Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Image 1

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For Two MiH of This British
Creat Sixteen Inch French
i Guns Flay Important Part
In Big Drive
By Ed L. Keane.
(United l'resg staff correspondent.)
London, Aug. 19. British troops
Iiurled back the German line north of
Itlie Homme last night in one of the
greatest gains made by the allies since
tue openiug smash of the great offen
sive. The Germans were thrown back on
practically every sector of a six mile
front, extending from a point south of
Thiepval to the point where the British
lines link up with the French near Guil
lii"iit. The greatest British gain was scored
from Foureaux wood eustward to the
junction point with the French. Cen
tral Haig announced this afternoon that
the British advanced on a two mile
front in this region, penetrating Ger
man trenches to a depth of from 200
to 600 yards.
The capture of the western outskirts
o? the village of Guillemont and im
portant advances north, northwest and
east of the village leaves the Germans
Ktill clinging to the ruins of the vil
lage in a deep pocket and in danger of
loing cut off. The Germans made de
termined counter attacks durinn the
night but were repulsed except at one'
jioint, wnere they gained a little
The British advance was made at va
rious points along a six mile front, ex
tending from a point northwest of Ovil
Jers to the region of Guillemont. The
most decisive gains were scored between
Ovillers and Thiepvnl where the for
ward rush of the British thrust deeply
into tne iiermnn lines around the salient
nt Thiepval.
East and southeast of Moquet farm
(southeast of Thiepval) the British ad
. vanced 300 yards: Farther .east sev
eral hundred yards of enemy trenches
-were captured between the Foureaux
- wood and tne napaume-Albert highway,
mi advance that brought the British
lines closer to the fortified villaee of
Alartinjuich, of the local German strong-
Still further east the British drove
the Germans from the western outskirts
of Guillemont and pressing on north'
xvest of the town captured hostile uosi
tions between Delville wood and Ginchy
rapturing. German positions in the or-
oi.unis norm or i.ongueval.
Onus Out range Germans'.
Loudon, Aug. 19 Giant 10-inch guns,
n-.itrangijig the famous German 42 centi
meters are playing a most important
role in the allied advance on the both
bunks of the Kommp,
Dispatches from the French front to
ddy revealed for the first time the pres
ence of these new artillery monsters.
Capable of throwing every two minutes
n shell weighing nearly n ton. the new
allied cannons are blowing great holes
in the German works and systematically
ji-veung rorriiieu villages.
An intense artillery buttle in which
oliied guns of nil calibres battered
ri.vnv nt the Gorman lines preceded ves-
tenlny's gains in the fighting north of
fContlnned on Psire Hix.
A farewell party wux given t'day for
Miss Tawney Apple, who has been
asked t' take a canoe ride t'morrow.
Another good thing about th' auto
it den't draw any flies.
Reports from Canada '
Sends Wheat Kiting
Chicago, Aug. 19. Bullish cables and
reports of continued damage to the
spring Canadian crops boosted wheat
values in the grain market today from
4 1-8 cents to 4 7-8 cents over night.
High marks for the season were estab
lished in all months. September wheat
closed up over the high, opening up
1 3-8 at $1.47 5-8; December up 1 5-8
at $1.51 5 8 and May up 3 1-4 at
1.55 1-4.
Corn opened strong and higher and
made further gains on the strength in
wheat. September closed up 1 3-4 at
86 5-8; December up 5-8 at 75 1-8 and
May up 5-8 at'72 3-4.
Gains in the other grains influenced
an active oats market to further higher
prices. September was up half at 45 1-4;
December up half at 48 1-2; May up 3-4
at 51 3-4.
Forty Thousand Ask Cards of
Admission to Pontifical
High Mass
New York, Aug. 19. Twenty-five
thousand Catholics from all parts of
the country are here today for "Cath
olic week" which will open tomorrow.
The Catholic Press association and the
German Catholic Central Verein are
holding meetings today.
