again; in it Sam Johnson, best of men, ex pressed his views on every theme of which the mortal mind may dream. And like an oracle he spoke, and I delight to watch his smoke, but never did he make remark that wasn't known in Noah's ark. But his remarks, though sere and gray, were spoken in the Johnson way, and, though he's been a long time dead, we cherish still the things he said. Since every thought on earth is old, and baggy-kneed and blue with mold, it profits not for me and you to strain at say ing something new. We'll take old thoughts we find astray, and doll them up as best we may. National Committee . More Militia Ordered of Hushes Women to Mexican Border LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL - - - - - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Chicago. Aug. 20 A woman's na tional committee built along the lines of the regular national committee, will be uTRaiiizcd by republicans to line up feminine votes in the twelve western suffrage states for Candidate Hughes. This was the announcement here to day by James R. Garfield of Ohio, chairman of the committee organizing women of the western suffrage, states. A western woman will be madV chair man and headquarters will be estab lished in Chicago, said Garfield. Krank 11. Hitchcock of New York ex peeled here today for a conference with western campaign managers, will not arrive until probably Friday, A meeting of the general advisory boajd at New York today prevented his de parture. He will join Western Cam paign Manager Alv'in T. Hert and his staff at Indianapolis Thursday for the notification of Vice-Presidential Can- i (imnres cnaries vt. r airoanKs. ! Henry J. Allen of Kansas, former progressive, brought reports that I Kansas would elect the entire republt I can slate and give Hughes a majority ; of 80,000. Allen was on his w ay to ' Maine where he will make a number j of speeches. I War. -- ! Officer What are your duties, my ! tnnnf ' Outpost Ok; to mess around 'ere till the relief 'tome. London Opinion. . Washington, Aug. !!. The Ohio. Kentucky and Vermont militia, which has been mobilized, has been ordered to the border, the war department an nounced today. Following is the text of the an nouncement issued by the war press bureau: "Orders previously issued temporar ily suspending the movement of the militia of Vermont, Kentucny and Ohio to the southern department, have been revoked. These troops will join the division to which assigned in the recent divisional organization of the militia called into the federnl service." The war department would give no information why the militia was order ed to the border at this time, when the strike situation is more serious, than at the time of the last order holding them home. The only explanation was that tho above troops are a part of tactical uuits at the border already- organized and the department wishes to completed the movement. ALIEN CONVICTS ESCAPE Ik t STATE HOUSE NEWS ; Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use for over 30 years, has borne the signature oC i ana has been made under his per- The report of the Pacific car demur rage bureau for February, March, April and May, has just been received at the office of the state public service com mission. A comparisun presented there in between California and Oregon con tains some food for thought on the part of people interested in such mitt-1 teis. In Oregon Ofc.fx per cent ot cars for loading were held overtime, Oit.xij per cent of cars for unloading were held overti me, 08.117 per cent of all cars reported were held overtime. In Cali fornia 00.04 per cent of cars for load ing were hold overtime, 02.82 per cent of ears for unloading were held overtime, and 01.74 per cent of ull cars reported were held overtime. tf' ' sonal supervision since its infancy. GCAcute; Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other areotic substance. Its afro is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm and allays Fcvcrishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, AVlnd Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrha.-a. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's l'anacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THt CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CtTY, Articles of incorporation were filed this morning at the office of Corpora tion Commissioner .Schulderman by the Albany Bound-Up nssociation, of which the incorporators are Hoy Newport, B. I R. Wallace, Al Sternberg and E. F. Bailey, and the capital stock $5,000; by tho Inventors' Dexelopment company of Portland, capitalized for $25,000; and by Reiner & Fields, Inc., automobile j dealers of Portland, with a capital stock of $5,000. A meeting of the Desert Land board is being held today. It is expected that only routine matters will be given attention. A requisition has been issued upon the governor of Washington by Govern or Withycombe for Frank Mahood, who is wanted in 1'ortlnnd to answer to a charge of non-support. Conspired