SIX TTTW DATLY CAPITAL JOUWAT,. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUG. 25, 1916. The Charm of NORTH BEACH lies in its easy simplicity and quaint 775 homeliness. Regular North Beach m It " visitors are those who appreciate and r "Vif Viv-S's. enjoy the restfulness of natural Jte life down-by-the-sea. North Beach QUEEN OF PACIFIC COAST RESORTS is easily and pleasantly reached by a short trip from Portland on one of tha O-W. R. R. & N. Steamers, "T. J. Potteh," "Hassalo," "Harvest Qhekn" Season Round Trip tfl (f Week fj ff from Portland i$4.UU End 4O.UU Ask Local S. P. Atfent for Faru, or write tha General Passenger Agent, O - W. R. R. & N. PORTLAND for Free Folder and Other Information FEDERAL During the next five years, Oregon will receive from the Federal govern ment npproximntely $1,820,000 for the building of roads under the provisions ; of the Federal Aid Hoard Act, accord ing to John II. Lewis, atute engineer, who ha juttt returned from Washing ton, 11. C. If this sum i met by the state and counties, it will mean $3,040,000 for roads in Oregon. Mr. Lewis state thut the Secretary of Agriculture is anxious that each state adopt a comprehensive road program, and apply available funds directly to such end so that a mibstnntinl showing can be made dur ing, this period. As the Federal funds will largely be expended by the states under the direc tion of the U. 8. office of public roads, there will be a strong tendency toward uuiformitv in state legislation, and the building up of businesslike state departments to administer rond funds. A conference of State and Federal highway nfficinls was called by the secretary of agrirulturo to discuss rule and regulations under which $85,000,000 of Federal money will be expended on roads in co operation with tho states. Tlx- Federal act provides two distinct methods for expending this enormous mini, according to Mr. Lewis. Under Section fl, $75,000,000 is to be expended in cooperation with the (dates upon the dollar for dollar lmsis, on rural post roads, outside National Forests during . the next five years. Both Htato and Federal money to be expended by the State Highway depart ments under Federal supervision. $78,0S7 is now available to Oregon under this section. On July 1, 1017, $157,375 or double the amount will be Mvnilnble. The following year three times this year's allotment will be available, and so on until the fifth venr when the amount will be $303,437. Allotments will revert if not expended within two years, funds contributed by enmities for state work can be used to offset Federal funds. Under section 8 of the Federal Act, $10,000,000 is to be expended in co operation with the state or counties upon roads within National Forests. Cooperation must, be had on some equitable basis, and the secretnry of agriculture will probably hold this to mean a dollar for dollar basis. The Federal funds to be expended by tne Federal Bond department and slnto or county funds to be expended by, or under' the direction of such depart ment. Cooperative work may be done by the state or county upon roads out- EASTWARD Thru the Inland Empire Grand Canyon of Col umbia American Wonderlands Glacier and Yellow stone Parks Round Trips at Low Fares Daily until Sept. 30 via The North Band Road. Stopover where you like. North Bank Rail and 26 Hours Sail on the ships of DeLuxe Service, B. 8. Northern l'acifie and Great Northern, for , San Francisco $32.00 From any Oregon Electric Ry. point Ticket Includes meals and berth. This route saves Time and Money and is a Delightful Trip. Homeseekers' Fares Sept 21 to Oct 8 From Middle West to Willamotto Valley. I 'sell prepaid tickets. JT. W. RITCHIE, Agt, Salem, Oregon 3S ROAD ACT side National forests, but which con nect with forest roads. $127,794 will be available to Oregon each year under this section. If not expended within the year, it will be available until the end of the third year. Oregon's allotment under both sec tions will thus be fllOil.