il Sim td it CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY lie FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 177 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS on TBArwaurp raws STANDS 7IVB CBMTB I TO BE NEXT M r Managers FinallyV .elude To Make No Cone $ ions i To Men PROPOSITION AGREED UPON DISAPPOINTING Both Sides Consider Hope of Peaceable Settlement All But Gone By Carl D. Groat. United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 2(1. "We are rendy." This statement came today from both railroad executives and employes, as a national transportation paralysis loom ed up. linilroud managers contended that they could keep sufficient trains running through "loyal employes" to jirevent a milk and food famine and its consequent garnering of death and desolation. The employes said there might be a few rendy to continue laboring, but that the roads as a whole would be tied up tighter than a drum. In the railroad camp, the grimmest fighters snid "put white lead ou the en gines and lay everything off." The most conservative said "we must see that the babies have their milk and the nation its food." Down the street, the employes snid the guilt for ruin or starvation would lie upon the railroad kings. It developed today that while the rail road presidents have been wrestling with the problem of meeting President ' Wilson's proposal, the managers, some what side tracked from the phase of the situation, have been working out plans for handling an actual strike if it comes. . A comprehensive plan is complete, they now declare. It includes details of train operation. Emergency schedules have been made and it is known that wince the beginning of the negotiations, embargoes on some commodities hava been considered. One railroad official! raid that imemdiately upon declaration ! of a strike, embargoes would be placed on war munitions and drygoods and non perishable commodities not regarded as necessities. The first thought of the roads will be to carry foodstuffs. A reason for the extensive strike plans, one executive said, is the roads feeling that all the brotherhoods mem bers are not behind a strike movement. "Our fight is with the lenders," he aid. "I know my men are loyal to me. I have worked with them and talk ed to them and I know they like me. But we must prepare against any thing." One great railroad eystem has pre pared thousands of circular letters, tn be mailed to employes within an hour after a strike is declared. The letters tell the roads' tide of the ease and ask support. Significance was seen today in the fact that many of the 640 railroad brotherhood representatives were pre paring to leave 'Washington. Several paid their hotel bills and arranged to take night trains. PRESIDENT STILL HOPEFUL By Robert J. Bender. ( I'nited Tress sta'ff correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 2fl. The showdown in the fight between the railroads and the railroad brotherhoods seemed at hand this afternoon. noon. The question try a industrial activ - whether the coun ity was to continue or to be supplanted CCnntinneil on Pnao Three.) Some folks are like a sky rocket They make a noisv irit awav, bust an then full by th' way. Prosperity kawkers are th' latest. CREA RAILROAD STRIKE SEEMS VON KLUCK SA YS BIG ALLIED OFFENSIVE IS DISMAL FAILURE The allies' great offensive on the Somme developing into one of. the greatest battles in the world V history, began the morning of July 1, exactly eight months ago today. From General Alexander von Kluck, one of Germany's greatest leaders in the early days of the war, who was compelled to retire be cause of wounds, the United Tress has obtained .the German view of the results of the eight weeks of fighting. Includ ed in that part of the battle front uu dcr General Von Kluck 's command was the. Somme district where the allied of fensive has been under way. GENERAL VON KLTJCK'S VIEWS By Carl W. Ackermaiu (United Press staff correspondent.) Strausberg, Germany, Aug. 26. In eight weeks of tremendous effort with lavish expenditure of human flesh and blood anil ammunition, the allies not only nave failed to break the German line on the Somme but have not even badly bent it, General Alexander Von Kluck, who commanded the German right in the great advance to the gates of Furis, told the United Press to day. Gains Are Small. "In eight weeks of fighting they have gained a few kilometers at terrible losses," said the German war hero. "The" English have accomplished prac tically nothing. They have only exposed themselves to our counter attacks, which will certainly come." We were seated in the. smoking room of Wilkendorf castle, near Strausberg. Before