Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Willamette Valley News
Former Dallas Man
Is Seriously Injured
(Capital Journal Special Service)
. DaHus,( Or., Aug; 19. Ed lunn, a
former resilient of thin city now living
on a farm near Bull Run was seriously
injured in a runaway Monday and in
confined to the Good Samaritan hos
pital in Portland with u broken leg and
other injuries. The team Mr. Dunn
was driving became liightcned und run
away throning him out of the wagon.
The injured mini has several brothers
iind his lather living near Dallas.
Concrete Sidewalks Being Built
' About -0 blocks of concrete side
walks are being built in tiie city as
a result of the condemning of a large
amount of wooden sidewalks by the
city council at a recent meeting. Next
year the council expect to put another
large amount ' of the .'wooden walks oil
the retired list and a much larger a
inount of concrete will be laid. With
nm nt?w wains me ppem mice or mc
city is greatly improved.
Eemodeling Bank Building
The room in the City Bank building
occupied by Hubert t'ofelt's. soft drink
parlor is being remodeled and a parti
tion being removed to make room for
several pool and billianl tables. Holmes
and (J rant are doing the work. .
Open Air Services Sunday
. The second open air church services
will be held on the court house lawn
Suudav evening, weather permitting.
Rev. Howard McConiiell, pastor of the
Christian church will deliver the ser
mon. His subject wil be "Wrestling
With (Jod." Orchestras from the sev
eral churches will furnish music.
Bird Funeral Services Held
The funeral services over the to
maius of the late John Bird of this
city who died on the operating table
at the (Jood Samaritan hospital in Port
land, Tuesday were held in Portland,
Thursday. Interment took place in
the Lone Kir cemetery. Several Dal
las people attended the services.
Political Campaign Opens
Candidates for the various county
officea are beginning to canvass the
county in their interest for the fall
election. Fred Crowley, of Rickreall,
candidate on the democratic ticket for
school superintendent, is the first to
(start the ball rolling. Three of the
nominees, Captain Conrad Stafrin for
representative, Homer Robb for survey
or on the republican ticket, and E. K.
Piasecki, democratic nominee for coun
ty attorney, being at the front in Mex
ico are being backed by supporters
from their parties.
Joe Boscoe, a former Dallas citizen,
was married at F.ugene on the fifth of
August. Mr. Boscoe expects to return
to Dallas this fall and open up a tailor
Khttp. .
Mis. Frank Snffieky of Klamath
Falls is a guest at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Stoner Smutz on Lyle
Jack F.akin, Fred Ouoch ami Floyd
Kills returned Thursday afternoon from
an automobile trip to Redding, Cnlifor
nit. They also stopped at Crater Lake
and Klamath Falls en route home.
Countv Superintendent and Mrs. W.
1. Reynolds and son, Willis, have re
turned from a short outing nt the
.vlayor K. C. Kirkpntrick attended
the funeral of the late John Bird in
J oi tlund, Thursday.
.diss Ruth Nnnn returned Wednes
day from a visit with her brother, (J.
H. Nuun at Xehalem, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sundberg left
this morning for a several' days visit
with friends in Seattle.
Rev and Mrs. victor Bnllantyne
liave returned to Kind's Valley after a
short visit with relatives and friends
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Morrison and
family returned this week from a visit
with Mr. Morrison's parents at Rocca.
Harry Kllis has returned to his home
in McCleary, Washington, after a
weeks visit' at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Kllis.
D. M. Metzger, who has been spend
ing the summer in Dallas left today
for LeMars, lown, where he is an in
structor in the Western Union college.
Dr. Chas. Mock, a former president of
Dallas college is also an instructor in
the above institution.
Mrs. James Leitcii and children of
Portland are visiting at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Young
in West Dallas.
: The Dallas Boy Scouts arrived home
Thursday evening from a ten days out
ing at Newport.
C L. Starr has returned to his home
in Portland after a short business vis
. it in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDevitt are
guests at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. George Conkey in Independence
this week.
