Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Some Figures About Logans
What Year's Yield Shows
Ideal Crop for Small Tracts
While several tracts of loganberries
have average.! more than five tons to
the acre, these are really phenomenal
yields and like other unusual things in
the world, never happen until the first
time. Loganberry growers in mnking
their estimates ns to yield, place it at
two anil one-half tons an acre as a gen
eral average.--
Several tracts this year went wnv un
der thi estimate and these mnv be rail
ed the unfortunate ones who' had but
little to show -for their year's work.
Then again, where condition have been
about lno per cent in favor of the grow
er, there has been yields that alaiost
equal that of Bruce Vox. living nenr tie
Liberty district who netted sV-'OO on 8(1(1
The big grower of loganberries who
perhaps will carry off the blue ribbon
for this, year's crop, is Dr. Chapman
with Ins 20 acre tract not far from Sil
verton. The doctor averaged about five
and three-fourths tons to the acre. The
total weight of logans raised on his
trnct on shown lv the receipts wn9
230,039 -pounds.
What Growers Have Done.
The average man with small tracts
runs about as follow.
W. O. Mahoney, living on rural route
three out of Salem, has a four acre
patch this year aiid his total weights
were 35,000 pounds. 17 1-2 tons, which
puts him near the top of the class for
this year.
F. J. Chapman, on rural route eight
out of Salem, struck about average
luck this year as he raised 28,331
pounds ou his five acre trnct. This gives
him a little over two and three-quarters
tons to the acre, placing him slightly
above the estimated average of two anil
one-hnlf tons to the acre.
M, Dormnn, living east of I.ibcrtv,
lias five and one-half ncres planted in
loganberries and lie old 40,523 pounds
This is 20 1-4 tons for his five aud one
hnlf acres, or about three and three
quarters tons to the acre, bringing him
pretty well above the average.
To the Editor: - L. D. Ratliff asks if
Hughes is an accident 1 and then
quotes from Minnie's '-Twenty Years
in Congress" to prove it. The quota
tion is as follows: " We had our guld
en era of industrial development under
the 'Walker Kree Trade Tariff."
Mr. Blaine may have used that lan
guage in his discussion of the tariff
question, but I fail to find it. He did.
however, say that the Free Traders
claimed that "the farmers and plant
ers at no period of our history were in
receipt of such good prices,' steadily
paid to them, in gold coin, for their
surplus product, which they could send
to the domestic market over our owa
railways and to the foreign market in
our own ships."
Then for the Protectionists he says
that "While admitting the general cor
rectness of the free-trader's statements
as to the prosperous condition of the
country, they call attention to the
fact thnt directly after the enactment
of the tariff in 1840 the great famine
occurred in Ireland, followed in the en
suing years by short crops in Europe.
The prosperity which came to the
American agriculturist was therefore
from causes beyond the sea nild not at
home; causes which were transient, in
deed almost accidental. Moreover an
exceptional condition of affairs ex
isted in the I'nited Stntes in conse
quence of our large acquisition of ter
ritory from Mexico at the close of the
war and the subsequent and almost im
mediate discovery of gold in Cali
fornia. A new and extended field of
trade was thus opened in which we bad
the monopoly, and an enormous surplus
of money was speedily created from
the products of the rich mines on the
Pacific Coast. At the same time En
rope was in convulsion from the revo
lution of 1S4S, and production was ma
terially hindered over a large part of
tho continent. This disturbance had
scarcely subsided when three lending
nations of Europe, England, France
and Russia, engaged in the wasteful
and expensive war of the Crimea. This
etrnggle began in 1S33 and ended in
18.-5(1, nnd during those years it in
creased consumption and decreased
production abroad, and totally closed
the grain fields of Russia from any
competition with the I'nited States.
.. . When peace was restored in
Europe, when foreign looms nnd forges
were set going with renewed strength,
when . Russia renewed her export of
wheat, and when at home the output
of the gold-mines suddenly decreased,
the country was suddenly thrown into
distress, followed by a panic and by
long yenrs of depression."
