SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEIJ, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1916. FATIMA II C Sensible. Cigarette (Continued from Page 1.) for the purpose of increasing the power of her punch. Prom the depot the way led to one vi me inur aviation cnnis wmcu pru tected every depot, but which are only a small pnrt of the nvintion service on the 8omme front. During the visit scarcely a miuute passed t4int nrmed aeroplane either did not return' or de part for the German front. The nir wns literally alive with aenul scouts and fighters. Upturning townrd the reur iu the evening, after observing the fightin'i from the plateau of Dompierre, south of the Somaie and from a point of vantage just north of the river, I wns unitized to see thut since early in the morning whnt had nppenred like ver-1 itnlde mountning of material and mu nitions in the supply depots had en tirely disappeared. Method In Everything The great guns which iind been creep ing along on especially constructed railways, which I had imagined could not reach the front for weeks, were no longer visible, having either ar rived near their emplacements or hav ing been transferred to other railway lines. Ncnrer the front I. was able from this gigantic displacement of muni tions and mnterinl to gain un Impres sion of what had gone into the day's tuVdgchammer blow. Progressing to wanL the rear in the direction of the munitions and material depots, we met great trains and convoy of fresh ma terial moving toward the front to re place that which i ha I seen disappear. Vet there was no hurry, no excite ment. Everything wns orderly, meth odical. Above all, the impression a neutrnl observer receives from a visit to the Homme trout is this that the French are supremely confident iind not only determined but prepared in every de tail to carry out Grunt's famous decla ration: "We will fight it on this line if it all summer." And more too. Willcox Refuses to Predict About Maine New York, Aug. 111. Declaring that the " piofessiou of political prophecy vns extra hazardous," William R. Will cox, chairman of the republican u tiouul committee, declined to make any 4a Teach Them 1 TW Cl" 1 4i . . yj i 1 ako-dowa without tool. Cmh mmd ar $m with RUM OIL, A wmIi'mim Powdir SKni, wir'M mmd Rutt VrrW Sold by your horn UUr nnd 679 othr landing mnrcrtnnta In Oregon THU RUMINCTOM ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY ttrs Mmmmfmctmnra mf Firtmrmt mm J A mmmmitimm m tkt UrM Wulnnk B.tJ,.g, N.w York THE STWMni If all power ' yCriSf&jp bwnua ifa all r. WOOn finnd easolina not MV'jBVVi I Ill . . . Tl Think Unknown Thug Surrounded in Cornfield Emporia, Kan., Aug. 37. The un known thug who shot and killed Walt Davis; sheriff of Lyons county, and wounded three members of a posse try ing to arrest him, was believed sur rounded in n corn field near Wiggam, nine miles southeast of Emporia, this morning. Sheriff Dnvis wns killed late Tues day night when he and two Emporia of ficers attempted to arrest two suspect ed holdup men. While the officers were searching them one of the men ran. Iu an exchange of shots, Davis was shot through the heart. His companion, Wil liam K. Smith, who says ho does not know the murderer's nnme is held by the officers. The unknown murderer opened fire on a posse of 100 men as he neured Wig gum. Three were wounded. The thug escaped into a adjacent corn field. Army On the Border Not Afraid of Strike Snn Antonio, Texas, Aug. 17. The I'nited .States army on the Mexican bor der has no fear of the consequences of a general railroad strike. Officers of the southern deportment informed the United Tress today that there arc enough supplies on hand to last at least (10 (lay, at the present rate of consump tion which could be greatly curtailed in case of emergency. In addition, the quartermaster's department ventured the opinion that even in the event of n strike