Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 29, 1916, Image 1

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mil ii 11 ii ii- ui -uffByMjR: u ai iifi )j 1 i 1 1 11
30,000 i $rst Army Which
It Is filleged, Is In
Germans Plan Drive That
Will Crush Rumania Can
They Do It?
London, Aug. 29. Germany is
preparing for Greeces' entry into !;
the war, said u Copenhagen dis-
patch to the Exchange Tele-
gruph today. A number of
Greek.. already have left Ger-
many, the dispatch said, and
diplomats at Berlin believe war
inevitable. -
Chancellor Von Bethmann-
' Holwegg will receive the Greek sf
minister tomorrow, the report
By Carl W. Ackerman.
i United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, Aug. 29. A great battle may
oc.ur along the Rumanian frontier
within a few hours.
Rumania has beeu concentrating large
forces along the Transylvania border for
several dnys, the Tageblatt reported to
day. The Teutonic forces took prompt
measures to guard against a sudden in
vasion and have massed sufficient
troops to meet the Rumanian attack.
The patrol skirmishes reported in yes
terday's official war office statement
may mark the beginning of an impor
tant engagement.
The Berlin newspapers commented
with grent restraint upon Rumania's
entrance into the war. The general
opinion of German critics is that Ru
mania will play no important part in
military affairs except that it will be
necessary to regroup the forces of the
central powers to some extent to meet
the new enemy. The I.okal Anzeiger
points out that the Rumania declara
tion does not affect the food situation
because Rumania has exported little
food to Germany and Austria lately.
Chancellor Von Bcthmnnn-Hollweg
.held a lengthy conference today with
the leading ministers, including Dr.
Helfferich, vice-chancellor and Acting
Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Ticutler Branteestratur.
The Loknl Anzeiger announced today
that Field Marshal Mackensen is in
command of the Teutonic armies in the
"The people of the extended entente
will find us ready to meet the new sit
uation created by Rumania's entrance
into the war," said the Lokal "Anzeig
er. "Next to Hiiidenburg on the east
front, Mackensen will now begin a new
bloody work in the Balkans. Now his
time has come to reap the harvest of
long montus or quiet preparation.
Oispatehes from Kronstadt, Transyl
vania, six miles from the Rumanian
frontier, report that since Sunday an
unbroken stream of German and Aus-
trimi refugees have been crossing the
border from Rumania. They declare
that Rumania's declaration of war
came as a complete surprise to the in
habitants of Kuniauia, but that Russia,
(Continued on Paare Seven.)
ome folks are like a sky rocket.
They make a noisy git away, bust an'
then fall by th"' way. Prosperity
(mockers are th' latest.
Blaze Starts from Careless
Campers in Snoqualmie
Forest Reserve
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 2!). Fifty ad
ditional fire fighters were sent out to
day to aid the men already combatting
the forest fires reported raging in the
Snoqunlmie forest reserve near the
summit of the Cascades. The fire is
burning along the White Chuck river
and 1500 acres of timber already have
been burned over. The loss is estimat
ed at several thousand dollars. The
Northern Pacific railroad station at
Lester was saved with difficulty by
employes of the company who stretched
long lines of hose from locomotives
with which to fight the flames.
Small fires reported from various
parts of Pierce county last week, are
now under control.
Carelessness on the part of motorist9
and campers is assigned by state fire
warden F. E. Pnpe as the cause of the
greater number of the fires started in
the reserve.
With Mrs. Hughes Takes
Some Hard Climbs in
Colorado's Big Park
By Perry Arnold
(United Press staff correspondent)
; Estes Park, Colo., Aug. 29. The lure
of the mountain trails caught Charles
E. Hughes today. With Mrs. Hughes
by his Bide in a gown of creamy linger
ie and white pumps, he essayed a pre
cipitous cliff which juts downward
from tlMvi'allB river highway in Colon
ial Park to view Chasm Falls.' The
stiff climb down the rock strewn gorge
was entirely impromptu, as Mrs,
Hughes explained, ruefully pointing to
her dainty pumps.
