Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 18, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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It. Monroe Gilbert went to Portland
today to look over the line of art ob
ject! of the Delia Robbia studios of
New York, on exhibition- at the ilo
. el Portland. This firm which achieves
distinction in whatever lino it essays,
and which has a number of friends in
Salem, has never before brought its
art collection west. It is a safe surmise
that when Mr. Gilbert returns the
Frame .Shop will be enriched by some
-hoice objects from this New 1'ork
The women of the First Baptist
. church will give a reception from 7:30
i to 10:30 this evening at the parsonage,
i 49 North Liberty street, honoring Kev.
and Mrs. O. P. Holt. The reception
which had been planned earlier iu the
aeason was postponed until the arrival
fit Mrs. Holt and children, Marvin,
wiuiura, ueorge and Lucy, from Hiver-
aidc, California. Kev. Holt succeeds
Bev. Harry K. Marshall as pastor of
'the Baptist church and all members and
friends of the church are cordially in
ited to attend the reception this ev
ening. A musical program has been ar
ranged by Miss Abbie Davis. In tne
receiving line will be Kev. and Mrs.
Holt, Mr. and Mrs. "W. F. Foster, Mr.
!' and Mrs. 11. F. Durham, Mr. and Mrs.
U C. Klwell, Messrs. K. A. Miller, Al-
liert Copley, Wendell Miller, W. J.
: Hart.
Felicitations are reaching the home
of Ir. and Mjs. F. L. Utter upon the
arrival of a daughter this morning,
named Florence Elizabeth.
Miss Klsie Witt of Port Washington
Ijong Island, who teaches school in
New York city, arrived in Salem yes
terday morning and will bo the guest
of her cousin, Mrs. Benjamin ltrick,
at their residence.. Miss Witt accom
panied the Bricks to the Cicrrian
dance last night.
Mrs. 0. G. Tlinghain is entertaining
a her guest, the Her. Mrs. Powell of
South Dakota, For the pleasuro of
Mrs. Powell, a motor trip to Tillumook
and other beaches was taken recently
by the Binghams and their guest.
Mrs. W. If. Steusloff and daughters,
liorothy and May, returned yesterday
from a motoring trip to Portland, hav
ing had as their guests Miss Geialdino
JSewins of New York and Miss Barbara
Moore of C'orvallis. Miss Ncwins re
mained in Portland, where she will vis
it a short time before leaving for the
east. Miss Moore has roturned to Cor
vallis. A number of little folk revelled in
birthday festivities yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. George Lew
is, on the occasion of the fifth birth
day of Master Jack Lewis. Mrs. G.
Schaefer and Mass Calista Moore assist-
Words "frill not tell the Qharm of
Schillings Teanor the subtle difference
in its four taste-types
Each tasteJapan, English Breakfast, Ceylon;
Oolong is distinct, different. And one of them is
tlu taste that will make you tea-happy If you if ill
send ten cents, -we will mail you theT aste Packet
the simplest, surest way to pick y&ur kind of tea.
It contains four parch my n envelops of the four taste
types enough to make five or six cups of each kind.
A Schilling fc? ComPany333 Second Street
Sun Francisco
Schillings Tea
SU thrwg h g rtetrs tttly. Si tniura . kages, S-iz. tin J j-i'i.
ed Mrs. Lewis in serving the juvenile
Miss Lola Slater, who has been the
guest of friends at Seaside for two
weeks, has returned to Salem.
Mrs. Ruth Perkins and Mrs. Martha
MacCabe of Wichita, Kansas, have re
turned home after a visit in Salem, as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herald volk
of Volkland. Mrs. Harry Allen of
Wichita is also a visitor at Volkland.
A motor trip up the Columbia Highway
was enjoyed during the fore part of
the week by Mr. and Mrs. Volk and
their house guests.
Miss Georgia Booth and Mrs. John
Steen and daughter, Alice, motored to
Tillamook this week, for a camping
trip. They will return the middle of
next week.
