Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 22, 1916, Image 1

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O '
Action ;yy Force Greeks to Join the Allies-Greek and
Bu rian Forces Clash and Number of Former Killed
: M jenegrins and Serbs Again In the Field With Allies
R anian War Parly Is Active-Allies Make Slight
( sis Along Western Front
t' ' ;
London, Aug. 22. Greek and Bulgarian forces have
clashed in the region of Serres and fighting has been goT
ing on since Monday morning, said an Exchange Tele
graph dispatch from Athens today. A number of Greeks
have been killed.
The Greek commander is summoning all neighboring
This dispatch is as yet unconfirmed from other sources,
thoiiph Rllljrarinn fnvpps nvp Irnnwn tr Viavo advannaA tn
a position a few miles north of Serres, forty miles north
east of Salonika. The last official dispatches reported
French forces attacking this Bulgar detachment at
On the whole front the allies are now attacking the
Bulgarian lines, the engagements developing into a series
of battles. In the center the allies have pressed forward
in the Doiran lake region in a preliminary movement to
ward Strumnitza in southwestern Bulgaria.
Montenegrin troops are fighting beside the Serbs on
the allies' right wing. A small Montenegrin detachment
repulsed a Bulgarian cavalry attack at Fiorina on Sun
day. Official dispatches to the French war office report
that the battle is continuing in this region, where the
Bulgarians have occupied both Fiorina and Banica.
On the extreme right the Bulgarians are within a few
hours march of the Greek port of Kavala and may already
have entered the city." . .
The British war office thus far has issued no state
ment on the progress of the new operations. It is too
early to say whether the allies are really swinging for
ward in the long expected Balkan offensive or whether
the present operations constitute an energetic counter
offensive to offsejt the Bulgarian attacks.
Increasing activity of the pro-war party in Rumania
was reported today, though Berlin dispatches repeated
that Germany is not uneasy over the present situation in
the Balkans. The Greek cabinet thus far has taken no
decisive step to counter on the Bulgarian invasion.
By Ed L. Keen,
( United Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, Aug. 22. Bulgarian troops
have advanced 25 miles into north
western Greeeo in their offensive do
wiijned to thwart a great blow by the
In northeastern Greece other strong
Bulgarian forces under command of
German officers, have thrown back the
.Wench at a point 15 miles inside the
Greek frontier, capturing the railway
town of Ieniirhissar. Official state
ments from tho Bulgarian and German
war offices today reported the capture
of four other Greek towns and the tak
ing of other strategic posiiions.
The troops of six allied nntions,
France, England, Russia, Italy, Serbia
Jiml Montenegro are now drawn up
Hlong the Balkan front, prepared for
llie atlicd offensive that is expected to
drive the Bulgarians out of Serbia.
The censor today permitted it to be
niiie known that Russian troops were
l.i n iIimI at Salonika at the samp time
the first contingent of Italians reached
the allied base.
British gains that placed General
lluig's line within one thousand yards
of the strongly fortified village of
(Join out o' your way t' help th' oth--r
feller is often a short cut t th' poor
1'arm. suppose one does become an ex
rt tennis player, then whatt
M,J PiV-rrK-f m Kill
Thiepval constituted the only operation
of importance in other theatres of war
today. Tho Germans admitted the
evacuation of a salient in this region
under British attack.
On the Russian and Italian front the
deadlock continues.
German Version of It.
Berlin, Aug. 22. Bulgarian troops
have captured five Greek villages and
towns since the beginning of their gen
eral offensive against the allied forces
in tho Balkans, said an official state
ment from tho Bulgarian war office to
day. The Bulgarian statement discloses
that the advance was begun because of
the activities of the allies, who appar
ently were preparing for an offensive
"On account of militnry operations
of the allies in the Vardar valley, ex
tending cast of Struma aud north of
Tachino lake our left wiug began a gen
eral offensive on August 18," it was
"Bulgarian troops advanced in tho
Struma valley ami occupied the town
of Demirhissur (4S miles northeast of
Salonika and 10 miles inside the Greek
frontier). After an engagement near
the town of Si-hlies, we repulsed Knglish
and French forces on the right bank of
the Struma and occupied the left bauk
between Butkova and the Tachino lake.