"I do not usually do mountain
climbing in these shoes," she said as
she caught her husband's hand and
was helped from one great boulder to
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes spent the day
motoring, playing golf and in strolling
about the lesser nills in the vicinity of
Estes Park. In the long ride up the
magnificent roadway which rises a
sheer 2000 feet within four miles, Mr.
Hughes discovered some "teeth" in1
Meeker's Point, the mountain shield-i
ing the continental divide, that al
most tempted him to start climbing
despite his modish sack suit and new
russet shoes. He restrained himself,
however, until Chnsm Falls was reach
ed, when his penchant for overcoming
obstacles overcame him.
The guests of the Stanley hotel are
already getting accustomed to seeing
Mr. Hughes lounging easily in a big
rocking chair, on the veranda, discuss
ing altitudes and mountain climbing
with other, enthusiasts.
He mislaid his hut today and there
was hurried search for it before he
could go out and discuss general, but
not "political'' conditions, with Wil
liam Allen White, who live here dur
ing the summer. -
! esneCjiBiy in their relation to the adop
? a . . I tion ot o'n eight hour day. The matter
1 TODAYS BALL SCORES Ji tfcr ,w-eek9 W fiBV
u"" m viuu vvvmujv . j rm,uited in a complete dead
First game R. H. E.
Detroit 9 12 0
New York 17 1
Covnleski and Spenrerj Cullop, Love
and Alexander.
Second game R. H. E.
Detroit 4 9 0
Xew York 17 0
Dauss and Spencer; Mogridge and
Chicago 2 9 4
Philadelphia 9 10 0
Cicotte. Williams, Dnnforth and
Lapp; Johnson and Haley.
First game R-St.-
Louis 5
H. E.I
Boston 3
Davenport and Severoid; Leonard,'
Ruth and Mays and Thomas. Uf theii demands were refused; the
Second game R. H. E-! strike was imminent; it has since been
St. Louis 8 ! 1 set for the fourth of September next.
Boston i. 2 ti - it aft'ccts the men who man the freight
Groom and Severoid; Shore, yckoff ; tra;ng on practically every railway in
and Cady. .(the country. The freight service
Washington 0
Bagbv and O'Neill; Shaw, Ayres and
.. 3
.. 2
New York
Ssllee, Shocker and Mctarthy; 3o.it-
ehell and Clark
Philadelphia .. 8 7 3
Chicago 3 tf 2
Rixey and Burns; Vaughn and El
liott. Boston 0 12 2
Pittsburg 18 2
Tvler and Gowdy; Jacobs, Kantelh
ner and Schmidt.
Outlines Trouble from Begin
ning and Details His Ef
forts for Peace
Suggests Legislation Neces
sary for Protection of
Entire Country
Effect of Message
On Pending Strike
Washington, Aug. 29. The
railroad brotherhood leaders in
dicated this afternoon after the
president's speech that it had
no way altered their determina
tion to strike Monday unless a
satisfactory agreement is
reached with the managers.
The thirteen general chair
men of the railway brotherhood
remaining here to deal with the
strike situation will leave for
home immediately, it was an
nounced late this afternoon.
Only the four brotherhood pres
idents will stay in the city and
they plan to direct the strike
from here.
Railway presidents took the
oposite view.
"The strike is off for the
present," some of them said.
'The brotherhood men will not
dare call a strike while congress
is threshing the matter out."
That the legislative program
outlined by the president could
be put through congress in two
days, possibly is one, provided
the joint interstate commerce
committee can get together im
mediately without serious dif
ferences," is the belief of House .
Leader Kitchin.
