Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
August 19, 1010.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
r. m BiSVTS. CHAS. 11. FlSllt.K
President Vice President
See. and Treat.
Dally by earrler, per year
Dally by mail, per year v
. $5.00 Per month
3.00 Per month
New York. Ward-Lewis-Williami Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chieago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People 'a Oaa Bmld.ng.
Th. Caoital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
W.S"awi not do thi., mimes you, or neglects gett.tng the
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
t: ' The threatened strike took on a new phase yesterday
when the railroad presidents having conferred ith
President Wilson expressed their determination to stand
pat and be satisfied with nothing less than arbitra ion of
i -i.- .v. fn ufiroon thpvn and the brotnei-
iXll ouujiv" i
Thev did not in words so express mei .v uu.
Steel it ,o strongly that , other me-mg can
Arawn from their acts, iney ainvcu ai -
draxvnnomint at y maintained
suiien anu sruiuyiJjr '"uui
TfSre'of tht day was the production of a mass of
telegrams from big manufacturers indorsing their stand
The Sal Journal called attention yesterday to the call
made by "The Manufacturers News," an employers .news
paper published in Chicago, requesting manufacturers
Sally to wire the railroad president and indorse he
fction of the railroads in refusing anything but arbitra
S and these dispatches were, no doubt, the result of
tfiat'caS wkhrhaps additional inducements from the
railroad presidents, previously made.
It shows as the Journal suggested yesterday, that the
call in the Ss was "inspired" and that . it was the , posi
tion that the roads wished to take; that is that the
strike had to come some time and it might as wen oe
nooeStio7o; the action of the mufacturers
is possible It is preposterous to even imagine they a e
soEested in this matter that they.would be wrt hng to
have their businesses tied up Xm
such proportions as this is sure to be if it comes
The conclusion becomes irresistible that the action i 01
the railroads is for political .. purposes, and .that onlj
Thev would put the president in a hole if they couia, so
UiaThe would be defeaed and a man more friendly to
heSo?liSal to accept the eight hour day
iiic u".k v , , n short time ago
PaSfic fe aU vent ou o business because of the La-
out of business; and this without PWit a tnal. Jet
they today hoist their ftoWJgte
their big vessels to tne unem, mC
mi t,i tn fniw .1 ronea ot tne law: mcj
Mmw thpv accent it and are in business again under it.
The railroads are taking the same course iney a, e
willing to give the plan of an eight hour day a tnal.
Contrast the course of the rail road magnates and that
Sed wisely and sanely, and gone much than hal
wav to bring the matter to a peaceful end, and without
3rv to the" country. It looks very nch as though t
The Turks seem determined to utterly destroy the
Armenian people. They have again refused to permit
relief to be sent them, and this refusal is accompanied
with stories of further atrocities. It is consoling to think
that when the present war is over the "unspeakable Turk"
will be driven out of Europe and it is hoped before the
Russian bear gets through hugging him that his ribs will
be mashed in and his life squeezed out. It is according to
the eternal fitness of things that in her hour of need Eng
land finds this, her old ally, who owes her presence in
Europe to England should be fighting against her. Had
it not been that England wanted to use her to keep Rus
sia bottled up she would have been driven out of Europe
long ago. This time though England cannot stop the big
bear from the far north getting possession of the Bos
phorus and an open way to the ocean. Russia will fight
before she will be again denied the fulfillment of her
dream of centuries, and she will make no peace that does
not include a "the freedom of the seas." Between Eng
land and Germany the Poles are in about as bad a fix as
the Armenians, with the exception that they are only
starved to death instead of being butchered. The choice
between the two methods of being eliminated is not worth
quarreling about.
Portland had its waste paper and rag day, and out
side of some minor features it was pronounced a great
success. Would it not be a good thing for Salem to try
the same thing. Suppose the mayor and council inquire
into it, find out what price can be secured for waste paper
and rags, arrange for some one to buy them on a given
day, and thus get rid of what is now waste by turning it
to a good purpose. There is a paper shortage in this
country and while getting rid of what is in individual
cases just trash, but which collectively has value, at the
same time do our little part toward relieving the situa
tion. Besides it will give all the kiddies a chance to gather
up a few nickles besides teaching them thrift.
