Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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You can tell from the way
it burns. It's an Owl.
How about the cigars that
don't burn right?
No need to ask. Poor
workmanship, and poorly
cured leaf, show themselves
in that poor burning.
Remember this: A badly
burning cigar can't give you
a good smoke.
Watch the Owl burn. Get
the even draught, the mel
low flavor the fragrant
aroma. Isn't that all a
smoker could ask for ?
We think the Owl is as
dependable a smoke as you
can get for a nickel.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
M. A. GUNST ft CO.
Capital Dwindles from Four
teen Million to Five
Paltry Dollars
New York, Aug. 28. Worth $14,000,.
000 five yearn ago, Patrick (talhoun,
grandma of the famouH statesman and
at one time one of the country's great
est rnilway magnates, is here today
with less than $5. His predicament
CMiie to light through the filing of an
applieation in the supreme court for
the appointment of a receiver for all
his property.
Calbnun was a giant in tne nnancini
world when he took hold of the street
car strike in San Francisco jn 1907
and broke the carmen's union. While
in the midst of his fight against the
Union he was indicted in the. famous
grnft upheaval. Tt was his troubles in
San Francisco that brought him ruin,
Calhoun said.
Calhoun fans a beautiful home in
For two yetus Calhoun has been liv
ing upon the income of . his wife's
estate, the greater part of which has
been lost, he told the court.
Calhoun was at one time president
of the United Investment company,
then in control of some of the largest
street rnilway systems in the United
States. "
(Ceutlnued from rage One.)
j Sport News
Score Was 5 to 4 at End of
Hottest Kind of Ball Ever
Seen Here
Salem defeated the champion Baby
Beavers yesterday by a score of 5 to 4,
after nine innings' of the hottest sort
of baseball.
Good weather and desire to wit
ness the clash between the strongest
teams in the league brought out a
large attendance, a considerable per
centage of which was there for the
purpose of assisting the players in de
termining which was the better team,
and as a result baseball spirit rose
higher than has been the ease locally
tor a long time.
Local enthusiasm was dampened
somewhat in the first inning when Cas
ey for the Beavers drove the pill far
nto right field and made a home run,
but this was the onlv run made in the
inning, and with the exception of one
score in the second th visitors tailed
Forest Hills, N. Y., Aug. 28
Continued threatening weather
following a hard rain here early
today finally got the better of
the tennis experts of the coun
try and playing of the challenge
round in the national doubles
was postponed until tomorrow.
st s(t l(t )(c
Portland Woman
Sees Husband Drown
Portland, Or., Aug. 28. Mrs. Arthur
( lark was suffering from severe shock
today, the result of watching her hus
band drown in the Willamette river off
Swan Island. Clnrk waded into the
stream to bring buck a rowboat which
had drifted away. He stepped off a
ledge into IS feet of water and was
carried nway by the current. The har
bor patrol recovered the body.
troops to other 'fronts to opposo the Ger
mans. German Attacks Repulsed.
Paris, Aug. 28. Several German at
tacks against the village of Fleury oi.
the northeastern front of Verdun, were
repulsed in Inst night's fighting, it was
officially announced today. No im
portant operations occurred elsewhere
on tho western front.
Greece on the Verge.
Athens, Aug. 28. Bulgaria's con
tinued advance into Greek territory
und the occupntiou of Greek forts at the
Port of Kavaln has brought Greece
nearer to war.
No new decision has been reached
by the government, but King Constnn
tine was to' hold another conference
with his ministers and war chiefs to
day. Pro-ally newspapers are demand
ing an immediute declaration of wnr
against Bulgaria and Germany while the
pro-German papers for the most part are
Pro-ally demonstrations l?M
throughout Greece yesterday, centering
in Athens, where ex-Premier Veuizelos,
lender of the Greek wnr party, address
ed 50,0(10 cheering adherents.
Veuizelos charged that King Coiitnu
tinn liu Jieen victimized by Germany.
Ho urged that the king be asked to
show the most benevolent iieiiiranij m
ward the nHies, nt the same tune pre
paring the army for possible war.
All Will Say War.
London. Aug. 28. The German Fed
einl council met this morning and prob
,,l,lv will dec lo re war on Rumania with
in 24 hours, said an Exchange Telegraph
disivntch from The Hague toiiny. inn
garia nnd Turkey are expected to issue
similar declarations today.