Washington, Aug. 29. The presi
dent's speech to congress on the rail
road strike issue follows:
"Gentlemen of the Congress:
"I have come to you to seek your
assistance in dealing with a very grave
situation, which has arisen out of the
demand of the employes of the railroads
engaged in freight train service that
they be granted an eight hour working
day, safeguarded-by payment for an
hour and a half of service for every
hour of work beyond the eight.
"The matter has been agitated for
more than a year. The public has been
made familiar with the demands of the
men and the arguments urged in favor
! of them and even more familiar with
the objections of the railroads and their
counter demand that certain privileges
now enjoyed by their men and certain
basis of "payment worked out through
many years of contest be reconsidered,
lock between the parties.
Law is Inadequate.
"The means provided by law for the
rueOia'.ion of he controversy failed and
th.) means of arbitration for which the
ht provides were rejected. The rep
resentatives of the railway executives
pn posed that the demands of the men
be submitted in their entirety to arbitra
tion r.long with certain questions of re
adjustment as to pay and conditions of
employment which seemed to them to
be cither closely associated with the
demands or to call for reconsideration
on their own merits; the men absolutely
1 declined arbitration, especially if any
j of their established privileges were
by that means to be drawn again in
question. The law in the matter put
no compulsion upon them. The four
ltmla.l thnnennrl man frnm tvhnm thA
,iemauj8 proceeded had voted to strike
tlirniiahnnt the United States must
' stand still ufitil their places are filled
if, indeed, it should prove possible to
fill them at all. Cities will be cut off
from their food supplies, the whole
commerce of the nation will be para
lvzed, men of every sort and occupa
tion will be thrown out of employment.
"i countless thousands will in all likelihood
be brought, it may be, to the very
point of starvation, and a tragical na
tional calamity brought on, to be added
to the other distresses of the time, be
cause no basis of accommodation or set
tlement has been found.
Eight Hour Day ia Just
"Just so soon as it became evident
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Governor Notified Department
Will Send Cruiser to
Take Part
At the request of those having charge
of the arrangements for t'ne annual As
toria regatta, Governor Withycombe has
lately taken up with the secretary of
the navy, Honorable Josephus Dnuiels,
the possibility of securing the U. 8.
Marblehead, now stationed in Portland,
for participation in the regatta at As
toria, September 1 to 4.
Governor Withycombe has today re
ceived a telegram from Acting Secre
tary of the Navy Benson advising him
that the governor's request has been
granted and the Marblehead will be au
thorized to proceed to Astoria and re
main there during the regatta, and that
the crew will be augmented by two ad
ditional officers and 50 men, members
of the Oregon Naval Militia. Acting
Secretary Bensou further stated that
this addition to tht crew of the Mar
blehead would be allowed five days'
pay and subsistence for that time.
Indian Sold Mine Took Family
for Ride in Hearse to
Show His Class
Maysville, Cal., Aug. 29. Jim Tobin
is just an untutored Indian, but he cer
taiuly knows how to entertain his fam
ily when his days are flush. The best
is none too good for him.
So when he . soldi a mine on Slate
creek, he determined to celebrate in
style. Taxicabs had no appeal for Jim
when he brought his squaw and pap
pooses hero but he saw a discarded
hearse in the rear of a livery stable
and immediately purchased it. Next he
bought a watermelon apiece for the
squaw and each of her six children,
placed the whole family in the glass
enclosed dead wagon and proudly jog
ged up and down Main street display
ing to the wondering world his idea of
"class" in, celebrations. A trail of
watermelon seeds and rinds marked the
hearse's path.
When last seen, Jim was joy riding
his hearse over the sixty mile trail to
wards home, the proudest Indian in
$ Late War Bulletins
Salonika, Aug. 29. Cheers went up
all along the 140 mile front of the al
lies in the Balkans when news of
Rumania's declaration of war was
flashed to the battle front from
Tho first word was received here
early yesterday. Bulletins were dis
played in the troop camps and the
news was rushed on to the front.
Thousands of small slips of paper,
carrying word of Rumania's action,
were hastily printed and carried to the
front by Anglo-French aviators to be
showered behind the Bulgarian lines.