Robert Reed was a Capital city vis
itor the first of the week.
Waconda News
(Capital Journul Special Service.)
Waconda, Or., Aug. 19. Miss Merle
PuRette. of Fairfield, was the guest
of Miss Ellen 8avage. Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tinney and
daughter Emma, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Palmer and daughter
Leverne," motored to Salem, Monday
u oninff
' Mr. Karl .Tones, of Wasco, is visiting '
his parents, Mr. ana .irs. j..iiiy.
Jones, for a few days.
Miss Rosa Patterson, who has been
T.vinir with Mrs. Eugene Manning,
for' several weeks, returned
home Wednesday.
Miss Veneta Moores, of Silverton,
ti .Tiisiiitft Moores of sniem.
pent a few days mis wee "u , Among those wno visneu nniemiu
Beatrice Thurman. Sunday, were: Richard Hensley and
Mr Henry Lamb returned today, famjiy, . F. Harold and daughters,
after spending a week at McMinnville. DHa' and Ina, Curtis Cole and wife,
Mrs. I-ouise Iitman has returned to TnPy also vMted Mr. Lyons "Big Bro
her home in Aniitv after visiting a few iher" farm near libation,
davs with her nephew, Mr. J. C. j Charles Dart was a Salem visitor on
ggVage. .Sunday. stayton Mail.
.. . fl..
Fruitland News
Fruitland, Or., Aug. 19. Mr. Breese,
living near Swegel school, had the mis
fortune to injure one of his eyes so
badly that he fears it will have to be
entirely removed. This is a sad acci
dent, for Mr. Breese is nlso very deaf.
Misfortune surely seems to be on the
track of Mr. Boettcher, of . Auburn.
Only a few days after his oldest
daughter got home from the hospital,
when she had undergone an operation
tor appendicitis; she liml an attack of
scarlet fever and they are now under
Geo. Pied and wife and P. R. Coulson
an3 wife motored to Tumor last Sun-!
dav to call on the Williams familv.
Miss Avis Williams, of Turner, spent
the . week-end with Lucy Xicols of
Bethel. "
Mr. Runner is baling hay at McClay.
Mrs. Standiper and daughter Frieda
and Mrs. Heinke spent a pleasant
aftnninnn n-ltW fra rutooi,.,;.. loo
Anyone wishing to have their autos
trained like a horse, to nnilerstnnd the
meaning of "Wlion!" "yet nlniiir'M
etc., call on Mr. Walters of Fruitland.
Free demonstrations daily on the
streets of Fruitland.
There is to be preaching at the
church here next Sunday afternoon.
The substitute mail carrier on route
C is having trouble to deliver the mail
properly, asso many boxes are un
marked. The recent rains have caused the
threshing and baling crews to quit
work for a while.
Rickreall Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Rickreall, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs.
Fox went to Portland Sunday to spend
a week visiting relatives and friends.
They went by auto down the east side
and expect to return by way of the
west side of the Willamette loop.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLean and
family, of Salein, spent Sunday at the
home of Mrs. McLean's sister, Mrs. E.
F. Craven.
Kenneth Lucas returned Tuesday
evening from Portland where he has
been working for the past two months.
Harold Smith of West Salem visited
his sister, Mrs. Warren Burch, Satur
day. Mrs. B. L. Lucns went to Siilem on
Tuesday and thence by auto to Port
land where she will visit a few days
before returning home.
Mrs. Fred Koser and little son Ray
mond and Mrs. E. F. Craven visited
the latter's sister, Mrs. J. A. McLean
in West Salem on Thursday.
Miss Verena Lucas, and Mrs. Leslie
Lucas of Tillamook are spending a few
davg at the home of their grandfather,
Mr. S. T. Burch.
Mr. I. W. Goodell and little daugh
rer Doris were Dallas callers on Thurs
day. Sirs. A. R. Cndle nnd little William
and Miss Kninin Cadle returned from
Portland Thursday evening where they
had taken the little boy for treatment
as he has been ailing for BoTne time.