The render can draw Ms own infer
ence as to the present industrial condi
tion nnd thp reason therefor, nnd if.
when peace is. restored in Europe dis
aster may not be anticipated. There
were those nt that time who prophesied
the disastrous results which follows the
restoration of peace, notably Horace
Greeley and ITeury C. Carey, two of
the most ardent advocates of a pro
tective tariff, and may note the advo
cates for nrotection have as good rea
son for anticipating (lisnster from and
after the nations now engaged in war
ahull have "bent their spears into
pruning hooks? ''
Was it nn accident thnt my friend
should have quoted, or misquoted
Blaine, to prove Hughes nn accident. .
Washington. Aug. ID. Ty Cobb, ball
player and one of the greatest "strike"
experts in the country today conferred
briefly with President Wilson on how
to hit the ball in a pinch. After he got
through he said he thought the presi
dent knew more about the strike busi
ness than he did.
.T. K. Ellison, living on rural route
seven, Salem, was one of the., fortunnte
ones, as his record shows that from hi
five acres, he sold 44,450 pounds of log
ons, an average of about four and one
half tons to the are.
' Above $100 Per Acre.
William Kosteuborder, ou rural route
seven, Salem, owns a three acre patch
and sold 13,700 pounds at the regula
tion price of three cents a pound, bring
ing him 411. If the family picked most
of his berries, that left him a pretty
fair average for his three acres.
B. O. Zelinski, living near Salem, did
about as well. Ou his three acres he sold
13,32$ pounds nt three cents a douimI.
There is nothing unusual nbout this
yield, yet it the work was nil doae bv
the folks at home, the three acre's
brought in $399.84. Mr. Zeliuski lives
at Hazel Green.
fleorge X. Thompson got in nbove the
average, as from his eight acres, he sold
40.594 pounds, which is almost three
tons to the acre. Mr. Thompson lives
on rural route eight, Salem.
O. II. (trnbenhorst. on the Jefferson
road, has a four and one-half acre tract
from which lie marketed 3.1,057 pouads
aud had a lot more ou the vines but
could not find pickers. Anyhow, he
got almost four tons to the acre.
Small Tracts the Best
The general opinion of those interest
ed in the loganberry industry favors the
plunting of small tracts, with diversi
fied farming. With the rapidly increas
ing business of the two plants 'in Salem,
the future of the loganberry is assured.
The price of three cents a pound is
fairly well established, us it gives the
grower, the manufacturer and the re
tailer a fair profit. In fact, all the
business of the loganberry is based on
the price of three cents a' pound. This
year the picking cost one cent n pound
but with the larger tracts, the difficulty
arises of securing pickers just nt the
right time. All of which is an argument
for diversified farming. It is an ideal
crop fur those who own but small tracts.
Flax Experiment at
University of Oregon
Among the statistics being compiled
by Labor Commissioner Hoff is the
following concerning the Vniversitv of
Oregon's experment with the flax in
dustry, which resulted as follows:
Cost to Farmer per Acre.
Plowing $ o.Oo
Harrowing 2.00
Seed, $2 per bushel $4.00
Planting f-,o
Cutting l.oo
Hauling 4,00
Total cost : $13.."0
Receipts par Acre.
Seed. 10 bushel at 2 .$20.00
Straw, 2 tons at $13 .10.00
Total income $00.00
Expense 13.50
Net returns per acre $.10.30
In Southern Pacific Section Onng
under Foreman Tnft, who has n crew
of fifty men on Superintendent Whnl
en's Los Angeles division, there are
twenty-five or more children who are
being tinight daily in a box car which
has been fitted up with benches. They
have a teacher who instructs them
daily ill England nnd Spanish and in
primary work. The result, thus far,
have not only beeti satisfactory, but
the class of men in the gang remains
high. As the gang moves along from
place to place so does the school-car
and the children never have to miss a
day 'a attendance. Superintendent
Whalen has now made arrangements
to obtain an old passenger roach which
will be fitted up with benches and
blackboards and which will be easier
to heat, expecting in this way to im
prove materially the conditions in this
unique schoolroom. He has further
more arranged to fit up a hospital car
for the women and children in the
camp who become ill. Hubbard En
j terprise.
A special meeting of the eitv fathers
was held Tuesday evening to consider1
i the contract, easement ami bond ns sub
jmitted by the Silver Falls Timber Co.,
; covering the building of the auxiliary
water system. During the day nt Port-'
laiul the documents were gone over by
j both the attorneys fair the city and
; Councilman l lvin and were presented
to the council in the evening for their
consideration. After the instruments
had been read and considered the coun
cil by u unanimous vote accepted them.
