Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 24, 1916, Image 1

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3erT Advices Say 400 En
f's't Dead Were Counted
250 Prisoners
Russians Defeat 80,000
Turks m Great Battle,
Capturing Many
Petrogrnd, Aug. 24. Rus-
sinti troops hnvc defeated four
divisions of Turks (80,000 men)
In R great battle near the vil-
Inge of Enchta, near Mosul,
capturing two entire Turkish
regiments, it was officially an-
mfunccd today. Mueh cannon
and other booty was taken.
- Berlin, Ailg. 24. Bulgarian forces
defeated the enemy in fresh fighting on
tho Struma Tiver, the Anglo-French
troops escaping by flight on the right
bank, said a Bulgarian -official state
ment received here today. In their
flight the allies abandoned several hun
dred dead.
"The ground near the villages of
Knikuey. Mevory and Towlova was cov
ered with enemy dead," the statement
"We have counted thus far 400 en
emy corpses, among them several of
ficers.. .We .captured 250 prisoners.
"A squad of hostile cavalry, lured
into our fire by the maneuvers of our
cavalry, was literally annihilated. '
("French attacks directed for 10
days against our positions south and
west of Doirau lake have failed com
pletely. This probably is the reason
why General Sarrill reports the cap
ture of places which have always been
in the hands of the allies, like the rail
road station at Doiran and the village
or uoiouayeu, which has not been
abandoned by the enemy. Our troops
buried 50 French dead on this sector.
"On the right bank of the Vardar,
we captured a hostile detachment near
Nayadagn and took one machine gun,
: the French leaving 70 dead. Our right
wing continues its operations."
Bulgars Attack Seres.
London, Aug. 24 The ancient citv of
Seres, 43 mijes northeast of Salonika,
is under attack by a strong Bulgarian
force, according to Athens dispatches
The Greek garrison is co-operating
with Ffench forces in defending the
city. French artillery is replying vig
orously to a heavy Bulgarian 'bombard
ment, while the Oreeks tinder command
f Colonel Christopuhoulous are throw
ing up entrenchments. The Seres gar-
rison is being reinforced by small
Greek detachments which retired upon
the city after spirited fighting with nu
merically superior Bulgarian forces.
On practically every other sector of
the Balkan front the Bulgarian offen
sive has been brought to a standstill.
The 8erbs have yielded but little
ground on the left wing siuce their first
retirement. Anglo-French forces are
consolidating and improving their posi
tions in the Doiran region in the cen-
j The Bulgarian drive southward
CPnn trnuer) from Page 8ix.)
Hhat's become o' th' donation par
ties for preachers that used t' be all
th ' ragef There wu quite a scare here
this mornin' when it wuz learned that a
rejected suitor was in town.
Washington,. Aug. 24. When
the navy bill is signed by Pres-
ident Wilson next week, the
navy department will advertise
immediately for bids for four
super drcadnaughts. Bidding
will close two, months later,
At about the same time
October 1 plans for tiie new
battle cruisers will be complet-
ed, the department hopes, and
bids will then be asked on
these, with a two' months lira-
Says She Was Dragged from
Taxi, Robbed, Locked Up
and Beaten
San Francisco, Aug. 24. Following a
talc of an abduction from a jitney bus
by threo well dressed men, and deten
tion in a room for more than 30 hours,
was told by Angelica Barnes. The po
lice are searching today for the jitney
driver to learn why he allowed the
men to drag the woman from his car.
Miss Barnes, who made frantic ap
peals over a telephone Tuesday, was
found by detectives in a Market street
hotel. the told of attending a motion
picture show Sunday night, of hiring
a jitney to take her along Market street
for fresh air, and of three men entering
the jitney. Tho men, she says, dragged
her from the car and put her in a room
on Kddy street, robbing her of $200 and
beating her senseless.
Monday afternoon the men left her a
moment and she tried to telephone for
help, but the men, returning, took the
receiver from her and knocked her
down. Tuesday, she says, she escaped.
There woro several bruises and discolor
atons on her body as cvdence of the
Lovelace Brothers Self Con
fessed Murderers, Play
Happily in Jail Yard
Twin Falls, Idaho, Aug. 24. Facing
murder charges, Harold and Lynn Love
lacer aged 12 and 11 years, played hap
pily about the juvenile ward of the
county jail today. ' They apparently hail
no thought whatever of the killing ol
F. T. Hamill, to which they have con
fessed. Since their arrival in prison the boys
have been bathed and clothed iu ne.l
outfits. They have rigged up a method
of playing "one ole cat" with the jail
wall as a backstop. It is evident that
they are not doing any worrying aboui
their predicament, they have no horrol
of the Hamill killing and no concern
about the whereabouts of their mother
and stepfather. Every effort to locatt
the parents has resulted in failure.