Rumor of Resignations.
The Hague, Aug. 29. A report was
circulated in diplomatic circles here to
day that both Foreign Secretary Von
Jagow and Under Secretary Zimmer
man have tendered their resignations
to the German chancellor as the result
nf Rtittianin'a iteclnrntinn nf war. nnd
that the resignations have been ac
General Attack Made.
London, Aug. 29. Rumanian troops
attacked on the whole Teutonic front
yesterday and met with success, said
a Bucharest dispatch transmitted from
Rome by" wireless today.
Fighting Has Begun.
Berlin, Aug. 29. Fighting between
Teutonic forces and Russo-Rumauia
vanguards in the Carpathians, was re
ported by the war office this after
The wording of the German official
statement suggests that Russinn'troops
have already joined the Rumanians
near the Hungarian border.
Humored Assassinations.
London, Aug. 29. A wireless dis
patch from Rome this afternoon said
reports of serious occurrences in Sofia
have reached there. It has not been
possible to verify these reports, the
dispatch added, but from the fragmen
tary character of advices reaching
Rome it appears that German and
Turkish officers in the Bulgarian cap
ital have been assinated.
Rumanians Defeated.
Amsterdam, Aug. 29. Rumanian
troops have been - defeated in an en-
Must Get Laws In Operation
Before Monday Says
One Leader
Brotherhood Will Submit De
cision Today Rejecting
Railroad Proposal
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Tress staff correspondent.)
Washington, Aug. 29. If President
Wilson plans to halt threatening rail
road strike through a law simijur to the
Canadian disputes act, he must get it
passed beforo Monday, Otherwise the
brotherhood leaders will go ahead with
their plans for walking out Labor
This intimation came very broadly
from the brotherhood camp today and
the intimation is supported by the nu
ture of the Canadian law. The law
rrcvents a lockout or a strike being
started during a given period. Hence,
if the strike is already in effect Mon
day, the law will be inoperative in the
view of brotherhood leaders.
To Reject Proposals.
Washington, Aug. 29. Tho four
brotherhood chiefs and tho 24 members
of the executive committee today
agreed to reject the proposal of the rail
road presidents as made to President
Wilson yesterday. No formal announce
ment was made, but it is known this
actbn wf) taken". "
"We-will submit our decision to the
president leday." said President Lee.
of tho Brotherhood of Trainmen.
Tim . morning meeting heard the re
port of tho lour leaders on their con
ference with the president Inst night,
at which they told him their final pur
pose, though they did not report specif
ically on the railway presidents' pro
posals. Cannot Change Order.
The brotherhood heads explained to
day they have no authority to rescind
the strike for September 4. The resolu
tion, adopted Sunday, before the U40
representatives left for home, they said,
gave them authority to fix the date and
hour of the strike "unless prior to the
day and hour so fixed, notice shall have
been received that the proposal of the
pre?idei't of the United' States, accepted
by us August 18, has been accepted by
th! lniliond companies."
It ii understood that the executive
ciinmittee of 24, to whom full powers
were aelegateu by the (40, could grant
such authority to the four leaders, but
that it has thus far withheld it.
Brotherhood leaders feel that Presi
deat Wilson's proposal for eight hour
day laws will be a greater burden to
the railroads than to the men. Under
it, a vast number of non-union men
would automatically become eight hour
men and while the brotherhood, men
would get only eight hours an no in
crease in pay they believe the
economic pressure caused by such a svs
tem would weigh more heavily on the
railroads than granting tho president's
"Misery loves company," said a
prominent lender. "The railroads'
reason for refusing the men's demands
is purely economic; our reasons contnin
humanitarian elements, so if the rail
roads must include in the eight hour
day the men whom they call the down
trodden eighty per cent, they will be
suffering 20 times to our one."
Great Throttle in Labor.
