Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August 2, IPIO.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President Sec- and Treas.
ffwiw hT .arrler. ner Tear 500 P mntn
DUy by mail, per year
, 3.00 Per month
New Tork, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chieago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'a Pan Building. .
Tha Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
orak. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or -.eglects gettitng the
taper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as. this is the only
ay we can determine whether on not the carriers are following instructions
Pake Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
paeasenfer if the carrier has missed you.
Mr. Hughes speaks tonight in the Mormon tabernacle
in Salt Lake City and will, according to advices yester
day, have a tremendous crowd out to hear him. This is
quite different from conditions in that then village along
in 1857, when the Mormon war song was the popular air
and the Legion of Nauvoo was getting ready to attack the
United States army then on the way from the Missouri.
4 The martial melody went something like this, or the
first verse did:
' "Old Squaw-killing Harney's on the way
The Mormon people for to slay
To let him perish would be a sin
So we'll take all he's got for bringing him in.
Dudah! Du-dah!"
' They paid their respects to Alfred Cummings, of Mis
souri, who had been appointed by Buchanan as territorial
governor in place of Brigham Young, this way:
"Old Buck has sent we understand,
A Missouri ass to rule the land."
; However there was so much "more truth than poetry
in that stanza that the balance of the song need not be
repeated, although it might be added that the soft
cadences of the mellifluous chorus were repeated at the
'end of each verse and the singers sometimes gave it more
"pep" by ringing in the chorus after every two lines. It
may be said of these same Mormons however, that they
found Salt Lake a desert and made it a garden. This, on
top of raising Apostle-Senator Reed Smoot, is certainly
going some. They are a great people and deserve all
H f Via Mnvmnns. w ith all their faults, have set
the" world an example of industry and thrift that is
worthy of emulation.
Assessor West says he will not put the forfeited lands
on the assessment roll this year and gives his reasons
which are apparently spund. He points out that the state
county cannot lose by not assessing the lands unless
that non-assessment runs over, a period of more than five
years. In other words, that at any time within five years
such lands can be placed on the rolls and the taxes be
collected. Another thing about the case is, that if the
lands are placed on the rolls the county will not get a
cent trom them, but will have to pay the state its prc-por-
tion of the tax although it is not collected. In other
words the county would have to pay the state whatever
the state tax is on these lands, collecting the money with
which to pay it from taxation of other property. Unless
the land grant counties feel like making the state a pres
ent of a neat little sum they will not assess the granted
lands until it is discovered to whom they belong.
A special train of Portland celebrants passed through
on their way to the Coos-Bay-Eugene wedding last night
and should be at North Bend today. They beat Salem to
it but Salem although a day late is proud of the fact that
with only one tenth or less of Portland's population she
sends more than halt as many of her citizens to rejoice
with her neighbor over at tidewater. Salem will be there
Friday night and there will be something doing from the
time she arrives until the last sad farewells are said.
A sensible woman writes the doctor who edits the
health column in the .Oregonian that she thinks men are
foolish to wear collars and coats during the warm
weather, and that they should don shirt waists and open
collars. She is eminently correct, and men will follow her
advice when she and her sisters discard that belt line
armor plate known as a corset. One is about as senseless
as the other, and the two make honors easy between the
sexes as to blamed foolishness.
The state board of health of Louisiana is making an
investigation of the water supply of the cities and towns
of the state. It is announced that so soon as this is com
pleted a survey of the milk supply will be begun. Is the
examination of the water just a preliminary to getting
at the real character of the milk?
The Oregonian criticises the Jackson club for resolv
ing itself into a non-partisan body merely for the pur
pose of placing democratic nominees on the ballot as
non-partisans as well as democrats. While it is true
that a person cannot be affiliated with, or as it is usually
expressed, "belong" to a party and at the same time be a
non-partisan, it is quite easy to be the candidate for each
party or group. We have no less an example than that of
the distinguished republican candidate for congress from
the eastern Oregon district, one of the ablest and squar
cst men in the state regardless of party, Hon. N. J. Sin
nott, who is on the ballot as the candidate of the Repub
lican, Democrat and Progressive parties. It is conceded
"Nick" with all his versatility cannot be a member of all
these parties at the same time, yet there is nothing to
prevent him from accepting the nomination as the man
all parties desire. If our big contemporary wants to
tackle the Jackson Club it should hit it where it lives and
where the blow might reach its solar plexus.
An indignant correspondent writing a Portland paper
and signing himself "Anti-Mud Slinger" criticises the
democrats who criticise Hughes and while deprecating
mud-slinging generally says: "Perhaps, however, it is
not to be wondered at, coming from those who make a
practice of registering and voting at the primaries of a
party they do not belong to as good democrats are sup
posed to do in Oregon." Pretty fair stab for an anti
mud slinger isn't it? With a little practice he should be
a champion mud-slinger himself.
Former Governor West generously offers to Governor
Withycombe the collective advice of the Oregonian, Tele
gram and other papers friendly to his administration, as
to the best manner of conducting the state prison. The
governor having requested the appointment of an ad
visory board, it was real thoughtful as well as kind of
Os to go to the governor's assistance. Those particular
.newspapers used to give West all kinds of advice on how
to run the state institutions.