The date for the Lovelace prelimin
ary hearing hns not been sot. It will
be held up until the district attorney
decides whether he shall go ahead and
prosecute the boys on a straight murdet
charge. Lynn, the younger, is alleged
to have actually fired the shot which
killed Hamill after the latter surprised
the boys robbing his house. Harold is
held as an accomplice.
Railroad Troubles
Make Market Cautious
New York, Aug. 24. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
irregular price tendencies marked the
greater pnrt of today's session with
movements at times distinctly in favor
of lower levels, without, however, the
accompaniment of active selling or any
particular change in sentiment regard
ing the prospects of further improve
ment in market values. The street was
conservatively bullish for the immed
iate future but the disposition of trad
ers and commission house customers was
to proceed with greater caution pending
the outcome of the railroad labor con
troversy and apparently to await de
velopments affecting a prominent muni
tion manufacturing company which
rumors suggested was having financial
To a great extent, especially in the
afternoon dealings, speculative interest
turned from the steel stocks to the cop
per issues in which price improvements
were recorded, especially in Inspiration
which sold to a new high, and Tennes
see copper.
Today 'a general market had for the
first time in. a week or more a two
sided appearance. Traders who took
profits on the advance were anxious to
bring about reactions in order to estab
lish new level for another rise and the
'public was less in evidence than report
ed in recent days.
Managers Would Concede
Eight Hour Day With Pay
in Proportion
Magnates Far From Harmon
ious If They Yield Must
Increase Rates
Washington, Aug. 24. The
session of railway presidents
consiuering a proposal to ac-
. cept l'resident Wilson's plan
for averting the threatening
general railway strike, ndiourn-
ed at 5 o'clock. No conclusion
had been reached, it was said.
Managers Will Clash.
Washington, Aug. 24. The climax in
the negotiations to prevent the threat
ened general railroad strike appeared
to have been reached at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. At that hour the sub-corn-mittee
of eight railroad presidents, rep
resenting tho greatest systems of the
country, met with the full committee of
uj executives to put up for discussion a
tentative plan of settlement.
Tllis nlrtlt liwlllilod a nnnntn . - t
eight hour day proposition, similar, at
least, to that proposed by President
Concession of the eight hour day was
tO bO Offaflt It i l,n.lo,tJ 1... ' ...
vuu airsur-
nnces tit immediate consideration by
tho interstate commerce commission of
requests for ,ri. increases, remedial
legislation for the railroads by congress
.in inn timubii oi a permanent com
mission to settle future labor disputes.
A big clash t-mong the presidents was
confidently predicted. A first indica
tion of this broke out during the ses
sions this miiTtiiiifr whan n
of possible terms of settlement result
ed in strong declarations from Borne of
the most i.romiuoni executives against
acceptance of sr.y peace proposnl which
... ..u v, Km i, nunr uay sucu BS Ot-
fered by lnaidrnt Wilson.
As a result, one of the lending execu
tives after that, conference broke tip
s:i'd the. sit ml ion "looked very seri
ous." ' ,
After ronfe-.ring with President Wil
son today Judge Chambers of the Fed
eral Bntird of Mfldlntlnn n
ti.ni discussed witn the sub committee
oi ixcciinvcs w&at they had in mind
recnrdini' n conimiuaiwi i i
differences In the future.
J eat that will be a determined fight
acrainst SCCftntllnoa tt n.,.. ...
it J piUiUBUlUD
reyarding an eight hour day with 10
b pny nil indicated bv a large
number of executives today. 'They con
tinued to issue Hlntomont. .ll:..-
--.... ......in mumi. iue
president e eight hour idea "preposter
ous mm iniruciicai)ie.
The Tirrtilnnf
tlie situation has improved and hopes
wrriMM termination or the ne
gotiations. Situation la Worn
Washington, Aug. 24. "Since mid
nignt the situation has taken a change
for the worst," declared a member of
the railway presidents' subcommittee
before the subcommittee left for the
White House at their own request this
afternoon to confer with the president.
"The situation is very serious." he
The subcommittee, IJ. 8. Loveett of
the 1'nion Pacific, Daniel Willard of
tne naitunore and Ohio, and Hale rid
den of the Burlington, expected to re
port the result of their visit to a meet
ing of the whole number of railway
presidents at 3 o'clock. They left a
meeting of tne latter which had been
in session since 11 o'clock, to make the
trip to the White House.
