Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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0 ' M
'"'' 1
Rate per word New" Today:
Each insertion, per word... ...lc i
(Una week (8 insertions), per word....5c f
pne month(26 insertions) per word 17c
I The Capital Journal wiil not be
feponsible for more than one insertion!
ior errors in wassuriea Advertisments. i
Bead your advertisements the first day I
it appears and notify us immediately!
j mrnimum cnarge, ioe. I
; PHONE 937 For wood saw.
BUkBEB Stamps made 1G5 8. Com!
..' tf
HARRY Window ckaner. Phone 708.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
491 N. Cottage.
Journal office,
wrll digt.kk wanted Cuii j. c.
(are .loiiriml. aug24
THNT For snlo, Inquire 2"4 South
Jjiberty nt. Phone NO. augi
FOR RENf SIGNS For tale at Cap
ital Journal office. tl
WANTED Office destc. Address J.
W. Goebel, Siilenif Oregon. , nug24
FOR- RENT 5 room furnished flat
close in.. Phone t";!7W. nug"-4
FOR .SALE Team, weight 28.W,. also
wagon. Phone nl Li. - aug2.
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. I'none oi. ti
30 GOOD EWES For sale, cull at
Baker hotel, Turner Ore. aug24
WANTED Lady solicitors to work in
Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St. . tl
FOR SALE Hop baler, stove nnd
sacks all at a bargain. Phone 14F:i.
5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. septS
IT N E FARM 2.-.0 acres in Waldo
Hills, for sale cheap, terms. Phone
114. aug24
FOR RENT Six room modern bunga
low at OliO North 20th. Phone llllS.r.
HOP PICKERS Wanted in river bot
tom yard. Downing and Koff. Phone
12S3 or 1417. nug2!
FOR SALE 3 ton vetch hay at $12.00
delivered; M. M. Magee, route 5.
Phone 81F25. aug2(l
WANTED White Leghorn pullets,
must be February or Mnrch birds.
Phone So". aug2"i
WANTED A single man to milk cows
nd do general farm work. Phone
84F2. nug'.T
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable
close in, 160 Court. tf
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house
furnished, close in, one block from
state house. Phone 270-J. nug24
OLD NEWSPAPERS wanted in car
load lots, communicnte with Bond
Bros., Vancouver, B. C. aug24
WANTED Fresh cows or to freshen
soon. V. R. Sexton. 40(1 N. 24th St.
Phone 2381 M. Salem, Ore. aug20
FOR SALE Baled vetch straw, a fine
feed for cows or horses, $..00 per ton
in field. C. C. Russell, Phone 39E4.
. aug2"
FOR SALE Or trade for light car, a
19l"i Dayton motorcycle, good condi
tion, fully equipped. Cheap for cash.
Fire department. aug24
FOR SALE Hunt feel roller, almost
new. regular nrice I2.".00, will sell
for 4.ri.00. Westenhnver Bros., Cot
tage Grove Ore. aug24
ADS under this beading lc a word
Bead for profit; use for results.
HEAVY HACK With top; two years
in use; good condition; for sale at
half price; write D. R. Murphy, Tur
ner, Rt. 1. s"!'11
FOR SALE New, John Deere new way
Ss engine, 3'J horse power, worth
$150,00 for $05.00. Westenhnver Bros.
Cottage Grove, Oregon. aug'24
GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale;
records furnished; moderate price
Write care Journal X X 5. D. R
Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug2f
SHOE REAIRING Get your shoes
patched up for hop picking; work
done while vou wait. East Salem Shoe
thop. 19th and State. aug24
WANTED Experienced miner wants
partner for prospecting trip; soon.
Address C. K. Miner, care Journal.
.. . uug30
FOR SALE 3U half truck Studabalt
r wagon. Will trade for heavie!
wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786
Loo. Phone 1322 J. tf
jewelry, musical instruments, tools,
guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St
Phone 493. ""I'tH
'. W. Dl'RBIN Is now booking ho,
pickers for his 08 acres of hops, he
will call and get the pickers and re
turn them free of charge, will furn
ish wood free, good camping grounds.