-ISO for 111.? lis cnl year ending July 1, In) 7 and 285,170 jdditionyl will l'i aail.ille on such date for ill:1 lonowiri,' iur. or a total of $191 ,050. Oregon's quarter mill state highway fund has practically all been pledged by the Highway Commission for 1010 and the $240,000 available in 101" will not be sufficient to meet and secure all the Federal money available. Counties may meet and secure part of such funds, but preference will doubtless be given to those county projects to be constructed under the supervision of the Htnte Highway department. In addition, the State and Counties must agree to properly maintain co operative roads, and must provide rights of way necessary therefor. Project statements must be submitted upon forms provided by the secretary of ngriculture. As a basis for ap proving projects the secretary will re quire the slate and local federal au thorities to agree upon a general plan for the improvement of highways throughout the state. All of the $3,038,500 which will thus be expended in the next five years by the state and federal government in coopera tion can thus bo applied toward the construction of through and connected routes and not be frittered awny on disconnected projects. It is the opinion of State Engineer Lewis that the Federal Aid Act will forco tho various state and county road dopnrtemnts to adopt higher standards of engineering nnd account ing and apply nil available funds to ward tho completion of definite pro jects, with provision for maintenance. Dr. Newo Newi New Was Star Witness San Francisco, Aug. 25. "Dr." Newo Newi New, archbishop of " new thought" has lived so constantly in eternity thut ho forgets timo nnd has no idea of periods, lie testified in his own defense today during his trinl on a charge of using the mnils to defraud in circulating new thought literature. New proved such a star witness that Federal Judge Pooling 's court was packed to the doors. When asked how long he had been practicing new thought. New replied: "I haven't the slightest Idea. I couldn't sav. I have no idea of time." Ho insisted that he is 82 years old, though he looks not much more than half that. He said he had delivered his first speech on new thought when aged Ifl. Ho explained in detail why he didn't recall many things and why he probably wouldn't remember many Ihinirs (iiirins ins courr exnmimm"". "I learned early in life," he said "thntit is far more important to for get. Religion is man 'a relation to mo. which is God. 1 am conscious or mi lieini? nnlv in flod. It is necessary to foriret falsehood and error and to re' member only truth. So I forget a great deal." POTTER LUMBER COMPANY MAT OPEN I.OQQINW WAMr Tl Is i-enorted Hint the Potter Lum ber Co., located one mile west of Mill City. Is about to open tip their loL'uinir ennui. Tho mill burned down a short time airo. stopping activities. It is understood that the logging camp will be opened and logs sold to mills. A fair aixed stock of logs is on hand at the mill at the present time and will be sold. No statements have been given out regarding the rebuild ing of the mill, but it is very likely that this will be done. Albany Demo crat. i a i ENTERTAIN GUARDSMEN Sun Diego, Cel., Aug. 21. The cham ber of commerce is planning co-opera-tien with the exposition to set aside a dny for the Oregon militiamen on guard near here, when the fair will be thrown open to them and they will be enter tained. A big barbecue will be planned, a dacne will hold sway half the night, and during the day special events will be the order for the entertainment of the Oregon guardsmen. .t Sport Charge Must Be True Be cause Manager Himself Says So By H. O. Hamilton (United I'ress stuff correspondent) New Vork, Aug. 25. Fielder Jones, manager of the St. Louis American league club, has been talking too much through the newspapers, lie said so himself today when asked by the Unit ed I'ress what he thought of the chanc es of his team to win the pennant. Tones said he has been misquoted so frequently ho didn 't like to say much. but added if tiie promise was given that his words would not be twisted, he might let out a little secret. The promise given, Jones said: "I think we have a good chance to win the pennnnt. " Thereit is just as he said it. He be lieves his tcura has an excellent chance to win. He added that he must have an even break in New York and Bos- toil to get back home ready to make a spurt toward the flag. Jones' team is displaying a classy brand of the national game and yes terday's even break with the Yanks while the White .Sox were taking a beating nt Washington, placed the llrowns in a position to dispute third place with Comisky's high priced war riors. The Drowns are only unit a game behind Chicago. The tanks vaulted into a tie with Chicago for second place and with the llrowns buttling Hill Donovan s crew, a pretty iignt is on tor tne runner up place. 