The contract covers the work of the
first unit of the new water system and
in the event that the people authorize
the entire completion of the system tiic
contract may easily be extended to cov
er the additional work. Silvertou Ap
Miss Sophia Madscn of this city,
who was attending the Clackamas
county teachers' institute nt Oregou
City, received a few . minor bruises
when n car in which she was riding
was struck by a Portland car and de
molished upon a street in East Port
land Friday evening. . Miss Gladys
Kelsey of Scotts Mills, who attended
the; Silverton high school last year,
Miss Mary ljiigh of Molalla nnd a
voting lady from Mnrqiiam, were also
iu the car when the '-collision occurred.
Silverton Tribune.
New Today ads In the Journal
will be read In all live Marion
county homes.
Barnum & Bailey's Circus
Headed for Salem Again
("Hold your horses, the elephants
are coming! "
The giddiest, gayest, grandest, glit
teringest galaxy iu the whole wide,
wonderful world is trekking this way
and will spread its acres of tents here
on Saturday, September !. If one does
not infer from this that reference is'
made to the Barnum Bailey Greatest
Show on Earth, the-publicity man will
regard the case as hopeless.'
The first advertising car is iu this
city today anil more than a score of
experts: are spreading with tack and
hammer and paste and brush the flam
ing lithographic tiding of the ap
proach of (the big- traveling amuse
ment institution.' They are under the
direction of Arthur. E. Diggs. a well
known ' advertising specialist.
This is the innovation of novelty
year, the greatest of all seasons. More
railroad cars are required to trausport
the show, bigger tents are raised, more
area is needed to accommodate tho
show than ever before. -In fact), the
circus has reached a point where it is
the despair of many of the smaller
railroads ami taxes their facilities to
the limit, for eighty-nine cars are need
ed to convey the gigantic canvas va
grant from town to town.
There's material enough in this yean
circus to make a dozen circuses of the
old days. A "big top" 6U0 feet long,
nearly 1. 300 employes, three rings, four
elevated platforms, acres of aerial ap
paratus, a 108 cage menagerie, 730
horses, forty elephants, a street parade
three miles long.
The stereotyped ' "grand entree",
with which the circuses were content
to open their program for many years,
has been permanently eliminated from
the Barnum Bailey tournament. This
season the nreuic entertainment is in
augurated by the spectacular pageant
"Persiji or the Pageants of the
Thousand and One Nights."
The 'subsequent three hour arouie
performance, below aud aloft, scorns all
comparisons ami breaks all records of
the past. Every one of the five hun
dred participants is a champion in
equestrinnic, aeralistic,' equilibristic,
acrobatic or gymnastic effort.
Trained animals are in great variety.
A feature is the only baby giraffe iu
John Brown cannot pay me the money
he owes,
"On account of the war."
The cook wants ten dollars a week or
she goes,
"On account of the war." ?
The baker reduces the weight of his
The butcher scads steaks that could
muster as lead.
The tailor's wool suits are of shoddy
"On account of the war."
The tinner can't patch up my roof
where it leaks,
"On account of the war."
The car that I bought will riot come
i for six weeks,
"On account of the war,"
The cost of my' shoes mount eaci
time that I buy,
The prices of drugs are prodigiously
But when I demur I receive the reply
"On account of the war."
And what can I do when they airily
tay, '
"On account of the war."
What else can I do but obligingly pay,
"On account of the war."
Vet often I wonder what some folks
will do
When nil the world with its warfare
is through,
And they can no longer pnss by in
"On account of the war."
C. E. E. in, Xew York Suu.
T. Vntpa chief nf liolice ftp the citv
nf Sllvprtou. was arrested Thursday
evening on complaint of Wm. Graham,
charging the oiticer witn not nnving
performed his duty in the nf'orcement
of the lnw. He wns taken in custody
by Constable Simeral, aud in Justice
J. M. Brown's court entered ft plea of
cfniltv. .Tndire Brown fixed the fine
and "costs at $30.00 and remitted the
same upon lux pleading guilty, mis
was the understanding' between the of
ficer and Mr. Brown before the case
went to court. Silverton Tribune.
