EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUG. 28, 1916, Salem's Big Department Store 55 New Showing of Fall Coats and Suits See the Big Display in Our Ready-to-Wear Department New Shipment of Women's Silk Sweaters and Wool Sweaters An excellent variety in the newest styles and colors green, gold, rose, lavendea, maize, blue, peony and purple. Women's Bathing Suits, special $1.98 Women's Summer Dresses, entire stock 1 Half Price Women's Summer Waists two big lots 98c Each Clearance of, Women's Summer Dresses at $3.75 - s 810th WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE BUNGALOW APRONS Just the thing for hop picking, prune or berry pick ing. Made of a good quality gingham. Special sur prise event for next Wednesday only. No more than four to a customer. Sale starts at 8::?0. Each Hop-Picking Gloves For men, women and children. Gauntlet and elas tic wrist styles. Priced 2 pairs for 25c and 3 pairs for 25c QUALITY AND SERVICE I Si g .V.V.M .V.V.M Amount Is Fifteen Million Embargo On Shipment to Aus Dollars To Be Used While 1 tria and Germany Means Not Employed i Heavy Losses By Card D. Croat. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 28. Fifteen mil lion dollars bulge in the war cheat of the railroad brotherhoods. Thii amount about equally divided among the four unions is ready today for distribution among the men should they need strike relief. It is to be doled out in portions of $10 a month among the 40(1,000 men who would be involved in a national railroad tie-up. How long it would lust is problematical for relief might star with the opening of the strike or might be delayed until later. . As the brotherhood men view it, their mighty war cheat probably would not be touched in the forthcoming strike for they believe it would be so brief that the men would not feel the pinch oi unemployment. .This great war fund has been gather ed through weekly contributions, cov ering a long space of time. ' The assess ment varies according to the members' earning, but tho total sum per year is written in fixed thousands. - One little coda word wired from Washington to every railruud center in the country is sufficient to precipitate the strike. The more than 000 broth erhood delegates, who left for their posts yesterday, carried instructions for running a strike. Trains on the line will be run to the Dearest junction; fires will be banked nd engines oiled. The engines and the 4 Washington, Aug. 28. The state de partment has knowledge of concessions granted by Great Britain giving the British-American Tobacco company vir tual monopoly o'f export trade with France and Italy, Foreign Trade Ad viser Letcher declared today. Ho made the statement to tobacco growers' representatives who had called ut the capitol to urge a formal protest against England's embargo on ship ments to Austria and Germany, effec tive Thursday. Confronted with a loss of $10,000,000 to 15,000,000, tobacco growers in five states ire panic strick en, their representatives said. The English concessions, in conjunc tion with the embargo on tobacco, the growers declared, will menu the British-American company can reduce the prices paid American growers who will have no other outlet for the big export crops. Charges of bad faith by F.nglaml aud demnnd 'for stern retaliatory measures were made by Senator Swnnson, Vir ginia. Joel Fort, of Clnrksville, Tcnu., hinted that Englnnd's unexpected em- cars will be delivered to the companies I in perfect condition and every union I man will quit the property, with orders ! to voiil violence or trespass. Only 24 of tho biggest brotherhood men remain hero today. According to i their version they must stand pat on the eight hour day with 10 hours pay. Tho feeling in the men's quarters is I that the strike is only n few dnvs off. The Salem Bowling Alleys will be opened on or about Sept 1, under management of M. L. Patlon. Will cater to highclass trade. One afternoon will be reserved each week for ladies and escorts. Doolittle & Bergholz, Props. m bnrgo may "show collusion on the part of that government with the Imperial Tobacco company or with the American Tobacco company." Fort explained that on information received at tho state department that Great Britain would not include tobac co in embargoed products, farmers had devoted increased acreage to tobacco. Placing of tobacco on tho embargo list, he said, had thrown the growers into a panic. Unless rcdresB is forthcoming, Fort said, tobacco prices would drop to ruinous levels. Senator Swnnson urged a drastic pro test by the state department. "England doesn't care anything about fair play," said Senator Martin. "I think a threat o'f retaliation would go a long way toward alleviating conditions." (Continued from rage One.) LOOK YOUNG The double-vision glasses worn by the man or woman of middle age look exactly like the single vision glasses worn by young people of