Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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v '
MEN WHO appreciate
efficiency in little
things as well as big
have been quick to see
the wisdom in sticking
Fatimas are comfort
able while you emoke
them and after, too.
their delicately balanced
Turkish blend, always
leave a man feeling "fit
even after a long-smoking
Writes Commission It Hopes
to Meet All Car Demands
in Near Future "
Sport News
Elmer Jacobs and Billy Evans
Stir Fandom by Remark
able Pitching
Realizes He Has Hard Fight
and Is Devoting Whole
Time to Training
World's Great Sprinter
Has Stroke of Paralysis
i -
j I.os Angeles, Cnl., Aug. 22 Howard
: Drew, negro sprinter and holder of tho
world 'a record for the 100 yard dash,
has probably run bin last race. Drew
is laid up here today with paralysis,
brought on when he strained himself in
the century dash of a incut at .San
Diego Saturday.
Drew was n member of the American
team which won the Olympic games at
Stockholm in 1912. He was formerly a
student at a .Springfield, iMnss., high
school, but of late has been attending
the I'niversity of .Southern Culifornln.
Drew holds the records of 9 3-5 for
100 yards and has equaled the record of
:21 15 for tho 220 yards.
Tho paralysis is said to be the in
direct result of an injury sustained by
Drew Inst March while competing in an
indoor nice in New York.
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. I. let
l.os Angeles 70
Vernon 7(1
Wan Francisco 71
Salt Lake Ml!
Portland 55
On kin ml 52
Yesterday's Results
No games played, teams traveling.
Today's Games
l.os Angeles vs. (hi kin ml, at Kan
Sail Francisco vs. Vernon, at Los
I'ortliind Suit Lake series starts to
morrow. By H. C. Hamilton
(United Press staff correspondent)
New York, Aug. 22. Two recruit
liurlers are the heroes today ill Pitts
burg. One of them, Klin'er Jacobs,
came through a contest against the
great Alexander yesterday with a vic
tory In tne first name of a double
header and the other, Billy Kvaas, set I
tne rhiiiies down wita another defeat
in the secoud clontcst.
iliilndelphia got to Jacobs for sev
en hits and scored 3 runs, but his term
inates were pounding Alexander at op
portune moments, and thanks to a
double with the bases filled, he had lit
' tie trouble winning.
This is Jacobs' first year in the biir
show. He mnde his entry last spring
' Irom the International league. Ho fur
- lie has been used little, having been
i suved mainly to finish games.
(.vans' performance is more remark
Bide. This youngster, college prod
uct, pitched bis first big league game
when he went against the l'hillies. His
previous effort was several days ago
when he finished a gnme by pitching
oue inning after it apparently had beeu
Yesterday's double defeat shunted
the Thillies into third place in the Na
tional race and sent the llraves back to
necouri place because of their victory
over Cincinnati. At tho same time the
!mlgers were dropping a game to the
Cubs and the Stailings erew again has
become a menace to the chances of
W'ilLier Robinson's pennant chasers
Hostou gained a little on Chicago
through the victory over Cleveland,
while the Yanks were taking the White
Hok to a drubbing. New ork s vic
tory, however, shows without a ques
tion that Hill Donovan's charges have
recovered their lost equilibrium and
they are likely to prove troublesome.
Chicago is ready for another start to
day ngiiinst the New Yorkers.
New York's cripples are nearly all
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 22.
Keenly realizing that his title of light
weight champion will be in danger,
Freddie Welsh is putting in some great
licks at training in preparation for his
20-round Labor day battle with Charley
Welsh is on tho rond every morning at
7 o'clock with the trainer and makes
between six and eight miles. This is
followed by an hour's work in his train
ing quarters and eight rounds of boxing
with his sparring partners. Welsh box
ed two rounds with Benny Chnve'r. and
three rounds each with Jack Brnddon
and Battling Keddy, displaying all his
cleverness beforo a crowd of 300 enthus
iastic fight fans.
White will not start his boxing un
til Wednesday, as he does not believe
more than 10 days hard training will
be necessary to put him in hape. Thus
far he has confined his training mostly
to road work to develop his wind.
Charley claims to be in fine condition
Welsh and White met again last night
at the Ilayes-Jucksnu bout nt Ksmona.
The men were introduced to the crowd
and received a great hand.
Welsh continues a slight favorite in
the local betting. But the wager that
attracts most attention is the three to
one that White won't score a knockout.
There seems to be plenty of raonev on
1... t. ; l u . . . . -
him ii siocs or this proposition.
The sale of seats still continues at a
great rate and club officials anticipate
a packed house for the bout.
readv to take pnrt In rcmilar contests
strain. Kobe Oldrinit held duw n rieht
field yesterday and Frank linker prob
ably will be in the lineup before an
other week has passed. Frits Maisel is
working out daily and may get a start
t second bnse soon.