Detachments: between the Struma and
Menta advanced in accordance with or
ders. "In the Vardar valley English and
French troops have attacked our ad
vanced positions for 10 days without
success south and west of the town of
Doiran, suffering heavy losses from our
infantry and artillery fire.
"Our right wing after a victory over
the . Serbians near Fiorina successfully
pursued our plans.. Yesterday we oc
cupied the railway stntions of Hiiuitza
and Kksliisu on the railroad from Sa
lonika to Fiorina and re-estnblished
railroad communication with Monastir.
South of Presba lake (extreme north
western Greece), we occupied the vil
lages of Zuezdabiolithea and Bresnitza.
thus interrupting definitely tho com
munications between Goritzaha and
Fiorina as well as Gortsha and Kostur
kastoria." Trench Advance Lines.
Paris, Aug. 22. French troops ad
vanced their lines on both sides of the
River Homme last night, making pro
gress toward C'lery on the north bank
and capturing several trench elements
southwest of Ks trees and east of Soye-
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Dreamy Old Waltz
to Take Place of Tango
Chicago, Aug. 22. The old-fashioned
dreamy waltz is coming back and be
fore aaother year has rolled around will
have replaced the tango and other acro
batic dances which have so long domi
nated the ball room, according to danc
ing masters attending their two weeks'
convention here today.
"The tango nnd its offshoots have
had their day," said President Thom
as McDougall, Pittsburg, of the Amer
ican National Association of Dancing
Masters. "Everywhere dancers are tir
ing of them and are returning to the
dances our parents danced when they
were young.' '
The convention plans to announce a
new dance Saturday.
Weather Bureau Says Hot
Wave Will Return-Mercury
97 Yesterday
Chicago, Aug. 22. Cooling winds
brought relief to Chicago and the mid
dle west today. . But it is only tempo
rary, according to the weather bureau,
which Bays that warm weather will re
turn Thursday. The temperature here,
it was said, would remain in the 80 's
all day and possibly go as low as (35
tonight. High temperatures here yes
terday was" 87.
A shortago in ice was averted today
by the cooler weather. Ice companies
reported that about 150 carloads of ice,
duo to arrive here today from Illinois,
Wisconsin and Minnesota lakes, failed
to do so, because of ice workers at the
lakes "laying off" on account of the
Men were hired here today and rush
ed to the lakes and the situation is
expected to be relieved tomorrow. There
will be no increase in the price of ice.
Health authorities today claimed they
had the' Infantile paralysis situation
well in hand. Three new cases have
been reported within the last 4 hours.
Shoot School Teacher, Steal
His Team and Travel 120
Miles Before Caught
Twin Falls, Idaho, Aug. 22. A mur
der charge may be filed today against
Lynn Lovelace, aged 11 years, who is
alleged to have shot and killed Profes
sor F. T. Hnmill, of Carson City, Ncv.,
on his ranch 45 miles from hero August
15. Haroid Lovelace, aged 12, will prob
ably be held as an accomplice. The
coroner's jury, after inquiring into
Hamill's death, returned a verdict fiud
ing he was killed by a bullet from a
rifle in the hands of Lynn Lovelace.
Juvenile officers are bundling the case,
however, and it is not likely the boys
will ever be brought to trial.
According to information in posses
sion of the sheriff, the two boys were
left by their mother and stepfather in
care of neighbors, while thu mother
went to Boise and the stepfather to Col
orado. In the absence of Hnmill from
his homestead nearby, the lads went to
his house to steal, and were surprised
there by his unexpected return.