twenty-five if the double-vision glasses are Ktcc.VK Ak f' em by Name j Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard Building:, Phone 109. MM MM MMM inraifYftrfrrirRa L. r r a neiirmui uw iun 11 im cjt.tpiiuuti louib DM14, Mnd tc. in llaunp your Sylyr' nmo 10 VlTu,ton. Ivm. I, Ttmrt Building. New Vork. N. V. this wns left with him for his con sideration. "This committee expects to see the president again in the near future but before leaving the committee pointed out to him that if, as reported, the date for declaring the strike had been fixed for September 4, it would force an early conclusion of the negotiations and compel tho president to return to their properties to prepare for the issue.'' , Order for Strike. Tho body of the order the executives showed follows; "This is to advise that the vote of the employes in train and engine serv ice on the eight hour and time and one half for overtime proposition was overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. "Notwithstanding this, you represen tatives have been unable to effect a satisfactory settlement and a strike un der the laws of the respective organ izations becomes effective on (here the date of September 4 is stamped with a rubber stamp) at (here 7 a. in. is writ ten In ink.) "Impart j this informivtion so that those interested will understand that they nro to promptly obey. "Fraternally yours, "General Chairman." There is no other signature. A statement of the "duties o mem bers and officers in conduct of strike" accompanies the order. It re quires that no trainmen shall perform nnv service after the strike hour unless he already has begun a trip and left ' the terminal. No difference )s made between a mail train and a freight train. Of this feature the stntinont says "you have identically tho same right to refuse to perform service on a mail train as you have to refuse to pertorm service on a freight train." The statement orders all brotherhood members to stay away from railway property and warns members to avoid violence.. , Tho statement is on paper with the union card of a New York typograph ical union. Roads Want to Be "Coerced " Washington. Aug. 28 President Wil son arrived at tho senate office build ing at 8:53 p. m. and went into session with the senate steering committee in the latter 's committee room. Senator Reed was in the committee room alone when the president arriv ed. The other members of the commit tee, Kerns, .Taes, O 'Gorman, Thomas, Cliuherlttin, Owens, Williams and Mar tin arrived very soon thereafter. There can be no denying that the administration feels the railroads thus far have indicated no desire to con sider any fair proposition other than arbitration of the whole dispute, which the president has not the power to en force. Ou democratic senator today said the railroads knew that if a strike were called they would be beuteu "and ad mit that the eight hour day would be forced upon them." He said their in tentiou then was to say they had been "coerced into accepting, it,'" MAY BEJLAST OF ALL Golden Jubilee May Be Last Ever Held of Veterans of the Civil War Kansas City, Mo., 'Awr. 28. Mobil ization of the Grand Army of the Re public for the golden jubilee encamp ment continued today, the forces of faded blue pouring through Union station in increasing numbers as the veterans from Kansas and Missouri and nearby states began to arrive. The first real convention meeting will not be held until tomorrow night and many planned not to get here before then. ' ' With the aid of the Boy Scouts, the visiting delegates were handled with out a hitch. The scouts showed par ties to hotels aud rooms, lugged heay Krips, ran all sorts of errands, winning the hearts of the old soldiers and their companies. Threats of a railway strike have kept ninny of "Lincoln's boys" from at tending the encampment, Adjutant General John Adams of Cincinnati said, adding that failure of the rail r6ads to grant rate and the hot sum mer in nearly every section of the country had also cut attendance. Here, however, the choicest weather prevailed, the maximum temperature yesterday being 08 degrees. Indications point that this will be the last national encampment. Sam D. Brown, commander of the depart ment of Kentucky, proposes hereafter that encampments be not held en mas se, but by delegates chosen from each state, proportioned ono delegate to each BOO members, their expenses to be paid by the encampment. Commander Brown said it wa9 only a year or two until the majority will cease attending, owing to increasing infirmities, and that his plan "will put us on a business basis ns well as patrio tic." He feels sure five hundred com rades could do the convention work ns well as it is done now, and that the others would be content to stay at home. Death claimed its first visiting vet eran today when N. W. Maey of To ledo, Ohio, toppled and tell as ho i started down the steps of the home of I Z. T. Robertson where he had been as- j signed a room. He wns dead when i help reached him. Death was believed duo to heart disease. An effort is be- j iug made to communicate w ith rein-' fives in Toledo. j Ten special trains carrying members ; of the O. A. R. have arrived within. 