Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Men's Work Shoes and
Dress Shoes $2.65
Men's Dress Shoes and
Oords $1.95
Boys' Shoes
Ladies' Shoes, values to
$5.00 .......... $i.95
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Men's Sweaters, all
sizes 50c
Men's Suits, values to
$20.00 $9.65
Men's Suits, values to
$i5-oo $7.85
Men's Sui,ts, small
sizes $4.95
Boys' Suits, values to
$8.oo $3.95
Middies ...75c and 89c
Children's Drawers
-10c 15c. 18c, 25c
Sun Bonnees
Willamette Valley News
Claxtar Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Claxtar, Ore., Aug. 23. A large sura
oi money was distributed here through
locnnherrv picking. The lour children !
ot T. S. Webb, of this place, made $72. j ,nP-
Some early Fugles hops are being I M's. Alice Denipsey and daughter,
picked north of here this week. Hop (Miss Frances and Mrs. S. P. Riggs left
lacking on a general scale will not be- this morning for a two week 's visit at
Kin before September 7. j'he home of Mrs. Denipsey 's daughter,
Allie Kites and Arthur Holtzclaw Mrs. Hugh Boyd at Duvall, Washing
Fjient a pleasant outing at Thomas, ton.
Creek, Ore., during the greater part of j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams were
last week. The gentlemen report the over-Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
Absence of big game but fish and gnats .anil Mrs. Frank Chapman in Salem.
eemed to be abundant. ' Sheriff and Mrs. John W. Orr spent
Newton Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Somers and sons, Kenneth and: Dave Simpson on the Luckiamute river,
iiobert, and Miss Merle Driggs motored Miss llallie Hart has returned to her
over from Crabtree, Ore., and spent
Kunday with relatives, the McMunus.
milv u-erfl nlan en-!
. ... ..........,, .. ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Basey, formerly
of Claxtar, are now pleasantly located
at Hcrmiston, eastern Oregon, where
lr. BaBey is conducting a large ranch.
Mrs. Alex S. Hulden alio son, Merle,
epent the past week visiting Oregon
City friends.
Much regret is expressed here over
the untimely death of Harry, E. Mann,
of Chemawa. Mr. Mann was highly es-
u ' 11
Mr. and Mrs. William Ricknian and
John Rickman visited Newport this
" ' "LV5Vi.-
1D ;' "-""IS
with ease and speed.
t.. v n.o r..A i.ni,
.... . .
Here early tan wees: on uia way to ois
homestead in Montana ' '
The Thos. Newtons" spent Sunday
with Salem relatives.
The Mattbes thresher passed through
here Monday.
several tieius ot grain
were threshed here, the machine now be-
ing in tne iairtiem vicinity, ine
th..hnr will ho hBi-k tlUH WBV to tllllsn
the later grain.
Word received from Elmer Westley
this week, indicates that the fishermen
are unusually successful this season on
the Columbia. Two tons of fish is an
average daily catch. Mr. Weatley does
not contemplate returning home before
October, which is a month later than
the work at that point usually lasts.-
- '
Morns w. cooper, lormeriy or une'
mawa, now of Busby, Mont., met with
an accident at BuBby this week while
1.: 1 . 1 1 c ,. n . ; ... ..
Hhini; iiii.u luiran-ucu iui nwc
to be serious.
Becaus? it's a re
fined gasoline not
a mixture.
tertained at the McMahon home on the the Oregon Power company spent Sun
Mime date. I ,lnv with his family who are snendiuir
L :
Corset Covers
Or 3 for ....
Corset Covers 21c, 24c
Large Sleeve Aprons,
good for house
dresses ...... 79c
Ladies' House Dresses
89c and 98c
Corset.. 59c and 98c
Muslin, yard
Pillow Cases
Ladies' Khaki
Skirts. 98c
Outing Night Gowns
59c and 39c
Dallas Local News
(Capital Journal Special Service.) '
Dallas, Or., Aug. 24. W. V. Fuller
and W. L. Soeliren drove to Portland
Tuesday afternoon on
short business
home in Portland after a short visit
with relatives and friends in this citv.
T TT c.l....:. ll
, . oirciuumi, i.ivm NiaiiUK-r ui'ot Com ii Innea n ml .rndtk., ... ....
R, U.
tne month at Newport,
Mr al1ll Mr ciaade Slnw ,,f BaKcr
are j tlle citv Kuest8 at the home of
rr Snft,v8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mis-S Bian(.nC Barrett, court reporter
fQT thig fliBtrjcf , rptumed from a
fh m011th,8 visit with frieil(lg BnA
relativ in chieag0.