us was a map of the Somme bat tle lino. General Von Kluck first ex plained the position held by his army when he was in command on this front beforo he was wounded. The territory the allies arc now trying to break through is the same ground across which Von Kluck hurried with his nrmy dur ing the first advance into France in the fall of 1914. After 22 months of fiehtine. the battle line at this front shows little change except that the Ger- mans have been pushed back a few kilo meters. " Losses Very Severe. "The English losses on the Somme have been terrible," continued General Von Kluck. "They have been much greater than ours. The English had to put new men into each attack. Their losses must exceed ours bv at least 100,000." "Is that many for the large army England is reported to havet" he was asked. "The decisive thing Is always to have plenty of men," he replied, "'but when there is a great offensive like this Anglo-French movement and little pro gress is made; when the losses are great and no progress is evident, the spirit of the troops weakens and that weakeas the offensive." "It is reported abroad that Germany is facing a great militnry crisis now that the allies are attacking on several fronts and it Is even rumored that it will not be long before she will col lapse," he was told. No Crista in Germany. "You can Bee for yourself that there L These Are Relied Upon By Defense in Mrs. Adams' Murder Trial Mtieon, Gn.f Au. 20. Southern chiv- l.t it it Hed poll bv Mra. H c A(lamg to free hpr of the chatge of lmirder iu thg case of Captain Edgar J. Spratling, one of tne most prominent physicians in At lanta, whom she shot and killed at the state mobilization camp here. "He was my family physicHin and he took advantage of me," said Mrs. Adams, who arose in the Bibb county jnil refreshed by a good night's sleep. "I made but one mistake, that was that I did not tell my husband before of what the doctor had done to me. I had gone to Dr.- Spratling for treat ment for nervous trouble. He made improper advances to me and seemed to hypnotize me. After it was over I could not sleep at night because the thing wns on my mind. "I told my husbnnd last Friday. He walked the floor like a crazy man. There was ouly one thing for me to do and that wns to kill this man ho had ruined my life. I don't believe any jury will convict me of murder." The woman's husband, an Atlanta laundryman, is en route to Macon to make arrangements for her defense. He had no idea that his wife had come to Macon on such a mission, though she had threatened to kill Spratling. Captain Sprntlimr's fellow officers. who were at dinner with him, when Mrs.! Adams approached and fired twice at the physician, believe that nervous trouble affected Mrs. Adams' mind and led her to believe that the phvsician I had had improper relations with her. jshe was hysterical after the shooting, they snid, and talked incoherently. is no crisis," the general laughingly replied. "Eight weeks have passed since thoAnglo-Frcnch offensive began. The preparations for it must be called immense. England brought armies that might never have been expected of that country, thanks to Kitchener's labor and it was Kitchener's labor. France, despite her serious losses at Verdun, had put the last reserves of her 30 fighting years (meaning 30 classes) to gether. The industries of France, Eng land, the United States and Japan worked feverishly to supply the allied armies with tremendous amounts of war material for 'a general offensive on all fronts.' "The moment of the attack seemed well chosen because Germany, during the weeks before, was supposed to be suffering under shortage caused by the blockade. Before the possibility of a splendid harvest became known to the allies, they became convinced that only a great military success was needed to bring the wavering spirit of Germany wavering as they supposed to her knees. "The bnttle of the Somme has now raged for several weeks. Despite a tre mendous use of ammunition and re peated stores of humun material, the result of the general offensive is now unimportant when compared to the great waste of physical and moral force. The German front ou the Somme stands unshaken, despite the hardest forward and backward fighting, where the op posing armies are locked in a struggle like twestngs. . French Change Tune. "A change has taken place in the for mer victorious tone of the French press of a few weeks ago. The French news papers now exhort their readers to be patient and not ask too much. "On the front of the German army and throughout the country confidence and belief in victory grows. A United Press dispatch from Verdun spoke of