Forty thousand persons have asked
for cards of admission to the pontifical
high mass which will be held at St.
Patricks cathedral tomorrow morning.
Although the church seats but 8,000, ar
rangements have been made to accom
modate an additional 2,000. The car
dinals will preside at the mass.
It is proposed that the coming ses
sions of the American Federation of
Catholic societies will try to agree on a
universal, practical program which may
result in the organizing of a national
Catholic Chautauqua.
Members, of the various organizations
have placed a ban on partisan politics
and declare that the federation will
uot permit any discussions which may
result in Strife.
Portland, Or., Aug. 19. Madame
Schumann-Ifeink declares she is going
to buy a ranch here, but "before 1
buy I look," she added shrewdly,
"that is the only safe way."
So today the great singer motored1
through the richest ranching lands of
Oregon, while realty agents hemmed
her in on very side. She expects to
remain in Oregon for several days.
Her home is in San Diego.
British-Use Natives In
Various Ways In Attack
On German East Africa
It 5-- -
aossim grvcg in erst HFRicfh
Reports from East Africa emanating
nowever, trom iiritisn sources sav that
the Germans are about to lose their last
colony, German East Africa. The Brit
ish have eruploved both white and col
ored troops in their conquest of German
territory in Ar'rica. and in some of the
operations Boors have taken part side
Dy side wun their former enemies. Pic
ture shows a Briton in East Africa
crossing a river with the aid of a na
tive. When a man loses his heart, he has
to have a pretty good head to fall
back on.
mm appeal
Says He Will Go To the
Directors and Stockholders
If Necessary
Louis Hill Defiant, Says His
Road Will Consent Only
to Arbitration
Washington, Aug. 19. President Wil
son this afternoon summoned .additional
western railroad presidents to Washing
ton. The president's telegram follows:
"Discussion of the matters involved
in the threatened railway strike is still
continuing. It i highly important that
I should personally confer with you
or some one authorized to represent
you at the earliest possible moment.
Hope you can arrange matters so as to
be able to como to Washington at
The president took the action, it was
stated, on the representation by the 33
executives who met with him today that
they cannot act for all the important
roads, but only for their own.
The additional railroad men invited
are Louis W. Hill, Great Northern; A.
J. Earliug, St. Paul; J. N. Hannaford,
Northern Pacific; E. P. Ripley, Santa
Fe; J. N. Dickinson, Rock Island; E.
F. Kearney, Wabash; W. C. Nixon, St.
Louis and San Francisco; H. U. Mudge,
Denver and Rio Grande; C. M. Levey,
Western Pacific; W. G. Bester, Central
of New Jersey; E. Pennington, Minne
apolis, St. Paul and Soo; M. H. Smith,
Louisville and Nashville; C. A. Schaff,
M. K. and Y.; Edwin Gould, St. Louis
and Southwestern.
Roads Issue Statement .
Washington, Aug. 19. Demanding ar
bitration as a basis of settling the dis
pute with the brotherhoods, Hale Hoi
den, president of the Burlington line
this afternoon issued a statement, out
lining the position of 33 railroad execu
tives, who called on President Wilson
this morning.
The statement was a . Bummary of
what Holden, as spokesman for the rail
road executives, told the president:
"The representatives of the rail
roads have given careful consideration
to the proposals submitted by you
(President Wilson) for an adjustment
of the critical situation confronting
us," the statement began.
The statement told of the "grave
sense of responsibility" the executives
felt in protecting the interests of the
railroads. It is essentially the common
right of every citizen to "have his day
in court; it ia indeed a substitute for
wasteful litigation recognized long
since in the codes of all civilized coun
tries," the statement said in emphasiz
ing the necessity for arbitration. The
eight hour day when considered in con
nection with railroad train service is a
question of honest difference the state
ment says. The fact that railroads
must operate at all hours "renders it
impossible to restrict the uses of rail
road labor to a fixed standard," it said.