0 When the Drowns finish their series here they will go to Huston for their final eastern series with the world's champions. This will bo the acid test tor the St. I.ouis team, if they can get an even break there, as Fielder Jones said, they will be in a position to dispute the leadership of tne league when they again reach home. Cleveland nppenrs to have "cracked under the strain." Their victory at I'liiludelphiu yesterdu-r was their first in eight stiirts. The Hrnves gained n full game on the Dodgers in the National league. Cincinnati overtook the Hrooklyn club and downed it by a 2 to 1 score while the Hrnves were taking the Cubs into camp. Alexander stopped the skidding I'lnllies witli n victory over tne v.ur ilinals. Mathewson and Brown Chicago, Aug. 25 Christy Mathew- son versus Jlordeeni Urown will uc tne Uibor Day offering at the Club base ball park, according to an announce- cut today at Cut) headquarters, vtoru has already been received from Matty, it wns said, that he wus willing to fling ngainst his old rivnl. If the program goes through it will be the tirst tune in venis that the two former siui slabsters have clashed. Wolgast and Callahan New York, Aug. 25. Ad Wolgast former lightweight champion, will meet Frankie Callahan, local lightweight, to night in n ten round bout in Brooklyn. Baseball Deal Blocked rLl.inxi, Auir 4:Y The nrnnnsed deal uS", - l- l between the Cubs and Boston Braves, u., ili. lnttcr hnnn to tret Hciuic Zimmerman, Cub third sucker, has struck a snag, it was icurnuii iuiu, when it was unofficially stated thut the Cubs are demanding Rabbit Alarnn ville in exchange for Zimmerman. The Hrnves, it was reported, aro willing to give four players for Zimmerman, but so fur have been unable to get Owner Weeghmaii of the Cubs to aco their proposition. it, -iililitinil to (he Braves, both tho Giants and Cardinals have made bids for Zimmerman and Weeghmnn is con sidering their offers. Insures Against Rain Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 25. Promoter Eddie Pitts, on behalf of the Hundred Million Dollar club, staging the lightweight championship battle here Labor Dny, will take out $100,000 insurance against the possibility ol rain interfering with the bout, it was announced today. Pitts believes that on account of the infrequency of rains iu this region, he will have to pay only a small premi um for the insurance. Freddie Welsh is also after insurance He has opened negotiations with Llovds to insure his hands for $20,000 against the chance of accident up to the time ho enters the ring Labor Day. SAILOR LIKES SUITS Portland, Or., Aug. 25. Portland girls bathing costumes were given the stump of official approval today. May or Albee's secretary, William Warren, asked Captain Speier, harbor master, to Investigate reports that the suits were too revealing. "Cap" Speier, who is a seaman, announced thnt the suits were o. k. from a sailor's view point. 'VELSOR,, A LIGHT STARCHED Worn with or without pin 15c m. (or Mc. $1 .76 tha do. CL LETT, FKABOUV fc U. INC. Mk -- TALKING TOO MUCH IS JONES FAULT News Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings W. L. Pet. .584 .557 .518 .496 .403 .383 Ios Angeles : 77 55 Vernon t 78 62 San Francisco 72 67 Salt Lake 64 65 Portlund 57 66 Oakland 54 87 Yesterday's Results At Vaughn Btrect Portland 4, Salt Lake 3 (11 innings.) At Oakland Los Angeles 3, Oak land 0. At Los Angoles San Francisco 1, Vernon 0. National League W. Brooklyn . 