Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 10

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Mr. Business
Have you ever
given your home
paper a careful
ffllt advertises home bar-
J gains, which are the
best bargains.
It has all the home news
and works for the home
town all the time.
It has all the latest tele
graph news that is fit
to print-and prints it
it the day it happens not
the next morning.
(Tlx Dcrito Atal Kouraal
Is Salem's, as well as Marion and Polk Counties
Leading Daily Home Paper.
Mr. Business Man think it over
Bandon World: Bear arc quite plen
tiful in western Oregon tins year, at
least that is the conclusion reached
i from several reports from nearby places
I of bear signs, and the fact two large
j auimals have been killed in this vicin-
, itv within the last few weeks.
I The latest bruin bagged was killed
by George Cox, of Bear creek. The ani
mul was a black bear, said to hnve been
the largest killed in those parts tor a
: number of years. It was notr in verv
good condition, but would have tipped
the scales at 400 pounds. The hide was
in fair condition to make a good robe
or rug.
Astorian: One hundred and seventy
five cans of trout fry, including both
the Rainbow and Eastern Brook, arriv
ed in Astoria Friday evening and yes
terday were distributed throughout the
county, several strenms receiving large
numbers of the fish. The carload offish
was in charge of Messrs. Crnig and Ho
gan, of the Bonneville hatcheries, from
which the shipment came. The fish
were handled promptly by the members
of tho Astoria Hod ana Gun club and it
is doubtful if any fish wero lost at all
in transferring them to the streams.
There's mure darned regulations in I hi m army life, b'licvo nie,
Than fleas on nil our army pets or riiindrops in the sen; .
Our regulation army mules put regulation hay.
And when they kick they hnve to kick in regulation style.
You simply have to take it with a regulation smile.
For everything is organized by men who know (he game.
And it's not for such ns you and nie to grumble and complain
Ho when the sergeant, cusses you in regulation stylo
Just do ,vour little duty wilh u regulation smile,
There's regulation uniforms and regulation shoes
And regulation everything but regulation booze.
And if you fail to do the things tho regulation say
They stand you up and shoot you in the regulation way
With regulation muskets filled with regulation lead
And read the regulations for a sermon when you're dead.
For everything is out and dried by men who know tho game
And it's not for such as you and me to grumble and complain.
Ho when the sergeant damns your soul in regulation style,
Just say, "I'm reining, sergeant," wilh n regulation smile.
There's just one consolation, friends, for such as you and me
The regulations let lis sleep from taps to reveille,
Unless the bloomiu' tents. blow down or someone's taken sick,
And sergeant says, "I 'limb out of there and get tlmt stretcher quick!"
And you r limit out and nib your eyes in regulation style,
And wonder what has happened to your regulation smile.
( everything is cut and dried by men who know (he game.
And it's not for such as yon and me to grumble and complain
Itut when they die and Ko below in regulation slyly
We'll heat the fire hotter with a regulation smile!
I'RIVATK KOI. 1.0 V. CU.VTKlt. in Boise (Idaho) Statesman.
"Billy" Burke, who, the police say,
served a term in a jail in .Sweden.
The brainy Sophie, beautiful in her
younger days, played her game of
blackmail, shoplifting, sneak thievinig
and "confidence" work in this country
and in Kuropp. She was arrested here
last in lStfli whilo trying to rob a
Sixth avenue department store.
After thut she reformed. She took
na interest in religion, devoted herself
to her daughter, whom she had
brought up with remarkable cure, and
traveled much hero mid abroad. She
wrote a book, "Why Crime Does Not
Lake County Examiner: "Erected
to the memory of John V. Tilmau, wh
discovered Crater lake at this point
Juno 12, 1853, Mr. Ililinan was born
in Albany, N. Y., March 2!. 1S;!2; came
to Oregon in 1840, and died in Hope
Villa, l.a March lit, 1913."
This will bo the inscription on a con
crete seat to be placed at the spot where
Hihnau discovered Crater lake in 185;!.