Miss Gladys Cartwright is a visitor
in Portland and Miss Constance Cart
wright is enjoying an outing at Sea
side. Mrs. T. G. Bligh has returned from
a fortnight's outing at llreiteiilmsh
The Adelpiiian Society of the Pres
byterian church was entertained last
evening by Harold Cook and Glenn
Purviue at the Cook home on Oak
street. A short business meeting was
followed by games anil refreshments
served by MrB. Mary Cook and Miss
Fay Townsenil. -The members of the
society present were: Harold Kaliin
president; Royal Moores, Kussel Mof
fat, Glenn Purviue, Arthur Ross, "Carl
Smith, John Tucker, Walcott Wynilam,
Herbert Darby, Philip hlliott uud Har
old Cooks.
Mrs. F. L. Spurrier of Guthrie, Ok
lahoma, frho has been visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. George Coolidge, for the past
three months, has returned home by
way of California.
Mr. and
spending a
Mrs. Louis Lachimiml
lew days in Portland.
UTTER To Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Utter,
Friday, August IN, NMii, at their
homo 244 North Twelfth street, a
daughter. She has been named Flor
ence Elizabeth.
New Today ads in the Journal
will be read in all live Marion
county homes.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
i(c sc sjc )jc 3c jfc sjc sc jjc sfc sff ijt fc jJc s(t
Dr. Keene of Silverton is iu the city,
Mrs. G. II. Jewett is visiting in Se
Roy T. uf'fman went to Dallas this
The Kev. O. A. White of Silverton
is in the city.
Mrs. E. Hartley returned from New
port yesterday.
J. L. Scott and family motored to
riewberg tins morning.
George Tate of Stayton was regis
tered at the liligh ysterday.
llairc inman was in Dallas this
morning transacting business.
.Mrs. C. h. Scott returned yesterday
from a two weeks' outing at Eugene.
Mrs. J. H. Kelly left yesterday for
Seattle where she will make her home.
-Mrs. J. W. Carr left yesterday for
an extended visit at Great Falls, Mon
tana. Mrs. Andy Hagy of Scio is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Ed Keene, 092 N.
Front street.
Jliss Elizabeth Meyers of Spokane
was a visitor yesterday at the home
of h. I . Armstrong.
Eil Schunke and family left today
for an outing on Salt creek, about six
miles from Dallas.
Dr. A. (). Asseln and daughter, Mar
garet, left for Iowa this morning for
a visit ot several weeks.
Mrs. Edmund May and daughter,
Lillian, returned from Newport Jester
day atter a two weeks visit.
Attorney General Brown returned
tiiis morning from a successful deer
hunting trip to Douglas county.
V. . .Moore and lamily, accompan
ied by Dr. J. D. Moore of Pueblo, Colo
rndo, will tour the Columbia Highway
Mrs. J. I!. Weaver of Powers, Ore
gon, is visiting at the home of her liar
outs, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott. She
will remain during tho winter.
L. S. Geer and family, accompanied
by J. C. Jones, district manager of
the Woodmen of the World, will leave
tomorrow evening tor an all day Sun
day ride on the Columbia Highway.
Concert Tonight
at Willson Park
The usual concert will be given by
the Suleni Municipal band at Willsoa
Park tonight. The following is the of-
ticiiil program:
1 March, "Jack Tar." Sousa
2 Overture, "Rienza." .... Wagner
3 Waltz, "Danscuso." Miles
1 Comic Opera Selection, "Sweet
hearts." Herbert
a Vocal Solo, "Gypsy Love Song.
Tom Ordemnnn
0 Tone Poem (request), "Simplic
ity." Dorothy Lee
i liraua runtnsir, "Home, Sweet
Homo tho World Over.". .Lnmpo
Note: Tho composer describes the
manner iu which "Home, Sweet
Homo" is played in different coun
tries, viz, 1, England; 2, Germany;
3, Spain; i, Russia; 5, Italy; G,
Scotland; 7, Hungnry; 8, China; 9,
ireiumt; ill, America. (Request.)