Wilson to Stand Pat.
Washington, Aug. 10. President Wil
son today in a formul statement of his
proposal for settlement of the difficulty
between the railroads of the country
nnd the railroad brotherhoods, indicated
his intention to stand pat on his insist
once that the eight hour day be granted
tne workers.
"This seems to me a thoroughly prac
tical and entirely fair program." he
said, "and 1 think the public has a
right to expect its acceptance."
' the eight hour day now undoubted
ly has the sanction of the judgment of
society in its favor and should be adopt
ed as a ba9is for wages even where the
actual work to be done cannot be com
pleted within eight hours," the presi
dent said.
At the same time the president pro
posed that the demand for extra pay for
overtime and all other issues be post
poned, pending an investigation and
suggested that if necessary he would ob
tain authority from congress to appoint
a body of impartial investigators to
probe the whole situation. This body,
he said, would report to congress though
without -making any recommendation.
Roads Are Determined.
The statement was issued just after
33 railway heads had assembled at the
White House to give their reply to the
proposition. President Holden of the
Chicago, Burlington & Quiney told the
president that they continued to stand
for arbitration and did not believe it
right to ask them to abandon that prin
ciple. He made it plain, however, that
the full power of attorney to reject or
accept the president's plan lay finally
with the railway managers' committee,
who are still in the city, but who have
not participated in any of the confer
ences with the president since the rail
way executives arrived. It is expected
(Continued on Page Firs.)
Chicago Expects Mercury to
Touch 100, Today Was at
97 Yesterday
Chicago, Aug. 19.-The hurricane
which today .was', smashing its way
through Texas towns along the gulf
coast may be the means of bringing re
lief to the sweltering middle west, ac
cording to the weather bureau today.
"It is probable Jhe hurricane may
get this far," it was said. "But if it
does it will be well spent and all we
wilrget will be heavy cold rains."
It is not expected to arrive before
In the meantime continued high tern
peratures were predicted for the plains
states. In Chicago, it was said, the
mercury would, Teaeh 98 and possibly
100 today. It was 97 here yesterday.
On the border tt was much cooler. At
El Paso, the temperature was onl 80.
Extra precautions were taken here to
day against a spread of the infantile
paralysis disease during the warm
weather. It is planned to check the di
sease with a blood serum now in ex
t naive use in New York.
Scheme Tipped Off by One
and Extra Guards Pre
vented Attempt
That the convicts now engaged In
pulling flax near Mai ion had planned
to muke a sensational break for liber
ty a day or two ago is admitted by
the authorities at the state penitentiary
That the break wa not attempted is
due to the fact -that one of the con
victs passed a tip to a guard, as a re
sult of which the prime movers in the
conspiracy are now in close confine
ment. Since the escape of seven prisoners
from the flax camp several weeks ago,
the - convicts have been carried back
and forth each day on an auto truck,
closely followed by an auto (Loaded
with guards. The plan for escape as
given out by those who are familiar
with the case was to knocK tne trucx
driver on the head near the top of the
hill ut the state training school and
let the truck run back onto the load
of guards while the thirty-five or forty
convicts took to the brush. .
The information which resulted In
the failure of the plan came just prior
to the departure of the gang from the
flax field, and in response io a pnone
message Superintendent Minto rushed
to the Bpot with additional guards.
Car Shortage Is
Wrecking Business
The car shortage on the Southern Pa
cific lines shows no improvement, tne
shortage in Oregon continuing to re
main above the 9U0 mark.
Protests and complaints from shippers
throughout the state are of daily occur
rence at the office of the state public
service commission, and while the com
mission is doing everything in its power
to relieve the situation the railroad
company seems unable to meet immedi
ate orders.
A letter received this morning from
the Klamath Manufacturing company
at Klamath Falls reports a former com
plaint that its failure to get cars for
shipping its product is resulting in
much loss, and wishes to be advised nu
to whether there is not some way by
which the railroad company may be
held responsible for same.