Today the Pacific Mail, which went out of business
early in the year on account of the LaFollette seamen's
law again hoisted its flag on a new line of big oil burners
sailing to the Orient. The company quit in a fit of pique
insisting it could not do business under the new law, and
this without giving it a trial. The trouble with the com
pany was, that like some politicians, it thought the coun
try would go to the dogs without it, and discovered much
to its chagrin that it was never missed. So today it is
back at the old stand doing business as of old much
wiser, and let us hope, much happier.
The next thing on the program is that visit to Coos
Bay. After that following swiftly on each others', heels
comes Labor Day, the opening of school, the rainy season
and state fair running neck and neck, then
Crime Against Oregon.
The state highway commission has
made formal application to the de
partment of agriculture for $.'185,000
of government funds for use in road
coustraction in Oregon, and for every
dollar of government funds that may
be received the state must put up
another dollar. It is set forth in the
application that the money is to be
used for building what is known as
the Mount Hood loop roud, the Crater
hake road, the Eugene-Florence-Klamath
Falls road and a road to the
Josephine caves. Among the first
construction is to be tho Mount Hood
loop, and any remaining funds will be
used on the other roods.
If this program is followed out in
detail, gays the Eugene .Register,
whose views upon this subject agree
with those of The Observer, it will
be nothing less than a crime against
the struggling people of Oregon who
are seeking with every resource at
their command to develop their state.
The Mount Hood loop road, which is
slated to be given first consideration,
is neither more nor less than a scenic
boulevard. It opens up no commer
cial territory. t does not help the
fanner to get his crops to market. Its
part in tho real development of the
state would be infinitesimal. Its only
purpose would be to give wealthy auto-
What Is Mr. Hughes' Answer?
(Til day after Mr. Hughes' speech
of acceptance was published, 3" Amer
ican writers of nation-wide reputation
issued the statement which is printed
below. The questions contained in the
statement are vital, and answers to
them by Mr. Hughes are absolutely
necessary in considering his claims to
the presidency. Though the high stand
ing of the distinguished writers who
prepared the statement fully justifies
a reply, Mr. HugBeg has paid uo at
tention to the statement, nor replied
to any of the questions. In fairness
and candor, Mr. Hughes as a candidate
for the highest office within the gift
of the American people, ought to make
Japan Plans to Build
26 New Battleships
and Many Submarines
,Tokio, Aug. 19. Japan plans to im
prove ber navy as fast or taster than
does the United Ktates builds up its
sea fighting machine. At least, that
is the deducntion made by the Ja panes
I people from the just pronounced plan
to spend Za4,uuu,uuu to ;iu,uuo,uuu yen
building battlers in the next seven
yen rs.
Exactly what the plan under consid
eration by the finance department of
the government is, nobody knows, but
according to the papei' .liji, usually a
well informed publication, the outlay
for "the ideal fleet-' calls for about
4150,0110,000. Other papers' estimates
are a hit lower.
To the Honorable Charles E. Hughes: j A hot debate on the program is ex
The professional writers who sign pected for the forthcoming session of
this letter have small interest in the Diet because of the expense in
parties, but a very deep interest in , volved. The program is backed by
democracy. It is our hope, through navy leaders and also, it is said, by
this voluntas- association, to assist in the ministers of marine and finance,
the promotion of honest, educational Newspaper reports have it that Jap
discussion in order that fundamental , an proposes to build :i superdread-
not be decided in prejudice noughts, two uaiue cruisers, ji ngus
issues niav
and ignorance.
Mr. Wilson's beliefs have been ex
pressed in law and in declared policies,
lie has made an open record by which
he may be judged. Wise choico is not
nossibie unless you yourself make
10 destroyers and
NK.ui.iMis u new riMiiu lur n j... urn-. . ,,..;,., :,ms.