68 Boston 63 Philadelphia 65 New York 53 Pittsburg 52 L. 42 42 Pet. .618 .600 40 .580 57 .482 50 .468 64 .4-18 65 .444 74 .373 L. " Pet. 47 .598 55 .542 54 .542 56 .537 50 .537 56 .529 60 .483 89 .219 Chicago 52 St. Louis 52 Cincinnati 44 American League W. Boston 70 Chicago 65 New York 04 St. Louis 65 Detroit 65 Clevelnnd (13 Washington 50 Philadelphia 25 Spider Baum saved himself twice by flossy pitching when it seemed all was lost. San Francisco bent Vernon in the fourth when Calvo'a double was fol lowed by a single and a sacrifice. Fromme of the losers allowed six hits and Huuin Four. At Portland, the Beavers beat Salt Lake when Spens slid home in trie eleventh alter Nixon hit a grounder to short. It was n close decision and the Saints jawed Umpire Finney until he dis tributed a few fines. Score 4 to 3. Kenneth Williams of Spokane, the new Heaver, showed intellect by draw ing three buses on balls during the af ternoon. Hunched Angelic hits in the fourth, fifth and ninth frumcs gave Los An jjeles u win over Oakland, 3 to 1, Stundridge of tiie victors yielded six hits. Ouklund played errorless ball, but fell down on the buses. Yesterday's big leugue hero wns El mer Smith. With the score tied Smith clouted one of Hud Fuber's sluuts out of the park and the Senators won. Eddie Collins uud Bobby Roth both stole home. Koth did it for Cleveland and Eddie made Washington suffer. Roth was subbing for Speaker and ho managed to knock the bull out of the park twice in one game. Spenker was spiked on his throw iug mitt. The Yanks are sharing second place with Chicago as a result of their even break yesterday with the Browns. Nunnmnker saved the Yanks when, acting as a pinch hitter, he tripled with Walters on third. The Ginnts were nimble to make their record of scoreless innings reach forty. They- made it thirty nine and then Bcorcd one. Connie Mack's worms turned and smote Cleveland in the first gntne of a double header. Peace Reign Again In Rival Pug Camps Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 25. Peace again reigns today in tne rival camps of Freddie weisn anil i nariej White following a wordy war yesterday between thoir respective trainers and the chamnion and his challenger are speeding up their training ior un scheduled 2U round championship bat tlia hern T.nbor dav. Charley Ross, trainer for Wclsn aim .Tne Thomas, who acts til the same ca pacity for White, enlivened proceedings yesterday by a quarrel over a rubbing tublo and lor a time it appeared " though the two men would stage a nmliniliiiirv bout to the coming battle. Timolv interference of Mnnagers- Lew is and Pollok prevented any trouuie. White is back at wora toouy, mi- lowing his trip to Pueblo last night where he seconded his brother in a bout between Jack White, and Kid Mex. Charley has increased nis dox ing to six and eight rounU daily. Yes ... i,. iinva.1 (three rounds with Stewart Connolly of Indianapolis and then sparred three clever rounds with tt-t.. .A:.,hu,l I'll! Harry iirainer. uw !.-." -pounds at the close of the day s work. s i iMlT IIMittP a lUIIO lM't v.v.,. dav but it is noticeable mat ne uii- no chances of getting his nanus our.. He swathes them in heavy bandages before starting boxing and dons a well padded headgear to protect Ins head. That Freddie will stick to his announc ed determination to defend his title Labor Dav "with his hands as wen his feet" was indicated by tne ;. he tore into his boxiug partners yes terday. Welsh stood toe to toe and swapped punches with Bratton and Battling Reddv in a 3 and 5 rounds and wound up looking fit and full of pep. Welsh is eagerly looking forward to the arrival of Mrs. Welsh who is com ing from California to witness the log battle. - i ..; i wmiMn't li a nrud if it weren't for the fact that she knows entirely too mucn. FARM LOAN HEARING IN OREGON SEPT. 7 Secretary McAdoo and Other Commissioners Are Com ing to Portland Washington. Aug. 24. (Special) A hearing of grent importance to farm ers, farm organizations and cities of Maine will be conducted by the newly appointed Federal Farm Loan Board of the federal building at Portland, Oregon, Sept. 7. This hearing is to secure information to guide the board in determining the boundaries of' the twelve federal land bank districts into which the Vnited States is to be divid ed for the application of the new rural credits legislation. The