Mr. Frnnk Fawk was quite seriously
injured by being kicked in the abdo
men bv a' horse the first of the week.
He was taken to the Dallas hospital
but is uble to l" taken home again.
Miss Arlie Hickerson has gone to
Salem to visit at the home of her
uncle, Jesa Lucas.
Mrs. Roy Kropf and little son visit
ed at the homes of Jess Troyer aud
Amos Lais at Blodgett over Sunday.
Mrs. Amos Kaufman and Mrs. Clar
ence Kropf were iu Aurora on business
Friday. ,
We again hear the hum of the thresh
ing machines as they go through the
country, threshing out the golden grain
which seems to be a good crop this year,
and reminds us that nnother year has
passed since we heard them.
Mrs. M. H. Hostetler who has been
quite sick for several weeks with rheu
matism is somo better.
A number of people from Bethel at
tended the baptismul services at Zion
last Sunday, there vcre nineteen young
souls bnptized.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yoder and two
children from Bethel visited at the
home of Simon C. Yoder. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Struber end
daughter Pearl, of Woodburn and Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Kaufman and family
aud Ella Shultz and Alviu Hamilton
were visitors at the home of L. D. Yo
der and family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Emraert aud child
ren went to Hubbard last Wednesday
in their automobile that they purchased
recently. Enterprise.
Mr. Carl Schaefer and daughter Ber
tha, returned home.. Tuesday evening
after a few days visit at the Ben Scha
fer home in Stayton.
The many friends of Miss Bessie
Cnrev, who underwent an operation I
.).nri iim mm at the Salem hospital
will be glad to hear of her successful
convalescence. Miss Carey expects to
return to her home in a short time.
Liston Darby and wife accompanied
by Raleigh Harold, wile ana son moiur
aH in Snlem Sundav.
J. T. Follis and wife visited at the
j home of his mother and Mrs. u. B
Trnsk in Mavton ounaay.
Miss Marie Henkel was among those
who visited the Wilboit Springs Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Croisant of Lyons were
weekend visitors with their daughter,
I Mrs. O. M. Baker. . "
r..i vn;. vivitAd friends near Shel-
her,burn Sunda.
L. A. Thomas nnd wife of Stayton
'visited at the O. M. Baker home Tues-
itnv AV0niticr
' . . i-
Rickey News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
'Rickey, Or., Aug. 19. Miss Sally
Dickinan ami Miss JVinifred Woelk
were early callers at the L. Dicknian
home Sunday morning. Their slumbers
must have been disturbed by visions
of the dinner awaiting them, for from
their appearance when ,they arrived,
they must have beaten the birds up
and walked from Salem. Mrs. Dick
man, who is doted for her excellent
cooking, prepared a bountiful dinner
IT 'n.e, wcar-T 'vf'". " wnicn
Dicknian hurried the young nurses
ba to hteir. Anti?- 1ain wil1 bcom,e
a.plea.8ure ,n the presence of such
j .""""S "um8 as Ml8S Hickman and
I ,,8 , r o j ,
L,.Mr- ?nd ; C:e,,rKe Edwards, and
Miss .viae hdwards motored to Silver
t ree k f ans sunilny.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Caplinger visited
j Mrs. t'nplinger's niece, Mrs. Bertha
Carlson, of near Aunisville, Sunday.
' Mr. and Mrs. V). A. Harris and Clar-
. . . . . i
pm'e Eunice attemtea
hurch in Salem
Orvin Fryshie and
Frank Harris
were guests of Howard Grimm Satur
day night.
Mr. L. Dicknian and Miss Nettie
Dicknian were Salem visitor's Wednes
day. Little Eugene Gainer is recovering
from the chicken pox.
Thos. Wallace has recently had a
telephone installed.
Judge Bushey and County Road
Master Culver, are well pleased with
the fill made in the road at Pudding
Creek. This' has been a bad place for
soma time and the fill will be appre
ciated by automobile owners.
Mrs. Edwin Gunn of Portland is the
guest of her cousin Mrs. K. B. Grimm.
Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence
Murry, a boy, at Butteville Wednesday
of last week.
Mrs. Glndys McKey of Albany is a
guest at the home of her uncle, W. B.
Katie Lauer went to Wilsonville, Tu
esday to be with her sister. Mrs. Robt.
Grisscl, until ufter hop picking.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beer
of northeast o Yoderville, a nine pound
boy, Thursduy morning, August 17th,
mother nnd baby doing well.
Mrs. Clyde Hays and son Bryson of
Portland returned home Tuesday after-
having been called here by the
serious illness of Mrs. R. W. Gable.
The families of H. F. Scholl, M. 0.
Crittenden, Will Barrett nrd Frank
rry, are home from their ten davs stay
at the coast. They had a good time
and took on the reinilntiiin amount of I '"r- 1 ' "- ,-u,,"cr uml "u" """,; liouglit nay irom i. v . biuiik. i ney
aim iook on me nymitiuu amount orilruvp fr0ln C)lby TueliUy aml Btayed iwiid 10 a ton, hauling it themselves,
W. K. Ott and family passed through
Hubbard Tuesday evening on their way
home to Roseburg after having a good
time cnniping at Netarts beach. While
here they visited with Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Painter.
Monday of last week Jos. Conrad,
south of Yoderville, was thrown from
a load of hay breaking his leg below
the knee as close to the knee joint as
possible to be. Dr. Weaver was called
to attend the case.
Geo. W. Knight has been assigned
the Coos Bay territory selling goods for
Wndhnms k Kerr Bros, of Portland.
During the early summer he represented
the same firm as relief for the regular,
snlesmn.i Tu this territory and has now
been nssigned regular territory.
During t.ie past week R. C. Painter
has made material changes at his store., vr ,, Mrs. .,., ,.; ,, fllraiv
The shelving has been broadened out I ncconl)Unio(1 lpy Mr. A. N. Goin. motor
giving fifty per cen more shelf room,,,,, t0 'Tillnmook, starting Friday even
and making it possible to put en the ; aU)1 rcturilil, Monday. Mrs. Goin
stie f the goods occupying the center j rcmoilleJ tor a f?w days visit with her
of his room, adding to the appearance B;ster
and convenience as well. Mr.' Hut Vun Buren is home for a
Since the cement sidewalk was begun 1t vi)it wit) )lig .,,.,,, and friends.
Monday extending north to the north jj, Vau B(lrt,n ig ,t.egrH1,h operator iu
line on Main street from the J. "' Tillamook city
jusnier corner, otner .nam street pro-
perty owners are. considering having
the same kind o'f nalk put down iu front
of their property.. . It is a good move,
especially as the cement is permanent.
Ole Rostvold was thrown from a
load of wood at his place eat of Moni
tor Wednesday of last week and broke
bis thigh. Dr. Weaver was called to
care for him. Mr. Rostvold was riding
on the load that had been anchored!
witn a cuain, tne ciiain slipped, caught
uic nuv, uiiu niuj'J'iu I lie iuiki
with a jerk, causing the trouble.
Last Sunday a number of the mem
bers of the Grim family and guests took
advantage of the cool shade at Wulfer
springs for a pleasant time together
and to enjoy lunch there.. They were:
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Grim, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Grim, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Grim,
Mr and Mrs. K. B. Grim and Miss Helen
Pippy, L. A. Beckman, Mr. and Mrs.
Newt Sewell, Mrs. N. S. Simms, Miss
Lois and Master Ralph Simms.