8 Novelette, "Bowl of Tansies."
v excerpts trom, Tne, Sweetest
Girl in Taris." Howard
10 -March, "Willnrd's Triumphal."
H. N. STUDENMEYER, Director.
Interesting Case to
Be the First Heard
The first case that will come before
the supreme court when it convenes
September 5 is that of Flora I. Fore,
meu, appellant, vs. School District No.
25, Columbia county, an appeal from
the judgment of Circuit Judge Eukin.
the school district concerned in this
mntter is said to be peopled by 00 ner
cent foreigners, and the nppellnnt was
uiscuargeu irom ner position as teach
er because, so it is alleged, she instruct
ed tier pupils along anarchistic, sex hy
gienic, socialistic and irreligious lines,
it is stnteil that she even went so far
as to discredit this government in her
tencliings. And when notified that she
nail been discharged from her position
she refused to go, claiming that she had
been hiied to teach for eiirht month
and was determined to teach that lonir.
ni nit? nine nr ner aisclinrirp nltn tin.
been ill the employ of tho district about
seven mouths.
It is represented tlml flw ,.l,l
board attempted to remove her from her
job by force, and thtat she rallied ecr-
iniu or ner mends about tin nml rnit.
ed. However, sho was removed, and
straightway began suit to collect pay
for the one month rtniaining of her con
tract, amounting to about $30.
Attorney General (leu. M rtmwn
ami son, Leland, returned Wednesday
night from a hunting trip in the viciu-
ii.t ui kock i rix-K, about 30 miles east
of the city. They brought in two fine
bucks. The attorney general had the
good luck t0 bag a five-pointer and his
son secured one equally as large. These
are the first deer to be brought in from
me vicinity of Koseburg, and they were
erv much elated over their success.
rauk Brown and Ueorge Hinsdale
returned from the Const Range Moun
linns vteilm-Mlav night with two fine
bucks, which Mr. Brown claims the
honor of having bagged. They were
out two dnys, and the two deer were
bagged within a half mile of the camp
the second morning they were out. The
most thriUing part of' the trip, how
ever, was when they were returning
on this side of tho mountain. The
heavy machine skidded for a distance
equal to half a eitv block, but Mr.
Brown was able to lieep the machine
in the road until he could stop under
a large fir tree where the ground was
dry. Otherwise the triu was yerv
nice. Roseburg Review.
Stock Market Contends
With Many Difficulties
New York, Aug. 10. The tock
market is contending with a series of
perplexities such as the war, labor
troubles, poor crop reports, foreign
liquidation, inflation in commodities,
the Mexican situation, the presidential
campaign, etc. The volume of busi
ness has been more or less restricted
by the large number of vacation ab
sentees, but the general undertone has
been confident and is improving in
spite of the conflicting tendencies re
ferred to.
The crop situation is anything but
satisfactory. The Government's Aug
ust report for wheat indicated a yield
of only Iio4,000,000 bushels, compared
with 1,011,000,000 bushels last year,
and 728,000,000 bushels for the five
year average ending 1914. This is a
decrease of 100,000,000 bushels, com
pared with the July report. For corn,
the outlook is simply fair, the Govern
ment report indicating a crop of
2,777,000,000 bushels, compared with
3,053,000,000 bushels last year and
2,732,000,000 bushels for the five-year
average. Oats figure at 1,274,000,000
bushels, against 1,510,000,000 bushels O
year ago. Here is a decrease ot nearly
650,000,000 bushels in the three princi
pal grain crops. So far as money
value goes, the loss of quantity
wheat is being very largely offset by
the rise iu values. The same is true of
corn, but not of oats, which are lower
in price than a year ago. It is just as
well to remember that real prosperity
consists iu abundance and not in high
prices, which invariably come out of
the public and limit expenditures in
other directions. Dear bread will not
alleviate social unrest. On the o.bor
hand, the farming classes, who are still
the backbone of the country, will not
suffer financially for the reason that
they will get almost as much in money
and in some instances more for this
year's crops than for last year's yield
of which a considerable surplus still
remains and which will be benefited
by higher prices. Wheat has already
advanced moro than 50 cents per bushel
since June, nnd might have gone still
higher hnd it not been for the more
favorable weather reports of last week
The harvest is close at hand, and as
August is frequently a month of de
terioration the next two or three
weeks may have an important bearing
upon the national yield. Suffice it to
say that in the long run, neither the
United States nor the world at large
can profit from a short crop, especially
when the yield is curtailed by war in
other countries. The cotton crop also
promises to be light, not much over
12000,000 bales and but littlte in ex
cess of last year. The present price is,
uowever, about a cents above a year
ago, and with consumption ruuning
perilously close to production growers
are reasonably certain of good profits,
An interesting feature in our foreign
commerce returns for the last fiscal
year was that out of total merchandise
exports of $4,353,000,000, more than
half, or $2,6d8,000,000 , consisted of
manufactures which doubled their
amount in the past twelve months. Of
foodstuffs our exports were it97t,000.