Phone 491 or call Durbin Conoyer
in Bush bank bldg. "
GUINEA HEN And .jooster wanted.
Phone 76F11. ? auaSS
FR RENT Furnistiel bouse keeping
. rooms, ot vom'U ; aiigllS
" ;
WANTED 4 ton whole barley, state
price in field. V, A. Doerflerl Silver-
'soo. augt
A MAN Of 2." years wishes to meet
young lady as company at first. Ad
dress A. A. care Journal. aug24
FOR RENT My house at 753 north
Church St., two blocks from school.
Rent reasonable. G. A. Wood, aug'29
CANNING PEACHES For sale, $1.00
7")c, i0c per bushel at orchard. Phone
lil'3. L. Townsend, Mission Bottom.
McNary's yard, 4 miles north of Sa
lem. Register with W. T. Stolz, phone
20. tf
WANTED Experienced farm hand,
for general farm work; permanent
job; references required. Phone 11
F3M. . nug2(i
HOP PICKERS Wanted at J. A.
Krebs yard at Brown's island, start
picking Monday Aug. 2S. Phone
SF2", aug25
WILL SELL Or trade for car or cat
tle, three horses, harness, bicycle, top
buggy and hack. Box Sit, Rt! 3, Tur
ner, Ore. aua28
WANTED Ten to fifteen head good
- slioats' three or four months old,
State price. Address E. P. care jour
nal. aug24
WANTED A capable woman for
housework and partial care of inva
lid. Apply at 1038 Saginaw, or phone
118W. aug24
WANTED Ford touring car, cash for
best buy, year '12, '13 or '14, me
chanical condition not necessnrilv
Al. Phone 920-J. aug24
WANTED Evergreen blackberry pick
ers, l'i cents, fine camping ground,
month's work. Call at O. K. Grocery.
I'houe 2419. nug25
FOR SALE Electric coffe mill, coun
ter, show case, cheese cutter, deliv
ery wagon, Toledo scale. G. II. Wood
Phone 204 l-K. nug24
LOST A red paper day book contain
in!; check and green back for $1.00,
reward. Phone 243. Address S. L. Sun
l!.- South High. nug24
orcnanl or phone ;1M4 lor tine can
ning peaches. M. C. Tetys, old ller
ritt place, Wallace road. aug25
WANTED A reliable farmer to take
charge of quarter section Montana,
100 acres in crop, good buildings,
rent on shares, references required.
Address N 37 care Journal. nug31
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
sleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates
W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg.
Room 304. ti
FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah
Fruit Farm, half mile north of west
end of steel bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phone S2F11. .las.
Imlah. sept20
$200.00 FOR 2 CTS Anyone who can
sell my 100 acre ranch can get 2iHl
dollars, ensh; send 2ct stamp for de
scription and terms with your name
ami address, plainly written. Luther
Myers, Salem, Ore. sept?
BLl'E DAMSON PLl'.MS For sale, a
few bushels of the original from pio
neer orchard at $1.20 per bushel, de
livered. Phone 25F3, R. F. D. 3, box
212, Riverside Park Farm, Lulu M.
Lnnkford. nug-'G
NOTICE Aug. the 13th a bay mare,
one white hind toot anil one wtute
front foot came to my place, owner
may have same by paying for t'.iis
adv. and other expenses. Phone 92F3
in the evening. aug28
WANTED Middle ag"d lady for light
house work, smnll family, three miles
out. Must be good house keeper and.
-will be treated as one ot tumiiy.
Sternly work to right party. Address
W. T. care Journal. aug24
FOR SALE 3 room modern bungalow
locnted in Salem's best residence dis
trict, was built for a home but must
sell at a sacrifice, terms if desired.