"Everything now depends on this
visit to the White House," said one of
the three. He would not discuss what
turn the negotiations had taken to
make the situation worse.
Tie trxecutive in qtiqstion is one
wno naB Heretofore talked optimistical
ly concerning the prospects for ad
Today's meeting at the White House
was first announced by Judge Chamb
ers of the federal board of mediation
and conciliation. It followed a visit
by him to the hall where the brother
hoods' 040 representatives were in
session. There he conferred with the
four brotherhood presidents and left
them apparently in good spirits.
President ia Hopeful
Indications were today that the rail
way presidents were trying to find a
way out of the situation on the basis of
conceding the eight hour day in tome
(Continued oa Paja Tw.
Railroad Heads Called
To Consult President
--; On Strike of 400,000
Top to Bolton, WILLARD.eUIOTT.
a und SMITH e
The railroad presidents summoned to
the White nou'se by President Wilson
in his endeavor to find a basis of set
tlement of the troubles between the
railroads and their operating employees
were the following: Daniel Willard
of the Baltimore and Ohio, Samuel liea
of the Pennsylvania, A. H. Smith of
the New York Central, F. I. Under
wood of the Erie, Howard Elliott of
the New Haven, Hale Ilolden of the
Burlington, W. J. Harahan of the Sea
board Air Line, L. F. Loree of the
Delaware and Hudson, B. F. Bush of
the Missouri P-oific, President Calvin
of the Union Pacific, President. Sproule
of the Southern Pacific, President
Stevens of the Chesapeake and Ohio,
8. M. Felton of the Chicago Great
Western, Fairfax Harrison of the
Southern, E. P. Ripley of the Santa Fe,
President Aishton of the Chicago nd
Northwestern and A. J, Barling of the
St. Paul.
Special Train to Be On Tracks
at Commercial and Trade
TonightSee It
Everything is now in readiness for
the excursion tomorrow morning to
North Bcud Bud Mnrshfield. Tho spe
cial of two baggage cars, two diners,
five Pullmans and one Alt. Mhnsta ob
servation car will be placed on the
track at Trade and Commercial streets
this evening.
After the arrival of the special at
Marshfield at 0 o'clock Friday evening,
tne first event will be a parade of the
streets led by the Cherrian baud. Later
Friday evening, the Cherrians will take
part in the evening's program.
Saturday morning the Cherrians will
be assigned a prominent place in the
Marshfield day parade and will be giv
en a special time on the regular morn
ing's program. Saturday afternoon will
be given to witnessing the sports of the
Saturday evening, from 7:30 to 8:30
has been assigned to the Cherrians for
the special initiatory exercises when
. . . w 111 l.
promiueui men or. jnursniit-iu win ue
made honorary members of Salem's
boosting organization. I. ate that night
there will be the ghost dunce and pa
rade. Ami at different times the na
tives of the Coos Bay country will be
entertained by Salem ' two champion
Chinese orators, Fred H. Bynon, and C.
T. Pomeroy, and slight of hand work by
K. Cooke I'utton. The bar, famous in
Cherriango days, will also be a 'fea
ture of the program with William I.er
ches and Bill Stutcsman aa chief manip
Fred E. Mangis, who is already in
Mnrshfield, this morning wired Oeorge
F. Rodger, " Have arranged to pull off
initiations on dancing pis t form just aft
er parade and before dancing begins.
There will be nothing doing at North
Bend Friday eveninwg."
All the Pullmans will be covered with
canvas acenery suggestive of the boost
His Thrusts at Democratic
Tariffs Loudly Cheered by.
Will Make Two Speeches in
Maine and Reach New
York Sept. 10
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Ogdcn, Utah, Aug. 24. ReDublican
Presidential Candidate Charles E.
Hughes today headed into Utah, the
state which four years ago gave Wil
liam ii. latt one of bis two republican
It was more or less a day of rest for
thi nominee, so he slept late. Mrs.
Hughes having put her foot down hard
on any extra strenuosity, a rather quiet
progrum was arranged for her husband
in this, the first Utah city he has visit
ed, lie made one important speech here
this morning and was scheduled to de
liver a night speech at Salt Lake City.
In his morning speech here, Governor
Hughes enlarged on his dissertation re
garding the democratic tariff policy,
with special reference to the sugar tar
iff. Utah is a beet sugar producing
stnte and the republican nominee's
thrust at the democrats was received
with enthusiasm.
