THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 22, 1916. THREE 'MM t TINGENT HINDENBURG, COMMANDING 2,500,000 MEN AND GENERALS ON HIS BATTLE FRONTS t I X Willamette Valley News SILVERTON news Independence Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Independence, Ore., Aug. 22. The ladies' Needleeraft of the Pre3bytcr i n church, was entertained by Mrs. Hugh Hannn, at her couutry home on Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was Hpent in fancy work and conversa tion. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Hanua served a dainty luncheon to the guests. The ladies motored out to the Hanna home. All report having hud a good time. A wedding of interest to many Inde pendence friends took place in Astoria on Tuesday eveliing, when Miss Vir ginia Peterson and Mr. Dean H. Walker ; were married. The ceremony was sol emnized at the Grace Episcopal church of Astoria, Rev. Walter Taylor Hummer, 1). D. bishop of Oregon, officiated and was assisted by Rev. W. R. T.vrrel, rec tor of the Grace church. The brido wore a gown of white charmeuse and lace, suid carried a bouquet of bride roses and orchids. The church was dec orated with sweet peas and Shast i dais ies. After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride, when a buffet supper was served to the guests. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Wal ker left for the beach where they will Hpend a short ' honeymoon, and . then they will return to Independence, where they will make their home in the fu ture. Mr. Walker is a member of the firm of Moore & Walker Furniture com pany here. Mrs. Chus. Smith returned to her home on Friday evening, nfter spending a few weeks with her daughter, in Till amook. Mr. 8. B. Walker and wifo attended last Sunday in Turner the guest of Mrs. Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Charts and son, Johnnie, are at Newport lor a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Wnlter Blasco and Mrs. Geo. Weatherall went to 'Newport Suturday returning Monday. Miss Hazel Fleetwood left for Wood burn Saturday afternoon. v Hester McKay was in Turner last of the week. Mrs. Beatrice Ott of Roseburg spent part of last week with her mjther, Mrs. McKay. Gladys Salisbury of Corvullis, for merly of Turner, spent Saturday and Sunday rn Turner. John M. Watson, Jr., and Miss Lu cile Ransom visited the state buildings on Wednesday of last week. (-'. P. Cornelius and family have be gun picking Kvergreen blackberries and shipping to the cannery. Mrs. L. Small and Mrs. Cole were;a Vls't from Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Haves. Snlem visitors Saturday. I Grandma Tremmel and Miss Gladys neuna mcKueu spent Sunday with!u. wno motored over trom Salem (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverton, Ore., Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wolf enjoyed a visit from their son, Dr. Lewis Wolf, of Portland, a couple of days last week. Mrs. Al Nickerson and little daugh ter, Mildred, also Mrs. Amos, spent Sat urday at the Capital City. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil " Ouderkirk, of Brooks, were guests at the Sargent home the past week. Charles McKinley, of Salem, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. irfid Mrs. Bryce McKinley, on First street. Mrs. Wrightman and son, Edgar, are nmlitiM n .. .w. I. ., . l':i,.!i ... I One Formal Dance Before They GoSpecial to Con sist of Ten Cars At a meeting of the Cherrians last evening, it was decided that everybody should attend the drill this evening at the armory, and again that all should attend in uniform tomorrow evening, first for the drill and later to officiate at the farewell Cherrian dunce at the armory.' Sunday, Mrs. R A. Con-den and Mrs. L. Ham mond spent the past week at Newport, guests of Mrs. P. I.. Brown. I .a Verno Bailie, who has been spend ing the past week at the home of his grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. Haines, the wedding of their son, Dean, to Miss better. hr parents, Kev. and Mrs. Bicknell of this place. Mrs. Edith Ransom and daughters, Lucile and Carolyn, were in Mill City over Sunday visiting old friends. Geo. Mason and family were dinner guests of Mrs. McKay Sunday. Mrs. Green visited Mrs. Esther Nenl Sunday. Gerald Gower of Xewbeig spent Sun-1 ""ting at Estncnda. lenvino- for Hint day with relatives( i). place Thursday. Lawrence Roberts of Independence! Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith and chil spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Wil-I dren," of Mountain Home, Idaho, who lis Small. have been guests at the W. A. Reynolds G. W. Hunsacker, who has been at ' home left for their home Monday, the bedside of his sou, Howard Hun- Miss Clara Howard is spending the sticker at his home in Idaho, came home week with Annie Hobnrt and other Sil Sundny erening, reported Howard much j vet-ton friends, coming from her home returned to Muclcay Sunday afternoon. M. J. VnnVulkenburg are enjoying an Virginia Peterson, which occurred on Tuesday evening at Astoria. Mrs. R. J. Bascne, milliner, returned to her home on Friday spending a week in Portland. Mr. K. E. Paddock was a Salem vis itor on Saturday. Mr. E. E. Percival, a milliner, return ed to their home on Saturday, after npendiug a week in Portland attending t)ie millinery openings at that place. Mr. J. G. Mcintosh and wife and Mr. D. Hedges, are spending a few weeks tit Cnscadia Spiings. ' P. L. Hedges and wife, accompanied try E. Cook and' wife, left on Satur day for. Cascndia Springs for an outing. Mrs. Zoe Lee. of Portland, is the jjuest of Miss Zelphu Cross. Mr. J. Pattersoil was a Portland vis itor on Friday. Mr. Guy Walker attended the Walker IVterson wedding at Astoria last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cjipt. Dickinson arrived liere on Friday, where they Will make their future home. They have been in (Smith Dakota for the last six mo-iths. Mrs. E. T. Hinkle left a few days ago for I.ewiston, Idaho, where she will visit her brothtr. Word .was received here on Saturday night of the death of Mr. Lee Fluke, of Tacoma. Mr. Fluke was a former resi dent of this place, and a son of Mrs. Al. i hike, ot this city. Mrs. 11. Miles went to Salem Sutur- Miss Katherine Slade. wlm umlom-nnt 'lay. I an operation at a hospital in Portland, Mrs. Lulu Potter Humphreys visitediis convalescing nicely. her mother last week. ' The T. E. Preston" and Ed R. Adams Kev. McCloud of Mill City was shak-1 families spent the past Sunday at Wil- iiik minus nun I rii'lius Ull our sireeis nun. last week. Siierwin Swank of Aumsville was a business visitor Saturday. ' H. R. Crawforil"and fnmilv are en joying a visit with a relative, Mrs. An spending a week at Wilhoit Springs, For Wednesday night, the Cherrians while the doctor is on a trip in south- will give a farewell jitney dance similar "'ilr.Tnrr. w w p..i. iv- t0 those of 'wek. 1,11(1 to weeks ago. ..!! a. , ,. .? ' 'J ' ' I Thov n lll l.o n l,..A il. ... "V 'vi, iiuiiu iu vuiiiiui:!, llitr various booths and to take charge of the dancers. . Forty-two Cherrians have already signed up and secured reservations for the Mtirshfield excursion and at the laid, moment it is expected that sev eral more will irecidc to get In on the big Coos Bay celebrations. With the band of 22 pieces, this will insure tit least a marching force of 75 in uniform when the Cherrians arrive in Marsh field. . . . . .. The .special stunt ' committee, ". after weeks of arduous thinking,- has about completed its program for the Marsh field Tiitertainment. This includes the initiation as honorary members of a dozen of . Marshf iold 's prominent citizens.- - - - Original words have been written to be sung to popular songs whereby the entire Salem representation may join in. Special addresses will be made as part of the Btunts, including an oration in Chinese by C. T. Pomeroy. The train leaves Commercial and Trade streets promptly at 8:S() Friday morning and the 8. P. depot 15 minute's Inter. Already reservations have been mnde tor the Tour Pullmans first ordered and at Aurora Tucsdar. Mrs. F. E. Wray has returned from n pleasant visit with friends at Seattle Wash. Mis. J. F. Harrison, who has been a guest at the home nf Imr uiui,,,. ir I one hnlf nf Hia fifth tl, . nice Siler from Ashville, N. C. Miss; J. Low-den the past two weeks, depart-' rations must be made by ,'i o'clock to Siler is on her way to Japan and ex-led for her home ut Columbus, Mont., i morrow afternoon, and 'as soon as the peels to sail tor the Orient about the. Tucsdny morning. I fifth Pullman is ull reserved, stile of ''- 'it' u'KiU!ft: . , I PrK- K- Kleinsorgo and family are ! tickets and reservations will .be with- Mrs. Kusby has been doing some re puir work on her farm east of town. Clarence Siineral of the state