36 hours. Political talk has begun. William .1. Patterson of Pittsburg aud Patrick H. Coley of Topeka have already avowed . their intention of running for the of-1 fice of commander in chief. Others are appearing on the scene. The election will be held Friday. CHERRIAN GAZETTE ITEMS J The following is from the Marsh-j field edition of the Cherrian Gazette, issued while the Cherrians were do-j ing their part of the celebrating: "Win. Lerchen anrl Joe Reinhart, two men who beat their way in on the Cherrian special Friday evening are wanted by officers of North Bend on a charge of grand larceny. ! i kUrl..a I. rt;,.k if Cur E litis been voted the best snorer, not only for Car E but for the entire train. "Tom L. Billingsley, manager of street railway lilies for the S. P. Co.. was kept busy yesterday kissing the .iifdrrtn .lMlrtuutinn tlist met the Cherrian train Kugene, North Beud and Marshfield." I All Around Town 4-M---MMMMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMf rniwiwr events vvuiuiu liijuntu Aug. 31. Dr. Howard H. Rus sell, founder of Anti-Saloon League, address at First Christian church. September 4. Labor day. Sept. 7-8-9. Willamette Valley Tennis Tournament, Salem. September 0. Barnum & Bail ey's circus. September 11. Monthly meet ing Salem Floral society, Com mercial club. Sept. 18. Opening day of city schools. September 20. Monthly meet ing Commercial club. Address by Harwood Hall. Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it ?5oat all druggists. SENATOR CULBERSON WINS Wilson Senator Carries German Counties in Texas Democratic Primaries. In competition with California and easteru pump makers, the Salem Iron works was awarded the contract for shipping one of their Shand centrifugal pumps to Fort Jones, California. The firm has recently shipped their Shand centrifugal numns to Chehalis, Wash., Fort Jones, Calif., Turner, Oregon, and Dallas, Texas, Aug. 28. Senator the state farm, Salem. Charles A. Culberson, as the Wilson ean- 0 I didate, was leading' ex-G.ovcmor O. B. Now is the time to see how many , f.i!(4. ,, i,t ,.. .i.. Shelby Mazda electric lamps you need.j . ' . ' Loiint up men puone yo.T luchwuuu,, j- 216 T. Commercial ami he will do the ed, in the runoff primary for the dcuio rest. cratic 1'nited States senatorial nominn- 0 jtion. The standing was: Culberson, The car shortage continues and it ap- "rt507; Colquitt, 83,-157. pears that the Spaulding Logging com- A "ot.abl fr0'n o returns re pany is the principal sufferer in this that Senator Culberson ear part of the state. Their shortage at JJ rrnct.cally every German county present is 84 cars. Tiie Xewberg mill V1 th ,vas 1,1 these sect,?"H ' ... , . . .... .... .lie received riiiIi n rote as to ptmnln necus a, saieui is sno'i .w nnu id are - -- -- needed at Noon. The company oper- him to catch up on the apparently over- Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse- M correctly. U. S. Bank. Bid,;. As a final close of the festivities of the tiiird auiniul tournament of the Salem Tenuis cluli, a dinner dunce will be given at the -Minion on the evening of Saturday, eptemher f. Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf o The river is showing signs of summer dullness as rocky spots arc appearing in the slough and the quiet places are covered with green. Today the gtiage reads .2 of a toot below zero. o Quality stands first at Hartman Bros. Co., quality jewelers. Catherine Fisch at Mt. Angel has en tered complaint ut the district attor ney's office that certain boys have been subjecting her to annoyance, in vestigations will follow if further com plaints are received. Salem's finest and largest jewelery store is Hartman Bros, company. Mrs. E. B. Millard returned this ev ening from on over Sunday visit in Portland. Mrs. Millard, while in Port land, conferred with Mrs. A. O. Asseln in regard to the organization of a state Ladies' Auxiliary of tile Spanish War veterans. Dr. F. H. Thompson specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat. 4U Bank of Com merce. People traveling on the Grahamona from Salem to 1'ortlaud will be obliged to get up with the lark as the bout now leaves trie Salem hock at o o ciock on the mornings of Monday, Wednes day and Friday. The leaving time heretofore has been 7 o'clock in the morning, o Autos for hire, passenger and bag gage transferred, rates reasonable, country trips a specialty. C. G. Me ElroyPhone 947 or 639. septl o In connection with complaint re ceived from various fruit growers on lands adjoining hop yards that hop pickers have been in the habit of steal ing fruit, a statement "iias been issued by Deputy District Attorney Klmo S. White that this practice must cease or action will be taken through his office. needed at iNoon. i lie company oper- . , . .. . ' ates in Polk, Yamhill, Honton and Mar-IJ ;vhelm.ulr majority given his oppono i.... ..nuntie. r,.l now has H.