President Wilson's other proposal
creating a law similar to the Canadian
disputes act is generally opposed by the
brotherhoods. They call it "the great
est throttle on labor" ever devised.
"While the law provides that no ac
tion shall be taken by cither side, pend
ing investigation," said a leader, "ex-
i perience in Canada hows that capital
always has taken advantage of the in
vestigation period to prepare for a
strike. The Canadian act is named for
Lemieux. We have been 'Lcmieux' too
mnn times "
Whether the brotherhoods will fight
the law provided it is passed before in
auguration of a strike is conjectural.
"I cannot discuss the law, for it is a
question when uch a law would be
operative," said A. B. Garretson,
spokesman for the brotherhoods.
"I don't know whether it would be
"What would happen if the law were
passed about Monday noon after a
strike was started" the leader was
"Well I should say tho men would
have plenty of leisure time to consider
gagement near Tomos Pass, south of
the Transylvania city of Kronstadt,
according to Vienna dispatches to
night. The Invading forces were driv
en back to Rumanian soil.
Many Witness Ceremony
Philippine Bill Also Be
comes Law
Washington, Aug. 2 President Wil
son today signed the army, navy, Phil
ippine and bill of ladings bills.
The ceremony was featured by the
preseace of nearly a hundred persons,
including Secretary of War Baker,
members of the committees who bundl
ed the different bills in the house and
senate, prominent Filipinos and others.
"I think the whole country will
feel," the president said, after signing
the army appropriation bill, "that this
congress has donea great servico in
the cause of national defense. This
bill, which provides appropriations
for the army and does not deal with the
reorganization plan, shows Miat the na
tion's finances are behind tho defense
"The navy bill Is a remarkable one.
Never before hns so much been done
to buill up this branch of the service.
"The Philippine bill excites pecul
iar feeling in me because there have
been times when tho people of the is
lands have doubted our spirit toward
them. This provides for a genuine and
broader safe government, contentment
and political capacity. It is high time
this country admitted tills act of jus
Fiftieth and Perhaps Last Na
tional Encampment at
Kansas City
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 29. Fifteen
thousand veterans thronged Camp
Kansas City today for the fiftieth en
campment of the Grand Army of the
Rcnublic. Downtown thoroughfares
wcro crowded with the wearers of the
blue, while hotel lobbies and convention
hall buzred with stories of 'CI. It was
a day of memories for those who had
fought and bled for tho fiunl cementing
of the Union.
While meetings of the national coun
cil of administration and the commit
tee on credentials were scheduled for
today, the rank and file were freo to
search foi' the long missing comrade or
fight again the battles of the war.
Death has claimed two of tho wear
ers of the little bronie button whose
.latnrminiitinn in MPA tllfl boVS OnCC
again was stronger than their- feeble
bodies. B. W. Marey, or roiem, nnu
Spencer Richardson, of Dallas, both
died of heart distase.
Joy and Borrow mingled at the reg
istration booths. Occasionally there is
a meeting of comrades long scparnteJ
and registration in that immediate
vicinity usually halts for a minute. More
often there is disappointment caused
by the absence of a comrade, whom the
veteran may have come half across the
continent to meet.
The attendance has decreased some
what, due to the fear of a railroad
strike, and lack of rates, but will reach
forty thousund.
A special train brought six hundred
veterans of the departmeat of Illinois
Into the city from Chicago this morn
ing. Delegations from Ohio aud West
Virginia ulso arrived.
Red Cross stations were opened to
day at several downtown points to
' . . . 1 il...!.
euro tor weary veterans aim nicir
The encampment opens tonight with
a semi-official meeting at the conven
tion hull. Governor Arthur Capper, of
Kansas, will deliver the address of wel
come. Trading Was Light
Market Not Uneasy
New York, Aug. 29. The New York
Evening sun financial review today
J says:
I Trading in tho greater part of to
jdav's session was relatively light in
volume, with the business poorly dis
tributed and chiefly a reflection of the
! operations of the professional clement.