000, compared with $961,000,000 last
year, while of raw materials our ex
ports were $580,000,000, against $510,
000,000 a year ago. This increase in
exports of manufactures is extremely
significant. For some years the ten
dency in this country has been de
cirtediy towards larger exports of man
ufactures and smaller exports of food
stuffs; this being a natural sequence
of our growing imputation and induS'
trial development. The extraordinary
expansion in manufactured exports is
mainly due to the war and must be
considored as quite abnormal. Never
theless, there is no doubt that we shall
retain much of this newly gained for
eign trade, provided our costs can be
made to meet those of Great Britain
and Germany, who will strenuously en
deavor to recover all and more than
they have lo9t. Our chief handicap
will be high priced commodities and
lnbor troubles, in both of which there
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Jamaica, N. Y. " I suffered greatly
with my bead and with backache, was
weak, diixy, ner-
vous, with hot
flashes and felt very
miserable, aa I was
irregular for two
years. One day
when I was feeling
unusually bad my
sister-in-law came
in and said, 'I
wish you would try
Lydia K Pinkham's
Comrjound.' So I
began taking it and I am now in good
health and am cured. I took the Com
pound three times a day after meals,
and on retiring at night. I always keep
a bottle in tho house." Mrs. L. N.
Burn ham, SoGlobe Ave., Jamaica, N.Y.
Women who recover their health nat
urally tell others what helped them.
Some write and allow their names and
photographs to be published with testi
monials. Many mora tell their friends.
If yenneed a medicine for Wo
men's Ailments, try Lydia K.
Write Lydia K. Pinkhant Medi
cine Co. (confidential) for any
thing; you need to know about
these troubles.
will have to be a readjustment before
we can successfully meet foreign com
petition abroad.
There is still no prospect for a
prompt ending of the war. Recent
successes of the Allies seemingly only
serve to strengthen their determination
to completely overcome the Central
Powers. This probably is the ex
planation of additional large munition
orders now being received from abroad.
The steel trade has, of courae, felt the
stimulus of these demands. Prices are
very firm and the outlook is for con
tinued activity in this department of
industry. Some huge orders for copper
are also being negotiated by the Allies.
The labor situation has been quite a
factor in financial circles, but the ad- j
justment of the strike in New York
C'ity and the acceptance of mediation
by the representatives of railway labor
was favorably interpreted in the
"Street." The dispute between the
railroads and thir employes, however,
is far from being settled; and the feel
ing is growing that the third party to
the dispute the public has greater
interests at stake than either of the
two contesting parties. Doth sides are
anxious to have public opinion upon
their side, and the outcome of the con
troversy is still uncertain, although
financial interests are inclined to be
lieve there will be no serious strike or
tieup of traffic. The presidential cam
paign is proceeding so quietly as to be
hardly a factor in financial affairs.
