' m CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ' - r FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES jrnw ii tin aii rf li tssgsj n n r j JHIRTY'NPJTH YEAR- NO. 174 SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS gAo fsHTIT lllTTir III i ... ... ...... 1 r e.Hi-ii i un i 1 1 l iv t --1 -r t- in ri iiiii rn nniiii UIILHI UHllir 111 I 8,000 BARBERS STRIKE AITK Nh Ml H PI AH 2 DEVELOPING 150 MILE FRONT of Nf- iy Every Belligerent ing Part in Balkf 'ight SULGAR ATLf i DROVE ALLIES BAU IN PLACES Fighting Stirs Rumania Fierce Fighting But No Change In West London, Aug. 23. A great battle of nations with the troops of nearly every European belligerent involved, is grad ually developing in the Balkans as the fighting along the 150 mile front in creases in fury. Turkey is sending reinforcements in to Bulgaria, according to an Athens dispatch today. At least one division of Turkish soldiers is en route to join the Bulgars in the attack on the allied lines, while another division will be -so placed as to threaten Rumania should that country decide to enter the war on the side of the allies. Austria will be asked to send a 'few detachments to tho Greek border to join the Bulgars, Germans and Turks in resisting the combined attacks of French, English, Russians, Italians, Ser bians and Montenegrins. In no en gagement of modern history have the armies of so many nations been in clash along one battle front. Forced to yield advanced Dositions under the first Bulgarian attack, the al lies have reinforced their lines and are strongly on the offensive in the Varda valley, northwest of Salonika. On the wings, the Bulgars have made further alight advances by reason of their num erical superiority but Anglo-French ar tillery and the stubborn resistance of the herbs has considerably checked the monjentum of the advancing enemy forces.' All press " dispatches from Rumania bear evidence -of close censorship, but 'Prom a direct source it was reDorted th t fighting? in the Bnlknns has mimed a profound impression in Bucharest. But despite war like reports brought to London in a-round-about wav, many persons well informed on the' Balkan situation do not believe that Rumania will enter the war at least uutil the allies have advanced tip the Vardar val ley and have scored decisive gains against the Bulgarians. It has been known here for several weeks that the Third Rumanian army was mobilized and in readiness for instant service but there has beeu no other positive evi dence of military movements to war rant the belief that Rumania is about to declare war. Armenian-Italians In It. By John H. Hearley. (United Press staff correspondent.) With the Italian Army at Goritz. 01 Q.. I 41 i i. .. ' Armenians were in the army that enter'1 ted Gorit and are now storming i the Aliatrion A a Fart a nr. .n,.4.1. 1 a. n i . ml qot A th ' Cpon entering Goritz I met several Itnlian-Armeninns,' including Luciano Abbate and Pisani Gennaro, former New York street car men. now rapid fire gunners with an atmored auto squadron. Both were eager for news of America. , King Victor Emmanuel is constantly at the front encouraging his troops, re- gnrdloas of all personal ri.k. He was in Goritz when the city was heavilv bombnr.led by the Austrians from Mont (Continued on Pare Peres.) Advertisin' is th' life o' competition. I.afe Bud, who is on his vacation, re ceived a sourvenir pustal card from his bos t 'day savin', "I wih you wuz here." captured' "fort cTy " Man? of hem : Jf '"t. were killed n -n ' tnemthe "continent" from it I 6,000 BARBERS STRIKE Now York, Aug. 23 The bald headed man came into his own here today. He gave his broth ers with heavily thatched roofs the laugh. Just as wig makers ettled their troubles with the human hair workers, who charged inhuman treatment, thus assuring a. continued supply of wigs and toupees, six thou sand barbers walked out. TO MEET Secretary Lane, John R. Mott and Judge George Gray to Act Washington, Aug. 23 Meetings of the joint United States-Mexican com mission t0 adjust border and other dif ferences will begin as soon as the Mex ican members can reach the United States, it was indicated at state de partment today. Interior Secretary Lane, Judge George Gray and John R. Mott, named for the commission last night, will be ready to take up their duties immediately, it is said. Secretary Landing was to confer with Mexican Ambassador