Mexico has 15.251 miles of railway
and 4(1,112 miles of telegraph lines.
Rooms to Rent
Apply Within
This sign in your window will be seen only .
by the people who happen to pass by, and
look at your window.
Your advertisement in The Capitai Journal
classified columns will be published in over
4,000 copies daily and will be seen by an
army of interested readers.
f jjc 5(c "ajc sfc sjt sc s(s sfc sjc fc jc )c jjc it sjc
Tree Methodist.
.Vo. 1228 North Winter street. San
say services: Sabbath school 9:45.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
Salvation Army.
Sunday services as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and
Bible . class, 10:3Q a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. in. T. P. L., 6:15
p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m.
Week night services every night except
Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs.
rirst Methodist. i
State and Church streets, Richard X.
Avison, minister. , --9:00 a. m., Class
meeting. 9:45 si., m.. Sabbath school.
11:00 a. m.. Sermon by the pastor on
"God's Friends." 6:43 p. m., Miss
Ruth Fields -will load, the Epworth
League in a stony-oi-- ine iouio oi
Jesus. 7:45 p. ni.. Address by the pas
'tor on "A Dry Oregon Made Drier."
Thursday, a mid-week study of Luke;
"The Man, Historian, Physician and
Friend." Strangers always welcome.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Joseph Bar
bor, superintendent. Morning worship,
11 p'clock, sermon topic, "Man insuf
ficient, and .All-sufficient." Epworth
League, 7 p. m., topic, "The Youth of
Jesus." Evening service, 8 o'clock,
sermon topic, "A Young Man's Great
legacy." Preaching both morning and
evening by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Spen
cer. All are welcome to all services.
First Baptist.
Corner Marion and North ; Liberty
streets, Rev. G. F. Holt, pastor. Sun-
dnv school at 9:45 a. m. Public worship
11 . ni. and 8 p. m. .Young People's
meeting at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting
Thursduy evening at S o clocK. Morn
ing topic, "A' Promise and a Summons
to Service." Evening topic, "A Bugle
Call to Faith and Action," with a spe
cial musical service.
First Christian. ..
Comer High and Center streets, F. T.
Porter, pastor.. Bible school, 9:45 a. m..
Dr. H. C. Epley and C. Scarff, directors.
Orchestra and special music. Worship
and sermon 11 a. m., subject, "The Cen
tral Fact of the Christian System."
Mary Sehultz, violinist. C. E., 6:45 p.
m. Evening service 7:45, subject,
"Entering Into Rest." Large chorus
and welcome to. all.
United Evangelical.
Rev. G. L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Worship and preach
ing service at 11. 'Sermon, "The Grace
That Saves." These services will be
held in the Y. C. T. V. hall, Comemrcial
and Ferry streets.- There will be no
evening service.'
Swedish Tabernacle, M. E.
Corner South Fifteenth nnd Mill
streets, Rev. John Ovall, minister. Sun
day school at 2:30 p. m., Mrs. Edw. Ol
son in charge. All welcome.
First Presbyterian.
President Wallace H'. Lee, of Albany
college, will preach nt the -11 o'clock
hour. Archie Smith will sing. In the
evening, the Senior Y. P. S. C. E. will
have charge of the service. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m., Jos. H. Albert, su
perintendent. Intermediate Y. P. S. C.
E. at 5 p. m.
W. C. T. TJ.
A. Wells, pastor of the Xnzarene
church of Salem, will bring the mes
sage at the 4 o'clock meeting at Ramp
Memorial hall Suaday. You are urgent
ly requested to attend. On Tuesdny,
August 22, the W. C. T. I'. nnd their
friends nre invited out to the training
school by Mr. and Mrs. Hale. An auto
truck will leave the electric depot at
10:30 carrying those who will attend.
Bring your basket. Mrs. Munn is su
perintendent of open air department.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. . .
Sunday services held at 440 Chemeke
ta street, at 11 a. m subject Of Bible
lesson, "Mind." Sunday school ut 9:45
a. m., Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room in
the Hubbard building, suite 303, nnd is
open every day, except Sundays and
holidays, from' 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m.
All are welcome to our services aud in
vited to visit our reading room.