Already Have Tight.
Berlin, Aug. 28. Rumanlun troops
clashed with hostile forces along the
Tmimvlvnnitt frontier with in a few
i.,irU nfinr Rumania's declaration of
war. An official stntement from the
German war office this afternoon an
nounceil that Rumanian prisoners were
Total Loss 40.000.
New York, Aug. 28. French and Bri
tish losses totaled 40,000 in killed and
wounded during one week of the Sommc
offensive, according to James M. Beck,
former assistant attorney general of the
I nited States, who returned today from
London. Beck visited the allied arm
ies in France.
' We are offering special inducements for you to buy now. Our new
goods will arrive this week and we want to have room, and mean to
make the prices low enough that all our stocks will be cleaned out.
At this time you can get splendid values in Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes, Just Wright Shoes and many standard lines of men's wear
ing apparel.
Somerset last, tan and black,
leather or rubber soles, will sell
this week $3.95
The "Crossett" $5.00 Shoes, Eng
lish and high toe last, black and
tan, will sell this week $3.65
R. & H. $4.50, rubber sole, a few
left, this is a real buy at . .$2.85
$30 Suits now $23.85
$25 Suits now $19.85
$20 Suits now .......... $15.85
$15 values now $11.85
A splendid line of all wool, guar
anteed solid color, blue serges
at $16.50
Hundred Million Dollar Club
to See the Big Bout
Labor Day
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. SS.
Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion,
and Charley White, of Chicago, who
hopes to wrest tho title from the Briton
in their scheruled 20-round contest
here Labor day before the Hundred
Million Dollar club, today started on
the last week of the training grind
after a one day let up. Sunday, after
some light road work, both men cut
out gym training and took sight seeing
trips through the Rockies.
White's 'featherweight and light
weight boxing partners have not been
able to stand the terrific mauling of the
C'hicagonan so Leo Johnson, welter
weight, and Mex Jack Torres, have been
added to the White forces.
Welsh has not been half bo hard on
to score again .until the ninth, whenlhis sparring partners, and while he
they put two runners across and only mixes it frequently with them in train-
failed to tie the score because t ote twy nave noi yci jeueu ror
struck out Runpert.
The Lojus made their tallies in one
inning, the sixth, when Aweitel con
tributed a couple of passes nnd was
landed upon strong by the local swatters.
The score:
Baby Beavers B. II. O. A. E.
Casey, 2 4 2 13 0
1 5 1 B 1 0
Kngles, 3 4
Druhot, r 4
Godard, 1 4
Rupert, m ,1
Newell, s 4
McBride, c 3
Zweifel, p 2
help. Welsh does his stiff work with
Jim Flynn, the Pueblo heavyweight,
wrestling for endurance.
The big Btadium where the bout will
be staged is practically completed. The
contractors declare, everything will be
in shape by the middle of the week and
the boxes would have a chance to take
a few workouts in the ring so they can
get pecustomed to the light.
Reinhart, r
I'M wards, 3
. S
.. 4
. 4
0 1
1 2
0 0
1 2
0 12
2 8
2 1
0 1
0 0
24 13
O. A.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. L. Pet.
Los Angeles 79
0 1 Vernon ". 81
i'Snn Francisco 73
o'Salt Lake 07
rortiana of
Oakland 5(i
Adams, m 3
Hauser, c 3
Keene, I 4
Miller, s 4
Gill, 1 , 3
Cole, p 3
Totals 31 C 27 12 0
Snlem 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 "5
Hits 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 0
Beavers 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
Hits 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
Huns, Cnsev 2, McBride, Zwifel,
Humphreys, Keinhnrt, Adams, Hauser,
Keene. Struck out, Cole 12, Zweifel 4.
Bases on balls, Cole tl, Zweifel 3. Dou
ble nlavs. Humphreys to Miller to
Keene. Newell to Casey to Hlnnentirci.
Home run, Casey. Two base hits
lilanchnrd. Keene 2. Sacrifice hits, Ad-
ams. fnirles. lirunot. y.weuei. mmrii
bases, (iodard, Rupert, Adams. Time,
2:05. Umpire, K. Rankin.
Woolen Mills
Yesterday's Results.
At Vaughn street Portland, 3 7;
Salt Lake. 4-4.
At San Francisco Los Angeles, 3-2;
Oakland, 0-0.