Arredondo today to fix the time and place of meeting. A Jersey coast summer resort probably will be' selected. Tho question of-withdrawal of the American expedition from Mexico will bo quickly disposed of, it is believed,! m view or uenerai i'unston's opinion that withdrawal will not endanger the safety of the American border. OF Ensi Green's Report Hay Reopen Tiresome Cook Peary Controversy . Washington, Aug. 23. Upon the re port of a youngster of 23 on ensign in the United States navy may depend a reopening of the entire-Cook-Peary North Pole controversy. Ensign Fitzhugh Green, "who repre sented the government on the Crocker land expedition has reported to the navy department his return to Copen hagen but he makes no mention of hav ing seen Crockerland which Peary claimed to have discovered during his final dash for the pole. According to Peary he saw the new continent from northeast Greenland. Friends of Dr. Copk have disputed the existence of this new continent along with the other claims of Peary. Congressman Helgesen, of North Da kota, has endeavored to have the gov ernment investigate i'earv's c In ms "nd.coi"73','t with the indicntions.thnt " ed to locate Crdcker- " '"' 1 "'r"ca mar tne govern- ce has removed its charts. Green is a native of Missouri, a graduate of Annapolis and' regarded ns one of the most promising scientists of tho navy. From a mere boy he had dreamed dreams of being an Arctic explorer and when tho American Museum of Natural History and the American Geographical society and tho University of Illinois organized an expedition headed by Pro tessor l. B. MacMillan, Dr.- Lincoln Ellsworth and Dr. W. E. Ekblaw in 1912 to hunt for Crockerland, the Young nav al officer made application to be as signed by the navy department as the government's representative in the par- In his letter of application Green wrote to Secretary Daniels: "I have been preparing for such work for the past 15 years and am thor oughly familiar with the details of every-Arctic trip." FOUR HURT AT MEDFORD Medford, Ore., Aug. 23. Four men were hurled "from the second floor of St. Mary's academy today when a scaf folding broke while they" were painting the walls. L. O. (iiluin'was injured in ternally. The others were less seriously hurt. FEWER BABIES DIED THAN USUAL IN CITY New York, Aug. 23. Fewer bafries have died in New York City this year than in preceding years despite the infantile pa ralysis epidemic which claimed more thnn l.iioo babies. Health authorities said today that the decrease undoubtedly was due to the fact that mothers took better care of their chil dren and kept their homes clean er, fearing paralysis attacks. jjj j g jj, '.--. i A M rm mm I WfclllS I W II I Mill I TO YIELD DAY BUT II Say They Are Fighting at the Last Barrier Against Labor Aggression FREIGHT RATES HIGHER TO FOLLOW ACCEPTANCE One Official Said "We Do Not Want to Buck Up Against the President By Robert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 23. The three cor nered effort under way here to avert I nation-wide railroad strike appeared this afternoon to have run into a jam. Leaders among the railroad presi dents said they could not see how any conclusions could be reached in less than 48 hours. At the same time, in unother part of tho city, leaders of the railroad brotherhood representatives were planning ways of holding in check an uprising on the part of the broth erhood representatives. An unanimous strike demand might come then, they 3U1U, President Wilson in a conference with Chairman Ncwlnnds and Adamson of the senate and house interstate com merce committees, urged the taking of a step that obviously contemplated final agreement by the railway presidents mm uis )iuu. mis was tne passage oy the senate o'f the bill already passed by the house to increase the interstate com merce commission from seven to nine members. The increase will )e necessary to pro vide rapid hearings on the raJlrnnda rer- tain demand for rate increases following uuj agreement to tne eight nour day de mand by the brotherhoods and the president. lhe railroad presidents, for the! part, are working now to find a way to accept the eight day and nt the same time "preserve the principle of arbi-' trntinn " fnl ttio Lit.. Fighting to the last ntrninst nhandnn ing what they term the "final harrier against labor aggression" they have asitea President Wilson forsomo con crete proposition for