Jason Lee Memorial.
At the corner of Jefferson and North
Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., R. A.
New York City Calls on
Eminent Doctors For
Aid In Saving Children
ia i Tiiwfti' " '
if 1 " V ' :
Dr. Ludwig Hektoen of Chicago is a
member of the board of eminent physi
cians called upon by the New York de
partment of health for aid in the fight
against infantile paralysis. The number
of cases in the city has passed the 5,000
mark. Dr. Hekeoen, who is a native of
Wisconsin of Scandinavian descent, is
an authority on infectious diseases and
has been editor of the Journal of Infec
tious Diseases since 1904. He was one of
the prominent physicians of Chicago
who investigated the action of Dr. .Hai
sciden in permitting the defective Bol
linger lialiy to die last year.
Harris, superintendent and Miss Emma
Minto, superintendent primary depart
ment. Preaching at 11 a. m. Class meet
ing at 12:15. Epworth League devo
tional service at 8 p. in. Wtrangcrs are
specially welcome at all services.
A lot of 21 nice fat hogs wre market
ed by S. Merten this week. They av
eraged almost 200 lbs. each, were nine
months old, had been pastured on clov
er and fed skim milk up to three weeks
ago when they were turned into a
small field of wheat and field peas,
where they were finished. That's one
good way of finishing pigs for market
at a time when one gets the beuefit of
a good price and everbody else isn't
selling hogs. Don't blame Mr. Mertou
if you are jealous of him.
The St. Paul road district is doing
its annual road graveling this week.
The roads radiating from St. Paul are
gradually getting covered. Every year
sees a little more of the good work
A charter has been issued for the
establishment of a court of the Wom
an's Catholic Order of Foresters- at
St. Paul. The organization and in
stallation of the new court took place
at the city hull at 2 p. in., August
loth, under the direction of Mrs. H. A.
Kirk, state deputy of Portland. She
was also assisted by some members of
the Woodburn and other neighboring
courts. There were 2.1 initiations ut
this meeting and there will be three
or four more at the next meeting owing
to the fact that they could not be pres
ent on Tuesday.
Many Ht. Paul people were at the
Woodburn picnic lust Sunday.
fall grain is not turning out very
well, but prospects are excellent for
a good crop of spring oats anil the
clover seed outlook is also fine in
this vicinity. A canvass of the. corn
growers in this vicinity has revealed
mi acreage of 7H4 acres among 70
Ernst & Kretcher have been inude
direc t agents iu this Si. Paul territory
for the Ford cars. They have a num
ber of prospective buyers for fall and
more in sight for the spring. Max
Leonard bought one of the new 1917
runabouts .through this firm.
The honey harvest for 191.1 seems
to be a good one. Henry Wohlfnrt,
the St. Paul bee man, and whose prin
cipal souri-c of income is honey, litis
shipped a ton of th product and ex
pects to have another ton for shipment
before the season closes. He has m
hives and understands bee culture
from A to Z.
Fatiier Stern, S. J., assisted Father
Chubot ou Monduy ami Tiiesduy on
account of Tuesday being the Feast
of the Assumption.
The volume of cic.im at the local
creamery is holding up exceptionally
well this year and new customers are
being added right tilong. Woodburn
I nilependeiit.
I.awson lludley is still doing things
in the road business in the Silverton
I Hills. A stretch of road leading from
the main highway to the Porter school
I house,, known us the Johnnie Maiilding
road has been graveled and is nearly
I completed with the exception of a little
more rolling.
The rock crusher which has been
doing good service turning out the
crushed product at the Porter place is
to be moved to John Keiiihart s place
that it may be nearer the sent of war.
Lumber is already on the ground i'or
the hunkers. The year s activities will
complete the roadwnrk between Ifad
ley's and Keiimart '. The objective
ijii(iut of this excellent highway
is Silver I reek f ulls anil it will not lie
many years until the progressive pro
perty owners iu that vicinity will real
ize their ambition. Silverton Appeal.
Henry Hall or Woodburn was here
Monday in the interest of 1he Hughes
Republican Club movement. It ap
peared from the blanks he wns dis
tributing that the Woman's Political
Alliance is sponsor for the movement.