the army could obtain supplies. No intimation ns to how this could be accomplished was vouchsafed, however. predictions concerning the coming Maine election other than to remark that the situation looked very encourag ing. Senator Clarence D. Clark, of Wyom ing, was a visitor at the republican hendquurlers today en route home to take part in the campaign. Senator Clark predicted a republican victory in Wyoming. The campaign will be open ed at Cheyenne on August 25 by Gover nor Hughes, li. A. Hynickn, a member of the ."publican national committee from Ohio was another visitor nt head quarters today. What its inventor claims is nu un breakable telephone receiver has a steel skeleton within its hard rubber bod v. 22CaliberRifles THE American father today ha pretty much forgotten the old notion that any chance rifle "will do" for hie boy. The known facte about riflei point aa ttrongly to Remington UMC in the .22 calibre arm aa in the big gams rifle. Evtry jfttr, thoiiMaJ of toy tbt country ovct are fiva a Kcmitftoa UMC ,ti Cil. RiiU tad r tfeugbl how to uh it ay tkiir fithtrt. lt'i a goad UviMmM with aay Uvloyiaf jreatfc. JtmmffM UMC. 93 Cl AMmr Rijh with tU famouB Kcningtoa UMC it lid Actios tid Solid BrMch kanmttitM nd m(. Snoot 15 Short, li Loutf or 1 1 Loaf Riflt Carrridgtt without rw load tnd ! ttkca rt without tool. R,mittn UMC Jti CV. Autmhmg Rift 13 hoH, fcaadliaf Kmiitoa UMC Autoload! .9 Mrtridgt (rt fir) Hammerl. Nlagasineia ototik. ftZmJf!jfto.2l Repeating Rifle Model No. 12 YiS SportNews Now Have Lead by Three and . a Half Gaines and Still Going By M. Cs Hamilton (I'nited Press staff correspondent) New York, Aug. 17. The driving power of the world 's champion Red Sox in the American league is begin ning to tell. The effect of a well bal ancd organization with every cog work ing in its place, has carried the Boston aspirants into first plnce in the John son circuit, and by virtue of a double win over the White Sox they now hold the lead by the comfortable margin of three and half games. Chicago has two more games scheduled in the Hub cjtv. one this afternoon and the other to morrow. If the Ked Sox can bntter through the White hose defense with one more victory, they will be in a fair way to n safe hold on top. ruesiloy the Ked Sox started on their way to a good hold by walloping Wash ington 1 to u wlieu llnlie Kuth downed Waller Johnson in a pitching duel. Yesterday, Cleveland, the second ulace club, helped things along by dropping one to the Yanks. Cleveland must meet New York again todnv and with the help of several stars who have re turned to the game, Kill Donovan s club probably may prove a barrier to J'ohl s pennant chasers. Iu the National league, Brooklyn opens a series today with Pittsbur1 and will then move on lo Chicago, Cin cinnati and St. I.outs, turning back east to meet Philadelphia. Then the Codgers will como home for a short series with the (limits, going from here to lloston. If Itrooklvn can maintain the record of winning a mn.joritv of its games ngninst western clubs it should return in first place. The Braves have been strengthened bv the return of .lohuiiv Kvers to the game and with the tro.inn back in hnr- ,iess the Boston club will give stiff op position. .Stnlliii: crew is fighting tin ril for another peunniit. The Phil lies have 'started again with the re turn to form of Mayer and with Kixey and l.'iimuree ready to help Alexander. Thinks Whit Will Win Denver, Colo., Aug. 17. Supremely confident that Charlev White will win the lightweight chun'-pionship , title from rreddie Welsh when the pair meet in a 2(1 round decision go at Col orado Springs Labor dny, Nate Lewis, White s manager, is here todnv to take chnige of White's training. Although most of the tight fans believe While s only chance to win is by a knockout, Lewis rincsn t agree with them. the last ten rounds, should Fred die stay out the first half, he