members of the federal farm loan board who will conduct the hear ing are Hon. Wm. O. McAdoo, secre tary of the treasury; Geo. W. Norria, farm loan commissioner; Herbert Quick Capt. W. S. A. Smith and C. E. Lob dell. . The board has requested farmers and farm organizations of Oregon to furn ish facts concerning the need of cheap er farm loans and it has asked inter ested cities to present claims for the location of one of these banks. This will be the only hearing in Oregon. The new federal farm loan act will do for the farmer what the federal re serve act is doing for the business man. Under it the government provides the machinery for assembling capital to be loaned to farm owners or intended farm owners, on first mortgage farm securi ty. The loans cannot exceed 50 per ceut of the value of the land, nor 20 per cent of the value of the permanent improvements. The loans will be made at a low rate of intercsr, not yet de termined, but not over 6 per cent, nnd provision is made for the borrower to pay off the loan nnd interest in small annual or semiannual payments through a period of forty years at his option. Farmers, to take advantage of the law, must associate themselves in groups of ten or more and form farm loon asso ciations and then mane application to one of the twelve federal land banks. The land will then be appraised and, if it meets requirements, the loans will be made. The new legislation Is expected to prove a great boon to those sections of the country where development has beea arrested because of high interest rates and it is predicted that it will have the effect of making agricultural prosperity permanent and uniform; sta bilizing 'and values, and greatly im proving general "Tirrm conditions. Thousands of requests to the V. S. treasury department for information regarding the application of the law indicate the great, nation wide interest in its provisions. Secretary McAdoo predicts that the banks will' be ready for operation Jan uary 1st or shortly thereaftre. IS Says He Has Never Missed Opportunity to Show His Contempt for Labor Seattle, Wash., Aug. 24. Samuel dumpers, president of the American Federation of Labor, today took a hand in the republican senatorial contest be tween Senator Miles Poindexter nnd Representative William K. Humphrey, of Seattle, when he branded the latter, in a letter made public at the labor temple here, as "conspicuous for his negligence and hostility" to labor in terests. -"Representative Humphrey," snid Oompera, "has lost but few opportuni ties to show his contempt for the or ganizations of labor and the endeavors to secure remedial legislation at the hands of congress." Senator Poindexter, on the other hand, according to Oompers, has render ed "good service." ''Poindexter has been, la practically every instance, sympathetically helpful in Deuair or moor measures auu ickisiu tion favoring the best interests of all the people," said Oompers in his let ter, which is addressed to James A. Duncan, secretary of the Seattle Cen tral Labor Council. The letter concludes as follows: "It is to bo sincerely hoped that the iutellinent people of Washington will nvail themselves of the great oppor tunity now afforded them to retire il Hum E. Humphrey to private life and keep him there." CHICKENS WIN THE DAY San Diego, Cal., Aug. 25. Portland Ore., seemed to have the next conven tion of the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs cinched today until the delegates from Anaconda, Mont., said "chickens." Then it was all over for the Portlund and the Montana city was chosen. Ana eonda promised "a chieken for every chief every meal" during tne ivil as sembly. Oeorge E. Wallace, vice-presi dent of the association, was elected president and I.ouis Almgren, of San Diego, vice-president, defeating Klliott Whitehead, ot oaKiand; n. vt. Bring hurst, of Seattle, was re-elected secre tary aud Joseph Wood, of Benton, Wash., was made treasurer. Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Calling Cards fruited at tne Jour nal Job Department. "THE OLD RELIABLE" REMEDYforMEN AT DRUS9IST8.0R TRIAL BOX UV M AILSOa (AILSOa i VN.Mr.l FROM PIAKTEN 9S MChRYUr. BROOKIYN.I - BEWAKfc OF IMITATIOWI NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word lc One week (6 insertions), per word 5c One month(20 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Read your advertisements the first day it appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 037 For wood saw. tt SACKS FOR SALE Phone 79F13. a25 BUBBEB Stamps made 165 8. Com.1 HAEBY Window cleaner. Phone 708. septa TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tl FOB RENT Good house, close in. Phone 782M. sepll FBONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N, Cottage. TRESPASS NOTICES FOB SALE at Journal office. ... FOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tl FOR SALE Team, weight 2850, also wagon. Phone 77iUJ. aug2o FOE SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 4ol. tl FOR RENT Close in, 5 room house and garage, 143 Union St. aug2b WANTED Some one to move house a short distance. Phone 32F11. aug28 WANTED Lady solicitors to work in Salem. Apply at 770 so. commercial St. FOR SALE A splendid organ, in good condition, for sale cheap, l'none 204 M. aug28 FOR SALE Hop baler, stove and sacks all at a bargain, l'tione nrJ. aug20 FOR SALE Fine young Holstein calves. State Deaf school. Phone 640. aug20 SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustment! $d, worta more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. sept2 FOR SALE Second hand cook stove, tent 10x12, sewing machine. 2011 Maple Ave. nug25 WANTED Bean pickers to commence work Saturday morning, phone HK Cull 134 Court St. aug25 FOR RENT Six room modern bunga low at 000 Aorth zutn. rnone iidsj. aug2o HOP PICKERS Wanted in river bot tom yard. Downing and Eoff. Phone 12S3 or 1417. aug29 FOR SALE 3 ton vetch hay at $12.00 delivered, M. M, Magee, route 5. Phone 81F25. aug2(i WANTED White Leghorn pullets, must be February or March birds. Phone 857. aug2o WANTED A single man to milk cows and do general farm work. Phone 84 F2. nug25 FURNISHED Booms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable., close in, 160 Court. tf WANTED Fresh cows or to freshen soon. V. R. Sexton, 400 N. 24th St. Phone 23S1 M. Salem, Ore. aug26 WANTED Experienced man to dry prunes. Must furnish reference. Phone 80F4, Salem, R. 5, box 91. a28 FOR SALE Baled vetch straw, a fine feed for cows or horses, $5.00 per ton in field. C. C. Russell, Phone 30F4. aug25 FOB BENT ADS nnder this heading le a word Bead for profit; use for results. HEAVY HACK With top; two years in use; good condition; for saje at half price; writo D. R. Murphy, Tur ner, Rt. 1. septl GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale; records furnished; moderate price Write care Journal X X 5. D. R. Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug26 WANTED Experienced miner wants partner for prospecting trip; soon. Address C. E. Miner, care Journal. aug.'iO FOB SALE 3 half truck Studabak er wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or itumpage. 8784 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tt SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jtmcii, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc,. Dougnt, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. septl EXCHANGES If you have a farm or city property to exrtannne, see Been tel & Co. We make a specialty, come in and look over our list. aug26 HUM) A pocket book , containing check for $20.00. Owner may have same by calling at Journal otfice and paying for ad. aug MAiintcsw -viade over at vour home, $1.50 and up. City ref ereuce, satisfaction or no pay. Ad dress H. W. Wright, Generul Deliv ery. 8Ug3i I WANT TO RENT A ranch of 100 to 200 acre, part under plow, rest pasture. Must be close to good school and have goqd house and barns, and good soil; will rent 3 to 5 years. Write Geo. Reinoehl., 1000 N. 14th St., Salem. tf And rooster wanted. aug25 FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms, 694 N. Com'l. aug28 FOR SALE Chicken house, scctionar fence and poultry wire. Phone 417M. aug25 A MAN Of 25 years wishes to meet young lady as company at first. Ad dress A. A. care Journal. augz FOR RENT My house at 755 norti Church St., two blocks from school. , Rent reasonable. G. A. Wood. aug28 CANNING PEACHES For sole, $1.00 75c, oOc per bushel at orchard, l'none . 