Congress is endeavoring to ' adjourn
about September 1st, and the Mexican
problem has now passed into a much
less acute stage; the administration
evidently doing its best to secure a
satisfactory adjustment before elec
tion. General business is quiet as usual in
August, though the volume of trade is
larger than a year ago, as testified by
both bank clearings and railroad earn
ings. The railroads are now enjoying
more prosperity than for several years,
but the fuel that the companies are
facing a heavy increase in operating
costs and that they have only recently
escaped serious financial complications,
prevents any spcciul enthusiasm among
railroad managers. The money market
continues easy in spite of approaching
crop demands, and both time money
and commercial paper have shown a
downward tendency. Rumors are again
revived of a coming British collateral
war loan. Thus far theso rumors are
not verified, and tho British are known
to be unfavorable to the idea of put
ting up collateral; but this feature
would undoubtedly assure its success
on this side and would also materially
relieve the pressure of foreign holdings
in this market. Had it not been for
the constant heavy influx of high grade
securities Jrom abroad this market
would have been considerably higher.
Should this pressure be withdrawn, it
would be interesting to note the effect
upon a class of securities which have
so far escaped the inflationary effects
of war and a plethoric money market.
rnimT HnnK nfwj
vvviia sivuvu iiuhu
September 11 is the date set for the
meeting of the county board of equal
ization. The board will continue in
session one week.
A decree of divorce was given Tearl
Miller from Frank II. Miller yesterdiiy
afternoon by Judge Galloway. Plaintiff
is awarded custody of a minor child
and $50 attorney's fees.
County Judge mishey yesterday ap
proved the adoption of Goldie M.
George, daughter of C. A. ami Cordelia
George, by Walter and Eliza Gidley.
The will of the late Perry L. Ken-
adv was admitted to probate in the
county court yesterday. Mabel M
Bruno and Lugene Manning were nam
ed as joint executors, and J. M. W
Bonney, Sam H. Brown and Elmer Set
tleinier were appointed appraisers. The
property of the deceased is valued at
A hunter's license has been issued
to Henry K. Piatt of gcotts Mills, and
combination license to it. A. uove
of Salem and to A. B. Clarno of St.
In the ease of Schmid vs. Taylor, in
Judge Galloway's court, a continuance
has been ordered pending settlement,
by agreement of counsel.
A judgment and decree has been en
tered by Judge Galloway in the case
of Merrill vs. Shoales et nl for $4N4
against Sherwin Shoales and Ethel M.
Shoales. A mortgage is ordered fore-
losed. the lien of K. Griffith is order
ed paid, and $-30 attorney's fees is al
lowed. uoiuj.ij) n .(q p.nua.Mii U4dq
j.tuq Jious UIOJJ 8)(OOiq 3uipinq osiu
o) udjpiia qmia 04 spiiui aoj,
(Crntfnued from rage One.)
r, have frozen out the Johiwon type of
progressive-republicans and have snub
bed Governor Johnson by suggesting
that he do not appear at tonight 's meet
ing. The regulars deny the assertion
aud point to a big delegation of pro
gressives who have been invited to plat-
Yorm seats tonight, as well as to a num
ber of republicans of that type who
were selected as members of the Cali
fornia reception committee, which met
the Hughes train early this morning.
sore at Crocker.
Bocl of the surface indications lies
the memory by the progressive-republicans
of a speech made by National
rnmmitlMmdn ("Vnf ir nr f m mnntlnfr et
'the republican national committee in
Week End Specials
One Grand Clean Up of Odds and Ends and Broken
Lines Left from
Our Mid-Summer
Clearance Sale
Some are mussed from display; some are slightly
soiled, but the price of One Dollar has no relation
to their true value.
Women's Bathing Suits. '....!... .Special $1.00
Infant's and Baby Coats Special $1.00
Crepe and Fleeced Kimonas Special $1.00
Women's Wash and Khaki Skirts Special $1.00
Women's Crepe and Muslin Gowns .... Special $1.00
Guaranteed Rainproof Umbrellas Special $1.00
Misses Crepe Pajamas Special $1.00
Bungalow Aprons Special 3 for $1.00
Women's and Misses Cambric Drawers. Sd'1 3 for $1
Clean ups and out on many items throughout the
store at prices well worth your while.