If you want something good it would
pnv you to investigate: Address Jour
nal M-30. ' tf
Our Want Ads
Light the Way
to Greater Resnlti
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Marion County
Louise Dyer, plaintiff, vs. Jos. J.
Keber, administrator ot the estate of
Christian Spcth, deceased, and Jose
phine Speth Age, Elizabeth A. Speth
Walper, Frank Speth, Mike speh, Ju
lius Speth Bogart, Charles Speth, Ag
gie Speth Graf, Odelia Speth, and all
children and heirs at law of Christian
Speth, deceased, defendants. Summons.
To Josephine opetu Age, ,iizaDetn
A. Speth Walper, Frank Speth, Mike
Speth, Julius Speth Bogart, Charles
Speth, Aggie Speth Graf, defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
filed against vou in the above entitled
suit on or befpre September 5th, 1910,
which is more than six weeks after the
date of puotication . of this summons,
and if you fail to so answer, for waut
thereof, tne plaiutitf will apply to tue
court for the relief prayed for in plain-
lUL a I'uuil'ittiui, lunu; liim planum.
have and recover of and from the
said defendants, Jos. J. Keber, admin-
Speth, deceased, Josephine Speth Age,
Elizabeth A. Speth Walper, Frank
Speth, Mike Speth, Julius Speth Bo-,
gartr, Charles Sjieth, Aggie Speth Graf
and Odelia Speth, the sum of $2090.00
with interest thereon at the rate or o
istrator of the estate of Christian"
per cent per annum from April 20,
1912. to April 20, 1913, amounting to
$101.40 together with interest at the
rate ot O per cent per annum on saia
sum of $101.40 until paid, together
with . interest on the sum' of $2090.00
at the rate of 7 per cent per annum
from April 20, 1913, until paid, to
gether with the further sum of $20.90
with interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per annum from April 26,
1914, until paid; for tho furtaer sum
of $47.00, taxes for the year of 1912,
with interest thereon at the rate of 0
per cent per annum from October 20,
1913, until paid; for the further sum
of $45.80 taxes, for the year 1913, with
interest' thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from July 31, 1914,
until paid; for the further sum if
$3o0,oo attorney s tee, together witn
plaintiff's costs and disbursements in
this suit, and that the mortgage dated
April 27, 1911, and the mortgage dated
April 20, 1913, and signed by Christian
Speth, conveying the following de
scribed parcels of property, in Marion
county, state t Oregon, said proper
ty being described as tollows:
Beginning at a stone on the section
line 10.00 chains nortn of the . w.
corner of section 30, T. 5 S. R. 1 W.
of the Willamette Meridian, Marion
county, state of Oregon; thence north
along the section line 39.923 chains to
an iron pin in tne west end or tne ie
gal subdivision line of the Wm. F.
Eastham D. L. C, thence east along
said legal subdivision line 12.89 chains
to an iron pipe; thence aouth 39.923
chains; thence west 12.89 chains to
the point of beginning, containing
51.40 acres ot Innii, being part or sec
tion 30. T. 5 S. R. 1 W. of the Wil
lamette Medtdian, Marion county,
state of. Oregon.
Beciuning at a stone in the S. W.
corner of section 3G, township 5, S. of
Range 1, v est of the lllnmette Ale
ridian in iirion county, Oregon;
thence north 10.00 chains to a stone;
thence east 12.89 chains to an iron
pipe; thence south 17 minutes east
10.00 chains to an iron pipe in the
south line of said section; thence west
12.904 chains along tho section line to
the point of beginning, containing
12.93 acres of land, situated in tne
southwest corner of section 30 T. 5
S. R. 1 west of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Marion county, state of Ore
and that said property be sold by the
sheriff of ' Marion county to satisfy
the plaintiff's notes and mortgages,
and further, that you, and all persons
claiming by, through or under you, or
ii- of the above named . defendants,
be forever barred and foreclosed of all
right, title or interest in and to the
property above described, except the
statutory right of redemption, and for
such other and further relief as to the
court mav seem meet and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by the order of the
judge of tne aoove entitled court,
which order is dated July 15th. 1916.