will be given the most terrific lacing he ever has received," asserted Lewis. "If the fight goes the limit, Welsh will finish so nearly out that there will be no uestion ns lo the winner." Welsh shows great Improvement af ter his two days of road work and even nt this early stage is close to the weight bunt. rreddie has engaged Benny Chavez, Denver's flashy featherweight ns sparring partner and will do most of his preliminary boxing with the .Mexican, ( have, is some speed mer chant himself ami will force the Briton to extend himself to the limit i" the training exhibitions. W elsh has been nnnle a 0 to ; Invor- ite in the local betting. One wager of $iil) to 'M that White would not knock out Welsh wns made yesterday. Bout on Labor Day Cleveland. Ohio, Aug. 17. The fif teen round championship mill between Johnny Kilbnne and ticorge Cheney at Cedar Point Labor day will bn staged on schedule. This was the information received todav from Sherilf Bill Lnn- dv, in whose hands (lovernor Willis placed final decision regarding the status of the bout. 'I'm a dvediiithe-wool fight fan, saiil Sheriff Lundy, "and we're going to have the battle. There is untiling illegal about it." Chaney and his manager were due here todnv from Baltimore. It is ex- uected the Maryland featherweight will train either at the Mnrotta Ath letic club or at tho City Athletic club. Kilbanc does not plan to start stren uous worKonts until next wees, -m present he is doing light boxing and rope skipping at Jimmy Dunn's west llth street gym. Lojus Change Line-Up for Next bundays uame A change in the I.o.ju lineup iins been made for the game with Camas next Sunday. Kd Kennedy, who for the past two or three weeks has been mousing the customers iu the grand stand and on the bleachers by his ant ics at first base, hns been released and will be missing. Itoy Keene will take Kennedy's place nt iiist and Col will pitch. The local hitters will be up against Kotuln, the deaf mute, wiiose work on the mound inspired iienernl admiration in the Woodliind'Salem gams played here several weeks ago. Kotuln in one of the bunch booked tor a tryoot by McCredie next spring. He is some what of a wi.nrd and considerable of a whirlwind, and the locals will need to use nil their canning with the stick if they prevent him from putting the Inst plug in ineir aspirations ior win u i ii ir the league neiinant. With the exception of Kennedy, the Lo.iu front will be tha same as it was in the battle with the Kirkpntricks lust Sun. lav. Keene has been showmg evidences of a hitting streak of late and it is thought that by working him in the infield he will be able to ac complish more with the stick than lie might otherwinc. Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast Laagne Standings W. 1 Pet. Los Angeles 73 51 .589 Vernon 74 fiS .Ml San Krajciseo 68 03 .519 Salt I-uke, (10 (11 .4!IU Portland S3 02 .41 Oakland 50 83 .37 Yesterday's Results At Los Angeles 2, Portland 1. At Salt Lake 2, Vernon 8. At San Francisco 2, Oakland .. Sothoron lost his own game in the ninth when he walked two Angels with the bases full. Scoro Los Angclea 2, Portlnnd 1. Jones of San Frnncisco honied in the third and the Seals had an attack of too much prosperity. Whiln thev crlnntpil dvpf tlint linmpr Oakland started hitting the ball and won, a-. Bunnv Brief got his usual four Back er at Salt Lake his twenty second of tiie season. Despite that swat Vernon bent the Saints, assisted by the errors of .Messrs. Kyan, Brief, Orr and Hanaah. Yesterday's big league hero was Harry Hooper, who scored the winning run in a 16 inning game between the Red Sox and White Sox. He walked, stole second and scored when McMil lin threw wild on Bnrry-s grounder. For the two games in Boston Joe Jncksoti amassed n grand batting aver age of .500, picking off five hits out of ten efforts. Heinie Zimmerman is in mid-season form. He was chased for talking back