The contract for the seat has been
awarded to a Medford man, and it will
consist of reinforced concrete built in
a semi circle 17 feet in diameter with
paving inside of concrete tile in maroon.
Famous Woman Crook
Becomes Bible Student
Buffalo. Mrs. Sophia Lyons Burke,
who is better known to the police of
two continents ns Sophie Lyons, was
sued here recently by Fred Leaner for
$10,000. he charging malicious prosecu
tion. Mrs. Burke accused I.enuer of
swindling her out of H00 In Detroit.
Mie came here from her home, 4:1
Thirty-third street, Detroit, but could
not identify Leaner.
"This only goes to show how jtis-
ftico miscarried," said Mrs. Burke, "t
have been arrested 27 times on mistak
en identity."
Mrs. Burke claims the distinction of
being tho only woman who ever cs
saped from Sing Sing prison, whence
she made her exit in 1873. Last Feb
ruary she offered to the city of De
troit her property, worth !3,0fl0, to
It's fine, when summer's with you, to
b tn N in ' your ense,
Loafin' when you like to, fishin' when
you please;
T like a swiugiu' hammock where I'm
shaded from the sun.
But there's a feller that I know, n-
shoulderin' his gun!
0 it's fine to he n-ilrenmin' lulled to
rest by bird an' stream
.Tust listenin' to the rolliu' of the old
earth, iu a dream!
Oh that just seems to suit me to
think the toil is done.
But there's n feller that I know, n-
shoulileriii ' his gun!
1 hear the boys n-mnrchin' thru the
glory o' the day,
The band's play i u ' "Dixie" an' they
nnswered with "Hooray."
I guess the country needs me, and I'd
be the country's son,
So here's another feller that's n-
shoulderin' his gun.
Atlanta Constitution.
"Bobby, do you know you've de
liberately broken the eighth command
ment by stealing .Tames' enndyf"
"Well, I thought I might as well
break the eighth commandment and
have the enndv as tn hrenk the tenth
establish a homo to reclaim children and only 'covet' it," Life.
with criminal tendencies.
Sophie Lvons, now about 70 years
old. is worth $500,000, it is said. Her
maiden name was Levy, Her first
husband was Nod Lyons, a notorious
The Englishman who laughed at a
"conscientious objector" until the
man of pence thrashed him for hi
j pains, is now himself the laughing
bank burglar. Then sire married stock of the village,
Oregon City Enterprise: The sample
of honey that is shown in the display
window of the publicity department ot
the Oregon City Commercial club is at
tructing no little attentiou. This is the
production of the bees on the dairy
farm of 0. A. Nash in the northeastern
part of the city, Mr. Nash having 40
llivcs Ul uis mini. Diuce ginning jiuu
this industry in the spring he has ob
tnincd from the hives 1,000 pounds of
some of the finest honey marketed in
this city. It is all disposed of in the
local market, and Mr. Nash finds no
difficulty in 'finding a ready sale of
tho same, '
Medford Sun: The loss of pears and
apples throughout the seetiou within a
radius of 15 miles of Medford will not
exceed 10 per cent, according to C. C.
Cnte, county pathologist, whose men
have been investigating the loss nt var
ious orchards, occasioned by the electric
storm of Friday afternoon, which was
(followed by a third of an inch of rain
fall. The loss tails almost entirety
upon the pears.
The Rogue river valley is just good
enough without water for irrigation
to keep irrigation from being gen
eral, says the Grants Pass Cou
rier. If crops could not have been
grown here without the artificial ap
plication of water, the valley would
today be producing ten-fold the crops
it is today. Had it been classed as
an arid region, capital would have
been readily available to bring the
waters, which flow here in nbund
aace, upon the acres. The results
produced by the application of water
prove the futility of dry farming in
southern Oregon. The lnnds once placed
under water are far too valuable to
go without water.
That the dreaded Canadian thistle
is getting a start in Benton and
nearly every other county in the
Willamette valley is the report of
road supervisors. The counties are
realizing that forcible measures must
bo taken to rid the farms of the dan
gerous pest before it spreads and
gets beyond -control. The Oregon
laws are veiy stringent and impose
heavy penalties on the owners of land
who do not exterminate the thistles. A
salesman of farm machinery who travels
over nearly all of western Oregon stated
that in the western parts of Clackamas
and Marion counties the thistle is get
ing a firm foothold.