See other specials at prices wejl worth your while.
145 North Liberty Street
Washington last winter, in which they
sny he depreciated too muich harmony
aud asked one more opportunity in
which to have a chance to defeat Hiram
Johnson. The latter is now making cam
paign speeches not only favoring his
own senatorial candidacy, but boosting
Hughes. Chester Rowell, of Fresno, a
progressive who was chosen on the re
publican national campaign committee,
is also working for Hughes but he ad
mitted today, when on the train, that
his advice bad not been sought in ar
ranging the Hughes meetings through
out the state.
Progressives, in asking attention, de
dared that at the recent primaries, only
00.000 of approximately 340,000 former
progressive voters, declared themselves
republicans. There are, therefore they
assert, nearly 300,000 former progres
sives who haven't made up their minds
whether to support Hughes with John
son or follow the lead of Francis J. He
ney, former progressive, and declare
for Wood row Wilsou. Governor Hughes
has not yet indicated what course he
proposes to take in the matter.
Advises Mrs. Hughes.
The candidate is "pulling new stuff"
every day now. Today he shinneyed
over the rail of his platform on the
private car in order to shake hands.
He used to say, somewhat awkwardly
"good morning, how are youf" Now
he ays, a la Roosevelt, "hello," and
even uses the word "bully" now and
Mrs. Hughes is also qualifying as an
expert handshaker. Today, at one of
the brief stops, she leaned forward to
grasp the hand of a bearded old man,
who remarked plenty loud enough for
her husband to hear: "Go to it Mrs.
Hughes. Don 't rely entirely on the old
Lawrence Green, Hughes' secretary.
mauea rami
Hi powder dissolves in water.
Rich Milk, Malted grain extract In powder.
For Infants, Invalids and growing children.
Purnutrition,upbuilding tho whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers, and tho aged.
an yor tfMWft name to VhrmJctt. I
Salem, Oregon
feels that he is now qualified as the
"nut" expert of the governor's entour
aged. An excited individual approach
ed him, declaring he jnu6t see the can
didate at once.
"Why?" demanded Green.
"Well, I'm tho world's greatest ef
ficiency expert," the individual mod
estly responded. "I know he will want
me to be a cabinet member and I want
to tell him how to run the govern
ment." Gave Hughes First Job.
San Francisco, Aug. 18. When Char
les E. Hughes, presidential candidate,
reached San Francisco today one of the
first men to greet him was the man who
gave Hughes his first job after ho
graduated from college.
The man is Professor James O. Grif
fin, of the faculty of Stanford uni
versity. Back in J8S1, when Hughe!),
10 years old, got his sheepskin from.
Brown university, Griffin, then princi
pal of the Delware academy, Delhi, N.
T., gave the future presidential candi
date a position teaching Greek, French
and higher mathematics at $4150 a year
"and found." Later, wheu Griff iu camo
to Stanford, 20 years ago, he strongly
recommended Hughes as a professor oC
law for the Stanford law school.
The Hughes special was met at Gei
ber, Cal., by the San Francisco recep
tion committee today. Before reaching
this city the candidate made short
talks at Woodland, Dixon and Suisun.
After a short rest at the Palace hotel,
local headquarters, he will be the guest
at the Union league club reception thiti
afternoon, will address the women vot
ers at the Palace and will then rest .be
fore beginning his main speech at tho
Civic Auditorium. Afterwards he ill
be given a reception at the newspaper
men 's club.
Needs no cooking Keep it on band.
The Original Food-Drink for all ages.
More nourishing than tea, coffee, etc.
In the home, or at Hotels and Cafes.
Substitutes cost YOU Same Prico
c fWtsTiU
'XT"- -
it t. Ttmta BuUdiaff, New York. N
pllulw' ' Pl, and tc. In a limps
. T.