Another complaint irom tne aionawK
Woodard at Eugene says they are hav
inir orders cancelled every day, and
states that unless they can get enough
cars to meet their requirements they
will lose $2,000 on one contract Sep
tember 1.
A belief seems to be gaming ground
that the Southern Pacific company does
not own sufficient cars to meet all de
mands, and is meeting those when it has
opposition, side tracking Oregon, which
being the case the situation assumes a
more serious aspect than ever.
Eugene Man Injured
In Automobile Wreck
-.. r .. a rw a .. , l o riM.
uloua escapes from death were exper
ienced today by R. A. Root, of Eu
gene, Or., his wife and five children,
when' their automobile was smashed to
runners by a soiunnoiinu ireigni iruin
at the head of Pass ('reek canyon.
U .. .S'.. k 1. ... Was ,lanA.I f
IWV1 IICT"V w . ham. v, .-
Dnnl wArB BAfllilo't Onfll fl (All 14
sustained broken ribs, Yelma, aged HI,
er children were scratched anif bruised.
1 tie freight locomotive .rumen uitr
..nR...l.ilu anii(i,nlv Tt nnitilliAflli
were entangled in wreckage, drugged
along the right of way and finally ex
tricated from the debris when the train
was nrougnt to a stop.
Corpus Christi Is Storm Cen
ter But Work of Tornado
Not Known
Report from Beeville Says
Cotton Crop Is Ruined,
One Steamer J.ost
Galveston, Texas, Aug. 19. Tho hur
ricane that struck the south Texas coast
late yesterday has left ruin in its wake
from the mouth of the Rio Grande to
Aransas Pass, 100 miles north, according
to meager reports available today. All
land wires are down and little can be
learned by wireless.
Latest reports indicated the storm
ia following the course of the Rio
Grando, striking army camps as it ad
vances. At 9 o'clock it was said to be
centered over Del Rio, SO miles above
Eagle Pass.
Millions of dollars of property dam
age and destruction of crops is believed
to have been done but the only, known
Iohb of life so far ia the drowning of
10 of the crew of the Bmnll steamer
Pilot Boy, which was wrecked on the
bar off Port Aransas late yesterday.
' Several -large steamers are beliovcd
to have been in the path of the storm,
however, and Rravest fears are express
ed for the 1,000 ton steamer Fort Mor
gan. She is 31 hours overdue from
Perto, Mexico. She carried a crew of
23, but the number of her passengers is
not known. Unless she put into a Cub
an or Mexican port there is believed to
ho little hope of her having weathered
tho gale. -
Corpus Christ! Hard Hit.
The fishing fleet from this port also
is unreported. The small craft are be
lieved to have been on the Campeche
banks when struck by the storm. The
big steamship Nicaragua, which has
been ashore on l'adre island 'for some
time, is reported to have broken up.
Reports from Corpus Christ! indicate
(hat city sustained the greatest damage
of any of the gulf ports. Every cot-
tace facine the suit there is reported to
have been demolished, and a big 1,000
foot pleasure pier wrecked. No loss of
life U reported from there, the inhabi
tants having taken refuge on the high
bluffs west of the city where they
would be safe from the highest seas.
The storm passed inland in the
Brownsville district with great rapidity,
levelling army tents and exposing per
ishable munitions to the deluge of rain.
Over 3,000 militia and regulars are in
that region. While thousands of dollars
worth of government supplies are be
lieved to have been destroyed, no casu
alties have been reported. There are
no details as to which regiment suf
fered the most, but it is known most of
the Illinois troops found refuge . in
houses in Brownsville.
Militia Camps Wrecked.