train ing school spent Sunday with Mrs. Siin eral. (ieo. F. Booth of Jefferson spent a few days in Turner this week. Mrs. E. Estes of McMiunville is a ienii jioueris is visiting relatives i eniovinir nn extended viuit t. and friends in Turner. mother. Mrs. Just!.... K li,,.,. Mrs. Louie Wolfard left on Wednes day for a visit with friends at Eugene. Little Helen Knser is spending a few days at the home of her uncle, Bert Furnsworth. Miss Bess Cowden went to Portland Sntiirdny Tor u visit with friends. MtlVor Putter unit fii.,,ll.f ..,. guest of her sister. Mrs. Wm. Steele ; inn n ,,i..,,.t ...; , ' nn fith St ' "".mk ...... Ulll00.r4 ... .. . , occoe and children, also Mrs. Geo. Jams family motored to Sa- Hemmington and sister went to Salem lem Sunday afternoon. . . i Saturday to visit friends. The Lpworth League members had Miss Eunice Reese came Fridav from charge ot the services nt Shaw for Kev. her home at Nnmpa, Idaho, for a visit JlicKey. ' . at ,he ,l0""' f -'r. and Mrs. Frank Miss Witzel was a guest of Miss.RPPHt. Elizabeth Oornelius Saturday evening. Miss Rosella Richardsoi, ). ... spend Riel.lni.,1 Center, Wis., for an extended Iran n The special to leave 8:.'10 Fridav morning from Commercial street, will consist of two bnggage cars, two diners, five Pullmans and one Shasta observa tion. As 148 have alreadv mnde reser rations and secured tickets, it is esti mated that fully 175 Salemltcs and neighbors and perhaps 200 will repre sent the capital city in the big Marsh field celebration. H. R. Crawford and family wi Mr. Lynn Huntley and Mr. Reeves re- 'this week iu their town home. I)iiriiig visit with old friends.' She . 1 ) mm ... . J IxWMi of 0 .lit . in I UAI LVIliLUII m-4 ft L v i mm 1 UP EASTERN BATTLE FROliT RHO TEUTON COMMANDING GEN&eLS - TOP TO BOTTOM, VQN HINDENBURG . LEOPOLD OF BRVHGtfi '. VON LlNSIN&EN , VON kfOE iES Iield Marshal von Hindenbiirg, com-1 nurtherly sector, near Riga, in Russia,: frequently in the wur nlspakhes Of nianilcr of the armies opposing the Rus- and the other sectors as shown on the, those generals Von innileiiluirg I'rineo sums, now leads the greatest forces map Rre commanded by various Grmitn ! Leopold of Bavaria nnd Yoii ' Linsin ver coinmnnded by one man. Their and Aiistrii-lliingarinn generals. Of! gen nre Germans; Bntlinier Pfiau.i-r-nuniber is estimated at 2,r)ll(l,(l(in. Von. these men Von Linsingen is the best : Haltin, Ters.tvans.kv, noohm-Ermoili Hiiiilenburg in person lends in the most , known, but the others have been named land Koevess are AustrolHungiiiiniis turned home the last of the week from Yachats, where they have been enjoy ing a fishing trip. Mr. Kenneth Thompson, of Portland, is the guest of his uncle, Moss Walker, lor a short visit. Moss Walker and George Conkey arc enjoying a bunting nnd fishing trip at Myrtle Creek, in southern Oregon. Mr. J. S. Cooper, Sr., will attend the annual reunion of the Cooper families to be held in Portlnnd on August 22. Mr. Hntner Link and wife, of Airlie, nccompanied by Mr. Morris Fowle and Miss Link, attended the Saturday night dance given here. Mrs. O. A. Kreamer is the guest of Portland friends for a few days. Mrs. B. F. Swope, who has been in the hospital at Salem, is ublc to be at her home now. Mr. W. H. Pntton nnd family arc Upending a couple of weeks at the beach. A number of people from Independ ence attended the Hughes meeting iu Portlnnd lust week. : The members of the Tatting club were entertained at the Burton country home cn Saturday by Mrs. .1. Burton and her tlnughter, Miss-Florence, the afternoon being-devoted-to-faucy work, followed by a light luncheon. All the ludies re port, a good time. . Mrs. H. L. Fitchcrd, of this city, who underwent ah operation .at the Snlem hospital lust week, is reported to be do- , i"K nicely. the slimmer months Mr. Crawford's: her simnr camp on their tarm east ot Turner Mrs. accompanied j John HiilleuH Kd w. her Ordinance Introduced Fixing Zl aWLVvI M A?'; ,,0n,9 UM ,.M": riM. Mnthew. and Httle I.' f I. .... ,T . 