Charles T. Haas,
Attorney for plaintiff, 206 Stock Ex
change Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication, July 20th,
Date of last publication, August
3I8t, lliiu.
Sheriff's Sale of Real Property on
Notice in hprphv fflvin. Thnf bv vir-
n , - -.
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Marion and to
me directed on tne L'utn day of July,
1910, upon a judgment and decree duly
rendered, entered of record and dock
eted in and bv said court on the 30t".i
day of June, 1910, in a certain suit
then in said court pending, wherein
A. J. Barham and Laura. M. Barnaul,
were plaintiffs anil O.-I. Morris, Cor
nelia A. Morris, Mattle J. Sauter, Ed
Sautcr, S. F. Anderson, trustee, Falls
City Lumber company, a corporation
anil Earl V. Barham, were defendants
in favor of plaintiffs and against said
defendants by which execution I am
commanded to sell the property in said
execution and hereinafter described to
par the sum due tho plaintiffs and
defendant, Earl V. Barham, first, the
sum due the plaintiff of one thousand
dollars ($1,0000.00) with interest at 7
per cent per annum from February 6th
1914, and the turt.ier sum of one hun
dred ($100.00) dollars, a attorney's
fees and their, costs and disbursements
taxes allowed at seventeen and 73-100
($17.75) dollars, second the sum due
the defendant, Earl V. Barham of five
hundred and seventy-two and 72-100
($572.72) dollars with interest at 6 per
cent per annum from July 2nd, 1915,
and the further - sum of seventy five
and 00-100 ($75.00) dollars, as attor
neys fees ami his "costs and disburse
ments taxed allowed at seven and
00-100 ($7.00) dollars and costs and
expenses of said execution. 1 will on
Saturday the 20th day of August, 1916
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of -said
lay at the west door of the county
courts house in Marion county, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand on the day of
sale, all the right, title, interest ana
estate which said defendants, O. I.
Morris, Cornelia Morris, Mattie J.
Sauter, Ed Sauter, S. F. Anderson,
trustee, Falls City Lumber company, a
corporation and all persons claiming
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked , by
the wholesaler of the retailer, ar.d
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.'ices are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Commission houses anil the miUj
were practically out of the market yes
terday as the price of wheat is too
uncertain. Conditions are too unset
tled for much buying except for pres
ent needs.
Oats are stronger with quotations of
from 38 to 40 cents. No advance has
been made in the retail flour market.
Orr&ma. '
Wheat $1.00(ad.05
.Oats, new 3S(fi 40c
Rolled barley , .. - $35.00
Bran : " $26,50627
Shorts, per ton $31.00
Alfalfa, California, ton (20.00
Hay, clover $9$10
Hay, cheat $10.0011.00
Hay, vetch $11$I2
Hay, timothy, $150iil6
.Butterfat - -. 31c
Creamery butter, per pound 34c
Country butter 20c 22c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 22(2 24c
Eggs, trade : 25c
Hens, pound 12J13'jC
Roosters, old, per pound 8e
Broilers, under 2 pounds .. 14 M;C
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 9llc
Pork, dressed 11K12 l-2c
Pork, on foot 8 l-29c
Spring lambs, 1916 7 (a 7 l-4c
Steers " 56
Cows . 3 1-2(j4c
Bulls 33 1-4
Ewes 44 l-2c
Wethers 5 l-2c
Tomatoes, Oregon 75c
Cabbage '. 40c
Cucumbers ... 4075c
String garlio
Potatoes, sweet
Potatoes, new .
Green onions ..