Although at time moderato declines
were reported, the movement did not
accompany important liquidation or evi
dence of uneasiness among the sub-
'stantinl Wall street interests regarding
the railroad labor situation.
Losses recorded in rail stocks, as for
instance Union Pacific, Reading nnd
New York Central, failed to ottnrct ac
tive offerings, while weakness in some
of the munition shares and specialties
was not effective in bringing on a
general selling movement.
In the first part of the afternoon
prices held firm at or slightly above the
early low points, with fair buying noted
in Mercantile Marine, many of the cop
pers and United States Steel. Tennessee
Copper was exceptionally weak.
Just because woman was made from
man's rib is no reason why he shouldn't
have a little backbone left.
President Appears Before
Congress and Asks for
Pionts Out Things Necessary
to Prevent Disaster Now
and in Future
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staft correspondent.)
Washington, Aug. 29. As a dramatis
climax to his unprecedented negotia
tions to avert the most disastrous lajjor
war that ever threatened the United
States, President Wilson this afternoon
appeared before a joint session of con
gress and urged legislation "to safe
guard tho life and intorest of the na
tion." Ho said he urged the legislation "not
in haste or merely as a means of meet
ing a present emergency, but as per
manent mid necessary additions to the
law, suggested, indeed, by circumstances
we had hoped never to see, but impera
tive as well as just, if such emergencies
are to be prevented in the future."
He recommended:
Immediate provision for the enlarge
ment and administrative reorganization
of the interstate commerce commission,
enabling the committee to deal with
tho duties now devolving upon it "with
a promptness and thoroughness whieh.
are with its prosent constitution and
means of ' action practically impoa
liblc." Establishment of an eight hour day
as the legal basis ali'.te of work and of
wages in the employment of all railroad
employes engaged in operating trains in
interstate transportation. ' The time fer
the institution of thl law is to be de
termined by congress. The president
suggested no date.
Wants Full Investigation.
Authorization of the appointment by
the president of a commission to study
results in the application of the eleht
hour dny to railroad operation, alike
for the men and for the roads; the In
vestigators to report to congress at the
earliest possible date but without recom
mendation as to legislative action.
Approval by congress of consideration
bv the interstate commerce commission
of freight rate increases to meet such
additional expenditures by the roads an
are rendered necessary by adoption of
the eight hour day.
Amendment of the federal law which
provides for the mediation, conciliation,
and arbitration of such controversies as
the present by adding a provision that
in caso methods of accommodation now
provided should fail, a full public inves
tigation shall be instituted and complet
ed before a strike or lockout may law
fully bo attempted.
Empowering the president in ease of
military necessity to take control of
such portions and rolling stock of the)
railway sas may be required for mili
tary use and to operate them for mili
tary purposes with authority to draft
into tho military sorvlce of the coun
try such train crews and administrative)
Officials lis circumstances require.
Told of HU Efforts.
The president outliucd in detail his)
efforts to effect a settlement of the
nendinir dispute through friendly nego
tiations. His efforts, he said, had "re
sulted in complete deadlock."
Now the country faces, he said, a
great nntionul calamity with "cities cut
off from food supplies and the com
merce of the nation paralyzed. Count
less thousands will in all likelihood be
brought, it may be, to be the very point
of starvation."
Mediation under the existing laws
has failed, he admitted aud arbitration
hus been rendcrod impossible "by the
ottitude o'f tho men."
He said that he had offered the eight
hour day as a basis for agreement be
cause the "whole spirit of the time and
the prepondcrcnt evidence of recent
economic experience" spoke out for it.
Tn the face of indications that the
railroads would "ultimately be obliged
to accept the eight hour day by con
certed action of organized labor, backed
(Continued from Page Five.)
Oregon: To
night and Wed
nesday unsettled,
probably show
ers, cooler to
night except
near the coast,
cooler east por
tion Wednesdayj
westerly winds.