when called out on an attempted steal of home. Joy Gould, Cleveland 'a diminutive pitcher, presented the Yanks with their victory. He passed two men and al lowed two hits in the opening runs. This coupled with na error, nllowed four runs. k'lm.f.n- Imltl tlwt Yniku snfclv nfter he nscemled the mound but his team mil tea could not deliver. Auto Prices Compared The state labor eouuuissioner hns been asked to give the prices on auto mobiles iu the five years, and in answering he has selected 10 makes of cms. On the Buiek and Maxwell for 11)11 tho price does not include top, windshield or any modern accessories. Om the Haynes, Locomobile, Oblsmobilc and Pnckard the price for 1!U includes self starter, top, windshield, demount able rims and electric lights. Car. Year. Cylinder. Base. Price. Buick ...HUl 4 ll(i I,850 IP ll! (I 130 1,485 Chalmers 1911 4 115 l.(i00 lOHi ! 124 1,350 Ford ....1911 ,4 100 7S0 .191(1 4- 100 . 440 Haynes ..1911 4 - 11(1 2.000 191(1 fl 121 1.3S5 Tnter-St. 1911 4 118 1,750 191(1 4 110 850 Lozier ...1911 C 131 5.G50 191(i (i 132 3.230 Mnxwell .1911 4 104 1.100 1911) 4 102 (155 Olds 'bile 1911 4 US 3.000 1910 S 120 1.295 Packard" .Bill 4 1231j 4,200 19K1 12 125 2,750 Winton ..1911 fl 124 3.150 - 1910 (1 " 128 2,285 Tho prices nre f. o. li. factory. Gypsy Creed Is Woman Must Support Family Onklnnd, Cnl., The stntc penal code and gypsy customs nre due to clash in the Aliinieda county courts Friday. Milan Unouavich, liusbaad of Marie Unonnvich and father of nino children, is a member of the gypsy bninl camped here. ; Todav he uns arrested on a warrant chnrgin? failure to provide. "It may be all right for American men to support their families but a gypsy gent never " said the prisonor. "Gypsy customs deny the rami that right." Unouavich retnined an attorney who will match the gypsy custom of the wife supporting the family ngninst the Amer ican law compelling the man to support his wife. Rocco Objected to Being Hanged Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 10. Rocco Ferrnnte was hanged at the provincial jail here yesterday for the murder of Foe Cnrce, an Italian companion whose head he cut off with an axe and threw in a well. In addition to the murder of Foe Caeee, Ferrnnte is also suspected of killing and creinntiug Jerry McC.omi, na engineer at a power station here. Ferrnnte had to be strapped to a chair after he fought desperately with his executioner. As his body shot through the trap his hands became un loosed and he grapped the haugmnn by the arm in a death grip. It was neces sary to severely beat the dying man t break his grip. HAVE VOUB Capital journal Sent to Tour Summer Vcation Address. PHONE 81 Drug Prices Before the War and Since A comparison of prices b'f drugs now and at tho beginning of the Kuropeaa was has beea compiled in tho office of Stnte Labor Commissioner Hoff. The difference in the price is so great in some of the instances cited as to be al most beyond belief. Thymol, which sold nt $2.15 a pound in 1914. is Quoted in Kltr, nt ti-iif; Beechnut creosote raised in price from !9 cents a pound to $10. Benzoic acid has gone from 28 cents a pound to $5.25. Alltiovrine frnm. 18 nntn an AnfA A 5. Benzoate of soda from 27 cents a pound to mu. Acetaniliil from 20 cents a DOUnd to A2.25. Snlicvlio nirl f,. 1:5 cents a pound to 4.50. Salol "from 70 cents a pound to ifclO. Soda, bromide, from 42 cents a pound to $4.75. Cnlo iel from 62 cents a pound to $4.52. Carbolic acid from 10 cents a pound to $1.35. Bismuth, sub nitrate, from $1. 81 a pound to $4. Denatured alcohol from 30 cents a gallon to 58 cents. Alum from 2 1-4 cents a pound to 11 cents. Castor oil from 85 cents a gallon to $2. 15. Quinine sulphnto from 10 cents an ounce to 70 cents. Cod liver oil from 90 cents a gallon to $3.05. Caffeine, citrate, from $2.50 a pound to $11.50. Epsom salts from $1.75 a pound to $4. Oil f rose from $0.50 an ounce to $13. 