Wednesday afternoon Superintendent
Martin and his helpers of the Hove'nden
ranch west of here moving the seven
teen hundred sacks of Wonder oats in
the Hurst elevator on the S. P. tracks,
to make room for storing this year's
rnn PrAm all inf1trai.ii U r.n . I
xveS "W'ssrti o.rignr6 u wi" b lomeC - .1
hnl,l (a ih. ... - i ' i ,i hT. m -I. Frank Mosier, l.lmer and Irvine Rh.v,;s
Dusiiei to tne acre. jfr. aud Mrs. H. A. Thomas made a, ,. , ,IlV .... i..-,, S
Thi Christian Cavnlier clfl.n nf tlm'i. . tj i called on Mrs. Don .Mi-Knight, of Scio,
iae unnstian cajaiier class or tne business trip to Salem Friday. Saturday evening 5
Congregational Sunday school, a class The Walluga Club was entertained at , r"ii,uruly V ..J ...j n. ,,. ,r.
of hov. lend hv Clnrk Will, eynect tn 1 w " f. ti.j.. Frank I.bux and the Renz brothers r
an on , hei, .nnnnl trin ..,. F,i,l.v.
Thev will po to Silverton nn the trnin
and walk into the Abaqua country car-
-J O --
rying their camp equipment, returning
1ir .i i : t
iiciiurniiHT ceiling ui iiiv I oiiun nig
week. The members of the class are:
Harold Moomnw. Bert del.espinasse,
Nelson Weltv, Ralph Simms, Arthur
VauVleet and Kmil Paulsen. Observer.
Miss Anna Plinsky closed a deal.
Tuesday, with Dr. Keen fur the Silver
ton hospital. She also purchased the
furniture from Mrs. WiNon aud took
immediate possession.
5liss Plinsky is nn experienced
nurse and patients will be in careful
hands in the future. Monday she went
to Salem to engage help for the new
enterprise. Tribune.
When it comes to Furniture-We have it !
See the Display
This is the first showing
appreciate the fact that
Where you see the Latest
in Furniture
Jefferson News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Jefferson, Ore., Aug. 19 W. L. Jones
leaves Saturday for a hunting trip in
soutnern uregon. -
-Mr. Fraukliu Lauuer, of Cunby, is
visiting friends in Jefferson.
over till Wednesday inuiiung, taking
t cow back with them,-! .
.Miss Mary Chute Is quite ill with ty
phoid fi'ver. The Chute Tuinily have
moved into the Clint Reeves property
iu Jefferson.
A buby girl was born to Rev. and!
Mrs. K. G. Hoiiischiich on Tuesday I
lust. I
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cloilfelter and son
accompanied by Mrs. Maud Blackwell
will drive to the seashore, starting next
Monday. Mr. Clodfelter's health is not
good and he hopes to find some relief
iu taking this trip.
I'-,,,- i'i,.,.,u ii.;iii,,o r i..f-
!,. ,' ..,i:,,i' .. :., ,..
Xuead und Wednesday. He is moving
,l0uell0,, g00ts ,0 Clntskanie where
. . 1)OBi?ioll ns sunerintende.it of
-t ,.i,i
y Pease nnd Mr
Armstrong were
Eugene visitors the past week. The ob
ject of their visit was to make arrange
ments for their sons attending the uni
versity this full.
Miss Jessie Thomas visited with Mrs.
, vVrtlo Carter Sunday.
tniii illrni fr.,i,i
f OorvalliM Sunday, after a pleasant visit
of to weeks.
Adolph Heater and laruily and ('has.
Heuter aud family spent Sunday ut the
Dave Pottorff home.
.vir anu .Mrs vuiter ncaier a mi oi..,b(,rt C()t Sll1,ay wi, .lr. ilrB,
Ronald spent Sunday at the I. B. Car
ter home.
W. K. Tate aud W. D. Hurt went up
north of Silver Creek after blackber
ries Thursday and returned home Fri
day with 18 gallons.
Tho Aliases Emma, Mary and Anna
Peters spent Saturday eve ut the Win.
nreyeiy nome
Mr. and Mrs. Vim. Ruticns went to
Silver Creek Falls Sunday to visit '
A1l!"' Ril,,.cu" . , .
1J.CK iate. uuy nun ana xn n. is
IT : .. ....... & ..n V w I. -
Miiver irees
.. . ' i n i.
v,:-rXl r..ZZ7:' .J
'" ' j .... .n ......ill Th.