5 JL1LCH5C ui rtiuus usea spent John Ahren and Fred Goth. Arthur Edwards and wife the younger set to auto rides Sunday Rev. Wodfen filled the pulpit for Rev. J. J. Mickey ut the M. E. church. Winnie Wipper is spending a few days at the coast. B. E. Robertson and 1. S. Robert son spent Sunday at H. Wipper 'a and Mr. Whitehead's. "Mum" seemed to be the word in our little town on Saturday of lost week when Harley Robertson, young est son of Benj. E. Robertson, and .Miss jNora Wood planned to visit the for Hire uangiiter. Llovdene. nu ....,.i:.. . treated pleasant vnmtin.. n v B Mrs. Broowlcr, of La Grande, Ore., who has been a guest in the home of the home of her dnughter, Mrs. Will Nenl, deiiarted for h Miss Lillian Hunnestend, of Corvallis Tn0 ''0"cil last night ordered is a guest of Silverton friends and stny-i'ne putting up of new signs at all streets running into the city designat ing at the John Quail llome. A sharp frost is reported up at Sil ver Falls camp Friday night. Madge Wnrnaek had a birthday Sun day and invited her friend, Mabel Stew "h' 5'"' e","tin wilbr Moores, out for Rose City and Vancouver, without ask- urp ?, V,? ""'e ing as miich as "if you please." Nev- OTj ' P'"o - ertheless Harley having that usual nervous appearance and Xora dressed in the regular "going awav" gown of dnrk blue, the whole affair seemed to suggest "rice, old shoes, . large placards and chalk," of .which her many friends and some "should have been" sister-in-laws used to a good ad vantage. Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Siinernl and Miss Elizabeth Cornelius motored down to Njioiig's Park, on the east hank of the Willuin ette river a' few miles north of Salem and bad dinner-under the spreading branches and on the green carpet of " Mr. L. Crane and fnmilv. wlm l,.v ""' weal, place on Sunday. . Captain been snfndinu hnt ; . Spong keeps the park in a sanitary luuuiiiuii, inrii: ttnv ..nun guuu, eamp tables, benches, furnaces" for cooking purposes, and a number of swings. "Uncle John'.' was about to join a bunch of swimmers when to the surprise of all he decided to remain on terra firma on account of the ice berg condition of this "ever onward lovely river-softly. calling to. Hfe sea." .lust before this Inin-u left the park Turner, Aug. 22.Frank ' Davis ' of I It TV ".m" T, f fishinir trin the McKenzie, have returned to their tome, .. Mrs. O. A. Macey, who has been con fined to the Salem hospital for a short time, is able to be at her home now. Turner Tidings (.Capital Journal Special Service) Turner, Aug. 22 Frank Davis Portland was a Turner visitor Sunday. - .urs. r-ranK HaKer and son, Lyle, are m inc parental some in Turner, Mr. ami Mrs. Edgar Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert iKiwning, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Minto, Mr. Mr. and Mr.. HeiTr; .Sauer f'rom Sa- !"' Mr- ,oh" ,Crai' !oU a.nd lem snent Sunday with A. W. Earl. "'"V" '"".."""in""" Mrs. L. W. Robertson ' spent Sunday i with Mrs. Pearl .Giyens. Mr. and' Mrs. Clyde Welborn spent la "spread." Journal Want Ada Get Result. From Western Crude Wetern, Asphalt - bue, crude makes the highest grade motor oil, not only in tur opinion, but also in the opinion of unpreju diced experts and of increasing thousands of satisfied users. . ihtSianJard Oil ior Motor Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and at all Service Stations of the Standard Oil Company (CaitfeiaU) North Santiam News ' . ' .... . (Capital Journal Special Service) Hll?'am Aug. 22. Miiss Hen McLaughlin is visiting in Port land. . ... Miss John Bradley has been quite sick, a physician was called several times. ing to automobile drivers the fact that the speed limit within the city is twen ty miles an hour, except within tiie fire limits of the business district, where the limit is fixed at fifteen miles A suggestion that some form of signs be placed at street intersections to force drivers of automobiles to turn the corners according to regulation was made by AMermnn Wallace, nnd the matter was referred to a committee composed of Aldermen Wallace, lTn- run and want. Following a motion made nt a form er meeting of the council, the city at torney Inst night presented an ordi nance requiring a uniform license fee of $2." a year for any public auto or laxicab with a capacity of seven pas sengers or less, MO pr year for those enrrying more than seven and not more ten to sixteen, and $50 for those carry ing more tnnn sixteen. An effort to pass the ordinance re ! license of t"0, over the veto of the mayor, was nimle at tins meeting, but was .unsuccessful. . The next regular meeting of the council will be held Tuesday night, September ., the regular meeting date fulling on Uibor Day Ralph Snicer was in l'il.i . , days ago on business and also to call I