When You Go J
to the country, the camp, the
mountains or resort for tha
summer, notify
. The Capital Journal
and your paper will be sent
there as long as you want to
stay. Just call for, the Circu
lation Department, Phone 81.
To Have Racing Circuit.
San Fraacisco, Aug. 22. The estab
lishment of a racing circuit on the Pa
cific const with a season long enough to
justify the shipment of the nntion's
best horses here, is planned by James
W. Coffroth, former fight promoter.
Meets at Tia.junna, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and lieno are contemplated,
ha stated today.
Railroads Stocks Strong
Feature of Market
New York, Aug. 22. The New York
Evening Suu financial review today
Operators iu stocks who had looked
forward to a substantial reaction from
the high prices recorded iu today's
early dealings found little iu the course
of the "general market, following the
initinl forward movement to encourage
the idea that anything more than quick
turns for short account would be profit
able at this particular period. Buying
power represented was euormous. A
Inrgo amount of stock came out on the
advances, but it wns so well absorbed
that the impression on .prices was small
in proportion to the number of shares.
Speculative attention, although fairly
well riveted upon United States steel
common, which made a new high rec
ord, was directed also toward runny
parts of the list, including other steel
shares, equipment issues, the Connor
land Reading, while the general rail-
ros.il group, especially In the late trad
ing found more followers than in Mon
day's operations.
Otitaido participation was heavy
heavier than had been reported in many
months. The profit taking sales in the
day we.re heavy in volume and at times
in the afternoon moderate recessions
from the early high points were record
ed. Rnilrond stocks were in far better de
mand as the session approached its
close, with strength in Krie, New York
Central, 1'iiioa Pacific, St. Paul and
Reading. While recoveries from realis
ing rectious were under way in va
rious ports of the list. Wall street 'a In
formation from Washington continued
to favor the idea that au adjustment of
the railroad labor controversy would be
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Cal'ing Cards rrinted at the Jour
nal Job Department.
AU the home news while you are
away. Phone SI.
Is Prisoner James Gaffene
As He Claims, Or Is He
Murderer Tortorici?
San Francisco, Aug. 22. A dark
skinned man paced slowly before the
witness stand in the superior court
room today that witnesses might have
the chance of studying his every pose.
He started each walk confidently
and ended it with shoulders dropping
and walk unsteady.
This man declares he is James Gaf
fene. an innocent man. But five ac
cusing hands pointed him out as I'ietro
Tortorici, the man who murdered Bing
gio Vilardo and then hacked the body
into pieces, hiding it in a sack. Only
once did hope come to the accused man.
ft was when Policeman James Deuser
took the stand.
"That man looks just like Tortorici
did 11 years ago," said the officer.
"Had 1 met him 11 years ago there
would be no doubt in my mind."
The case is one of the most remark
able in local criminal history..
The one defense is that there has
been a case of mistaken identity and
that somewhere there is a double, the
reol Tortorici. George Schmneke, a
laundry worker; Felipe Ferita and Mrs.
Ienn Orbent, nil former friends of
Tortorici, declared from the stand that
the man before them was the slayer.
N. J. Sinnott today filed with Secre
tary of State Olcott' acceptance of the
republican, democratic and progressive
nArtv nominations far renresentntive in
congress. Second congressional district.
jvir. mnnoti is now tne prraeui mi--ber
of congress from the Second district.
Bnuj. C. Sheldon, of Medford, also
Udny filed acceptance of the republican
rartjf nomination for representative,
Eighth district, comprising Jackson
county. Two years ago Mr. Sheldon
was very active in the interest of the
Ashland Normal school bill.
With the filing this morning of three
transcripts, a total of 27 has been filed
in the otfice of Judge Morlnnd. elerk
of the supreme court, this month. This
is a very unusual number for the month
of August.
Articles of incorporation were filed
this morning at the office of Corpora
tion Commissioner Schuldermnn by the
I'nipqua Improvement company of
(iardiner, Douglas countv, capitalized
for $25,000; the Bend Press Publish
ing company of Bend, with capital stock
of $3,000; and the Columbia Manufac
turing company of Portland, with a cap
ital stock of $25,000. The Beaverton
Development company filed a certifi-
Karly relief is promised in the car
shortage situation by a letter received
from General Manager Scott of the
Southern Pacifjc company nt the office
of tho public service commission this
in explaining the present shortage,
the general manager says that inabili
ty to get cars unloaded on the Atlantic
const through lack of stiippiug has tied
up about 5000 of the company's cars.