The Lynch k Taylor Produce com
pnny, of North Yakima, hns estb
Halted a packing plant at The Dalles.
It offers $35 a ton for prunes and
wants all the fruit it can get at this
price. This company will also pack
peaches nnd pears, which will be ship
ped to North and South Dakota and
Canada. Home of it will De usea uy rue
I'nited States army. The company ha
already purchased the entire output of
prunes from the O. E. Sanders' or
chards, Frank Creigbton's crop and all
of the fruit from the Spenser farm west
o'f The Dalles. The same concern will
pack all of output of the Mosier Fruit
Growers' association.
Ashland Tidings: It now appears
probable that in the very near future
Grants Pass is to have access to the
Josephine county caves by a fine gov
ernment highway, built to the very en
trance of the marble halls. Every pres
sure is being brought to bear by the
Grants Pass people on the interior de
partment to have a portion of the first
million dollars, whicn will UKeiy rje
available this fall by the terms of the
Shackleford bill, appropriated toward
the early construction of the road from
Grants Pass to the caves. The inter
est of the entire Oregon delegation has
been solicited and assured in the appro'
priation of a portion of the funds to
the caves rood project. Head Forester
Graves, as well as the Grants Fass for
estry officials, are favorable to the
t" "n; f i " H "1ST5
ri t lh. "J C If 4t" 4f 4 I 4
ht7to M M I V f "ti P?3
l?- tfrm n ' i - l'
New York's big car strike, which
threatened to tie up all the transpor
tation systems of the city, surface, sub
surface and overhead, began with few
iiiuuifestutions of disorder. There were
however, a' few cases of rioting prompt
ly cheeked by the police. Frank Lord,
deputy police commissioner, told a meet
ing of strikers that union men had as
much , right us other citizens to rido
ou street cars, and that there was no
law to prevent them from soliciting
motormen and conductors to joiu the un
ion and quit work so long as there was
no effort at intimidation. Ho said the
policemen on the cars would not inter
fere with that right. He also praised
the orderly methods of the union. Some
high police officials complained that
trolley officials seemed to be hysterical
and had called for help to quell purely
imaginary disorders. There was so lit
tle disorder at one time that many of
the policemen who had been mobilized
at ubout a hundred points iu the danger
zone were allowed to go home. Depart
ment heads figured that they could
guard all power houses, bums and cars.
By James Barton Adams
Heard a feller t'other day blow-in' in a grouchy way
'Bout the durned oppressors' heels scarrin' up his neck
Nearly pawed the ground as he shot his language viciously
At the way the bloomin' land wns goin' plum to wreck.
We was gittin' it with tax where the pullet got-the nx,
Burdens piled on us would break tho ridgepole of a mule.
held at Oregon Citv, iu an address on j Taxes henpin' more an' more on the shoulders of the poor,
Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Macphersou at-1 And the man that wouldu t kick was a coward tool.
tnbiited this remarkable condition to
the high rate of taxation in this state j Haiil the day was romin' when-men 'twas worth the name o' men
vtoum arise 111 sen ticiense gainst me grarrin crew:
They would break the gallin' chain thut was given' us a pain
Harder tiiau a hostile corn in a pinchin' shoe.
They would struggle for the right in a reformation fight
Long as they was able to draw a livin' breath,
An' would teach the spendthrifts they couldn't like the dam vultures prey
Ou poor fellows Biich as he, tnxin' them to death.
and Clackamas counties were not mak
ing $1 a day for the members of the
family who are occupied at farm work,
in addition to two per cent ou their in
vestments. Dr. Hector Macphersou. ot
the Oregon Agricultural college, startled
140 teachers in attendance upon the an-
uuul county teachers' institute ueing
and the excessive cost of land.
Lake County Examiner: Owing to i
the scarcity nnd high price of hay dur
ing the coming winter, many of the lo
cal sheepmen nave decided to use cot
tonseed cake during the coming winter.