...4 l-2c
1(31 14
.... 40i
Grceu peppers
Carrots, dozen 40
Onions , $1.75
Beans, green and waxed 4c
Onions, Walla Walla $2.00
Watermelons lVJc
Peaches .. 35(800c
Grapes $1.25(3 1.75
Apples 50c$1.00
Oranges, Valencies $4,25
Lemons, per box $7.$$(5b7.50
Cantaloupes $1.501.75
Bananas, pound ot
California grape fruit,.- $3.00
Florida grape fruit $6.00
Pineapplea 8c
Cassavas 2c
Honey $3.50
Belall Price. '
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 30e
Sugar, cane $8.25
Sugar, beet $8.00
Creamery butter 40c
Flour, hard wheat $1.70(5 1.90
Flour, valley ..$1.35(4 1.50
Portland, Ore., Aug. 21. Wheat:
Club, $1.24.
Bluostcm, $1.28.
Fortvfold, $1,20.
Red Russian, $1.22. -
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $30.
Barley: Feed, $32.
Hogs: Best live, $9.75.
Prime steers, $7.
Fancy cows, $5(33.35.
Calves, $7.50.
Spring lambs, $8.35.
Butter: City creamery, 31c.
Country butter, 27c.
Eggs: Selected local er., 29(332c.
Hens, 15c'.
Broilers, 10(3 17c.
Geese, 10c.
Capital Journal
Sent to Tour Summer Vacation
of tha
relieved in
Each Cap
ulo bean the (MluYJ
nam - y
iVimre nfrou n
under them subsequent to the date of
the mortgage herein foreclosed, in, of
and to said premises hereinbefore men
tioned and described in said execution
as follows, to-wit:
Commensinir at a point on the fast
i line of block -No. 13 in hoberts addition
to the city of Salem, Orejjon, according
to the recorder plat thereon on record
in the office of the recorder for Mar
ion county, Oregon, said point being
100 feet southerly from the northeast
corner of said block running thence
westerly parallel to Center street,
thence southerly parallel to lourteeutn
street, 57.50 feet; thence easterly par
allel to Center street 192 feet to the
west lin of Fourtenth street; thence
northerly to the west line of Four.
teenth street 57.50 feet to the place of
I beginning, all situated in Roberts ad
dition to the city of balcm, in Marion
county, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manuer provided by
Dated this 24th dav of July, 1916.
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon
By W. I. .eedham, Deputy.
August 24.
Classified Advertising Page
DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone ilain 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
Depot American fence.
Screens for Doors and Windows,
Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
Stoves repaired and sold.
R. B. Fleming. 259 Court. Phone 124.
' Incorporated, drugless methods,
opens Sept. 5th, 1910. Private pa
tients and clinics, lto 5 p. m. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D. Dean, 328 Hubbard
bldg., Salem, Or.
from all points, east, on all boushold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
loal , service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
WANTED We have an applicant who
desires to rent an equipped farm of
100 acres or more, for two years, or a
longer period. Applicant has plenty
of help and can furnish good refer
ences. Call 470 or see Sqnare Deal
Realty company.
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd St Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
$500,00 Eastern money to loan, low
rates, quick service. Repayment priv
ilege. Thos. A. Roberts, 205 U. S.
Bank bldg, Salem, Oregon.
MONEY TO LOAX--1 have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms.
Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornaek
Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 90.
DRS. B. H. WHITE and.R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate or Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Trent acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant
Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 346
North Capital street. Phone 409.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates, lard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Kewidence Main Wi.
ii-r-1 1 ti a r r ri't it nn n r wl,k
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
,directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
FOR RENT Two well finished, well
furnished flats convenient to the
university. Nothing better. Also for
sale a modern six room bungalow
with or without furniture, paved
r street near car line, new garage, very
cheap. Square Deal Realty Co., 202
V. H. Bank Bldg.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in atlvanre.
and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
1108 N. 21st. F. L. Keister, Wm.
Nelson O. Freemon, proprietor, os
cillating wall beds, hot water beat,
Dutch kitchens. Beautifully locat
ed, opp. Marion park. 010 N. Com
mercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone
'209. .latiitnr servii-c.