50. Potash, bicarbonnte, from '9 1-2 cents a ponnd to $1.82. Methylene, blue, from $1.15 a pound to $7.05. Gelatine from 32 cents a pound to CO cents. I Has Two Husbands both Millionaires Los Angeles, Cnl., Aug. 17. Walter Shcly, millionaire husbnnd number 2 of Mrs. Kthel Stephens Stowe-Shely, disappeared from Los Aageles while his beautiful bride anl wife of James Stuwe, millionaire, proceeded through nttorneys to annul iter mnrringe to him in order that they may be re married after Stowe is disposed of through legal channels. The bride of two millionaires resort ed to legal action as she discovered she was the wife of both men. She married Stowe when she wns 14 years old in Demiug, N. M. Later she heard he had been killed in a mine accident. Iu 1910 she married Sliely and a few weeks ago came tnce to face with her first husbaud, a retired millionaire. She filed suit to have her mnrringe to Sliely aiiuulled. Then she will divorce Stowe and finallv remnrrv Shelv. Real Estate Transfers Anny Fry et nl to Percy O. ami Cita M. Ottuwny, David Smith cl. 13-4-1 W. C. G. Schramm et ux to Albert Kemp, pt lot 4 in unnumbered b.lock north of block 2(i, Salem. Raymond Boyer et ox to E. II. and J. E. Brown, Louis Vnndnll cl U4-5-2W. Dorilln F. l.oughory et vir to O. H. and Mabel A. Benjnniiu, pt. Jos. Matte cl. 57-5-2W. Oregon Electric Ry. company to Ma rion county, pt. Rentnn el. 52-7-3W. : Fred Strocbel et ux to J. C. Stciuka, et ux, lots 8 and 9, and south 1-2 lot 10, blk. 5, Riverside ndd, Salem. Peter Mnthest et ux to M. O. Dnvis, A. Aubrichnn cl. 3S-3-1W. Orville and T. J. Dunn to Mrs. Idn Robinson, lot 18, Terwilliger tracts. Wra. Gnllownv, judge, court order reg ister of title to Wm. McGilchrist, Sr., et nl, west 1-2 lot 5, blk. 21, Salem. Alleged Neglect Is Cause of Unhappiness j "Joy rides" seem to be the prevnil I ing note in a complaint for divorce filed yesterday afternoon in Depart ment No. 2 of the circuit court, by Lil lian Sauder against George II. Sander. The couple were mnriicd in Salem July 31, 1905, and have one child, a daughter, tea years old. After making the allegation that for years past the defendant has been guilty of a course of couduct amount ing to cruel nn inhuman trenKuent, the complaint enters into specifications ns follows: "During 1911 defendant began to cultivate the habit of leav ing plaintiff and his home duriug evenings without excuse or reason, n ml of neglecting plaintiff to seek other conipnuy. Plaintiff assumed an ntti tude of coldness townrd plaintiff and became innppiccintive, cross and quar relsome. , "All of which conduct hns caused IF IT'S EMPTY fill it up Capital Journal FOR RENT ad will do the job. It only costs lc a word, and you can't worry for that amount Just Phone 81 Why ths Journal la popular it prints tho world's news to- day. NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Eate per word New Today: Eaeh. insertion, per word '. lc One week (IS insertions), per word....5c One month(26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re iponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisments. Read your advertisements the first day it appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 13c, PHONE 937 For wood saw. ti ETJBBEE Stamps made 165 S. Com'l tf HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768. septS PIGS For sale, route 6, box23, phone 67F4. aug!9 FOR SALK One good pony. Phone 14F13. . . aug21 PIGS FOR SALE Phone 45F22, J. N. Robertson. auglO TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tf FOR SALE Farm tools. Inquire 1251 Center. Phone 1208. auglO FOR SALE Bull calf 1 day old, 376 S. 24th. Phone 2100. nngl7 FOR SALE Small potatoes 15c bu. Inquire 2349 Cherry Ave. augl7 BIRD DOG For sale, 5 months old. Phone 1366, after 6:30 p. m. aug21 WANTED Second hand silo, also en silage cutter. M care Journal. augl7 FOR SALE Fine Estey organ, or will trade for cow. 