Against the early competition of the, Hitll,mt inU,,lt to offend, 'we feel
Columbia highway no legitimate objec- !..,::., :.. chareim.' that in no single
Respectfully, (signed)
Samuel Hopkins Adams, Percy Mac-
lr T c. I--. I r..l...H A T Xfrt-
equally specific statement of pui poses Kej ' blis Parker Butler. Basil
' Maulev, L. Ames Brown, Meridith
Nicholson, Dante Barton, Albert Jay
tion would be urged. This magnificent I
public utternnce have you filed a bona
road is one of the important assets of j .j(lp hi of pm-ticd,,,-:,, nor have you
Oregon, for it is not only one of the I offert,(l a sil,Kie constructive sugges
most beautiful drives in the world but tiou cieiipralitioH are without value:
at the same time provides a menus of 1 1(lnlkpt t.riticim is worthless,
communication between the eastern i w,1Hf wp ,1(,sire t0 hat it is
and western parts of the state. Its fftjr t)mt t,ie eectorate should know,
utilitarian value is enormous and itsinrp (he px,u,t ,!(,,;! 0f Vour disagree
scenic beauty will attract tourist from : Rlnt wth lrtl!liti01,t Wilson. Whnt has
every comer of the I'nited States. j hp d()lc tll.)t vou w0d 0t have done.
But the Mount Hood loop is anoth-, . , t , , fnilej to do ,mt you
er question. Its utilitarian value i i w0ltl have done or propose to do? i
practically negligible. It circles ,,e j Ifoiipntv and patriotism demand that
base of Mount Hood through a wild, V0UKef ,, record in such.
country that is hardly susceptible 't mBI11,er as to permit people to judge
agricuiTunii net eiupmciu mui, hi ,Ilrvou as thev are
verv least, will be developed more
slowly than hundreds of other sections
thnt might be reached by a road. Its
chief purpose its only purpose, it
might truthfully be said is that of
The Kegister does not want to be
understood ns opopsing scenic roads.
It does nothing of tile sort. But in
Oregon scenic roads and commercial
roads can easily be combined. We
doubt if there is a commercial rond
in the state that if properly improved
would not be a scenic wonder that
would draw visitors from everywhere.
The Willamette valley, with its grow
ing green fields and its fringe of
snow-capped peaks; Southern Oregon,
with its wonderful orchards and its
delightful climate; Eastern Oregon,
with its wide reaches of shimmering
desert broken ererv few miles by rich
now nuie to juuge
President Wilson, for example
1 Would you have filed instant
protest against the invasion of Bel
gium and backed up the protest with
the I'nited States navy!
fl It. Is nrrant nonsense to talK
nl.nnt n. tinn that would have preve
the Lusitania tragedy. The vague ad
vertisement did not appear until short
ly before the hour of sailing. The
occurrence was one of these things
tint civilization lias made the world
Nock, Irvin Cobb, Harvey J. O'Hig
gins, Wadsworth Camp, Charles John
son Post, J. O'Hara Cosgrove, Eugene
Mnnlnve Rhodes, Stoughton Cooley,
William McLeod Raine, Willam h.
Chenery, Boardman Robinson. Cleorgs
Creel, John Reed, James Forbes. Opia
Reed, Frederick C. Howe, Edgar
Selwyn, Gilson Gardner, Wui. Leavitt
Stoddard. Frederick Stuart Greene, Lin
coln Steffins, Oliver Ilerford, Augustus
Thomas, Prof. Louis Johnson, Frank:
V. Rooninu, Richard Lloyd Jom'S,
George West, Peter I). Kyne.
regard ns incredible,
onestion is this:
broken relatiuni with
The only honest
Would you have
Geo. C. Brownell, caudidate for
state senator, made a red hot cam
paign speech at AVilholt Sunday, in
which he lambasted the Clackamas
county courts of the past, chargin?
j incompetence and extravagance la
I IIIC HUllllUinilUliUU vi vwiun,, "'''D'
Other counties he declared just as bad.