to Kidnap j . H. Harriman's Son St. Anthony, Idaho. Aug. 29. Three! men were in jail today on suspicion of conspiring to kidnap Roland Harri- iiii.ll, UK-1 fW'l Ul 1UL lUt XI. Hnrrimnn, railroad magnate. The suspects are Davis Mcl.oy, Mark A. Lufkin and Ralph Cuselt. The evi dence agninst them is said to consist of letters, written by one of the pris oners to the foreman of the Harriman raucii on the Snake river. This foreman charges the men wrote him, suggesting that he help them steal the boy and hold him in the mountnins until heavy ransom was paid WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation company Tho tiruhamona leaves Snlem for Port land at 0 o'clock on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. No boat south of Salem, Boat leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday mornings until further notice. The Nation's Favorite Better Nut There Is No Better Always Watch This Ad" -Changes Often HltMI)ttHHUIHHttHHtttHm)ttllllltlH))4l Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest price for all kladj ofl junk, metal, rubber, hides and fnra. I pay 2c per pound for aid raft. Big stock of all liiea second band incubators. All kind eoorafatai iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing paper aad awoavd linoleum. H. Steinback Junk'Co. The House of Half a Millioi Barfalaa. I8 North Commercial It, Pkeaa aw t ! mm CLIFFORD BECOMES MORE INDIFFERENT ANDI M Jamestown. X. D., Aug. 29. Leaping from a federal prison car, attached to a Northern Pacific train uear Sanborn, 30 miles east of here today, three alien convicts being sent from Seattle to New York for deportation, caught a westbound freight train leaviug San born and escaped. CHAPTER VII. Mildred had not yet been allowed to see her baby, although she was nearly two weeks old. She had been very illj indeed, aud was not then entirely out of danger. Her husband had been in to see her every day. but she had not beeu allowed ' to talk, and most of the time had been only dimly conscious of his presence. Today she was better. She longed for Clifford, as women do for the father of their children, for getting his neglect, thinking that now he must surely love and be kind to her, if only for baby's sake. How she wanted her baby! the doctor had promised she should have her for a few minutes if she would promise not to excite herself. So she lay very quietly waiting, a happy smile on her lips. "if ay I come in, nurse f The doctor says Mrs. Hammond is much better this morning." The First Visit Without waiting for a reply, Clifford Hammond entered the room, leaned over the bed, and. after kissing Mil dred, asked: "How do you feel this morningf Von are looking much brighter and bet ter. I expect you will soon be sitting up." He then repented part of a con versation he had had with the doctor that morning nnent her condition. Mildred smiled happily, retaining her hold upon his hand. "Yes, I am better," her voice was; Vftrv wonlr TTa It-id ti lian1 atnvd ' hear. ."And Clifford, dear. 1 am so' anxious to see my baby. Really, I am quite jealous that you should have seen her first," the loving smile she gave him belying her words. She looked so sweet, so childish, lying there, it was almost impossible to be lieve she was a mother. "I want my baby." she repeated. "Tlease make them bring her to me." Clifford appeared preoccupied, and the nur.e answered her plea for her child: "You shall have her in a little while. Just as soon as you are rested from Mr. Hammond's visit. You know the doctor's orders were 'Only one at a time.' " Mildred gave a little sigh of content, softly pressing Clifford's hand, which she still held closely in her thin little fingers. "I hope our babv will be prettr, don't you. Clifford t" Clifford laughingly replied: "I guess all babies look pretty much alike when they are so small." Mildred looked a little disappointed that he had not been more enthusiastic, but iu her own mind she felt sure that ner hahv tnilSt Ka t)ia varv Itrnt-finat sweetest baby iu all the world. Neglected. "I Am rlnit vmi nr. fAlin an mtik B - i l .... u. better this morning," Clifford broke ia upon her happy reverie. "I have made arrangements to go on a fishing trip, and we leave today. I shall go away feeling sure you are all right," Clif ford remarked after a few nnmnnU casting rather a shamefaced glance at tne Trained nurse, and turning away from Mildred 's wondering eyes. His wife stirred uneasily on her pil low, loosening her hold on his hand. She had not heard rightly. He was try ing to tell her of some one who waa going fishing. She had not understood. Clifford couldn 't do such a cruel, selfish thing as to leave her alone at this time to go on a pleasure trip. She was ao weak no wonder she couldn't get things straight. Turning on her pillow so that aha could look more directly at him aha whispered: "what did you -say, deart I didn't understand." Inpatiently he repeated what he had said: "I'm going fishing! " (Tomorrow Clifford 's Incredible Callousness.)