avoiding recurring iuuur uiLierences. Apparently convinced that settlement now must be worked out on the presi dent 'g fundamental proposition the roads are trying to "save as much as possible from the wreckage" They want protection against further strikes ana some assurances of increased rev enue to meet the added exnenae which they claim attend acceptance of the eight hour day. Magnates Are Uneasy. iiusniugion, Aug. z.i. Marked evi dence of uneasiness bepnn to appear to day amoug the fiO railway presidents Kumeri'u ncre. i ney nnve no solution for the situation President Wilson call ed them here to help solve. Thov are divided among themselves and unable tne-ettec taoaoinoin un un un uminuu to agree on a proposal that miirht soften the effect of the president's plan for averting a national railroad strike. Still holding out against acceptance of the eight hour day, they do not exhibit the oelligerence or defiance that was no table when President Wilson first an nounced this scheme for scttlintr the question. Some even are talking among them selves of agreeing to the eight hour duy and letting the consequences take cars of themselves. "Let the result be on the president's head," they say. These, however, include few of the presidents of , tho bigger railway sys tems. Tho latter are working ns hard as they ever worked ill their lives, to avoid making the concession. They toiled late into the tropical night last night and were at it again in tho hot haze of early morning today. The object of their efforts is a tang ible counter proposition that will em body something of th president's pur pose and the brotherhoods demands and yet save the situation for the rnilroads. They face the fact that, failing to find such a counter proposition, they can ex pect only strong insistence from the White House that they accede fully to the president's own pian. Puts Country Above His Railroad. Lute last night Hale Holdcn, of the Burlington, It. S. Lovett, of the Union Pacific, and Daniel Willard, of the B. & )., saw President Wilson for an hour. I Willard alone of the three, has been in- cunea tne past two days to accept the president's proposition! He has been aligned to some extent with the rail- roads of the southeastern states includ- ing the Southern in this respect. Unless headway is made today, there are indications that some of the rail- roads may act Independently in accept- ing or rejecting the president 's proposal, Against precipitous action of this na- ture every effort was being made late yemeruay anu last nignr. It was point- SAVE ARBITRATIO DEUTSCHLAND IS NOW riVE DAYS OVER DUE Berlin, AMg. 23 Berlin is still 'without news of the German commerce submarine Deutucn land which sailed from Balti more August t. Alfred Lehman, director of the company owning the Deutaculaad told the Bre men correspondent of the Tage falatt today that -he hoped the Deutschland would arrive soon. - The - Deutschland made the' trip from Germany to Baltimore in 16 days and is therefore now five days, behind her schedule. TO German Official Tells of Means Used to Influence Rumanian Officials Berlin, Aug. 23. Beautiful women and huge suras of money are being used by the allies in the great diplomatic battle being waged at Bucharest, the allies seeking to bring Rumania into the war. I A distinguishes German diplomat, whose name was, not revealed, made this charge throned the nemi-officinl German news agency today. But despite the allies)' effortB. Rumania is yet undecided, he said, adding: ttumania hasbeen the aphynx and is still now shrouded with a mysterious veil behind which the political passion and agitations, not only of the Ruman ians, but of the allied agents, are at the highest pitchi" "The allies' agitation reached its height at the beginning of the last Russian offensive," said the diplomat. " At the same time the allies announced a Balkan offensive by General Sarrail, which was undertaken purely for political purposes. The central powers, in their official 'reports, stiematized Sarrail 's operations as "feigned." Now a sudden Bulgari&Vi. offensive had put a quick end to the allies' activities. The Russian offensive is apparently Black ening. ''At present Rumania is still unde cided: She probably will not give up her well calculated, clever neutrality wnicn nas prougnt ner an enormous gain in power, unless she thinks that a really decisive turn has been reached