1541 South High. aul9 WANTED Girl for general house work. Call forenoon, 890 Oak St. a 18 WANTED To rent, a dairy farm of about 75 or 100 acres. Phone 65F3. aug.17 WANTED Two men to work on ranch haying and farm work. Phone 84F2. auglS WANTED Bartlett pears, cash oo de livery. J. B. Oliuger. Phone 56F12. auglO FOR SALE Hop stove used 4 or 5 times, and 150 hop sacks. George Swegle. aug!8 A BARGAIN Slightly used Home fort rnrtge for sale. 2S7 S. Winter street. aug23 WANTED Man or woman to patch sacks. Steinbock, 302 North Commer cial St. nugl9 WANTED Man on runcil with wife who has ability to teach school. M care Journal. augli EXPERIENCED GIRL Wanted for general housework. Cnll mornings. 274 Summer St. v nug!9 FOR SALE Fine young driving mare, weight nbout 1050, well broke, drives double or single. Phone 83F5. nug!7 FOR SALE Or trade for car, 5 lots iu new part Terrace Heights addition. Chns: Kuiinkel, R. 2, box lli Snlem augl7 ROOM TO RENT To gentlcmun, all modern conveniences, prices rensoa nble, call mornings. 274 Summer. ling 19 FOR SALE Body oak wood $4.50 per cord; grub oak wood $5.00 per cord. Skvliue Orchards, R. F. D. 3, Phone 36K11. aug!9 LOST A yellow blood hound, had leather collar, with brass buttons. Reward for return. Frank Minto. 895 Sag. Phone 1029-R. nugl7 FOR SALE Two fine young, large fresh cows with heifer calves, one lersey-IIolstein, one Jersey-Durham. First St. east, 2nd house north asy lum. augl7 WINTON SIX for sale iu 1st class nicchunical condition, 7 passenger, good car for stage or hire. $000.00 cash. bal. time. Address McDonald, 750 Washington, Portland, Or. augl9 NOTICE Aug. the 13th a bay mnre, one white hiudfoot and one white front foot came to my place, owner may hnve saaie by paying for this adv. and other expenses. Phone 92F3 in the evening. auglS FOR SALE Our beautiful surburban home of twenty acres, l'j miles east tyf pen, all modern improvements ex- cept electric lights. Price $10,000. Would take a good new house and lot in exchange for $3000. Balance on easv terms. R. R. Ryan. augl9 FOR SALE Best located confection ary, ice cream, cigar, luncheons, news etc., store on transfer corner iti Port land; July business over $1800.00, 1 am retiring and will give responsi ble party a good buy, $4800.00, part time. Address 750 Washington St. aug21 plaintiff mental and bodily anguish and has humiliated her to such an ex tent that she is ashamed to go to the home of her friends or visit friends up on the street." It is mutually agreed between the parties that in the event of a divorce being granted neither shaft recover from or of the other any judgment for money or property or other thing of value, neither alimony, suit money, attorney's fees nor costs and disburse ments. ' The defendant nas executed a deed to Amos Vass, brother of plain tiff, conveying all of defendant's equity, rights and interest, in and to the home premises of defendant and plaintiff. Plaintiff asks custody of the minor child. The desk clock and electric light have been combined in a new space saving office convenience. TODAY FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. TRESPASS NOTICES FOR SALE at Journal office. - FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso .. line engine. Phone 451. tf FOR SALE Large young team. Mrs. E. Thomas, Marion, Oregon. augl7 WANTED Lady solicitors to work is Salem. Apply at 770 So. Commercial St. , - tf BARGAIN HUNTER Here's your pi ano. R. F. D. 3, box 242. Phone 40F21 aug!8 SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustment $5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. : septa FURNISHED Rooms and honsekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, elose in, 160 Court. tf FOR RENT Cheap for cash, stor building corner Liberty and Hood St. Inquire 1415 N. 4th. St. . auglS FOB BENT ADS nnder this heading le word. Bead for profit; use for results. LOST Lcathpr hand bag, contained $2.50, a pair of eye glasses in case. Mrs. C. E. Spoir, state hospital. al7 FOR RENT Front rooms, furnished for housekeeping, or sleeping rooms. 