THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1916. n HO ME I N D US T R Y PA G E ii n u Support the Home Payroll and Patronize the Home Merchant I! ii ii ii ii ii I! II II II II II !! II li n II II Si II II n ii ii n ii u El u a a n ii ii it ii ii ii u u a n ii ii EJ a n ii ii ii ii ii u Fi ii H n ii :i u El n n n ii El II II U Ask Your Grocer for CEREO "The Substitute for Coffee' "Made In Salem" Manufactured by the Hagel Cereal Co., Salem, Oregon 770 Soutb Commercial Street SOME SALEM FACTORIES DEALERS WHO SUPPLY SALEM PEOPLE WITH THE POPULAR HOME PRODUCTS F. E. SHAFER I make my living here. I spend my earnings at home. Home industries first, last and all the, time. THE LEATHER GOODS STORE 170 Sooth Commercial Street. South of Bush Bank SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY LUMBER And BUILDING MATERIAL Hardwoods and Interior Finish. Box Shooks FRONT AND FERRY STS. PHONE 1830 THE HOME OF . GOOD JEWELRY AT RIGHT PRICES i at C.T.P0MER0Y Jeweler and Optician 125 North Commercial St. Telephone 1309 Few men In Salem's history have been more zealous workers for the Salem first cause than Frank . Shafcr, pioneer harness and leather goods man. Frank puts into practice what he preaches. He buys the Salem made article and if its not made in Salem he sees his brother merchant first. His is the policy of the fam ily an example which might well be followed in many instances where the practice stops with the producer. Let the housewives of Salem start insisting on Salem made bread and but ter and some of our more penurious grocers will soon Jail in line with tJe movement. The writer has made a personal in spection of several of the largest bak eries in western Oregon and nowhere has he found a cleaner, better, more sanitary or more modern plant than tile Salem Royal bakery, makers of that quality bread, "Pan Dandy." Salem has a right to be proud of its jewelry stores. Not a one of them but is worthy of the confidence of its trade. Not a one that has a dol lars worth of old stock on its shelves. And all have light, clean,, airy stores where it is a pleasure to shop. They make pace for each other in the cour tesy they show. Hundreds of people are patrons of C. T. Pomcroy's, who, perhaps, have never been in his store. He sells the local dentists the gold disks they use for all their crowns and its a big bus iness too. His expert repair depart ment has won him a host of patrons and car boys swear by him when it comes to making a watch behave. Then there is Gardiner & Kecne's establishment, next door to the Spa, opening of the new regime at the Ho tel Marion are much missed by those who have not yet gone on their vaca tion. However, Mr. Miller, the mana ger, can safely be trusted to attend to the interests of the dances when the seasons enters this fall. The public has shown a marked appreciation of our modern Marion by making the new addition imperative. They have earned the nickname among 1... t.afai:n man k....1 4k. 1 iUQ tin diug ..... ii, uaKU VI 11 kilt; ljuui ity goods they carry, of the "Tiffany of the west.''' Quite a compliment to a Salem institution, but a deservd one.' They have an optical department in connection, taken care of by Mr. Keene who is a graduate optician of wide experience. Last, but not least, is the newest iirm oi all, mrtman Bros. Co., the successors to the old Barr Jewelry com pany. Since taking over the store thel tl .. ... H U V, - 1 , . 