A. O. I'. W. Protection Loilxe No. 2,
' MfetH every Mtmiluy evening in H In the
Mci.'m-nttck hnll, corner Court unil l.ilieny
streets, A. K. Aiifi-Hiice. M. V. ; K. A.
Mrl-'Hilileu, ' reroriler ; A. 1,. Itruwn,
liuuncler ; R. II. lMim-an. ti-eaiturer.
CKNTUA1, I.OI;K, No. 1H. K. of I'. Mc-roi-ntick
UullilltiK. Tutwliiy evening of
ench week at 7 :.'io. '. K. Harbour, (..'. C;
V. II. ;ilsin, K. of K. anil H.
HAI.KM I.OIKSK No. 4. A. F A. M.
hinted coniiiiiinli-attona first Krtiliiy In
eiir-h month at 7 p. ru. In the Musonlc
Temple, ('lias. McCurter, V. M. ; H. '..
Kulver, secretary.
WOODMKS OK THK WOltl.ll Meet every
. Friday nlnlit at o'clock In Mci'ornack
block. A. J. Kw.-hilnk, C I'; I,. H. Over,
clerk. 507 Court Street 1'liune r,t.'t.
It. N. of A. "orea-on iraie I'lmp," No.
Kiwi, nieerit every Thiimiluy evening In
Mc ornuck hiilMiiifC. Court and Liberty
atreeta: elevator. Mrs. Hylvlu Scbaupp,
1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. MellKsa Per
sons, recorder, J-j'.MJ North Commercial.
Phone 14:i-M.
Iteyulur concluve fourth Friday In each
month at H o'clock p. in.. In Musonlc
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knighti are
courremlsly Invited to meet with us.
I.ot I.. 1'eurce. I. C, Frank Turner;
Classified Business 7 j '
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Electrla Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High IU ltM
T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mala 1M
Salem Truck A Dray Co, corner State ana Front street Mala T4
Dry Zensal
Moist Zensal
No. HI Oregon Express 5 :OOa.m.
No. 1!4 Kugene Limited it :02 p. m.
No. 2H Willamette Limited . . . t) -.'."J n. m.
No. 1'J Shasta Limited 1 1 :r.." a. m.
No. 18 l'ortlaiMt I'asttenger ....1:2? p. m.
No. 'Jo Portland Passenger . ..f:imu. m.
No. 14 Portland Express 8 :04 p. m.
No. '-"J'.' Pol-Maud fast Freight to :.' p. ni.
No. Ulitl Local way Freight . . . , 10 :M a. m.
No. t,"i Ctilifomiu KipriwH.... 3:.12a. m.
No. 17 Ittwehurg Paaaenger. . . 11 :20 a. m.
No. IN! F.ugene Limited 10 -.01 a. ru.
No. Ill Cottage lirove Pasa. ..4:10p.m.
Makes connection with No. 74 (jeer
No. 11 Shasta Limited R :43 p. m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited... 6:10 p. m.
No. l.t San Francisco F.xpresa 10:30 p.m.
No. 221 San Francisco Faat
Freight 12:01 a. m.
No. 22i Local way Freight . . . . 1 1 :40 a. m.
S.ll.KM liKEH I.TNE.
No. 7H Arrive at Salem 0:15 a.m.
No.' 711 Leaves Halem II :."! a. m.
No. 7.1 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2 Mill p. m.
No. 74 Leave Salem 4:20p.m.
No connection Hoiitu ot Geer.
Mali: it, Fai.i.h City and Wkhtf.iix
No. III! Lv. Huleni. motor . , . , ,7 :Oi a. m.
No. lil.'t Lv. Saleui, motor 0:45 a.m.
No. 1U5 Lv. Salem tor Monmouth
and Alrlle 1 :40 p. m.
No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor 4 :O0 p. m.
No. 1110 Lv. Salem, motor 0:15 p.m.
No. 2:111 Way I'r't lv. Salem. . . .5 :Oo a. ni.
No. 102 Ar. Salem 8 :4o a. m.