He asserted that Clackamas county
courts have wasted $1,000,000 in roads
in the last 12 years, through incompe
Germany at
v . ... .1... ...
i ,. .i.i... .iniT -j i -j.- .-.i -!!. i. j j.u to i eliirlit tne eve anu warm mu ucm.
,a itnrinn n n t n r",iTii iirwr it t li t t' i , , , 1 nric m'ju 'jiiii r u : ' . . ., . i .
tlCHUll til HI tllC Oi;iblllllg Ul WWO MllU Vin wuuuo Hiiu nn- , a .1., toMi-ipf
COmeS the' irrigated districts these are all places
ye and warm tne uearr
Vet these areas are the
first thing any of us know strawberries will be here and! commercial heart of Oregon and money
the next crop of Riverside Dip poems will be ripe andh'" Zt Jl ? great"
after that no one cares what happens.
3Would you have urged upon con
gress an embargo upon the shipment
of munitions to the allies?
4 Would you urge universal com
pulsory military service f
You are iraim in siaiing uun
Ho declared Oregon the worst gov
erned state in the Union, for the last
12 years, charging the legislature
with squandering $3,000,000 for the
chair-warmers at Salem. He express
ed himself as opposed to most of the
state commissions, particularly the
tax commission and the fish and game
commission. He declared himself op
posed to the convention system.
lluerta's morals were of no coucerp though he admitted he had worked it
to America: does this menu that you himself for all it was worth while it was
would have recognized Huerta.
Denmark is not quite ready to sell her West India pos
sessions to the United States, though she will probably be
glad to do so when in a position to make the sale. The
Danish senators hold that the sale cannot be made until
an election has been held to decide the matter.
.r,,n rw tW nre on v the servants of the countij, not
toKr Sttto fingers badly burned once
lrom trying to run the politics of the country, and re
eved too harsh treatment from an outraged pubi c foi
doing. They had about lived this leeung 01 -nt
down, anc! they will do well to so act as not to cause
ceived too
it to blaze up again
If, as the war news indicates, the allies hae begun
another attack on their enemies on the Balkan front, the
2.n.?.i ...:n u fnt nf vphI war. At the same time
liUlUaib 111 wait iu w". "
n:i ,..;n w- iilntv of work cut out for
tne leiuou turn" Mm iniiv - -
hem to keep them busy at all points. Shou d Rumania
join the allies, and there is always a P?f ability ofl his,
Bulgarians will realize just what they did to the Serbs.
The Turks are not saying much these days, but every
once in a while there comes a dispatch that the Grand
Duke has captured another town. If this thing keeps up
the Sultan is liable to run out of his rapidly depleting
stock of villages.
The public service commission does not approve the
action of the Portland & Oregon City Railroad Company
in constructing grade crossings in violation of law. How
ever, the crossings are there, and it's the commission's
next move.
comfort and happiness and prosperit
for the people ot the state.
Oregon is not an old and rich com
munity and it cannot afford costly
frills and furbelows such as the Mount
Hood loop road. It is u crime to spend
in fripperv such ns this, the money
that ought to be spent in making the
state a better place to make n living in.
Hughes in his campaigning tour visited every state in
the West, including Portland.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 186S
CAPITAL - $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
"My wife and seven daughters," said G. Augustus
Grimes, "beside the briny waters are having gorgeous
times. This climate is a hummer for heat and dust and
flies, and so they'll spend the summer be
neath more kindly skies." I said, "But why
in Cadiz are you thus left behind? Why
don't you join the ladies, and drop this
beastly grind?" "That girls may have their
pleasure, some man must find the dimes,
and so I hump for treasure," said G. Au
gustus Grimes. "I like to sweat and swel
ter, to give the girls a treat, and so I leave
my shelter, and tread the burning street, to
earn an extra shilling, that they may have
their fun; of course, I'm more than willing
to keep them staked with mon. My daughters all are
peaches, my wife's a lollipop, and on the ocean beaches
long may they bask and nop." Uh, cheerful, manly
martyrs, who drag their spavined feet, and toil like gravel
cartere, that girls may have a treat!