in the war. Meanwhile trade relations between Rumania and the central powers continue small." TODAY'S BALL SCORES American. R. H. E. Chicago 4 3 2 New York 5 9 3 Russell and Lapp: Mogridge, Fisher and Walters. First game: R. II. E. St. Louis S '7 2 Washington 4 12 3 Knob, Davenport and Severoid: Shaw and Henry, Ainsworth, Ghnrrity. (10 in nings.) ' ' R. H. E. Detroit ....10 14 1 Philadelphia 8 8 3 Cunningham and Spencer: Williams. Shcchnn and l'ichnich. R. II. E. Cleveland 3 9 1 Boston 7 11 1 Boehling, Covnleski. Klepfer and O'Neil; Leonard, Ruth and Cnrrignn. National. R. II. E Brooklyn (1 13 4 Chicago 7 10 1 Dell, Cheney and Meyers: Lavender. Packard and Elliott. R. H. E. 'hiladclphta 1 fi g 'ittsburg 2 9 2 Kixey, hfans. Burns and K fer: Kantuehner and Schmidt, fill limine.) No others scheduled. Chicago Grain Market Shows Higher Prices Chicago, Aug. 23. Wheat nrlces rallied today after an easy oneninir. Lower cables and loral selling caused a decline at the start, but the market gained a good buying and soon recov ered its loss. September wheat was up quarter at 1.4 3-4; December up half at (1.53 1-2 and May unchanged at 1.!)6 1-2. IteDOTts from abroad indicating a demand for corn, promptcif fractional gains in the grain today. Slow trading at the opening Iwas responsible Tor declines. September was up above the opening 3-8 at 8." 5-H; December up 3 8 at 74V, and May up 1-4 at 77 3-4. HER FOURTH HONEYMOON I.a Grande, Ore., Aug. 23. Mrs. Rosa Ann Von Blocklnnd, aged 70, in honey mooning today. It is her fourth honey moon. William Girder, aged 50, is the ucky man, CATHOLIC PARTY IS HOT WANTED. IS LEADERS POSITION Brennan Attacks Delegate Callahan for Making This Assertion TALK NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS BEING DEFEATED Intimation That Federation Is Partisan Is Resented Its Name Changed New York, Aug. 23. Because of the heat, an effort was being made today to wind up the business of the fifteenth annual convention of the National Fed eration of Catholic Societies by tonight instead of holding sessions Thursday as originally planned. A -clash between Colonel Patrick Hen ry Callahan, of -Louisville, Ky., chair man of the religious prejudice commit tee of the Knights of Columbus, and Joseph Brennan, of Boston, occurred during the morning session. Callahan had praised the non-Catholics of the country for their tolerance. After the chair had refused Brennan permission to reply and he gained the floor by voto of the federation, he characterized Callahan's remarks as "silly," "ridiculous" and as "spread ing soft soap." "It is the height of ridiculousness to describe the road as smooth, when it is rough,' he snid. "It is nonsense to talk ornoti-Catholics allowing Catholics to do this or that. Catholics are Amer ican citizens and have the same rights as others." . .- - . . ... "One purpose of this convention." Callahan said, "is to., disillusion th minds of non-Catholics of the belief that Catholics look only through the eyes of the capitalists. It is very evi dent that there is no Catholic unanim ity. I picked up a newspaper today which showed that Catholics voted three different ways on the Mexican ques tion." Joseph Brennan. of Boston, who made the attack upon Colonel Callahan, was tne oniy omcer who failed of re-elec tion. The rest of the board of officers, headed by John Whalen, of New York, as president, were re-elected. Members of the nominating committee claimed failure to re-elect Brennan had nothinir to do with his speech on the floor of the convention this morning but it was sim ply he was no longer an officer of the organization in Boston and therefore not entitled to reelection as a vice- president. lhe convention voted to chance the name of the organization to the Catho lic Federation of the United Statos and to organize under the Boston plan, with the diocese as the unit or organization rather than the state or county. This plan will first be submitted to the bish ops of the United States for their ap proval. VigoroiiB resentment over the intimn. tions that the federntio n is rmrtisfiii dsi displayed today by both laymen nnd members of tho clergy. "We wnnt no Catholic party," the words of Bishop Hickcy, of Rochester, were repeated frequently today by the delegates. Should Vote as Unit. New York. Antf. 23. Callmlic vlnr throughout the United States were urged at a mass meetinir of the Rnmnn Catholic Central