No. 104 Ar. Snlein 11:1" a.m.
No. Iim Ar. Salein 8 :15 p.m.
No. Iti8 A r. Stilem H :oo p. m.
No. 171 1 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Sulem... 1 ;.'!." p. ui.
Orriltm dry Titittiwrtatifn I'vntpaHii.
The tiraliamona leavea Salem for Port
land at 7 o'clock on the mornlnga of Mon
day. Wednesday and Fridny. No boat south
of Salein. Itout leavea Portland Tuesday.
Thursduy nud Saturday murnlngs until
further notice.
vests knownBet,Sft, AlwyKllai'l
ril(Jint : Mn. l.ou TllUon. Herrvturw.
All cttMi't. of cruelty or utttflrct of Quuib
anlmuls ntimilU be re ih tried to tho i
Kfvmnry fur lureHtlgutluu.
CUAhWK'K ('IIAPTKK, No. lit, O. B. 8
ItfK'il.ir wttit.v every fti'Hi und third
Ttiewluv tit H v- m. In the Miiimlc 'IVm
pie. Minn I Mtwllfr, W. M. ; Ida M.
ilutx'ni'k. ttecretury.
l'NITl:l) AimSANS Capital Aaaembly,
No. M, meets every Wedllenitay ut K p. Ul.
In Mooxe hall. ('. O. Matlock. M. A. i
C. .. Ituniiiili, secretary, Safem Uunk ot
Stated afiiilly firm Momluy iu euch
montli, MiiHonlc Temple. N. P. Iliiinun
aen. Tlirlre Illustrious Muster; (ilenn C.
Nlles, recorder.
SALIOM COPNCIL NO. 2022 Knights and
Ladies ot Security .Meets every 2nd and
4tll Wednesday eacll montli at Hurst
Hull. Visiting memiiers are. Invited to
attend.' i:. r". Walton, finiiiicier, 480 S.
14th Street.
PACIl'lC LOHCK No. 50. A. K. k A. M.
Stilted ciMiiiiiiiiikutloiiH third Friday
In oach monili ar 7 :.'!o i. m. In the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Ilolam. V. M. ;
Krnest II. Choute. aecretury. .
gon Cedur Cump. No. 5240, meets -every
Thursday evening tit H o'clock In Mc
Cornaek hall, corner Court and Liberty
-streets. F.levator service. tJeo. Iteluohl,
V. ' : .t. A Wright, clerk
. $100 Reward, $100
The reader of this paper will be
pleased to lnarn that there la at lead one
dreaded dlaeaae that science ha been
able to cure In all It stages, and that I
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur I th only
positive ours now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, reoulre a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken In
ternally, acting directly upon th blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
by destroying- the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting;
nature In doing It work. The proprietor
have so much faith tn Its curative pow
er that they offer One Hundred Dollar
for any case, that tt falls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials.
.Address: r. J. CHKNET CO. ToUao. O.
v8old by all Drtisglets. ISO.
Taks Hall's Family Pills far O )tlpatlo
J V"S l,adlrt Asa yr I'ruaeiKl Lie .
ft CU'Jt 'lil-ei.lFlllnJTlra4V
ClAiJCv I'IIIi In K. t anil 41.1,1 ii.eulllAV
t,M. teil! van Blu Rllito. V
tS4 aWvl Tab r ataep. Bur MtMr v
I I lr iinuiiL A-.vintvm.ftnM.Tr.itn
The fact that Zensal is made
to reach the two distinct
types of Eczema should ap
peal to all skin sufferers.
Tetter, salt rheum and dry
eczema should be treated
with Dry Zensal. For weep
ing skin use Moist Zensal.
75c a jar at
Lv. Salem . Train No. Ar. Portland!
4:H5a.m. 2 Owl ...... B:55a.a.
7:15 a. m 0 0:25 a. m. .
:45a.m 10 Limited. .. .11 :5 a. m.'