At Los Angeles Vernon, 7-4; San
Fruncisco, 1-3.
Postponed Games to Be Played
The Salem team still has a chance
to tie the Bnliy Beavers for the Inter
city league championship.
In view of the Loju victory yester
day over the Baby Heavers, Manager
linker has notified resident Bey that
he will take advantage of tho league
rnlinir that postponed games may be
played off at the end ct tne season u
the gumes nave any Hearing on ucciu
ini? the winner.
The games between the l.o.ius nnci
t he K rknntncks and the Weavers and
the Bradford scheduled for July 10
were postponed on account of bad
weather. As the situation stands nt
present but one game separates the
I .ii ins and the lien vers, anu n me i.o
ins can will from the Kirkpatricks and
if the Bradford can defeat the wenv
ers the two tennis will be on even terms
and can settle the question of chim
pionship rights in a post season series.
Tho Kirkpatricks will therefore play
hero next Sunday, and the Beavers
and the; Bradford will fight out
game nt Portland.
'Babe ' Adams, center neiuer iur
the Lojiis, was offered a contract yes
terday by Rupert, who Is a scout for
tho Spokane ludinns, but Adams de
cided that he did not care to get into
big company for the tmlance of the
season n'nd refused to sign.
Dopstera are busy fixing up an all
star Intercity team. Here is one slate:
"Red" Watts. Baby Beavers, ss;
"Leapy'' Lind, Baby Beavers, rf; Cur
tis Coleman, Wooduurn, 30 r.nuie no
gart, Bradford, 2b; 'Fritx" Mc
Keene, Benvers-Woodland, lb; Browa
ie Uroce, Baby Beavers, cf; "Babe"
Adams, Salem, If.
Catchers Chick Baker, Kirkpat
ricks, aad "Red" KreiU, Woodbnrn.
Pitchers Wayne Bnrham, Salem;
Johnny Telford", Kirkpatricks; Johnny
Brandt, 1 Babv Iteavers; "Toots" Ko
tuln, WoodlundCauias, and Paillette,
Utility infielders "Fritx" Cohen,
Bradfords, and Stevens, St. Helens.
Utility outfielder Billy Stepp.Brad-
Farm Loan Hearing
In Portland Sept. 7
Washington, Aug. 28. (Special)
Hearings of great importance to farm
ers, farm organizations nnd cities
throughout the country are to be con
ducted by the newly appointed Federal
Farm Loan Board.
(hie for the State of Oregon will be
held in tho federal building nt Port
land 0n September 7, 1910. This hear
ing is to secure information to guide
the board in determining the bound
aries of the twelve Federal land bank
districts into which the United States
is to be divided for the administration!
of the new rural credits law, known as
the Federal Farm Loan Act.
The members of the Federal Farm
Loan Board who will conduct the hear
ings are Hon. Win. O. McAdoo, secre
tary of the treasury; Geo. W. Norris,
farm loun commUlio4er; Herbert
Quick, Cnpt. W. S. A. Smith, and C. E.
The board has requested farmers,
farm organizations, and others inter
ested to furnish at each of these hear
ings facts concerning the need of
cheaper farm loans, and it has asked
interested cities to present claims for
the location of one of these land
banks. This will be the only hearing
in the state of Oregon,
The new Federal Farm Loan Act will
do for the farmer what the Federal
Reserve Act is doing for the business
man. Under it the government pro
vides the machinery for assembling
capital to be loaned to farm owners or
prospective farm owners, or lirst mort
caee farm security. The loans cannot
exceed 50 per cent of the vtalue of the
loud and 20 per cent of the value of
the Dermnnent improvements. The
loans will be made at a low rate of
interest not yet determined, but not
over tt per cent, and provision is made
for the borrower to pay orr tne loan
and interest in small annual or semi
annual payments nt his option, during
a period o'f not less than five or more
than forty vears. Farmers, to avail
themselves of the benefits of the law,
must first orunmze themselves in
onnin nf ten or more to obtain
charter as a farm loan association, and
thereafter application for loans can be
made through it to one of the twelve
federal land banks. The land will then
bo apprtaised, and if it meets require
ments, the loans will be made.