When "Doc" Epley steps off the cars at Mashfield its a
ten to one bet that someone cheers the arrival of the
G. 0. P. Fred Bynon might do the Bull Moose stunt and
make the illusion still more real. This is only a hint to
Marshfield folks that the Salem visit is not of a political
As the master bakers in the east insist the price of
bread must be increased because of the advance in flour,
which by the way seems reasonable enough; why does the
price of bread on this coast stay at the same figures it
does in the east where flour is $8 the barrel while here it
is $6.00?
Young Ensign Green makes no mention, of finding
Peary's Crockerland alleged to be northeast of Greenland
Peary's alleged discovery caused an expedition to be sent
to prove statement. Green, being from Missouri, was the
right man for the job.
Mrs. John McTaggnrt of Madras,
ure., believes she possesses a valuable
secret in the process of making dyes
from berries, roots, bark mid plants.
one says sue was informed by an ex
pert of the Oregon Agricultural college
that (lyes made from the vegetable king
aom are not a success because tuey
fade, but on following the directions
tor tests her colorings came out un
scathed. She forwarded to Congress
mun Sinnott a number of samples of
eiotn lived in ilitterent colors from Ure
gon berries, roots and bark, requesting
thut tests be npplied by government ex
perts. Mr. Sinnott will ask tiiat the
materials submitted be made the sub
ject of experiments?
Oregon City Enerprise Classes in
modeling at the University of Oregon
hereafter will use silica taken from the
mines of the Silica King Mines com
pany of Oregon City in their class work
Charles T. Terrill, of the silica com
pany, has received assurances from the
big state grhool at Eugene that the
local silica was ideal for the work. For
use in modeling, the silica is placed in
tubs of water until it has absorbed all
the water possible and is soft. Jt is
then moulded into the desired shapes
and allowed to dry. Eugene sculptors
have found that it dried without crack
ing and has tin even surface.
Marshfield Herald:' Jesse Smith,
while in town yesterday, was relating
un experience he and Watt Short had
the other day while traveling the trails
in the 25-9 country east of Allegany.
They were on . duty as fire wardens
and had seen many deer. As they were
plodding along on an open trail they
ame luce to lace with two large buck
elk and two cows. They were within
i50 feet'of the animals when each party
saw the other. All stopped and sur
veyed the situation.
Reports from Eastern beach resorts indicate the girl
bathers use one of their shoestrings for bathing suits.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S6S
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The Oregonian thinks the main trouble with our battle
ships is that they are too slow. Well, if that is true they
can be depended on not to run away from any enemy and
to give a good account of themselves if attacked.
The market quotations from Chicago showing the cost
of living has increased 25 per cent in the past year, will
cause Cupid to unstring his bow, ditch his arrows and go
out of business, or else buy an automatic.
With all the belligerents taking part in the fighting
in the Balkans the officers in command should understand
about how the masons felt at the building of the Tower
of Babel.
Just think of it September's near us! The summer
days, that badly queer us, will soon be past and gone;
we'll look outdoors some luscious morning and see a film
of frost adorning the orchard and the lawn.
September's coming, bless her gizzard, and
later on come snow and blizzard, down from
the arctic pole; and you and I, oh gentle
neighbor, will have to buckle down and
labor, to raise the price of coal. Let winter
come, with roar and nimble! It seems to
me I'll never grumble again at wintry blast;
it seems to me I'll hail with gladness Old,
Boreas, whose maudlin madness has bored
me in the past. The cold will be a welcome
comer, for I have had rav fill of summer.
and dust and heat and flies, of torrid nights and scorching
breezes, and prickly heat and punk diseases, and ants and
brazen skies. September's coming, gentle reader, the
heat, that long has been a leader, will soon be on the
wing; so let all sad and baking mortals cheer up and fill
the air with chortles, and smile and dance and sing.
r"SL v.
Medford Sun: Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler, president Columbia university,
of New York, fumed publicist, and not
ed in the political life of the nation
tor bis associations witn presidents,
spent a few hours Thursday in Med
ford en route from Crater lake, which
he visited with his wife and daughter
and secretary. "Crater lake is one of
the wonder spots or the eartn, saia
Dr. Butler, "but 1 can't understand
why you don't improve your ronds and
have more people see it. I heard of it
by chance. They tell me you are wait
ing for federal aid. That is one of the
great faults of the American people,
thev desire others to do their work.
They always want 'Oeorge to do it.
Federal aid is too slow. I commit ten
vou in a week all the things I think
about Crater lake. It is a beautiful
Ashland Tidings: Pew people in the
Rogue river valley seem to realize that
a .j00,tl00 cement plant has been con
structed at Cold Hill ami will be m
operation with a capacity of 1000 bar
rels of cement a day, as soon as a few
pieces of machinery arrive trom the
east and are installed. Although no
definite date has been set, actual oper
ation is expected in September, and
cement will he shipped out in sinau
quantities through the full. At pres-
nt tne plant is pracucuiiy cumpiei.cu.