' The following 'article' to the Ore
goninn was the result of an articlt
in that newspaper upon the leading
Oregou crops, in which no , mention
was made of the hop crop:
Aurora, Ore., Aug. 8. (To the edi
tor.) I wish to comment briefly on
article in today's issue of "Six Ore
gon Crops Are Millionaires." You
name wheat, oats, spuds, apples, bar
ley and corn. I tail to see. why you
exclude hops. This crop, as you are
well aware, has brought into our
state annually for years from $2,500,
000 to iill,000,000. The hop crop
has averaged more value than any
other Oregon farm crop except wheat
and oats. . This seasoa, with every
adverse condition to contend with,
the hop crop will bring approximately
The hop growers will expeud for
gathering the crop alone close to
$1,500,000. This sum is paid in
largepart to women and children
of your city. They at least have
cause to know that Oregon produces
more hops than any other state in
the I'nion.
When and where is it possible for
a family to net from $50 ,to $250
in two weeks, besides enjoying an out
ing, as they can and do in hop pick
ing'. It will soon be time to gather in
this season's hop crop, a crop among
the most valuable grown in this state.
We are growing more hops than any
otner state. e grow the best hops in
the world. We spend a large part of
the value of our crop for harvesting.
Yet you seem to give us the "go-by."
Our crop brings into our state nearly
all outside money new jnoney to help
maKe prosperity for dear old Oregon.
When mentioning the principal agricul
tural crops of Oregon please place the
hop crop third; that is where it. belongs.
Under date of July 22, Straus & Co
of London, write Henry L, Bents, of
this city, "We thank you for your
tetter or jrn inst., wnicn we nave read
with much interest,, and we should be
glad to receive your further news from
time to time with regard to business
being done on the coast, and also the
progress of your growing crop of hops.
With respect to the coming crop of hops
in England, so far everything seems
very favorable, aud we are looking for
ward to the growing of a good aver
age crop in this country." (The above
letter had beeu opened and passed by
the censor.)
Hot dry weather in New York h
been favorable to the crop and a eood
yield for tho acreage is expected
somewhere from 12,000 to 15,000 bales.
At this writing the quality promises to
be pretty good. Our local market has
weakened- a little more, but at the
slightly easier rates quoted dealers have
done more business with brewers, some
of whom needed stock. The browing
trade bns been good this summer and
a large quantity of hops has been con
Conditions have continued favorable
the past 10 days throughout the hop
sections or urcgon and Washington.
Spraying has been quite genernl locallv
probably more than half the growers
having takeu that . precaution. The
crop promises to be a fairly clean one
nere so rar as vermin effects arc con
Otto Knorr wns here Toeently from
his home north of town. Mr. Knorr
is one of the hop growers of this sec
tion who has been iu the business
for 20 yeurs and has never yet sprav
ed Lis hop vines. This year his yard
is remarkably free from hop vermin.
The Cnited States treasury depart
ment mnkes the following report on
the hop industry for the rear ending
June 30, 1915: The consumption of
hops by brewers in the United Stntes
for that period was 38,83!,E94 pounds
or winch amount ,40(,032 were con
sumed in Now York, 4,6.19,083 in
Pennsylvania, 3,734,2311 in Illinois,
3,21HI,li5i In Ohio, 2.717,581 iu Wis
consin and 2,401,488 in Massachusetts
The exports showed 14,241,443 pounds
domestic and 16,647 pounds foreign. To
tal brewers' consumption and exports
55,000,084 pounds. Imports 11,051,332
pounns. iset domestic movement 43,
415,352 pounds. The total area devoted
to the growing of hops n the United
States was 40,800 acres in 1899, and
44,1111.1 ncres In 1906. In 1909 Oregon
held first place with a total area o'f
21,770 acres and New York wns Becond
with 12,02.1 acres. In 1914 Oregon had
nn nrea of 23,642 acres producing about
z'j.auiMiim pounds of cured hops. Au
rora uDaerver.
Lynn Miller, son of F. M. Miller,
route .1, is raising some corn this year
that promises to establish a record.
Without exaggeration the stalks are
eight feet hiuh a ad are eariuu out in
fine shape, lie has only a small patch
as experiment, but intends next year to
plant a larger acreage, Tiie seed was
secured from O. A. C. Oregon is fast
hecoining a corn country. It will not
be many years until Indiana will turn
green with envy ut the corn we raise
-Silvlto Apiel.