265 South Commercial St. . Phone 2124J. , augll. STRAYE1 From 'MeMahan's ranch, bay horse and black mare colt com ing three. Finder telephone owner 1806W. ' auglT FOR SALE Or trade, black gelding, 7 yrs. old, weight about 1600 lbs., or trade for cows, or 2 yr. old filly. Phone 65F3. augl7 GRADE IIOLSTEIN Cows for sale; records furnished; moderate price. Write care Journal X X 5. D. R. Murphy, Turner Or., Dt, 1. aug26 FOR SALE 3 half truck Studabak- er wagen. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or . stumpage. 278S Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf FOR SALE Agate Beach lot, $250.00, terms or cash; near hotel, lacing ocean, between Bowersox house and fir grove. Ans 40 care Journal. ONE OF THE Best modern residences iu Eugene, inside, desirable to trade for improved acreage close to Sa lem, value $4300, call phone 2499M augl7 ?ARM FOR SALE By owner; chearj, 1(!21J acres on Lake Labish, 4 miles north of Salem. Will sell all or in tracts. Phone 31F11, Frank M. Ford. auglS F. W. DURBIN Is now boohing hop pickers tor bis 08 acres or Hops. Either call at Durbin & Conoyer, office Ladd & Bush bldg., or phone 491. augl8 SECOND HAND MENS CLOTHING jewelry, musical instruments, tools, guns, etc,, bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. septll FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and Housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates' W. H. Norris, Rec. Hubbard bldg. Room 304. tf FOR SALE Four room house, large east front lot, 50 by 278 feet. Ou car line and paved street. Purchaser to assume street assessment. Price $575, $275 down. See A. Kitterman, 275 State St. augl7 A BARGAIN A neut 5 room house- near school, is modern exept for fur nace, has cement basement, is it blocks to car line and store. Price $1350 on the payment plan. See J. A. Mills, 384 Stntc St. auglT FOR SALE 10 acres of good soil, 5 acres under cultivation, balance ash timber, close to school, Vi mile from, railroad station, 5 miles from Snlem, Price $10(TO,.00, $100.00 down, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent int. This is a snap. See E. B. Grabenhotst ft Co., 275 State St. auglT WHY DO YOU RENT A farm wheu you can buy 100 acrs for 10 dollars) an acre, 30 acres of this has been plowed. There are no buildings, but good spring water and - creek, 3-4 mile to school, and 'J'-j miles to post office and store. $ih00 down and the other thousand at 6 per cent. See J. A. Mills, 384 State St. augl7 Notice of Improvement of Alley la. Blocks 39 and 36, University Addition Notice is hereby given thut the com mon council deems it expedient so to do, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve the nllev in blocks 35 and 36, University addition to the city of Salem, between the east line of Twelfth street and the west line of the Race in block 35, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property by bringing said portion of said alley to the sfficial grade, and paving the same with a six-inch Portland cement con crete pavement in accordance with tha plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said portion of said alley, adopted by the com mom council on the 6th day of July, 1910, now on file in the office of the city recorder, which, for a more detailed description thereof are hereby referred to and made a part of this notiee; be ing that character or kind of improve ment known and designated in said plans, specifications and estimates aa "Cement Concrete Pavement." The common Council hereby declarea its purpose and intention to make tba said above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment of the City. Bv order of the common council. CHAS . P. ELGIN City Recorder. Dated this 8th day of August, 191ft. 1 Anz 19