Vcrein here Inst night to unite and cast their influences at the polls "where it will subservo' tho high and holy principles" for which Cath olics stand. James F, Zipf, president of tho Gonzaga Union, of St. Louis, who made the appeal, declared thero were at least 3,00(1,000 Catholic voters in the country "nuite a force." h ani.l itnr bringing iibout of proper conditions." mat," Mr. y.ipT added, "is almost ns many as the republican party polled nt the lust general election. That very number places in our hands a power to be used in works of social, civic better ment, in works of mercy and of pence. When the Catholic arm is uplifted let it be for construction always, but never for destruction." Mr. Zipf asserted he was not n. tending for a religious pnrty, but for on organizutiou f Catholics to bring Into public life a spirit of liberty and tolerunce. "We must be so organized," he declared, "and under suchMeader ship that upon occasions we speak for cibly as one man and say to the block hand of religious intolerance, hypocrisy nnd hatred, "thou shalt not enter here; no far shall thou go and no further." Resolutions calling upon the United States government to force the de facto government of Mexico to guarantee re ligious liberty and protect Americans were passed by the German Roman Catholic church Vcrein this afternoon. The resolutions were telegraphed to Secretary of State Lansing. The resolu tion follows: "We as Americans call upon our gov ernment to hold the do facto govern ment of Mexico to the strictest observ- ' UUKM WAS SOFT, HOGS $11.30 Washington, Aug. 23. Hogs are now selling at $11.30 a hun dred pounds because last year's corn crop was "soft," the Uni ted States department of ugn-.' culture announced today. ;; The corn being soft, it was explained, it could not be kept for feed and was immediately disposed of. This produced a scarcity. Some Are for Strike at Once , But Leaders Hold Them in Check Washington, Aug. 23. Strike talk broke out again amonor the nii.j brotherhood men here today. Thomas Donovan, tho Boston and Aib,.v chairman, proposed at the morning ses sion that the brotherhood chairmen re turn to tneir homes, leaving the four ucnus nere to arrange a strike. inis errort. however, was rnhn,i For a time it appeaed as thouoh the sentiment for quick action might not 1. .Lh.l.j m . mere were many speeches. Brotherhood heads, seeinir the treml of the sossion, came to the fore and spoKe against such a draBtic course. n:Mn.. l i- lua.iY, mruuKn parliamentary . man euvering, Donovan's plan was killed wiwiouc oeing made into a formal mo tion or coming to any vote. The strike threat was so strong that it was plainly indicated afterward the leaders might not be able to check the men more than 48 hours loncer. One brotherhood leader said they could no wept in line that long, but that the lid might blow off thereafter. Leaders counselled patience believ ing matters' will come to a head in the next 21 to 48 hours. F JUMPS 25 PER CENT Oregon Not So ' Hard H Thanks to Car Shortage and Curtailed Markets . Chicago, Aug. 23. The high cost ef living nas soared again and a compari son of prices of foodstuffs todav with those of a year ago shows that there ias been an increase of 25 per cent. With hogs selling at the highest price n.,)u a nunurcd pounds Bince ISOS and predictions by provision men that it will go to $12 next month, thore was a general increaso in other living necessities which will cost Mr. Average Man a quarter more un each dollar he spends. I'ork prices were up today consider ably. Pork, used in hiked beans, was quoted at cents s pound, an increase of five cents. I'ork chops were up to 24 cents a pound, 25 per cent over a year ago's price. Boiled ham sold for ;t(l cents, an advance of Bix cents. Beans, sold at five cents a pound one year ago, cost eleven cents today, (.'aimed bilked beans have increased from 10 to 15 cents a pound. Loop prices which are 25 per cent under neighboring prices, have jumped on peas, lettuce, potatoes and string beans. Milk now sells for nine cents a quart. Flour continues to gain. It is now selling for 8 3-4 cents a pound as com pared with seven cents a year ago. The wholesale price of flour today was H.IH) and Inst year it wub As yet there has been no increase in bread prices hero. WARM IN PORTLAND Portland, Ore., Aug. 23. Shirtsleeves were popular in Portland today when tho mercury begun hitting