The new legislation is expected to
prove a great boon to those sections of
the conn,- whore development has
been retarded because of high interest
rates, and it is predicted that it will
have the effect of making agricultural
nnisneritv oermaneut and uniform,
stabilizing land values, and greatly im
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word le
One week (6 insertions), per word....5c
One month(26 insertions) per word 17o
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15c. 7
PHONE 937 For wood saw. tl
HOP SACKS For sale. Phone 61 F3. s2
FOE BENT Furnished house keeping
rooms, 694 N. Com'l. aug28
FOB BENT My house at 755 norti
Church St., two blocks from school.
Bent reasonable. O, A. Wood. aug2S
McNary's yard, 4 miles north of Sa
lem. Register with W. T. Stolz, phone
26. . ( tf
WANTED Cows, I will pay you cash
for your fresh cows or that will
freshen soon'. C. -White, B.;7, Phone
80F2. . ang28
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com'l
HABBY Window cleaner.
Phone 768.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
Phone 782M. .
close in.
. septl
491 N. Cottage.
FOB SALE Two pair Oklahoma opos
sums. Phone 1527-J. aug28
Journal office.
FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone iol. . v
WOOD HAULERS Wanted at once.
Address X 20 care Journal. aug29
WANTED Some one to move house a
short distance. Phone 32F11. aug28
WANTED Lady solicitors to work in
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St. tl
FINE FARM 250 acres in Waldo
Hills, for sale cheap, terms. Phone
114. aug28
FOR SALE A splendid organ, in good
condition, for sale cheap, rnone zu
M. Bg28
FOR SALE 3 good milch cows, 8
miles south of Salem. Phoae 49F2.
JERSEY Heifer calf for sale cheap,
call 1190 south 13th or Spaulding
Logging Co., C. E. Bayes. aug29
$5, worta more. Dr. May, HubDaro
bldg. sept!
FOR SALE Duroc-Polaiid pigs. 0 wks.
old, weight
reynolds, R.
30 lbs., $3.50. Wm. Mc-
5, box 45, Salem, augt
HOP PICKERS Wanted in river bot
tom yard. Downing and Eoff. Phoue
1283 or 1417. aug29
FOR SALE Hfaley-Davidson motor
cycle. Inquire for John Taylor, Pa
cific Telephone office. sept2
FTJBNISHED Booms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
close in, 160 Court. tl
FOR SALE Or trade for cow, good
work horse, will pay difference if
cow is first class. Phone 69F21. a28
LOST 2 head of cattle, a steer and a
heifer, almost white. Finder phone
1150-W, receive reward. augSO
WANTED Experienced man to dry
prunes. Must furnish reference.
Phone 89F4, Snlem, R. 5, box 91. a28
WANTED An experienced man wants
job drying hops, can give nest or
references. Phone 2054-J. aug29
WILL SELL Or trade for car or cat-
tie, three horses, harness, bicycle, top
buggy and hack. Box 59, Bt. 3, Tur- '
ner, Ore. . aug28 :
WANTED Man and wife to take
charge of milk bottling room, wash
bottles and tinware, house rent free.
Call at Pinckney Bros. Dairy, . west
end steel bridge. . auf(28
MONEY TO LOAN I have about one
thousand ($1,000.00) dollars to loan
at seven per cent, on good security.
. Inquire 2217 Fairground road. a29
MAN Past fifty, gobl habits, would
correspond with a lady of suitable
age. E. D. S. Albany, Oregon, Route
4, box 109. ang28
FOB SALE 3 half truck Studabaa
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 278(1
Lee. Phone 1322 J. tt
jewuiijr, musical instruments, toolsy
. guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Phone 493. , aeptll
MATTRESSES Made over at your
home, $1.50 and up. City ref
erence, satisfaction or no pay. Ad
dress H. W. Wright, General Deliv
ery. . aiig3t
15 HOP PICKERS Wanted, must
furnish tents and stoves; will pay
same as others. Chas. Strong, Rt. 2,
box 31, Waconda, one mile north. 33
acres good hops. septd
WANTED A reliable farmer to take
charge of quarter section Montana,
100 acres in crop, good buildings,
rent on shares, references required.
Address N 37 care Journal. aug31
FOB BENT Furnished or unfurnished
Bleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rate
W. H. Norris, Bee. Hubbard bldg.
Boom 304. tf
FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah
Fruit Farm, half mile north of west
end of steel bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jas.
Imlah. sept20
FOR SALE A stock of merchandise,
will sell cheap and take automobile
as part pay, must be in good condi
tion. Inquire at 341 N. Commercial
St. after 7 a. m. and before 6 p. m.