San Antonio. Texas, Aug. 19. All
communication save government wire
less has been lost south of here and
army officials early today were anxious
ly awaiting details or tue damage uone
by the gulf hurricane at Brownsville
and other army eamps along the lower
Rio Oraiule. The latest report from
General Parker commanding at Fort
Brown, stated that tents had been lev
eled, the camp flooded and the Illinois,
Iowa and Virginia militia forced to
move into public buildings. Ho added,
however, that the worst of the storm np-
penred to have passed. No loss of life
wus reported.
Corpus Christi, about lull miles norm
of Brownsville on the gulf, appears to
have borne the brunt of the hurricane.
The wind had attained a 70 mile an
hour gait there early last night when
the telephone wires Went out of commis
sion the last means of communication.
A 120 mile wind was forecast for mid
night. Small craft, docks and bathing
pavilions had been wrecked there and
the electric lighting system had been
put out of commission. Lloyd's pier, a
1,000 foot structure, was almost com
pletely demolished in the first big seas.
No casualties were known.
The Btonn Center.
The city of Corpus Christi is located
on a boot-shaped peninsula, in miles
from the open inilf and surrounded on
three sides by Corpus Christi and Nue
ces bays. On the other side of the bay
are Mustand and Padre islands, forming
a breakwater to any tidal wave that
might approach from the gulf. One chan
nel connects Corpus (.hnsti bay witn
the gulf. Port Aransas and Aransns
Pass are situated on opposite sides or
the channel. It is impossible to esti
mate the damage in those two places,
as all communication was lost early
yesterday. The steamship Tilot Boy,
with 10 of her crew of 13, went down
off Port Aransas, however, and it is
feared the wind and wave damage may
have been great.
A concrete and stone causeway con-
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Prices Shaded Lower
On Inactive Market
New. York, Aug. 19. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
The opening prices in the greater
number of prominent issues were at
small losses, compared with Friday's
closing on a volume of business that
showed moderate - activity in most
Changes in the first part of the ses
sion as a rule were confined within nar
row limits, and after the first dip prices
in a large number of the leading shares
developed a firmer tendency under the
influence of covering of shorts.
Sentiment in Wall street was not par
ticularly depressed in consequence of
the uncertain railroad labor situation
and in railroad stocks only minor re
actions from the final figures of the
preceding day were decorded.
Those Acquiring Mining and
Other Concessions Must
Rely On Mexico
El Paso, Texas, Aug. 19. American
citizens and others acquiring property
in Mexico must not only renounce citi
zenship and nationality rights in their
native country, but must also renounce
their right to complain or demand the
protection of any other country, under
a decree made by First Chief Carranza
to Consul Garvoa here today.
The decree covers mineral, forest
and water rights and fisheries. The mes
sage to Garcia says that "fundamental
laws prescribe that foreigners enjoy
equal rights and in consideration of this
the first chief deemed it only natural
that foreigners contract equal obliga
tions toward Mexicans."
Honry E. Mann, who has been for
several years in chrarge of tho black
smithing department of the Salem In
dian school at Chcmawa, died suddenly
Thursday morning In a Portland hos
pital. Monday evening he was taken
ill while in a barber shop and was re
moved to a hospital where an operation
was found necessary. He did no re
cover from the shock of this and died
Thursday morning.
The body, in charge of the Odd f el
lows, arrived in the city this afternoon
on the 4:15 Oregon Electric; He was a
member of Chemeketa lodge, No. 1, and
the funeral will be held under the aus
pices of the lodge, although arrange
ments for the services have not as yet
been made, '
He is survived by two daughters, Miss
Nora Mann, of Salem, and Miss Marie
Mann, of Chemawa, and one son, Ed
ward Mann, of Chemawa.
His wife died at Chemawa May 1 of
this year . '" ' '
General Sakharoff
Brusiloif s Lieutenant.
The Captor of Brody
,1. fW
While General Brusiloff is in supreme
command of the Russians operating
against the Teutons, the dispatelies men
tion his subordinate generals many
times. They are Sakharoff, I.eU'liitzky,
Kaledincs and others. To Sakharoff the
Russians award the credit for the cap
ture of the important city of Brody.