the moral power of the German troops. This is the same on all floats and it is this spiritual force, as every atrategian knows, that is the decisive thing that will end the present struggle." The conversation turned toward Field Marshal French, who was Von Kluck 'a opponcut in the battle of Mous. I be gan to make notes of the general 'a re marks. . "Please don't write that," he said, "During the war we muat not talk of our opponents. It is always best to speak well, even of your opponents but there are many things about the story of this war that, conclusively written, would constitute a whole library." " How long do you think the war will last!" was one question I put to the general. Peace Will Come Suddenly. "It can last years or days," was his reply. "The end of the waiwill come as suddenly as an accident. A Swiss newspaper sized up the situation cor rectly recently wheu it Bnid: 'Europe lacks courage for peace." General Von Kluck is now 70 years old. But despite the fact that he has been wounded seven times, and still carries a bullet in his right arm, he is ready to go back to the front if neces sary, he said. Spratling wns prominent in medical and social circles in Atlanta and was regarded as an expert on nervous dis eases and insanity. He wns married but had no children. His body wns taken to Atlanta under military escort today. IS W. K. VANDERB1LT . SEES REAL WARFARE German Shell Sent American Woman Fleeing in Scanty Night Attire Paris, Aug. 20. How a German shell sent Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt flee ing in her night gown with her hair down her bark and a pair of loose slip per flapping over her bare feet, was related today by officers of the Amer ican ambulance who accompanied ber on a tour of the French front. Mrs. Vanderbilt told French officers escorting the party that she "hoped to hear the cannon." She got her wish. One night while the party was sleeping a' Pont-a-Mnusson, the Germans opened a heavy bombardment that wrecked several nearby houses and sent the par ty rushing into a reinforced cave. Mrs. Vanderbilt had time only to throw a loose wrapper over her night gown as she ran downstairs. At another place she approached so near the trenches that a French soldier warned her that one of his comrades had been killed near the spot where she was standing only five minutes before. Mrs. Vanderbilt paid a visit to Ver dun and was the first America woman to enter the city since the Germans be gan their attack. Soon Be Church Time. He Do you attend church regu larly ' She Yes, every Easter. IS HARD ON HIS TRIP Tf Concludes First Lap of Pres ent Campaign Trip In Good Spirits and Health By Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) Denver, Colo., Aug. 2o. With three speeches in Colorado today, Nominee Hughes concluded the first lap of his campaign tour and was to leave tonight for a three day rest period at Estes Park. Up to today the republican can didate has campaigned through 13 states, being almost continuously in what have been declared by local lead ers to be republican states, except pos sibly California ami Illinois. He has made more than a "hundred speeches and arrived at Denver today very tired physically although well and exceed ingly anxious for a complete rest iu the seclusion of the mountains. But he was very sanguine of success when the ballots are cast by the people whom he has addressed. "We have bad a remarkable trip across the continent," was the way Hughes described hi journey so far. "Everywhere there has been evidence of a very deep interest in th issues of this campaign. I do not attribute this to my personal relation to the campaign, but to the deep interest that is taken by the American people in the great question involved. . As I go through the country I am constantly impressed with the extraordinary resources that we have for our development and for our permanent prosperity. "Best of all is the fine manhood and womanhood that ia utilizing these resources. We find patriotism and un swerving loyalty that characterizes the people throughout the length and breadth of the land. Every day on this trip is the best day. "I have been several times across the continent and I know something of the various communities composing our country, but to go through in this rapid way, receiving , generous welcomes, makes an appeal to the heart of a man." , Throughout this trip to date, Hughes has steadfastly maintained his position of aloofness from state and local issues ! or factional differences. It is known that ia California and Utah every ef fort was made to have him make some expression of his views on prohibition the dry issue being a particularly