one, yes, Kalpli. . w. J. Turnine of Cinbt ree ia tiiut getting bis distillery in operation for',nan W fr t''sp carrying from mi:, peppermint crop. . .Quite a number from hern are going to the hon fields. ' Master Carl Shearer of Portland islio'ring 'traveling medicine shows to visiting friends here and also intends 'pay daily license of 10, or a weekly to go to the hop fields. . J. S. McLaughlin and family motor ed to the Capital city seve'raT. dnvs ago. . . . The S. P. Railroad painting erew has befn doing some painting and whlte- nunuillg Hioilg tins point. More Bathing Suit Rule Next Summer Atlantic City, N. J.. Aug. 22. Once is enough. It's too late to stop it this summer dui no more baro legged maid ens, be-socked girla or vest pocket bath ing suits for the cops in 1917. Beach Director Bossert announced the 1917 rule for the city commissioners to day so sumntnr girls may know what to expect a year hence. It 's been some summer for the cons this year. Trim ankles and gracefully rounded knees, with only seabreezes to cover them are too popular and too many of the knees start entirely too far up, say the eops. A rBIGID PAIR Adrian. Mich., Aug. 22. Announce metit of the engagement of Laura Marl Freee to Eugene Brookiee was the cool zephyr wafted through a teimierature of 104 today. THIEF SWIPED $1,102. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 22. A thief early today entered the office of the Olnihtead hotel here during the absence of the night clerk and stole two tin cash boxes containing 1,102. (Continued From Fag On.) the ; negotiations are costing between 2.';mo 'and 110,000 day, it is esti mated." There is no doubt that a division ex ists among the railroad heads. Against one faction, which favors "trading" witii the- president in accepting the eight hour day principle, is another group' violently opposed- to' any step that would weaken their stand demand ing irbitrati&n on all matters. ' - A short session attended by all of the" two score railroad presidents was held during the morning, but adjourn ed at noon until six o'clock this even ing. In the meantime it was announc ed the committee composed of eight presidents nf the leading roads and headed by Hnle Holden will continue in session throughout the day. Up to Railroad Barons - Washington, Aug, 22. The question of strike or no strike today was in the hands of the "big barons" of the railwav world. A limited number ot the heads of the country's biggest sys tems had taken charge of the situation overnight. Their answer, it appeared, was to be the film I answer to President Wilson's proposal and personal appeal for pre vention of the most paralyzing trans portation tieup in the history of the nation. Thev were to meet, one wnv or the other, the president's declaration that tiie country's imlustriul iuture rested iu their hands. In a secret conference nt the Metro politan club lust night a small number of the big liaroiis ' of the railroad world, representing 100,000 miles of track and 2,000,000,000 of capital, de termined on a course of action. They were to place it before their fellow executives for ratification at n confer ence this morning. Opinion prevails that a peaceful adjustment of the threutened commerce crisis would be eifected. The roads are dying bard, however. They will not yield, it was declared to day, unless they enn trade with the president and gain some offsetting ad vantages, some "adequate compensa tion" for accepting what they regard as "a revolutionary change" in the eight hour day. But the very fact that many of the suinll road chiefs, as well as a iiumlier ot the foremost railroad executives have reached the stage where they are willing to talk "trades" indicates .the president has stirred up what he termed "the im mobile opiuion" of rnili'iiud powers. Manufactured Backing It is known 1 1 1 1 1 1 the B. nnd O. and the Southern Railway executives are ready to make concessions and prsi dent Hale Holden of the Hiirlingtou, in whose hnmls Louis W. Hill has placed power for negotiating for the Hill lines, is opposed to unequivocally re jecting the president's proposal. On the other hand, early this morn ing the Pennsylvania and the .New York Central were holding out against yielding the point of arbitration. A majority of the great systems appeiired to be with them. Throughout the night lelegrams kept pouring into the headquarters of the executives and managers