It is alleged that they barricaded
themselves in the house and threatened
Humill with his own rifle. Finally ho
persuaded the older boy to come out,
seized him and holding him as a human
shield, advanced upon Lynn, who hold
the gun.
Then, the authorities assert, I.yno
fired. The bullet grazed his brother'!
head and struck Hnmill in tho eye, kill
ing him instantly. The boys loaded
Hamill's wagon with supplies and weap
ous and started on a 120 mile drive over
rough and barren country, slecninir in
jthe sagebrush. They were apprehended
I at Buhl, 20 miles from here, after six
uays oi aimless wandering trying to
reach their grandfather's home in Ore
gon. Steamer President
Had Plenty of Booze
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 22. Boarding
the steamship President when she ar
rrived at Pier D from San Francisco
early today, the police "dry squad"
made a wholesale raid on trunks and
suitenses which they opened on the spot
and found to contain liquor consigned
to vnrious Seattle hotels.
While engaged in searching the bag-
f ta 2345(1 (1 fi 6 fi 0G'
fc-age a truck from the Seattle Transfer
company whisked off with about 30
trunks and suitcases supposed to have
contained liquor.
The police are now combing the ho
tels for trace of the liquor.
Fifty-two cases of liquor are reported
to have been on the President when she
docked. No arersts were made.
Twelve Thousand Pack Big
Auditorium at Los Angeles
, to Hear Him
Speaks at Sacramento To
night and Then Crosses
Over Into Nevada
" By Perry Arnold.
, (United Press staff correspondent.)
Bakersfield, Cal., Aug. 22. Charles
E. Hughes, republican presidential
nominee, started a little more than three
weeks ago to make a 10,000 mile cam
paign trip but h has already covered
pretty nearly all of that mileage and
just began to hit the trail back across
the continent. ;
Speaking at several California towns
today, on his way to Sacramento and
Reno, the candidate dwelt particularly
on his charge of democratic inefficiency
in tariff legislation. His managers de
clare that he has 'found this a popular
theme with his audiences. Preparedness,
too, they declare, is also a subject of
deep interest on the Pacific coast, judg
ing from the volumo of applause with
which Governor Hughes' statements on
his issue have been received.
Twelve thousand persons packed
Shrine Auditorium to the doors and
thronged in the streets outside unable
to gain admittance when Hughes spoke
at Los Angeles last night. ' Democratic
tariff ideas were attacked vigorously
by him and he. asserted that only the
r.uropean wax prevented them -from
wrecking many American industries..
"I believe that regulation and super
vision by the government," he said at
one point, "is a mockery unless.it is
just and square with the . facts. I ,put
that flag up in New York and I never
pulled it down and never propose, to.
It is a question of studying the facts, of
analyzing the actual conditions aud
coming to conclusions that are fair.
1 "We have passed the day when we
had to restrict what was legitimate in
order to crush out what was illegitimate
and unfair. We can protect ourselves
against every kind of monopolistic prac
tice without meddling,
That Awiul Tariff.
"The democratic tariff would have
ruined us if it bad not been for the
European war. If we are going to have,
when this war ceases, a condition which
will permit the extension of American
industries and keep our factories go
ing, give room for our surplus and ex
tend our trade, we have got to make
reasonable and wise tariff legislation,
so that everywhere throughout this
country where there is a legitimate in
terest needing protection, it shall have
it and not be denied."
Hughes has averaged close to 75 or
(Continued on Page Five.)
U a 1-M-.V-
5 II I
r lit ' -,-" V-s
"tit VViJwri3kX,
TltnA .!t, fpinnjllv Bilvii.A nml luff, i
gestion after repeated appeals to tho
railroads of the I'uited Ktutes and the;
four railway brotherhoods to make:
peace and avert a nutional strike, Prrs-
ident Wilson framed a basis of settle
ment which he prepared to submit to1
both sides with the notification that
he was ready to sto to congress, if need:
be, tJ prevent tho strike. The prei-t
dent 's peace plan is a compromise, pro-
Feeling Is That Managers Are
Holding Out for Trading
Expected They Will Return
. Answer Tonight Or At
Latest Tomorrow
Washington, Aug. 22. Indica- .