the high spots with even more zest than yester day. . The quicksilver's "furthest north" so for is H2 degrees. ance of its guarantee of religious liber ty and accountable for the violations thereof." THE WEATHER Oregon: Fair tonight, Thurs day and Friday, continued warm; north easterly winds. HUGHES PARTY AT RENO, ONLY PLACE III STATE HE TALKS Will -Speak In Mormon Taber nacle at Salt Lake City Tomorrow IS ABOUT WORN OUT FR0:.I WORK IN HIS CAMPAIGN Made 22 Speeches In Trip Through San Joaquin Valley TO SPEAK IN TABERNACLE New York, Aug. 23. The de-' mand for seats at the Hughes meeting at Salt Lake City,.. Utah, has been so great that the local committee abandoned their, plans to have Hughes speak in a hall and have engaged the big Mormon tabernacle, Republican -National Chairman Willcox said, this afternoon. Candidate Reaches Reno. Reno, Nov., Aug. 23. Charles Evans Hughes campaigned today in the first democratic Btate he has encountered since ho left Bridgehampton. N. Y, three weeks ago to begin his long; "swing around the circle,"' He started his invasion with an assault on the dem ocratic tariff and foreign policies hese today, adding also a defense of his own labor record. Big crowd of Nevadiaosj greeted the republican presidential nom- -inee everywhere. , .. Today, however, Hughes' started an active rebellion. NeVer agaia will ha permit" local or Btate committees to put him through such a course of strenuoa ity in campaigning as that which he un derwent yesterday. The republican can didate admitted that he is very nearly tired out. Those with whom he, talked before his train reached here said he . told them that the spirit was willing bat that no human being could stand .many more days of the sort he has been un dergoing during. the past week. The gladdest man in the United States will be Charles Evans Hughes when August 27 rolls around and he and Mrs. Hughes can settle down for three days rest at Kstes Park, Colo. ' There the governor expects to sleep and eat and get out in the air all he can. , v His weariness was plainly discernible today in a husky voice that did queer tricks of inflection when he sought to press it to renewed effort but, never theless, he had an indomitable enthus iasm that revived him when he faced an audience. Is About Worn Out Two or threo times, duriug the past few days Hughes hasn't been able, be cause of pressure of demands made upon him by local and state arrangements committees, to get his dinner before late Bt night. He was scheduled yesterday . to make 14 speeches, but at least eight were added at the lust moment. The nominee has ruled that he will not dis uppoint a crowd when they besiege hie private car and this very willingness led the local committees to impose on him. Hughes apparently tulks with great fucility but it is a facility which he has acquired only throuuh a lono- nerio.l of concentration and preparation. Col onel Roosevelt, whose trans-continental trip of four yeors ago is really sur passed in strenuosity by Hughes', has s raciilty for quick concentration and lit tle preparation, but Hughes' service ou the bench ami the painstaking legal mind with which ho is eauirmcd. forca him to study long anil arduously in map ping out ull of hia talks even the small est ones. His present trin. therefore. In even harder on the candidate than his sched ule indicates, because so little time is granted him for preparation. tiovernor Hughes addressed 4.000 ner- sniis in Hncrnmciito last night at a meet ing which was declared by the repub lican state loaders to be non partisan. i-nunr legislation aim a federal work man 's compensation law were discucced nt considerable length by him. Ho de clared strongly for preparedness and at- tncKeu tne administration s course in Mexico. Reverting to his labor record, he read an extract from an editorial that ap- l'(.-ri-ti in me --rgan or urganixea La bor in New York," in October, 1910, in. which he was referred to as "the great est friend of labor that has ever oc cupied the governor's chair at Al bany." NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HAS SEVERE QUAKE Eureka, On!., Aug. 23. The heaviest earthquake shuck since 1906 was felt in this city this morning. The temblor was also reported from different sections of northern Humboldt county, but not re corded at Petrolia, 80 miles south of here. The quuke caused no damage here. (Continued on Pa Twj.)