1 1 1 in i in ii ii uiva ii u i v v i) in j i ii i i modeled it. They have raised the show windows that you may see without straining the back, they have added an entrance on Liberty street for your convenience and best ol ail, due to a lem's willingness to patronize their re cent sale, they have a complete new stock of finest quality. Everything is of the finest, even the new safe which took first prize at the San Francisco fair last year. With these three splendid institu tions to select from, no one is forced to leave the city to be supplied in the jewelry line. Every day sees greater popularity for the Salem made health drink, "Cereo", manufactured by the Jlouel Cereal company on Sontb Uommercial street, Orders come pouring in from all ovei Oregon and many Salem fami lies have already substituted it for their hitherto indispensable coffee. That fresh pressed loganberry juice of Mr. Gregory 's is ell gone but he is now making a great cider and delivers it. Call him at 21(14. He '11 do the rest. The dinner dances that marked the If it had not been for his complete stock of drugs, by which he revived himself, Will Prank, Salem's live drug gist would be Salem's dead druggist today. This is why. William stepped up to Frank Myers, the man who serves Oregon's finest 30 & nt luncheon,, and interrogated tiiusly: "Why is a mouse like a bale of hayf ' Frank "I dunno, whvt" Bill " 'Cause th cattle eat 'cm." That's why Frank hit him. Senator Hardwick Gives Hughes Hard Jolt Washington, Aug. 10. Candidate Hughes Tuesday was charged by Senator Hardwick of Georgia with ' 'waving the bloody shirt" because of his state ment that the legislation of congress is controlled by southerner. "Should the republicans win this fall,", said Hardwick, "Wyoming, so small in population and wealth, as to suggest 'pocket borrough,' wou,ld have in Senators Warren and Clark the chairman of the senate appropriations and judiciary committees. "The republican candidate knows this seniority rule, but he believes that in certain sections of the country he ean stir up passion and prejudice by waving the blood v shirt and crying: The south is in the saddle'." A waterfall in Norway will be har nessed and made to provide 125,000 horsepower for smelting and refining sine ore. The toughest American wood, ac cording to United States forest serv ice tests, is that of the osage orange. Ask Tour Dealer for MARION BUTTER and MARION ICE CREAM The only Creamery Butter made from clarified as well as Pasteurized cream in the Willamette Valley MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. Salem, Oregon HOTEL MARION SALEM, OREGON THE PRIDE OF THE CAPITAL CITY CHAS. G. MILLER, Manager. BUSICK & SON. THE QUALITY GROCERS We Handle All the Sal em-made Edibles Visit Our Bright New Store 458 STATE STREET TELEPHONE 182 DONT BUY AN OUT-OF-TOWN FLOUR When the best the world affords is made right here in Salem "PERFECTION FLOUR" CAPITAL CITY MILLS The Flour of Ultimate Universality PAINT UP THAT FORD Out in Three or Four Days $10 and $12 DORRANCE, 271 CHEMEKETA CAPITAL MONUMENTAL WORKS J. C. Jones, Proprietor One of the Largest Stone Works on the Pacific Coast, and a Salem Institution See the Beautiful Monuments Made at Home Before You, Purchase an Imported Stone. SALEM'S VANITY FAIR Employs Three Priscillas Constantly. "Milady ' Will Always Find the Fashions First at " THE WAIST EMPORIUM Formerly the Hob Nob Mrs. A. B. Kelsey 409 Court Street Ton Make Tour Bread and Butter Here in Salem Then Buy It Made in Salem. PAN DANDY Is the World's Finest Bread. We Make It. SALEM ROYAL BAKERY 240 South Commercial Telephone 378 HARTMAN BROS. CO. Quality Jewelers and Silversmiths Friendship Rings, Engagement Rings and Wedding Rings. Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Oregon. TRY EPPLETS PURE PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER 25c lb. Made in Salem. All Grocers. Good Service, Good Goods. RED CROSS PHARMACY We Endorse This Movement THE HOME OF 8ANTOZ REMEDIES Unexcelled Prescription Service PHONE 144 MADE-IN-OREGON LUMBER, LATHS and SHINGLES F-T Co.'s Painta, "Oregon" Portland Cement, Sash and Doom 'Everything In Building Materials' ' FALLS CITY-SALEM LUMBER COMPANY 340 & Twelfth St., Phone 813 Now is the time to book your order for FRESH LOGANBERRY JUICE COMMERCIAL CIDER WORKS Phone 2194 IOWA MACHINE SHOP Machine Work of all kinds. Brazing, welding and lathe work. Gasoline engine doc tors. D. B. BROWN 252 Chemeketa Street T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY COMPANY A. A. TJNDERHILL, Local Manager Butter, Eggs and Dairy Supplies. PHONE 