A j Baldwin of Salem was a Dallas
business visitor Satur.lay.
Walter Tooze, Jr., has returned
from Portland where he attended
meeting of the state central committee.
Tl.i T Ot.rh...b rotnr,i.1 Untwlnv
evening from an over-Sunday visit
wlh ha fnmilv t Itntf llppnn
""" ' v Li. .
Mr- Bnd Mr"- A- M- Enorth are at
the Tillamook beaches this week for an
Air. ana .Mrs. Ji. j. neyniour oi i.or-
vallis and Miss Nola Coad of this city
- ' ;v
left Saturday afternoon lor an outing,
was a
tl. v., laiuuil Ul rutin il, un u
. . ... 11
Wallas business visitor flionuay. air. ni,i 7in " ; . "'"'.'k- a" e.ly-
Talbott is chairman of the Polk county i a" ' ,,a" na " social talk, games
central committee. .. eakeVerc serve.! "eam 8nJ
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Morris of Mc-c nMllf.-
Minnville were Dallas visitors Sunday ! p,e ' '"r",".? .1unrterly meeting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Lnone ,'!, f, non' re7'v) tele-
Parsons on Hayter street. nir him tofh.t "ear A8tor,a
J. L. White of Albany was a Dallas erandchild hli?,a ? ?i" ac;ount ot hi
visitor the latter part of last week. . mnw ,7, .:!".. a.Ien irom a hay
To enable migratory fish to rise over
waterfalls, dams and other obstructions
. r .1 ' j 1 :
.a aireaujB, a uuuuuilia linucritrv minim,
has invented an automatic elevator.
I Ai l5laTTIE 1 ammm 1 I
A Big New Line of
Outing Flannels
I2V2C Outing Flannel
Very fine, choice pat
terns. Not over- 20
yards to a customer, as
this is less than the
present wholesale price.
14c White," Yard Wide
Not over 20 yards to a
Saturday Only
Scotts Mills News
(Capital Journal (Special Service.)
Scotts Mills, Ore., Aug. 24. The Sa
lem quarterly meeting of Friends
church was held at Scotts Mills last
week. There were many here in attend
ance from Salem, Rosednle and Marion.
Friday afternoon there was a business
session of the ministry and oversight of
the church. Friday night the subject
of homo missions was presented by
Mrs. Klliott, of Salem. The address on
thnt subject was given by Kev. Pcniber
ton, of tlie South Salem Friends church
Saturday morning. Rev. fl. F. Hinshnw
of Portland, gave the sermon Saturday
night, the pastor of the church here
gavo the message Sunday morning. Rev.
Hinshaw, of Portland, conducted the
services and Sunday night Rev. White,
"f J.i! " " .'7"" l"Hnt. "I"' "h,,l
Duril," L T,Usi, X I ,TKC-
. uunnu'flB session resolutions
to Mrs. Kellis and family, also to other
afflicted ones members of the quarter
ij MieriiiiK, .
Prof. Willis and family ore moving to
Corvallis this week. The professor will
engage near there in teaching school
the ensuing year. He has been the high
school teacher in this ptace for the past
two years. He and big family will be
greatly missed.
Mr. Smith, wife and daughter, of
Kansas, have been visiting relatives and
friends here. Mr. Smith is a nephew of
Mrs. W. H. Commons.
The. Friends church has been under
going quite .a repairing on the inside,
in the way of repapering, painting and
Mrs. Brongher and her mother, Mrs.
Rnrno. n( th;..: i
, "acnes, of Illinois, have returned from
i.8" to old at La Center,
.,,.... T . .
. . ouison are Doth
""Proving m health. They arc able to
I he C. E, of the Friemln II rli nana
8O0iBl the home of Mr. and Mrs.
, D ,
I (I II I ' M M r iiM. a,, : .
.mow causing concussion of the brnirt
lit WO a h mi ..1. ..1
,f,0 .it.j ' "r)r.0."M. I,r,,v'
r would nrov
; nm vpnr BS a .t'e boy of
' .
Alifls Berthft fcPro 1 l.
domestic science in Pneifi ri
'.'tin i, ..i.i- .... . ' v"-
;-...s re.au,,, at this place. She
v,?m radua.,e Penn college, ' Iowa.
from the above institution aim ki.i. .
tended there one year.