acute one in those two commonwelaths. In California the republican candidate emphasized the reunion of the party but did his best to avert any favoritism of either the regulars or progressives half A course, which nevertheless, accord ing to such a progressive leader as Chester Howell, created considerable dissatisfaction among progressives since arrangments for Hughes' tour of the state was in the control of "regulars." Despite his physical tiredness, Hughes is in splendid fighting from today. He has had big audiences everywhere and no matter bow tired he has been stimulated by these audiences into mak ing punchy speeches all along the line even though these speeches have been largely identical. It is rather remarkable that a public speaker, who for six years has kept his voice bottled up, has managed to bring it back so that not a single place which he has visited so far has the audience had any difficulty in understanding him. Dr. N. E. Dittman, who has accom panied the governor on his trip and done heroic work taking the huskiness out of the nominee's voice and other wise keeping him in fine physical fet tle, announced today he would let the governor take care of himself from Kansas City on eastward, believing he didn 't need any further throat spray ing. Mrs. Hughes will then have full charge of the nominee. Today Hughes was hustled out to make a brief speech at Greeley, en route from Cheyenne to Denver. He was due to arrive at Denver shortly before noon, and to parade the streets to the hotel. He was scheduled for a brief talk at a luncheon of the Mile High club, a public reception at the Brown Palace hotel and a night meeting ana a "Dig speech" at the audtionura. At 11 o'clock he was due to leave for Estes Park, for his rest. Specking at Greeley, Colo., earlv to day, Governor Hughes assailed the democrats in the following phraseol ogy: "Our opponents said that they would reduce the cost of living. They haven 't. They said that they would stand for the merit system. They have shameless ly betrayed the merit system. They said that they were for maintenance of constitutional rights of American citi zens throughout the world. They left our citizens to be murdered and their property destroyed right here in Mex ico, close to our own boundary. They said they were opposed to a tariff for protection. This they carried out, with the result that before the Euroeau war broke out, unemployed men were walking the streets of our cities, job less, asking for work and having to be fed bv countless charitable organiza tions." Dig Yourself In. "Be sure you're right then go ahead." We have a notion that It's somtimes wiser to be sure You're riht and then stand pat. mOUGH COLORADO CHANS YMEUP COOS BAY CITIES Capital City Business Signs Make Marshfiield Seem Like Home SALEM MONEY NO GOOD WHEN BADGE IS SEEN Excursion Trip to Coast Full of Fun and Exciting Incidents CHERRIANS WIN PRIZE Mnrshfield, Ore., Aug. 20. The Sulem Cherriang were awarded first prize, the Port land Rosarians n.-.-ond prize, and the Eugene Radiators third prize in the parade here. By Col. J. H. Cradelbaugh . Marshfield, O.., Aug. 20. Marsh field -was ablnze with light and fire enthusiasm when the C'herrinns' special arrived at eight last night, with a re ception royal and unique for the Cher rians. Immediately as the train arrived about a dozen of the lenders of the C'herrinns were seized by some of the Radiators and local Elks and hastened to the convict ship Success which is on exhibition here. They were put In cells. The stunt made a lot of fun. Following a procession of the visitors about the city, the Cherrinna attended the reception, and were given the free dom of the bay cities. Today everybody is being royally en tertained, and sightseeing trips around the bay are occupying much attention. There was a lull In the celebration from 4 to 7 o'clock this morning, when it began again. It is Coos Bay' day aud it is all here. Twenty-six blocks of the line of parade was jammed, and a crowd not of less than twenty-five thousand with six bands, with the Eugene Radiators, with sixty boy drum corps, Portland Rosarians, Salem Cher rians and locals. The parade was near ly three miles long. Logging railroad ran ten blocks in line of parade; feature was logging traiu of forty cars, loaded with perfect logs from four to ten feet ia diameter. Floats beautiful and hundreds decorated autos and fine comic features, showing with it au immense bull moose that kicked at everyone. The Cherrians painted the town red last night, posting signs with red let ters a foot long, "Stockton's," "Pat ton's Book Store,' etc., on store win dows and street corners, the signs