appeals from Is men-limits ami mainline Hiring nrgntn.n- S Hons in all the big cities of the i-oun-: , try urging the chiets to stand pnt on arbitration. Out of today's situation belief grows that the roads will yield iu the end. It developed today that the inside committee of the big railroad heads who met most of Inst night, were get ting in direct touch lis fast as possi ble today with their important direct ors. They expected to be able to re port tonight or early tomorrow niorn ipg to the president on their conculs iptis regarding his plan. . President Wilson held himself in readiness to meet them us soon as tiieyls were ready, mid it was said he had in-Is heated he has nn plan at present o 1 1 1 -1 er than that on which he has steadily S insisted. I These WiU Decide It js President Holden announced ' theS committee of so-called "big bnrons's included himself, . W. Atterbury, Penn-I svlvania; Fairfax Harrison, Southern S Railway; R. H. Lovett, I nion Pacific; S E. I'. Ripley. Santa Fe; A. II. Smith, 5 N'ew York Central; Prank Trumbull, S '. and O. ; and Daniel Willnrd, II. nnd O. He issued tiie following statement: 'The committee is in continuous session, considering the situation, Out i no conclusion has yet heen reached. "There will be no strike," said one railroader today. Officially, he hud said the executives "would stick to ' son 's proposal was iiuieted bv Louis VV l, l..u. : ....l.i: , .. .- . . . the Inst ditch if public opinion contin ues favorable to the railroads." Privately, however, his admission was "they'll talk this 'last ditch' bus iness, but it is a practical certainty mar no strme is coining." The inforniiiiit frankly suid if there Is any veering in public sentiment as the railroads interpret it or if Pres ident Wilson feels the public is with him, the executives must and will yield. There is no ilonbht, however, that the roads will stand out to the end for some concessions. They want the pres ident to define strongly and practical ly some means for avoiding future trouble. To this end, there have been inniiy suggestions, (une of tiie fore most of which provides lor the crent iug of nn investigation commission similar to that under the Canadian dis putes act. May Be Settled Today In the discussion of "adequate com pensation" for yielding the eight hour day the railroad executives are expect ed to urge the president to recommend some congressional action to unify con trol of railroad operation. They want the roads placed entirely under federal regulation, emiiinting state control. The executives arc now said to be convinced that they can get rate in creases from the interstate commerce commission and with this one of their principal objections hns been removed. Talk of violent opposition to any general acquiescence to President Wil- i. ill of the lliils who denied he hid iusiirged against the others. "I'm in agreement with everybody" he said today. lis identiilly he and others professed not to be particularly moved by Presi dent ilson s plea for peace in view of the need for moving crops and gon ernl supplies both for this couutry mid foreign nations, "The crop in our country is ve.:y short," Hill said. "They're not even cutting it, muiOi less moving it. A strike wouldn't af fect us as it would eastern roads. We actually have four or five thousand cars idle. The only lines seriously nf tcctcd would be those iii-ouml Pitlsbuig transporting steel ami iron." The last word on the negotiations will he said by the nu.nngers' commit tee. The executives nfter conferring together, were to call on the president, explain Hie decision reached and tell him they would confer with the man agers' committee. Tills committee wns to formulate the final decision. There fore, it appears the Turning point iu uegotintions mivht be reiiched today. The employes hud ft brief meeting this morning and found themselves ut a loss to si.e up the situation accurulc ly though inclined to optimism. Their meeting adjourned (tntil :1 o'clock this atternoon nnd in the mean time many of them visited the capitol as t' guests of Vice-President Marshall. 11111111 HOP TICKETS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii mum minus miimiiiiimm you Need 'Em We Print 'Em iiiiimiiiimnm We Print 'Em Right We Price 'Em Right imiimmimiMi 'Nuf Sed ! mmiii minimi (Ebr iJaib JSpifal Journal mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii muiiiiii r