Kaiser Bottom
(Capital Journal Special Service
Kaiser Bottom. Anir ! ir.i...
school house which is almost complet
ed is large. and well built, ami com -
pares favorably with anv rural school
in the emintv "
-Mrs. Jack Kamm has returned in her
l ortland home after spending a fort- Hoosiers lend coats and looked the oth
night with the .1. W. Woodruffs. 1 er way.
The Misses Lilly Illake, Florence1 The Idle Hour club with their numer
Blake and Hazel Blake with a party of !ous friends spent a delightful day near
young friends passed the day pleasant- j Silver Creek Sunday. In the evening
ly at Willow Lake, tho beautiful conn -
try place of the Blnkes, in Kaiser Hot
Large shipments of peaches are be
ing made from this place to northwest
A reunion of Eastern Oregon people
25c White
2 for 35c
Not more than 8 to one
customer, as this is less :
than the present whole
sale price.
In the 5c, 10c and 15c
Real Hand Painted
Bread and Butter
Plates for
15c each 0
These are worth several
times this price. They
are very dainty . and
15c each
occurred at the Thomas Day residenco
in Salem on Sunday. Among thoso
present were Mr. and Mrs. K, Jenkins
and children of Metolius, Mr. anil Mrs.
Jack Butcher and son t'lyde, of Mc
tolius, Mrs. Bert Morrison and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Newton, Miss
Violet Newton and William Newton of
Claxtar. These friends, for the most
part, are here upon a short vacation
from their respective homesteads on
the north unit of the Deschutes irri
gation project. They report grain
crops of excellent quality this year in
mnrked contract' to the shortage last
year. As one homesteader puts it,
"All we need is government aid to get
water. With irrigation our crops will
be unsurpassed." The Jenkins family
made their long journey across the
mountains with their team and covered
wagon, camping out en route, and will
commence tneir homeward journey tne
last of the present week.
The hot weather this week ; following
me uampness or mst weex nas cause.i wcre visitor8 with thp ymlIIK f()iKH f
i phenomenal growth oi corn and kale. the otterbein family last Sunday aft
Also all signs )M)iiit to an exceptional erl()0n
potato crop both in quantity and quiil-
Miss Edna Fitts will attend school
at Monmouth normal this year.
Bethel News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Bethel, Ore., Aug. 2.'!. Mr. unci Mrs.
G. Roth have been entertaining visit
ors from Albany.
A. W. King, Hnrleigh King, (leo.
Koff, John Hain and A. E. Marchard
have had their threshing done. Mr.
Hain and Mr. Marchard each report a
, ni . , , I ! l llll I I'll ("III II Will lit lllllllf III! mi
fine yield. The latter got 72 bushels,, o Uw ,,.
or oais to tne acre and 35 bushel of
An escaped patient from the asylum
was caught at Gcer station yesterdny
morning. He took supper with the
threshing crew at Harleigh King's place
Monday night. His actions in the morn
ing aroused suspicions and Mr. Baker,
the thresherman. notified !, '.nthnri!
ties and they came out and got their!W!,i,e lftt" building, that the official
man. temperature at 'I o clock was 110.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. Schulz and Mr. and Tlie prognosticator's welcome prom
Mrs. Arthur Schulz motored to King's il,e of thundershowers had not come
valley Sunday and called at the home'true at thnt hour although there wns
of Air. and Mrs. Kopplien. They went water to spare in the air, humidity
bv wav of Dallas nud i-nmr. Wk' ninulne above 80. Three deaths nnd
th rough
Mc-Minnvillo and Independ-
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Evans and Mr.
and Mrs. Cook, of Salem, motored to
Sodaville Sunday, going through Leb
anon. Miss Alta Matteu was a visitor in
Macleay Sunday.
Victor Point Locals
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Victor Point, Aug. 23. Klmer King
I '""" i
with his threshing
lant Monday and the Kren. ami Fisher
i,Hi,h,n uiii h;
crew began work
The Doerfler brothers are nrennriiiil
:their stock for the different autumn
j fairs.
I The Skiff family motored from Sa
jlem Sunday and spent the day at the
I Martin Doerfler home.
Bob Patton took a party of friends
I from here mi tn Km l-Vx V in t,.rA
I'ist Sunday.
! l-ast week the skirt of a young lady
! riding on the rear seat of a motorcycle
on,,,,!,, in . .i,;t.. ..nau:.. V:..
ft-., wi.in- 'iiwiiik .it--,
tr Point. Kipped off. Considerate
1 the gentlcment of the party served the
ladies with a bountiful luncheon. The
grove was artistically lighted by lan
terns and the ferny decorations added
greatly to the fete champetre.