From the Olnthe (Kans.) Register:
"I never was a democrat, but 1 t.iink
Woodrow Wilson will sweep the coun
trv for re election this fnll."' said ex
Governor St. John to a reporter for the
E... .:..., tlio nthpr tlnv.
4.r m bnaitiir the assertion on the
attitude of the people in western Kan
sas." continued Mr. St. John. "While
i ... in tlmt i,art of the state dur
ing nir recent nineteen days tour, I
took occasion to sound out my differ
ent audiences on the candidates then
innmintf birirelv ill tile public eye. MIC
niv references to Hughes. Boose-!
velt and Wilson brought t'.ie most ap
plause for Wilson. Wilsons .Mexican
policv, for which he has been so bit
terlv" attacked, is, in my opinion, nn;
element of strength. I am not capa
ble of criticizing the government s:
policv. The obi plan of tying two,
fighting torn cat's tnils together, throw
ing them over a clothes line and letting
them fight it out. seems to apply forci
blv to the situation In Mexico. Rut
Mexico is no scrub as it was in 1S47.
It has fourteen millions of people and,
an advanced civilisation in many re
spects. To whip Mexico into line, as
some demand, would be a job, neces-i
sitating at least two years' time. tae
expenditure of billions of dollars andj
probablv the lives of 200,000 men. In,
addition, ns an item of expense, would
be the formation of a grent pension j
roll. , . i
"What should we gain by such a
war? We don't want the territory.;
The whole proposition is absurd. Tak-j
inn it as a whole, we never have had
... 1 1 llAa,l. tlisn
a presiueni more iriritniu ......
Woodrow W ilsou. j
The ball game played at the picnic j
in Woodburn Sunday between Gervais,
and Woodburn was a record mister.
Quite a large crowd from Gervais as
well as from other places were especial
ly interested in the expected game,
knowing that Gervais had only been
defeated by one team this season, they
wanted to' see whnt a tri-city league
team could do to Gervais. The crowd
was hopelessly disappointed, as Wood
burn had only a pick-up team, thinking
perhaps they' would make a good show
ing with Gervais, but they were not it
at all.
The score was U 1o 2 in favor of
Gervais nt the seventh inuintr when the
came was called off because everybody
was leaving tne graua siaua. ir iuu,
burn's regular team had played again
Gervais it would have maite an inter,
iug game. Star.
. ; As matters stand today, would
you be in favor of intervening ia
; Does your attack upon the Wil
son shipping bill mean that you are in
favor of ship subsidies?
8 You speak enthusiastically of the
rights nf the worker. Does this imply
thnt you indorse the Clayton anti
trust law mid the seaman's bill? - Or
will you urge their repeal?
II Whnt are your specific com
plaints ugninst the federal reserve
ii As governor of New York, you
in vogue. His enemies lie sum cancel
him "slick." One must be slick, he
asserted, to cope with the crooks that
would rob the people of their rights.
He promised if elected to the stato
senate that lie would, within 48 hours
of his arrival in Salem, place a law
on the statute books abolishing tha
useless commissions and offices that
encumbered the state capitol nn4
mnnv believed him! Anrora Observer.
Wednesday was a big day In Gervais,
it beine pav dnv for .S. H. Brown 's
. loganberry pickers, which took place at
opposed tne income lax ameimineiu; the Gervai9 state bank. About two
docs tins antagonism persist! Do you hundred pickers received their pav and
or do yon not believe in payiug for jt took from 9 o'clock in the morninsr
preparedness out of a tax on incomes, nnt;i fter 0 in the evening, as consid-
inheritances and munitions! ernble time was spent in figuring up
t r iitirr iiu vu null ,v .e . incir CIieCKS.
"critical period'' bv far too critical in
deed for candidates to talk in terms of
office seeking rather than in simple.
The amount paid out was 5,000,
which is quite a sum to be placed in
circulation by one grower. One woman
earnest language of definito American- and her five children drew $140. Star.
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