195 137 COM'L ST. HAUSER BROS. Outfitters of Sportsmen SALEM, OREGON Stores at Salem, Or., Albany, Or. Paul H. Hauser Lloyd Hauser GARDNER & KEENE The House of Quality Jewelers and Opticians 390 State St., Salem, Or. Your Hay and Grain Crops Are Preserved Regardless of Weather in the INDIANA SILO 60,000 American Farmers Recommend It. Manufactured, sold and guaranteed by the CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY C. LACHELE, Proprietor CAPITAL SOAP COMPANY THE ANGORA RUG COMPANY Tanners of Furs and Leather. Mounting and Manufacture of Fur Rugs and Robea. Pure Whale Oil Soap for Hop Spray. Highest Price Paid fox an Kinds of Pelts and Hides. 1230 Ferry St, Phone 683. Salem, Or. THE SPA Salem's Old Reliable. Treating the People Right" Since 199. Home of Oregon's Finest 30c Luncheon WEAR PLEATED BOSOM SHIRTS If you wear pleated bosom shirts, with or without attached cuffs, let us show you how well these particular garments can be laundered. We'll iron the shirt fronts straight and even, with every pleat in place, smooth and nicely finished. We'll iron the cuffs so they are firm and stiff net limp and spongy. We'll shape them to fit your wrists, and return thom free from rough edges. If you are having trouble with cuffs or neckbands, try usl SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY. Oldest Largest Best Phone 25. Many Tilings To Do ". In a Public Library There are many things to do in a pub lie library besides keeping a record of books and assessing a nominal fine on those who do not comply with the rules sad regulations, such as not returning a book under the two weeks rule. The library does not exactly take ia repairing, but it does the next thing to it, and that is ,the mending and cleaning of books that through years of service, are in need of repairs in addi tion to considerable cleaning. The fact is, that after years of service and of repairing, many volumes are finally dis carded. During the first part of the month of Jnly, the entire collection of books in the eity library was looked over, accord ing to the report of the librarian, Miss Anne D. Swezey. Several were found to be in too bad a condition for furth er circulation, while others were made fit for additional service. About 500 volumes were cleaned and mended and put back on the shelves for further cir culation. While the older folks read fiction to the extent of 80 per cent in June, dar ing the month of July their tastes for literature went more into substantial reading, aa the per eentage of fiction fell to 70. During the month, the adults carried home 2,349 books and maga zines, and the children, 1,114. The av erage daily circulation for July was 137. In the public library August 1, after discarding several volumes beyond re pair, were the following: Adult books, 9,120; adult pamphlets, 108; juvenile books, 2,290; juvenile pamphlets, 27; making a total of 11,611. HAIRS WILL VANISH AFTER THIS TREATMENT (Toilet Helps) You can keep your skin free from hair or fuzz by the occasional use of plain delatone and in using it you need have no fear of marring or injuring the skin. A thick paste is made by mixing some of the powdered dela tone with water. Then spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rob off. wash the skin and all traces of hair have vanished. Be careful, however, to get real delatone. CHILE AGAINST BLACKLIST Santiago, Chile, Aug. 17. The news paper Mercurio urges that Chile join other neutrals in a protest against the British blacklist, emphasizing to Eng land the extent of the damage being done to Chilean interests. Hushy Stevedore Whacked the Prince San Francisco, Aug. 17. There's go ing to be t row wTi'cn will echo around the world if Prince Mahidol Song Kla, who arrived here this after noon aboard the Tenyo Maru makes formal complaint about what happened to him at Honolulu. The prince is the fourth brother of the king of Siam and was met at the gang plank by the Siamese attache in Washington and Edward Loftus, secre tary of the UnUited