The Journal Does Job Printing.
General Picking Begins In
Two Weeks; Reports
Highly Favorable
Although hop picking will not be
come general throughout tne state for
two weeks, the picking of fnggles has
already been begun in some of the
yards. It seems to be the general opin
ion of the growers that owing to the
lateness of the season it is inadvisable
to start picking mueu before the 5th
of September.
Favorable reports continue to come
in from all sides regarding the hop
crop. Lice have been plentiful in some
yards, but not nenrly so much so as
might have been expected when the
long continued rains are tnken into
consideration, and active work with
the sprayer has resulted in keeping the
pest down, ((rowers who fail to spray
will as usual pay some penalty. A Sa
lem dealer says that clean picked hops
will command the best prices, as in
former years, and care in picking and
handling is urged.
It is said that some of the 191(1
crop of hops are already being sold in
the cast tor 1-Vj cents delivered, but
takea as a whole dealers report the
market extremely quiet, with almost
a total absence of demand. Local ueal-
ers are far from feeling downhearted
however. There ia almost certain to
be a fairly favorable market later ou.
American brewers bouglit so sparing
ly last year that it is thought no more'
than reasonable that the demand will
be strong this season.
Whether or not the Knglish embar
go will be lifted remains to be deter
mined. Much depends on the Knglish
crop. It this is heavy it is not likely
that the embargo will be lifted or even
modified. But if it is light it is ex
pected that some action will be tnken
Dy which tile Knglish needs in this line
may be filled from this country.
Fruitland News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fruitland, Ore., Aug. 2:1. Mr. and
Mrs. Win. x'anioll and child were Sun
day visitors at the Coulson homi;.
Mrs. Mary Butler and two sons, Rus
sell ami Ralph, went by automobile tn
eastern Oregon to visit Mr. Butler '-s sis
Miss I.eona tliroil and her cousin,
Miss Kdna (lirod, have been visiling
with friends in this neighborhood the
past uveek.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and 'daughter
stopped for a short time at the Stnndi
fer homo last Sunday afternoon. -
William Bellamy is working with a
threshing machine east of Pratuin.
Mrs. Goss, a former neighbor, who
lived on the Ziegler place, died, last
Sunday and was buried Tuesday morn
ing. Sho was a resident of Salem since
leaving here.
Mr. White, who preached several
weeks ngo, will preach here again next
Sunday evening after Y. P. A.
Next Sunday afternoon will be eom
munion service, at the church by the
presiding elder.
Miitses Alma and Inus Russell and
; NIiss niMa u.11z nn(1 )iriltul.
Mr. G. YV. Sturgis has been having
some plumbing done ut his home here
Chicago Is Cool But
New York Is Cooking
Chicago, Aug. 23. While New York
Cily and Eastern stntes broiled and
sweltered today with tho mercury
above the 100 mark, Chicago was com
parntively an iceberg. The highest
temperature here todnv was 711 at 2
o'clock. However, the' weather bureau
...:n i.. ...n.i
: .,.. i i
New York Swelters,
New York, Aug. 2:1. Slreet ther
mometers registered 100 in the shade
in New York today mid as high ns US
in the sun, in mockery of the assertion
! the weather nan. high on top of
many prostra(ions were reported'.
"Villa, in Hiding,"
Sounds Like Home
Washington Aug. 24. General i 1 In
is now hiding in the mountains of Du
rango with only a small force. General
Pershing reported to the war depart
ment today.
Pershing's message said:
"My last report regarding Villa re
ported advancing on Parrnl, now report
ed incorrect. Villa had only small fol
lowing. He avoided Parral and place!
occupied by Carranza troops. - He was
making his way down into Durunga.
Probably now hiding in the mountains.
I'ntil recently Villa had been riding
since being driven to mountains of
southern Chihauliua by our troops last
April. His late attempt to obtain fol
lowing reported as almost totul fuil-j
ure. I
"Opinion seems general that Villa
prestige is gone and that he can never!
become serious lnctor in .Mexican at
New York, Aug. 24. The republican
national committee has accepted ex
President Tart's offer to take thc
stump in behalf of Candidate Hughes
and an itinerary is being arranged.
Colonel Kooscvelt 's itinerary is be
ing arranged to provide for a number)
of engagements i 'he middle west.
Your Your
r i WU o
To Buy Supplies for
Hop Picking
We always prepare for the different seasons,
by having a complete stock of Clothing and
Furnishings for Men and Boys." We guarantee
to please you.