-0.II(I0 feet , bv tl"'' 1"rt'r eollllties and cities. ion counties and now tins ti.iii.iani leet ut for shipment, mostly to California. When the warm weather came into I I... ,,,11. .1- I, ! (,.. Dlvnr.l,!,, A xeiegram was received irom ixari pi I,il.kl,, T)u, ,.,,,.,., for Tnrs. Neugcl.auer Saturday to the etleet hejlllv ,, VtiUiy UlUlril ,M, ,, 1(,r would leave Imperial Leach today for, Suudnv "0 0.'i The government seems to be short mule stcnograpiit'is ami to fill this shortage special examinations will bo held September 12 ami 20. Informa tion regarding these examinations may be seemed from the local postoffice or by writing the postmaster nt Seattle. -o The Cherrians were the only organi zation nt Mnrshl'ield that curried a Camp Withvcoinbe where he would re eeive his discharge. Fifteen men from the Third Oregon regiment will leave today for Camp Withycumbe to receive tiieir final discharge papers, Mr. Nou gehnuer being the only one in Company M. Besides holding down the job as manager of the Postal Telegraph com pany in Salem, secretary of the Cher rians and secretary of the Woodrow flag dining the competitive drills. And Wilson League, Arthur R. Wilson has: while the other organizations did a now qualified ' as a female iniperson- lot of fancy figures, the home guards ator. Dressed in the latest Parisian ; confined themselves tn military tacticf. style, he appeared at the jubilee dame j Result : The ( licrrians won first hou iu Marshfield ami succeeded in win- ors. ning the smiles of several men who o were taken by his engaging glances. Judge P. H. D'Arcy and party mo- o I tored to Newport Saturday returning , Tne gypsies are in town not the reg- Sunday evening by way of the new jilution caravan with half a dozen wag-1 road t'rom Kddyville. This road they ons, twice as many children and an; found in not very good condition, equal amount of dogs, but of the more. From Newport to Silct'4 the roads wen) up to date way of going about. They 'fair, but from Siletz to Falls City are touring in automobiles and to aj through the mountains, the traveling passer by, appear as ordinary tourists was pretty rough, until there is noticed an unusual a-l mount, nf re. I head dressinff and the' supply o turkeys and chickens on the! 5!!!'!'lt!l,l1skslt,ltl,slt back seats. They drove into n garage: on account of tire troubles, WE WANT MOTION PICTUBE PLAYS, COMEDY AND DKAMA Notice To those whom I have con-1 tracted with for Baitlctt Dears, those; Have you aa idea that you solicited and others, I will receive same think will make a good plav commencing Monday, Aug. 28th at the Write it out and send to us. It mav bo just what we want. If you do not know the correct form, we will be glad to send instructions. Western Motion Picture Co. Eureka, Calif. hop ware house of the Oregon Electric ; railway, corner Center and Front street Salem. Biiig in your Bartletts regard- less whether you have Ticen solicited or not. tirade them up carefully and re- eeive the highest market price, thel better the grade and quality fhe high-isjc er the price. J. B. Olingcr. Phone! g Don-. aug-iui The twinkle trot is the latest thing in foot movements, and ns the latest dunce, will be introduced into Salem so- ciety this winter. It is said to be very much like the fox tiot except just where the trot comes in, there is a sod- den shuffle of the feet, and the foot f that was in front reverses action, gets! behind the procession, nnd then sud- denlv recovers its self possession and continues to lead tor eight measures. Columbia Carbon Farer Mf. Oe. It is quite easy after once getting the I g3,d Broadway, Portland, Ore. hang of it. . " I STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY CarhonfY Hade in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from ach bbeet. Dr. B. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician, 309 Masonic bldg. phone 409. Deputy District Attorney White calls the attention of road supervisors to the state law which requires that Can ada thistles in the highways be cut be fore they go to seed. (Before the this tles go to seed, understand.) Reports are coming in that this matter is be ing neglected in some quarters. Always say Hygrade and you will get the highest grade 5 cent cigar on the market, Salem made. The Auxiliary of the Salem Rifle elnb will meet this evening nt 8 o'clock at the armory. Those who have rifles are requested by Captain Rosenberg to bring them, as' the work tonight will include the manual of arms. There will be no school for officers this ev ening. ' o One thousand hop pickers wanted to call and see the hop pickers tape