It was announced today that Gover
nor Hughes will cut his stay at Estes
Park, Colo., to three days, shortening
nis schedule by one day all along the
line. This step was taken in order so
that the candidate will not be in Ken
tucky at the same time President Wil
son is there. The cfiauge in itinerary
will keep Hughes in St. Louis for two
days September 2 ahd 3. '
lue schedule for Hughes' Maine trm
has not been completed but it is report
ed the candidate will make at least two
speeches at Bangor and Portland
reaching New York about September 10.
Then Hughes hopes to rest for a couple
of days before starting out again on a
tour o'f New York state. He may speak
ai Syracuse or Albany Derore returning
to New York from his present tour,
leaving other un-atate points for his
second tour.
The tariff, federal employers' liabil
ity law and workmen's compensation
and his own labor record were discussed
by Hughes in his address at Reno last
night. lie discoursed on the necessity
of co-operation between capital and la
bor and declared "contented America
will be a successful America."
Ho also declured in favor of a world
court to settle controversies betwecu
nations, after the present war in Europe
R. II. E.
New York 1 u :i
Pittsburg 10 14 1
Tcsreuu, Schupp and llnriden; Jacobs
and Fischer.
R. II. E.
Brooklyn 1 4 1
Cincinnati 2 8 0
Mnrquard, Smith and Mevers: Jones
and Clark.
First game R. H. E.
St. Lou ii 15 11 1
New York 4 13
Groom, Park, McCabe, Davenport
and Heveroid; Shocker, Shawkcy and
R. H. E.
t'hicBgo 3 7 3
Washington 8 8 1
Kaber, Danforth and Lapp; Gallia
and Henry.
R. II. E.
Detroit 0 3 1
Boston 3 7 0
Covaleski, lloland, Mitchell and
Spencer, Baker; Huth and Cady, Thom
as, First game R. II. E.
(levelund 5 5 2
Philadelphia fl 14 2
Lambeth, Klepfer, Covaleski and O'
Neill; Nabors, Myers, Gould and Pich
nich. Second game R. H. E.
Cleveland 4 0 0
Philadelphia - 2 11 I
(loulil and Coleman; Johnson and
ing spirit of Salem, and the public is
invited to look over the train this ev
ening. .
Cherrians are requested to remember:
gloves, neckties, both white and red and
the sheet for the midnight revels.
Marshfield, Ore., Aug. 24.
Portland visitors to the Coos
Bay railroad jubilee were greet
ed by a crowd of more than
3,000 persons when they arrived
at North Bend today. Hundreds
arrived at Marshfield by auto
mobile. The machines formed a
continuous stream. Other
crowds came on special trains
from all parts of the county. It
was evident the jubilee would
be attended by one of the big
gest gatherings in southwestern
Oregon's history.
The weather is perfect for the
jubilee, with neither heat nor
Dr. Larkin Crazed When Ef
fects Are Placed in Street,
Attacks Police
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24. Dr. Fred
M. Larkin, maniac, is dead today and
Patrolman P. V. Neff and 8. Glenn
Marshall near death, the result of a
battle which followed attempts to ar
rest the demented man.
Five months behind in his rent, Lar
kin 'a effects were moved into the
street yesterday by his landlord dur
ing his absence. When Larkin return
ed he became a raving maniac. He
smashed the door to.his apartments and
began breaking everything left in the
place. Police were called.
Yelling " I haint afraid of any po
licemen," Larkin opened fire on Mar
shall and Neff, pouring seven shots
into the body of the former.
Neff grappled with the wild man
but was shot five times before he shot
Larkin near the heart.
Mrs. Maude Echord, sitting near a
window fifty feet away, was grazed
by a strav shot.
Roy Dudley Trying to Sell
Grain Causes Discovery
of His Crime
Olathe, Kan., Aug. 24. Roy Dudley,
arrested late yesterday charged with
the killing of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Muel
ler on their farm near Stillwell, 17 miles
southeast of her, admitted the killing
today, officials aaid. Dudley is report
ed to have said he quarreled with
Mueller over a team of mules and that
Mueller attacked him. To defend him
self, Dudley claims to have grabbed a
shot gun that was hanging over the
barn door and shot Mueller, then when
Mrs. Mueller attempted to interfere he
shot her.
Umciuls say Dudley did the shooting
Sunday, took possesion of the place and
hired a boy to help with the farm work
and then tried to sell part of the wheal
crop Mueller had raised. Tho double
murder was discovered whon Sheriff
Carroll went to Stillwell to arrest Dud
ley on a charge of stealing the wheat.
Carroll believes the crime was premedi
tated by Dudley. After tho killing
Dudley is said to have tied the bodies
together and drugged them to an
abandoned hoilfte a quarter of a mile
distant, where ho hid the bodies in the
Dudley is an ex-convict. When neigh
bors questioned him, as to why he was
running the farm, alone, he said that
the Muellers had gone on a trip to
& . .