BClSUn HSU T. a O "III uticuueu. "
t;me vas
pleasantly spent in sewing
, ,i : -mliiiv with a water melon
. .
' j east,
Mr. and 5(rs. Geo. Thomas went to
rjorvBiB Sunday to be gone several
duys visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. M. (lilmour visited at the (.
Scott houie Tuesday. Stayton Mail.
A number of friend from Salem to
gether with some from Sublimity and
Stayton, gathered at the Constantine
(iesler home lest Sunday and had a
very pleasunt time. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Breitenstein and family,
Mr. K. L. Stiff and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
(iiinn and Miss l a Bok from Salem.
Jus. fMlbernngcl and family Of Meh'ama,
of Oregon Made Bed Room Furniture
in Salem of this high grade Oregon-made Furniture; it would
Oregon can produce the best in the world.
Eola News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Kola, Ore., Aug. 111. Walt Mngee and
family returned home Thursday from
the Tillamook const, where they have
, )(,pn ,.nmj,ii,(, fur over three weeks. Mr.
j Mngee 's uncle is much better.
Ed Mittv and Will Antricau both
Tho Cromlev brothers sold Mil sacks
of nncleaned wheut to Aiders Milling
company for if'l n bushel. Chomleys
loading it on a cur at -McNury.
The Kola school house now has a bel -
try on n, us wen as a new roor.
Mr. Stewart is working for Tip Acuff
fixing over their house. They have
moved it nenrer the road.
Billy Gerhke is repuiring the Gilbert W. F. Rlukcly, speaking of a a kick
ami Patterson getting them ready forjiitthe Willamette valley, says there
the new crop. isn't any, ns far as the strawberry
Hav baline is about finished around : crop is concerned. Last sprinir he nut
this neighborhood, not very much was!
lost by the rains.
A larirc crowd of friends and relative
spent u plensunt day Sunday at the
inniv nf lr mw At rs. K II 1 1 (jcis er.
Among the following were Mr. and Mrs.
lid yuinn, Herbert Stcff ami wife, Miss
Bock, Joe Britenstinc, wife and family,
all of Salem; Joe Silbernngel und wife
and family, of near Stayton : Cris Kil-
!bernagel, wife ami family, of Jordan;
due I.ulny, wife and I'hildrcii, und
I Lew ie Geisler.
Miss Tuna und Irwiuc Ray and Len
Inperl Wright went to the Biitenbiish
hot hprings to spend a week with Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Ray.
Miss Hu.el Lambert returned home
Monday after several days visit with
friends at Lebanon.
.Mabel Townes nnd Mabel Thnrp call
ed ut the P. II. I.niulicrt liiiiue one day
last week.
Klinn Haves and Angcline Ryan spent
! Sunday at the H. Shank home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hube and children,
It I? Slifink nml wife, telvili Khfillk.
k',,,,,,,. I nt., m,,I i,i,K- lii,u.
, ..', i,. ,.,., J:,.i,, ...
. N .,'.,'
j,.. (irIu.c stltl,;'k ,, Frenlt t.lim.
l.inu Lambert.
Win. Ryun spent Sunday at the A.!
Schuff home ut Stayton. !
Miss Mabel Townes and Chas. Lam
bert attended the dance at M.
Hiinners ,
lion house Saturday night.
I.enaperl Wright and the .lungerverth l
brothers were Sunday visitors ut the!S
rM spring farm.
., ' . .
' ,,rTl ' Wright called on Mr. and Mrs'
I (). 11. Rnv Fridnv evening. 1
- 1 1 ui, ...1 T a,
- .,reu,.ll(,ll lt 10 Mt. ;
. .... ' ..,., ,,v.
J ICnnillll ' HUH l) " " " IH Vlllf'U'lK
i Mamie I.aux spent Sunday Wlth!
51 nd M rs. Joe Senz.