. tious of a split in the ranks of
the "Big Eight" railroad exec-
utives, formulating a reply to
President Wilson 's strike plnn,
was seen this afternoon. It was
learned several of the big chiefs
are holding out firmly for ac-
ceptance of the president's pro-
posal, while a bare majority is
ffrinly opposed. 4c
Shortly before 5 o'clock the
sub-committee arjourned to
"take a little air." President
Hale Holden, spokesman, said:
"We have made no decision
and I dont' know when we will.
We are still discussing the situa-
The body will meet again to-
night nnd will continue its ef-
forts to get together on a plan
of procedure.
Directors aud Ftnaciers Now
Washington, Aug." 22. The greatest
industrial struggle iu the history of
the country hangs in the balance to
day. The question of acceptance or re
jection of the proposals made by Pres
ident Wilson in an effort to avert a
strike that would tie up the railroads
of the country has now been passed to
the men whoBe money 1b invested in
the great arteries of the nation's trade
As the situation stands this after
noon the employes have put their de
mands for an eight hour day and time
and a half overtime in the hands of the
president. He has put It up to the
beads of the great systems and they, in
turn, have passed it on to the direct
ors. After an all ntglit session the
committee of "big barons", appointed
by the two score executives, failed to
reach any decision early today. They
then wired their directors and upon
the replv from the money powers be
hind tho country's transportation sys
tem largely rests the final result.
In the meantime the high salaried
railroad executives continued to wrestle
with the various negotiations. Count
ing the salaries and expenses of the
various railroad heads and union heads,
( Continued 'age Tare)
i.,". I. ,.?
viiling: First That tho railroads grant
tiie eight hour dny. Hecond That the
workers give up their demand for time
ami a half puy tor overtime work.
While the president did not tell how
he might ask congress to net, the sup
position as to his most probable action,
if it appeared finally that there could
be no voluntary agreement upon arbi
tration, would be to advocate a com
pulsory act.. Such a law exists in sev
LCarranza Is Dead
Villa In Smoke House
Oregon City, Ore., Aug. 22. Villa and
Carranza always bad have beten
terrorizing the countryside here for sev
eral weeks, but peace reigns again to
day, for Carranza is dead and Villa is
locked up in the smoke house on the
Spulak ranch. .
Villa and Carranza are cub bears.
They were cute at first, then rapidly
grew more robust and belligerent. They
raised cain. Carranea ate too much one
aight and passed away, but Villa felt
huskier than ever. He demolished his
pen and roamed at will until lured into
the smokehouse, where he receives no
callers and glares at folks who peek at
him through the cracks.
Manuel Bonilla Trying to
Unite Mexican Factions
Against Government
El Paso, Texas, Aug. 22. Declaring
De Facto President Carranza the worst
enemy of Mexico and that his rule could
result only in factional tyranny, Manuel
Bonilla, former minister of the interior
under Francisco Madero, made the first
public statement in behalf of the new
revolutionary party of "LegaliBtas"
here today.
Bonilla said that efforts were under
way to unite all Mexican . factions
against Carranza. Meantime, United
States secret service men hero ana in
Juarez are watching closely activities
of the new party.
"Tho MaderiBta faction, of which I
am a member has cast aside all differ
ences," Bonilla said. "Several of the
factions have united in a common ef
fort to free Mexico from internal trou
bles. Some of the saner elements of the
Carranzlsta party have already joined
us. We will endeavor not- to violate
the nentrality of the country which is
sheltering us now."
Bonilla has just returned from New
York where ho was enlisting aid for the
Washington, Aug. 22. The house this
a'fternoon adopted without a roll call
the army appropriation bill, as re-introduced
by Chairman Hay.