Washington, Aug. 24. Dlack
rust probably will be the cause .
of sending wheat prices soaring
to unheard of levels, with the
coming of the spring wheat out-
put, according to the United
States department of agriciil-
tore today. One official said
If- wheat now appears probable.
One of the must severe epi-
demies in black rust ever re-
corded has swept the wheat
belt of the northwest, with un-
precedented damage, predict-
lug a production far below nor-
Reports arriving at the de-
partmeut Hot only substantiate
the predictions of government
experts but It is said, tend to
place the loss at a far greater
figure, with correspondingly
high prices certain for the fall
anil winter.
The infected area Minneso-
ta and the two Dakotas pro-
duce, it is said, the greater
part of the spring crop.
Successful Trip of Big Sub
marine Freighter Sole
Talk of City ,
CARGO WORTH $250,000
Announced Sister Ship Bre
men Sailed Only a Few
Days Ago, Due Soon
LEAD CAPTAIN KOXId 6.... 6 ..6....
& ' ,
Boston, Aug. 24. Simultane-
nusly with the announcement of
the safe return home of the
German submarine Deutsciiland
the North German Lloyd liner
Willehad slid . out from . her
berth in East Boston and was
supposed to be headed early to-
day for New London, ostensib-
ly to meet the Bremen, the sec-
' ond German giant submarine.
The Wjllehud hd been ex-
pectcd to sail at 10 o'clock, to-
day but this order was chang-'
ed. Clearance papers were tak-
en out late yesterday and the
liner moved out with the first
tide early today.. She was ex-
pected to pass through the Cape
tod canal thence to new Lon-
. don, where waterfront reports
said the Bremen was due within
48 hours.
By Carl W. Ackermao .
(United Press staff correspondent)'
Berlin, Aug. tf54. The KHerman com
merce submarine - Deutschland . eluded
n . I . i . . k. L".. ,.1 i u. oia-ohirtB ii ii ii
whole fleet of American fishing schoon-
. i . i .l. .11: 1,
ers, in me employ oi im aiiicn, ura
dm dashed nut to sea from the Vir
ginia capes on the night of August 2,
it was learneu ner lunay. .
fl mmw.Ii crrantit1 CnntAin Koe-
nig and his crew whon the first sub
marine to cross tho Atlantic returned
to her home port at Bremen last night.
f'Bnfm'.n Vnnmicr hati ntl fear Of thS
allied warship patrol when he steamed
southward rrom jiuimore, oui ne
nt AnttntOit All tllA A T il'ttll SchOOn-
ers hired to help trap his vessol. Pass-
ing out or me capes, me mum-yi
n,.niiiiorit crest number of these)
schooners lying just outside of Ches
apeake Day. ine scnooners u uii
nn,l l,at nati natAnnlhlv to fish.
Their real purpose, Captain Koenig;
said, was to mane soumuuxB
Deutschland,' aiming to signal allied:
wn i-Hhimi if the submarine . plunged
through their net.
ho. I th Ozean com
pany, owners of his vessel, that th
American government oioi
neutrality throughout the Deutsch
land 's stay. Both the British' and
French warships respected American
.;..v,tu un.l mndo nn attempt to ap
proach within the three mile one in
their efforts to trap ine uumnu'.
How many French warships were en:
gaged in the patrol, he did not know.
During the whole Journey of 4200
miles, the Deutschland was submerged
i.. no miloa The weather was
UIIIJ ......... - a
splendid at the beginning of her voy
age, but became siormy unci.
i.i a. the Deutschland ap-
V 1 ..-in
proached the English coast but soma
difficulty was experience uo.yj
the heavy fog. The necessity for feel
ing her way slowly in the thick mists
delayed toe ueutscnianu ""!
eral duys.
Cpon entering the North aea, tn
submarine encountered severe storma.
8he proved that she is an excellent sea
craft, her engines wornmn r"" ;vi
despite tho fact that she waa being
tossed by mountainous waves.
" n i - J ... AnM '
But few vessels were sighted and not
a single iceberg was encountered. Ths
i...i ...L1...I ...limnroml wheiL SOOtheC
ltlllHriu"u mw.m-.f-- .
i ... . ...i nn tun hnrrAon and ner
snip m'1'cmiTii " . , i
captain expressed doubt that ahehaa
fT-nnttnwil Tf WO
10 8 fOR ME.1!
Oregon: Fair
tonight and Fri
day, continued
warm tan epi
probably cooler
southwest por
tion Friday;
north to east