He states that early in tiie year the
company placed an order for 3000 new
cars, which owing to a shortage of la
tor and large war orders have not been
delivered, although the company had
the promise of early delivery. The
first shipment of these new box cars,
however, will be coming forward in a
few days, the company reversing its
usual custom and billing them through
empty and paying freight on them in
an effort to satisfy the demands of
the Pacific coast. The letter follows:
"We appreciate fully the seriousness
of the car situation, not only in Ore
gon but everywhere on the Pacific
coast. We have been sending empty
equipment regularly to Oregon to meet
the requirements there, iu addition to
all the loaded cars going in that di
rection, which of course as soon as un
loaded are available for use iu that
territory. We have delivered this
mouth 325 empties to Portland and to
day (August Hi) iinvc enroute 132 ad
ditional. During the name period we
have delivered llii.'i loaded cars to that
division. Mentiou is made of empties
to show we are not discriminating a
guinst Oregon shippers, but on the con
trary are assisting them in every way
' ' You ask what may be expected in
(lie future. We bone of course that
the situation will improve. We had
reason to believe we would not be con
fronted with a shortage this year, be
cnuse early in the year we placed an
order for 3000 cars and had the prom
ise of early delivery. On account of
shortage of labor and large war orders
being handled ill eastern territory the
i-ur ltii liti ii ir concerns have not been
able to make delivery. We arc now ad
vised that the first shipment of box
enrs will be coining lorwaru in a lew
days, and in order to relieve the situ
itimt on the const us much ns possible
the roninouv is hilling them through
emntv and naviiiB freight thereon. By
.loin this we' hone to be able to sat
isfy all demands on the coast to a grout
"The condition on the Pacific coast
is not oue for which the Pacific coast
railroads are responsible, ion are Ja
milinr with the situation that has ex
isted in the east for many months ns
the result of congestion of enrs on the
Atlantic seaboard through lack ot snip
..!., Tlinro are about 5000 cars of our
equipment now on eastern rails, the re-,;-.
of which we have -oeeii unable to
secure. 1 want your honorable body to
accept my assurance tnnt everyinins
possible will ic none io um . ......
ditions hi Oregon."
i-nte of dissolution.
Thirteen ice plants outside of Mult
nomuh county show a total annual out
put of 2!,2(i0 pounds, according to re
ports received nt the office of Labor
Commissioner non.
The Squaw Creek Irrigation company
of Prineville, nns appuen to ine pumic
........Ua .nnimiaflinn flit BUtllOritV to in
crease its rate from 35 cents per acre
loot to uu cenis per aero iuoi.
A letter -from O. C. Johnson of the
Bellevue warehouse, McMinnville, re
onived nt the office of the public serv
ice commission this morning complains
of a loss of business Hue to lauure ro
obtain cars. He states that he has had
an order in for cars since August 7.
San Francisco, Aug. 22. Retail fish
prices dropped ten per cent today with
the beginning of operations by the new
Northern California Fish Exchange,
the latest inauguration of the state
market commission, which provides for
the establishment daily or maximum
fish prices by a committee represent
ing the fishermen,, wholesalers and re
tailers, consumers and the staoe.
As a result, Sou Francisco house
wives will save about 300,000 yearly.
Alreadv a number of Oakland dealers
have joined the exchange.
New Today ads in the Journal
will be read in aU live Marion
connty homes.
Why Have Your Capital tied
Up In an Empty House?
Ad at One Cent a Word will
Get You a Renter.
THE time for a vacation is
now. Vacations to many
mean more work and less
comfort than any other time of
the year. Let this year's vaca
tion be different. Secure a real
rest. Down at Newport you
can rent a comfortable bunga
low near the ocean and within
sound of the roaring breakers.
You will be agreeably sur
prised at the low cost and the
real benefit to be derived from
this kind of a vacation. Wzite
for booklet "Newport" or ask
your local agent for copy also
information regarding low
round trip fares.
John M. Scott, Qen. Pass, Agt.
Southern Pacific
Portland, Oregon
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
Ono week (6 insertions), per word....5c
One month(2Q insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge, 15c.
PHONE 337 For wood saw.
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com'l
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 7C8.
TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. tf
(U'lXEA HEN And rooster wanted.
Phone 7(iFl 1. aug25
J FOR KENT Furnished house keeping
rooms, (i!lf N. t'om'l. aug-'S
WAITED Team to haul wood, short
; haul. Address X 20 care Journal a2:t
I WANTED 1 ton whole barley, Htate
! price iu field. F. A. Doerfler, Silver
I ton, Oregon. aug21
I WANTED Fresh cow. Phone 1437,
call or address Pinekney Dairy, west
end steel bridge, Salem, Or. aug23
FOR REST My house at 7")"i north
Church St., two blocks from school.