States legation at the Siamese eapital. At Honolulu the prince started down the gangplank with the intention of paying a visit to the city. Before he was half way down an immigration of ficial halted him. The prince shoved the official aside and continned on his way. At this moment a husky stevedore, thinking the prince was an escaping immigrant, knocked him down. There upon the prince retired to his cabin and has not yet seen Honolulu. Our circulation Is still climb- lng up read the paper and Tou'll know the reason. ADVERTISED LETTERS Advertised August 15, 1910: Ayars l.achine Co. Barnes, Mr. J. J. Beanditte, Monsieur Willie. Buckley, Miss Nora. Butcher, Mrs. Bert. Burton, Mr. Jim. Carlson, Mr. C. Cole, Miss Gladys. Coombs, Mrs. J. M. Fletcher, Mr. Jane. Foster, Mrs. Lola. Gadke, Mr. C. Gritton, Mr. J. O. Groves, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Haefling, George. Heath, O. C, Esq. Hind, Miss I-ettie. Keefover, Mr. Frank A. Miller, Miss Gertrude. Montanyoi Ms. John. Mooney, N. W. Murphy, Mr. KearL Rowland, Mr. Raymond H. Sehafer, Mr. Frank L. Shaw,' Mr. Elton. Shrove, Mrs. Sylvia. Sing, Joe. Smith, Mrs. Bert. -Smith, Mr. Ward Lee. Stephens, Mr. Russell H. Taylor, Miss Jessie. Tecker, Miss V. Van Voris, Miss Belle. Welch, Miss Mable. Williams, Mr. Elmo S. Williams, Miss Muble. Wanda. R. AUGUST HUCKESTKIN, P. M. Roosevelt Will Speak In Maine in September New York, Aug. 17. William R. Willcox, chairman of the republican national committee, announced todfly that Colonel Roosevelt will speak in Maine September 5 or 6 and in Battle Creek, Mich., September 30. Charles W. Fairbanks, republican candidate for vice-president, will also speak in Maine September 5 and 6. Tentative plans have been made to have Fair banks speak in Pittsburg on Labor Day and during the same week in Oklahoma. GASOLINE NO LOWER HERE San Francisco, Aug. 17. Fond dreams of local autoists for a reduc tion in gasoline prices corresponding with the eastern reductions were blast el today by the announcement of oil dealers that owing to the transporta tion cost the reduction does not affect this section. They pointed out aa a Job's comfort that prices here have been lower than eastern prices for some time. Gasoline is selling at 19 cents a gallon. Governor Withycombe Introduced Hughes Yesterday Governor Withycombe was in Portland aa the guest of the Ad club, at the luncheon given in honor of Char les E. Hughes, republican candidute for president. In the evening Governor Withycombe formally introduced Justice Hughes at the meeting at the Ice Hippodrome. The governor, who at all times believes in brevity and directness, gave the follow ing brief introduction: "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle men: The people of Oregon rejoice to night that we have within ear borders one of America's greatest statesmen and most distinguished citizens. "This nation ia in need of a lead er, a statesian, a Lincoln, and we be lieve that the national republican con vention at Chicago selected America's greatest leader as the standard bearer of the party. Therefore, it ia indeed a great honor and high privilege to pre sent you to Honorable Charles Evans Hughes. ' An adjustable attachment for a baby's chair to hold a nursing bottle has been patented. Between them Spain and Portugal produce 70 per cent of the world's cork. F0RRENT If you are looking for a home or bungalow, look this uji 195 North Commercial; 1U Chemeketa; 383 Bel levne; ItilO State; many other houses rent from (5 to $33 per month. Store Rooms For Rent Fire Insurance written best old line Companies that pay losses. Money to Loan We can exchaugo youv property for what you want. Real Estate Bargains It will pay you, Mr. Investor am) Homo Seeker, to look nr these bar gains. Choice lot on paved street, alt assessments paid; price $273 cash, if sold this week. A cozy 1500 home for $730, only 400 down. Another one on Capitol street with two large lots, price $1000, only 030 down. LBECHTEL&CO. 347 State street Phone 453