at( Lockwood's 21ii X. Commercial. Comes in o, 10 and 25 cent packages. The Club bowling alleys at the cor-( ner of State ami Commercial sireeis have been bought by Messrs. Doolittle and Bergholt of Corvallis, and will be reopened September I under the name of the Salem bowling alleys. M. L. Pntton, who has made a success of the Obak alleys at Eugene, has been ap pointed manager and is already oa the job getting ready for the opening. Hop Pickers Wanted, good hops and camp ground, 1.00 per hundred. Reg ister with Martin Harding, Salem Hdw. Co. aug2 A Jolly party of Salem folks left hy auto Saturday afternoon to spend the week end at Taylor's Grove, above Mehama. The party returned at 9 o'clock last night, reporting a delight ful time, the principal features of which were a stepping party, bathing and fishing. Those who went: C. E. Albin and family, .1. B. Giesy and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deunisou, Mrs. E. Breekenridge, Mrs. G. Sullivan, the Misses Mary Pigler, Grace McGregor, George Pepoon. Marie Marshall, lel pha Moore, Lydia Lahuie, Grace Breek enridge, Ruth Merwood, and Messrs. Charles Craig, Paul Hendricks," Fred Reidesel, Floyd Meljnimi. Edward Thompson and Loren H. White. A crank satisfied. The crankiest in dividual on earth is made happy by using Grand 1'nion coffee. Try it next time. Phone 90S Lockwood, .10 N. Commercial. r t. o . tzz ; . . ' I J. E. Scott, of the real estate firm of j Scott & Bynon, will leave this even-j 3 ing for a two months business trip inLi!.s!.sk4Jt4J.AitJ,AJfi the east and south, giving his entire pjitt time to real estate matters. He will J - . . . . . stop first at Montrose, Colorado nnd; 3 Ipm-innPnPnnPrtrP Allfft Colorado Springs. The trip in the! OdKm mUKffVmKnW rtUlO south will include Stuttgart, Arkansas,! Qprvipa ami Ft. Worth, Texns. Later London, k'CI ",'c Ontario, will be visited and on his re- EDMTJNDSON & BURNER, Props turn he will stop at St. Paul, Minne-! Phone 059 or 1 235 npolis and Spokane. Miss Mildred1 Leaves Salem, cor. State and Seott of Los Angeles, who hns been vis-, Liberty Street daily except Sun- iting at the Scott home, will ai'com- day 8:00 a. in., 11:00 a. in., 2:30 pauy him as far as London. Ontario, i p. in. and 0:00 p. in. o I Leaves Independence opposito In delivering a short talk at Marsh- Postoffice daily except Sunday field, King Bing Deekebach told the, :U0 a. in., 12:30 p. in., 4:00 p. in. people of the Coos valley country that' the Salem Cherrians and other resi-!i louts of the capital city came to greet j. them as citizens of Oregon; that while heretofore they were perhaps better 4 and 7:00 p. m. Fare, 50c Extra Cars for Country Trips. , known in Sun Francisco than in Ore gon, hereafter they were to become a member of the Oregon family. He urg ed them to attend the state fair and be- ......... n.,,,li,tn.l u,;tk tlia (1,0. gon folks. Other organizations were hen In BALEM, OREGON, ltoF at in Marshfield for business only. Salem; RIIPH HflTFI and the Cherrians came just to greet i U Li I U H IlUlbb them, to extend the good will or the; ' Strictly Modern capital ami to assist in the celebration, j Free and Private Baths o 'RATES: 75c, 11.00, 1.50 PE DAT The Cherrians not only won the first Tha onlT notel in tlle DUBineM djttric. prize for the drill at Marshfield, but! Nearest to all Depots, Theatres aid they succeeded in bjinging home with; Capitol Buildings, thein the award, a beautiful table,' A Homa Awa Somm made of the myrtle wood that grows in, btjOH p. the Coos bay country. It is now on ex-' Phones. Free Auto Bus. hil.it. ion nt the Meyers department l" " store nnd as a work of art is a beauty.1 BaBHHaWMMHMaVHOMBMMM After the Cherrians were given the first award, M. L. Meyejrs and (has. L. ............... Dick decided the proper thing to do I would be to bring the table home on ..-r,.-- , .,,.. the special. Going to the furniture; NFWP0RT-NYF RFAfH store where the table was on exhibit,! HfcHIUIU 1Mb DUiUl thev gave a receipt for it, placed the ( Automobile Passenger and Baj- w table in hiding, and at a lute honr, gage Transfer loaded it on the special. It will pruh-; Furnished Tent and Cottage ablv be placed on display at tha Com- ' Correspondence Promptly mercial club. 1 Answered o I L. D. PICKENS, Box 87 The police were notified from South Salem yesterday of a strange man in that section peeping in at windows and otherwise acting in a peculiar manner.; When otticers reached the place the, man was reported to have gone south on thp Oresron Electric track, and after a short chase he was caught up with, and brought in. He gave In name as' Pike Page, his home as San Francisco ious folks had been endeavoring to cive him poison in his food, and that; lit I'lTI'f'l 111 l . , thought he recognized a woman whoi fAKvJ OP' had attempted to poison him. He wasi uVT committed to the asylum for the in-frl. lurlD sane today. MI1U Any TIME