$200.00 FOR 2 CTS Anyone who can
sell my 100 acre ranch can get 200
dollars, cash; send 2ct stamp for de
scription and terms with your name
and address, plainly written. Luther
MycrB, Salem, Ore. sept7
NOTICE Aug. the 13th a bay mare,
one white hind foot and one white
front foot came to my place, owner
may have same by paying for t'.iis
adv. and other expenses. Phone 92F3
in the evening. aug28
HOUSEKEEPER Wants position in
a refined family. Depot Hotel. Mrs.
R. Wade. aug29
ADS under this heading le a word
Bead for profit; use for results.
HEAVY HACK With top; two years
in use; good condition; for sale at
half price; write D. B. Murphy, Tur
ner, Bt. 1. septl
WANTED Experienced miner wants
partner for prospecting trip; soon.
Address C. E. Miner, care Journal.
It is noted that in this list there are. proving general farm connirions.
i.. e nn . i.Bnt with Thousands of requests to me
.u.. ..li.iw Th cnllnwimi list ! trensnrv department for information
contains ouly name of player now regarding the application of the law in
working' with the Intercity:
Casev, Babv Beavers, 2b; Childers,
Bradfords. 3ri; tlroce, Bnby Beavers.
cf; Nelson, Kirkpatricks, rf; Adams,
Salem, If; Blaiieliard, Baby Beavers,
lb; McKeuna, Rainier, ss.
Catchers Baker, Kirkpatricks, and
McBride, Baby Beavers.
Pitchers Telford, Kirkpatricks,
Brandt, ' Beavers; Kutula, I'amas, and
Keene, Salem.
Sherrett, Kirkpatricks, utility In
field, and Druhot, Beavers, utility out
fielder. We mail your paper to you during
your vacation. Phone 81.
dieate the great nation-wide interest in
1 1. i.rAViautlll
Secretary McAdoo predicts that the
banks will be ready lor opernuuu
January 1st or shortly thereafter. j
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
Our circulation Is still climb-
lng up read the paper and
you'll know the reason.
Freight Handlers
Cause Some Trouble
Chicago, Aug. 28. A tie-up of freight
shipments out of Tiicago was threaten
ed todav by a strike of freight hand
lers at the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy railroad freight depot. More
than 500 men have struck, according to
union officials. Bailroad officials say
only 100 have gone out.
"The railroad refused to let our
business agents go through the freight
houses to collect dues," said J. B.
Roche, secretary of the Chicago Freight
Handlers' Union, who declared that
was the cause of the strike. "The same
proposition will be put to other Tail
roads and if they reTuse we 11 call a
strike." More than 0,000 men. he said,
would be affected.
C. B. Trobes. Chicago chief freight
clerk of the Burlington, declared the
number of men on strike only 100.
"We do not anticipate any trouble,"
he said. "We'll fight their demands
of course."
vapuai tfuuiuai
sent to Tour Summer vacation
FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow
located in Salem's best residence dis
trict, was built for n home but must
sell at a sacrifice, terms if desired.
If you want something good it would
pay you to investigate. Address Jour
nal M-86. tf
HAY Hay, hay, 25 tons straight vetch
hay, 10 tons vetch nnd cheat hay,
5 tons cheat hay; have also baled
out another stack of vetch straw, 25
tons sold, the above goes at the same
price, $5.00 in field. C. C. Russell, B.
9, Phone 39F4. aug28
F. W. DURBIN Is now booking hop
pickers for his 08 acres of hops, he
will call and get the pickers and re
turn them free of charge, will furn
ish wood free, good camping grounds.
Phone 491 or call Durbin i Conoyer
in Bush bank bldg. tf
WANTED Young ladies for telephone
operators, witn or without experience
Permanent positions assured for
those showing aptitude ' for work.
Apply to chief operator at the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph Co.,
170 N. Liberty. aug29
I WANT TO BENT A ranch of 160
to 200 acre, part under plow, rest
pasture. Must be close to good school
and have good house and barns, anil
good soil; will rent 3 to 5 years.
Write Geo. Beinoehl., 1000 N. 14th
St, Salem. tf
Why Have Your Capital tied
Up in an Empty House?
Ad at One Cent a Word Mill
Get You a Renter.