It is the same bill vetoed by Presi
dent Wilson save for the elimination
of the section exempting retired army
officers from the provisions of the arti
cles of war. It was to this section the
president objected.
Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 22.
Rumors that Governor Johnson
would come here tonight to meet
Candidate Hughes were declared
to be without foundation at tho
governor's office. The governor
will speak tonight in Holly-
wood. .
The local republican chairman
will preside at the Hughos meet-
ing here. Efforts are being made
to make the meeting non-par-
tisnn more of a greeting to a
well known man than a repub-
lican rally.
eral forma in European countries, and
the passage of an act similar to the
compulsory arbitration law of Austra
lia was strongly advocated in Washing
ton at the time of the enactment of
the Newlauds law in 1013, under which
! was created the United Htates board of
mediutiou and conciliation, the powers
of which are limited to those of per'
A " 1
Bill to' Abolish the Pale Wd
Be Introduced In Duma
In November
Opponents to Measure Fear
Business Shrewdness Will
Give Jews Advantage
By William Philip Simms
(United Press staff correspondent) '
Petrograd, Aug. 22. A bill to abol-
: ..I, 41.- II.. 1 l : -r . i
" "u (jivu me jews ine same
rights as other Russian subjects will be
introduced in the Imperial duma hers
when that body convenes in November.
Professor Paul Milliukov, leader of
the Cadets, so informed the United
Press today, following his roturn from
a visit to England, France and Italy
with other members of the .Russian
"This bill has the support of the
progressive partv.in the duma, there
lore of the majority," said Miliukov.
"It will contain three essential parts.
The first has for its object - the re
moval of the Pale (within- which ta
.fiWH In. TftiBuia with a law AtnantinnV
. ... ...... ..
nave nau to mane tneir nomesj tnn
enabling them to live wherever they.
choose. The second will remove soma
of the educational limitations placed on
the Jews and tue third will make it pos
sible for him to choose any profession
or trade he cares tc .-... ',
"While abroad I had long., talks
with the Rothschilds, both in Knuland
and France, with Professor Levy of th
Horbonne at Paris and other represent
ative Jews." At the coming session I
shall acquaint all the members wita
what I was told.. We realize that Rus
sia's dealings, and indeed the allies
dealings have bees affected by Rus
sia's policy in the Jewish question.?
The bill to remove the limitations
placed upon Jews will not pass, how-
over, without .considerable' opposition..
The opponents say that the Jews would
soon have the neasants at their merer
because they are keener business men.
Particularly do Russian Headers resent-outside
interference in settling
the Jewish problem. . Count -Kokovt-zow,
cx-primo minister and minister of
finance, expressed this attitude to m
in this manner:
"In the United . States you force.
southern people to pay taxes which you
use in Huge sums to pay pensions to
northern people exclusively. But you
wouldn't like it if we refused to have
any dealings with you until you treat
ed southerners just as you treat north
erners." .
Professor Miliukov, quoted in tie
above dispatch is a lecturer on history
at Moscow University, tho author of .
a number of historical works and an
expert on the Balkans. He made a lec
ture tour to the United States in liXW.
speaking in Chicago and other cities
on the Russian crisis.
Montrose, Colo., Aug. 22.
MUh Rmmn Fuller, cotintv all-
perintendent of schools, today
culleil tno ionowinn rrom mo w
answers in an examination for
teachers hore;
A republican form of govern-
ment is one that is governed by
' a republican.
Maryland was settled by a
A ten. Ion is what divides the
nbilomenal and thoradie cavity.
A dynamo is an animal that
carries" its young in a pouch.
Mnmnl is a plant that gets
its food from another pluut,
like moss.
l'lcura is the rapping of the
Rain is evaporated air that
rises and then falls.
Oregon: Fait
tonight and Wed
nesday, warmer
east, continued
warm west por
tion; north to
east wind. , j:
i LOAFING is "
i L0N6 suit I