rend ing "Capital of State," etc., made it seem like home. There will be something doing every minute until Sunday arrives, probably late. The program shows high dives, 1 log rolling contests, auto and motor I races, greased pole contests, horse rac ' ing, tug of war between mills, dancing, I band concert of one hundred pieces, and innumerable other things, conclud , ing with an illuminated launch parade beginning at R:H0. I Then Coos Bay will rest after the grandest celebration ever held in the state and greatest crowd ever assem bled in it, outside of Portland, anil it I will need the rest. The sign of the ! Cherry or badge of Salem is our in troduction to au ami menus -waiem INCIDENTS OF THE TRIP. On Board Wedding Special, Aug. 2.". Someone has been counting noses since we passed Eugene and makes the statement that there are UW abo.'rd counting Due. Epley ns only one. At Junction City a stop of ten minutes was made, the band played and despite the sun above and the granite sand be low, there was a repetition of the dancing. One must like the pastime, if it can be called that under such cir cumstances, for I fancy Herod's daugh ter would have given up the job if dancing that head off John the linptist under like conditions. This might be called the second "heat" of the danc ing program. Eugene is all right and gave the Cherrians and band hearty applause as they marched down through the busi ness district. The eify'was handicap ped in the way of giving the boys a re ception as 000 of her citizens went over to Coos Bay yesterday and are still there. Of course they ore really more interested in this big celebration than Salem, as it is their own wedding and their presence be as an absolute necessity. Secretary Quail of the Commercial club , was in evidence everywhere at once, and perspiring like an ice water tank on a hot day. The trip from Eugene is a revelation. For several miles a great rich plain WITH NOVEL STUNTS NATION-WIDE STRIKE MAY COME TOMORROW Washington, Aug. 26. Call for a nation-wide, strike was averted until tomorrow at least when the railroad employes to night adjourned their third ses sion of the day uutil 10 o'clock tomorrow. Many of the brotherhood dis trict presidents who had plan ned to leave the city tonight changed their arrangements after the first meeting adjourn ed at 1 o'clock. The fighting spirit had grown tremendously among the men this afternoon wheu they held their second session of the day. One of the promineut members said: "We have nothing to con cede. There will be a strike unless there is governmental in terference or concessions by the railroads. " DEFENDING FLEET Theatrical Naval Battle of New York Harbor Victory For Invaders Washington, Aug. 20. Ad miral Helm's defending fleet has been destroyed by the "en emy" aud troops are now be lieved to be landing on Long Island (theoretically) in the big naval game of the Atlantic squadron. Washington, Aug. 20. A great naval "battle" has been raging off New York harbor for nix hours. The main battle fleet of Admiral 1 Helm defending the coast engaged the attacking fleet of Admiral Mayo at S o'clock off Scfttlanff lightship, at the entrance to New York harbor. Helm's fleet opened fire with 12 inch guns. Eight war vessels, two Datuesnips, one scout cruiser and five destroyers have already been "sunk" in the naval war game. The defending fleet sank the "enemy" battleships Texas and Nevada and the "enemy" destroyers Wadsworth and Cooper. Admiral Helm has so far "lost' the scout cruiser Bir mingham and the destroyers Fanning, Drayton and Balch. It is believed here that the "enemy" battleships were "destroyed" early In the fight by torpedoes from the de stroyers of the defending fleet. The sunken ships, under the rules of the game, have to put into Atlantic ports. Large bodies of theoretical wounded have been rushed to naval hospitals aud the hospital wards of botn fleets at sea are rapidly fill ing. if the assumption that the enemy bat tleships were torpedoed is correct, nnval officers here see great "loss of liie" for those two vessels. The "oucmy" transport train of 30 vessels is reported to be lying back of the attacking fleet waiting for a chance to ship by tne defending lines and rush thousands of hostile troops inland. Guns of ull calibre aboard both fleets are in action and destroyer and submarine skirmishes are occurring constantly. As Inst reported, each commander was muuuevering tor position to bring tho greutest possible number of guns to bear. The navy department announced that the buttle limit expires at S o'clock this afternoon, "Allen Forces" Have Landed. Washington, Aug. 20. "Alien forces" this afternoon affected