The Russians at Brody are at present
nearer I.ember, the capital city of Ga
licia, than Von Bothmer's forces, which
are intrusted with Lemberg's defense,
and although the country between Brody
and Lemberg is very difficult, It be
comes a question whether the evacua
tion of both Kovel and Lemberg will
not soon become neccsiary.
Will Not Recognize That
There Is Friction, Must
Settle Own Troubles :
Speaks at Oakland This
Afternoon Then Goes to
Talk to the Angels j
By Perry Arnold
- (United Press staff corresrjondent)
San Francisco, auo-. 19 Th IftOft
California republicans will have to set
tie their own differences in their own
way; presidential candidate Charles E.
Hughes does not propose to rogniz)
the existence of any friction.
The republican nominee so indicated
his position today in conferences with
various state leaders. In the mean
time, a truce was apparent between
the regulars and progressives, manifest
ing itself when a photographer arrang
ed to pose the nominee, National Com
mitteeman (Jrocker and Chester H.
Rowell, progressive leader together.
The republican candidate. - it was
said by those with whom he talked.
reels that he should not mix in local
or state issues, for the reason that
does not desire to be involved in any
thing except a clear cut issue with tba
14,000 in Audience . L
Governor Hughes addressed one of
the largest gatherings ha has faced
during his entire "swing around th
circle'' in the civic auditoriam- her
last night. Fourteon thousand persons,
it was estimated, packed ' the buza
building to the doors. ' .
The candidate placed - the principal
emphasis during his speeob o a de
mand for greater efficiency ia govera
ment, a higher tone of American - llf
and leadership and a foreign-poliuy .
that will command tne respect ol too
whole world. -
' Ho denounced the- demooratie tariff
and asserted that America was saved
from panic by the business created' two
years ago by the European, war, bus
added that he didn't believe; that,
"even the European war can save to -democratic
party."- '. . .....
Governor Hughes- declared strongly
in favor of preparedness and said ha
did not believe there Is any danger of .
militarism in this country, adding:
"The danger is all the other way."-.
In discussing preparedness, ne sum;
Los Angeles) Next -"This
mixinir of polities and busi- ,
ness is always bad in government, but .
mixing -politics and military prepara
tion is the worst thlitfj that can hap
pen to a nation."
Referring to Mexico and the .Vera
Cruz expedition,-Governor Hughes de
clared: "We intervened, but we didn't
stay intervened. We had. an interven-
tion for an ignoble purpose aau a re
treat without accomplishing anything
except the destruction of the only gov
ernment Mexico had."
"We do not want nnv bluster," he
said in concluding. "We do not wast
any braggndocio. We are not aggres
sive. Hut the name "American citi
zen' ought to be as proud a title as a
man can wear, and ought to have the
power of tho United States government
DtMUIUl II lriinutie m
Governor Huuhcs had a comparative
ly quiet chiy todity. He-wan to have
lunch at the iommereai ciud
mn Un a brief speech on business liho
government, then to address ehietly
crowd of country newspapermen ai
Palace hotel. This afternoon he will
address a huge meeting in Oakland and
will leave for Iis Angeles tonight. ;
Portland, Or., Aug. 19. After 13
c i... th.. Willamette river
Hums ui niMKh"ft . . ,
between Hardtack and Koss islands.
ie corpse of Htuuton Honbrign?, agen
i i . i,.li. man who drowned
hen his ramie upset, was recovered to-
iv. The body was rouna a snori ui
iic from the scene of the tragedy.
was tnkeu in chnrge by tne coroner.
Oregon: Fair?
tonight, Sunday
and Monday;
warmer Humlay
and Monday ex
cept sear tho
coast: wind
P mostly northerly.
TrjiS IS MY)
U-0NC son-y