Brick Brothers
The Store that guarantees every purchase.
Corner State and Liberty Streets.
Even Big Circus Has
Its Anstocrat Class
Davenport Family of Eiders, With
Barnum & Bailey, Famous
For Three Generations
Aristocrats of the circus worldl
It sounds rather incongruous, doesn't
it, that such a thing ns an aristocracy
could exist among the giiysy-like folk
who dwell hencntii the billowing white
tops of the circus world
Although it is not generally known
such a social strata does exist among
the performers, and 111 it not more than
twenty families nre represented. So ex-
.iliiuit-A m tliiu hIiiii .hut mm iriiiipi-nt in
........ .n . ......
follows another in tho various feats of
skill unci daring in the ring and aerial
rigging- Thus, the acrobat f today is
tuiTnng, with added thrills, of course
the same somersaults his grandfather
performed in the long departed day ol
the one ring circus.
When the Itanium & Bailey circus
conies to Salem on Saturday, September
1) there will be among the host of per
formers a young giri aim her brother
who represent the present generation
of one of the oldest, and most famous
families of circus performers. This is
the well known Davenport family of
riders, the members of which have been
prominent ill the circus world through
four itc aerations.
Victoria Duvcuport, the beautiful
girl who will ride her silver gray horse
in the center ring, is one or the young
est and at the same time the most
graceful mid skilled girl riders in the
sawdust arena today, and she has a
host of admirers in every city in the
country, who nave followed her career
ever since she was nu infant. Her
family name is familiar to our grand
fathers for in the dnys of the one
ring circus the name of Davenport rep
Wanted 30,000 Men
For Harvest Work on Immense Crops of
Western Canada
Wages $3.00 Per Day and Board
Cheap Railway Rates from Boundary Points
Employment bureaus at Winnipeg, Regina, North Portal, Saskatoon, Ft
Frances, Kings Oate, B. 0.; Coutts, Calgary, Alberta,
No Conscription Absolutely No
t Military Interference
For all particulars apply to the following Canadian Government Agent.
J. N. GRIEVE, Corner Tirst and Post Streets. Spokane, Wash.
resented the acme of perfection in
bareback riding, just as it does today.
Victoria Davenport and her brother,
Orrin, nre one of the big riding fea
tures of the Barnum Bailey circu
this season. They are English peoplo,
bom in Devonshire, but they have
been riding virtually since infancy.
Two other sisters, Lulu ami May, are.
also famous riders, although they aro
not appearing in the circus this season.
The linriium & Bailey circus this,
year is offering a program of unusual
excellence, replete with novelties and
innovations. Many new foreign in'tn
are being offered for the first timej
and the stupendous, new Oriental dis
play, "Persia, or the Pageants of tho
Thousand and One Nights," which pre
cedes the arenie entertainment at each
n-i iui iiiauur, ib uur .ii me mum norm
ously costumed novelties ever presented
under a circus canvas.
There is a story told of a Salem
man and his Ford which is subject to
suspicion. It is related "'that while)
showing some N'cbrnskii relatives tho
country south of town the Ford ran
short of gasoline, ami at the sugges
tion of the Nebraska man iie went to
a neighboring farm nud bouiiht two
gallons of milk, which he put into (tie
gasoline tank. The machine ran per
fectly from then on until the party
reached Salem. Here it was found tbut
the ('arbitrator was full of butter, but
otherwise the experiment seems to
have been a success.
A Salem preacher says that less than
half of the men in town have heard
him preach, although ho has been hero
a number of years, and he thinks ho
is not getting a square deal.
A State street merchant remarked
yesterday In the course of a conver
sation that tiie residents of a town,
should look upon themselves as part
ners, not opponents. Which is putting
it very well.
What with the hot weather,, tho
bulbing beach, the additional prome
nade concert by the Oakland band, ami
the exhibition of the "human fly," ov
en N ' Vnwk had nothing on Salem yes
terday. Last call for Coos bay.
Hearing To Be Held
at Spokane September 4
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 23. Tho only
hearing for the states of Washington
and Oregon to be conducted by tho
newly appointed federal farm loau
bonnl will be held in Spokano, Sep
tember 4th, according to a communi
cation from (he treasury department
received by the commercial club yes
terday. The purpose of tho hearing is to ob
tain informal ion (o guide in the cre
ation of 12 federal bank districts and
the selection of the cities in which to
locate them. The location of the banks
will be determined by the showing of
accessibility to the farming sections in
which the service is most needed. ,