a suc cessful landing ou Long Island. The fleet defending the American coast has been decisively defeated, the oretically, and the greutest war game in the United States naval history is ended. The following radiogran was receiv ed this afternoon from Admiral Knight, chief umpire: "The maneuver is over. Reds have accomplished their mission." This means that the transports made a landing. Commerce Submarine Received No Injuries Bremen, Aug. 20. The German -submarine Dcutschlnnd made her 8,200 mile journey to the United States and buck with scarcely a scratch, Captain J'aul Koenig declared today while he rested from the fatiguing Danqueis ana public receptions that followed the Deutschlnnd's arrival at Bremen. The big submersible showed no evi dence of the long journey, except that she was blackened aft by the smoky exhaust from her engines. She made her way to Bremen under her own steam. The Deutsrbland is now lying along side a tug owned by the Ocean com pany while she is being overhauled for the return voyage to America. As a precaution against possible attack by allied spies, she will be guarded day and night during her stay here. BRITISH ADVANCE AGAINST POSITIONS L General Haig's Left Wing Takes 400 Yards of German Trenches COUNTER ATTACKS ARE COMPLETEY CRUSHED French Official Reports De clare Heavy German As saults Repulsed By Ed L. Keen. (United Press sta'ff correspondent.) London, Aug. 20. The British left wing on the Somme front broke out with a new attack against the German posi tions defending Thiepval village last night and captured 400 yards more of enemy trenches, General Haig reported to the war office this afternoon. The beginning of the ninth week of the great Anglo-French offensive on the Somme saw the British line at this point steadily encircling the German fortified positions and threatening the capture of Thiepval, which has inter fered with General Haig's advance since the Somme battle began. The new British gain reported by General Haig was made near Mouquet farm. The British commander report ed German counter attacks south of Thiepval but declared these attacks, were repulsed. Bepulse of German at tacks west of Gullemont was also an nounced. The German war office account of last night 's operations on this front con tradicted General Haig's " statement. Berlin announced this afternoon that British attacks both on the Thiepval and Highwood sectors were repulsed and that the French were unsuccessful in attacks near MaurepM. The deadlock in the Balkan fighting. continued throughout yesterday. - The Serbs are holding their own on the ex treme allied left and have delivered several strong attacks, though the Bul garian war office reports - that the Serbs in each instance have been re pulsed. On the eastern front the - Russians have again taken the initiative south west of Stanislau and after occupying the village of Guta pressed on west ward. German Attacks Repelled. Paris, Aug. ' 23. A strong German reconnaissance south of Maurepaa and Hill 121 was dispersed by French last night, said an official statement from, the war office today reporting a most violent artillery struggle on the Somme front. The Germans attempted no other at tacks on the Somme front, but launched heavy attacks in tho Champagne and the northeastern front of Verdun. The German attack in the Champagne resulted in the most violent fighting in several weeks. Following an intense bombardment, the Germans attacked in force at B:H0 last night south of Tahnre. They were oither stopped by French, fire or driven back by grenade counter attacks. On the northeastern front of Verdun heavy artillerying occurred all day Fri day and last night. The German made, several unsuccessful attempts to ad vance in the region of Thiaumont and Floury but were checked by French, fire. French air forces dominated the en tiro front yesterday. Nine German flyers were brought down and three cap tive balloons destroyed. British Steamer Sunk. London, Aug. 20. The armed British boarding steamer Duke of Albany was sunk Thursday in the North sea by a submarine with the loss of 24 lives, the admiralty announced this afternoon. Eighty-Beven of her crew were saved. Russians Resume Advance. Tetrograd, Aug. 20. The Russian hnve resumed their advance in the re gion of Stanislau after nearly a week's lull in the fighting, capturing the vil lage of Guta and reaching the sources of the Bistritza and Bistritr.a-Nadvor-na rivers, it was officially announced 'fVintlnnert a) Pate BIt.1 THE WEATHER Z Oregon: To night and Sun day probably fair, not o warm interior west portion; winds mostly westerly. 0 NIEPVA l t'V1 WOT AFP I OP SHARKS on (Continued on Page FlveJ