Mr. Hall received little encourage
ment here. While Hughes has many
strong supporters here, few of them
approve the club idea for this com
munity. Candor compels recognition
of the fact that the Wilson sentiment
is not wholly lacking in this Republi
can stronghold. Aurora Observer.
Comparing output of last year and
this, John Kubberness, manager of the
Silverton Creamery it Ice Co., tells us
tluit ou August Pi, 1915, they made iS0
pounds of butter; on August 16, 19111,
they mne ll'.'.l pouads of butter. This
comparison based On the average run
of this year's business shows an ex
ceptionally big increase of production.
Silverton Appeal.
Onr circulation Is still climb-
ing np read the paper and
7 on '11 know the reason.
mi? MABirrrc
Allli LUXUUalitl)
. The following prices for frnita
and vegetables are those asked-by
the wholesaler of the retailer, at-d
not what is paid to the producer.
All other p.-ices are those paid the
producer. Correct lent are made
The local market for wheat is $1 and
$1.02. Although Portland prices were!
yesterday quoted at $1.14, there was not -much
trading locally. Port bind prices'
arc for sacked wheat and for this reas- ,
on with the cost of sacks figured at 6 -cents
and sometimes at 7 on account or
the tear, and a freight allowance of 5 '
cents bushel, there is always 12 oents) .
difference between the local price and-
the Portland quotations of club, lue
egg market is strong and hogs weak.
. . Ornuna.
Wheat '. $1.00(51.03.
Oats, new . 35o
Rolled barley $35.00,
Bran $26.50BT-
Shorts, per ton $31.00'
Alfalfa, California, ton fti.oa
Hay, clover
Hay, cheat . . .
Hay, vetch ..
Hay, timothy,
Buttcrfat -.... ; 31;
Creamery butter, per pound 34o-
Country 'butter , 20e28
Egg and Poultry.
Faffs, case count, cash 22S24o'
Eggs, trade ..... S5o.
Hens, pound 13e
Roosters, old, per pound 8
Broilers, under 2 pounds 15s
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 911
Pork, dressed 1112 l-2a
Pork, on foot 8 l-29e
Spring lambs; 1916 77 l-4e
Steers 64
Cows 3 l-24
Bull 33 1-4
Ewes ii l-2
Wether , S 1-2
Tomatoes, Oregon 85
Cabbage 40tt
Cucumbers 4075e
String garlic 15a
Potatoes, sweet 4 l-2a
Potatoes, new 1V41Mi
Beet 40
Radishes 40
dreen onions 40e
Green peppers .............. 8
Carrots, dosen 40
Onions - $2.00
Beans, green and waxed ........... .... 4
Onions, Walla Walla $2.25
Watermelons IKe
Peaches 35(a60s
Applee 50c(3$1.0O
Oranges, Valencies $4,2S
Lemons, per box . $7.$$a'7.50
Cantaloupes $1.50(al.75
Bananas, pound (
California grape fruit $3.00
Florida grape fruit x , :. $8.00
Pineapples 8 '
Cassnvus 2e
Honey $3.50
Retail prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch. 30e
Sugar, cane $8.25
Sugar, beet $8.09
Creamery butter 40s
Flour, hard wheat $1.70(a 1.90
Flour, valley $1.351.50
Portland, Ore., Aug. 19. Wheat:
Club, $1.17.
Rluestem, $1.20.
Fortyfold, $1.18.
lied Russian, $1.13.
Onts: No. 1 white feed. $29.
Barley, feed, $32.
Hogs, best live. $9.50.
Prime steors, $7.
Fancy cows, $5.
Calves, $7.50.
Spring lambs, $8.35.
Butter: City creamery 34c.
Country butter, 27c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 30(3 32c.
Hens, 15c.
Broilers, 16(fn7c.
Geese, 10c.
Journal Want Ads Get Results.
When You Go I
to the country, the camp, th
mountains or resort for. the
summer, notify
. The Capital Journal
and your paper will be sent
there a long as you want to
stay. Just call for, the Circu
lation Department, Phone 81.
Breaking' Records
for ReulU-thatV
hat our little Want
Ad. are doing for