11 :2oa. m 12 It :5 p. ro.-
1:50 p. m 14 4:00 p.m.
4 :on p. 111 10 Limited . . . B :."0 p. m. .
5 :.'to p. m 21 7 :40 p. nu
7:55 p.m. ....... 22 10:00p.m.
Portland to Salem
Lv. Portland
H :.So a. m. Sulem 8 :!t.t Eugene 10 :55 . ra.
8:;mi.m. ... 0 Limited .... 10:11a.m. '
in :45 a. ni , , 7 12 :55 p. m.
2 :05 p. m 0 4 :15 p. a.
4 AH p. m. ... I!) Limited .... 8 .40 p. nu
0:05p.m. 17 Local .... 8:10p.m.
0:20 p.m. ID It :20 p.m.
11:45 p.m. 21 Owl 1:55 p.m.
Lv. Corvallls Ar. Salem
4 :10 p. m 20 6 :30 p. m.
Lv. Eugene. Ar. Salen
7 :;!.' a. ai 10 Limited .... 9:45a.m.
1:55 p. oi lit Limited ... 4:00 p.m."
ft :25 p. m 22 7 :55 p. m.
12 :0o p. ni 2 Owl 4 :35 a. m.
HOl'TH UOl'ND ' ,
Lv. Salem. Ar. Eugene
1 a. m 21 Owl 0 :50 a. m.
10:15 am 5 Limited ....12:25 pm.
Lv. Salem Ar. Albany,
12:55 p. m T 1:50 p.m.
Stops at Corvallia.
Lr. Sulem. Ar. Albans
4:15 p. in. 0 0 :10 p.m.
Ar. Albany
, , 7 :'M a. tn.
Lv. Sulem. Ar. Eugene
tl ;45 p. m 1 .1 8 :50 p. m.
Lv. Corvallls. Ar. 8ale
8 :25 a. m 10 :45 a. ra.
12:12 p. m 14 1:45 p.m.
2 :4I p. m 1H 4 :00 p. m.
4:10 p. m 2 0:30 p.m. ,
0:18 p. m 22 7:55 p.m.
Lv. Salem. Ar. CorvnllH.
to :15 a. m 5 11 :XI a. m.
4 :15 p. m I) 5:30 p. 0
12:55 p. m 7 2:20 p.m.
6:40 p. m 13 8:00 p.. m.
Yick So Tong
Has medicine which will cure
Any known Disease
153 South High Street.
81 em, Oregon. Phone 283
000,000 in new wealth added in 1015.
Knormoua crops and low taxatioa
make farmers rich. Wheat average,
30.10 bushels per acre in Alberta,
28.75 bushels per acre" in ISaskatchaj
wan, 28.50 bushcla per acre in Mani
toba. Taxes average $-4. and will not
exceed $115 per quarter section, in
cludes all tuxes; no taxes on improve
ments. Free schools and full religious
liberty, (food climate. Get yonr farm
home from the Canadian Pacific Rail
way.. 20 years to- pay. Good land
from $11 to t'iO per acre; irrigated
lands from $35, and the government
guarantees your land and water
titles. Balance, after first payment,
extended over ltf years, with interest
nt B per cent; privileges of paying ia
full any time. Before final payment
become due your farm should
have paii for itself. We will loud
you up to $2,000 in improvements ia
certain districts, with no security oth
er thau the land itel. Particular!
on request. Ready-made farms tor
sale. Special easy terms. Loans for
livestock. In defined districts, after
one year's occupation, under certain
conditions, we advance cattle, sheep
and hogs to farmers up to a value of
' $1,000. We want you; we can afford
to help you. We own the laud; we want
the land cultivated. Our interests are
mutual. Buy direct and get your farm
home from the CANADIAN PA
CIFIC RAILWAY. Send for free
book. J. S. Dennis, Assistant to tha
President,- Canadian Pacific Railway,
. 77 Ninth avenue, Calgary, Alberta,
The Journal Does Job Printing.