Lee Downing, wife and children, Is
spent Sunday with V. Downing. j '
Master Kddic Zimemrman spent lnst;S
week at the home of his aunt and uncle, Is
Mr. and Mrs. H. Senz. js
Lenis Ray is home from the mnun-'s
tains for a week's vacation. Stuytou'S
C. A. Silberiiagel and family, of Jordan,
and J. B. Breitenstein nnd wife of Hii -
bliniily, and 5Ir. and Mrs. (iiesler's son,
IOiiis. Stayton Mail.
King (leorge has approved the pre
sentation by the council of the Royal
society of a royal gold medal to Pro
fessor F.rnest W. Brown of Yale uni
versity for his investigation in astronomy.
we nave just received the very latest in Furniture 11
Bedroom Sets made in Adam's design, of heavy Maple j
WaQaOl finicVi in cAA TVraWwr on1 l o r si A sst i rA tMitJA in
fir w . a
plain and cane panel effects. This furniture is made
in Portland by the Dornberger Co., an Oregon institu
tion that deserves patronage, thereby adding to the
spirit of buying at home.
! Miss Gladys Rice left for her home
in Corvullis Sunday, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. H. Lilly, who will spend
a few days visiting friends.
Mike Fuchs, 1M. Kerber and sou Juk
, left Sunday for Ferdinuiid, Idaho, where
I they huve employment during the thres-
j ding season at good wages.
i jir. -Messenger oi r-iiiverron an expert
auto repair man, has been secured by
the Stayton Garage to look after re
pulling. He has rented the Cornish'
house, east of the school house,
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Young motored to
1 1 ottage drove lliiirsilay lust, where
inn- went 10 niieini me lunenu or a
little daughter of friends of theirs. The
I trip there was made in less than five
! hours. They returned Sunduv.
out about 200 strawbeery plants, not
'expecting to raise many berries this
yar- However, the plants blossomed
produced a lurge crop, and not snt-
isfied with that, soon after the croi
,vns Harvested hegan to blossom and
rc now bearing
lurge second crop of
liig, luscious berries. Mr. and Airs
With new hulhllnr. bettftr enulimint. nnd
in nny nldlt1n to Iu fnrultr, 4h University
nf Orwiron will brhi It a fort r-fl rut icnr, Tue
itn j, .Sf.tcnibfr IS, 1916.
Hirer Ih I tmlnliiK In Cotnmerre, JnurnnlUm,
Arrhltrrture, Lnw,Mellrtiifi,Tji4-hliiv,Llhni-rj
Work, Mutlr, Phjr4rfil Trnlnlnv mid Fin
Art. Large jmhI utroiijc detmrtiunuU of Llbcr
nl Kdurntlun.
Llbrnrr uf more than 69,000 volume fif
teen building fully equipped two splendid
Tuition I'rte. Dormitories for men and for
women. Ki pen a en Loireit
Write for free cntnloKH.KddresoInc Reclitmr
jOMNtton Hah,
You Need 'Em
We Print Em
We Print
We Price
( s
1 1
am... . . I
in our Windows
pay you to see it in order
Where you get more for
Your Money
Blakely have been enjoying berries for
several dnys, and W. F. snvs that tho
second crop tastes better than the first.
F. L. Camps of Ashlum, while half
asleep yesterday morning nt half piist.
one o'clock, drove his Ford roadster
down tne road to the Wilsonville Furry
on the Marion county side of the river,
and plunged with tlie machine off the
landing into 1'.) feet of water, lie nar
rowly escnped drowning. W. L. Mur
ry, deputy sheriff, who was on tho
lookout for two escaped convicts, sow
the accident nnd assisted in rescuing
the autoist. The machine has not boon
recovered as it is said a big Willemeltn
river craw fish seized it and dragged
it into deep water. Aurora Observer.
A Louisiana inventor's automatic,
fire alarm calls the nearest firemen,
rings nlnrniR both outside ami inside
a building where a fire starts and lights
a red light on the outside.
If it wasn't for the fool and his
; money there would be more honest ne.o-
i pie in the world.
'Em Right
'Em Right
Sed !
I: t'-'lK''W1-