6F3. L. Townsend, Mission Bottom. . aug28 HOP ' PICKERS WANTED Stolz ft McNary's yard, 4 miles north of Sa lem. Register with W. T. Stolz, phone 211. tt WANTED Experienced farm hand, . for general farm work; permanent job; references required. Phono 11 F33. aug26 HOP PICKERS Wanted at J. A. KrebB yard at Brown's island, start picking Monday Aug. 28. Thone 8F25. aug25 WILL SELL Or trade1 for car or cat tle, three horses, harness, bicycle, top buggy and hack. Box 59, Ht. 3, Tur-. ner, Ore. aug28 WANTED Ford touring ear, cash for best buy, year '12, . '13 or '14, me chanical condition not necessarily Al. Phone 20-J. aug24 WANTED Evergreen blackberry pick ers, Wi cents, fino camping ground, month's work. Call at O. K. Grocery. Phone 2419. aug& PEACHES FOR SALE Come to our orchard or phone 56F14 for fine can ning peaches. M. C. Petys, old Her ritt place, Wallace road. ang25 FOR EXCHANGE Store adjoining fl room house, toilet, bath, wired, on business St. Cloverdnle, Sonoma Co., Cnl. D. C. llarter. Salem property preferred. aug26 WANTED A reliable farmer to take charge of quarter section Montana, 100 acres in crop, good buildings, rent on shares, references required. Address N 37 care Journal. aug3l FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rate W. H. Norris, Bee. Hubbard bldg. Room 304. tf FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlatt Fruit Farm, half mile north of west end of steel bridge on Wallace road, bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. J as. Imluh. sept20 FOR SALE The shelving in Chicago Store annex consisting of approxi mately 21100 It. of No. one dressed lumber for sale to highest bidder. Mrs. A. A. Mirkol, 834 Center St. Phone 799. aug2li FOR SALE Cows, bronze turkeys and colts, all from pure bred stock; also Mitchell car first class condition. J. H. Smith, enre Uoodfellow ranch, Rickreall, Ore. Phone 7F25. aug2S FORCED TO SELL In the next 30 days, 4 moiiern bungalows at less than half value. Also a garage build ing. Mr. Investor or homeseeker look this up at once. L. Bechtel & Co., 347 State St. aug26 $200.00 FOR 2 CTS Anyone who can sell my 100 acre ranch can get 200 dollars, cash; send 2et stamp for de scription and terms with your name and address, plainly written. Luther Myers, Salem, Ore. sept7 BLUE DAMSON PLUMS For sale, a few bushels of the original from pio- ncer orchard at $1.20 per bushel, de livered. Phone 25F3, R. F. D. 3, box 212, Riverside Park Farm, Lulu M. Lankfurd. aug26 NOTICE Aug. the 13th a bay mare, one white hind foot and one white front foot came to my place, owner may have same by paying for t'.iis adv. and other expenses. Phone 92P3 in the evening. aug28 FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow located in Salem's best residence dis trict, was built for a homo but must sell at a sacrifice, terms if desired. If you want something good it would pay you to investigate. Address Jour nal M 86. tf F. W. DURBIN Is now booking hop pickers for his 68 acres of hops, he will call and get the pickers and re turn them free of charge, will furn ish wood free, good camping grounds. Phono 491 or call Durbin & Conoyer in Bush bank bldg. tf Auto Accident Cause of Banker's Death Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 25. Word waa received here today by long distance telephone of an automobile accident near Randle, in which James A. Urqn hart, a banker of this city was killed and his mother, Mrs. William M. Urqu hart, probably fatally injured. Other occupants of the lar. whose names, have not been reported here, are said to have been painfully, but not serious ly hurt. The Vrquharts had been camping nead Rantle for some time. They had gone to Lewis yesterday and were re turning to camp when the automobile ran off a bridge over a small moun tain stream. Vrquhart was 32 years old and is sur ived by a widow and two small chil dren. He was prominent in fraternal and business circles here. The Italian government- is experi menting with sericulture in Liyya, which produces many mulberry trees, on the leaves of which silk worms can be fed. GUINEA HEN Phone 70F11.