About 400 men have been put to
work at the plants of the Peninsula
Lumber comp"ny and the new ship
vard connected therewith at St. Johns,
Oregon City Enterprise: Mrs. B. A.
Anderson of Maple Lane was in this
city on business Saturday. Mrs. An
derson snys that the coyotes in her
section of Maple Lane are giving the
residents considerable trouble in the
way of carrying off poultry. Their
yells can be heard for some distance.
It is planned to rid the neighborhood
of these animals. A timber wolf was
seen a few days ago by Mr. Haas.
San Francisco, Aug. 24. One man
is dying and two others are in. a seri
ous condition nt the Totrero hospital
today as the result of the collapse of
Season Fare
Week End
1 $3.85
trip should not be delayed.
''Oregon's premier beach resort"
is not far away and is easily reached.
Daily Trains
from Albany and Corvallis-. Low
round trip fares are available. Good
hotel accommodations. Fine surf bath
ing. Boating on Yaquina Bay.
You can't beat Newport for a place to
enjoy a vacation. -
Ask any local agent or write to
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt.
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific
The Nation's
Butter Nut
There Is No Better
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest prices for all kladf at
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I par 2Vte per pound for old nt. 2
Big stock of all sizes second hand Incubators. All kinds eorrsgated
iron for both roofs aad buildings. Hoofing paper ' and second aaad
JH. Steinback JunkCo.
Tne House of Half a Million Bargain,
108 North Commercial It Plea Ma
a scaffold on which they were work'
D. Dalgren, Oakland, may die.
John Mclntyre, received body and in
ternal injuries.
J. Parsons had both teet crushed.
top of a 23 foot scaffold at the West
ern Sugar Refining company when it
gave way.
Oil of cedar is one of the anti-mo
The men were hoisting pipe to the , squito drugs.
. a la
vir" JP" .vJane Phelps -
I'T-W IT '
Mildred looked at the clock. She was
surprised at the time for even when
we are unhappy the hours slip away
and gave a start as she saw it was
nearly 12 o'clock. She had been anxious
for Clifford to come, yet now she dread
ed to have him see her. He would be
t'ross when he saw she had been crying.
She trembled at the thought, and the
tears stnrted anew.
"Hello! what did you sit up for?
You'll lose your beauty sleep if you
do this. Did what! been crying again
The devil! What 's a man to do with a
woman-like youf Crying, sniveling all
the time, rretty looking object you
are! I should advise you to go to bed,
wher you can't be seen."
A Cold Welcome.
Not a word about leaving her alone
until so late, not a kise when he came
in: just hard words bweeause she had
been crying. Ami she only cried be
cause she loved him. Couldn't he un
derstand t' Or didn't he want tof
Mildred had not spoken, but she left
the room as her husband suggested. She
undressed and crawled into bed, her
slim body shaken with sobs. She must
control herself. Crushing her face into
the pillow sheViually grew quiet, just
as Clifford put out the light.
He didn't speak to her, and she hesi
tated, afraid she would cry again.. But
creeping close to him she lay very quiet
!ly until his regular breathing told her
', that he slept.
j All night Mildred lay awake, trying
to think what could be the matter with
her. What had she done to lose her hus-
, band's love? Could she ever make him'
lenre for her again as he had seemed1,
to when they were first married!
She rose before Clifford wakened and
when she saw how pale and wan she '
1 looked, she did all she could to remove
the traces of her unhappy evening, and
, sleepless night. She put on a pale pink
house dress that Clifford had admired, j
ana tola ner was becoming, combed net
hair more painstakingly than was usual
with her in the morning, aud determin
ed to be bright and cheerful when h I
came down to breakfast. 1
"What have you for breakfast this
morning, Katef" she asked the maid.
"Spine eggs and pertates, ma'am."
"Cook some bacon, Kate. Nice and
crisp, as Mr. Hammond likes it. And
make some corn muffins. You'll have
time if you hurry. He's not np yet
And Kate please take great pains. I
particularly want a nice breakfast this
"I 11 do my best, ma'am."
Returning to the dining room, Mil
dred fussed around the table, changing
this and that dish, putting the moraine
paper ,folded as Clifford liked it. be
side his plate; drawiug the curtains o
that he would have plenty of light, yet
ro uer a mue in snaaow. Perhaps
he would not notice hnu- wnm ..,1 t;u,t
she looked.
"Hurry, Clifford! breakfast is nearly
ready!" she called to him.
A Misstep.
Mildred had not meant to maka any
advances, but she couldn't help it, or
SO she told herlf Sh ....! i ' v.-
dignified when she knew she had dons
noiuing wrong; but as yet she had been.
uuttuie ia control ner impulses.
Their breakfast passed off pleasant
Clifford was pleased to see Mildred
u un-iueu to ignore all that had pass
ed. 'and chsttnl with hn ...j:.J l..
" "v., .c-auiug ucr
bits from the paper as usuSL He kisesd
her carelessly on her cheek when ha
left, aud said nothing when she forgot
her good intentions, and passionately
told him of her love.
"I'll be home early with theatre
tickets," he told her. "You better
le down after breakfast and rest."
(Tomorrow A Look Backward.)