Kent reasonable. O, A. Wood. aug2S
CANNING PEACHES For sale, $1.00
7.")c, ode per bushel at orchard. Phone
(iF3. L. Townsend, Mission Bottom.
FOR RENT (3 room house, convenient
ses. 200 N. 13th St. ang22
WOOD HAULERS Wanted. John H.
Scott, 40-1 Hubbard building. aug22
FOR SALE Cheap, set of Harvard
classics. Phone 120 after 0 p. m, a22
FOR SALE Bungalow for gale or
trade for acreage. 740 N. Libertv.
FOR RENT Six room modern bunga
low at 000 North 20th. Phone 1138J.
FARM TO RENT For particulars ap
ply to Danl J. Fry, 280 N. Com'l St.
Salem. aug23
491 N. Cottage.
Journal office.
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Csp
Hal Journal office. ti
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. ti
WANTED Lady solicitors to work in
- Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial
St ti
(5, worth more. Dr. .May, Hubbard
bldg. sept!
A BARGAIN Slightly used Home
Comfort range for sale. 287 S. Winter
street. - aug23
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
elose in, 160 Court. ti
OLD NEWSPAPERS wanted in car
load lots, communicate with Bond
Bros., Vancouver, B. C. ang21
SEASONED 7 foot oak posts for sale
1 mile' from Salem-on old Turner
road. Telephone 2509-J-l. ang22
FOR SALE Baled vetch straw, a fine
feed for cows or horses, $5.00 per ton
in field. C. C. Russell, Phone 39F4.
- aug25
McNary's yard, 4 miles north of Sa
lem. Register with W. T. Stolz, phone
20. tf
WILL SELL Or trade for car or cat
tle, three horses, harness, bicycle, top
I'uggy and hack. Hox 59, Kt. 3, Tur-
ner, Ore.
FIRE INSURANCE Written on hop
nnd prune dryers, store buildiugs,
houses and household goods. Insure
now with L. Bechtel & Co.
FORCED TO SELL In the next 30
days, will sell for about one half of
actual value, 4 modern houses, also
garage building. L. Bechtel & Co. a22
WANTED Ford touring car, cash for
best buy, year '12, '13 or '14, me
chanical condition not necessarily
Al. Phone 20-J. aug24
FOR SALE Electric coffe mill, coun
ter, show case, cheese cutter, deliv
ery wagon, Toledo scale. G. H. Wood
Phone 204 1-R. aug24
FOR SALE Ten Crystal White Leg
horn cockerels, six mouths old, worth
$5 each for $1 ench, also 40 pullets,
same stock, nt 50c each. 1S20 N. 5th
St., Salem. aug23
FOR SALE One 13 month old bull,
one 2 year old heifer, both high grade
Jersey, heifer be fresh soon. Pjone
evening, Wm. Aachermann 53F4, No.
5, Salem. aug22
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
(reeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms,' reasonable rate
W. H. Norris, Ree. Hubbard bldg.
Boom 304. tf
WANTED To exchange a close in
building site for a car, No. 1 Ford
considered, here is a snap as I am
going to leave town soon. 640 North
Winter St. aug2
W1ANTED By a permanent roomer, a
a first class furnished room with fur
nace heat. Address G-10, care
Journal.- tf
FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah
Fruit Farm, half mile north of west
end of steel bridge on Wallace road,
bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jas.
Imlah. sept'.'O
ADS under this heading le s word
Bead for profit; use for results.
HEAVY HACK With top; two years
in use; good condition; for sale at
half price; write D. R. Murphy, Tur
ner, Rt. 1. septl
GRADE HOLSTEIN Cows for sale;
records furnished; moderate price
Write care Journal X X 5. D. R.
Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug2f
FOR SALE 314 half truck Studabak
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2784
Lee. Phone 1322 J. tf
jewelry, - musical instruments, tools,
anna ol. htiKrlit mnlA m ,1 .--J-j
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Fiione 493. septll
WANTED Middle aged lady for light
house work, small family, three miles
out. Must be good house keeper and
. will be treated as one of family.
Steady work to right party. Address
W. T. care Journal. . . aug24
FOR RENT House located one block
from high school. $30.00 furnished
or $23.00 unfurnished. Modern, gar
age, nice grounds. Scott & Bvnon,
'.124 South Liberty, Tel. 937. aug23
FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow
located in Salem's best residence dis
trict, was built for a home but must
sell at a sacrifice, terms if desired.
If you want something good it would
pay you to investigate. Address Jour
nal M-3H. tf
ful 5 acre tract well improved, elose
in for larger place. Price $2500.
Fine stock farm ItiO A. only $20 per
acre trade for tract in the valley.
Many other properties to exchanae.
See L. Bechtel & Co., 347 State St.
. aiig23
The Journal Does Job Printing.