Chas. Sherlock has been the leader in
this move nnd has written to many
sheepmen in Nevada, Idaho and Mon
tana making inquiries about the cotton
seed cake where it has been used. The
replies received are verv favorable, all
stating that the cake is cheaper than
hay to feed.
Then a feller made a play in a catiiechizin' way,
Like a lawyer buckin' at a witness on the stand,
Finn' questions at him hot, every one a center shot,
Till the knocker wilted like a flower in desert sand.
Made the cuss acknowledge that he'd been shootin' through his hat,
Wasn't paying taxes now, an' never had
Owned a piece o property anywheres in town, an' he
Tried to shirk the taxes on his yaller dog, bedad.
Albany Herald: G-. M. PcUlegel. pro
prietor of one of the numerous thresh
ing machines which are now grinding
from mnruing until night, was in the
city this morning and reported the grain
turning out very well.
He states that at the Mart Bros, place
on which he was threshing this morning
the wheat went S2 bushels to the acre,
machine measure, and weighed out 38
bushels, which is considered a very good
Declaring that the farmers of Oregon,
A writer signing herself "A Wil
son Republican Mother," iu the Dal
las Itemizer, shown how people are
taking a hand iu politics this year and
doing their own thinking. It is quite
readable, aud here it is:
It is said around town that Ralph
Williams says he will never come back
to Dallus should Polk county go for
Wilson, This is seriously to be regret
ted, as I know that the three banks of
which he is president in old Polk will
seriously miss his guardianship, but I
am not willing to throw down the best
presideut we ever had ou that account.
Ralph is a good boy, genial and like
able, and 1 have been pleased to see
him make such a success of life finan
cially, but there are other things to be
considered in this life besides money,
especially from a mother's viewpoint.
1 know Ralph well enough to know that
he always has an object in view for
whatever he advocates, and that ob
ject alwnvs is the acquirement of more
money, so that his present stand as an
advocate of '.irogressiveuess does not m
the least blind my eyes to the tact tliatj;.-
wiihf up wnuis in reiuru is ine return tVm
of the old republican stand-put repub-jJJ
licau party to power, tn order that tho.Jv
many numerous good legislative deeds jV
of Mr. Wilson may be made useless, es-N5
pecinlly where they relate to the curb- M
nig of the mouey power. 1 also know j
that the election of Hughes means
Roosevelt in power to a great extent,
and that the summer outing and thor
ough instruction in military life at the
border our boys are receiving from Mr.
Wilsou, would, under Hughes, be turn
ed into the dreadful carnage of war,
with the probable death of the oalv son
I have. While I pity poor Ralph for
hitt rnsli BKSArrinn T unuiinl refrnin
from votiliar for Wilson in Ynvflnihor. i SS
and am certain that the eyes of enough
Polk county mothers, fathers, and rel
atives will be opened to assure him a
grand majority in this county, despite
the fact that we are normally republi
can by long odds."
if I don't die he'd better look out in When Princess Arthur of Co
the morning." Chicago Herald. I naught recently opened the British
, ! . , women workers' exhibition at Prince's
It's the little things that count, skating cUh rf of honor
but don't lose sight of the fact thattne women's territorial corps and wo
the biggest fish get away. men police.
Conditional Forgiveness.
Harry and James, brothers, were in
their piny room for a little recreation
after supper. Harry hit James, and in
the midst of the quarrel the nurse hap
pened in with the news that, it was
time for them to retire. James was nut
to bed first. The nurse ssid:
"You must forgive vour brother be
fore you go to bed. You might die in
the night.1'
After a few minutes elapsed James
"Well, I'll forgive him tonight, but
Lost? Found? Help? Work? For Rent? For
Sale? House Wanted? Business Onnortnnitv?
fm rsr -
i An Auto? A Horse? If your name is in the tele
5 phone directory
S Every phone in Salem, Marion and Polk coun-
ties connects in an instant with The Capital
jg Journal Want Ad Phone No. 81.
BailgL t(al Kouraal